THE J~MICHIGAN IDAILY U Italian ID ECAUSE OF BOTH the domestic and for- eign political implications of Italian mier Alcide De Gasperi's visit to the .ted States, it is unlikely that Congress ., as one of De Gasperi's opponents pre-. bed, "brush off" the Premier's bid for re economic aid and the return of Trieste. [taly. Regarding Italy's request for more mon- , over two billion American dollars have en spent since the war to alleviate Italy's sic problems of too few natural resources, o much unemployment, and an in- istrially retarded south. 'o help set Italy on a sounder economic ting, Congress will do well to meet De- speri's bid for "increased industrial or- s in Italy by North Atlantic Treaty mem- s." It has been and will continue to be an remely slow process to raise the living iditions of the farmers in the south, and place the south on an industrial par with north. Italy needs all the money it can for this enormous building process. t'he question of Trieste, however, is a far ichier one than that of monetary assist- ee. Since the Austrian empire, Trieste has ised trouble between Italy and her neigh- 's. The strategic importance of Trieste is aplied in its geographic location. Situated ; the northern tip of the Adriatic it is the mly outlet to the Mediterranian for the ndlocked Balkan countries. Trieste can xsily be employed as a power lever to ntrol Adriatic shipping. taly lost Trieste after World War I when goslavia took the territofy. Later Trieste anged hands and Italy controlled it until rld War II. After the last war the U.S. itorials published in the Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff d represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY REED )erands I did not give Trieste back to Yugoslavia for two obvious reasons. One, Yugoslavia was politically allied with Russia, and second, the U.S. recognized the importance of post war friendship with an Italy headed by suoh resistance leaders as the Social-Democrat De Gasperi. The issue was temporarily settled in 1945 by declaring Trieste an independent terri- tory and stationing U.S., English, and Yugo- slav troops1here. At the closure of the Italian peace treaty in 1947 Trieste was divided, with two con- stitutions, one for the Italian part and one for the Yugoslav section. The territory is now independent and under the auspices of the Security Council. Now, Italy demands as a free nation the return of the whole territory of Trieste to Italy. President Truman in a White House com- munique was rather vague, as usual, regard- ing Trieste. He stressed only his recognition of the problem and the importance of it to the Italian people. Now that Yugoslavia has broken with the Cominform, the U.S. is anxious not to allien-' ate either country, Yugoslavia or Italy. Here is one conflict which can readily be settled over a conference table, by bringing Yugoslavia and Italy together and making permanent the two free territories of Trieste. When this is done free elections can be held in both zones as guaranteed in the 1947 treaty. Though Truman hasgranted Italy re- visions of the peace treaty regarding arms, the White House should keep in mind that Italian elections are coming up very soon' and that most likely De Gasperi is de- manding the return of Trieste in such strong terms for political reasons. In spite of Washington's anxious desire to keep Italy in the western camp/ attention should be paid to the very real possibility of compromise. At a time when harmony is vital the latter course, that of concilliation. seems most reasonable and diplomatic. -Alice Bogdonoff 1 MATTERr Jr PA CTr By JOSEPH ALSOPI q 1 W ASHINGTON-In a courageous letter to President Truman, Henry A. Wallace has now provided the strongest documentary support for certain very grave charges pre- viously made in this space. This leitter and its enclosures contain every essential fact needed to prove that Sen. Pat McCarran's subcommittee on internal security has been taking demonstrably false testimony con- cerning Wallace's trip to China' in the spring of 1944. Under leading questioning by the: McCar- ran subcommittee counsel, the semi-profes- sional ex-Communist, Louis Budenz, testified that during this trip Wallace was "guided" along the Communist party line by the State Department official, John Ceniter Vin- cent. He further testified that Vincent was a "member of the Communist party" at that time. On the one hand, Wallace's letter and enclosures now show that in 1944 Wallace conspicuously failed to recommend either of the great Communist party line pro- jects of that period in China. He did not advocate American military aid for the Chinese Communists. He did not urge the President to force the Chinese Nationalists into a political coalition with the Chinese Communists. On the other hand, these Wallace docu- ments also show that Wallace's main re- commendations to President Roosevelt were a series of positive measures to strengthen the then-weakened government of General- issimo Chiang Kai-shek. And they show further that John Carter Vincent, the man accused of being a "party member" and Wallace's Communist "guide," actually join- ed in the most drastic and important of these recommendations. This was -the re- commendation for the immediate replace- ment of Gen. Joseph W .Stilwell by Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer in command in China. In order to see how damning these docu- ments are to the testimony taken by the McCarran subcommittee, it is only neces- CRR MOVIES At The Michigan ... NIGHT INTO MORNING - With Ray Milland and John Hodiak. L AST night in Ann Arbor movie-goers stumbled from a local theater, their vi- sion blinded by tears their eyes could not restrain, their cheeks salt-streaked from weeping. It was as though they had wit- nessed a gentle Dncan most treacherously murdered or a noble Lear gone mad . . . or so it would seem to the average passer-by. Actually, the audience had been driven to laughter so intense that they had been moved to tears. Hollywood has here produced a melo- drama so obvious in its approach and so blatant in its presentation that the most negative intelligenep could recognize the sary to consider a few facts about Stilwell and Gen. Wedemeyer. Gen.I N THE POLITICAL SIDE, Gen. Stilwell's interventions in the internal politics of the Chungking government had led, in ways too complex to explain in detail, to the total triumph of the most inefficient and reac- tionary faction of the Kuomintang. And this had served the Communists by produc- ing unspeakable demoralization and decay among the Nationalists. Equally, on the military side, Gen. Stilwell's whole aim was to fight the Japanese in Burma, and to draw into Burma all American and Chinese military resources. And this had served the Communists even more importantly, by leav- ing the armies of the Generalissimo in China, which were never given a pound of American military supplies, exposed to a series of crushing defeats by the Japanese. In addition, Gen. Stilwell, was possessed --it is the only word-by a venomous per. sonal hatred of Chiang Kai-shek. He warmly admired the Chinese Communists, and wished to give them American mili- tary aid, while continuing to hold down aid to Chiang. And he was already work. ing to gain these ends when Wallace cabled Roosevelt about him. The great weakness of the Generalissimo's govern. ment, resulting from its military defeats in East China, was to be exploited in order to extort vast new powers for Stilwell. Among these powers was to be absolute authority to distribute American military equipment within China, which in turn was to permit Stilwell to give our arms to the Communists. Efforts to gain these powers for Stilwell failed in the end, for reasons which are another story, and on Chiang Kai-shek's re- quest, President Roosevelt then followed Wal- lace's advice to replace Stilwell with Wede- meyer. If Stilwell had continued in com- mand, there can be no particle of doubt that the Chinese Communists would have come to power before the end of the war. Instead, the mere arrival of Gen. Wedemeyer sent a new thrill of hope and strength through the Chinese Nationalists. SUCH ARE THE relevant facts - all the really important facts-of this great but unhappily temporary turning point in the China story, in which the Wallace trip to China in 1944 played a valuable part. What part the Wallace trip had played, what part the accused man, Vincent, played on that trip; could easily have been discovered long ago by the McCarran subcommittee. The documents were known to exist, and were easily available. If the slightest ef- fort had been made to ascertain the real facts, the unfortunate Budenz would not have been led into testifying as he did. Instead, the subcommittee preferred to pillory as a "member of the Communist party" this defenseless Vincent, who join- ed in striking the heaviest possible blow to the Communist cause in China, and to portray as strongly Communist in ten- dency this Wallace journey, which was the precise opposite. Here is an issue which cannot be confus- It Seems to Me By DON NUECHTERLEIN WHAT DO German legislators tell their constituents about America when they return home after studying government and politics here for three months? I was concerned about this question during the past five months when I had the job of escorting several of these German groups around the country and showing them how our particular form of democracy works. First of all, they think we Americans are very lucky people: our country suffered none of the ravages of World War II, we still have much uncultivated land and plenty of room to move in, we have vast natural resources, we have what they con- sider an unbelievably high standard of living and our capacity to expand indus- trially seems unlimited. They wonder if we Americans realize just how fortunate we are. On the other hand, they say Americans are among the friendliest people they ever met. They also are impressed by the fact that we have none of the strong class-con- sciousness that exists in Germany and most other European countries. They are quite astonished to find that we call everybody by his first name, even if we have just met. * * * AS FOR OUR government, they have a dif- ficult time understanding why Ameri- cans put up with such waste and inefficiency in government, even when it is pointed out that Americans may prefer it this way to prevept government from becoming too strorifg, as happened in Germany. Our party system is another thing that makes little sense to them. "How is it pos- sible," they ask, "for Democrats to vote with the Republicans on important is- sues, and vice versa, and still remain mem- bers of the party?" In Germany, as in Great Britain, there is strict party disci- pline. They think our system of separation of powers in government is an effective way to hold the three branches under control; but coming from Germany, which has the par- liamentary system, they are surprised to find that our President can take such an inde- pendent position from Congress. This feeling reflected itself in a remark one German politician made after he had been here several weeks, "I haven't found anybody in this country who like Truman. How could such an unpopular man be elected President?" I suggested that perhaps he had talked with too many businessmen. *; * * . THE GERMANS are greatly impressed by the willingness of Americans to compro- mise. They said that in Germany people think they lose face if they give in on an im- portant issue; they said this makes for a good deal of bitterness between opposing parties. One German said he didn't think there is much difference between Republicans and Democrats because they seem to com- promise on most issues. He told a story he had heard-that the only difference be- tween Republicans and Democrats is that one party is in power and the other is not. He added that a Democrat told this story. These politicians also are amazed to find such excellent working conditions in our factories and the high living standard enjoy- ed by our workers. Several remarked that they now could see why there is no political labor party move- ment in America: "the workers are getting everything they want without it." What about the world situation? Most of them fear a war with Russia eventually and feel that Germany cannot escape. But they are wary about German rearmament, fearing it might provoke Rus- sia before the West is ready. In any case, the Germans want equal status with other western nations if they consent to provide troops for Eisenhower's army. What about democracy in Germany? These Germans recognize that it is a slow process, but they feel sure that bringing more groups like this to America can do much to speed up that process. Trans migraton NOW THAT the fury over MacArthur has subsided and the hit tune "Old Soldiers" has gone the way of all hit tunes, may I crawl out from under the shelter of my type- writer table to ask what seems like a perti- nent question? It seems that in this haven of intellectuals, that in the wake of the sudden popularity of this faded out, folk song there might have been some honest, intellectual research into the origin of the lyrics. A master's thesis or doctorate might well have been prepared from the research in- volved in locating the source of "old soldiers never die, they just fade away." But the true student of philosophy need search no farther than Ovid who represents Pythagoras as addressing his disciples on the doctrine of transmigration of souls in these words: "Old souls never die, but al- ways on quitting one abode pass on to another." ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round withDEWPEARSON WASHINGTON-The 'problem of whether to prosecute the Repub- lican Governor of Iowa for income-tax evasion has been troub- ling the Democratic administration in Washington for months. At first the Treasury debated whether it should send the case to the Justice Department, finally decided to treat the matter as routine ... the Justice Department is now giving Gov. William Beardsley a chance to come in and argue his case privately on or about October 10. This is a courtesy given every alleged tax defrauder before prose- cution starts ... what happened was that Governor Beardsley "for- got" to include income from his drugstore and his farm. Further- more, his memory lapse continued for about four years . . . When the Treasury agent asked Beardsley for his records, the Governor replied that he was "too busy"-"come back later." . . . Beardsley kept stalling and never did produce the records, so the agent went to the Governor's bank where he found he had neglected to report about $50,000 over almost a four-year period . . . The Treasury agent, in reporting to Washington, pointed out that the Governor had made quite a few speeches about taxes, so was quite tax conscious. * * * * GUARD FOR LE MAY THE MAN the Russians are supposed to fear most is Lieut. Gen. Curtis Le May, commander of the B-36 squadrons at Offut Field, Neb. He is the man slated to direct the dropping of the A-bomb over Moscow in case of war . . . The Air Force, therefore, has wanted to put a special guard on Le May, but he has objected . . . Since the assassination attempt on President Truman, however, Air Secretary Finletter has overruled Le May and put a special sentry at Offut Field's officers' quarters with instructions to keep his eye on Le May. REPUBLICAN SURVEY A GOP scout friendly to Eisenhower has just finished a survey of Illinois, home bailiwick of the Chicago Tribune's Colonel Mc- Cormick and the results look good for Ike ... Dope is that Werner Schroeder, long-time GOP National Committeeman and staunch Tri- bune man, will be dropped .. . The Colonel also appears to be losing out in Cook County (Chicago), with Simon Murray of Cicero likely to become the local Republican power .. . McCormick has been want- ing to shove Ex-Sen. Curley Brooks down the organization's throat as Governor, but won't succeed. Ex-Congressman William Stratton will probably be the candidate instead. However, even the Republi- cans agree that it won't be easy io defeat popular Gov. Adlai Steven- son, Democrat. Next GOP survey for Eisenhower will be of Wis- consin. * * * * BEHIND IRON CURTAIN REACTION to freedom balloon leaflets from Czechoslovakia was a bit slow at first, but is now snowballing. Czechs are surrepti- tiously tacking leaflets up on bulletin boards-even on official gov- ernment boards-nailing them on telegraph poles, and mimeograph- ing them . . . One bunch of Czech Communists were blazing mad when each received a copy of the freedom-friendship message anony- mously in the mail .. . The leaflets are making such inroads that the official Communist paper 'Tvorba devoted one-half its front page to a cartoon showing President Truman passing out balloons to Czech exiles. The exiles were Drs. Zenkle, Majer and Peroutka, who were dressed in medieval armor as knights of yore and labeled "crusa- ders." . . . The cartoon, of course, was aimed at two things: . 1. to make the friendship balloons appear as a U.S. government operation; 2. to make the Crusade for Freedom appear as spurred on by Czech exiles. * * * * MONKEY-WRENCH CONGRESS T HE HEAT of the tax debate has coined a new name for this Con- gress-"The monkey-wrench Congress." . . . First, Congress threw a monkey-wrench into the anti-inflation program-at which time many Senators argued that they would control inflation later when the tax bill came around . . . Now the same Senators have thrown a monkey wrench into the tax bill by opening up big loopholes for special interests . . . In other words, the Senators kicked the lid off profits with one foot via the controls bill, then eased the taxes on these profits with the other. Nothing could help inflation more. * * , * BOATLESS MARINE CORPS THE U.S. Marines, who won their great fame-from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli-in crash-landing boats, may not be crash-landing anymore. At least not in boats ... The Marines want to abandon boats for helicopters . . . Argument is that when the boats hit the beach, hundreds of men are lost through hidden mines. In addition, the boats make fairly easy targets for machine- gun fire as they come in, while men in dripping uniforms and gear are weighted down . .. Helicopters on the other hand would fly over the beaches . , , The question is now before the joint chiefs of staff. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) C"I Michigan Union Golden Rule dance, 9 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Gothic Film series approved. Homecoming D an c e, budget ap- proved. Student Players granted permission to present play on Oct. 25, 26, 27 in Lydia Mendelssohn. Registered Social Events for the com- ing week-end: September 28-- Congregational - Disciples Guild Mosher Hal Phi Delta Phi Stockwell Hall September 29- Acacia Allen Rumsey House Alpha Epsilon Pi Alpha Kappa Kappa Anderson House Beta Theta P1 Chi Phi Cooley House Delta Chi Delta Sigma Delta Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon Fraternity Hawaii Club Kappa Alpha Psi Kappa Nu Phi Chi Phi Delta Epsilon Phi Delta Phi Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Tau Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Delta Pi Lambda Phi Psi Omega Psi Upsilon Sigma Alpha Mu-Sigma Iota Chapter Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Phi Epsilon Tau Delta Phi Theta Chi Theta Delta Chi Theta Xi Triangle Wenley House Zeta Psi September 30- Alpha Tau Omega Hinsdale House - Alice Lloyd Phi Delta Phi Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Appli- cation blanks for the November 17 ad- ministration of the Law School Admis- sion Test are now available at 110 Rackham building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N. J. not later than November 7. School of Social work Students: S. W. 233, Social Case work I, is beig offered on Tuesdays, 8 to 10, 65 Bus- iness Administration Building; S. W. 270, Mental Hygiene II. is being offered Tuesdays, 8 to 10, 309 General Library. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Meeting in 3020 Angell Hall, Thurs., Sept. 27, at Noon to organize the Sem- inar in Mathematical Statistics. Mathematics 273: Effective Monday, October 1, the hours for Math. 273 will be as follows: Mondays, 3-5, Tuesdays 3-4. Concerts Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, 7:15 this eve- ning, on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Memorial Tower. This pro- gram, the first in Professor Price's fal series, will include works by Lawson, Schubert, and Strauss, and a group of Scottish airs. Other programs will fol- low each Thursday evening at 7:15. Events Today Literary College Conference. Steering committee meeting, 4 p.m., 1011 A. H. Speaker: Asst. Dean J. H. Robertson. Rushees' Meeting: All men interested in rushing a so- "You Don't Realize How Hard I'm Working" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * OOOOv~ ,~%. .i i1 j( t galC) fY(5' .00 (? ' +. tia ' (Continued from Page 2) f i i t l of student-sponsored activities for the ten days prior to a final examination period. Final examinations for the present semester begin on January 21. Open houses for the Michigan State game are authorized in officially or- ganized student residences on Sat.. Sept. 29, between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. for pre-game functions and be- tween 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. for post-game functions. No registration of these functions is necessary to provided they are confined to the hours indicated. Regents' Rules Governing Operation of Motor Vehicles by Students: "No student in attendance at the University shall operate any motor ve- hicle. In exceptional and extraordin- ary cases in the discretion of the Dean of Students this rule may be relaxed." The regulation governs the use of a car as well as the operation of one; consequently it is not permissible for a student to use his car or his family's car for social, personal, or other pur- poses when the car is driven by any person who is not a member of his immediate family. Any act of driving without first securing permission from the Office of Student Affairs will con- stitute grounds for disciplinary action. Students may apply for exemption from the ruling by calling in person at the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building, and by giv- ing complete information on their cars. Only the following students may ap- ply for exemption: a) Those who are twenty-six years of age or older. b) Those who have a faculty rating of teaching fellow or higher. It is to be emphasized that exemption is no granted automatically but is given only upon personal request. All other student drivers must re- port to the Office of Student Affairs where they may petition for special permits which'will enable them to use their cars for purposes which are deemed absolutely necessary. Committee on Student Affairs, meet- ing held September 25. APPROVED. Pep rallies to be sponsored by Wol- verine Club on September 28, October 5. { 1 1 t i k 7 s r cial fraternity this semester are in- vited to the RUSHEES' METING, 7:30 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Fraternity Rushing: Men planning to rush a social fra- ternity this semester MUST REGISTER with the Interfraternity Council be- tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the Michi- gan Union Lobby before Wed., Oct. 3. Rushing wil begin with Fratenity Open Houses, Sun., Sept. 30. Rushing Councilors are available to answer general and specific questions about the Michigan Fraternity System between 9 am. and 5 p.m. on the third floor of the Union until Oct. 14. Graduate School Record Concerts: Thursdays at 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham. Sept. 27: Beethoven, 5th Piano Concerto In E flat, Op. 73 Schnabel, Chicago Symphony, Stock. Bach, Sonata in ; Landowska, harpsi- chord, Menuhin, violin. Schubert, Trio No. 1 in B flat, Op. 99; Heifetz, violin, Rdibinstein, piano, Feuermann, cello. All graduate students invited; silenc requested. Hillel Social Committee: Meeting, Lane Hall. Anyone interested may at- tend. Young Republican Club: First meet- ing of the year, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-A, Union. Discussion of program for the year and also the filling of several va- cant offices in the Club. Sailing Club: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering Bldg. All former members please attend. Slides to be shown. Graduate Student Council: Short meeting, 7:30 p.m., West Lec- ture Room, Rackham Bldg. Will all members please attend whether noti- fied by mail or not. International Center Weekly Tea tot foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. Sigma Delta Chi: Business meeting. 8 p.m., League. Al members please at- tend. IZFA Executive Board meeting, 3:30 p.m., Room 3A, Union. Modern Dance Club: Meeting of all former members, 7:30 p.m., Barbour Dance Studio. Coming Events Newman Club: Open House Party, Fri., Sept. 28, 8-12 midnight, basement of Saint Mary's Chapel, William & Thompson Sts. All Catholic students and their friends are invited. Gilbert and Sullivan Tryouts Continuing tonight from 6:30 to 10. and Friday from 6 to 9:30; Rm. E-D, League. Openings in "Ruddigore" for principals, chorus, and accompanists. All invited. Westminster Guild. Scavenger Hunt, Fri., Sept. 28, 8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. Wear blue Jeans. American Chemical Society Lecture. Dr. J. O'M. Bockris, Lecturer on Chem- istry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University, will talk on "Mechanism of Electrode Re- actions and Overvoltage," 8 p.m., Fri., Sept. 28, 1300 Chemistry Bldg. All interested persons are invited. Congregational - Disciples Guild: A party will be held Friday evening after the Pep Rally at the Disciples Church at the corner of Hill and Tappan. Dancing and games. All those plan- ning to attend should notify the Guild House (phone 5838) by Friday noon. T:; I Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor Rich Thomas........Associate Editor Ron Watts ...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn.........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ............women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ..........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish ....... Finance Manager Stu Ward .........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY- Barnaby, your Fairy Godfather is annoyed with But the campfire Mrs. Tyler. After the trouble Pve taken to get is over. The kids two talented Ghosts to fell you Ghost stories- en had- I'm going to speak to Mrs. Tyler. There are lights in her ofice- . O'Malley! It's coming I