PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 195Z - - - - - - -- - IU Ike's Voice MATTER lOFFACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP "rm An Old Arab Tentmaker. Slip This On For Size" WASHINGTON-The Wall Street Journal published today a copyrighted dispatch by Edward Hughes, datelined Paris, stating that General Eisenhower is genuinely reluc- tant to be President and would prefer to re- turn to his Pennsylvania farm with Mrs. Eisenhower and relax with friends. The following thoughts ocurred to your correspondent in about this order: The Wall Street Journal is an admirable newspaper which your correspondent reads every day though it costs 10 cents per copy. Mr. Roosevelt read it daily; Presi- dent Truman should though it often seems that he doesn't. Mr. Hughes is known to her; in fact, he is the sometimes escort of her daughter, a dis- criminating young woman who is a junior at Vassar College. He is a Harvard or Yale man, your correspondent forgets which, and he is alert, bright and industrious. He will go far. He is nonetheless young. It is perfectly ap- parent that he has seen the great man at SHAPE and has been genuinely impressed by his simplicity, his sincerity and his clear intelligence. No doubt to Mr. Hughes the ink-stained wretches from Washington who have also called at SHAPE and carried away con- trary impressions with respect to the Gen- eral's candidacy are merely victims of the world's slow stain who have lost the abil- ity to recognize the genuine article when they meet it. Most of them, incidentally, greatly admire Mr. Eisenhower. Mr. Hughes was stationed in Washington; he used to see the princes of the press at the National Press Club Bar and, watching them interview each other, was not impressed. They are, however, people of great experi- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: ZANDER HOLLANDER ence whom politicians occasionally surprise but never-repeat never-disappoint. Granted however that the young are right -and they are right more often than their elders are willing to admit-it is still true that: If General Eisenhower is genuinely re- luctant to be President he will not be Presi- dent. He will not be nominated and if, mir- aculously, through some stupidity of others, he gets a default nomination, he will not be elected. The presidency goes to men who prize it. Senator Taft may not be the world's greatest politician but he can whip reluctant dragons and so can most candidates for alderman. Finally, if General Eisenhower does not want the greatest elective office in the world; the splendid, shining tribute of a wonderful country whose people are com- petent and idealistic beyond any ruling power in history, he should not have it. These are terrible times. Americans want to do what is right; they only have trouble in finding leaders through whom they can express their desire to lead a good life and afford comradeship to a troubled world. Their President will have to work himself into insensibility every day but he will he loved and prayed for at a million hearth- stones. If Ike and Mamie Eisenhower prefer to return to their farm at Gettysburg, next door to George and Mary Allen, and play canasta, they should be allowed to do so. It can reasonably be argued that they have a right to do so; the Eisenhowers have done much for their country which in turn has done much for them. The whole episode points up the weak- ness and unsatisfactory nature of the pre- sent situation with respect to General Eisenhower's candidacy. Monday Mr. Hughes spoke for him. Tuesday Senator Lodge will speak the opposite in his name. The American people would prefer to hear General Eisenhower speak for himself. They are entitled to that-and he can do it, very, very well. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Economic Prosperity By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst A UNITED NATIONS Commission reports the world has learned enough about handling unemployment and the like to pre- vent future economic depressions like that of the 1930's. The idea is that, at least for the coun- tries with mature economic systems, pros- perity is here to stay, although there may be less of it at some times than others. Yet Europe admittedly faces inability to look after its own defense without interfer- ing seriously with living standards. The Bri- tish Commonwealth is in the midst of an extremely grave financial crisis which some experts are predicting will bring the col- lapse of the sterling bloc. And there is 9. deadly inflation connected with prosperity in the United States which cannot help but remind of the foll's paradise of 1929. Leaders of the British Commonwealth are meeting in London now to discuss ways and means. The sterling bloc ran a deficit of a billion dollars in October, November and December in its relations with gold and dollar areas, and the end is not in sight. The situation in France has become so critical that there is actually a movement among taxpayers to do their duty. Tradi- tionally, in France and Italy, businesses just avoid their taxes. Governments have been slow to put on the pressure to collect be- cause of political consequences. Firms which would like to be honest cannot do so and still meet competition. I'm no eonomic expert, but the suspi- cion has been with me for a long time that the last world-wide depression really was only seemingly ended by war production. And that having shot up a vast amount of its resources, the world can't really be better off than it was 12 or 13 years ago. Imbalances between the haves and have-nots are just as pronounced as ever, in a world sense, and however old-fashioned it may sound, that is still the problem which is fundamental to the cold war. STRATEGY FOR JUNE WASHINGTON-The immediate result of it General of the Army Dwight D. Eisen- hower's announcement of his availability has been to place the forces behind Sen. Ro- bert A. Taft, who not long ago seemed about to sweep all before him, wholly on the de- fensive. It is already obvious, for example, that the last thing in the world the Taft camp wants is a direct trial of strength be- tween Eisenhower and Taft. The Taft strategy may change, of course, in response to the pressure of events. But at present the intention is to limit Taft's primary contests to only three states-Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin. And as the Taft strategists are most thorough- ly aware, it will be extremely difficult for the Eisenhower backers to challenge Taft directly in any of these states. As for Wisconsin, the Taft strategists like to recall Eisenhower's statement that "I shall not participate in pre-convention acti- vities." By Wisconsin law, to get his name on the ballot a Presidential aspirant must sub- mit a signed affidavit to the effect that he is a candidate. Thus the Taft backers con- sider their man fairly safe from a direct Eisenhower challenge in the Wisconsin pri- mary. CONSENT OF THE candidate is also re- quired in Ohio, and in any event the Eisenhower men would hardly choose to challenge Taft in his home state. No con- sent is required in Illinois. But primary vot- ing is restricted to registered Republicans, and the Illinois registered Republicans who take the trouble to vote in a primary are ex- ceedingly responsive to the wishes of Col. Robert R. McCormick, who hates Eisenhower and loves Taft. Thus the scales would be weighted heavily for Taft in a test in Illi- nois. For these reasons the Taft men hope to avoid any pre-convention battle of the ballots with Eisenhower. In the Eisenhow- er camp, no firm counter-strategy has yet been decided upon. Much depends on what Eisenhower means by "pre-conven- tion activities." If he means that he will not enter any contest in which he would have to reaffirm his availability, the Eis- enhower men are automatically restricted to entering his name in those few states where consent of the candidate is not required. These include New Hampshire-where Eis- enhower is already entered-Minnesota (March 18), Pennsylvania (April 22), and Oregon (May 16). The more aggressive and confident of the Eisenhower backers, re- portedly including Sen. James Duff, of Pennsylvania, would like to see Eisenhower's name entered in all these states. This aggressive strategy would tend to put great pressure on Taft, in the words of one Eisenhower man, to "come out of hiding." In Pennsylvania. for example, the Grundy-- Owlett faction would dearly love to see Taft nominated, but the Grundy-Owlett machine is still sitting cautiously on the fence. The horrid prospect of Eisenhower, his name on the ballot, capturing most of the delegates by default, might force the machine to plump for Eisenhower, if Taft refused to en- ter the race. The enfeebled perennial, Harold Stasen, is acounted Minnesota's "favorite son." But the business interests which formerly back- ed Stassen are now beginning to go over to Eisenhower, and recent polls show Eisen- hower leading Stassen by a huge majority among Minnesota's Republican voters. Again, the prospect of an Eisenhower victory in Minnesota would put great pressure on Taft to come in. So would the threat of an Eis- enhower clean sweep in the Oregon primar- ies on May 16. just before the convention. r , * YET IF THE TAFT camp steadfastly kept their man's name out of these primaries, the Eisenhower backers would still be depriv- ed of what they want-a straight test of Re- publican voter sentiment between the two men. This is why the more aggressive-mind-I ed among the Eisenhower backers are strongly inclined to believe that Eisenhower should be entered in Wisconsin also. They argue, reasonably enough, that Eisenhower has already said in effect that he would run if nominated; and that to say it again in a formal affidavit, in order to meet the Wisconsin requirement, would constitute no unseemly participation in pre-convention activities. These men argue that Eisenhower would beat Taft hands- down in Wisconsin, and that such a vic- tory in the state of Wisconsin, with its iso- lationist history, would settle the issue once and for all. No decision has yet been finally made on this point--indeed, it is not certain that Eisenhower will be entered even in those states where consent of the candidate is not necessary. But one thing is clear. Taft's strength derives from the Republican profes- sionals. The delegates to a national con- vention are by and large professionals, of the same stripe as the county chairmen who were polled three to one for Taft. Taft needs only 600 such men, voting for him at the, convention, to win the nomination. ?, + . ° == _ y ( G yi. . j, I " + , ^, , F ;;1^ (+ ,}_ i, 4 " it 4 r C' w ' "'"rr"' V r 1 A f ' / . rr' } f r ly : i1 v J , Enterprise . . To the Editor: The fierce storm blew and the salt spray flew And it ripped a seam in her side. Then the fog Sifted in, it was darker and dim; she listed But struggled to ride. Now lur- ching still more Toward the side where she tore -all balance had left Her long since-she veered around while the sea With its pound! took formations grotesque and immense. "Abandon all! And fast!" cried the Captain at last, The crew and all dashed for their lives. The lifeboats Were hurled and were tossed and swirled. Who'd say What few could survive? The boats moved half cocked From the hulk as she rocked, since the sea confounded All steerage. But the crew were picked up from The Sea of the Scup and in time were in sight of safe Pierage. But wait! Look once more! Look there on Her fore; A soul clings bold and defiant! It Prefigures a man! Yet Lord! do what he can could he Still in that wreck be reliant? It's the Captain! Behold! The tradition of old lives on in the heart Of that sailor. He'll cling to the craft til from Fore to aft the doomed vessel goes under forever. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) (laminated) cards last fall,.3) studs-nta in Dentistry, Law, Nursing, and Medi- cine. Personnel interviews Time, Inc. of Chicago wiil have a- representative on the campus Fri.. Jan. 18 to interview women who are gradu- ating in February and would be, in- terested in their Business Training Pro- gram. The work would be in the Sub- scription Department and would en- tail no writing. For appointments call the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. a similar course elsewhere, which has been accredited here. Upperclassmen who were here as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do so this term. tThe lectures will be given in Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. Lecture No. Day Date L Mon. Feb. 11 2 Tues. Feb. 12 3 Wed. Feb. 13 4 Thurs. Feb. 14 5 Mon. Feb. 18 6 Tues. Feb. 19 7 (Final Exam) Wed. Feb. 20 You may attend at either of the above hours. Enrollment will take Now the storm rages on while Kurt waxes wan on the Bridge of the faltering steamer. And alone at his x Post like poor Ahab's ghost he intends, if he can, To redeem her. The days linger on, the chill nights Are forlorn and the tow ship strains to go for'ard True, the sea has calmed down,' yet the list might Confound all the efforts and. prayers implored. At Last the calm ended as though it offended King Neptune and his entourage. For they wanted that Freighter those Demons that hate her who challenge Their vicarage. They whipped up the sea, to wind And to lee, the tow line was snapped in the turmoil. The Enterprise floundered as the world watched Astounded; all hope seemed as vain as the toil. The Captain clung on but his ship, all but gone, Leaned over to eighty degrees. Creeping out on the Stack with one last look back- the water was up to His knees-he was saved just in time by a tug and a Line and turned drenched to review the finale. His wet hand in salute and his rescuers mute The ship plunged-to the roll of timpan. -R. Ward that attendance is required.^ Personnel Requests Health Lectures for Women not given Household Finance Corporation 01 second semester. Saginaw has openings onrtheir Business Training Program. Men who are in- Room Assignments for Final Examina- terested in dealing with all types and tion, Sociology 51 and 54, Tues., Jan. classes of people can find further de- 29, 2-5 p.m. tails at the Bureau of Appointments. Dillingham, 2003 A.H; Goffman, 1035 The Merco Centrifugal Company of ARH.; Granville, 231 A.H.; Greenblatt, San Francisco, California is in need of 231 A.H.; Janowitz, 1025 A.H.; Lenski, Chemical Engineers to fill Sales Rep- 101 Ec.: Randall, 2235 A.H.; Schulze resentative positions. Location at first 2231 A.H.; Zimmer, 1025 A.H. For those would be in San Francisco and later taking Pol Sc. 1 or Soc. 54, the Make- in a midwestern city. Up Examination for Soc. 51 will be held Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. of Eliza- Jan. 30, 9-12 a.m. at 1209 A.H. beth, New Jersey is interested in em- 3 ploying a graduate with a Chemistry de- Final Exam Room Schedule for Pol. gree for their Development Department. Sci. 1 (Jan. 29, 2-5) and 52 (Jan. 22, The B. F. Goodrich Company of Ak- 9-12). ron, Ohio has open a position for a Pol. Sci. 1, Lecture A, sec. 1 through Business Administration g r a d u a e, 10-Natural Science Auditorium. Bus ss dminstrtiong ra a a e' P01. Sci. 1, sec. 12, 13, 17 (McHargue about 28 to 30 years of age, as a Rec- Pl c.1 e.1,1,1 M~ru ords' Administrator. An experienced and Ward)-35 A.H. person is desired. Po. Scisa s. ec. 1114, 15, 16, 18 (Lan- The Jamestown Sterling Corporation caster and Ellet) 25 A.H. To Jamestown N.terisintCrtd in Pol. Sci. 52, sec. 1, 2 (Laing)-2231 of Jamestown, N. Y. is interested in A.H. obtainig gtrainingdstrial Engineerwo Pol. Sci. 52. sec. 4, 5, 8 (Taylor)--1025 A.H. tions. T y nngand Employee Rel APol. Sci. 52, sec. 6, 7 (Bretton)-2203 years of age who has had some prac-!.H. tical experiencer in wood wokin History 49 Final Examination, Jan. 22, Timken Roller Bearing Company ofI 9-12: A - L, West Gallery Alumni Me- Detroit has openings on their Automo- :orial Hall; M - Z, 348 West Engineer- tive Engineering Sales Training Programin H for Mechanical Engineers. Men gradu- _ ating in February are eligible. Psychology Colloquium. Fri., Jan. 18, The Memorial Hospital of Logansport, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Indiana needs a woman to fill the po- Else Frenkel-Brunswik, of the Univer- sition of Laboratory Technician that is sity of California, will speak on "Psy- available. conlssadPyhlg. The Franklin Institute of Philadel- choanalysis and Psychology." phia, Penn. has open various positions Survey Research Center Seminar. for men holding degrees in Chemistry, Thurs., Jan. 17, 8 to 9:30 p.m. in the Physics, Electrical Engineering or Me- Conference Room of the Center. Ste- The Pen Berthy Injector Company of phen B. Withey will discuss "On Con- Detroit is in need of Mechanical En- sistency in Reinterviews." gineers (February graduates are eligi- Geometry Seminar: Thurs., Jan. 17, ble). This firm makes injectors, ejec- 41 ~. 01Agl al r co tors and jet pumps. The candidates l speak3001 AngellHrodingers Space- are needed for development and re- Time Theor search. They should be familiar withTy" fluid flow, hydraulics and gas systems. For further information and details. Ths Jan. 17, 4 p., 24 athemat contacdst tBu of Appointments, gineering. Mv1r. J. Kaiser will speak on 3528 Administration Building. "Bessel Functions in Connection with ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round 18, Room B7,,1007 East Huron Street, 3 p.m. Co-Chairmen, H. H. Bloomer and D. E. Morley. Concerts Oscar Levant will give a recital of piano music with comments, as the fourth number in the Extra Concert Series, Friday, January 18, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditoriumi. In accordance with his custom, Mr. Levant will dispense with the usual printed program, and instead, will an- nounce his numbers from the stage as the concert progresses. It is likely that he will include compositions of Bach, Brahnis, Chopin, Debussy, de- Falla, Shostakovich, and George Ger- shwin. Tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, and will also be on sale at the box office in Hill Auditorium after 7 o'clock on the eve- ning of the performance. May Festival. The following artists and organizations will participate in the six concerts of the 59th annual May Festival, May 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Hill Auditorium: Eleanor Steber, Patrice Munsel, As- trid Varnay, Anton Dermota, George London, Set Svanholm and Mack Har- rell, all of the Metropolitan Opera; Pa- tricia Neway of the City Center Opera; Philip Duey of the University of Michi- gan; Nathan Milstein, violinist; and Guiomar Novaes, Brazilian pianist. Eugene Ormandy, Thor Johnson, Al- exander Hilsberg, and Marguerite Hood, Conductors. The Philadelphia Orchestra will par- ticipate in all six ,programs, The University Choral Union will per- form Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust" and Walton's "Belshazzar's Feast." The Festival Youth Chorus will participate in one program. Season tickets (tax exempt) may be ordered at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower at $10.00, $9.00 and $8.00. Events Today Geology-Mineralogy Journal Club. Dr. John A. Dorr, Jr., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa., will give a talk on, "Reviewing the Laramide History of Central Western Wyoming and vicin- ity", 4:15 p.m., 2054 Natural Science Bldg. Graduate Student Council. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Graduate Outing Room, Rackhain Bldg. U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 311 West Engineering. Marlin- spike seamanship will be practised. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. Graduate Political Science Round Ta- ble: 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Dr. Angus Campbell, Director of the Survey Research Center, will speak on "Research in Political Behavior at the Survey Research Center." He will be assisted by Drs. Dwaine Marvick and James Davies. Social hour following the meeting. All interested persons invited. La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room of the Union cafeteria. Coming EvertIs Westminster Guild: Open House at First Presbyterian Church, Friday eve- ning, Jan. 18. Canterbury Club: Holy Communion, followed by breakfast at Canterbury House, Fri., Jan. 18, 7 a.m. Informal J-Hop Open Houses, Lane, XeftPJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interestand will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld fro publication at the discretion of the editors. Hail, Feb. 8 and 9, 9 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Dancing, movies, food, cards, square dancing and sitting. No admission charge. Sponsored by SRA and put on by the Barfs. Everyone invited. . Informal Coffee Hours, 4-5:30 p.m., in the Library at Lane Hall, every day during exams. Everyone welcome. Hillel services conducted by Rabbi Lymon. 7:45 Fri., Jan. 17, at Lane Hall. Recreational Swimming - Women Stu- dents. There will be recreational swimming at the Union Pool on Tuesday and Thu day evenings, 7 to 9 during the examination period. The pool will not be open on Saturday morning. Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni- versity Museums. Jan. 18 "Beavers," "Spotty - Story of a Fawn," and "Sanctuary of the Seals." Jan. 25 "The Weather," "The Work of the Atmosphere," and "Atmosphere and its Circulation." Feb. 1 "People of Western China," "Children of China," and "Tibet-Land of Isola- tion." Feb. 8 "Our Animal Neighbots," "Rodents;' and "Gray Squirrel." These free movies are presented each Friday at 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. .. I A i t WITH DREW PEARSON __ -GOVERNMENT GRAIN DISAPPEARS- NEXT SCANDAL to explode into headlines will result from a team of government investigators now trying to trace $3,800,000 worth of government grain that has mysteri- ously vanished from southwestern storage bins. So far the investigators have found that: 1. Warehousemen have been peddling the taxpayers' grain for their own private profit. 2. Other warehousemen have negligently allowed grain to spoil. 3. At least 43 instances of missing grain still haven't been acounted for. These findings have been reported to Congress by Lindsay Warren's General Ac- counting Office, which checked the books of the Dallas Commodity Office covering the states of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. A copy of this confidential report has been obtained by this olumn. "From our examination to date," the re- port declares, "it appears -obvious that even a conservative estimate of shortages, in grain alone, would exceed $3,800,000." Though "shortages were known to have existed in early 1951," the report complains that "action in regard to the known irregu- larities has had to be literally forced on the 1"ommodity Office. Even after the situation had deteriorat- ed to the extent where prominent grain operators it this area were demanding corrective action to protect the trade, the responsible administrative officials con- tinued to issue statements that all was well andsthat no action on their part was necessary .,.. "It was not until November and December that any of the cases were referred to the solicitor's office." the renort adds "As of ers. They are: Shannon Elevator, Sudan, Texas; E. and S. Bonded Warehouse, San Antonio, Texas; Henderson Grain and Stor- age, Farewell, Texas; Plains Grain and Stor- age, Pantex, Texas; Hollenstein Bros. Ele- vator, Umbarger, Texas; W. J. Hughes Grain Co., Panhandle, Texas, and Everetts Grain Co., Vega, Texas. The total shortage in these seven cases amounts to $2,485,005. "In addition to the listed cases, there are 29 other establishments in which shortage is known, or believed to exist, involving an es- timated value of $651,330," adds the report, * * * --BRANNAN TO BE QUERIED-- THE WORST CASE of spoilage was dis- covered at Arkadelphia, Ark., in an old flour and feed mill leased by the Southern Grain and Storage Co. The company was formed "for the sole purpose of leasing the old mill . . . . and contracting with the Com- modity Credit Corporation," the confidential report charges. A total of 179, 122 bushels of winter wheat was stored in the old mill, though the grain-elevator capacity was only 131,- 792 bushels. As a result, the "grain was condemned by the Food and Drug Admin- istration as unfit for human consumption and sold to chicken feed manufacturers, causing an estimated gross loss of $147,- 386 in the value of the grain . .. . "It now appears that because of the lim- ited assets of the Southern Grain and Stor- age Company, the only source of recovery open to the government is $60,000 from the bonding company," the report continues. Yet the Dallas commodity office actually paid the company $4,863 in warehouse charges in September, 1951-three months after the government had billed the same Lectures The William W. Cook Lectures onj American Institutions, seventh series.I Dr. Howard Mumford Jones, Professor of English, Harvard University. Gen- eral subject, "The Pursuit of Happi- ness." Fourth lecture, "No Laughing Matter." 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 17,, Rackham Lecture Hall. Fifth lecture, "The Technique of Happiness." 4:151 p.m., Fri., Jan. 18, Lecture Hall. University Lecture. Dr. Philip J. Elv- ing, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Pennsylvania State College, and Visit- ing Lecturer in Chemistry, Harvard University, will lecture on 'Polarogra- phy of Organic Compounds". Thurs., Jan. 17, 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Visitors are welcome. University Lecture: Curt Sachs, Pro- fessor of Music at New York University, will speak on "Rhythm and Tempo inI the History of Music," at 4:15 p.m.. Thurs., Jan. 17, Rackham Amphitheater Open to the public. Freshman Health Lectures for Men, Second Semester, 1951-52. It is a University requirement that all entering freshmen, including vet- erans, attend a series of lectures on Personal and Community Health and pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Transfer students with freshman standing are also required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere, which has been accredited here. Uperclassmen who were here as freshman standing are also required to take the course unless they have had BARNABY Elliptic Partial Differential Equations in a Space of Constant Curvature." Philosophy 118, Philosophy of Mathe- matics, under Professor Langford's sup- ervision, will meet in Room 31, Business Administration Building, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 p.m., rather than at 4, as originally listed in the Time Schedule and Supplementary IAnnouncement. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics. Thurs., Jan. 17, 3-5 p.m., 2029 Angell Hall. Mr. C. A. Bennett will be the speaker. Fellowship Record Examination: Those candidates taking the Fellowship Rec- ord Examination are requested to re- port to 140 Business Administration Building, Fri., Jan. 18. This year the Fellowship Examination will be con- ducted in a single day divided up into two, half-day sessions. Doctoral examination for Allen victor H. Sapora, Education; thesis: "The Contributions of Joseph Lee to the Modern Recreation Movement and Re- lated Social Movements in the United States," Fri., Jan. 18, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chair- man, E. D. Mitchell. Doctoral examination for Roger Ar- nold Leestma, Geography; thesis: "The Muskegon River Basin, Michigan: A Region of Contrasts", Fri., Jan. 18, 210 Angell Hall, 3 p.m. Chairman, C. M. Davis. Doctoral examination for Allan Coo- per Goodman, Speech; thesis: "Imita- tion of Intonation Patterns", Fri., Jan. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott .........Managing'Editor Bob Keith............ .... City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas .... .... ..Associate Editor Ron Watts ...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...,......Associate Editor Ted Papes ...........Sports Editor George Flint ...AssociateSports Edt' Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut. Associate W'omen's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller .........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish.............Finance Manager Stu Ward ........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. 40 The Professor can't go back to his planet yet, Barnaby! His research data on our -IT If ever you get up around Canis Minor be sure to drop in ti-f Yet if the polls and other soundings of