a THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1952 Mm New Chin A NEW "tough" policy towards Red China is reportedly in the offing. The United States is now ready, it is said, to lay down the law to the Reds, loose our Air Force to perform aerial exercises on the Chinese mainland, if need be. The time appears to be ripe for a read- justment of our Asia strategy. Dilatory tactics of Communist truce negotiators and ominous hints of new Chinese moves in Southeast Asia force a reconsideration of the unpleasant strategem of retaliation against the mainland. In Korea, interminable petty quibbling, phoney interruptions, needless delays for the most part fomented by the Communist delegations, make it evident that Mao Tse Tung considers the truce talks as only a useful strategy, to be continued as long as they play a worthwhile role in his foreign policy. The Communists will not allow the talks to be completely broken off, but neither will they agree to any settlement. In Southeast Asia, the Reds have long gazed with baleful eye at the unstable coun- tries now under non-Communist rule. Lately, Russian and Chinese officials have been manufacturing the stereotyped charges of "aggression" and "border violations" by these "Rice Bowl" countries, charges which usually presage "defensive" invasions by Peoples' Armies. If the Chinese sent large-scale "volun- teer" armies into Indo-China, Burma, or Thailand, only sizable American interven- tion could halt a short-or'der conquest. At this critical period in European rearma- ment, it would be disastrous to be forced to wage another big-time military opera- tion in Asia. Therefore, our objective must be to pre- vent any more "limited wars"-or, for that matter, any large-scale resumption of hos- tilities in Korea. Apparently, sugar-coated appeals only serve to make the Communist appetite more insatiable. Therefore, force is the only pre- ventative medicine we may turn to-nasty and distasteful though it be. Military strategists avow that China's internal transportation system is highly vulnerable. Only a slim thread of trans- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. Thismust be noted in all ieprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HARLAND BRITZ ra Policy continental land communications are available in that sprawling country. A few well-placed bombs would cause ser- ious problems to Mao's already impover- ished millions, while a naval blockade could make sea transportation virtually impossible. Actually bombing China is an eventuality unpleasant to us as well as the Chinese which we must hope, by warning of it now, we may avoid later. Inherent in such an action are - myriad dangers of igniting a global conflag- ration. But should we be involved in more Asian wars, the Pentagon would undoubted- ly yield sooner or later to the inevitable public hue and cry for punitive action. By threatening this retaliation now, we might sidetrack Chinese ambitions which other-I wise seem likely to assert themselves in new aggression. However, this policy shift should not be construed by armchair strategists of the MacArthurian school as retroactive endorse- ment of their "let's blast Manchuria" pleas.I It must be remembered that the exigencies which made the Pacific Hero's aggressive policy unwise have changed, that decisions today are being made in a different frame- work of circumstance. In the first place, bombing Chinese ter- ritory at this time last year could only have resulted in a bigger war. The Reds would have rolled their large Manchurian air detachments out of the hangers to strike our hitherto untouched land forces, a military disadvantage which the Penta- gon held 'as outweighing the strategic ad- vantages to be gained from blasting the sources of supply of the Red armies. Fur- ther, such a policy would -have run the additional risk of setting off World War III which is incurred any time we actually ' find it necessary to send our bombers into action over the mainland. The essential differences is that bombing last year could only have had negative ef- fects, while delivering an ultimatum declar- ing our intentions now is at worst the least unpleasant of a choice of evils, at best, a possibility that further fighting in Asia may be prevented. It seems obvious that the time is past when we could deal with Mao's expansive ideas with soft words;-It must be made clear to the Chinese that further aggression can only bring home economic destruction which could have catastrophic effects on their new-found political stability. The new Asian policy, re- cast along harsher lines, is fully justified by the present situation. -Crawford Young Brotherhood Week HE NATIONAL Council of Christians and Jews which sponsored Brotherhood Week proposes to "make America safe for differ- ences." A brotherhood which embraces dif- ferences and a human understanding of them is its ultimate aim. 4s Americans we pride ourselves on our democratic heritage and boast of our lib- erty and equality-of our brotherhood. And in many ways we are justified. The United States certainly is more democratic than many other countries. But there is still room for improvement. In these times of stress brotherhood among mankind is the only way of. maintaining a decent sanity in this country and of healing a ravaged world. Peace is needed so that men can lead normal lives once more, so 'war torn areas can recover their equilibrium, and the world function as an even-keeled unit rather than in hysterical factions. In the light of this it is in the interests of all, as groups and as individuals, to further brotherhood among all 'people at all times. Although we do well to, take a week each year to give special emphasis to brotherhood, to examine our progress toward it, and to resolve to do more toward its attainment, there is no reason to limit our endeavor to one week. In these days of prejudice and propaganda brotherhood will not spring up of its own accord. To achieve our goal we must work constantly 'toward it. As Brotherhood Week comes to a close today, people throughout the world will let its premises slip to the back of their minds in the bustle of modern living. Let's be different here. -Alice Sicher. DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round - TOP BILLING - MICHIGAN'S senior Senator Homer Fer- guson always insists upon top billing when his name appears with Michigan's junior Senator Blair Moody. For example, Moody joined Sen. George Aiken, Vermont Republican, in drafting a letter urging the Senate Foreigns Rela- tions Committee to approve the St. Law- rence Seaway. Aiken jokingly insisted that Moody sign his name first so that he, rather than Aiken, would-draw the wrath of the Seaway's acid-tongued opponent, Sen. Tom Connally, Texas Democrat. So Moody signed his name at the top, Aiken added his name underneath, and they circulated the letter around the Senate for other signatures. When it was passed to Ferguson, he refused to sign below Moody's name. There wasn't room at the top for another dull signature, so Ferguson cramped his handwriting and crowded his name at the top anyway-triumphantly above Moody's. The Week's News . ..IN RETROSPECT .. . tette4d TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion ofthe editors. Y, Brecht's Creed.. . By JSEa AOrT rAP By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The , American govern- ment has been having a hard new look at Soviet technical and scientific capabilities. The stimulus was the shocking discovery, in Korea, that the Red Air Force jet inter- ceptor, the famous MIG 15, has more speed, thrust and altitude than any fighter air- craft yet produced in the United States. The results of this new look have been even more dismaying. The most important result, in fact, is nothing less than an upward revision of the estimates of Soviet atomic capabilities. A year ago, the planners and experts forecast Soviet stockpiles of 48 atomio bombs by January, 1952; between .110 and 130 bombs by the next new year; between 170 and 210 bombs by January, 1954, and between 230 and 300 bombs by January, 1955. This curve was quite bad enough. It is not known how much more steeply the curve is now supposed to climb but one can guess that the old estimates have been increased by about 50 per cent. That is, of coarse, just another way of saying that the time when the Soviets will have a potenti- ally decisive stock of atomic weapons has been brought nearer by half. At the same time, moreover, the term, "potentially decisive," has been given up for reconsideration. Our rather rigid planners originally gave these two ominous words the meaning of the virtually total destruction of the American industrial bases, which would require several hundred bombs on targe. More recently, however, the planners have realized that our industrial base can be neutralized more cheaply than it can be destroyed. * * * IT is now considered, for example, that it would be potentially decisive for the Soviets to separate this country from its allies and bases overseas by blocking the American East Coast ports. Because of the early warning problem and the greater destructiveness of water- dropped atomic weapons, coastal cities are especially vulnerable to atomic attack. Because of the shape of our road and rail nets, trans-Atlantic exports of Ameri- can troops and weapons could be effec- tively halted by taking out the major ports, such as New York, Boston, Portland (Me.), Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans and Galveston. Thirty or forty bombs of medium power on target should be more than enough to do the job. The Soviets will therefore have the bombs for this special job by 1953, with enough left over to allow for American intercep- tion, isse~d iare'pts resrve stocks- e tc_ of artificial ports, like the famous "Mul- berry" of, the Normandy beachheads, that would carry some trans-Atlantic traffic after destruction of normal part facilities. None the less, fighting a war after being three-quarters cut off from both our allies and our overseas bases, certainly hardly bears thinking about. Yet there is little hope that air defense developments will rescue us from such thoughts as these. * * * "pROJECT Lincoln" is the Air Force study of the air defense problem, which is being carried on under contract with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It has already pointed the way to many im- portant new air defensedevelopments. But' it has also pointed to the conclusion, un- fortunately, that anything like an airtight defense against attacking bomber forces cannot be built now and probably will never be built during our lifetimes. According to the theories evolved by such planners as the new British War Secretary, Brigadier Anthony Head, all these dangers can be overcome by build- ing a solid, conventional defense of the West. When the divisions are ready and in the line, these planners say, the atomic .potentials will matter less; for then the Soviets will no longer hope for an easy victory as a mere result of crippling or neutralizing the American industrial base. This theory gives the people of the United States a rather direct personal interest in the outcome of the NATO conference at Lisbon. Yet a complete, solid, conventional de- fense of the West now seems to be an optimist's dream. For all these reasons, therefore, several of the leading American physicists are now agitating for a new look, not just at Soviet atomic capabilities, but at the whole strategic-political problem created by the atomic production race. God knows where such a wide new look would lead; but it certainly seems to be time to drag this ghastly complex of problems out from under the bed and to face these prob- lems squarely with all their implications. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Washington NO GILDED DOME swells from the lowly roof to catch the morning or evening beam; but the love and gratitude of united Americausettle upon it in one eternal sun- shine. From beneath that humble roof went forth the intrepid and unselfish warrior, the mag- istrate who knew no glory but his country's -Daily-Bill Hampton1 The Week's Mystery: Who dropped the marriage lecture series?] * * * * THE CONTROVERSY which arose over the cancellation of the Marriage Lecture Series last week seemed to indicate that not many students really wanted the lectures, but no one was in favor of their suspension. Student Legislature touched off the debate in their meet-; ing Wednesday night. In an effort to revive the recently suspended series, SL members heatedly protested the "influence" of University officials on the student-faculty-administration Marriage Lecture Com- mittee. Because most of the Committee's members reported a lack of student interest in the lectures, it was suspended earlier this month. SL criticism was directed mainly at a poll of the League Board of; Representatives indicating coed's apathy towards the lecture program. Local. .. CRUCIAL YEAR?-The dismal rushing cloud which hung over fraternity row Tuesday was dispersed at the end of the week as 327 registered rushees made their rounds as usual. The issue flared up over a hasty prediction of Spider Webb, '52, Chairman of IFC's En- forcement Committee, that fraternities needed 350 pledges to fill this semester's quota. Registration at the time numbered 254. The Daily concluded from past pledge lists that, unless the registration list grew, eleven houses faced imminent failure. But the next day, incensed IFC officials proved Webb's rumor inaccurate. When the final total of 327 registered rushees was com- piled, the IFC ExecutiVe Committee stated that the figure exceeded the minimum fraternity pledge quota which they were keeping secret. Viewing the rushing picture in perspective, it appeared that the steady drop in rushing totals since 1950 ran parallel to the enrollment decline over the same period. Though fraternities were taking rushing seriously, some enter- prising residents of South Quad's Gomberg House had a gay time with the traditional procedure and took a few good-natured digs at it as well. The Gomberg men held a mock rushing session attended by a group of Phi Gams, some masquerading Stockwell coeds, and two eager members of the grade-school set. LOCAL PRIMARIES-The voting turnout slumped even lower than was expected in municipal primary elections held in three wards Monday. Only 600 voters went to the polls.to elect University.Museum technician James O. Mason and WUOM radio engineer Dean Cost6hl to Democratic nominations in the fourth and fifth wards and Russell J. Burns to the Republican candidacy in *ard three. When the retu-rns were in, Ann Arbor took a look at the budget and came up with the amazing conclusion that the primary set the city back 55 to 65 cents for each voter. National .. NEW ENGLAND STORM-Old sea skippers in little New Englatld towns knew this would be a big one. The coast guard sent up storm warnings along the eastern coast from Maine to South Carolina. The fishing fleet headed for home. When the storm struck, lashing the rugged coast line, almost everyone was prepared for it. But out in the howling Atlantic two ships Were in trouble. The tanker Pendleton split in two. However most of its crew was rescued from the turbulent waters. Then the tanker Mercer cracked apart. Some of its crew were also rescued, but a gallant thirteen remained aboard the disabled stern, and were safely towed into port. * *. * * International,. . NO CIRCUS IN THAT TENT-According to Webster, a neutral is a "state of power lending no active assistance to any belligerent." At Panmunjom, truce negotiators this week were arguing whether this definition applied to the Soviet Union. The North Koreans want to name Russia as one of six neutral nations which would provide teams for supervising an armistice. But the UN team told the Reds that Russia couldn't be classed as neutral because of her "record of past participation" in the Korean war- referring to Russian built tanks and planes now used by the Reds. The Communists retorted that Russia was a neutral because "she was for peace." So the big stall continued. Meanwhile to the south of Panmunjom, on the island of Koje off the rocky Korean peninsula, a Red-inspired riot promised to stall truce talks even more. The riots began when a thousand civilians interned on the island attacked American guards in protest over the private screening of internees to separate South Koreans from the communists. When the bloody battle was over, 69 Korean civilians and one U.S. soldier were dead and the Reds had plenty of material for a new propoganda blast. * * * * CONFERENCE AT LISBON-Pooling of military forces of France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg into a one-uniform West European army was approved by the foreign ministers of the 14 NATO countries Friday. But the plan has a long way to travel before it becomes a reality. Each of the six governments involved must ratify the treaty-This means that the French Assembly must approve the rearming of West Germany. The uniform-makers are not taking measurements just yet. -Virginia Voss and Sid Klaus To the Editor: QUITE APART from the, in my opinion, philosophical insigni-; ficance, of the discussed play by Bertold Brecht, he is a writer of importance. Therefore we should not overlook some other aspects, which throw a significant light on his personality. Is the writer of the criticism, published in The Daily, .actually convinced of his statement that Mr. Brecht gives us a warning against a totalitarian society? Doesn't he know that Brecht is one of the old "intellectual" Com- munists? And therefore definite- ly against our conception of a free society .. . And didn't Brecht prove it? Didn't he live in the Russian-ruled Eastern part of Germany? Not only live, didn't he write lots of government- planned "progressive people's art?" Wasn't he finally ordered to write an opera, the style of which was supposed to replace the "reactionary" "capitalist" opera of past centuries. It was staged in Berlin recently, and though completely in line with the Com- munist theories, it did not, for some strange reason, find the ap- proval of the government, the rep- resentatives of which left during the performance. This apparently gave him reason to leave his spon- sors, and now, as the Arts Theater Club proudly announced, Mr. Brecht lives in Switzerland. An- other political refugee . . . But what about the "poor peasants" who are so frequently quoted. They also want to flee the sys- tem, but are compelled to work in one of the people's owned fac- tories, and have to sing Brecht's "activist"-working songs. Well, "man equals man," and it's so easy to change into a "democrat," --for people like Brecht, unfor- tunately. And unfortunate for us, to be told about the importance of a play, which actually does nothing but reflect a prophetical thought, Brecht had had about himself, as far back as in 1931. -Dieter H. Krause ** * Daily Opinion. .. To the Editor: A FUNDAMENTAL precept of American journalism is.its free, unbiased coverage of news material. Expressions of opinion from the editors are customarily placed on a special page apart from ordinary news fare. It is with according dismay that I note the increasing tendency of The Daily to editorialize articles which it presents to the public as straight news. The Daily seems to have hit a new low in its double column, page one spread of last Tuesday entitled, "Rushing Cru- cial for Fraternities," The article is a wondrous compilation of spec- ulation and hearsay, graced with a minimum of bedrock truth. Says Daily staffman Helman in paragraph two, "According to sta- tistics compiled from past pledge lists . .." But Mr. Helman com- piled by whom, and from how many pledge lists? Reading on, I find, "Although several members of the IFC are optimistic . . ." What members, for instance? Every fraternity member pays dues to the IFC. Just how many of these men com- prise "several" in Mr. Helman's mind? "The small number of rushees in general may force several houses off campus . . " Which houses? And couldn't we have the name of the observer who draws such conclusions about the future of "five houses on campus which face imminent failure and and the six with dangerously few members?" Is our commentator a competent judge of the frater- nity situation? "Many residents/of South Quad . ." Who are they, and how many is ."many?" "Since infor- mal initiation is now being held, it is also evident that many sor- ority houses will not meet their quotas." Which houses? Evident to whom? And once again, how many is "many"? Such vague generalities are un- worthy of the conscientious cover- age The Daily normally provides. At a time when Michigan frater- nities are conducting spring rush- ing, an article making dark whis- pers about eleven fraternity hous- es, while failing to single out these houses by name, has an unfairly adverse effect on all forty-four of Michigan's fraterni- ties in the eyes of a rushee. But this unkind cut to fraternities is a small issue compared to the be- trayal of trust to the reading pub- lic which The Daily commits by such sloppy journalism as this article. In fairness to its readers The Daily should make more energetic attempts to justify its "it is re- ported" statements, to purge it- self of news articles which smack of opinionated writing. We have enough McCarthyism as it is. -James A. Sellgren President, Trigon Fraternity New Organization ... To the Editor: THE VITAL need for interesting discussion and significant, pro- gressive action on the broad, dy- namic political scene is not now fulfilled by any single liberal cam- pus organization. Cal Samra's Tuesday editorial made clear that the Young Democrats at Ann Ar- bor has not provided the desired "vigorous espousal of democratic ideals." Yet a positive, vigorous expression of democratic princi- ples, at home and abroad, is an urgent intention shared by many. An answer to this need for a "hard - working, idea - pregnant" student organization has been found. Tuesday, Feb. 26,'at 7:30, at the Union, the first Spring meetig of the reorganized Americans for Democratic Action will be held. The ADA is a vital, non-partisan "organization of progressives," headed by Eleanor Roosevelt, Walter Reuther, Hubert Hum- phries, Charles LaFollette, etc. Its objectives are raising living standards, lasting peace, democra- tic planning, and the achievepment of freedom and economic secur- ity for all people everywhere through education and political action. It holds that all forms of totalitarianism, of the Fascist Right and the Communist Left, are incompatible with these ob- jectives. The campus ADA is developing plans for provocative discussion and action rn important current topics, and for faculty and public figure aid and participation, At Tuesday's meeting the club's fac- ulty adviser, Prof. Preston Slosson of the History Department',will speak on the principles and .pro- gram of he ADA and of the liberal student and citizen. We hope that many of the searching liber- als of Ann Arbor will initiate and continue their political action and interest through the revitalized ADA at this occasion. Ted Friedman Paul Marx Frank Yeager i. -I - UNEXPECTED HELP - CONGRESSMAN Ed Hebert of Louisiana, who has been probing miiltary extrava- gance, got some unexpected help the other day from one of his severest critics, Vice Adm. Charles Fox, Chief of Naval Materiel. Hebert was chiding Fox about a news- paper interview in which the admiral assailed the House Armed Services Com- mittee's "Chamber of Horrors," an exhi- bit illustrating military waste. Perhaps the most shocking example of this has been indiscriminate purchasing by the three services of identical items-such as blankets and shoes-under different specifications (or "numbers") at varying costs to the taxpayers. "Do you mean that this comifiittee or this hearing is dealing in bunk?" inquired Hebert. "No, I think it is a good thing," back- tracked Fox. "But I am proud of the Navy and keenly hurt by unwarranted criticism in the press." "Well, do you still challenge this com- mittee for making statements that are dis- torted or misleading?" pressed Hebert. Admiral Fox replied that GOP Con- gressman Jack Anderson of California erred in saying that there were 1,108 dif- ferent number listings of an identical item-a simple cotter pin-at the Me- .chanicsburg, Pa., supply depot. "That figure is wrong," declared Fox in- dignantly. "We have 1,181 different num- bers for that identical item. Not 1,108." HOOVER vs. Ike-Herbert Hoover, long- time isolationist, is secretly trying to line up delegates against Eisenhower in New York and New Hampshire . . . By an ironic twist of fate, Hoover underwent exactly the same criticism as Taft now makes against Eisenhower. When Hoover ran for President, he had never registered I: Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board 'of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas........Associate Editor Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn..........Associate Editor Ted Papes.............. Sports Editor George Flint ... .Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James .............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller .. .......Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Sally Fish . ..,.. ...Finance Manager Circulation Manager........Milt Goetz Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. -y, BARNABY We have a birthday Well, I-er-No. I cake and ice cream, haven't the time. A i ..I i tit /R musfhaa i . I didn't mean it-l didn't grow up. on purpose. I- A, - I I I I I