Y L ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaii4 . t CLOUDY AND MILL) .v VOL. LXII, No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1952 SIX PAGES Silent Witnesses Block' Un-American Probers c">- DETROIT-(,1P)-Balky witnesses slowed the progress of the House Un-American Activities Committee inquiry into Communism in Mich- igan yesterday. Five.of the seven men put on the stand in the second day of the non-televised hearing refused to answer virtually all questions. - The bulk -of them dwelt on Communist affairs. A result was the berating of one witness by a Committee mem- ber-with the absence of television pointedly referred to. Again the hearing room was filled. - * 4 * THE DENUNCIATION of a witness came from Rep. Potter (R- Mich.), who has assailed Democrat House Speaker Sam Rayburn's Wood Denies Committee ill InvestigateCampus By BARNES CONNABLE Rumors that the House Un-American Activities Committee, now holding hearings in Detroit, will extend its investigations to the Uni- versity were denied yesterday by Rep. John Wood (D-Ga.), Committee chairman "We have no evidence so far to indicate that we should go to Ann Arbor," Wood told The Daily. However, he added, "There's always - a remote chance that we'll call student or faculty witnesses into Detroit" * * * * ,4t WOOD'S STATEMENT squelched murmurs from a host of Uni- versity students who feared the Committee's probe into "education" ' would reach out to Ann Arbor. The v- _° B ig Three' ITell Germani Arms Quota LISBON-(IP)--West German has agreed to pay out 11%4 billion marks ($2,670,000,000) a year to help bolster Western defense against Red aggression, the Big Three foreign ministers announced yesterday. The United States, British and French Ministers also sent orders to their high commissioners in Germany to start talks for un- leashing many of the defeated na- tion's war industries. s *. s THE TWO STEPS open the way n further for linking of West Ger- many's vast resources of men and machines to the Allied arms build- up. Secretary of State Dean Ache- son, Britain's Anthony Eden and France's Robert Schuman head- edhome last night from one of the most business-like allied parleys since the war. A spokesman for the three said 1,050,000,000 marks of the West German defense contribution would be used for internal defense, such as frontier guards and de- fense of Communist-ringed Ber- lin. In Bonn, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's government announc- ed it had accepted the proposed total ,with reservations." Ade- nauer met yesterday with the three Allied commissioners, pre- sumably to discuss the question. DIPLOMATIC informants in isbon agreed that it was no more than a general accord. Many troublesome details will have to be worked out by Allied and Ger- man officials. This,broadlly, is what it looks like: The German defense budget-at the rate of 850,000,000 marks a month and effective July 1-will be lumped into the funds of the projected six-nation European De- fense Community of which Ger- many is to be a member. *, * * EDC WILL divide it up two I ways: About 70 per cent will be paid out to help support United States, British and French troops in Ger- many. f About 30 per cent will be paid out to raise and run German forces, to gear up German fac- tories to military production and to cover the numerous items that crop up when a military machine begins to move. Engineers Name rumors were heightened when two Wayne University students were subpoenaed to appear before the House group. Student political leaders ex- pressed hope that Rep. Wood would stick by his conclusion. They saw no reason why an in- vestigation should be under- taken here. y Two student Republicans, Dave a Cargo, Grad., and Floyd Thomas, '52, split over the television ban s invoked on the hearings by House Speaker Sam Rayburn. Cargo, president of the cam-I pus Eisenhower for President Club, agreed with State Auditor SGeneral John Martin that the proceedings should be televised. "To safeguard the rights of the witnesses, it should be clarified during T-V broadcasts that they are not accused of anything but are only furnishing information to Congress," Cargo said. On the other hand Thomas, Young Republicans head, felt "televising of controversial in. vestigations inevitably leads to public, confusion as to the role of the witnesses." Meanwhile, a newspaper report from Detroit indicating the par- ents of an alleged Communist named in the hearings lived in i Ann Arbor was proved false. News- papermen discovered the family of Mrs. Eleanor Laffrey Maki, Motor City school teacher now being sought by the FBI, living in Keego Harbor, near Pontiac. Club To Hear HatcherSpeak President Harlan Hacher will speak at the local University of Michigan Club "dinner meeting honoring the University's 115th anniversary March 18. The meeting is one of hundreds planned by most of the more than 230 alumni clubs all over the world. " Although the University has been in Ann Arbor for 115 years, the institution was founded 135 years ago at Detroit. This is only the sixth year, however, that it has observed an annual birthday celebration. MeLouth Rites To Take Place Funeral services for Miss Mabel F. McLouth, 66 year old retired University librarian who died Sat- urday in an automobile accident in Florida, will be conducted by Rev. Erland J. Wangdahl at 4 p.m. today in Muehlig Chapel. Burial will be in Washtenong Memorial Park. Services for Mrs. Flora E. Rein- hardt, retired Ann Arbor school teacher who died in the same crash, will be held at 4 p.m. to- morrow in the chapel. ban from Washington on televis- ing the hearing. For almost all of his 40 min- utes on the stand Raphael W. Haskell, 37, auto factory em- ploye and University graduate, had turned back questions with "I refuse to answer." Like the other reluctant wit- nesses, he said he was standing on his Constitutional rights. JUST BEFORE Haskell was to be excused, Potter seized the table loudspeaker at his elbow. "Your testimony here today," he said, turning toward the wit- ness, "is evidence that televi- sion is needed for hearings of this kind so that as many peo- ple as possible can perceive the hate in, the eyes, the contempt on the lips, and the conspiracy in the heart of Communist witness." Latersat a recess Potter repeated the statement for use in a radio recording pool. Both radio and television have been banned at the hearing. The ban kicked up a row in Congress and brought attacks from Potter and his Republican colleague of the committee, Rep. Jackson of California. SCANT PROGRESS was made by the committee with three other witnesses.' These included Joe Bernstein, 42,, Detroit News artist, David Miller, 63, former president of Cadillac Local 22 of the CIO United Auto Workers, and Hugo Beiswenger, 35. All repeatedly refused to an- swer questions, taking the stand that the committee lacked author- ity. Each declared himself a loyal American citizen. Last to be heard yesterday was Edward M. Turner, a Detroit exe- cutive of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Turner said he was not a Com- munist nor had he ever been one. However, he said the Committee should keep in mind social "con- ditions" which are exploited by Communists. Medical School Flunks Three In First Term Only three students flunked out of the entire University Medical School last semester, Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker, secretary of the school, announced yesterday. Thisafigure represents less than one half of one per cent of the medical school enrollment of 613. By comparison, Assistant Dean James Robertson disclosed Mon- day that five percent of the stu- dents enrolled in the literary col- lege were dismissed last semester for an academic failure. STHE THREE students dropped in the medical school were all freshmen. In addition to the three who flunked out, five other students, also freshmen, left the school vol- untarily, Dr. Whitaker said. Class wise, the total of eight missing this semester from the freshmen r a n ks . represents about four per cent of the class of 204, the largest in the coun- try. All last year, only about 10 per cent of the freshmen medical stu- dents didn't complete the first year course, as compared with a national average of about 15 per cent. Dr. Whitaker explained that a careful screening of medical school applicants at Michigan figured greatly in the small num- ber of failures here. Joe on the Run EAST LANSING - (') - Joe Stalin doesn't know it, but he's helping out the capitalistic community chest at Michigan State College. Stalin's picture has been in- cluded in the entries for the "Ugliest Man on the Campus" title. All the other entries are Michigan State College under- graduates. Students pay a penny each to vote for their candidates. Mon- ey collected goes to the campus Community Chest. If Stalin wins, his student sponsors say, he can be declared ineligible because he is not en- rolled at the college. News Briefs England's Atom Bomb LONDON-()-Winston Chur- chill told Commons last night that Britain hashthehatom bomb and won frdjm the house 'a 318 to 285 vote of confidence on his foreign policy. Fighting off Labor Party at- tempts to censure him for a con- troversial speech before the U.S. Congress last month, the 77- year-old prime minister denied vigorously making any secret agreements in his Washingtoi talks with President Truman. Charges Quiz Blocked WASHINGTON - (A') - Rep. Keating (R-N.Y.) declared last night there appeared to be an at- tempt to block a budding House investigation of the Justice De- partment by denying the investi- gators space from which to oper- ate. * *' * Bomber Crashes OMAHA-()-A B-50 Air Force bomber, just completing a non-stop flight from Honolu- lu, crashed and burned while landing on an 4r Force base runway here yesterday. Five of the 17 men aboard were killed. Lattimore Talks WASHINGTON - (A') -, Owen Lattimore went before the Sen- ate's Internal Security Subcom- mittee yesterday with a 12,000- word accusation that the group is smearing innocent people-includ- ing himself-and conducting a "reign of terror" against U.S. dip- lomats abroad. Seaway Defended WASHINGTON -('P)-- Sup- porters of legislation to authorize the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project ended their ease yesterday in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee. Opponents will be given their say today and tomorrow. Arabs Plan Pact CAIRO-()-Military advisers to Prime Minister Aly Maer Pasha are working on a formula to link a proposed Middle East Defense Pact with the Arab League's Collective Security, Pro- gram, it was learned last night. '52 Race Narrows WASHINGTON - (A') - An- other White House caller-Rep. Cooley (D-N.C.)-got the idea yesterday that President Truman will seek another term and may announce his decision within two or three weeks. At the same time, Georgia and Florida Democrats stepped up the move to put Senator Russell of Georgia in the presidential pic- ture; Minnesota and Pennsylvania GOP primary contests were nar- rowing; and a Taft-Eisenhower delegate contest was shaping up in Florida. Student Majority in SAC Recommended to Regents PATROL MISSION-A scout from the 23rd Infantry Regiment (right), wounded along with a Republic of Korea soldier'(second from left) while on a patrol mission in North Korea, received medical atten- tion from an American private. Helping the wounded ROK soldier up an incline is another GI. Korea Talks Still Stalled Over Russia. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 27 - (A') - The Allies told the Communists yesterday they apparently were more interested in defining the merits of Soviet Russia than in making progress with the Korean truce talks. The scolding came during a50- minute meeting of staff officers drafting truce supervision agree- ments. * * * ALLIED rejection of Russia as an armistice observer has stalled the talks at the staff officer level for days. Chinese Col. Chang Chun San reaffirmed that the Reds would reject categorically any propo- sal which turned down their nominations of Russia without justification. The Allies have given as their reason for barring Russia that na- tion's prior participation in Korea. The reason was not defined fur- ther. However, Russia occupied North Korea at the close of World War 11, and trained and supplied the Red Korean armed forces. RED INSISTENCE that Russia help police a Korean armistice bogged the talks Tuesday on truce supervision. The number of ports of entry which neutral teams would inspect during a truce also remained an unsolved issue. IN SEOUL, meanwhile, Allied artillery and planes hit the Com- munists yesterday as snow clouds broke and lifted over the Korean hills. Most had been grounded three days by bad weather. Allied artillery last night caught a Communist'probing force west of the Mundung Valley on the east- ern front. The Red probe, which started at squad size and built up to company size, withdrew. \ Y i MSC REQUEST RAPPED: Legislature Hints Cuts in 'U' Budget By ZANDER HOLLANDER Hints from the State Legislature that Michigan colleges and uni- versities will get little or no money for new buildings or for "retroac- tive" pay raiseshad University officials "disturbed" last night. Local worries were inspired by the tone of a conference of officials of Michigan State College, the State Board of Agriculture, the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee. But, according to the Associated Press, Senate Committee Chair- man Elmer R. Porter, (R.-Blissfield) said the same reception would await other state tax-supported institutions. This would include the University. *' * *, * MEMBERS OF THE appropriations committee seemed hostile toward two major items in the MSC budget request: 1-Appropriations for new buildings; these include $1,500,000 to start a new $4,875,000 library, and $775,000 to start a $3,000,000 animal industry building. 2-A deficiency appropriation to 'cover $438,000 in cost-of-living pay increases granted by MSC to its employes; this pay hike was granted without waiting for money from the Legislature. * * **$ THE UNIVER§ITY will have very similar items in its own budget request, according to Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss. "We are asking $476,000 to cover this year's 6 per cent cost-of-living increase. The request also includes funds to complete the Angell Hall addition and the new out-patient clinic," Niehuss said. The University, too, is seeking thefirst installment, $2,000,000, on a $4,500,000 new general library plus $250,000 in planning funds for a new Medical School. Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R.-Traverse City) told MSC President John H. Hannah that money for new buildings would be cut drastical- ly. Capital outlay grants will be almost exclusively limited to complet- ing buildings now under construction, Engstrom said. Engstrom revealed that a sub-committee was unable to approve. Michigan State's request for funds to start the library and animal industry buildings. CHAIRMAN PORTER termed the $438,000 deficiency appropria- tion "virtually impossible," claiming that the same would be true for the -other institutions. - Informed of Porter's charge that MSC had used $500,000 in operating funds to add two floors to the new Kellogg Center for Continuing Education, Ann Arbor Administration officials pointed out that the University had never engaged in such practices. MSC used the operating funds for building purposes without legislative approval, according to Porter, and therefore cannot now complain that it is short of funds. "The committees are not interested in any deficiency appropria- tions for anyone," Porter said. "We have $10,000,000 worth of them on file and very few will be approved."' "This will be very serious for all state institutions," according to local officials. * * * * AN UNUSUAL FEATURE of yesterday's conference was the com- emittee's invitation to the State Board of Agriculture. The regular procedure is to have only thepresi- dent and his subordinate officials attend the conference. 4 0 1 "" seThe new twist in this year's o llap sebudget deliberations raised specu- lation that the appropriations group may invite the Board of of the South Quad Council. He Regents to the as yet unscheduled expressed confidence in dormitory hearings on the University budget Lovernment and said that "we request. Appointment Of Students Denied to SL Two Faculty Votes Dropped By CHUCK ELLIOTT Daily Managing Editor A student majority in the Stu- dent Affairs Committee may be- come a reality in the near future. A nine to two decision In this top campus policy-making group yesterday sent a recommendation to the Board of Regents of the University that they amend the bylaws relating to the composition of the SAC, giving students a seven to six majority. To effect this, the SAC has proposed lowering the number of voting faculty members from six to four, leaving the stu- dent and administrative represen- tation as it is at present. ALSO AT yesterday's meeting, a proposal to allow the Student Legislature to select all student members to the SAC was defeated, by a nine to two vote. Passed sev- eral weeks ago by the SL, the measure was presented to the Committee by Len Wilcox, '52, president of SL, and Leah Marks, '52, SL member-at-large. At present, the students on the SAC hold their positions b virtue of office: the presidents of the League and the Union, the chairmen of the Men's and Women's Judiciary Councils, the editor of The Daily, the president of the Student Legis- lature, and one other member of the SL. Under the current system of faculty appointment to the SAC, each man serves for a three year term after being picked by the President of the University. Every Spring, two terms expire and two new men are appointed. In order to implement the change in the voting majority, it was recom- mended that each faculty member would serve one year without a vote, assuming the status of a voting member for the last two terms of his term. *. * DISCUSSION preceding the vote on the change in majority empha. sized that the move did not indi- cate any cleavage between student and non-student members of ths, SAC. Dean Erich A. Walter, chair- man of the committee, pointed out that as a matter of historical record, such a split had never shown itself to be a true one, and votes generally split on other grounds. The decision to give students the balance of power received no serious opposition in the Committee; most of the debate concerned the best way to ef- feet the change. It was decided that the possi- bilities of enlarging the number of student representatives under the present system of ex officio appointment was impractical. * * * SEVERAL alternative recom- mendations were put forth, in ad- dition to the one finally decided upon. Among them were the sug- gestions that the two administra- tive representatives-the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women --or, as another alternative, that, one faculty member and one dean -be deprived" of. their vote, Student members of the SAC were generally jubilant about the results of the revision investiga- tion, begun near the end of last October. Len Wilcox called it "a step forward in student governr ment, a recognition that students REORGANIZATION IN SIGHT? Independents Explain AIM C By JERRY HELMAN Varying opinions were offered yesterday by campus independents to explain the collapse of the As- sociation of Independent Men, pre- paratory to a reorganizational M . f. d m . n 4- A - 3 - ATR r over much of AIM's former func- tions and, as a result, men in the residence halls seem to feel that there is no more need for the organization," Mossner said. { "Also. att.emnts at. m- irhe 1 terest in extra-curricular activi- ties," he said. "But this is dependent upon interested people working on the AIM council," Ponitz remarked. He further attributed the group's i g -I mi,,, t.J, l u la,~ ~ttu At, W have not been taking over any of AIM's functions but only working in those areas which pertain to SL Will Debate . T 1-v s I.f II I