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October 03, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-03

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I iI_ _ _ -

Young Republicans

pus is faced with a miniature version of
the same fundamental split that the nation-
al organization is grappling with.
A group of hard-pressed liberals is try-
ing to hold back the flood gates of reac-
tion. A rupture exists between the con-
servative wing, led by Taft nationally and
Bill Halby, '53, and Ron Seavoy, '52, lo-
cally, and the progressive group, represent-
ed by the Eisenhower forces on the na-
tional scene and Dave Cargo, YR presi-
dent, on campus.
The present YR squabble is over campus
speakers. Halby & Seavoy insist on turning
loose on the student body men of such cali-
ber as Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wis), Sen.
William Jenner (R-Ind), or news analyst
Fulton Lewis, Jr., while Cargo and his as-
sociates are fighting to invite some worth-
while men in the state political organization
as well'as the national.
For example, last spring when Cargo's fac-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

tion held more or less an upper hand, such
men as Owen J. Cleary, chairman of the
GOP state central committee, and Frank X.
Martell, president of the Michigan A.F. of L.
came to speak. They represented viewpoints
which hadn't been heard as much, view-
points to which the GOP is going to have to
reconcile itself if it hopes to show well in '52.
The Republican party might as well start
learning right on campus that the balance
of power in the '52 race will be held by the
independent voter, and the independent
voter is, by and large, either liberal or in-
telligently conservative. He is on the whole
a rational individual.
Therefore, YR could make no greater
mistake than to exhibit such as McCarthy
on campus as a prototype of the flower of
the party. The independent will not be at-
tracted by the oft-repeated Taft-Mc-
Carthy-Lewis line. This appeals orily to
the old party-liners, whose vote it would
be impossible to lose.
Therefore it is to be devoutly hoped that
Cargo will be able to win the necessary sup-
port to keep control of his organization, to
silence 'the troublesome reactionaries who
are bidding to regain the upper hand which
they lost last spring when Cargo became
-Crawford Young



WASHINGTON-Before very long, the fi-
nal settlement of the embittered con-
troversy about the size of the Air Force ought
to be publicly announced. After the most
prolonged and laborious discussion, which at
one point kept the Joint Chiefs of Staff in
almost continuous session for ten days on
end, the heads of the services have reached
agreement among themselves. The agreed
plan only awaits the approval of President
Truman to become official.
If the President approves, which seems
almost certain, the plan will provide for
expansion of the Air Force from ninety-
five to about 140 groups-the exact figure
is still secret, but this is the general scale.
The increase in over-all airpower will al-
low a much larger investment in tactical
air power, thus remedying our gravestj
weakness in the air. On the basis of cur-
rent scheduling, this great increment of
American strength will be completed by
In money terms, the agreement reached
by the Joint Chiefs will mean that about
$3,750,000,000 of the $5,000,000,000 supple-
mental defense appropriation recently voted
by Congress, will be allocated to Air Force
expansion, while much of the rest will go to
added Naval air strength. This will get the
program started.
In the two following fiscal years, the huge
capital outlays involved in the expansion of
the Air Force will add about $10,000,000,000
annually to the defense budget. And when
the period of capitol spending is at an end,
the Air Force expansion will result in a
regular annual bill for maintaining the arm-
ed forces of a little under $40,000,000,000, in-
stead of about $35,000,000,000, as previously
* *
IT HAS LONG BEEN very obvious that Air
Force expansion would eventually be ap-
proved, in one form or another. The reason
is that the Air Force has not one, but two
main jobs-its own specialized job of build-
ing strategic air power, and its cooperative
job of providing tactical air support to the
ground forces. In the past, b'ecause of budge-
tary and other pressures, the problem of
tactical a'ir has been neglected.
When the present struggle started, the
air staff prepared a plan for a 163 group
air force, which was sponsored by Secre--r
tary of Air Thomas K. Finletter and Gen..
Hoyt S. Vandenberg. This first air force
plan involved an increase in strategic air
power even greater than the projected in-
creases for tactical air power. It is under-
stood that most of the saving in the less
ambitious agreed plan of the Joint Chiefs
has been achieved by holding down the
strategic air increases.

H' elp ? I'm Being Foe"
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Greek conomics
ATHENS-A visiting U.S. Senator recently pressed U.S. officials
here for the answer to the question of when Greece could stand
on her own feet without U.S. assistance.
He got, in reply, a question equally pointed. When, he was
asked, did he anticipate that the Communist threat would be
sufficiently reduced that the United States would not need strate-
gically situated Greece in the collective-security front against
Red aggression.
It is conceded here that Greece understands her military value
and in a nice way makes the most of it. But her will to fight, her
heavy investment in her own defense, and her armies-which are real
and not just on paper-give her champions whose optimism is in re-
freshing contrast to the reserve, even dejection, noted among Ameri-
cans in some other countries of the western front.
Greece is the only country which has waged hot war against Fas-
cism, Nazism and Communism. She stood off Mussolini until the
Germans poured in on her flanks. She fought the Communists and
with timely British and then U.S. aid drove them out. This is one.
country, incidentally, where President Truman is the kind of folk,
hero that Roosevelt and Churchill used to be. Pictures of the
author of the Truman Doctrine adorn the tiniest village; here the
U.S. President and not General Eisenhower is the rod and staff.
But her military prowess and the upkeep of her armies have
meant a considerable sacrifice of her economic recovery. Infla-
tion which everywhere is at least a creeping menace is severe
here. The antique ground trod by the philosophers and writers
revered by western civilization is largely barren and long ne-
gleo'ted. Greece lacks the natural resources-coal, oil, timber-
vital to industry.
Generally speaking, ECA has concentrated on the improvement
of agriculture and hydroelectric projects. Marshes have been drained
and reclaimed for food production, modern soil conservation practices
have been introduced.
Any cut in economic aid which further depresses the low standard
of living of the Greeks will be greatly feared as a threat to their mili-
tary progress. The humanitarian reasons which impelled the United
States tohelp Greece still exist in full measure with the increased
pressure from the Communists they are supplemented by some stern
dictates of military necessity. Armies do not fight well when their
families are hungry, no matter what weapons are provided them.
When the inquiring senator got the reply, in effect, that so
long as the Communist threat endures at its present or greater
potency it will be necessary to furnish Greece economic assist-
ance, he was at least being treated honestly. If less had been
promised elsewhere, there might be less disillusionment in Con-
There is no conflict on this point between Ambassador John C.
Peurifoy, ECA administrator Roger Lapham and Maj. Gen. Robert T.
Frederick, who heads the Joint Military Aid group. Their excellent
cooperation is another of the bright spots in the Greek situation and
a very present help in dealing with the wily Greek politicians. The
military is riding high; ECA, having the money, can and sometimes
does put the State Department at a disadvantage; the eventual victim,
however, is invariably the taxpayer back home.
(copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


W ASHINGTON-Most amazing inside fact
about the recent clean-up of the San
Francisco Internal Revenue office is that
certain U.S. officials tried to indict the
young man who first pushed this clean-up.
He is Charles O'Gara, assistant U.S. At-
torney in San Francisco, who for more than
a year had tried to investigate and, if guilty,
prosecute some of the income tax officials
now suspended.
During all this period, it was no secret
to high officials that income tax wire-
pulling was suspected in northern Califor-
nia. And not only did these officials turn
a deaf ear about a house cleaning but they
attempted to indict the man who tried to
clean house.
The story is almost unbelievable and
somewhat complicated. It goes back to Aug-
ust 1950 when U.S. Judge J. Waties Waring
of South Carolina, sitting temporarily in
California, smelled something wrong re-
garding a narcotics case and suggested to
young Assistant U.S. Attorney O'Gara tbhat
he investigate.
From that time-Aug. 5, 1950, until April
3, 1951-O'Gara tried to get a grand jury
hearing of suspected internal revenue ir-
regularities. All his efforts were blocked
from above.
MEANWHILE CERTAIN things going on
inside the San Francisco Internal Reve-
nue office obviously merited investigation,
merely on the face of them. Here are some
1. An internal revenue employees' fund
was collected from brewers, liquor dealers,
bookies, prostitutes and delinquent taxpay-
ers. One of the men involved in collecting
this fund was John A. Malone, brother of
William Malone, chairman of the Demo-
cratic Central Committee for San Francisco
and most potent Democratic wheel-horse in
northern California.
2. John Malone, brother of the Democratic
bigwig, operated an accounting and income
tax office of his own, though he was also
assistant chief of the income tax division.
Malone has now been suspended.
3. Paul V. Doyle, chief office deputy of the
San Francisco Internal Revenue office, also
operated an accounting firm and gave in-
come tax advice on the side. He too has now
been suspended.
4. John Boland, chief field deputy, main-
tained a deputy collector, Jack Crowley, as
his cha'uffeur, was a close pal of Chief Col-
lector Smythe, Doyle and Malone. Last week'
he was suspended.
5. Ignatius Beresford, chief assistant in'
the wage and excise division, also operated
an income tax service in off hours. He has'
now been suspended.
6. Collector of Internal Revenue James
Smythe, now suspended for "incompetence,"
had admitted under cross-examination be-
fore the Kefauver committee that he had
been a delinquent taxpayer prior to his ap-
pointment to the job of collecting other
peoples' taxes in 1945. However, Smythe had
been the campaign manager for Democratic,

Sen. Sheridan Downey and deserved reward.
Furthermore, Mrs. Smythe was one of Dow-
ney's secretaries.
* -*
THE ABOVE FACTS were well known to
U.S. Treasury officials in Washington,
yet U.S. Assistant Attorney O'Gara was not
able, for approximately one year, to pro-
ceed with any investigation.
Finally, a forthright Grand Jury, head-
ed by Richard Seward, first of all indicted
James M. Mac Innes, an attorney in the
narcotics case presided over by Judge
Waring; and then called in Robert Mc-
Millan, chief assistant U.S. attorney, put
him under subpoena and asked him, among
other things, why the facts unearthed by
the Kefauver committee regarding Intern-
al Revenue had not been followed up.
Charles Davis, head of Internal Revenue's
local intelligence unit, was also examined.
Neither could give a satisfactory answer.
Consequently, the Seward runaway Grand
Jury directed O'Gara to continue this probe
before another federal grand jury headed by
John Taylor. On May 16, O'Gara attempted
to do so.
But suddenly U.S. Judge Lewis F. Good-
man called the grand jury before him, in-
structed it that it had no power to proceed.
Local political observers believe it may or
may not be significant that Judge Goodman
was appointed on the recommendation of
Senator Downey, close friend of Collector
James Smythe, whose office was being
* * *
idealistic assistant who had insisted on
going into these tax matters, suddenly found
himself under investigation. He was accused
of intimidating a government witness.
He was also informed on June 4 by his
boss, U.S. Attorney Chauncey Tramutolo.
The FBI then called on O'Gara, informed
him that on May 28 they had been ordered
by top officials in the Justice Department
in Washington to investigate him on a
complaint by Louise Haller, a notary pub-
lic, who testified in the Mac Innes nar-
cotics case.
A committee from the Seward Grand Jury
which had indicted Mac Innes immediately
came to O'Gara's defense, said there was no
question in their minds between O'Gara and
Miss Haller as to who was telling the truth.
Nevertheless, the case against O'Gara was
presented to the Grand Jury, and on July 3,
U.S. Judge Edward P. Murphy instructed the
Grand Jury to conclude its deliberations
within the next 48 hours.
On July 5, as the 48 hours were about to
expire, the jury asked U.S. Attorney Tramu-
tolo whether he wanted O'Gara indicted. His
reply, in effect, was "It's up to you."
O'Gara was not indicted. The Grand Jury
was all too familiar with his attempts to
clean up the San Francisco internal revenue
office-attempts now belatedly but fully jus-
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

On the whole, the most striking aspect of
this crucial decision that the Joint Chiefs;
have taken is the manner of taking it. What
has happened represents a long step for-
ward on the hard road toward genuine uni-
fication of the services.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff themselves
plunged into the debate with far less venom
and obstinacy than in the past; and the
mere fact that they have been able to agree
upon such a furiously controversial subject
as air force expansion is proof of enormous
progress. Now for the first time, the rule is
recognized that the American people are on-
ly to pay for the armed forces they really
need for their security.
This is a great change from the old rule of
the Joint Chiefs, that increases in appro-
priations for any single service automatical-
ly led to increases in the appropriations of
the competing services, whether these were
needed or not. '
* * *
N THE MAIN, however, the agreement that
has now been reached signifies a triumph
for the civilian element of the defense estab-
lishment, and especially for Secretary of De-
fense Robert A. Lovett. The new climate in
which agreement of the Joint Chiefs became
possible was largely created by the hard work
of Lovett, and by the constant efforts of the
two coordinating committees composed re-
spectively of the service secretaries and un-
der secretaries.
Moreover, the outlook for compromise
was very far from hopeful even at the
end of the period, some weeks ago, when
the Joint Chiefs hardly left their confer-
ence table for ten days on end. At that
time, their prospective disagreement was
reported to Secretary Lovett. He had al-
ready established another new principle,
that he would no longer accept a simple
"split paper," such as the Joint Chiefs
regularly produced in the past; but would
insist that a report of disagreement be
accompanied by a formal request from the
Joint Chiefs for a final settlement of their
differences by the civilian authority.
When Lovett quietly indicated that his
new principle would be insisted upon, the
Joint Chiefs went back to work and ham-
mered out their compromise. In every way
this is a great and reassuring event.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
MAN is but a reed, the most feeble thing
in nature, but he is a thinking reed.
The entire universe need not arm itself to
crush him. A vapor, a drop of water suf-
fices to kill him . . . All our dignity, then,
consists of thought. By it we must elevate
ourselves, and not by space and time which
we cannot fill. Let us endeavor then to
t;.i,. n ...,.11 +h sic i rn rmviACn'. a' nf ninfmal-

(Continued from Page 2)
Academic Notices
Philosophy Seminar No. 307, conducet-
ed under Professor Kaplan's supervision
will hereafter meet in 3121 Natural Sci-
ence Building, from 7 to 9 every wed-
nesday evening, rather than in 31
Business Administration Building.
Philosophy Seminar 311, conducted
under Professor Spegelberg's supervi-
sion will hereafter meet in 210 Aygell
Hal, from 7 to 9 every Thursday eve-
ning, rather than in 37 Business Ad-
ministration Building.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thurs., Oct. 4, 4 p.m., 247 west En-
gineering Building. Professor R. V.
Churchill will discuss a problem on
"Diffusion of Gas from Vacuum Tube
Electrodes and Modified Fourier Inte-
grals." Open to all interested faculty
members and students.
Doctoral examination for Chung Wu,
Biological Chemistry; thesis: "The
Amino Acid Composition and Nitrogen
Metabolism of Tetrahymena gelei,"
Thurs., Oct. 4, 313 west Medical Build-
ing, 2:30 p.m. Chairman, J. F. Hogg.
Doctoral examination for Emmy Ber-
ger Pepitone, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Responsibility to the Group and its
Effects on the Performance of Mem-
bers," Thurs., Oct. 4, Conference Room,
West Hospital, 3 p.m. Chairman, J. R.
P. French.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: First
meeting, Wed., Oct. 3, 101 West En-
gineering, 3:45 p.m. Prof. Paul M.
Naghdi will speak on "B. de Saint-Ven-
ant and His Scientific work." For fu-
ture meetings see Psysics, Math, or
Engineering Mechanics bulletin boards.
Chemistry Colloquium. Wed., Oct. 3,
at 4:07 p.m.; Room 1400 Chemistry
Building. Two moving pictures: "En-
gineering for Radiosotopes" (concern-
ing the packaging and handling of ra-
dioactive materials at Oak Ridge), and
"Report on the Atom." Open to all
interested faculty members and stu-
Seminar in Intergration: Wed., Oct.
3, 11-a.m., 3201 Angell Hall.
Algebra I Seminar will hold its first
meeting on Mon., Oct. 8. 2 p.m., 1007
A. H. Algebra II Seminar will hold its
first meeting on Thurs., Oct. 4, 3:30
p.m., 3011 A. H.
Psych. 31 Lec. Aa will meet in 231
AH at 10 Thurs. Rec. 11 will meet in
Rm. 1121 N.S. at 9 on Thurs.
Concerts. Victoria de los Angeles,
distinguished Spanish operatic and
concert soprano, will make her Ann
Arbor debut in the Choral Union Ser-
ies,uThursdays October 4, in Hill Audi-
torium. She has arranged a program
of songs and operatic arias by Monte-
verdi, Scaratti, Handel, Schumann,
Faure, Ravel, Gounod, Guridi, deFalla
and Turina,
Tickets for this concert or for the
season, or for the Extra Concert Ser-
ies, are available at the offices of the
University Musical Socity in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Other concerts in this series of ten
includes performances by Joseph Szi-
geti, Boston Symphony, Cleveland Or-
chestra, Alexander Brailowsky, Salva-
tore Baccaloni, Cincinnati Symphony,
Singing Boys of Norway, Shaw Chorale,
and a sonata recital by Adolf Busch
and Rudolf Serkin.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall: Faculty Exhibition, College of
Architecture and Design; The Age of
Enlightenment (LIFE Photographs).
Weekdays, 9-5; Sundays, 2-5. The pub-
lic is invited.
The College of Architecture and De-
sign has arranged to show HOUSES
U.S.A,. 1607-1946, a comprehensive,
photographic history Hof American ar-
chitecture piepared by LIFE Maga-
zine. 1st floor corridor, College of
Architecture & Design, through October
24. The building is open from 8 a.m.
to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. The
building is not open Sunday.

Events Today
University of Michigan Rifle Clb
will hold its first organizational meet-
ing tonight in the Union. Although
experienced marksmen are welcome, we
are also anxious to see anyone who is
interested in marksmanship, whether
he has had previous experience or not.
"Dynamic Pacifism," a talk by Cecil
Hinshaw (ex-president Wm. Penn Col-
lege). Sponsored by the Young Friends
Fellowship. 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall base-
Weekly bridge tournament, 7:15 p.m.,
Union Ballroom. Winners will receive
free admission for two weeks and run-
ners up for one week. Women may
now attend: they need only sign out
with their House Mother for 11:30 per-
Fraternity Rushing:
All men planning to pledge a social
fraternity this semester MUST REGIS-
TER for rushing with the Interfrater-
nity Council at the side desk in the
Michigan Union Lobby from 1-5 p.m.,
before Wed. Oct. 3. Rushees may at-
tend lunches, but no dinners shall be
served by the fraternities for rushees
this week. Rushing will end at 9 p.m.
through Thursday and at 6 p.m. Friday
and Saturday. There will be NO
RUSHING Sun., Oct. 7.
Young Democrats Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Room 3-K, Union. Plans for the ,com-
ing year and election of officers will
highlight the business.
Engineering Council. Meeting 7:15
p.m., W. E. Annex. All members please
attend whether notified by mail or not.
S. L. Regular meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 3-RS Union. Report from the
NSA conference.
Premedical Society of the University
of Michigan will meet at 7:30 p.m.,
1210 Old Chemistry Building. Dr.
Whitaker, secretary of medical school,
will lead a discussion about premedical
education and entry into a melical
Westminster Guild: Tea N' Talk,
4-6 p.m. First Presbyterian Church.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4 p.m., at the Guild.
Wesleyan Guild: Cabinet meeting, at
8:30 p.m., at the Guild. Ali Guilders
are invited.
Hillel Music Group: The first meet-
ing of this new group, 7:30 p.m. at 209
S. State St., Apt. 3.
Undergraduate Botany cLub. Meeting
at the home of Dr. E. U. Clover, 1522
Hill St. All are welcome.
Polonia Club will hold its first meet-
ing of the semester in League. Check
bulletin board for room number. Plans
for the year will be discussed. All
students of Polish descent and thei
friends are invited.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society will
meet at 7:15 p.m. in room 3G, Union,
Coming Events
U. of M. Sailing Club. Oct. 4, Thurs.,
7:30 p.m., Room 3S, Union. Open meet-
ing. Everyone welcome. Refreshments
and movies.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 4.
Beacon Association. Meeting, Thurs.
Oct. 4, 8 p.m., League. To assemble
old and new members and elect com-
N.A.A.C.P.: Opening meeting of the
semester, Thurs., Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m.
Union. Plans for semester activities
will be inaugurated.
Literary College Conference. Steering
committee meeting, 4 p.m., Thurs., Oct.
4, 1011 A.H.
Hillel Hebrew and Yiddish Classes:
If you are interested in taking these
classes, please register at the Hillel
office or phone 3-4129. Those who reg-
ister will be notified when the classes
'Kappa Phi; Cabinet meeting, 5:0
p.m., Thurs., Oct. 4, First Methodis



i ,
3 ,

tette '4 TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readersr on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from pubiication at the discretion of th.


MIT's Struik ...
To the Editor:.
[ WOULD LIKE to call to the at-
tention of the student body a
matter which has been bothering
me greatly. Professor Dirk Struik
of M.I.T. has recently been indict-
ed by the State of Massachusetts
for conspiring to overthrow the
U.S. government and the Com-
monwealth of Mass." He has been
suspended from teaching pending
a decision in the case.
Having been graduated from
M.I.T., I had the pleasure of hear-
ing Professor Struik talk on
m a t h e m a t i c s, philosophy, etc.
Professor Struik is an excellent
mathematician, an unusual schol-
ar, and a fine man. He is well liked
by the students as he takes a sin-
cere interest in their problems and
lectures in a modest but very in-
teresting manner. His i suspension
will be a great loss to M.I.T.
Professor Struik is a Marxist
scholar and there is little dloubt
that this is the real reason for his
indictment. It is a shame that we
in the U.S. are indicting people
whose views are at present un-
popular. Ironically Struik came to
the U.S. from Holland to escape
political oppression.
But more important than Pro-
fessor Struik's personal hardships,
is the effect of this action on M.I.T.
M.I.T. is an institution where aca-
demic freedom is valued very
highly. Students have always felt,
'free to say what they pleased. But;
when one can be indicted for un-'
popular opinions can the students'
long remain free? Can any Univer-'
sity including Michigan escape the'
consequences of such hysterical
-Robert Schor
Fazoo's Review.
To the Editor:
IWAS very glad to note in Sun-
day's Daily. that at last the
Daily has found a reviewer who is
not possessed with that "sneering
superficiality" and "attempted so-
phistication" which typifies Daily
reviewers. Mr. Fazoo, obviously
new to the Daily staff, has a fresh
outlook, unsullied by hyper.critical
mud-slinging attitudes which defy
the theater to entertain or en-
lighten him. He is, at once, taste-
ful, responsible, and mature.
I strongly 'suspect that such re-

viewers as Mr. Gottlieb, whose ap-
proach stands in direct contrast
to the technique of Mrs Fazoo,
rarely if ever attend the local the-
aters. His reviews are based solely
on a predetermined bias. How else
can we explain his continued de-
precation of the American cine-
Congratulations, Fazoo! Let's
see more of your sensitive appre-
ciation of the unsurpassed excel-
lence of Hollywood productions.
--Josephine Schultz
airyi~n Pi i




Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas .........Associate Editor
Ron Watts.............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James..........W.Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller .,........Business Manager
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Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ............Finance Manager
Stu Ward .......Circulation Manager
Telephone 2 3-24-2
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
Al rights of republication of als other
1matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


Tito 's Newu System


Associated Press News Analyst
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-In a move flirt-
ing with inflation, hard-pressed Yugo-
slavia soon will boost wages generally, abol-
ish rationing and promote a bonus incentive
system on farms and in factories to en-
courage production.
The action will affect directly the pock-
etbooks and the dinner tables of this Com-

from a 200 to a 500 per cent jump in basic
wages to offset an extremely heavy increase
in food bills which is bound to come with
abolition of rationing of basic foodstuffs at
low cost.
The new plan is designed to restore Yugo-
slavia to a one price financial system based,
in general terms, upon the law of supply and
In a land where shortages-particularly


What kind of Mental Giant are:
you? If you can't recognize a
rocket ship when you see one-


None of your pedantic humor, Aflas-
rJJr? D CjnoV ls

M'boy, your Fairy Godfnther's fine
scientific brain has foreseen every
problem connected with this great


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