iti DAitg GRADUATE EXPANSION See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COOLER VOL. LXII, No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1952 EIGHT PAGES r * * * * * * * * * Research Center Heads Program New Multi-million Dollar Expansion Includes Buildings, Living Facilities By CRAWFORD YOUNG Gigantic plans for a multi-million dollar "overflow" campus in the hills beyond the Huron River were announced by the University yesterday. A double-barrelled program of expansion northeast of the city was outlined before a battery of reporters by University vice-president Wilbur K. Pierpont, providing for immediate construction of a "re- search campus" of four buildings, and a long-range development of perhaps 20 or more buildings, including housing, dining and recrea- tional facilities. PICTURED IN the glittering models were a fine arts center, in- cluding an outdoor amphitheatre and television station, and a verit- able mecca of research facilities. A 267 acre tract directly north of the new Veteran's Admin- istration Hospital has been purchased over the past two years by the University from eight major .owners at an average cost of about $1,000 per acre. A little more land is still to be acquired The new Huron campus, which is now partly under cultivation., but mostly undeveloped rolling wood and scrubby meadowlands, is bounded on the south by Glazier Way, extends north to Plymouth Rd. (U.S.-12) , east to Arborcrest cemetery and as, far as the Huron River on the west. THE FOUR buildings actually in the blueprint stage are a $850,- 000 Cooley Memorial Laboratory, $1,000,000 Phoenix Memorial Labora- tory', an $800,000 automotive laboratory and a $500,000 library stack" unit, which will eventually be expanded into a full library. Funds for the first two are already available from private donations-the University hopes to start construction on the Cooley Laboratory, which will house the Engineering Research Institute in April or May, pending government approval and steel allocations, with the $1,000,000 Phoenix building underway by next fall or winter. Money for the other two structures are included in this year's budget request to the State Legislature. * * * * -Daily-Mike Scherer SURVEYORS ON SITE-Surveyors work on the site of what will one day be a multi-million dollar University development. The 267 acre tract of land is mostly rolling woods and brush land like this. Churchill Pledges England's Support ruto eaer :B vgsDis ,, WASHINGTON -- (P - Prime. Minister Winston Churchill sol- emnly promised Congress today that Britain will help defend Eur- ope and he cautioned the United States "above all things" not to give up its atomic weapons with - out an ironclad guarantee of peace. In an address before a joint ses- sion of Congress-with unseen mil- lions watching or listening via na- tion-wide television and radio net- Permanent ID Card Pictures To Be Taken Students are urged to make ap- pointments to be photographed for permanent identification cards' during examination period, ac- cording to Dean of Students Erich A. Walter. Photographs will be taken in Rm. 515 of the Administration Bldg. any time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. beginning Monday,a Jan. 21 and ending Thursday, Jan.F 31.x Seniors graduating in June or August and freshmen who en- tered with an orientation group last fall are excluded from this program. Students in the liter- ary college who are not June or August seniors or who did not enter with an orientation group this fall will be required to have their pictures taken before theyi can secure their registration ma-t terial.1 Dean Walter urged students toI avoid delay, and to be on time for their appointments.1 works-the famed British states- man declared: "We take our stand at your side. "We stand together under Gen- eral Eisenhower to defend the com- mon cause against violent aggres- sion." -* * * AND WITH jaw out-thrust, he warned the Communist world that Britain will join in "resolute and{ effective" counter action if newI Red aggression breaks out in the1 Far East. Churchill strongly endorsed American policy of defending Formosa, the last-ditch strong- hold of Nationalist China, against Red China, and he prais- ed this country for bearing "nine-tenths or more" of the United Nation's load in Korea. He also pledged "increasing har- mony" in the sometimes conflicting British and American policies in the Orient, where Britain has re- cognized Red China while the United States recognizes the Na- tionalist regime of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek.I As for the Middle East - "a sombre and confused scene," he called it - Churchill proposed international control of the strife-torn Suez Canal where bloody clashes have broken out between British troops and Egyptians. Later Churchill's speech drew; much praise, mixed with rumbl-I ings of dissent. Some members of Congress said he was trying to get the United States to shoulder too much responsibility; others said he ought to break British relations with Red China. DETROIT - (A) - Millionaire Walter O. Briggs, founder of the Briggs Manufacturing Company and owner of the Detroit Tigers Baseball team, died yesterday at the age of 74. Briggs was spending the winter at his home in Miami, Fla. He was stricken with a kidney ailment Sunday, but was not considered in serious condition. He would have been 75 on Feb. 27. Briggs' body will be flown here today in a private plane. Fu- neral services will be held Mon- day at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. The name of Briggs is one of the best known in the country,I both fo rhis industrial achieve- ments and for his ownership of the Tiger ball club. The Tigers were probably as close to Briggs' heart as his work in the automotive field. S I 1 --Daii-Al Reid MODEL EXPLAINED - University vice-president Wilbur K. Pierpont explains the architect's table model of the projected Huron campus in the hills northeast of town. The gigantic expansion plans were announced yesterday. od Dri Phoenix ncompasse Michigan will be grappling in ew uro ro ran with the blood donation record of the University of Texas when .- ------ it launches a big all-campus By DONNA HENDLEMAN blood drive to be held March } Fhe vears and one month ago today the Student Legislature went 10-21.; Fv er n n ot g odyteSuetLgsauewn on record as favoring a "functional" war memorial to the World War In an effort to drum up do- II dead, thus laying the seed for the Phoenix Memorial Research nations, a blank has been pro- Project. vided for prospective blood don- In the wake of the war the Project was conceived as a living tri- ors. See page 8 for the blank. bute to its heroes, dedicated to the study of peace-time potentials and implications of atomic energy. KOREA: Talks Stalled . MUNSAN, Korea, Friday, Jan. 18 - (P) - Truce talks remained stalled today as Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway conferred secretly with the United Nations truce delega- tion. The negotiations were at a stalemate, as they have been since Nov. 27, on the issues of prisoner exchange and truce supervision. However, another meeting was set for 9 p.m. today (Ann Arbor Time). Ridgway arrived in Korea un- expectedly from Tokyo yesterday,! took a quick look at a quiet front, and then huddled with advisers. IN THE LINE of library development, new facilities are also being requested of the Legislature on the main campus, with an addition to the General Library replacing the present Automotive Laboratory and West Engineering Annex. r-I [World News Roundup By The Associated PresS PARIS-Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky ominously declared yes- terday that "unreasonable demands presented by the American command can give no hope for a successful conclusion" of Korean armistice talks at Panmunjom. He called U.S. Gen. James A. Van Fleet a cannibal and a killer in a vitriolic speech before a United Nations political committee. PARIS-Premier Edgar Faure, a radical Socialist, was con- firmed as the new cabinet chief yesterday by lhe French national assembly. WASHINGTON-President Truman has decided to recommend an expansion of the nation's atomic program, Senator McMahon (D-Conn.) said yesterday. DETROIT-A high temperature of 64 degrees here yesterday set a new heat record for Jan. 17. , ,, * CONCORD, N. H.-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower-through the ac- tion of his New Hampshire supporters-yesterday became a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation presidential primary March 11. WASHINGTON-The Army said yesterday it has plans for the gradual return of National Guardsmen from overseas when their individual 24 months of Federal duty is ended, but they can- not all be released at once. SAN FRANCISCO-David S. Ingalls, head of the Taft-for-Presi- dent drive, told Republicans last night they will be risking their party's future if they pin their presidential hopes on a "glamor" can- didate. YESTERDAY, the University. in announcing its plans for the giant Huron River research center and campus, included in them the im- minent plans for a $1,000,000 Phoenix Memorial Research Build- ing. The Phoenix. dynamic child of the legislators' idea, has thus been given a permanent place as; a unit of importance and scope in the University set-up. Between the two announcements lie a mass of energies directed at planning, campaigning, study, and administration, all aimed at build- ing for Phoenix the niche it hasI now acquired as an integral Uni- I I architectural motif, but the University doesn't want to commit itself to a standard style which may become obsolete. THE WHOLE project, according to a statement by President Har- lah H. Hatcher, has been formulated as a long-run effort to meet "increasing responsibilities and demands upon the University." En- rollment has now dipped to 17,000, but in 1948 reached an uncomfort- able peak of almost 22,000. Although there must be some further construction on the present campus, "we know now that there is not adequate space, for an enrollment of 25,004 students-or possible more-which it S remsonable in anticinate in the 1960's. For the remainder-the major part of the projected campus- no time schedule has been set. University officials have a "mas- ter plan" on paper, calling for construction of the Huron campus in a series of self-contained units, each of which will be of quad- rangle design, built as the need arises and funds become available. Each three-or-four building unit will be of a. standard architect- ture-but the units will vary. Modern styles are expected to be the t acaavaacaarac %14-P cuaawas.,aywvc aaa vaaa. .a.- - ver sity researcnunit. "Since the University cannot expand much firther in its present * * setting, the natural area for its growth is toward the north where the IT WAS ALMOST nine months valley of the Huron River and the sloping hills may be used fully in after the initial SL resolution was developing a campus of beauty and utility." passed before the memorial idea 1 was given official sanction. Then. PIERPONT EXPLAINED that all expansion beyond the original in September, 1947 the University 40 acre plot to which the University moved in 1837 from Detroit faces iegetsmed a ty-sty4n a multiplicity of difficulties, caused by high property values, problems Regents named a faculty-student Iin moving streets and procuring property. War Memorial Committee. The new Huron center would be a mile and a tenth, as the A month later they had adopt- ('row flies, from the center of the campus. Only the arboretum ed the suggestion of prominent and the municipal golf course would separate the two campuses, alumnus Fred J. Smith, a New making a virtually contiguous, albeit sprawling, University com- York publisher who proposed the munity, with a recreational center in the middle. research be devoted to the study Beyond the research facilities slated for immediate construction, of atomic potential in the realm a bevy of engineering buildings, a natural resources plant and a fine of peaceful activity, arts center are now tentatively planned. POPULAR STUDENT REMEMBERED: Wendy Owen Honored with Research Fund By May of 1948 the inevitable rolls of Washington red tape had THE ENGINEERING buildings presumably will be largely a home been cut, and with final Regents' for research, but a switch of classrooms remained a possibility. Pier- approval, the road was cleared for pont declined to comment on the chances of switching the entire the Project's emergence. engineering college, emphasizing that nothing specific has been de- N HA cided yet aside from the four buildings actually on blueprints. PHOENIX HEAD, Dean Ralph' Pierpont stressed the significance of the fine arts cluster of A. Sawyer, of the graduate school, buildings. "We must be prepared to adjust to changing educa- and his staff began in 1949 on a tional trends," he said. e Gil- borrowed operating budget of $25.- Included in the fine arts group would probably be the music school, By CARA CHERNIAK When "Wendy" Owen died last July of aplastic anemia, a rare blood disease, her many friends at the University vowed not to for- get ,her and the cause of her death'. * # # covered, according to Dr. Frank H. Bethell, specialist in blood dis- eases at Simpson Memorial Insti- tute and Miss Owen's doctor dur- ing her illness. Although the money may he only a drop in the bucket in the * * 4 Gargoyle and Secretary of vh bert and Sullivan Society. 000. In that year Phoenix grant- In addition, she was a memnber ed a total of $6,400 to individual of Wyvern, junior honorary soci- researchers to explore various ato- ety; Mortarboard, senior honorary mic areas.- society; and Chi Omega sorority. - The idea for the research fund The operating budget for this which for years has been dissatisfied with its present cramped quarters in Harris Hall and Burton Memorial Tower. ALSO IN 'U' plans is a beautiful outdoor amphitheater set if idyllic surroundings. It would be built on a concave slope, overlooking mmmmm k ...