THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH1, _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I I Against the Speaker's Bureau MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH-and STEWART ALSOP { 1 ONE NEED go no 'arther than the Mich- igan campus to undrstand the confused stah in which the 20th century liberal has placed himself. On this campus, two groups who claim to represent liberalism, the Civil Liberties Committee and the Young Demo- crats, are now engaged in a campaign to place a referendum on the spring election ballot; wherein students might express ap- proval or disapproval of the University Lee- ture Committee. Yet, in all their enthusiasm, they fail to realize that the very liberty they seek to preserve-freedom of speech-is be- ing further dangered by their own actions. To achieve a better understanding of why this movement is actually a con- spiracy against, rather than an aid to civil liberties, it would be well to examine the events which brought the plan to its present state. - About a week ago, the executive commit- tee of the Civil Liberties Committee proposed to its club that a referendum be held this spring. Seeing that the CLC was controlled by a majority clique who could pass any- thing it so desired, it was little use in argu- ing against the proposal. When the matter ame before the Young Democrats, no real debate on the question was permitted on the excuse that Professor Eastman had come to speak and that his time was limited. In much the same manner as the Civil Liberties Committee, the Young Democrats gave its support to the referendum. After railroading the referendum through these two groups, its proponents have been writing extensively in The Daily as a means of further increasing support. In a Daily editorial, Alice Bog- donoff stated that students may sign the petitions now being circulated without committing themselves to be either in fa- vor of or against the Lecture. Committee. However, she did not discuss the merits of holding a referendum. This question, as to whether the referendum itself should or should not be held, is much more sig- nificant than the results of that referen- dum. From what has occurred until now, it would be well for all students and faculty members to recognize that the supporters of this plan are not to be cast aside with indifference. The CLC is trying with all the powers at its command to secure a vote against the Lecture Committee, and unless the opposition to the referendum organizes, there is the tragic possibility that the lecture committee will be censured at the polls. To further exemplify the gravity attached to this plan by its supporters, one member of the executive committee of the CLC, Leonard Sandweiss, said at its last meeting that if the group does not secure approval of their position by the students on the campus, the CLC might just as well be preparedto dis- band. NOW, JUST WHAT reason is there to op- pose the referendum which is a means by which students can express their own sentiments at the polls? To answer this question, it is necessary to ask a counter-question which hits at the crux of the matter. Just when has the word "democratic" come to mean "will of the people?" In the Constitution itself, our forefathers clearly stated that demo- cracy means "consent of the governed." Only recently has an attempt been made to change this traditional definition., It was because our forefathers saw the in- herent dangers of -a referendum and fully knew that the legislative body should have the se authority to decide legislation, that they refused to place the referendum in the constitution. Instead, they had both the laws passed, and the amendments to the consti- tution proposed and ratified- by the legis- lators; not the people. Those who now support bal- lot advance the argument that their's is the only manner to clearly understand the "will of the majority." But the "will of the ma- jority" is the will of what the majority reads and hears. Considering this point, alone, would it be fair to ask the opinion of the students on the merits of the Lecture Com- mittee when, as yet, there has not been one editorial in favor of it in The Daily? Hw can the students vote any other way than against the Lecture Committee when they have read only the side against it? The referendum will be, in reality, nothing more than a farce, for it will only again prove that if the public is open to only one side of a question; it will, then, vote on that side. Besides misrepresenting any intelligent understanding of the question, the refer- endum will also subvert the authority of the Student Legislature. The referendum, in effect, admits either that SL does not have enough respect by university officials to make a stand on the Lecture Committee, a significant one; or that it does not truly represent the sentiments of the students. Either admission would be a serious blow to the efforts of SL. More important than the arguments just advanced is the fact that at any referendum, the voters must clearly choose between either adopting the proposal as is, or not at all. There is no compromise to be had at the polls. Yet, compromise is an essential thing if the people are to live in harmony. * * * IN ADDITION, the following arguments may be raised against the referendum. While the majority may have voted in favor of the proposal with indifference; those against the bill may have voted so after considering the matter very seriously. The legislator, when he considers a bill, judges it in terms of the whole interest as well as in terms of those whom he represents; while the voter, when he considers a pro- posal, examines it only in view of his own interests and desires. The legislator can be held responsible in the future for what he votes for, so he must consider the effect of the bill; the voters are not responsible to anyone but themselves. Recognizing these arguments against direct rule, governments were established long ago. The referendum, on the other hand, is a step backwards, for it puts the power of policy-making in the hands of the people who have neither time nor in- terest in most of the issues facing the nation. Regardless of the merits of the Lecture Committee, it is urged that all students re- fuse to sign the petitions for the referen- dum or to vote on the referendum. Tradi- tionally and correctly, we have always be- lieved in the separation of duty between the voter and the elected official; wherein it is the, duty of the voter to approve the best man, and the official to approve the best legislation. This separation of duty must continue in the future, if there is to be ef- fective and responsible government on this campus. --Bernard Backhaut WASHINGTON - A gigantic disaster to American foreign policy has been most narrowly averted in the last two or three weeks. And instead of disaster, a notable success has instead been scored by Dean G. Acheson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and W. Averell Harriman at the just-concluded Lis- bon meeting. Not one American in a hundred is aware of this sequence of events, which suggests the way in which great issues of national security are becoming clouded and obscured in this election year. When Acheson flew to the Lisbon con- ference before the Lisbon meeting, to talk with British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, French Foreign Secretary Robert Schuman, and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, disaster loomed very close in- deed. What seemed in prospect was a complete collapse of Allied policy on the issue of German rearmament. This in turn would have made nonsense of all Gen. Eisenhower's plans for an integrated de- fense of Western Europe, and thus knocked the underpinnings out from under Ameri- can foreign policy. There were all sorts of contributing fac- tors to this infinitely dangerous, almost un- noticed crisis, like the silly and provocative French gesture of sending an "ambassador" to the Saar, which the Germans regard as an integral part of Germany. But essentially what happened was that a great surge of traditional French and German nationalism threatened not only the shaky regimes in Paris and Bonn, but the whole structure of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. ** * THUS THE German Bundestag attached conditions to German rearmament, in- cluding an absolutely unconditionl grant of German sovereignty, which the French (let alone the British) simply could not accept. And the French Assembly promptly respond- ed by attaching conditions to French partici- pation in the European Army which the Germans could never accept. In such cir- cumstances, it seemed impossible that any- thing at all could be accomplished at Lis- bon. Yet Acheson and Harriman have now returned from Lisbon in triumph. The European Army concept has been unani- mously approved, at least in principle. Gen. Eisenhower's plan for a fifty-division NA- TO army by the end of this year, based on the brilliantly realistic appraisal of the "Three Wise Men" headed by Averell Harriman, has also been unanimously ac- cepted. And such lesser but very difficult issues as the size of Germany's defense contribution and each country's propor- tionate share of constructing and main- taining NATO bases, have finally been dealt with. Some of the credit for thus snatching suc- cess from the jaws of disaster belongs to Acheson and Harriman. Acheson is at his best in this sort of difficult, largely private negotiation; one French diplomat, asked why the Lisbon meeting succeeded, answered simply "Acheson's obstinacy." There was al- so a certain fellow-feeling among the four principals, Acheson, Eden, Schuman and Adenauer, since all four have been bitterly attacked at home. But the real reasons went deeper than Acheson's doggedness or this companionship in misery. THE DISASTER was averted essentially because the French and the Germans, having moved up to the precipice, had a good look over the edge and did not like what they saw. Both had their own special angle of vision, as they peered into the abyss. Th Germans saw the indefinite continuation of the occupation. The French, by contrast, saw a rearmed, independent German army, which would dominate Western Europe. Yet the great central danger which both French and Germans saw at the bottom of the pre- cipice was the same-that the United States would simply withdraw in disgusted frus- tration, leaving Europe to its fate. The fright which this glance into the abyss induced actually made possible more real progress at Lisbon than ever before. Yet the precipice is still there. The blue- print for a solidly defended, solidly uni- ted Western community now exists; but it is only a blueprint. Any single one of a number of events could cause the blue- print to be torn to shreds-a Communist triumph in the forthcoming Italian elec- tions; the victory of the deGaulle or Schu- macher nationalists in France or Germ- any; the fall of the Churchill government. Each of these events could mean the col- lapse of the Western alliance, which has been so narrowly averted in the last few weeks. And one or more of these events is abso- lutely sure to occur if American leadership of the Western alliance is undermined by the desire in Congress to make an "economy rec- ord" in this election year. This is a year of decision, just as much abroad as at home. For if the United States provides wise, firm leadership, there is now a rational 'prospect for building on the Lisbon blueprint a West- "Well, It Was Nice To Have Seen You Again, Anyhow" PARUIMW ~ ~- . S . -j ON THE Washigton Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON XietteA TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. A J i j R i 7J 1 y 1 1 i I l J j 1 i i Campus B loodDrive ALTHOUGH THE drive being conducted now to obtain pledges for blood dona- tionq may lack the all out "rah-rah" spirit of a previous campaign at the University of Texas, it is still worthy of student inter- est and participation. Pledges have been coming in slowly but steadily since the drive was.-initiated sev- eral weeks ago, but at the present rate it seems doubtful that the 3,000 pledge goal will be reached. Students' reasons for not contributing blood center around two main points. First the question of whether or not giv- ing blood might be physically harmful. As has been stated in numerous articles, any- one who is healthy enough to be leading the life required of a college student is healthy enough to donate. Exceptions are those who have now or have had a cold recently, the few other people who have had a serious illness such as yellow jaundice, malaria and oth- ers, or who weigh under 90 pounds. All prospective donors are given a thor- ough examination before being allowed to give blood, both for the protection of the donor and the person who will eventually receive it. The second major excuse offered by those against donating is that this blood "isn't really going to be used by the armed forces." Claims have been made that the blood will WASHINGTON-Secretary of Defense Lovett did some neat double-, talking recently 'when he promised senators to abolish lie detec- tors. What happened was that Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon Repub- lican, called Lovett on the carpet before the Senate Armed Ser-9 ices Committee after discovering military investigators were using lie detectors on loyalty suspects. Morse objected that lie detectors are frowned upon by American courts, following which Lovett; promised to stop using them, In contrast; here is the actual order sent out by Lovett: "I desire that all use of the polygraph (lie detector) for pre-employment and security clearance purposes within the immediate office of the Secre- tary of Defense be discontinued." A DefenseDepartment spokesman admitted to this column that the Secretary's "immediate office" includes only nine civilians and 11 military personnel. In other words, the lie detector cannot be used on the 20 people in Lovett's "immediate office," but is permissable any-1 where else in the Defense Department. Result is that lie detectors are still in use as much as ever, though Lovett publicly gave the impression they would be outlawed. Senator Morse is now toying with the idea of suggesting that a1 lie detector be used on the Secretary of Defense to make sure he doesn't give evasive answers. , * , *, --INSIDE THE IRON CURTAIN- A GROUP OF realistic peace crusaders, many of them Iron Curtain refugees, listened to some plain talk last week on how we can win the cold war against Russia and restore world peace by using a wea- pon Stalin fears more than the atom bomb-the resistance of people he has enslaved behind the Iron Curtain. Sparked by three forthright congressmen-O. K. Armstrong of Missouri, Republican; Brooks Hay of Arkansas, Democrat; and Charles Kersten of Wisconsin, Republican-the meeting was called the Conference on Psychological Strategy. However, it all added up to people-to-people diplomacy of the type being practiced by thousands of American school children right now in writing mes- sages to Russian school children to be broadcast over the Voice of America. All speakers agreed that too little was being done to gain the good will of the common people behind the iron curtain, and that a good first step would be for the State Department and the Pentagon to quit stalling on the $100,000,000 program approved by Congress last year to provide aid for Iron Curtain refugees and strengthen under- ground resistance in satellite countries. The State Department was criticized chiefly for its so-called "policy of containment" toward Russia. "Communism cannot be appeased," keynoted GOP Con- gressman Armstrong. "It cannont be contained. So long as this world-wide conspiracy exists, it will seek to destroy human liber- ties. There remains only one conclusion: Conmunism must be de- feated. It must be destroyed. Its virus must be eradicated." In liberating the captive peoples of Communism, Armstrong warn- ed, however, that the United States "must move boldly with ideas, not guns. Our first task will be to give assurances of hope to these hope- less millions that we intend to work unceasingly for their liberation. Our next and continuing task will be to employ the best methods of strengthening resistance among the victims of Soviet enslavement." Edward O'Connor of the Displaced Persons Commission also advocated a cental psychological strategy agency, with "bold and daring leadership," to develop a "hard-hitting campaign of truth" behind the Iron Curtain. NOTE-State Department officials have enthusiastically coopera- ted with many people-to-people projects such as having the Youth of America broadcast over the Voice of America and such as the rubber friendship balls now being sent by AMVETS to the children of Italy and other countries. However, the over-all policy of the State Depart- ment has been to confine Russia, not penetrate Russia. * , * , -GOP FIRES ON MILITARY AID- OP POLICYMAKERS are quietly loading Republican senators with ammunition in order to open fire on the military aid program. The GOP theme has been set in a confidential memo to every Repub- lican senator from the senate minority policy committee, headed by Senator Taft. "Within four years the Truman administration has directly committed the United States to the defense of forty-one countries," the GOP memo declares. "With a total population of 155 million people, the United States, is bound by treaty or by military occu- pation to defend a foreign population of over 560 millions. Ameri- can armed forces must not only plan for the defense of the United States and its territorial possessions, but also for the defense of more than 45 per cent of the inhabited area of the world outside of the United States. The United States has also been involved indirectly, through military missions, military bases or the extension of military aid in the defense of nine additional countries with a population of over 170 million," the memo adds. "Military technicians are scattered through- out the world in 24 countries including five nations not yet included in formal treaty arrangements: Iran, Indonesia, Indo-China, Thailand Stacy Appeals,... To the Editor: A T the time of my trial there apperedin the Daily two edi- torials somewhat critical of the conviction in my case, and the conduct of the trial in general. I understand that a later article mentioned reasons for the delay in filing the appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court. Since then my state-appointed attorney filed the appeal, and it was denied-that is, leave to appeal only was denied, but the trial itself was not re- viewed. As you know, the Supreme Court does not have to give rea- sons for denial of leave to appeal, but it is difficult to understand why the case was not accepted. In the brief that was filed, six- teen errors were listed, the most important of which was the fact that my false confession was it- self used to establish that a crime had been committed and a "cor- pus delecti', a procedure which is directly in opposition to statute law, and would still be, even had my confession been true. In fact, there is absolutely not one shred of evidence, other than the "con- fession," that the Haven Hall fire was arson in the first place. An- other point was that my attorney was denied a six-day extension of time in which to examine wit- nesses. As you also know, the back- ground to why I said what I did and why I did not take the stand is very complicated and involves a severe emotional disturbance of several years' duration. Very few people know the full story; how- ever, a former psychologist at this institution, after reading a full account which I wrote for him, said he believed me innocent of the crime. I did not commit the crime, and I want the opportunity of appeal- ing to a federal court. I believe the trial in Ann Arbor was preju- diced and unfair. A piece in your paper discussed the attempt of the police to fix the guilt of the Montgomery Ward fire on me through witnesses who were ready to swear that I was a disgruntled job-seeker or customer. In that instance, I fortunately remem- bered two fellow-students who were witnesses that I could not have committed that act. As re- gards the Haven Hall fire, I was in the second floor mens' lounge of the Rackham Building at the time, reading a copy of Horace, but unfortunately, at a laterdate, I could not remember distinctly any persons who were also there, nor, evidently, did any remember me. You may also recall that the Fire Chief, who, at the time of the Haven Hall fire, publicly stat- ed that he did not believe the fire to be arson, was replaced at the last minute by the Assistant Fire I New Books at the Library Bates, Marston-Where Winter Never Comes. New York, Chas. Scribner's and Sons, 1951. CdVin, Ian-Master, Spy. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1951. Frison-Roche, R. - The Grand Crevasse. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1951. Griffith, Maxwell-Port of Call. New York, J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, 1952. Lee, Clark and Henschel, Rich- ard-Douglas McArthur. New York Henry Holt and Company, 1952. Neider, Charles - Great Ship- wtecks and Castaways. New York, Harper & Bros., 1952. i '{ [ DAILtY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Chief. This witness stated that I had been present, for instance, at the previous Haven Hall, fire, which was false; he also stated that the person he had seen at various fires did not wear glasses, whereas everyoneson the campus who knew me also knew that I always wore them. He said this, I believe, because he saw me for the first time in the newspaper pictures or at the trial, when my glasses had been taken from me. I realize that, had I taken the stand, other witnesses could have refuted this and other points. I think you are acquainted also with the discrepancies between the statements made by other wit- nesses, and the statements in my "confession." Seemingly neither the Court nor the jury considered these. Fortunately they are still on the record. Shortly after the denial by the Supreme Court my attorney dropped my case, although he still believes that I am innocent. I am completely without funds, and if I am to bring the case to a higher court, I will either have to start from scratch and take the chance of preparing the necessary papers myself in an amateurish and inef- fectual way, or ask aid from other sources. I cannot appeal freely to people from prison, so I am writ- ing this letter to the Daily in the hope that someone or some or- ganization might be interested enough to provide legal counsel At tllis time I do not even know the proper procedure I am to fol- low. Robert H. Stacy Front Door. . To the Editor: AT present, there have been no changes made in the Michi- gan Union's front door policy. -Harvey A. Howard Executive Council Michigan Union A r i be sold by the Red Cross or given to private hospitals. These statements have been officially proven false by people who should know-- officials conducting the drive, which is a small segment of the national defense de- partment's demand for blood. Considering the life-giving qualities which a pint of blood contains, there is no point in quibbling as to the precise location where the blood will be used. It will be used, and it may save a life. Great quantities of blood are needed even in peacetime. During the Korean conflict the reserve supply for civilian use becomes severely limited. This is in addition to the tremendous demand for blood needed im- mediately, as fast as it can be supplied, in Korea. Numerous drives are being conducted throughout the country both for civilian and armed forces use. The campus drive is for the latter. With the National De- fense Blood Program quota set at 300,000 pints per month, it can easily be deter- mined how much a small but significant part is being played in the campus cam- paign. The war is in Korea and as yet its rami- fications in this country have been small, except on those called upon to fight and to die. We at home have been asked to give one pint of blood. There is no real reason why we shouldn't. --Marge Shepherd The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1952 VOL. LXII, No. 102 Notices Room, Rackham Building. Subject to be discussed by a graduate student: "Who Pays the Taxes?" Hiawatha Club, Meeting, Mon., March 3, 8 p.m., League. Plans for reception for Deans will be made. Hillel Open Council Meeting: Sun., March 2, 10:30 a.m., Lane Hall. Peti- tions for the coming Hillel Council elections will be available. All people who intend to run for Hillel Council and everyone else interested is invited. i* 'ti Personnel Requests: University Speech Improvement Camp has openings for general counselors, college men age 21 and over, for sum- mer only. Also openings for cook's helpers (college men). Camp on Grand Traverse Bay near Traverse City. For appointments contact Mr. Clancy, Speech Clinic, 1007 East Huron St., Ext. 2285. AcademicINotices Game Theory Seminar: Mon., March 3, 7:30 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. R. Davis will be the speaker. Probability Seminar: Mon., March 3, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Howard Raiffa will be the speaker. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Advancing French Art; Peiping (LIFE photographs). Weekdays 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public is invited. Events Today Canterbury Club: Evening Prayer in St. Michael's Chapel at 5:15 p.m. Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group. Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Speaker, Rev. John Bathgate on "Is a Concept of God Es- sential to Religious Belief?" Inter-Arts Union. Meeting, 2:30 p.m., League. School of Music Assembly: Student Council, Business meeting, 1 p.m. 406 BMT. Members and alternates of both I. DORIS FLEESON: southern Aspirations Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott . . ... .'..Managing Editor Bob Keith...............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor Ron Watts..........Associate Editor Bob vaughn..........Associate Editor Ted Papes .............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ...Associate Sports Editor Jan James ...........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... .Advertising Manager Milt Goetz....... Circulation Manager rc W ASHINGTON-For the first time since Virginia-born and Louisiana-residing Zachary Taylor was elected President of the United States in 1848, southern Democrats have a fighting chance to put a Southerner in the White House. to put one and maybe two Southern Demo- crats in his cabinet and has said any Re- publican president should do the same. Presumably these lucky characters would be drawn from the bitterly anti- Truman conservatives and Dixiecrats, led i I i