TT ..
Washington Merry-Go-Round
' l
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico-The U.S. Senate
has now heard charges from three diffferent
senators that Puerto Rico's Georgetown Uni-
versity-educated Governor Luis Munoz
Marin is dictator of that land. The accusing
senators are Brewster of Maine, Butler of
Maryland, both Republicans, and Johnston
of South Carolina, a Democrat.
Their charges illustrate a new technique
in what is supposed to be the most illus-
trious legislative body in the world-the
U.S. Senate. For what the public doesn't
realize when it listens to these speeches
is that the man behind them is a South
Carolina contractor who owes $1,000,000 in
back taxes to the Puerto Rican govern-
The Puerto Rican public does realize this,
however, and reactions here have been high-
ly prejudicial to the prestige of the U.S.
Congress. Whereas, Congress is supposed to
set the highest moral and legislative stan-
dards for the western hemisphere, actually
the speeches of these three senators are re-
garded in Puerto Rico as little more than
blackmail. In brief, if the Puerto Rican
government doesn't forgive $1,000,000 in
taxes owed by L. D. Long, South Carolina
contractor, then the U.S. Senate will investi-
gate Puerto Rico.
At a time when we are trying to encourage
clean government throughout Pan-America
this does not go down wellin the Caribbean.
* * *
MEANWHILE, L. D. Long of Charleston,
S.C., becomes one of the most famous
characters in Puerto Rico. It is doubtful
whether Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S.
Truman are better known, though their rep-
utations here are most favorable.
L. D. Long is a likable, hustling con-
tractor who has put up more FHA housing
projects in Puerto Rico than any other
man in history-housing that was badly
needed though opinions differ regarding
its durability,
Long and his family have been staunch
supporters and contributors to the cam-
paigns of Senator Olin Johnston, who, aside
from his current proposal to probe alleged
tyranny in Puerto Rico, has been a hard-
working and conscientious senator.
'Shortly after he began operations in Puer-
to Rico, Long started to apply northern poli-
tical techniques to the Island and dropped
in on Munoz Marin, then a candidate for
governor, with a large wad of greenbacks
bulging from his pockets totaling $25,000.
These he offered to Munoz as a campaign
contribution for the Popular Democratic
Munoz declined.
"Our campaigns do not cost that
much," he said. "Besides, if I accepted
that much money from one man the
voters might hold it against me and I
would be defeated."
Long however insisted. Finally Munoz
told him to take the money to the secretary
of the popular Democratic party, get a re-
ceipt, and they would use the money if
they needed it. If not, it would be returned.
Long did so. At the end of the campaign-
which incidentally elected a native, Munoz,
for the first time in Puerto Rico's history-
the money was returned.
THE trouble over Long's taxes arose when
former Governor Jesus Pinero, a Wash-
ington appointee, told Long that his petition
for tax exemption would be favorably con-
sidered. Ex-governor Pinero has now gone
to work for Long. But even so the ex-
governor does not state that Long was
promised tax exemption but rather that his
petition would be considered favorably.
Since then the question of Long's taxes
have gone before the U.S. District Court
and the U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston.
Each decided against him. Though these
first appeals were taken to U.S. courts,
Long has now gone back to try his hand
in the Puerto Rican courts, where the
case now stands.
Whether he is right or wrong, Long cer-
tainly has been given every right of judi-
cial appeal not usually available in a dicta-
torship, which he and his senate friends
now claim exists in Puerto Rico.
Meanwhile he has gone over the heads of
the courts as dictators sometimes do to try
his case in the U.S. Senate-which has left
a decidedly bad taste in Puerto Rico.
Furthermore, he has employed certain
other techniques not considered good prac-
tice in democracies to promote FHA
housing in the island.
These techniques recently caused the
Federal Housing Administration in Wash-
ington to fire its FHA representative in
Puerto Rico, Frederick D'A. Carpenter.
LONG has now financed a total of $51,-
000,000 worth of houses and apartments
through FHA in Puerto Rico and has exliibi-
ted a surprising facility for getting FHA
It is interesting that FHA representa-
tive Carpenter Informed the Rockefeller
group, ap organization trying to help the
low-cost housing situation in the Carib-
bean, that only 200 housing units were
needed in San Juan. But only four months
later the same Carpenter okayed 3,800
housing units for Long to be financed
through FHA.
The reason for Carpenter's interest in
helping Long could have had some con-
nection with the fact that a lady who regis-
tered on the S.S. Puerto Rico passenger
list on June 14, 1951, as "Mrs. Rosario P.
De Carpenter" is an officer in three of
Long's subsidiaries. The lady is Rosario
Pelaez, whose daughter has been adopted
by Carpenter and who is vice-president of
Caparra Commercial Corporation and Ca-
parra Grocery Stores and is also secretary-
treasurer of Caparra Pharmacy. All these
are owned by Long who paid "Mrs. Rosario
P. De Carpenter" a regular salary.
After the discovery of this interesting
connection between L.D. Long and the
FHA representative who okayed $51,000,-
000 worth of housing for long, the FHA
fired Carpenter.
Naturally, all this is well known to the
people of Puerto Rico. So when a U.S. Sena-
tor takes the floor of the world's most im-
portant deliberative body to criticize Puerto
Rican democracy. it doesn't help the so-
called democratic system which is supposed
to prevail in the U.S. Senate.
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Architecture Auditorium
PEACE WILL WIN, a Polish documen-
tary (1950), with English narration.
THE Society For Peaceful Alternatives
offers tonight the showing of a recently
made Polish documentary film, which des-
cribes the Second International Congress for
Peace that met in Warsaw in November of
1950. As a piece of cinema, it is well put
together and highly coherent. As propa-
ganda, it strikes a single fiddle string with
dogged persistence, but in spite of its blithe
lack of logic is certainly worth attention.
.According to the film, the original plans
for the Congress provided that the 1950
session was to be held in Sheffield, Eng-
land, but because of the hostile reception
of many of the delegates there, the group
had to transfer to Warsaw at the last
minute. Here they find the warm welcome
they had expected in England and settle
down to a series of addresses and commit-
tee meetings which result in a series of
resolutions against rearmament, the use
of atomic weapons, the "aggressive course,
of the United Nations, and so forth.
Fine photography, exceptionally effec-
tive cutting, and a spirited musical back-
ground succeed in making the conference
a lively and emotional affair rather than a
cold and dispassionate parliament. This
makes the film highly creditable as enter-
tainment, but, I think, makes its validity as
a parliament of thoughtful humanitarians
highly suspect. I do not question the enthu-
siasm of the delegates for peace. Many of
them suffered unbelievably in the last war.
However, the placid a priori acceptance of
all the usual Soviet explanations for the
present situation, the wild display of com-
plete unanimity, even the Polish children,
some of whom could hardly walk, shouting
"Pokoj! Pokoj! (Peace! Peace!) in the
streets are not the ordinary consequences
of a meeting such as this one is advertised
to be.
A single American delegate, O. John
Rogge, is shown speaking to the Congress,
alone in opposition to the general pre-
sumption that the United Nations is the
aggressor in Korea. His appearance in the
film is confined to the briefest of shots
on the platform, however, and he is al-
lowed only one sentence before he is
quickly cut. Mr. Rogge, incidentally, is one
of the few delegates shown whose remarks
are not extended long enough to permit
some explanation of a position. The repre-
sentative from North Korea is allowed
fully five minutes of the film, and is car-
ried out on the shoulders of the delegates
amid garlands of flowers to the obvious
delight of the narrator.
It is perhaps commendable that the con-
ference does not abandon the United Nations
as a legitimate instrument of future action
among the great powers. In criticizing vari-
ous "abetting" organizations, such as NATO.
however, they lose sight of the fact that
they themselves represent a clique as much
as NATO does. They think it is enough that
they march under the dove (as various
other warriors once marched under the
Cross). But in the last analysis, the emblem
does not matter. When the North Korean
delegate uttered the words, "freedom", "in-
dependence" and "unity" it caused more
spontaneous enthusiasm than all the "Po-
koj!" put together.
Which only proves that these are the
things men fight for. How can you fight a
war for peace? The terms are contradictory.
Gentlemen may, in fact, cry: "Peace!
Peace!" but there is no peace. Merely point-
ing to the banner you are under, and refus-
ing to ask any really pressing questions,
does not solve much of anything.
-Bill Wiegand
Talk of the Times'
GERMANY lay at our feet, a world's won-
der of downfall, a very Lucifer, fallen,
broken, bereaved beyond all the retributive
griefs which Greek tragedy shows you af-
flicting the great who were insolent, willful,
and proud. But it was not enough for our
small epicures of revenge.
They wanted to twist the enemy's wrists,
where he lay bound, and to run pins into
his eyes. And they had the upper hand of
us now. The soldiers could only look on
while the schrvy performance dragged itself
out til the meanest of treaties was signed at
-Judd Mortimer Lewis-1922
To Be Happy.
You must select the Puritans for your
ancestors. You must have a sheltered youth
and be a graduate of Harvard-Eat beans
on Saturday and fish-balls on Sunday
morning-You must be a DAR, a Colonial
Dame, an SAR or belong to the Mayflower
Society-You must read the Atlantic
Monthly-You must make sure in advance
that your obituary appears in the Boston
Transcript. There is nothing else.
-Joseph P. MacCarthy
S .l.A. ..
To the Editor:
LAST Tuesday the revitalized
SDA held its first Spring
meeting. Prof. Preston Slosson
spoke to the packed and enthu-
siastic meeting, and provocative
discussion on Liberalism and its
extents and significances fol-
The overflowing turnout reaf-
firmed the conviction that there
are many liberals who want and
need such an organization as the
Students for Democratic Action.
Many of us today are looking for
an undogmatic, intelligent, non-
partisan approach on progressive
principles to vital political ques-
tions. Many of us are unwilling to
label ourselves at this stage as
Democrats, Republicans, Progres-
sives or anything else. Many stu-
dents wish to take a free, knowl-
edgeable mind to the political
scene, and are unwilling to accept
the partisanship and unswerving
commitment to political fluctua-
tions that membership in the es-
tablished political parties involves.
Even those who do belong to a
political party will welcome this
channel of non-partisan political
At tonight's meeting the
local SDA faces the prob-
lem of grounding its political ab-
stractions. What the liberal can
and should do, here and now, willt
be the subject of discussion. The
political principles and program1
that ought to guide the group andI
the choosing of officers will bet
decided at this session.
All interested persons are invit-r
ed, as the membership lists, asr
always, are open to all who sharer
an unqualified faith in the virtuet
and need of political freedom and
progress. At this coming Tuesdayc
evening's (March 4) meeting at
the Union every student liberalt
will have an opportunity toshapeI
his or her political expression dur-
ing the crucial months that liet
ahead. It will be an interesting,
provocative, and significant de-I
bate. No campus liberal ought let
Tuesday's SDA meeting pass them
-Ted Friedmant
* * *
YR vs. YD. .
To the editor:
IN MR. COHEN'S article compar-t
ing the Young Democrats withc
the Young Republicans, he made
statements which I consider to be
highly erroneous. He has endeav-
ored to show the YR as being
torn by dissentions and bitter an-
tagonisms which is not the case.
Mr. Cohen begins by trying to
make the reader believe that theret
was a bitter fight over the Mc-
Carthy issue. Here are the facts.}
First, only Bill Halby was really
fighting to bring McCarthy here.
Secondly, Halby's motion to ob-
tain McCarthy was overwhelming-
ly defeated.
With respect to Taft and War-
ren, there are also a few omitted'
details. First, several membersI
merely expressed disagreement
with Dave Cargo on giving up ef-
forts to get Taft. Secondly, Car-
go's resignation was entirely vol-
untary rather than forced as Mr.
Cohen implies. Thirdly, the YR
passed unanimously a resolution
expressing complete unity over the
Mr. Cohen's implication that
the existence of the Taft and Eis-
enhower Clubs is a sign of internal
discord is very inaccurate. To me
it exhibits a complete lack of
knowledge of the fundamental
workings of political parties. The
existence of factions within a par-
ty is not a sign of discord. Rather
it is a healthy indication that var-
ious points of opinion are allowed
free and open discussion.
He also overlooked three other
points about the matter. First,
the YR has not endorsed any pre-
sidential candidate. Secondly,
neither the Taft or Eisenhower
clubs are affiliated with the YR
organization. Thirdly, the YR
passed a resolution to support
whatever Republican is nominat-
ed for the presidency.
Mr. Cohen proudly asserts that
the YD agrees with the policies of
the Democratic party. We in the
YR don't go for that sort of unity.
We would never blindly support a
party with an administration
which has shown such corruption
and general lack of leadership.
e --Ed Levenberg
To the Editor:
As usual, Generation got the
short end of the stick in the
editorial backbiting headed "A
Fused Magazine" in the Daily of
February 19.
In the "Pro" side of the debate,
"For the 3,000 students who can
appreciate esoteric poetry mixed
with 16 pages of music, Genera-
i a on i ida nuihrcatinn "was
01' Man Congress, Hie Jes' Keeps Rollin' Along
PROJEt p~pyf(j ROfc RO CT tRaEr
. .. eJtteri to th edtor . .
too. Generation has never soldn
3,000 copies of any one issue (nora
has Garg sold 5,000, as she im-A
plied). Average sales over the pastn
two years: Generation, 1,500;e
Garg, about 4,000. If Winn meantg
readership coverage, a fair esti-r
mate would be 4,500 and 12,000, t
respectively. Panorama, Wayne's t
combined humor-literary mag, I
sells 900 copies an issue, to a stu-n
dent body as large as U. of M's.i
But Generation is much morev
than its poetry and music (16i
pages of music have never beens
printed-although in the last is-o
sue's memorial to the great Arnold
Schoenberg, 14 pages were de-
voted to music). It is also the
stories of people like Bill Weigand,
whose story "The Science Teach-
er" was featured in the first issue,
won the Story Magazine College
Contest, was recently reprinted in
the Story Anthology, and wasn
selected for high praise by the0
N.Y. Times Book Review. It's alsoe
the work of people like Dan Wal-I
dron, last year's drama editor,1
whose Hopwood-award storyv
"Evensong" was printed by Newc
Story last fall and has just beeni
chosen as the best first-published
work of the year for the "Bestt
Short Stories of 1951." It's the<
so-called "esoteric" (do you mean
understood only by a select circle,"
or "profound" - the two vari-t
ant dictionary definitions, Missi
Winn?) poetry of Frank O'Harat
in the last two issues, whose poems
are now appearing in Poetry, Ac-s
cent and the Partisan Review. It'sc
the art-work of people like Johnf
Goodyear and Hal MacIntosh,c
who were recently given a showI
by a Detroit gallery.
The Generation is not an "ideal"
publication, for anyone-it has
many lacks, many faults, and
many typos. Nevertheless, it ist
paying its own way, now. It. is
not in business to make moneyI
for its editors or for the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
Generation is in business to pro-t
vide an outlet for creative work
on this campus, and even if that
has to be completely subsidized
by the Garg profits, it must be
done, for the sake of the artistic
and intellectual health of this
-Saul Gottlieb
Reverend Hill . .
To the Editor,
T HE Detroit Free Press for Feb-
ruary 28 reports the rebuke de-'
livered by Representative Jackson
to Rev. Charles A. Hill at the De-
troit inquiry of the House Sub-
committee on Un-American Activ-
ities. Rep. Jackson is reported to
have said: "It is bad enough that
any man should commit treason
by joining the Communist Party.
But for a minister . .. to aid and
to give comfort to Communism is
to compound that offense by in-
cluding Almighty God in his treas-
Can it not have occurred to Rep.
Jackson that "Almighty God"
might wish to be included in Hill's
"treason?" Or does Rep. Jack-
son's words imply that he thinks
(1) that God doesn't know His
own mind, or (2)that He is so
impotent, or uncaring, as to per-
mit Rev. Hill's presumptuous in-
clusion without His acquiesence?
Rep. Jackson may sometimes
pray "Thy will be done." One is
led to wonder if the Congressman
has never suspected that it may be
God's will to support Rev. Hill's
struggle to diminish "intolerance
and segregation and the second-
man Wood and Senator McCarthy
and prove that these two Un-
Americans are subversive Com-
munists? It would be perfectly
easy to prove by giving them a
good dose of their own medicine.
If these Communists had one-
thousandth of the brainpower that
the witchhunters ascribe to them,
they would detach a dozen of their
members to become ex-Commun-
ists and to testify that they saw
McCarthy at a Communist rally
in 1938 and that Wood was ob-
served reading the Daily Worker
on August 18, 1947.
-John O'Brien
* * *
Backhart's Humor . .
To the Editor:
urday has caused me much
mental stress. I could not figure
out at first the plot of this little
epic. Then it dawned on me; this
Backhaut fellow is a new serial
humorist for the Daily and I must
wait until the last chapter to find
out what's what. I do hope that
in Chapter two the author will
answer the question-or rather
the proposition-he posed in
Chapter one.
Mr. Backhaut proposed to show
that the Young Democrats and
the Civil Liberties Committee are
in a conspiracy against civil liber-
ties. He says that the very liber-
ties that these organizations are
seeking to protect are instead en-
dangered by their own actions in
fighting the Speaker's Ban. He
claims that these organizations
have done some alleged "undemo-
cratic" things within their clubs,
but NOWHEAE does he show how
the lifting of the Speaker's Ban
will destroy freedom of speech-
the very thesis of his argument
But, we will be fair to this
budding "Irwin S. Cobb", and
change his thesis in mid-stream
as he so ingeniously did. We will
talk about the Y. D. meeting that
"railroaded" the resolution
Almost twenty minutes was de-
voted to the two resolutions cover-
ing the question, fifteen minutes
of which were taken up by Mr.
Backhaut himself in -opposition.
On one resolution the vote was
23-1. On the other it was 22-2
At Mr. Backhaut's rate of conver-
sion we would all be there yet!
The fact is that no one but Mr
Backhaut wanted to discuss the
matter any further. The Y. D.'
had decided to take a vigorous
stand in favor of Jeffersonian
principles. The action of the club
came solely from the "consent o
the governed".
The Democrats have alway
fought for free speech and wil
continue to fight for it, even fo
Mr. Backhaut. Although this may
entail starting the meetings in th
I am reminded of the story o
the mother of a young soldier
who was marching with his com
pany through the town street. "Oh
look!" she exclaimed, "My Berni
is the ONLY one in step."
-James G. Orford
* * *
Student Suspension.. .
To the Editor:
MRS. LORRAINE Meisner ha
just been suspended from
Wayne University for her "unrea
sonable" attitude towards th
House Un-American Activitie
Committee. Remember that Mrs
Meisner has not been accused o
anything; she was simply a wit
have you ever been a member of
the Communist Party? What will
the result be? If the person an-
swers 'yes' that person is ruined
despite the right to belong toany
political party. This is the result
of the present hysteria caused by
just such bodies as the Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee. If a
person refuses to testify, relying
on their Constitutional rights, the
presumption is that the person
really is a Communist. Yet that
person may not be a Communist
but may simply be trying to put
an end to government by snoop.
That person may be simply tak-
ing a principle stand. Or the per-
son may really be a Communist
who wants his rights defended.
Suppose a person answers no,
Surely that person would be saved.
But in that case the government
can get paid agents to swear that
the person really is a Communist
and the result will be a criminal
case whether or not the person
involved is telling the truth. What
chance does anybody stand today
of winning a case against paid
stool-pigeons of the government?
Thus the very basis of democra-
tic procedure has been seriously
undermined by these circus pro-
cedures. The principle of guilt by
accusation is established. The
right to a fair trial in an impar-
tial and calm atmosphere is abro-
gated. Jefferson himself would
not pass the test.
If we allow this circus to pro-
ceed, there will be no more aca-
demic freedom. People will be
afraid to talk, to study and to
read. I dread the day when peo-
ple in America will have to start
hiding books. If people fight such
fascist procedures now, that day
will never come.
-Robert Schor
IJN-AAC Praised...
To the Editor:
W ILL IT TAKE another war to
force certain editorial writ-
ers of the Daily to distinguish be-a
tween a communist's motives and
actions? Will it take another war
to force them to call a home-grown
communist a traitor?
A communist is by definition,
ony who is dedicated to the over-
throw of our form of government,
even though the individual lives
a seemingly normal life. I this
then is the case, why should our
society protect such an individual
from investigation? Doesn't it
sound a bit unnatural to have a
witness answer all questions put
to him by the Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee with a yes or
no but when the question "are
you a communist?" is asked, have
him refuse to answer. Any Ameri-
can in such a situation would
vigorously deny that he was, or
ever had been a communist. Tlen
he would let them try to prove
A communist's motives are al-
ways the furthering of tlie Rus-
sian system, by force whenever
possible. More often, however, he
finds it most successful to take a
more infiltrating course, thru the
schools, motion pictures, or news-
papers. Finally, however, when he
is put in the spotlight, he screams
encroachment on his civil liber-
ties; that his rights must be pro-
tectpd from "sensational smear";
that his "liberal" organization is
being persecuted.
And now we are back at the
beginning of this letter. Will it
take another war to make the
"liberals" call a communist, a
-Ronald E. Seavby
Korean Truce Talks
Associated Press News Analyst
COMMUNIST maneuvers at Panmunjom
over the weekend indicate that they
still want truce talks, but not necessarily
a truce.
When the Allies laid it on the line cold
that Russia would not be accepted as a
member of a neutral truce supervisory
team, the Reds backed down on their
brief contention that their choice could,
not be vetoed.
But they rejected the allied suggestion
that the supervisory problem be solved by
going ahead with the two neutral nations
on each side already agreed upon.
Observers immediately accepted this as
an indication that Russia herself was insist-
ing 'upon participation. In Washington it
was suggested that Russia was so deter-
mined to step into the role of peacemaker
that she might be willing to wreck the talks
This assessment, however, seems to ig-
nore a fact which is basic to the entire
conflict between East and West. That is
the involvement of national interests in
Korea, and at every step in any negotia-
tions between the contesting parties,
which far transcend mere propaganda at-
titudes. Russia places so much emphasis on
propaganda, on appeals to peoples who
still remain neutral in the cold war, that
there is at times a tendency among Allied
\diplomats to forget that every bit of pro-
they found the Allies willing to cut the
infliction of casualties down to almost
nothing, to accept a stalemate in the field.
It is hard to think of anything that could
have suited the Reds better. They had some-
thing very closely approaching a cease-fire.
They had a new situation of chaotic con-
tact with the West similar to the one they
had exploited so frequently in Berlin, and
it wasn't costing them much. Continuation
of the war in the air might be considered
a valuable testing ground as Russia sought
to develop a modern air force, which she
by no means had in World War II.
Russia had agreed, in her treaty with
Peiping, to get out of Manchuria this year.
That she ever had any intention of doing
so was doubtful, but signing the treaty
had served her purpose, several years ago,
of tying in with the local communists un-
til she could truly take them over. By con-
tinuing the war in Korea, by augmenting
the Red Air Force based in Manchuria,
by keeping Russian divisions in Manchuria
as a diplomatic if not actual military re-
serve for the Chinese, the Kremlin gains
time for consolidating its stranglehold on
By tying up allied division in Korea, the
Kremlin interferes with western prepara-
tions in Europe for what will be, if it comes,
the decisive war.
The U.N. negotiators in Korea have
warned their Red counterparts that the
value of continuing the negotiations is now
"seriously doubted," but hastened to add
they were not threatening a breakoff.
7I t
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .......Managing Editor
Bob Keith................ City Editor.
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron watts..........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James.............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
il Gotz ... ..cuatonMnag.