4 4 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS See Page 4 Y L irt i a Iait -~ r~r Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY WITH SHOWERS VOL. LXII, No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1951 Russia Sets Off Second tomic Bomli SIX PAGES iBlast .e.a w.--___ 4 Ambassador Denies Being Communist Philip C. Jessup Blasts McCarthy WASHINGTON - (.) - Am- bassador-at-Large Philip C. Jes- sup swore yesterday he "never faltered" in opposing Communism. Denouncing any idea that he is ready to sell out this country to Soviet Russia, Jessup said Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) had tried to put across that idea in his efforts to block senate confirmation of Jessup as a delegate to the United Nations. * * * TIlE AMBASSADOR, a lean, ' grey, dry-humored man, appeared as a witness before a Senate For- eign Relations Subcommittee to t reply to McCarthy's 10-hour bar- rage of charges aired before the inquiry group Tuesday. "To associate me with ap- peasement of the Soviet Union is categorically contradicted by the facts of my record as a pub- lie servant," Jessup said. He said some of McCarthy's evi- dence was "absolutely dishonest." Dealing with McCarthy' s charges one by one, Jessup told the Senators at the outset: 1"I will begin with the unquali- fied declaration that Senator Mc- # Carthy's allegationthat I was af- filiated with six Communist fronts is false-his photostats notwith- standing." THEN, REFERRING to McCar- thy's assertion that Jessup has "followed all the twists and turns '- of the Communist line," the wit- ness said: "I will submit evidence which will demonstrate that I have not been a follower of the Com- munist party line. I will intro- duce evidence that the Com- munists have attacked me with a violence equal . to that dis- played by the Senator froni Wisconsin-and with far great- er justification." In his point-by-point denial, Jessup disowned associating with alleged Red fronts with frequent use of such phrases as "my files fail to disclose," "cannot even find a record" and "only slight con- tact." * * * THE AMBASSADOR, a top ad- visor to Secretary of State Ache- son, also declared at one point that a suspect organization which listed him' as a sponsor did so "without any authorization from me" and "misused my name." Testifying in a brisk voice, Jes- sup said he is still a member of the much-investigated Institute of Pacific Relations, but declared that when he was a top IPR offi- cial. his goal was to maintain "scholarly objectivity and impar- tiality." IPR officials have denied any pro-Red activity. YD Challenge For McCarthy Talk Dropped With an eye to the split in the Young Republican club between the McCarthyists and anti-Mc- Carthyists, the Young Democrats, in a meeting last night, heatedly debated but finally dropped a pro- posal to challenge the YR's to bring McCarthy to the campus. It was agreed that McCarthy, if given enough rope in the form of a Democratic Senator as a debat- ing opponent might hang himself, but it was conceded that it would only dignify the senator by invit- ing him to the campus. After congratulating Dave Cargo, president of the YR's, on his stand within his club against inviting McCarthy to the cam- pus, the YD's extended an in- vitation to Cargo to speak be- ' foretir 1ron_ Giants, Yankees In Series Oener First Game To Be Played Today; Koslo To Oppose Reynolds in Bronx NEW YORK-(P)-The never- say-die New York Giants won the National League championship yesterday in baseball's greatest comeback and turned with fierce confidence to face the New York Yankees in the World Series today. Bobby Thomson's ninth inning home run with two on powered the Giants to a 5-4 victory in the third and deciding playoff game with the Brooklyn Dodgers and provid- ed a spectacular, fairybook finish for baseball's most dazzling suc- * * * ALLIE REYNOLDS . Yankee Strongman World News Roundup By The Associated Presi WASHINGTON-Twelve Repub- lican Representatives yesterday called for the resignation of Guy Gabrielson as National Chairman of the Republican party. They said the chairman of a political party must divorce him- self completely from private bus- iness that deals with the govern- ment. * * * ABADAN, Iran-The British retreated from Abadan in a 1951 Dunkerque yesterday, leav- ing the Iranians in full posses- sion of oil riches which powered Allied navies, armies and air forces in strategic theaters in two world wars. * * * WASHINGTON - Senate Re- publican leaders yesterday called for an all-out party fight to block confirmation of President Tru- man's appointment of Chester Bowles as U. S. Ambassador to India. * * * BERLIN-A band of 5,009 Communists, demanding Ger- man unity and national elec- tions, crossed t h e Russian- French sector border yesterday and touched off an hour-Iong rock fight. WASHINGTON - Requests for dismissal of columnist Drew Pear- son's $5,100,000 damage s u i t against Senator McCarthy (R- Wis.) and eight others were taken under consideration late yester- day by Federal District Court Judge F. Dickinson Letts. cess story. (For details of game see Sports Page.) SINCE AUG. 11, the Giants have won 39 out of 47 games, for an in- credible percentage of .830, over- coming a Brooklyn lead of 13 /2 games. Yet the Yankees were 8-5 fa- vorites to beat them in the big show because their good pitch- ing staff was well rested since clinching the American League pennant last Friday. Manager Leo Durocher-Base- ball's onetime "bad boy" and now sitting on top of the world-will send Dave Koslo (10-9) to the mound against the Yankee ace, Allie Reynolds (17-8). * ., THE FIRST two games of the series will be in Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, which seats 70,000, end then play will move to the Polo Grounds, across the East Riv- er on the island of Manhattan. The Polo Grounds holds 55,000. Two or if need be three games will be played at the Polo Grounds in the best four-out-of seven series, and then play moves back to Yan- kee Stadium if the world title has not yet been settled. Unless weather intervenes, play in the series will be on these consecutive days: Today and Friday, Yankee Sta- dium; Saturday, Oct. 6, Sunday, Oct. 7, and Monday, Oct. 8, Polo Grounds; Tuesday, Oct. 9, and Wednesday, Oct. 10, Yankee Sta- dium. THIS IS THE 18th time the New York Yankees have won the American League championship, (See GIANT ROOTERS, Page 3)i IFC Announces Rushing Total Of 620 Men A total of 620 men have regis- tered for fraternity rushing this fall, Pete Thorpe, '53, Interfra- ternity Council Rushing chairman announced last night. A breakdown of the figure shows 590 new rushees and 30 re- registrants. . *, * THE NEW LIST marks a drop of 48 from last fall's total of 668. Last Spring 393 men signed up. Thorpe pointed out that the new rushing class represents a percentage-wise gain over last year when 4.96 per cent of the male University enrollmnt reg- istered. This year 5.42 per cent of the men on campus signed up, thus showing a .46 per cent increase. Irv Lawrence, chairman of the IFC Enforcement committee, said he received no reports of viola- tions of the newly-revised rushing rules. The rushing program will con- tinue at the fraternity houses this week with lunches and smok- ers. Pledge cards may be obtained beginning Wednesday at the Ad- ministration Bldg. TOKYO-()-The Communists today answered Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway's proposal t h a t the stalled Korean truce talks be switched from Red-held Kaesong to a nearby no-man's land. A Communist liaison officer handed the message to an Allied officer at Panmunjom and ;aid it was "in reply to General Ridg- way from Generals Kim I Sung (North Korea Premier) and Peng Teh-Huai (Chinese Red Com- mander in Koreae) ." THE REDS broke a seven-day silence on Ridgway's proposal. The delivery came at a time when the Allies showed a near exhaustion of patience by explod- ing heavy tank-led attacks on the vital West Korean front. Contents of the message were not disclosed at once. But the only matter pending was Red reaction to Ridgway's Sept. 27 proposal that the talks be moved six miles southeast of controversial Kaesong in Red- held territory to a battle zone near Songhyon. The latest Allied ground blows, supported by one of the heaviest artillery barrages of the war, fell almost within earshot of Kaesong. TODAY, IN response to a Red request, two helicopters flew 'from Munsan, 23 miles southeast of Kaesong, to the Red checkpoint at Panmunjom. There Allied liai- son officers were handed the mes- sage about 10 a.m. Fifteen min- utes later, the party arrived back in Munsan for transmission of its contents to Ridgway's headquar- ters in Tokyo. Ridgway suggested the switch in sites because Kaesong, in Red held territory, had been plagued by "incidents." The Allies have denied responsibility for all but two. They accused that some of the rest were fabricated by the Reds. The Communists broke off the talks Aug. 23 after charging the Allies had bombed Kaesong. HERO-Iran's Premier Mohammed Mossadegh rides on the shoul- ders of cheering crowds in Tehran's Majlis Square, outside the parliament building, after reiterating his oil nationalization views to his public supporters. The frail premier, whose demands for the ouster of British oil interests have created international ten- sion, is awaiting a possible summons to appear before the United Nations Security Council in New York. Britain's Sir Gladwyn Jebb will seek to place the dispute before the UN group. Alled OfenieRlngA Red Rply to Ridgeway U.S. EIGHTH ARMY HEAD- QUARTERS, Korea-(P)-The Al- lies' autumn offensive erupted with tanks and f4ame throwers yesterday along a 40-mile front in West and Central Korea. Bitterly resisting Reds were driven north in hand-to-hand fighting for as much as two miles. Heavily censored field dispatches and a communique pinpointed the furious action as sweeping north- east from Korangpo to Kumhwa. THE HEAVIEST fighting was northwest of Korangpo, west of Yonchon and east of Chorwon. Yonchon is 35 miles north of Seoul. Chorwon, southwest an- chor of the iron triangle, is 17 miles north of Parallel 38. After yesterday's thunderous artillery barrage, British, Amer- ican, Greek and Filipino troops jumped off against Reds in the west. The Chinese Reds were hit so hard on the ridgeline northwest of Kumhwa that they pulled out last night and gave up hill positions without firing a shot. Previously they had held off Allied attacks there for three days. A CO1MUNIQUE today report- ed gains in Western Korea but did not pinpoint them or give their extent. Allied fliers over the West and West-Central Fronts looked for any Reddmoves to reinforce their assaulted front line troops. They saw no signs but an Al- lied commander said it was pos- sible the Reds had moved up fresh troops at night. By last midnight, the advanc- ing Allies had gained new hill pa- sitions in a general area north- west of the Imjin River. WEST OF YONCHON, Ameri- can troops hit even heavier resis- tance. By noon they had repulsed three Chinese counterattacks. West of Chorwon, other advanc- ing infantrymen made limited ,gains and beat off heavy counter- attacks. Shak y Story DETROIT-(A')-Taxi driver Abraham Sanon denied before Traffic Referee Andrew C. Wood that he was casually shaking hands with a woman acquaint- ance at a busy intersection Aug. 12. Sanon said he noticed in his rear view mirror that a police squad car was behind him so he carefully stuck out his hand to signal a left turn. Sanon said indignantly, "I never saw the woman before in my life. She came staggering out of a bar as I started to make the turn, grabbed my hand and started shaking it. I had to stop my cab before I could finally wrench free." Wood suspended sentence. BoyleH ired RFC Man, NixonS5ays WASHINGTON - () - Sena- tor Nixon (R-Calif.) told Senate investigators yesterday that Dem- ocratic National Chairman Wil- liam M. Boyle Jr. had an RFC em- ploye "on his payroll" in 1949 and paid him $1,261. Turney Gratz, who got the money, told reporters it was for "a personal accounting service" he did in spare time and he had nothing to do with any loans. . * * NIXON MADE his report to the Senate's Investigations Subcom- mittee, which is looking into charges that Boyle received $8,000 from the American Lithofold Corp., after the St. Louis Printing Firm obtained $565,000 in loans from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. T h e Democratic chief has denied the charges. There may be "some perfect- ly plausible explanation" of the payments to Gratz, Nixon told the inquiry group, of which he is a member. But without such an explanation, he added, "It would seem highly improper for the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee to have on his payroll a $10,000 a year em- ploye of the RFC." Informed of Nixon's report, Gratz explained that he kept track of Boyle's investments for him from 1946 until last year. "My work had nothing to do with the RFC or Bill Boyle's politial af- fairs," Gratz said. He added that he intends to tell his story to the subcommittee's investigators as soon as possible. Reds March In Indo-China SAIGON, Indochina-(/P)--The Communist-led Vietminh army has launched its long awaited fall offensive with two swift tactical gains in Northwest Indochina. The French announced yester- day the loss of strong points 80 miles apart in the mountainous Thai country west of the upper Red River. Three battalions of rebel infan- trymen struck southwestward from Laokay, a Red River stronghold on Communist China's frontier, and seized the fortress town of Binhlu as its garrison withdrew 30 miles to Laighau, capital of the Thai Federation. explosive tests in recent days or weeks - one of them a failure. These sources said the data already studied indicates the tests involved only standard nuclear fission-not the fusion type explosion involved in the hydrogen bomb. The White House did not go in- to such detail. Presidential Secre- tary Joseph Short concluded his brief statement: "Further details cannot be given without adversely affecting our national security in- terests." PRESIDENT TRUMAN said, through Short: "In spite of Soviet pretensions that their atomic energy program is being directed exclusively toward peaceful purposes, this event confirms again that the So- viet Union is continuing to make atomic weapons:" The announcement came in the midst df fresh discussions of new American atomic weapons- the "fantastic" weapons which President Truman first men- tioned. Senator Hickenlooper (R-Ia.), former chairman and member of the Congressional Atomic Com- mittee, said earlier in a Baltimore speech that powerful new atomic weapons were available for use in Korea. He indicated he favored their use but said this was a mili- tary decision. But the President's ximounce- ment caused another atomic com- mitteeman, Rep. Van Zandt (R- Penn.), to conclude that the So- viet explosion had been known for several weeks. "It explains why we have not used ator.ic weapons in Korea." SL Discusses cRevitalized' NSA Program By CRAWFORD YOUNG Student Legislature last night heard its seven delegates to a "re- vitalized" National Student As- sociation report back the results of the annual convention, held last summer at Minneapolis. The Legislature is faced with the problem of whether or not to renew its membership in NSA, which claims to represent 670,000 students. Dues and costs atten- dent to belonging amount to al- most $500 a year, or about a sixth of the total SL budget. * * -* THE DELEGATES, Lee Benja- min, '52, Phil Berry, '52, Leah Marks, '52, Wally Pearson, '53, Joe Savin, '53, Irv Stenn, '52, and president Len Wilcox, '52, report- ed that ten days of intensive work were spent reorganizing and add- ing new life to the organization. Stenn pointed out that 90 %l of the colleges represented were, like Michigan, seriously thinking of disaffiliating if NSA didn't promise to produce more than it had in the past. But it seemed' to be the opinion of the dele- gates that it was worthwhile to retain membership. NSA adopted by a vote of 174- 109 an anti-discrimination motion somewhat similar to the ill-fated SL motion on campus. However, it emphasized that an education program should precede any time limit, according to Pearson. . Miss Marks declared that NSA was planning to exert more pres- Alger Blasts Democrats Calls Administrations Dishonest, Insincere Blasting the administrations at both Lansing and Washington as "dishonest and insincere" Michi- gan Secretary of State, Fred Alger spoke to the Republican Club meeting in Ann Arbor last night. The Republican aspirant for the state gubernatorial nomination placed most of his emphasis on the "internal issue of morals." Alger referred to the scandals of "the White House gang" and of Lansing which he accused of being a "CIO puppet." The hopeful nominee also took a slap at Williams, accus- ing the Governor of deceiving New Jersey strikers as to his connections with The Mennen Company. Predicting a "great an gloriu victory" in 1952, Alger urged that issues of "honesty, morality and integrity" be taken to the people. Wheilpersonally interviewed, Alger stated that he has very ex- cellent relations with the legisla- ture in Lansing, and that he be- lieves he has the rank and file support of Labor. Regarding the present struggle within the Young Republican club here as to the merits of Senator Joseph McCarthy, Alger remarked that McCarthy is a "very sincere guy who has well documented proofof most things he speaks about." "I have never been more im- pressed by an individual as to in- tegrity and ability as I was with General Eisenhower," claimed Al- ger referring to an interview he had with the General. "Popularly I think Eisenhower is the strong- est candidate in Michigan," Alger concluded. Taft Opposes M edical .Aid WASHINGTON - (A) - Sena- tor Taft (R-Ohio) told the Sen- ate yesterday that he opposes a. $300,000,000 bill to aid medical schools and students because of a prospective $20,000,000,000 federal deficit. Taft was one of the sponsors of the measure when it was re- ported unanimously to the Sen- ate in February by the floor com-, mittee on which he is the ranking Republican. But he said he has changed his mind because of the great in- crease in defense spending. The bill would authorize in- struction g r a n ts to medical schools for their present students and incentive payments for addi- tional students beyond the 1949- 51 enrollment level. Wolverine Club Plans Pep Rally al Blasteport Two Tests Believed To Be Made; Sources Reveal One Was Failure WASHINGTON-()-Russia set off a second atomic bomb re- cently, the White House announced yesterday. The terse statement termed the blast "another atomic bomb." This was the first official confirmation that President Truman re- ferred to a bomb when he announced the Soviet's initial "atomic ex- plosion" Sept. 23, 1949. * * * * ONLY MINUTES ahead of the official word, the Associated Press had begun transmission of information from other competent sources that the government was studying information indicating the Rus- sians actually made two atomic SOPRANO FINDS U.S. A UDIENCES RESPONSIVE: de los Angeles To open Concert Series By CARA CHERNIAK American audiences, and par- ticularly students, show towards music a response and depth of feeling seldom found in European audiences, Victoria de los Angeles, snnrann star of the Metronoiltan concile herself to American college traditions. She cannot understond, for example, why women are not allowed in the front door or lounges of the Union. "Such tradi- tions would not occur in Spain," she said. fessionally in 1944 Miss de los An- geles has had successful perform- ances throughout Europe and has appeared in the United States three times. Her Carnegie Hall de- but last season resulted in two extra concerts within six months. For her program Miss de los Angeles has selected songs which she hopes will please everyone. She will begin with classical music, go on to German Leider, and conclude with Spa- nish folklore. ::.;