PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRWAT, JANUARY 18, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I I n FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1952 Graduate Expansion 1952 Racing Form THE BIG, LONG expected news was offi- cially announced yesterday. A vast building and research program is planned for the University on the north bank of the Huron River. The first two buildings will house the Engineering Re- search Institute and the Phoenix Me- inorial building for atomic research. Partisans of the University will greet this news with much enthusiasm. Research achievements from these two buildings alone could do much for the University's reputa- tion all over the world. The proposed cost of the first two build- ings is listed as $1,850,000. Eventually the figures are expected to rise to 50 million dollars. This tremendous sum will attract top professors and researchers, and should also make the University more appealing to many potentially great students on the graduate or research level. All of these factors show that the new project will be a great addition to the Uni- versity. But despite the value of the new project, it nevertheless reflects a growing trend here --a subordination of the position of the un- dergraduate. Though these students are cer- tainly not neglected, they are still victims Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff andsrepresent thedviews of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: CAL SAMBA of an increasing favoritism, which threatens to drastically reduce them to second class status. It is not uncommon to hear students claim that research is King at Michigan. There is, in fact, a group of students who believe that the University may someday abandon its undergraduate program and cater strictly to students on the graduate level. Though these accusations appear as ex- aggerations, they make excellent food for thought. Shall the University continue to be satisfied with its undergraduate program, while making great strides in improving its other departments? It took no less than a Haven Hall fire to enlarge the literary college's capacity. Where ideas and not atoms are concerned, it must be much easier to go along without change. The start of a higher eduation is a thrilling intellectual experience at most top colleges. Yet, at Michigan, the fresh- man and sometimes the sophomore years are generally dry and boring, with many students getting a bad taste in their mouths about a liberal education. The barrage of teaching fellows in the elemen- tary courses causes many beginners to wonder where all the good teachers are. Certainly with all the funds that appear, available, the undergraduate should get some breaks. If his education is considered important by University administrators, let them show it to the student with a positive educational development. No university can be considered great unless it capitalizes on every opportunity to educate. --Harland Britz i DRAMA -11 At Lydia Mendelssohn . . THE FAN by Carlo Goldoni. N LINE WITH their policy of bringing into production representative plays from "the whole cycle of theater history" the Speech Department has sallied violently in- to the field of eighteenth century Italian comedy with this farce by Goldoni. "Violent" is in fact the only way to describe their treat- ment of the play, and, for the most part, I must agree that it was a successful approach. The play itself, revolving frantically around the loss, thievery, discovery, and general misapplication of a medium-sized fan, is a remarkably thin affair. Scarcely a subtlety or a nuance may be detected anywhere; digressions are as a matter of course non-existent. The play, and the confusions which go to make it up, are absolutely all there is to see or to hear the characters talk about. This is not a com- plaint; it is merely something which must be made clear. Goldoni, who pioneered the comedy of character in the Italian theater, never succeeded in launching into it as thoroughly as did Moliere, for ex- ample. As a result, the types are still there, though perhaps not so pronounced as they had been earlier. If a play. may be called slow in getting started, this one certainly was. Until the slapstick began somewhere in the second act, the immense amount of physical pos- turing demanded by the farcial style seemed flat and Inopportune. No wit or subtle dia- logue was there to bolster the unfunny ac- tion required to assemble the plot. The usual failings -- phoney ingenuousness and the feeling that one actor was not listening to the other's lines at all -- were painfully evident. However, once Stan Challis got under- way as the cobbler Crispino, things picked up in general. The fellow is a top-notch comedian, no question about it, and the same might well be said for John Sargent, who carried off the representation of the impecunious Count Rocca Marina with ex- vellent comic taste. Rather too overdone for me was Marilyn McWood as Nina, though even she fitted in towards the end of the play. Competent but less spectacu- lar were Jim Bob Stephenson as Evarist, Victor Hughes as the Baron del Cedro, and Joanne Kaiser as Geltrude. The production was topped off in an ap- propriately frothy manner by a pleasantly contrived minuet. -Chuck Elliott THE ARTS THEATER CLUB is concluding its current season with Ibsen's Little Eyolf, first performed in 1895, the second in the group of Ibsen's four last plays. Since the first regular performance is to take place tonight, this note is based on a preview per- formance given last night before a small audience. Although this was in a sense a trial run, it was a perfectly smooth per- formance of a tightly wrought and powerful play: in my view, far and away the most rewarding experience of the current season. The play has many facets and is richly symbolic; undoubtedly it will be as contro- versial as any work the Arts Theater Club has presented. One controversial issue, usually trotted out for at least a brief airing when Ibsen is presented, seems, however, to have no bearing-that is, the contention that it is all somehow out-of-date. Its theme is the vast difference between selfish, limited love and a perfect, generous love. The portrayal of an imperfect marriage, based not on the right kind of love but on tem- porary passion, physical beauty, and greed, is not likely to become dated as long as it remains easy to stumble from the illusion of love to the certitude of bitter hatred. The revelation of Allmers and Rita to themselves and one another builds up al- most unbearably throughout the three acts. At the end they find their hearts opening for the first time to a wholly un- selfish feeling for others when they look with something like love at the rough vil- lage boys playing on the edge of the fjord beneath their home. After this they are able to raise to the top of the flag-pole the flag which has been at half-mast in memory of the death of their own crippled son, little Eyolf: a death which they have unconsciously willed and which they have been expiating in remorse. The production has been directed by Strowan Robertson, with Geraldine Millers as dance director. It is easy to be put off by the idea of having the play "danced," but in actual practice the dance movements (which are merely a means of achieving a stylization of movement) do not get in the way except very rarely. The attempt to give a fresh direction and to suit the play to the conditions under which it is produced have not been allowed to submerge the words, the meaning: the play itself is allowed to come out and make its own effect. -Herbert Barrows WHILE THE TERRIBLE trio of George, Elmo and Drew formulate their rumor- founded predictions on the upcoming presi- dential race, it might be well for the Am- erican public to reflect soberly on the place- ment of its collective vote. How the voters will handle, the primar- ies and the ensuing election is not a mat- ter of guesswork. Human unpredictability is a myth. People are easier to figure than anyone. With a background of delving through the "professional" opinions of capital "experts," analyzing historical trends and their rela- tionship to established socio-psychological principles and a certain contempt for the scientific status quo, this writer believes he can clarify the situation. Regardless of how you are planning to vote, the conclusions reached below reflect the future prosperity of our nation insofar as it is determined by White House directives and intangible influence. You may change your mind on the basis of these axioms, but when you go to the polls, enough others will have changed their minds on the opposite side of the fence to balance your flexibility within a .679 percent margin. The foundation of the Presidential Pre- ference Table is derived from the formu- lae involved in Rudolph Flesch's Plain Talk Theory, which measures the read- ability of words, sentences and articles. Presidential candidates may be rated on the following scale: 1) Television personality. a) Poise on var- iety shows (1.899); b) impression on gamb- lers (minus .32); c) control of eyelids before klieg lights (1.556). 2) Attitude toward State Department. a) Number of luncheons with McCarthy (372.- 55); b) number of luncheons with Jessup (minus .8); c) number of 42 point (or above) headlines per week (73.9). 3) Statements in books, articles, etc. a) Gaps between opinions expressed Dec. 6, 1941, and Dec. 7, 1941 (0.0); b) publishers' political activities (947.3298); c) punctua- tion (327.56). 4) Lending of features to caricature, a) Complexion (3489.08); b) Size of feet (.08- 359); c) Honesty of eyes (22.2275) 5) "Private" life, a). Number of children named "Honey Bear" (35792378471.98); b) Number of wives named Martha (45.2); c) Number of poker-playing brothers (273.59). Briefly, the popularity of the candidates with those who actually vote can be rough- ly determined by the difference between the score in any three of the five categor- ies and 3.7 with the sub-score average multiplied by the poll tax (in cents) in the state where registered minus .2. This calculation is then divided by .3 times the nearest digit to the number of depen- dents. Those voting for the first time should add 3.5 to their score before division. After setting up the candidates in order, the first and second should be interchanged if their score varies by more than 85.7 per- cent. Drop the last candidate and put the third from the bottom in the vice-presiden- tial slot with the new man at the top of the list If the ticket thus established is person- ally repugnant, use a calculating machine for the rest of the figuring. Do this with all major parties. Then pair off the Democratic and Republican tickets on opposite sides of a large sheet of paper. Add the scores of each duo. The lower of the two will be elected. Try this backwards. The answer will still come out Eisenhower. -Barnes Connable CIINIEMA Architecture Auditorium A ROYAL SCANDAL with Tallulah Bank- head and William Eythe. O BE THE queen of comedy and a great actress and Catherine the Great requires more than ordinary talent; Tallulah, for all her critics, has plenty of it. This film has been around a few years -enough for television to have made use of it-and like its star has stood the test of time. The story is rather standard, but the witty dialogue and excellent cast put the picture far above most royal comedies. Tallulah's Catherine is a selfish, pampered autocrat, whose word is law-when she keeps it. Her favorite pastime is "sponsoring" handsome young men and elevating them to the rank of commander of the palace guards. What happens when one of these, Wil- liam Eythe, falls in with a group of revo- lutionaries (typical stage properties in any story of a Russian monarch) provides the material for a very engaging farce. The picture comes with a ready supply of: Tallulah temper tantrums, Tallulah tears,1 and Tallulah "dahlings." -Tom Arp *~ * * tJj1 'g ON SI WI? ' '4Tfl- ?4 MONDAY (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 f4f"aft pasf"ar Iette/'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters et general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Editor's Note ... To the Editor: WHEN the editors of the Daily,I without any warning that it was just a "joke," inserted a delib- erate lie into the "Editor's Note"4 accompanying the fiction entitled "I Killed the President," they were striving to create the impression that the glorification of hatred and sadistic violence is regular fare in Soviet literature-striving to squelch the idea that the peo- ples of the Soviet Union and the people of the United States can get along together peacefully. In the Soviet Union the publica- tion of incitements to war and violence is a criminal act punish- able by law. Whether or not we regard this as an infringement up,. on the freedom of the press, it is evident that such a law gives a better indication of the temper of the Soviet peoples than the fic- tions of the editors of the Daily. --David R. Luce *Wi * I ar itNorial ... Anti-War Editorial -. - To the Editors: C WOULD LIKE to compliment Rich Thomas on his excellent and novel editorial "I Killed the President." It is, in my way of thinking, the most effective cri- ticism to date of the sanguinary war propaganda that Colliers and friends have put out. Mere argu- ment would not have been enough. Often the shock of witnessed bru- tality is the only way of making people realize just how horrible brutality is. I think Mr. Thomas' editorial really made us sit up and take notice of what is going on around us. Perhaps now we will not be such passive receptacles for war. -Sheila Davis * * * Judy Coed" . . To the Editor: IN REGARD to the letter to the editor concerning Judy Co-ed, Jan. 15, 1952, we the undersigned being bona fide employees of Alice Crocker Lloyd Hall do here- FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE University of Michigan COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE H. RACKHAM SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF MUSIC January 21 - January 31, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "irregular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arranged for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examina- tion Schedules. Time of Class Time of Examination . (at 8 Wednesday, Jan. 30 9-12 (at 9 Tuesday, Jan. 22 9-12 (at 10 Friday, Jan. 25 9-12 TUESDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 28 9-12 (at 1 Thursday, Jan. 31 2-5 (at 2 Thursday, Jan. 24 9-12 (at 3 Saturday, Jan. 26 2-5 These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be ar- ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class. SPECIAL PERIODS English 1, 2 Monday, Jan. 21 2-5 Psychology 31 Monday, Jan. 21' 2-5 Sociology-Psychology 62 Monday, Jan. 21 2-5 French, 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62 Tuesday, Jan. 22 2-5 Speech 31, 32 Tuesday, Jan. 22 2-5 Spanish 1, 2 Wednesday, Jan. 23 2-5 German 1, 2, 11, 31 Wednesday, Jan. 23 2-5 Russian 1 Wednesday, Jan. 23 2-5 Mathematics 6 Thursday, Jan. 24 9-12 Zoology 1 Friday, Jan. 25 2-5 Chemistry 1, 3, 21 Saturday, Jan. 26 2-5 Sociology 51, 54, 90 Tuesday, Jan. 29 2-5 Political Science 1 Tuesday, Jan. 29 2-5 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54, 153 Wednesday, Jan. 30 2-5 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the University.. For time and place of examina- tions, see bulletin board of the School of Music. SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS January 21 to January 31, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as- signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Build- ing between January 7th and January 12th for instruction. To avoid misunderstandings and errors each student should re- ceive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period January 21st to January 31st. No date of examination may be changed without the consent, of the Classification Committee. { Tuesday, Jan. 29 Monday, Jan. 21 Wednesday, Jan. 23 Saturday, Jan. 26 Monday, Jan. 28 Thursday, Jan. 31 Thursday, Jan. 24 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 '4 To the Editor: I by grant, devise and convey all 1HE ARTICLE "I Killed the five hundred Judys to said Robert President" by Rich Thomas can Gilmore Russel, Jr., and we guar- only contribute to war hysteria, antee their intellectual receptivity, confuse the issues, and place ob- social grace, and companionship stacles in the way of achieving on a level which we are sure you peace. will appreciate. May you receive The effect of attributing this all your wishes and gain for your- article to a non-existent Soviet self a wife and many little "Mich- publication is to give the reader igan co-eds" all imbued of the the impression that this is the qualities you mentioned. type of literature being printed in -Edgar A. Hord, Robert Lee the Soviet Union. Many Soviet and 11 others. publications are available in the library, but none of them contain the sadism, indecency, and glori- fication of killing which appeared " in the Michigan Daily. The Editor's Note represents the article as Russia's answer to in- flammatory fiction appearing in the U.S., such as Collier's "War Issue." The fact is, however, that the Soviet Union, along with ther United Nations, has lodged an offi- cial condemnation with Collier's.l But this article in the Michigan Daily does not show up the vic- :i iousness of Coller's. It is cut out of the same cloth, and is exactly Sixty-Second Year the kind of article which it is al- Edited and managed by students of leged to be criticizing, the University of Michigan under the A satire on Collier's, or on any authority of the Board of Control of other war propaganda, would be Student Publications. welcome. But the satire must not Editoral Staff indulge in the vulgarity and blood- Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor thirstiness which it is trying to Bob Keith...............City Editor condemn. Such a statement as Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director "He Eisenhower) had his arm vern Emerson ....,..Feature Editor around a half naked woman," sinks Rc aTts ......,..Associate Editor to the level of personal slander Bob vaughn ......,...Associate Editor and gutter journalism. The re- Ted Papes ............Sports Editor marks, "The horrible Eisenhower George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor lived to see his entire family Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor e t s h eJan James ..........Women's Editor slaughtered," "Our submachine- Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor guns spewed death," "blood spurt- ed out on the grandchildren," etc., Business Staff not only are revolting and inhu- Bob Miller ..........Business Manager man thoughts to read, but also Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager divert one's thoughts from peace, Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager divet oe'sthoghtsfro peceSally Fish ...........Finance Manager and put us in a frame of mind Stu ward.........Circulation Manager which concentrates on war, bru- tality, and savagery. Telephone 23-24-1 If the Michigan Daily wishes to acquaint the students with Soviet Member of The Associated Press literature, it should publish the The Associated Press is exclusively actual products of Soviet authors entitled to the use for republication rather than a misleading falsifica- or all news dispatches credited to it or ratherotherwise credited to this newspaper. tion. All rights of republication of all other -Ethel Schechtman matters herein are also reserved.- Rosemary Euth Entered at the Post Office at Ann Judy Smale Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter, Valerie Cowen Subscription during regular school irene Baronowsky year: by carrier, $6 00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY r s : y t .a Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 MONDAY (at 11 (at 1 s (at 2 (at 3 #1 ON THE WashiWngton Merry-Go-Round WITH rew EWEARSON i I I TUESDAY (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 Time of Examination Tuesday, January 29 Monday, January 21 Wednesday, January 23 Saturday, January 26 Monday, January 28 Thursday, January 31 Thursday, January 24 Wednesday, January 30 Tuesday, January 22 Friday, January 25 Monday, January 28 Thursday, January 31 Thursday, January 24 Saturday, January 26 *Monday, January 21 *Tuesday, January 22 *Wednesday, January 23 *Thursday, January 94 *Thursday, January 2 *Friday, January 25 *Saturday, January 26 *Tuesday, January 29 *Wednesday, January 30 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 - i rASHINGTON-fine unpleasant shadow lurking over the Churchill-Truman conversations is that American taxpayers are to be called upon to pick up the tab for the closing down of the Abadan oil refinery. While this has not been spelled out in so many words during the Churchill visit, it remains a fact that the U.S. govern- ment has been euchred into a position where it is going to pay for British mis- takes in Iran and the closing of an oil refinery which produced 20 per cent of all refined products outside the U.S.A. Meanwhile, though the American people do not realize it, the United States is help- ing supply to the Anglo-Iranian oil com- pany 500,000 barrels of refined oil products daily in order to make up for the loss at eign Petroleum Supply Committee, under the sponsorship of the State Department and the Interior Department, to step in and make up the Iranian oil deficit. Mossadegh happens to be a long and courageous battler against Communism and Russian influence. It was he who blocked confirmation of the 1949 treaty between Iran and Russia giving the Soviet power to exploit oil in northern Iran. It was he also who threw out the Russian puppet-rulers of Azerbaijan. But steady efforts by the British to starve out Iran have gradually driven Mossadegh and the Iranian people toward the Russians. Simultaneously, the economic crisis has in- creased U.S. aid to Iran. C.E. 1, 2, 4; Draw. 3; Eng.] M.E. 136 Draw 2; E.E. 5; French E.M. 1, 2; M.E. 82; Span. Germ. Math 6 P.E. 11 Draw. 1; M.E. 135 Chem. 1, 3, 21; C.E. 21, 22 P.E. 31, 32, 131 Econ. 53, 54, 153 Evening, 12 o'clock, and "I periods marked (*) provid 11; Irregular" classes may use any of the ded there is no conflict. At The Michigan. NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY, with Jimmy Stewart, Marlene Dietrich and many good English cinema people, THIS IS ONE of those really Good pictures that sneaks up on the unsuspecting film fan with a minimum of hllvhn hut a max- LeIhr sn ofit The Professor has gone awayf A u-rvn'A^ r... ' WelWe anyway, you won't have to worry about him anymore- I P9 Think of the poor students up there on Canis Minor-