SIX THE MICHIGANDAILY TU I _ _ _ __ I E SDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1952 SL Petition Time Limit Announced Beating the Deadline The first step in the semi-an- nual all-campus election derby will take place today with peti- tions for some 50 odd student of- f ices. The petitions will be available from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the SL House, 122 S. Forest. The dead- line for picking them up is March 3, and they must be turned in by March 5. * * * THE SEMI-ANNUAL elections will take place April 1 and 2, leaving the candidates with near- ly a month for campaigning. Twenty-two seats will be open for the Student Legislature. All but two of these seats will be for a full year tenure. The other two, to be taken from the last two persons elected, will fill un- expired one semester terms. Senior class offices for the lit- erary college and the engineering school will also be filled at the April election. The SL is current- ly negotiating with other colleges, so that they may handle all of the senior class elections. Announce- ment of petitioning for all schools except literary college and engi- neering college will be made later in the week. * * * SIX VICE-PRESIDENTS for the Union will also be elected. One vice-president will come from each of the following schools: dentistry school, engineering and architecture schools (together), Law School, literary college, and the Medical School. In addition one vice-president will be elected at large from combined selools. Members of the current sopho- more class are eligible to run for the 9 spots on the J-Hop Commit- tee. This will be the second year that J-Hop elections take'place in the spring semester. A single two year term for the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics and three one year terms for the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications will also be filled. Blood Drive Leaders Meet Tomorrow There will be an important meeting for all student and fac- ulty blood drive captains at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Science Auditorium, according to Joseph H. Fee, assistant to Dean of Students Erich A. Walter. A' representative f r o m each housing unit, University depart- ment, student and faculty organi- zation is urged to be present at the organizational meeting, Fee said. All groups are asked to see that they have a member at the meet- ing regardless of whether they have been contacted. Fee, James H. Robertson, assist- ant dean of the literary college, and a representative of the Red Cross will be at the meeting to provide information concerning the drive. The immediate goal of the cam- paign is to secure 3,000 blood pledges to be given from March 10 to 21 at a Red Cross mobile unit stationed in the basement of South Quad. Parisian Art To Be Shown At Museum An exhibition of 38 paintings by eight Parisian painters will con- stitute the University Museum of Art's new display, "Advancing French Art," to be shown from March 1 to 22 in the West Gallery of Alumni Memborial Hall. The show will try to indicate certain abstract trends as exem- plified in the work of a group of artists who are all working in the current Parisian tradition, accord- ing to Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, the Museum Director. Of the represented artists, to indicate the international flavor of the present Parisian school, Prof. Slusser noted that four are French, two Russian, one Swiss and one German. Union To Sponsor Theater Bus Trip Poet Ransom To Talk Today About Critics Distinguished poet and educa- tor, John Crowe Ransom, will lec- ture at 4:15 p.m. today, in Kellogg Auditorium, on the topic, "Why Critics Do Not Go Mad." Ransom, author of "God With- out Thunder" and "The New Criti- cism," began his varied career in the mountainous region of Pulaski, Tennessee, where he was born in 1888. He took his degree at Van- derbilt University and then, under a Rhodes Scholarship, went on to Oxford University to continue his. studies. Shortly afterwards, the noted poet received an appointment to his old alma mater, Vanderbilt.' By ALICE SICHLER Five axiomatic expressions of faith commonly expressed by mo- dern youth will be challenged by noted religious leaders during Re- ligion in Life Month which begins today. Sponsored by the Student Reli- gious Association, Religion in Life Month is an effort to give youth a better understanding of its pur- pose in the world and a staunch faith which will enable it to solve its problems-present and future. DR. EDWIN E. AUBREY, Chair- man of the Department of Reli- gious Thought of the University of Pennsylvania, will open the pro- gram at 8:30 p.m. today in Rack- ham Lecture Hall by refuting the statement, "God May Exist, but He Is Not Necessary . .." Scottish born, educated in South Wales and England, with degrees from Bucknell and the University of Chicago, Dr. Au- brey has 21 years of teaching experience behind him which in- clude Vassar, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pennsylvania where he is at the present time. Books he has written include "Religion and the Next ienera- tion." "Living and the Christian Faith," "Man's Search for Him- self," among others. ON MARCH 5 Canon Bernard Iddings Bell, of the Episcopal Ca- thedral in Chicago will answer the question "What is knowledge?" I I I The basis for unity within the Christian Church will be the to- pic of Fr. W. A. Visser t'Hooft's talk March 12. He is the Gener- al Secretary of the World Coun- cil of Churches. Father Gerald B. Phelan of the University of Notre Dame will ar- gue the statement, "There is noth- ing fundamentally wrong with men that time and intelligence won't cure," on March 19. In the final address March 25 Rabbi Philip J. Lelyveld, National Director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will discuss the com- mon assertion, "The thing I want most in life is happiness." On the Thursdays following each of the talks students will dis-' cuss them at 4 p.m. in Lane Hall. AXIOMS CHALLENGED: Religion in LifeMonth Begins Today U' Will Host Church Group ConfabToday The University will act as host to 30 delegates from nine colleges for the annual meeting of the Mi- chigan Association of Church Re- lated Colleges starting today. Represented at the conference will be Adrian, Albion, Alma, Cal- vin, Emmanuel Missionary, Hills- dale. Hope, Kalamazoo, and Olivet Colleges. John Scott Everton, president of Kalamazoo College and association president, will preside over the opening session at 14 a.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results -Daily-Larry Wilk SAVING THEIR MONEY-Taking advantage of the last week before the price rise to $6, 'Ensian buyers rush to plunk down their money on the second floor of the Student Publications Bldg. The price of an 'Ensian until March 1, is $5.50. PERENNIAL PROBLEM- Stockwell Residents Polled To Solve Lounre Problem PETITIODNING The perennial Stockwell "lounge problem" has come to the fore again, and this time the residents --that is, the non-lounge habituees --are determined to do something about it. Warned by the house director that something "drastic" will be done if the residents do not act to eliminate the problem of over- Dorm Food Action Begun InKleinstuck Everyone talks about dormitory food, but no one ever does any- thing about it-except maybe the women in Kleinstuck house of Alice Lloyd Hall. Prompted by what several of the residents termed "especially inedible food," a number of Klein- stuck women brought the matter to the attention of the house offi- cers at a recent house meeting. Since no action could be taken through these channels, a petition was circulated. * * * HOWEVER, things began to look up as- the food got better during the past week, 'according to those circulating the petition, and the matter has been dropped, tempor- arily. Kleinstuck president Martha Hoke said that the petition was never sanctioned by the inter. dorm council, and that she, speaking for the council, felt that the dietician was "doing the best she can with the amount of money she has to work with." The council plans to send a note to the dietician to this effect. One of the women circulating the petition agreed with Miss Hoke that the food was not the fault of the dietician. "It's somewhere higher up," she maintained. Residents of several other hous- es are contemplating similar peti- tions. Slosson To Speak At SDAMeeting Students for Democratic Action will begin their semester's activi- ties -with an open meeting at 7:45 p.m. today in the Union. Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- tory department, co-faculty advis- or of the club with Prof. Marshall Knappen of the political science department, will speak on "How and Should Liberals Organize." amorous couples in the lounge, the house council has taken new steps. It has conducted a public opinion poll within the dormitory to deter- mine what kind of solution the residents favor. ON THE POLL, residents were given the choice of indicating whether they would prefer the lounge to be left as it is "where each girl is responsible to herself to live up to the resolution as set up last semester (no petting or ly- ing on the couches)" or whether she would 'favor patrolling the lounge, whether by a house direc- tor, the house council or a special committee in the dormitory. Penalties were also included. Residents were instructed to check whether social probation, forbidding the use of the lounge to the offender for a specific length of time, closing the lounge completely for a weekend, or posting the names of the of- fenders would be preferable. They were also asked whether punishment should be applied after one, two or no warnings. A special section of the poll in- cluded the question of whether the students would favor reserving the dormitory recreation room, the li- brary or the whole lounge as a "Visitors' Room." A Visitors' Room was defined as "one in which stu- dents could feel free to take grandmothers 4nd great aunts." The poll committee has clamped the lid of secrecy over the results of the survey. It was stressed that this is purely an expression of pub- lic opinion within the dormitory and not a vote. The house council will decide what is to be done at their next meeting, it is reported. Work To Start On Michioras Organizational plans for the 1952 Michigan Spring Carnival booths and floats will get under- way at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, when interested campus groups meet with theMichigras parade and booths committees. Any recognized campus group- d o r m s, fraternities, sororities, honoraries and clubs-is- eligible to petition for Michigras partici- pation, according to booths co- chairman Mark Oscherwitz, '53. All houses on campus interested in the spring carnival were urged by Oscherwitz to send two repre- sentatives to the meeting in the Union, one to'meet with the par- ade committee and one with the booths committee. FOR ALL C PUS EL CTOAPRIL 1ST AND 2ND S 4 -7 r f { i 4 ,, k' TO r ELECTED: " 22 Seats on the Student Legislature RISING COSTS, TV: Journalist Howard Stresses. Newspapers' Five Problems By JAN WINN "The newspapers of today are faced with five definite hazards," Nathaniel R. Howard, editor of the Cleveland News said yesterday in the fifth of the University Journa- lism Lecture Series. Howard stressed the "sinister economic situatipn" which the newspapers are in, quoting figures on the drastic rise in costs of la- bor, materials, transportation and communications services s i n c e 1942. "Although rising costs in other industries have been met by a comparable rise in prices, the newnanpr hnsines has net hen Yet on the other side of the picturehe saw television as a "blessing" to the extent that it stimulates people who ordinarily don't read the paper to want to check up on what they saw on television. "The world we live in accounts for another hazard, in that it has produced a rising skepticism in the people," he continued. . The journalist explained that the con- stant bombardment from all forms of communication leaves the reader mentally numb and unsure, particularly of the newspaper. "We must have more clarity thaner hefnre_" . n f sm.--ac- * Union Vice-Presidents " Senior Class Officers " 3 Members Board in Control of Student Publications " 9 Members J-Hop Committee " 1 Member Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics PETITIONS AVAILABLE at the S.L. Building, 122 S. Forest' i i i I I i i i i i !. 4 -T ;G 11 1