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January 18, 1952 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-18

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FDAY, JANUARY 18, 1952


Pianist Levant To Play
In First Recital at Hill



Oscar Levant, a colorful person-
ality in American music, will ap-
pear in the extra concert series
presentation at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Nationally famous for his ap-
pearanes on radio and television
as well as for his roles in several
motion pictures, Levant promises
an unusual program of piano mu-
sic, spiced with commentaries.
* * a
SINCE LEVANT never announc-
es his program beforehand, con-
cert-goers may expect anything
News Briefs
Meader Talk
George Meader (Rep.-Mich.)
will be the featured speaker at the
Southeast Michigan Conference
on Christian and Foreign Policy of
religious leaders tomorrow at the
Parish House of St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church, 306 N. Division St.
Sponsored by the International
Relations Commission of the
Michigan Council of Churches, the
group will also be addressed by
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the
economics department. The con-
ference will be held from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
* S
Museum Movies
The University Museums will
present three movies at 7:30 p.m,
today in Kellogg Auditorium.
They are: "Beavers," "Spotty-
Story of a Fawn" and "Sanctuary
of the Seals."
The free movie schedule will
continue during final examina-
tions. On Jan. 25 "The Wea-
ther," "The Work of the Atmos-
phere" and "Atmosphere and Its
Circulation" will be shown.
The Feb. 1 card of movies in-
cludes: "People of Western Chi-
na," "Children of China" and "Ti-
bet-Land of Isolation."
"Our Animal Neighbors," "Ro-
dents" and "Gray Squirrel" will be
presented on Feb. 2.
* * *
"Christian Frontiers in World
Tensions" will be the theme of the
thirteenth annual Michigan Pas-
tors' Conference scheduled for
Jan. 21, 22 and 23 in the Rackham
The conference will be sponsored
by the University Extension Serv-
ice and the Michigan Council of
Churches. A series of four lec-
tures on "Christian Dynamics in a
Changing World" by Russell N.
Stafford, president of the Hart-
ford Seminary Foundation will
highlight the conference.
T rain Relief
Just M Time'
dramatic rescue Wednesday of 226
persons f r o m the snowbound
streamliner City of San Francisco
in the High Sierra came just in
time, some passengers declared
"We thought we were going to
die," they said.
Bearded and dirty, the refugees
explained they felt one more night
aboard the freezing, foul-smelling
and helpless luxury train in its
mountain trap would have caused
deaths or serious casualties.
The epic of the "modern don-
ner party" ended in weary vic-
tory with arrival of the survi-

vors at Oakland yesterday.
They were full of praise for the
valient rescuers who freed them
from their bleak prison after bit-
ter struggles up the mountain.
The luxury train itself is still
paralyzed on a snow-covered ledge
in the Sierra Peaks, some 150 air
miles northeast of San Francisco.
Southern Pacific officials said
they did not know how long it
would take to free the 15-car train.
Halstead Named
To Head Art Group
Prof. William P. Halstead, of
the speech department, has been
elected 15resident of the American
Educational Theater Association.
A member of the University fac-
ulty since 1934, Prof. Halstead re-
ceived his Doctor of Philosophy in
1935. He completed his under-
graduate work in 1927 at the Uni-
versity of Indiana.

-_ _ _ _

* .'

from Bach to Shostakovich, from
Gershwin to Beethoven. Levant
will employ his customary tech-
nique of announcing his, numbers
from the stage, choosing selections
to suit the mood of the audience
and himself.
Levant was born in Pittsburgh,
a cfty which he seldom fails to
mention in his "asides" to his
audiences, and showed an inter-
est in music at an early age. At
15 he abandoned formal school-
ing and went to New York where
lie devoted all his time to study-
ing music.
When it became necessary to
earn some money he turned to the
lucrative field of popular music
and got his first job playing the
piano in a Japanese tea garden in
a New York suburb.
THE VERSATILE pianist moved
on to better jobs and finally
achieved public recognition when
he wrote a popular song called
"Lady Play Your Mandolin." j
In the late twenties, Levant
played the piano in a speak-
easy scene in the Broadway hit
"Burlesque," and when Holly-
wood converted this play into a
"talkie," Levant was engaged
for the same role.
He has played in numerous films
since then, his latest release being
"An American in Paris."
There are a limited number of
tickets available for tonight's con-
cert at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 at
the University Musical Society,
Burton Tower. Remaining tickets
will be sold at Hill Auditorium box
office after 7 p.m. today.
Social Scientists
To Confer Today
Representatives of the Univer-
sity will meet with delegates from
the Universities of Minnesota, Illi-
nois, Wisconsin and Ohio State
at a social science research con-
ference today on campus.
The conference will discuss the
organizational set-up for social
science research at these universi-
ties. It has been arranged by the
Institute of Social Research, under
the direction of Rensis Likert.

Arts Theater
'Little Eyolf'
As their last play of the current
season, the Arts Theatre Club will
present Ibsen's "Little Eyolf,"
opening at 8:30 p.m. today and
running through Feb. 2.
The experimental production is
designed to emphasize the emo-
tional, lyric qualities of Ibsen's
19th century drama by using ex-
aggerated,dance-like gestures and
Starred in the production are
Dana Elcar as an "ivory tower"
poet and Robin Good as his ma-
terialistic wife. Paulle Karell and
Don Douglas have importanlt sup-
porting roles.
Director Strowan Robertson ex-
plained that the club would event-
ually like to do a "dance-drama."
Their production of "Little Eyolf"
is the first step in this direction.
Comedy Continues
The curtain will rise for the
third performance of "The Fan"
at 8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Tickets for the Italian comedy,
which will run through Saturday,
are 60 cents, 90 cents and $1.20.

SL Legislators Eye
California's Set-Up
(Editor's note! This is the second of two interpretive articles dealing
with the possibilities of reorganization of student government on campus.)
Students can be virtually autonomous within a University.
This is demonstrated by the amazing powers granted the student
government at the University of California. Operating with an annual
budget of $768,000, the student government controls the entire athletic
department, and has a finger in virtually every pie relating to the
student in any way.
s a . *
MANY LEGISLATORS here gaze with longing eyes on the struc-
tural organization of 'the California campus. All student functions are
neatly pyramided-and at the apex is the student government, the
executive committee of the Associated Students.
Compactness is the motto on the council-a voting group of
13 members holds the center of power on the campus.
Ten of these are elected by the students, including a president
and vice-president. The Alumni Council appoints one representative,
and the California president appoints a faculty representative and a
personal representative.
This gives the students a convincing 10-3 majority on the com-
IN ADDITION, heads of the major campus organizations sit as
non-voting members on the council. Also present, in a non-voting.
capacity, is the athletic director.
The small size of the body is defended on the grounds that
more competent representatives are elected, and that a small
group functions more efficiently.
On the first point, it is argued that if the students have only 10
to elect, they will make a more careful choice than if 40 are chosen.
It will also force candidates to make an extensive campaign to win--
whereas here, many candidates are said to win election with rela-
tively little effort.
DELEGATION of authority is another keynote of the California
organization. The executive committee approves projects and policies,
but the execution of these is left to subordinate groups-and every-
thing is subordinate.
For example, a project like Tug Week, now handled by SL,
would be handed over to an organization like the Union.
The most amazing power is control over the athletic department.
Such things as hiring and firing of coaches are now up to the students
-for better or for worse.
But with control of the athletic department comes control of
the athletic gate receipts-a tidy little source of income. True,
much of it has to be poured back into the athletic establishment,
but the mere control of it is significant.
Consideration of the California set-up is one thing, but trying to
copy their organization here. is quite another. Though a good many
legislators would undoubtedly like to copy the structure, there appears
little chance anything as far-reaching could be effected here in the
foreseeable future.
Any reorganization plans, California or otherwise, face con-
siderable opposition within SL as well as without. Bob Baker,
vice-president, has declared himself strongly against any radical
changes at this point-and a substantial number of legislators
probably agree with him.
However, the SL reorganization committee now studying campus
organization is looking carefully at the California plan, hoping that
some of its features could be adopted here.

Two University students are in-
volved in a law suit over salvage
claims for two barges which broke
loose on Lake Erie this summer
and were secured by them.
During a heavy storm on the
lake last July tht lines from a tug
hauling the barges either snapped
or were cut to prevent the tug from
sinking. They drifted to a point
naer a summer camp where the
students were employed as coun-
BOB APPLE, '54, Jerry Kess,
'55P, and three men from other
colleges sighted the ships off
shore. They swam out to them and
tied their lines to trees along the

Later the salvage company
that owned the barges had them
picked up.
The students contend that the
barges would have been a menace
to shipping had they not been se-
cured to land. The company, on
the other hand claims that they
released the ships and kept an eye
on them constantly.
Federal Judge Frank C. Picard
will hear the law suit in Detroit
within the next few weeks. The
suit is for salvage rights.
If the Judge rules that the stu-
dents have such rights, he can
award them damages which could
amount to a maximum of $100,000
one-half the value of the two

Two Students Involved
In Lake Salvage Case

I hereby give my consent forI
to donate blood to the University of Michigan Blood Drive. I
I9 I
jSigned ___________________ j
(Parent or guardian)
Address I
Witness -_
1 I
_.....__ "- .-- -------- --I
PROSPECTIVE BLOOD DONORS-In preparation for the big
all campus blood drive which will be held March 10 through 21,
the above blank has been provided. All students under 21 years old
who want to donate blood must fill it out and have it signed by
their parents before they will be able to procure registration "rds.

Cheers Hero
Sea Skipper
NEW YORK--JP)-A modest lit-
tle ship's captain came homeifrom
the merciless sea yesterday to the
warm, thundering cheers of more
than a quarter million New York-
He was 37-year-old Capt. Hen-
rik Kurt Carlsen who lost his ship,
the Flying Enterprise, but won in
return the hearts of millions for
his gallant duel against the sea.
* * *
THE GIANT civic welcome op-
ened one week almost to the min-
ute from the time Carlsen's broken
freighter vanished below raging
seas off England.
Boats in the harbor blasted
the skies with whistles and si-
rens as Carlsen was borne from
Brooklyn to Manhattan aboard
a coast guard cutter.
Carlsen stepped ashore at the
battery and began a triumphal
procession up lower Broadway to
City Hall-the street of heroes.
*' * a
HE WANTED to walk it but the
crowd was too great. So he rode.
Police estimated that at least
300,000 persons lined the sky-
scraper canyon or massed before
city hall.
"It seems unreal," Carlsen mused
In awe. "It's undeserved."
His wife, Agnes, rode with his
two small daughters In a car be-
hind Carlsen. Her throat was
choked, her eyes dim with pride
and joy.



Read and Use
Daily Classiuieds


x a





11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welconie.
1833 Woshtenow Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
5:00 P.M.: Sunday Evening Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 to 5, Friday evenings
from 7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30
to 4:30.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leotard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Veruin.
423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
William H. Bos, Minister to Students
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev.
Bos, "The Way of Faith."
6:15 P.M.: Student Guild.
(Disciples of Christ),
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Director Student Work, H. L. Pickerill, Mai-
lynn Paterson
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Church School, Junior High-Adults.
10:45 A.M.: Church School, Nursery to 6th grade.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon: "The
Power of Patience."
Student Guild: 6:00 supper and 6:45 program.
Mrs. Preston Slosson will speak on "The Chris-
tian Home in a World in Crisis."

and The Episcopal Student Foundation
North Division of Catherine
The Reverend Henry Lewis, S.T.D., Rector
The Reverend Ellsworth E. !Coon -, Curate
The Reverend Bruce H. Cooke, Chaplain
Miss Ada May Ames, Counsellor for Women
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communior.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast, Canterbury Hous).
10:00 A.M.: Church School (Nursery-9th grade)
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by the
Reverend Bruce H. Cook, Chaplain.
12:15 P.M.: After-Service Fellowship.
5:30 P.M.: Canterbury Open House: Supper and
recorded concert of sacred music.
6:30 P.M.: High School Club.
6:45 P.M.: Seminar on Christian Living.
8:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer.
Wednesday-7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by Student Breakfast).


Friday-7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion
by-Student Breakfast).
12:10 P.M.: Holy Communion.


120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wongdahl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:30 A.M.: Breakfast Seminar. Pine Room.
10:45 A.M.: Worship, "His Gospel and Your
Business," Dr. Large preaching.
5:30 P.M.: Supper and Fellowship.
6:45 P.M.: Worship and Program. Rev. Eugene
Ransom will speak on "The Significance of
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open daily!
1432 Washtenow
W. P. Lemon, D.D., Pastor Emeritus
John Bathgate, Minister to Students
Maynard Klein, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Seminar in Religion. Studies in the
Gospel of Mark.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Dr. W. P. Lemon,
6:30 P.M.! Westminster Guild Meeting-motion
picture ":South of the Clouds."
1511 Washtenow Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:30: Service, with Holy Communion.
Sermon, "How About Christ's Miracles?"
Sunday at 5:30: Supper-Program of Gamma Delta,
Lutheran Student Club.



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