Y 41P A& A&M. 4VII r4 4 Afmpoo D43altiq -McCARTHY RESOLUTION See Page 4 4; COLD AND FROST Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 4 lawyers Aet To Eliminah Communists Stason Sponsors Loyalty Clause DETROIT-(P)-The State Ba of Michigan yesterday put teet in its machinery to disbar Corn munists and other disloyal mem k bers. In doing so-only after livel debate-it became the first so 4 called "integrated" state ba group in the nation to follow th, recommendation of the America: ' Bar Association's House of Dele gates. An integrated bar require y lawyers to join in order to prac Lice., * * * THE MICHIGAN lawyers, by standing vote of 275 to 151, vote to add an amendment to one a its canons. Dean E. Blythe Sta son of the University law depart ment, sponsor of the amendment said the move puts the groul "four-square" against Commun ists for the first time. By voice votes, the members also decided to have State Po- lice investigate complaints of disloyalty which might lead to disbarment as well as charges which might lead to criminal prosecution. Another amendment provide: that State Police may report tc the State bar's Board of Com- missioners as well as law en- forcement authorities. *' * * STASON CONCEDED that "nc new legislation is necessary." He said Communists could be dis- barred under present canons as well as prosecuted under Michi- gan law. But he argued that advocat- ing violent overthrow of the government is a "crime of moral turpitude" and "such offenses should be condemned in clear and unambiguous terms." Opponents of the amendments argued that they would lead tc "McCarthyism within the state bar," would result in "guilt by as- sociation" ~Boyle Admits Taking Eight Agency Cases WASHINGTON-(P)- William M. Boyle, Jr., acknowledged before a Senate inquiry group yesterday that while serving as "acting chairman" of the Democratic Na- 'tional Committee ,he accepted eight profitable legal cases involving government agencies. The value of the fees involved was estimated by Senator Nixon (R-Calif.) at $158,000. BUT THE Democratic Party !chief denied hotly that he had done anything wrong, and Presi- dent Truman told, his news con- ference nothing has developed to shake his confidence in Boyle. "I never asked a favor from a government agency in my life," Boyle told the Senate's investi- gations subcommittee. The group is looking into his relations with the American Lithofold Corp., a St. Louis printing firm which has obtained $14,000,000 worth of government contracts. Boyle contended he had been "vindicated" when he ended his testimony before the subcommit- tee yesterday. Earlier in the proceedings Boyle denied under oath that he had used his political position for personal profit, and readily agreed to let -the senators scrutinize his income tax returns for 1949 and 1950. South Quad Blaze Draws Firemen , South Quadrangle, huge new men's residence hall, got its initi- ation to the hazards of fire yes- terday. Mattresses jammed into an in- cinerator room in the East Wing caught fire shortly before 4:30 p.m. The blaze was discovered by Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the so- ciology department whose office is nearby. ' Three fire trucks rushed to the scene but the flame had already ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1951~ SIX PAGES Blame Oil Head For Iran Crisis EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles based on inter- views with members of the University's eight man expedition to the Middle East. By ZANDER HOLLANDER The responsibility for the fiasco at Abadan rests with one man, Sir William Fraser, chairman of the board of the Anglo-Iranians Oil Co., a University geographer just back from the Middle East charged yesterday. Prof. Douglas D. Crary, a member of the University's eight-man expedition, said that Fraser refused stubbornly to acknowledge Iranian demands for greater royalties from the company. * * * * HE ALSO REFUSED to compromise at all on royalty payments because he thought that "Iran was broke and would settle for any- thing it could get." In pursuing this course of action, Prof. Crary said, Fraser ignored the advice of the United States and even the warnings of the British Foreign Office. The' Anglo-Iranian stand, Prof. Crary inferred, was part of a "minor economic war" which Britain is carrying out against this country in the Middle East. ANGLO-IRANIAN refused to increase the royalty because the funds would be used to implement the program of an American firm, Overseas Consultants, Inc., Prof. Crary said. The firm was hired by the Shah of Iran to develop his country. Overseas Consultants quit Iran in disgust earlier this year, claiming lack of cooperation as the reason. Noting the contour of Iranian valleys, the geographer warned that the situation, in that country has undermined all our progress in erecting a Greek-Turkish barrier to Soviet movement into the Middle East. A Soviet invasion, or a "Communist-inspired uprising in Azer- baijan" would flank those countries and sweep down to the Persian Gulf and Red Sea through now-weakened Iran. . * * . * WHILE IN THE Middle East, Crary did extensive work in south- ern Iraq, just north of the oil-rich Basra area. Here, in a swamp extending over hundreds of square miles, formed by the overflow and rerouting of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers nearly 500 years ago, he studied the marsh Arabs, a semi- amphibious Arab civilization. These people, never studied before, build their homes on com- poste heaps in the swamp or on rafts of floating reeds. The latter type of village is often blown miles from its point of construction by winds.' Tm*B* * *t TrumanUrges ritis Reds Hold Truce Silence; Bradley Leaves for Tokyo KKK HONOR GUARD-The funeral procession of Atlanta's first Korean war victim, Corp. John Sanders, passes through a Ku Klux Klan honor guard at the U. S. military cemetery in Marietta, Georgia. The Korean veteran's Ifather, A. M. Sanders of Atlanta said both he and his son were members of the hooded order. Klan members "attended at the family's request." 'U'- To iHear Cow Colleg A new song dedicated to Michi- gan State College and all it stands for, "Cow College Chant," will be introduced to Ann Arbor at 7:15 tonight at a "Beat State" pep rally. The song, reportedly written by five campus BMOC's, will be taught rally-goers in preparation for its offiril- i A lf b t t House its Moody In F inance Dispute 3 7 Y X I Gr WASHINGTON - (AP) - The House yesterday criticized Senator Moody (D-Mich.) for statements he made about Rep. Meader (R- Mich.) in a Senate speech. It asked the Senate to take "ap- propriate action" - which Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich.) said meant re- moving Moody's remarks from the record. Hoffman sponsored the House resolution which was adopt- o Avod Force in Iran BULLETIN Shah, the British Cabinet decide LONDON (- A Reuters to stand pat on hopes for a re. LONDN (A - Reuersversal of the ouster. News Agency dispatch from Teh. ran, Iran said yesterday Iranian There was no immediate in- troops have seized complete con- dication whether t h e Shah trol of the huge refinery at would intervene. Abadan and barred the entrance. of British personnel. The British claim the Shah fa vors a moderate course, but h LONDON-(R)-President Tru- was reported irritated over 3ri man stepped into the ominous oil tam 's rebuff to Iran's proposa controversy yesterday with an ap- last week to renew oil negotiation, peal to Iran not to throw the on Iran's terms. British out of the Abadan re- * * finery. MR. TRUMAN intervened a, Qualified sources said the Pres- peace-maker in the oil nationali ident also counseled the British zation dispute in response to ar against the use of armed force urgent message Wednesday from to protect property in Iran. Pr Mini tt Pime Mnster Attlee. AMERICAN policy in the past has held that force could not be INTERNA TIONAJ justified unless it is needed to1 save British lives. Iran threatened to blow up the refinery, the world's largest, 1rAn ian if the British do land at Aba- dan. The British cabinet met in ur- By CRAWFORD YOUNG gent session and sent off a mes- An international tempest-in-a sage asking Iran's Shah Mo- teapot was hovering over the cam hammed Reza Shah Pahlevi to pus yesterday, as an Iranian an have his government revoke its threesAmerican students we i ouster order. Under it, the 317 tre-Aeia tdnswr ousteorder.ngnBrershiten317squaring off in a last-ditch battle remaining British oil technicians for an attic apartment, must leave Iran by next Thurs- I seemsaeac party day. It seems each party signed a *day*contract with a separate person AFTER MAKING the appeal to for the garret rooms at 335 E. Jef- d 1 ie i- is Ls i- n .. L' ca $ 4cl____eU_ a tomor-_ row s game. * * *W rld News THE RALLY will assemble in front of the Union at 7 :15 pj.f After a torchlight processionRo down State Street led by theo n Michigan Marching Band. the By The Associated Press traditional rally bonfire will be LONDON-King George VI yes- aze. terday appointed a Council of Featured attraction when the State, including his queen and his cry of "Roll 'em up!" begins daughters, to act for him during will be former All-American the long period of his recovery football player Harry Kipke, from a lung operation. who was head coach at the h~ University from 1929 to 1937. WASHINGTON --Attorney Len Wilcox, '52, president of General McGrath said yesterday Student Legislature, wid also he is ordering a Federal Grand speak on behalf of the students. msur acinvestiurancelast s - ero. rIr. As an added feature, nimble ero, Ill fingered twirlers will put on a WASHINGTON-President Tru- special exhibition and the band man last night ordered the Office will present a novelty number. of Price Stabilization to withdraw Co-sponsors of the rally, the instructions it had issued to its Wolverine Club and Student Leg- employes not to make public any islature, have expressed the hope information that "might cause ent- that freshmen will turn out barrassment to the OPS." ed, without objection, by a voice vote. Moody countered with a statement that "the parliamentar- ian of the Senate has confirmed Imy understanding that nothing in the rules of the Senate prevents the mention of the name. of a member of the other body (The House) on the floor " The House resolution said Moody's language was a "breach of privilege" that reflected on Meader's character and was "calculated to create unfriendly Srelations" between the House 1j and Senate. It all grew out of a statement by Meader last week that Howard Hunt, finance director for the Michigan Democratic State Cent- ral Committee was soliciting party rcontributions from postmaster candidates. MOODY CHARGED in a Sen- ate speech Wednesday that Meader had accused the Democratic Party in Michigan of "selling postmaster- ships. Moody called this a "politi- cal smear." Meader, in a statement yester- day, denied he had made any job selling charge. "I did charge," he said, "that the Democratic State Central Committee of Michigan seemed to be exacting contributions from ap- plicants for positions ii the Post Office Department." TOKYO-(P)-Communist lead- ers yesterday were silent on what could be the United Nations Com- mand's last effort to revive the withering Korean armistice talks. The command yesterday sug- gested moving the conference out of Kaesong. Later an Allied state- ment said the Reds were suspect- ed of trying to goad the UN into breaking off the armistice nego- tiations. AT THIS critical period, Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the Graft Lawe Demanded ByTruman WASHINGTON-(P}-President Truman, taking note of charges that graft is "running rampant," asked Congress yesterday for swift passage of a law to expose the total income of all top U.S. offi- cials each year-including the law- makers. In a dramatic and unheralded move, the President said it should be spread on the public record exactly how much money, gifts or loans are received by those re- sponsible for running the nation. * * * HE SAID the list should include members of Congress themselves as well as cabinet members, gen- erals, admirals, judges, all high- salaried government employes, and bigwigs of both major political parties. Mr. Truman urged the law- makers in a special message to enact the legislation promptly as an important step to prevent "improper conduct" and guard against "unfounded suspicions." Mr. Truman said the truth should be known, partly because there has been "a deliberate ef- fort to discredit the government service." The President also diisclosed he had suspended the ,Collector of Internal Revenue at San Francisco on grounds of "incompetency" and the Revenue Bureau announced the suspension of eight others in the same office, one of them ac- cused of embezzlement and one charged with- juggling accounts. Mr. Truman, in his proposal, suggested violations be punished on the same basis as violations of the income-tax laws. Joint Chiefs of Staff, headed by plane for Tokyo from Washing- ton. He will hold top-level con- ferences with Allied leaders. The timing of his visit led to immediate speculations in Tok- yo that he was, bringing new and important instructions to Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Su- preme UN Commander. While the Communists were of- ficially silent, the Peiping radio heaped scorn on UN liaison offi- cers and said their "postpone- ment" of a liaison meeting yester- day was "childish." Actually, the -UN liaison officers announced they were ready to meet but the Reds did not reply. * * * COMMUNIST liaison officers, meeting with Allied liaison men at Kaesong this week, refused to discuss anything but a time and date for resuming the talks. The Allies have contended that Kaesong is unsuitable as a site for the talks because it is so near the battlelines. The Reds have charged the Allies with numerous violations of the neutral zone around the city but continued to insist that the talks resume there. In nominating Songhyon, Ridgway said the full five-man delegations should gather there as soon as possible after a prelimin- ary meeting to "discuss immedi- ate erection of the necessary pay- sical facilities." MEANWHILE, Communist troops loosed attacls up to reg mental strength in Central and Eastern Korea yesterday, touching off battles that still raged today. American and French infantry- men, however, kept up the pres- ure on Red-held "Heartbreak Ridge" in Eastern Korea. They renewed assaults only yards from the top of the highest peak. The rash of Communist attacks began yesterday and stretched from the iron triangle area of Central Korea eastward to the punchbowl in the mountainous east. Conferees OK $7.5 Billion In Foreign Aid WASHINGTON - (A)-Senate- House conferees yesterday ap- proved a $7,483,400!000 foreign aid bill setting up a new super agency to boss the entire program of eco- nomic -and military aid to the non-Communist world. Under the bill, the Economic Cooperation Administration, which now administers economic aid to the Marshall p 1 a n countries, would be abolished. As a replacement for ECA, Pres- ident Truman would be author- ized to establish a new "Mutual Security" Agency and appoint a $22,500-a-year director with sweeping powers. The director would have his head-quarters in the White House. The approved authorization is roughly $1,000,000,000 less than President Truman requested. It is $197,150,000 more than the Senate approved a n d $15,350,000 less than the House voted. 'The Southerner' Fails To Arrive "The Southerner" may be show- ing in Kansas City this week-end, or in Walla Walla, Wash., but it will not be shown in Ann.Arbor, as scheduled by the SL Cinema Guild. Members of the. Cinema Guild who have been keeping watch at every regional bus depot, air port, freight yard and post office these past 48 hours finally announced with every shred of dignity they could assemble for the occasion "Due to circumstances beyond our control ..." Marching angrily off into the night one member was heard L 'TEAPOT TEMPEST': s, Three Americans Vie for Apartment K 6- L- A le a n * * * * * * After some preliminary dick- ering, the Iranian high command ordered the Americans out of the disputed territory. The Americans immediately rejected the ultimatum and set about * barricading their half of the rooms with baggage, dirty cloth- ing, books and paint cans. By this time, the situation was becoming critical. Negotiations were abruptly broken off, and a stony silence was maintained from the Iranian quarters. Relations < were deteriorating rapidly -- the affair was ripe for a blow-up. Ii * * * 'Ensian Calls For Tryouts Tryouts for the 1952 Michigan- ensian staff will be welcomed into the 'Ensian fold Monday and Tues- day of next week. At 4 p.m. Monday there will be a meeting in the Student Publica- tions Building for any students interested in the 'Ensian editorial staff. Prospective business staff tryouts will meet in the Publica- tions Building at 4 p.m. Tuesday. Meanwhile, 'Ensian senior pic- tures are being taken during the evening three days a week to ac- commodate students with large schedules. Appointments for the 'Ensian senior section pictures may be made from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Student ferson. Both have set up camp in the smallish quarters, and are pre- pared to squat it out to the bitter end. THE FRACAS all started when the landlord signed a contract with Joe Savin, '53, Chet Miller, '52, and Mayer Zald, '53, and then went to California on a vacation. Meanwhile, two Iranian stu- dents, Amir Noordakhsh, Grad, and Hassein Saleh, Grad, who had been occupying the apart- mentbduring the summer months, negotiated an agree- ment with the landloard's ne- phew to renew their lease on the rooms. The Iranian delegation, in the, person of Saleh, who doubles as a graduate law student and a skilled hypnotist, arrived first and set up housekeeping. Noordakhsh, who is now in Detroit, is expected to rein- force his embattled countryman Tuesday. BY THE EARLY PART of this week, veiled hints of coercion be- gan to seep out from Iranian head- quarters. Threats of court action, presumably on a charge of break- ing and entering, were circulated. The American camp responded with counter-threats, and un- confirmed reports indicate that they too will shortly initiate civil proceedings. The international fracas now stands at a stalemate, as rubbish piles higher and higher in the rooms. Both sides intimate that if court action fails, the matter will be laid before the UN Security Council. But it is strongly suspected by both parties that eventually some- I , I ' { 'ยง trT ' its:..t :.s ..Mr ?n- S 4'. '.: FS :Ev ::Ska <: .. : .. F .::i '.i .... i