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March 05, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-05

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Sir 43F



Latest Deadline in the State ca


Committee OK's
M arriage Series
New Decision Provides for Four
Talks Following Spring Vacation
Daily Associate Editor
The Marriage Lecture Series was given new life yesterday at a
meeting of the Marriage Lecture Series Committee.
The new plan, following a decision of the Committee three weeks
ago to suspend the Series, calls for four lectures in the period fol-
lowing Spring vacation.
* * . *
THE DECISION was made at a special meeting, called at the
request of committee member Bob Baker, 52 BAd, .who is also vice
- president of the Student Legisla-

NEW YORK - (P) - Miss
Michigan of 1947 yesterday won
a new beauty title, Miss Police
Lineup of 1952.
"The best looking woman in
the lineup in years," said ad-
miring detectives as beautiful
Peggy Ellsworth answered a
federal charge of cashing stolen
government checks.
Sheis wanted in Michigan
and agreed to go there when
summoned. On that pledge, the
willowy 24-year-old brunette
was freed in $500 bond.
World News
By The Associated Press

Hits Japan
.Inmmense Tidal Waves
Cause Heavy Damage
TOKYO-(AP)-Snow and bitter
cold heaped misery on homeless
thousands in Northern Japan last
night and early today in the wake
of one of the heaviest earthquakes
of the twentieth century.
Despite a terrifying pattern of
huge tidal waves, collpsing homes,
derailed trains, great earth cracks,
and swamped fishing villages, it
appeared the death toll would be
amazingly light.
THE LATEST official U.S. Ar-
my estimatt of dead stood at 31
Japanese. Twenty dead and 170
injured were reported by Japanese
police. There were no American
The almost complete collapse
of communications in the hard-
est hit areas some 550 miles
north of Tokyo delayed an ac-
curate count of dead, injured
and missing.
However, the area is relatively
lightly populated, citizens are wise
to the ways of earthquakes. And
a warning service spread the tidal
t. wave alarm. Most Japanese along
the coast took to theirheels at the
first violent shock yesterday morn-
ing; believing that tidal waves
soon would come sweeping in.
They were right.
U' Calendar
Change Aired
At LitMeeting
The University Calendar got a
thorough going-over by students
and faculty last night at the
fourth literary college conference,
as the group launched into a heat-
ed discussion of the Huntley-
Crary plan.
The Huntley-Crary calendar,
which is co-sponsored by Prof.
Frank Huntley and Prof. Douglas
Crary, proposes to eliminate the
"lame duck" teaching session be-
tween Christmas vacation and
final exams.
IT CALLS for starting the se-
mester several weeks earlier in the
fall, which would bring final ex-
aminations before Christmas.
A five-week vacation would be
given at Christmas-time and the
second semester would also be-
gin slightly earlier, permitting
the dismissal of classes at an ad-
vanced date in the spring.
Various objections were raised
against the plan. Several students
complained that the five-week
period after Christmas was a dif-
ficult time to find jobs and pre-
ferred the additional time at the
end of the summer.
Another student posed the
question of summer school. Ac-
cording to Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president and
chairman of the calendar com-
mittee, the dates for summer
school could not be juggled be-
cause of the conflict which
would be presented to the large
number of teachers from other
schools who attend the Univer-
sity summer session.
See 'U', Page 6
Hatcher To Give
Lecture on Bible
President Harlan H. Hatcher
will be filling his first role as a

ture. Baker, expressing the views
of the SL, felt that the Series HST Peace Plea . . .
could be made a success, provid- WASHINGTON - President
ing certain changes were made. Truman broadcast a fervent peace
Baker's suggestions inclued- plea yesterday to the hundreds of
ed a reduction in the number of millions who live under Commun-
lectures, a change in the ticket ist rule in an unprecedented ad-
sale procedure and a revamping dress from the deck of the Voice
of the Lecture topics. of America's new floating radio
The Committe decided that the * * *
Series should be focused toward
students at all levels in the Uni- Turkey Likes Ike . .
versity. As Dean of Women Deb- A
orah Bacon pointed out, "The ANKARA, Turkey - Turkey
Series in the past have mainly pledged to Gen. Dwight D. Ei-
been directed toward the seniors senhower in person yesterday
and graduate students Now, more the supoprt of her big land, sea
and more, women are being mar- and air forces and told him of
ried at earlie periods during their plans to make them stil bigger.
career." lTurkey has 400,000 men under
Ticket sales will be open to all
students, and will sell at $1.50 Attempted Suicide
per ticket. .-*.
CINCINNATI - A troubled
IT WAS THOUGHT that one young Negro perched perilously on
lecture each would be given on a 47-floor ledge yesterday, threat-
the sociological and psychological ening to jump in a real life drama
that horrified thousands of televi-
problems of marriage and two sion viewers. Finally, a priest and
other lectures on the medical the man's father dragged Robert
problems. M. Jones Jr., 24, to safety after
120 spine-tingling minutes.
Four of the campus - groups a:
represented on the Committee
agreed to underwrite the Series. CP's In Civil Defense .. .
They were the Union, the Stu-
dent Religious Association, SL DETROIT - Detroit's Civil
and The Daily. Although no de- Defense Director disclosed yes-
finite promises were made, it terday the FBI had nipped an
appeared that the fifth student attemte ibCommunotor City's
organization, the League, might Civil Defense Program. Brig.
also be able to accept part of the Gen. Clyde E. Dougherty said
financial responsibility. that 156 of the first 5,000 appli-
During the 14 year history of the cants for the Auxiliary Police
Series, nationally recognized psy- Force were stamped "subver-
chologists, sociologists and medical sive" after careful screening by
men have spoken before the group. the FBL
'The Series had always been
popular until 1947, when a declin- Red Subs Sighted ..
ing interest set In. The situation CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Domini-
culminated in a $491 deficit last can Republic - The Dominican
year. Republic's Secretary of War said
Three weeks ago the Commit- yesterday his country will com-
tee had decided to suspend the plain to the UN Security Council
Series for one year because of ap- that Russian submarines have vio-
parent lack of student interest. lated Dominican territorial waters
Critic of American Education
To Speak in religion Series
Renowned for his sharp criti- into a "religiously illiterate" na-
cism of American education, tion.
Canon Bernard Iddings Bell of the Two years ago the critical
Episcopal Church Cathedral of churchman raised a great deal of
Chicago will speak at 8:30 p.m. to- controversy by writing an article
day at Rackham Lecture Hall. in Life Magazine in which he
The second. lecturer in the Re- assailed American schools for em-
ligion in Life series, Canon Bell phasizing the "know how" while
is expected to attack the anti- completely ignoring the "know
religious belief: "Education - why."
training specialists to handle spe- American schools, he has charg-
cial problems-is the way out of ed, give the impression that the
our social and economic confu- student may have his cake and
sion." eat it, too. He is taught "thai
The eminent churchman has there can be reward without quest,
accused the schools of turning wages without work, marriage
out "a nation of Henry Al- without fidelity."
driches." The main difficulty, After the lecture a public re-
as he sees it, is that religion is ception will be held for Canon Bel]
ignored, thus turning America at Lane Hall. e


Fierce Air.
Battle Rages
In Yalu Area
UN Jets Down
Five Red MIGs
SEOUL, Wednesday, March 5-
()-Allied Sabre jet pilots pounc-
ed on a flight of 70 MIGs crossing
the Yalu River late last night and
the Fifth Air Force said they shot
downfive in a wild 30 minute bat-
Not since Jan. 25 have Allied
pilots claimed such a bag of the
fleet Russian-type jets. They de-
stroyed 10 Communists Jets that
THE FIFTH Air Force said its
Sabres probably destroyed another
MIG but it held up a definite
claim pending a gun camera
Allied losses, if any, were
"We caught them by surprise
and bounced the whole forma-
tion," an air officer said.
MEANWHILE, on the talking
front, Communist truce negotia-
tors insisted yesterday that 50,000
unaccounted for South Korean
prisoners "do not exist" but Red
propaganda .loudspeakers on the
front lines flatly contradicted
The Red loudspeakers boasted
that captured South Korean
troops now were fighting against
the United Nations and blared
this invitation to other Republi-
can troops: "Come to us."
The UN command again de-
manded the Communists supply
data on the missing 50,000 South-
ern Korean troops end include
them in any prisoner exchange.
Negotiators scheduled more
talks at Panmujom yesterday on
the major stumbling blocks to
an armistice, but no progress
was made. The Reds refused to
give up their insistence on Rus
sia as a neutral truce inspector,
The Allies were equally firm in
insisting on voluntary repatria-
tion 'of war prisoners and said
they would not send back to the
Reds any prisoners who did not
wish to go.
SDA Attacks.
Speaker Ban;
The Students for Democratic
Action went on record last night
as condemning the action taken
Monday by the Lecture Conmmittee
in temporarily banning speeches
by Abner Greene and Arthur Mc-
The group also voted to deplore
the existence of the Lecture Com-
mittee. Action to coordinate the
activities of campus groups who
condemn the committee is being
considered by the executive board.
In a discussion of the SDA
constitution, a strong majority
voted to uphold a standing pro-
vision under which the SDA re-
jects any association with Com-
munists, Fascists, or other to-
SDA members also unanimously
elected temporary chairman Ted
Friedman, '53, as president.
Other newly elected officers of
the group are: Paul Marx, '52,

vice-president; Francine Leffler,
recording secretary; Libby Gold-
stein, '54, liaison secretary; Dave
Kornbluh, '54, treasurer; Mark
Reader, '55, and Leonard Sand-
weiss, '53, two executive officers at




Pledge, Lists
Nine Houses Fail
To Get Pledges
Results of the spring fraternity
rushing, which ended last Satur-
day, show a drop in the number
of men rushing and pledging, with
nine fraternities failing to pledge
a single man.
Beta Theta Pi, Zeta Psi, Trigon,
Sigma Pi. and Kappa Nu were the
social fraternities failing to turn
in pledge lists. Of the remaining
four, two, Kappa Alpha Psi and
Omega Psi Phi, did not hold rush-
ing this semester. Those remain-
ing, Phi Iota Alpha and Delta Ep-
silon Pi, are not social fraternities.
NO SPECIFIC reasons were giv-
en by the presidents of the five
fraternities to explain the dearth
of pledges. The general attitude
was one of "It's one of those
things," as one man expressed it.
A back check over past pledge
lists showed that in the past
year and a half, three of the or-
ganizations in question have
had consistently low classes-
Trigon totaled nine, Kappa Nu,
16; and Sigma Pi, four-indi-
eating that each of them may
be in some danger.
However, other factors must be
considered in determining-.a fra-
ternity's "strength," according to
Pete Thorpe, IFC Rushing Com-
mittee Chairman, 'among them
alumni support and the number
of men the house budgets for.
The results of rushing as a
whole showed a drop in the
number of rushees fro, 393 last
spring to 317, and a decrease
in the number pledged, from 375
to 274, with the percentage
pledged dropping from a sur-
prising 95 per cent last year to
a more normal 87 per cent (for
the spring semester).
The total decline is just slightly
lower than the drop in University
male, enrollment this year as com-
pared to last. Also the figure of
274 pledged is close to the num-
ber the EFC, using a poll of in-
dividual fraternities, estimated as
necessary for all houses to open
next year.
SL To Discuss
Coed Referendum
A referendum asking student
opinion on a new coeducational
Union wil be debated at tonight's
meeting of the Student Legislature
at 7:30 p.m. at the Alpha Tau
Omega House, 1415 Cambridge.
SL will also take up the Lecture
Committee issue for debate.
It is hoped that the long delayed
vote on women's representation
on the athletic board will also be

-Daily-Welling Squier
HAWAIIAN HULA-Mosa Kushi, '53L, "hulas" to a tune strummed
out by Kiyo Taira, Grad. (left) and Roy Takushi, '53L, in a re-
hearsal for the Pint Size Review, a free show which will be held
at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium.
Spectacular Talent Show
To e KeyvnoteBlod Drive
As plans for a spectacular Pint-Size Revue blood drive show swung
into gear last night, the campus was being flooded with thousands
of blood pledge cards.
A galaxy of campus stars will appear in a free program of singing,
dancing and dramatic routines at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium,
keynoting a drive for 3,0000 pledges.
MEANWHILE, an "under the door" campaign is being staged by
student drive workers, who guarantee that every student will have
01a pledge card in his possession be-
.*T-1- fore the end of the week.




'52 Passage
Hield Unlikely
By Sponsors
GOP Maneuvers
Foil Democrats
House voted 236 to 162 last night
to send the Administration-backed
Universal Military Training bill
back to committee - just abbut
wiping out any chance that the
hotly controversial measure can
Tbe passed this year.
The bill would have made able-
bodied youths liable to six months
of military training as soon as
they reached the age of 18. In ad-
dition, it would have kept them in
the reserves, and subject to recall,
for seven and one-half years af-
ter their training was finished.
* * *
PRESIDENT Truman and most
military leaders, including Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, endorsed
the bill. A number of church,
farm, educational and other or-
ganizations waged a strong cam-
paign against it.
Yesterday's final vot came
after six hours of often stormy
debate and complex parliamen-
tary maneuvering.
While the House Armed Ser
vices Committee still can bring the
measure to the floor for another
vote at this session, Administra-
tion leaders conceded in advaNca
that a vote to recommit would
probably , ll the bill forthe re-
mainder of this year and perhaps
for several years to come.
THE VOTE likewise was expect-
ed to sidetrack Senate considera,
tion of similar UMT legislation.
Voting-to, send the House bil
back to committee were 155 Re-
publicans and 8 Democrats.
Against the motion were 131
Democrats, 30 Republicans and'
one independent.
In a final effort to get the mea-
sure through, Administration
forces agreed to put a six-year
limit on UMT-supposing it had
been finally approved by Congress
-and also to forbid any start of
the program so long as young men
were being drafted through Selec-
tive Service.
In thesubsequentdrive toward
final action, opponents threw a
preliminary scare into UMT back-
ers by pushing through, 160 to 145,
a substitute measure calling only'
for compulsory military training
in high schools.
End Case Club
Two teams of lawyers, the
Champlin Club and the Woodward
Club emerged last night as the
winners of the semi-finals of the
Henry M. Campbell Case Clubs
Members of the Champlin Club
were Al Blumrosen, '53L, and Al-
bert Feldman, '53L, while the
Woodward team was made up of
Alan Kidson, '53L, and Hyman
Berman, '53L. These two teams
will come together in the finals,
which are generally held in early
Last night's cases, Involving
Wage Stabilization Act regulations
and their, relations to the consti-
tution, common law, and the Taft
Hartley Act, were each heard by a
court composed of two practicing-

lawyers in the field of labor law
and one member of the Law
School faculty.
April Draft To Call
2,260 Micigan Men
LANSING-( P)-Michigan draft

Lower Prices
tion chief Charles E. Wilson re-
ported yesterday. an encouraging
down-trend in a number of prices,
and said he sees no need for fur-
ther cutbacks in the supply of
civilian goods.
Nevertheless, Wilson said, the
Administration's wage-price and
other economic controls should be
continued for another two years
and in some respects strengthened.
The Mobilization Director told
the Senate Banking Committee
that the nation's defense build-
up is designed to run through
1954 and "we ought to have tie
protection of the Defense Pro-
duction Act through that pe-
Wilson was the first of about 75
witnesses the committee plans to
call in its hearings on extension of
the basic economic controls law;
which expires June 30.

In an attempt to facilitate
collection of completed pledge
cards, the main desk of every
dormitory has been designated
as a collection point.
In the departmental competi-
tion, the dentistry schol is still
ahead withd127 pledge cards. The
Law Schol is second with 89.
Stockwell dormitory leads the
way in the women's dorm race
with 27 pledges. An inter-corri-
dor competition has been set up
within the dorm with the results
being displayed on a huge poster
in the main lobby.
Martha Cook dormitory is sec-
ond in the women's division with
27. Tri-Delt still leads the sorority
-race with 23; Kappa Alpha Theta
reports 13 and Alpha Delta Pi, 10.
A cup to be awarded to the
highest women's organization and
a trophy for the men's group will
be displayed at the Pint Size Re-
vue tomorrow where several addi-
tional prizes will also be an-

Union Plans To Amend 48 Year Old Constitution

An attempt to amend the 48 year old Union constitution will be
made Saturday, March 15, at a special constitutional meeting of
Union members.
Often attempted but seldom accomplished, the latest "reform"
action will coincide with the Union's annual open house to gather
the necessary quorum of 400 members.
THREE BASIC CHANGES will be considered, according to Union
President John Kathe, '52P.
One amendment would alter the method of representation in

presidents elected to seven and alter the system of representation and
If the amendment passes, one vice-president will be elected
from the combined schools of medicine and dentistry and one from
the Law School by straight vote, while five will be elected at large
by the Hare system of proportional representation from the re-
maining schools and colleges.
Chief reason for electing five members-at-large rather than by
college representation is that more candidates of the necessary quali-
fications and expecience could be elected, according to Kathe.
Past experience has shown that often there are several, highly
nalified candidates running from one eollege groun. while there

Since that time, Union Board members believe that Men's Judi-
ciary has been replaced by Student Legislature as the most represen-
tative of student government on campus.
Another reason for the change is the hope that SL-Union relations
would be strengthened by SL representation on the Union Board,
Kathe said.
THE THIRD proposed amendment would simplify the method of
making further amendments to the Union Constitution. Under the
present laws, the constitution can be amended only bk three-fourths
vote of a quorum of 400 Union members assembled together.
The new amendment would allow the Constitution to be

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