GOD AND MAN AT MICHIGAN See Page 4 A6F 41jt r4t an i41Iaii4 a., 0 C ;. Latest Deadline in the State SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXII, No. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1952 SIX PAGES , SIX PAGES Sen. Russell, Rebel Chief, Enters Race Truman Lands Gov. Stevenson By The Associated Press One man threw his hat into the ring for the Democratic Presi- dential nomination and President Truman lauded another potential y candidate, but the question of whether Mr. Truman himself will run remained unanswered. Sen. Richard B. Russell, of Georgia, announced that he will seek the nomination and imme- diately became the candidate of the Southern Anti - Democratic wing of the Democratic party. * * * SEVERAL HOURS before Rus- sell's announcement, President Truman had told a press confer- ence, in response to a question, that Governor Adla Stevenson "is one of the best governors inIi- nois history and that's one of the } Best recommendations for the presidency." Many Democrats are known to favor Stevenson for the nom- ination if the chief . executive decides not to seek reelection. Mr. Truman has said he wil not reveal his political plans until after his return from 1ey West, next month. Meanwhile the 54 year old Sen- ator Russell gave no direct an- swer to the chief issue implied in his ,entry into the race: will he ' lead a third party of some kind if *Truman gets the nomination that seems his for the asking? OBSERVING THAT he didn't bolt in 1948 when the states right ticket took 39 electoral votes from Truman, Russell told a crowded, televised news conference: "I refer anyone to my record for regularity but I do not put party above country." Any southern bolt after the Democratic national conv ntiop would. be aimed at throwing the election into the House of Repre- sentatives, where each state would have one vote. "In response to a question whe- ther he will withdraw if the Presi- dent doesn't run, Russell said he is entering the race "without any contingencies.", He didn't go as far as Senator Kefauver of Ten- nessee has in saying that he is "in to the finish." Kefauver welcomed Russell into the contest and immediately faced the prospect of a head-on meet- ing in the Florida Democratic primary. Russell said be doesn't know Truman's plans but he predicted the President won't run.- "If he were going to be a can- didate, he would have said so," Russell declared. "He has noth- ing to gain by holding back his announcement, in that case." -Daily-Bruce Knoll WELCOMING COMMITTEE-Union officials greet women storming the front doors. While some fought vigorously, others, like Harvey S. Howard, (left) '53, gleefully welcomed the feminists, President John Kathe, (background), calmly directs the last stand of the antique front door prohi- bition. Moments later, the death knell was sounded for the tradition, as the women swarmed into the Union lobby. Coed Rutsh Marks End of Union Policy A courageous band of Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry wo- men stormed the Union front door last night in a Leap Year as- sault celebrating the end of the Union front door policy. In response to. campus reports that the Union had relaxed its long-standing rule, the women gathered an expeditionary force for a test run at the inviolate portals. NO RESISTANCE was antici- pated by the neo-suffragettes - they expected to trample the an- tique tradition once and for all, and open a millenium of front door use for campus women. However, the 'Union officers Containment in Reach, Roscoe Drummond Says By ALICE BOGDONOFF "Everything isn't falling apart," was news columnist Roscoe Drummond's optimistic comment on "The State of the World" last night in Hill Auditorium. The Washington correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor expressed the hopeful opinion that "Containment of Communism without world war is now within reach of the United States and its Allies." * * * * HOWEVER, DRUMMOND, who spent two years in Europe work- ing for the Marshall plan, qualified his assertion by two conditions: one, "if Moscow doesn't blunder usi World News Roundup .0 By The Associated Press PARIS - Premier Edgar Faure and his coalition government re- signed early today because the French National Assembly refused > to give him a 15 per cent tax in- crease to pay for French rearma- ment, * * . BONN, Germany-The West German Government has ac- cepted a proposal by the West ern Big Three Powers to pro- duce certain types of heavy weapons for Atlantic defense. But production of guided kmissiles, poison gas and atomic bombs will be banned, a high r German official said yesterday. * * * BERLIN-The Communist East German government put up a "no welcome" sign last night for a United Nations committee charged with the task of investigating the chances for holding free nation- wide elections. A statement from Prime Minis- ter Otto Grotewohl's cabinet made it clear that the UN committee would get the cold shoulder if it tries to conduct inquiries in the Soviet zone or the Soviet sector of Berlin, as contemplated. * * * LONDON -- Former Prime Minister Clement Attlee con- Freshmen. Get Awards Nine Students Win Annual Hopwoods Nine students were announced winners yesterday of prizes rang- ing from $20 to $50 in the Uni- versity's annual Hopwood Contest in creative writing for freshmen. The awards were presented by Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the Eng- lish department, Hopwood Awards director, yesterday afternoon at a short ceremony in Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Marvin Fel- heim of the English department opened the program with a talk on "The Writing Game." Thirty-five contestants sub- mitted 40 manuscripts in the fields of essay, fiction, and poetry. Only entrance require- ment of the contest was that the entrant be a freshman regularly enrolled in an English composi- tion course either in the literary or engineering college. Winners in the essay division were Patricia Shaw, first prize of $50 for "Detroit Artistry"; Ruth Misheloff, second prize of $30 for "Thoughts on Belief"; and Dar- lene Rhodus, third prize of $20 for "Viewpoints on Music." Prizes in fiction were awarded to Carey May, $50 for "Monroe County Sketches 1952"; Mary Ru- dolph, $30 for "The Tale of a Cat"; and Joanne Levine, $20 for "A Soldier's Son." Poetry awards went to Etta Lubke, $50 for "Nine Poems": Joan Fox, $30 for 'Aspects"; and Carol Hershey, $20 for 'Five Short Poems." Judges in this year's freshman contest were Alexander Allison, Taylor Culbert, and Donald L. Hill, all instructors in the English department. AIM Reports into war by a miscalculation of the intentions of the free world," and second, "if the United States re- tains its present pace of defense buildup.',' In reference to the defense buildup in Europe, Drummond praised American public opinion as "in the right direction," but, he added, "for the wrong rea- son." "Americans support the costly defense program," the news ana- lyst declared, "yet this support comes from a sense that the Uni- ted States and its Allies are stilll losing the cold war." GRANTING THAT "grave dan- gers still lie ahead," Drummond was emphatic in his claim that, "actually we are winning the cold war." lie cited victories over Com- munism in Greece, Turkey, Ber- lin, France, Italy, Yugoslavia and Korea. Before the lecture, Drummond, who was one of the first to an- nounce t h a t Gen. Eisenhower would run, called Ike "a military man with a civilian mind." He suggested that the general would have to return and campaign be- fore the Republican convention in order to win the nomination. "If Taft were to win the nomi- nation," he hinted," the Demo- crats will not have too much trouble beating him." and executive council, laboring under the impression that the rule was still alive, grouped their forces for a final defense of their precepts. The women quickly smashed through Union forward defense lines. But the embattled men sta- bilized a strong position on the steps into the lobby. To consoli- date the women's victory, a suc- cessful sweep into the inner reaches of the Union was neces- sary. THREE TIMES massed femin- ists surged against the Union lines -three times, the red-faced Un- ion leaders held, then repulsed the invaders. But the fourth wave of wo- men proved too much. The day was won-the last defenders of the front dqor policy had been swarmed under. Valerie Cowen, '54, was over- joyed by the female coup. Miss Cowen's letter to The Daily con- gratulating the Union on remov- ing their sign marking the front portals verbotten f o r women brought to many a realization that the rule was off. "It is unfortunate that the Union officers seemed somewhat reticent to recognize the full sig- nificance of their removal of the sign," she said. Telegrams of congratulation were pouring into the Union on their new policy. It was felt pe- culiarly appropriate that the an- cient custom should fall by the wayside on the, eve of Feb. 29-' Leap Year day. 17P's Propose SpeakerList Arthur McPhaul, executive sec- retary of the Civil Rights Con- gress, Paul Robeson and Howard Fast are among the contemplated guest speakers approved last night at a meeting of the Young Pro- gressives. Other proposed projects for this semester include the publication of an essay on the "history of left-wing activities lat the Univer- sity during President Ruthven's administration" and social func- tions. Science fiction writer H. Chand- ler Davis of the mathematics de- partment spoke to the group on "Progress and Prediction." Revenuers? HUNTINGTON, W. Va.-(A) -Capt. N. R. Stanford of the Marine Corps Recruiting Sta- tion says the armed forces could use some of that dead- shot skill displayed in Raccoon Hollow, W. Va. Looking for recruits, Stan- ford said he loaded a light plane full of literature and flew over the hollow dropping leaflets. "Suddenly bullets popped around us," said Stanford. "We dumped what folders we ,had left, took evasive action, and got out of there fast." Raccoon Hollow is on Tug Fork, near the West Virginia- Kentucky line. Lattimore Castigates' McCarthy WASHINGTON - (') - Owen Lattimore, in angry and bitter de- bate with members of a Senate investigating committee yesterday, called Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) "a graduate witch burner" and referred to Harold E. Stassen as "slippery." The outspoken professor from Johns Hopkins University also de- clared Senator Knowland (R- Calif.) is a member of the nation- alist China lobby, saying he was sometimes called "the Senator from Formosa." ,* * SENATOR FERGUSON (R- Mich.), a member of the commit- tee, quickly suggested that such an accusation is in accord with "the Communist line." And Chairman MCarran (D- Nev.) broke in to observe sar- castically: "Everybody is in bad faith except Mr. Lattimore." It was Lattimore's third-and by far his stormiest-appearance before the Senate Internal Secur- ity Subcommittee to defend him- self against charges of holding Red sympathies. McCarthy has accused him of being Russia's top spy in this country, and Stassen, a Republi- can presidential aspirant, has named him as the leader of a group which Stassen said ad- vocated a 10-point program fa- vorable to Red China at a State Department conference in 1949. McCARRAN SAID he thought Lattimore was charging Stassen with perjury in his testimony yes- terday. But Lattimore replied that he was charging Stassen, whom he Stermed "a perpetual presiden- 1tial candidate," with "irrespon- sibility." S t a s s e n testified against Lattimore before the committee last fall, Lattimore claimed the trans- cript of the roundtable discussion at the State Department showed that he had not advocated any of the 10 points. Ferguson demanded to know if he was accusing Stassen of "bad faith." "No," Lattimore replied, "I don't accuse Stassen of anything except trying to get on in this world." Reading from his prepared statement, which he started two days ago, Lattimore said that after the State Department tran- script was made public Stassen "tried to escape on the flying trapeze, as if he were a road show McCarthy." Trouble Balky Witnesses Given --- CHUTE THE CHUTE-It took the efforts of a New York patrol- man and a fire captain to extricate Paul Nelson, with his pants still intact, from a laundry chute where he had crawled during a hide and seek game at his 12th birthday party. SKIRMISHES GO ON: Reds Toss Prop aganda as Armistice Talks Contiue After By The Associated Press The fighting was heaviest in Korea on the propaganda front yesterday, as the senior armistice delegates prepared to take over the long-deadlocked issue of ex- changing prisoners. The Communists again bom- barded Allied lines in Eastern Korea with artillery and mortar shells loaded, with propaganda leaflets. The Reds first used this tech- nique-which was sprung on them by the Allies-9n Wednesday. The leaflets accused the Allies of in- discriminate bombing- and of de- laying the armistice talks. THE ALLIES again asked the Reds to swap complete informa- tion on all POW's. Staff officers, stalemated on th e truce supervision issue, Blood Pledge PartyOffered An extra incentive for the cam- pus' healthy, red-blooded males to pledge blood during the all campus drive March 10 to 21 is being provided by the women of Chi Omega. A special "pledge party" to be held at 7 p.m. March 5 has been promised the first 50 men who sign pledges at the desk in the Administration Bldg. lobby after 10 a.m. today. Although definite plans as to the nature of the party were notj revealed, a Chi Omega represen-I tative said it will be "informal." Latest tallies in the number of pledges for the all-campus cam- paign indicated that nearly 500 persons have signed up. *m * I. scheduled a session at the same time. They are deadlocked, among other things, on the Reds' insistence that Russia be accepted as a neutral nation to help police a truce. Both sessions met for about an hour and a half and then recessed until 11 a.m. tomorrow. The prisoner exchange issue was re-referred to the senior delegatesafter yesterday's fruit- less meetings. Staff officers have reached virtual agreement on all points except the issue of voluntary repatriation of prisoners. The Communists insist that all prisoners be returned regardless of individual wishes. The staff officers spent 22 days debating the issue. Liveliest action was on the Western front, where an Allied patrol fought with grenades and small arms against Communist troops northwest of Yonchon. inquiry Democrats Deny Politics, In TV Ban Probers Continue Work in Detroit By The Associated Press One defiant witness was threat- ened with prosecution for fraud, a Wayne University woman student . was suspended and men were look- ing, for new jobs as an outgrowth of the Communism investigation of the House Un-American Activi- ties Committee in Detroit yester- day. Meanwhile President Truman, Governor G. Mennen Williams and Sen. Blair Moody (D-Mich.) de- nied that politics were in any way whatever involved in the ban on broadcasting or televising the De- troit sessions. THE FRAUD prosecution was threatened against Patrick Rice, Vice-President of the CIO United Auto Workers' huge Ford Local 600., Rep. Potter (R-Mich.) said that Rice's testimony relative to his application for a passport to visit Europe would be examined with the possibility it would be turned over to the Department of Justice. Potter said that, according to Rice's testimony, he had commit-, ted fraud in the application. Last night Wayne University announced the suspension of Lor- raine Faxon Meisner, 21 years old, the coed who refused to answer questions from the House inves- tigator8. * * * PRESIDENT David D. Henry of Wayne told Mrs. Meisner- - fusal indicated "either an unrea- sonable refusal to cooperate or a prima facie admission of criminal action on your part." A newspaper artist, Joseph Bernstein, was severed from his job this week after 23 years with the Detroit News. The News made no comment except to say Bernstein is now a "form- er employe." Bernstein said "I guess I was dismissed." He said he got severance pay and vaca- tion pay in his last pay check. Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex- as) of the House earlier this week banned broadcasts or telecasts of committee hearings "unless and until the house changes its rules." As rules stand now, he said, tele- casts and live broadcasts are banned. * * * YESTERDAY Governor Williams issued a statement saying that a report 'that either he or Senator Moody inspired the ban is "a po- litical falsehood." The governor said Moody had urged Rayburn to permit tele- vising of the committee's probe into Communism in Michigan. At his weekly White House news conference President Truman said he heard Speaker Rayburn-with- out any prompting from him-tell Sen. Moody over the President's telephone last Monday that it would be against House rules to allow the telecasting of the hear- ings in Detroit. GOP Cuts U' Appropriation Special to The Daily LANSING-University hopes for a $476,000 deficiency appropriation received a severe jolt yesterday, as the Senate Republican caucuT slashed this item from the omni- bus $10,146,559 deficiency request. by state controller Robert F. Stead- man. The University request was to cover this year's six per cent cost- of -living pay increase and com- plete the Angell Hall addition and the new out-patient clinic. What the University will do if the Legislature carries out this de- 2-P +V n -nain7'7-nr+v Haa_ DRIVE TO BEGIN MARCH 10: The Reds fell back and were hit with Allied artillery fire that caused an estimated 245 casualties in that sector. Red .Formosa Threat .Bared TOKYO-A warning that Red China "is adamantly determined and fully capable of liberating Formosa was broadcast by the Peiping radio yesterday, accord- ing to a United Press report. Beamed in the Japanese langu- age as a part of a celebration of the fifth anniversary of the For- mosan rebellion of Feb. 28, 1947, the broadcast was made by the official Chinese Communist gov- erment radio. THE WARNING aroused specu- lation that the Reds might be planning an attack on Chiang Kai-shek's stronghold on For- mosa. The United States' Seventh fleet is pledged to protect the is- land. The Formosans, always tur- bulent under their long seige of Japanese rule rebelled in 1947 against the Chinese Nationalists who assumed possession of the island following World War II. T h e Communist - led rebels, numbering in the tens of thou- sands, fought for a months and managed to capture several towns includine nart of 'Taineh.the can- Blood To Be Used in Defense Effort <"' By MIARGE SHEPHERD "Your blood will be used for defense effort," prospective stu- dent blood donors were assured yesterday. "All blood collected on campus during the March 10 to 21 drive will become the property of the national defense department," ac- cording to Dr. Otto T. Mallery, Jr., head of clinical laboratories of the University Hospital. * blood obtained locally is sent to Lansing where the sub-agency for the Defense Department marks it for processing points, Dr. Mallery continued. Some of the blood is processed there into plasma, the rest is sent to private processing companies which have been designated by the government for that work. THEN THE whole blood or plas- gny guarantee that the blood do- nated by students will go to the armed forces in Korea, Dr. Mallery said that since all blood passes through various distribution points and is sent out according to calls received there can be no such as- surance. HOWEVER, since the demand from Korea is the greatest, that is where most blood is being sent. Some hlonr1 muv n tn mpmhpr IN FURTHER explanation of the role that blood obtained locally will play in the defense system, Mrs. Atkinson of the local Red Cross office compared the giving of blood to the opening of a bank account. "Once the money is in the bank," she said, "a person has no way of determining exactly what use it will be put to. It may enter circulation in one place T fi _ I I i mn is r7icttiHi f r7 L... ....'..v. .. ..r aL_