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January 16, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-16

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Sequel to Assassination'

"You Wouldn't Mind Being Investigated, Would You?"


Satire, by its very nature, can easily be
mistaken. Often, however, it is the only
means, or the most effective means, by
which a condition may be pointed out or a
hypocrisy bared.
Yesterday, we ran a piece in these col-
SHORN OF THE commercial and psycho-
logical qualifications the definitive his-
torians would attach to the Flying Enter-
prise episode, the story of Captain Carlsen
stands as at least a satisfying allegory.
It is Don Quixote and the windmills; it is
the morality play revived; it is Everyman
beset by Giant Despair in his Pilgrim's
Reduced to its moral essentials Carl-
sen's position is enviable. Few of us are
confronted by so clear a juxtaposition of
evil and good, black and white, today.
Still fewer are granted the privilege of
personally allying ourselves with the white
and attacking the black.
Life presents us with a succession of
choice situations-but generally between
shades of gray. That we should hang upon
the exploits of this man on a ship is in a
sense a wistful protest against the cloudiness
of the choices we face daily.
We identify with Carlsen. He is our agent
and in admiring him we serve notice that
we too are basically heroes and fighters for
the right, if only we knew where the right
--Zander Hollander

umns entitled "I Killed the President." It
was devised by Rich Thomas, and was in-'
tended to show, as indicated in the editor's
note, the monstrosity of some magazine
fiction on this side of the ocean.
Nothing further was meant. The reaction,
however, which met us-by telephone and
letter-yesterday afternoon, was of such a
curious nature that it deserves to be men-
tioned in its own right. A total of perhaps
25 phone calls asked if the source was really
true. A certain number of others, perhaps
five, vociferously claimed that the article
was the sturdiest piece of libel against the
Soviet Union ever to appear in the pages of
The Daily. One gentleman, who believed
the story to have actually appeared in a
Russian magazine, explained that Americans
should take warning.
It is personally repugnant to me to have
to explain the point of a satire. But since
such confusion evidentally exists, it might
be well to rephrase the issue in ordinary
language. It is simply this: scare fiction
can do nothing but harm. Orientation of
hatred is an extremely drastic propaganda
measure, and one which should never be
employed lightly. Those examples of scare
fiction already in print (and we may pre-
sume, in the growing number yet to come),
flaunt this basic condition in an appalling


The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

That, and that alone, w
running, "I Killed the Pre
to be a definitely valid pu

vas the reason for
esident." I feel it
-Chuck Elliott
~! I

Washington Merry-Go-Round


-~- I

WASHINGTON-Today that part of the
American people which pays income tax-
es in quarterly installments, will file final
tax estimates for 1951-plus payments.
Most people gripe at filing taxes, and
this time their gripe will be legitimate.
Never before has our tax collecting sys-
tem become so steeped in fraud and fa-
voritism. If it continues, the United States
could follow the road of France, Germany
and Italy where unfair taxes and crook-
ed collections have given those countries
a boost on the road toward Communism.
To put a road-block on that road in this
country, this columnist herewith suggests
five means of preventing fraud in the future.
If you are against unfair tax collections; it
might pay to clip this column and attach it
to the return you send the Treasury today
-or to your congressman who will have to
vote these reforms into operation.
Here are the proposals:
-When the White House phones the Jus-
tice Department Tax Division regarding a
further hearing for a Missouri tax case
after Harry Schwimmer, attorney for the
President's close Kansas City friend Tom
Evans of Crown Drug stores has been
hired in the case, naturally Justice De-
partment lawyers take the cue. It sets a
general pattern down below. So also does
the behavior of White House cronies on
other matters.
Roosevelt gave the cue on influencg-pedd-
ling and tax-fixing at the start of his admin-
istration when he forced Democratic Na-
tional Committeemen Arthur Mullen of Ne-
braska, Bruce Kramer of Montana and Bob
Jackson of New Hampshire off the Demo-
cratic committee because they peddled in-
fluence. Truman, near the end of his ad-
ministration, still hasn't set a clear-cut cue
as yet.
* * *
PUBLICITY-The easiest, quickest way
to cure tax favoritism is by publishing
tax returns. Partial publicity was practiced
during the first years of the Roosevelt Ad-
ministration, and today full tax returns are
published in some states, notably Wisconsin.
But congress, which is more responsible
for tax favoritism than its sanctimonious
members will ever admit, overrode FDR
and put the quietus on any publicity re-
garding incomes. So solicitous were con-
gressmen for the big taxpayer that they
made it a criminal offense to leak or pub-
lish any income tax data.
This has played into the hands of a lot
of people, especially the influence peddlers
and those who deduct the expense of private
yachts, private airplanes and extensive par-
ties at the Stork Club or the Mayflower.
This was how Larry Knohl, the tax-
fixer, was able to take Washington offi-
cia'ls on his private plane. It was also why
the World Series games have become one
of the biggest tax deduction rackets in
New York. The U.S. Treasury, not the pub-
lic, paid for most of the box seats at the ,
World Series, thanks to the present system
of deducting lush entertainment expenses
from taxes.
While some entertainment expenses are
justifiable, it should be remembered that
the stenographer or salesgirl can't deduct

that she's helping to keep her job. Her taxes
are taken out of her salary with her pay-
check each week, and she gets no allowance
whatever for entertainment.
* * *
MORE PERSONNEL-Though the num-
ber of taxpayers has jumped from 7,288,000
to 89,270,000 since the Democrats came in
in 1933, the number of lawyers in the Jus-
tice Department's Tax Division has not in-
creased proportionately, while the number of
tax agents and employees in the Treasury
has fallen far below the proportionate in-
crease in tax returns.
Thus, while the number of taxpayers
has increased by ten times in 20 years,
the number of revenue bureau employees
has increased by only five times-from
11,524 in 1933 to about 55,000 today.
Meanwhile the Justice Department's tax
lawyers actually were decreased by con-
gressional economy from 90 in 1946 to 87 in
1951 despite the fact that the Tax Division
handled 1,606 cases in 1946 and 3,100 cases
in 1951.
The Tax Division was formerly under the
ousted Lamar Caudle; and though influence
was sometimes responsible for stymied cases,
more often it was just plain overwork.
The public has the idea that all lobbyists in
Washington are required to register. This is
wrong. Lobbyists hired to influence Congress
are required by law to register. But the law
does not apply to the really big-time lobby-
ists who pull wires before government bu-
reaus-such as the Treasury and Justice
Department to fix tax cases.
Congress, however, could change this
overnight by including them in the lob-
by registration law.
What Congress should do also is include
themselves in this law. For the biggest tax
influence is sometimes wielded by congress-
men on behalf of constituents who have
contributed heavily to their election.
* * *
year all big tax cases compromised without
going to court, should be reviewed by a
group of retired judges.
Under the judicial retirement act, re-
tired federal judges who draw pensions
from the government are subject to recall
from time to time for special work. Most
of them have distinguished careers and a
detailed knowledge of government.
Such a panel of retired judges could be
called back to duty once a year to pass on
the big tax cases that have been fixed out of
court. Probably it would be expedient to re-
view the smaller cases. However, the mere
fact that such a review board was function-
ing would be sufficient to discourage unjus-
tified compromises.
As of today, the public has no way of
knowing how these cases are handled, and
what political wire-puller has put across
a deal. For under the secrecy act the Secre-
tary of the Treasury is not required to tell.
CIVIL SERVICE-Taking the tax col-
lecting system out of politics has already
been proposed by President Truman and

WASHINGTON-On Friday, Anthony Ed-
en cooly but firmly announced that any
Chinese Communist adventures in Indo-
China or elsewhere in Southeast Asia would
be regarded as aggression and dealt with as
such. This vital declaration of policy has
aroused little excitement. Yet it means that
the British and American governments have
decided to go to war, or to come very close
to going to war with Communist China, un-
der certain circumstances that are quite
likely to arise.
This is a substantial, if somewhat ap-
palling first-fruit' of the Churchill-Tru-
man talks, which were originally billed to
produce no results whatever. The firming
of American policy, the sharp change in
emphasis in British policy, are so import-
ant that they need to be spelled out in
greater detail.
In brief, as first disclosed in this space,
Washington and London were informed
some weeks ago that the French government
now expects a Chinese Communist invasion
of Indo-China. Between 220,000 and 270,000
Chinese Communist troops are deployed on
the border in jump-off positions. If they at-
tack, the French and loyal Indo-Chinese
forces, with their hands full already with
the native Communist gueri'illas, will cer-
tainly be unable to withstand the invading
Chinese forces. Indo-China will fall, setting
off a chain reaction of disaster that will
spread through Siam, Malaya and Burma to
Indonesia, India and the Middle East.
THIS THREAT from the first inevitably
preoccupied President Truman, Prime
Minister Churchill and their staffs. The first
decision was that Soviet capture of almost
all of Asia would amount to total defeat in
the cold war. Plans for countering the
threatened chain reaction of disaster were
therefore carefully reviewed, and the second
decision was to reject any response on the
Korean pattern-local commitment of Am-
erican and other U.N. forces to a "limited"
war in Indo-China.
These decisions led inevitably to the final
and crucial decision-to meet any new Chi-
nese Communist aggression by strict naval
blockade of the China coast, air attacks on
Chinese coastal cities and inland communi-
cations, and such other reprisals against
China proper as may be practicable.
Although these measures are still short
of total, war with Communist China, no
one can say that they will not lead on to
such a war. Equally, no one can tell
whether these measures will bring the So-
viet Union into the Far Eastern fighting
under the mutual defense provisions of
the Sino-Soviet pact. These are the ter-
rible risks that may have to be taken, in
order to halt the threatened chain reac-
tion, starting in Indo-China, but certain
in the end to engulf the whole Western
Under the circumstances, it was obviously
prudent to let the Kremlin and the Peking
government know that Britain and the Uni-
ted States had steeled themselves to takeI
these risks if need be. Thus we could avoid
any repetition of the tragedy behind the
Korean war, when the sorry spectacle of
American disarmament convinced the
Kremlin that aggression was entirely safe.
Therefore it was agreed, as also forecast in
this space, to issue the stern warning that
has now been given by British Foreign Mini-
ster Eden in his lucid and wide ranging
Columbia University speech.
* * *
ASTO WHETHER we shall have to make
good on this warning, it is anyone's
guess. Ominous signs have accumulated in
recent weeks. At Paris, Andrei Vishinsky
has accused the Western powers of pre-
paring aggression in Southeast Asia, which
looks like the usual mirror-language of So-
viet propaganda. At Panmunjom, the Chinese
Communist and North Korean negotiators
have lately begun to treat the Korean peace
talks with such contempt that the majority
of the delegation actually occupies itself in

playing Mah Jong in the tent of meeting.
Besides the preparations against Indo-Chi-
na, there are grave signs of a threat to Bur-
ma, which ceratin intelligence experts find
even more alarming.
On the other hand, two great gains have
now been made. Peking and Moscow have
been told precisely what they will be risk-
ing by this attack which they have pre-
pared; and this is the likeliest preven-
tive. At the same time, the Kremlin and
the Chinese Communist Politburo have
been confronted with the recently unac-
customed spectacle of substantive Anglo-
American unity on Far Eastern policy.
There has been friction, in the Churchill-
Truman talks, about whether the Japanese
should semi-recognize Chiang Kai-shek,
since John Foster Dulles promised the Jap-
anese would be left free to choose. But here
the British have accepted our policy. On
the issue of recognition, the British have in
contrast refused to rescind their action,
while hinting they wished it had never been
taken. But on the real problem, of what to
do about the dangers looming in the Far
East, there has been full, solid, practical
agreement. This is all that matters, and no
greater political gain could be imagined.

(Continued from Page 2)
Business Administration g r a d u a t e,
about 28 to 30 years of age, as a Rec-
ords' Administrator. An experienced
person is desired.
The Jamestown Sterling Corporation
of Jamestown, N. Y. is interested in
obtaining an Industrial Engineer who
has had training in Time Study, Pro-
duction Planning and Employee .Rela-

tions. They want a man about 30 Ger. 11, sec. 4; Ger. 31, sec. 5-225 A.H.
years of age who has had some prac- Ger. 11, sec. 6 and 7, Ger. 31, sec. 3-
tical experience in wood working. 229 A.H.
Timken Roller Bearing Company of Ger. 1. sec. 3, 7, 11, 17 (All oral see-
Detroit has openings on their Automo- tions)-101 Econ.
tive Engineering Sales Training Program F~
for Mechanical Engineers. Men gradu- Fln ip Record Exanation: Thse
ating in February are eligible, candidates taking the Fellowship Rec-
The Memorial Hospital of Logansport, ord Examination are requested to re-
Indiana needs a woman to fill the po port to 140 Business Administration
sition of Laboratory Technician that is Building, Fri., Jan. 18. This year the
available. . Fellowship Examination will be con-
For further information, applications, ducted in a single day divided up into
and appointments contact the Bureau two, half-day sessions.
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building. Botany Seminar: "Allying Viewpoints
____dng. in Pteridology," by Dr. Warren H. Wag-
ner, Jr., Wed., Jan. 16, 4 p.m., 1139 Na-
Leeturestural Science Bldg.
The William W. Cook Lectures on Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
American Institutions, seventh series. Thurs., Jan. 18, 4 p.m., 247 West En-
Dr. Howard Mumford Jones, Professor gineerilg. Mr. J. Kaiser will speak on
of English, Harvard University. Gen- "Bessel Functions in Connection with
eral subject, "The Pursuit of Happi- Elliptic Partial Differential Equations in
ness." Third lecture, "Our Being's End a Space of Constant Curvature."
and Aim."~ 4:15 p.m., Wed., Jan. 16,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Fourth lecture Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
"No Laughing Matter." 4:15 p.m., Wed., Jan. 16, 3:45 p.m., 101 West En-
Thurs., Jan. 17, Rackham Lecture Hall. gineering Building. Mr. T. H. Lin will
speak on "Recent Development of
University Lecture, auspices of the Stress-strain Relations in Plasticity."
Department of Biological Chemistry..
"Metabolic Interrelationships of Choline I Seminar in Complex Variables: Wed,
and Certain Other Nutrients." Dr. Wen- Jan. 16, 2:30 p.m., 247 West Engineering.
deli H. Griffith, University of California Mr. George Brauer will discuss a theor-
at Los Ang~eles. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Jan. em of M. Riesz.
16, Rackhain Amphitheater. -
, Sociology 166, Personality and Culture,
American Chemical Society Lecture. taught by Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb,
Dr. A. E. Finholt of the Department will meet in Room 231 Angell Hall on
of Chemistry, St. Olaf College, North- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2
field, Minnesota, will speak on "The p.m.. rather than at 1 p.m., as origin-
Complex Hydrides," Wed., Jan. 16, 8 ally listed in the Time Schedule and
p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. All in- Supplementary Announcement.
terested are welcome.
Survey Research Center Seminar.
University Lecture in Journalism. Thurs., Jan. 17, 8 to 9:30 p.m. in the
Address by Louis M. Lyons, Curator of Conference Room of the Center. Ste-
the Nieman Foundation at Harvard Uni- phen B. Withey will discuss "On Con-
versity, 3 p.m., Wed., Jan. 16, Rack- sistency in Reinterviews."
ham Amphitheater; followed by a cof-
fee hour, 4 p.m., Newsroom, 512 South Recreational Leadership, Women Stu-
State Street. dents.
Upperclass women may apply for the
University Lecture: Curt Sachs, Pro- course in Recreational Leadership of-
fessor of Music at New York University, fered by the Department of Physical

Noehren, University Organist, and will
be open to the general public.
Events Today
Opening tonight: "The Fan," an 18th
century Italian comedy by Carlo Gol-
doni will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech tonight thru Saturday,
at 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets are on sale for all performance
at the Mendelssohn box office from
10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. A reduced rate
for studentson Wed. and Thurs. night.
Research Club. 8 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. "The C r e a t i o n of
Latin Alphabets - A World-wide Ap-
plication of Linguistic Science." by
Prof. Herbert Penzl; "The Sequence of
Events in Muscular Contraction," by
Prof. Dugald E. S. Brown.
Industrial Relations Club. Election
of officers for the coming semester,
Room 3K, Union, 7:30 p.m. New mem-
bers will be accepted at this time..
Prior to the election of officers, there
will be a meeting of all students in--
terested in taking B.A. 244 (Collective
Bargaining). The purpose of the meet-
ing is to discuss the handling of cer-
tain study materials and the general
program for the course.
Society of Automotive Engineers:
Meeting in the automotive lab, 8 p.m.
for further hop-up of a model airplane
engine. Everyone welcome.
Uilr Ski club: Meeting to discuss
weekend ski trip and between semes-
ters ski trip. No movies. Room 3B,
Union. 7:30 p.m. Drivers needed for

Ger. 1, sec. 1; Ger. 2, sec. 4; Ger. 11,
sec. 2; Ger. 31, sec. 1 and 2-1025 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 13; Ger. 2, sec. 5.-2231 A.-
Ger. 1, sec. 14 and 15-2225 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 4 and 9; Ger. 2, sec. 2.-
2003 A.H.
Ger.1,. sec. 6 and 12; Ger. 2, sec. 1;
Ger. 31. sec. 6-2235 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 8; Ger. 2, sec. 3; Ger. 11,
sec. 1 and 3; Ger. 31. sec. 4.-1035 A.H.

bute the ceaseless efforts by offi-
cial Soviet sources to undermine
and to destroy widespread belief
in certain values, identified with
western civilization to the puny
effort of a handful of private citi-
zens in the U.S. is putting the cart
before the horse.
-Hewey L. Bretton
Poor' Judy.. .
To the Editor:
CONCERNING J o h n Sumner
Lowry's article, "Judy be
Good," in Saturday's Daily:
Amen! Brother, Amen!
-Al Van Kampen
"Fundamentally, I believe the
ultimate purpose of our foreign
policy must be to protect the lib-
erty of the people of the United
States . . . to achieve that liberty
we have gone to war, and to pro-
tect it we would go to war again.
"Only second to liberty is the
maintenance of peace. The re-
sults of a war may be almost as
bad as the destruction of liberty
and, in fact, may lead, even if the
war is won, to something very
close to the destruction of liberty
at home."
-Robert Alphonso Taft
i~a~~~u ~r~

'Russian'Article . . . of American people - especialiy
through such press efforts which
To the Editor: Mr. Thomas seeks to condemn. He
is adding fuel to the fire.
IT WAS very depressing for me In these troubled times honest
to read the editorial in yester- students must evaluate propagan-
day's Daily containing a hypothe- da media of national states in an
tical Russian counterpart to the objective manner. The interest of
current Collier and Esquire war peace demands it.
propaganda. -Gordon MacDougall
I am sure that with all the vi-* *
cious remarks being made in Am- The 'Russian' Attack . . .
erican journals, many students
will believe that the Soviet Union To the Editor:
puts out articles of Mr. Thomas'
caliber. CONCERNING the editor's note
Granted most Americans are in on the alledged reprint "I
fundamental opposition to the Killed the President":
current program of the Soviet Un- To convey the impression that
ion. Nevertheless, because we dis- such an extraordinary outpouring
agree with them does not mean of blood and filth-the "Soviet"
we should distort what they actu- article-could have been caused by
ally say. The Soviet Union never certain efforts of private indivi-
published any mythical invasion duals and publications in the Un-
of the United States and has, with ted States is a distortion of facts.
other nations, condemned the spe- The Soviet campaign of hate and
cial edition of Colliers as a threat vituperation antedates by far the
to world peace. appearance of certain regrettable
T U e- n. articles in Collier's and elsewhere.
The United Nations has offi A perusal of Lenin's and Stalin's
taoly lodged a protest to the edi- exercises in cynicism would serve
tors of Colliers. Three of the orn- to establish this fact. It could also
ginal writers in the controversial be recommended that the disbe-
Issue have withdrawn their arti- liever make a careful study of
cles from futurespublication-not- speeches and writings by other So-
able among these is Walter Reu- viet leaders-not those designed
ther. He received angry protests to hoodwink foreign correspon-
from Western European trade- dents but those for Russian do-
unionists. mestic consumption-over the last
I spoke to Mr. Thomas on the thirty years. A look at back num-
phone. He said the faked Russian bers of the Soviet magazine "Kro-
article from a fake magazine was kodil," covering the years after
satire for the purpose of showing World War II, would also be ad-
up the Collier effort. However, the visable.
life of an imminent Soviet attack Hatred is a natural by-product
on America is, I'm afraid, becom- of totalitarianism. The Soviet re-
ing accepted by a great number gime thrives on hatred. To attri-





Religion-in-Life Policy
meets at Lane Hall, 4 p.m.
sentative isaexpected from
erating group.

One repre-
each coop-

wil speak on "Rhythm and Tempo in
the History of Music," at 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Jan. 17, Rackham Amphitheater
Open to the public
University Lecture. Dr. Philip J. Elv-
ing, Professor of Analytical Chemistry,
Pennsylvania State College, and Visit-
ing Lecturer in Chemistry, Harvard
University, will lecture on "'Polarogra-
phy of Organic Compounds", Thurs..
Jan. 17. 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg.
Visitors are welcome.
Academic Notices
Room Assignments for Final Exami-
nation,.English 1 and 2, Mon., Jan. 21,
2-5 p.m.
Allison, 3 Tap; Armstrong, 4 AH;
Bagoe, 6 AH; Baker, 1035 AH; Barnhill,
16 AH; Barrows, 212 AH; Batzer, 1020
AH; Bedard, 35 AH; Boys, 1209 AlH;
Brown 2029 AH; Buckley, 35 AH; Carr,
2016 AH; Chandler, 18 AH; Chapman,
102 Arch; Cherniak, 2231 AH: Cobb, 225
AH; Cochran, 209 AH; Copple, 108 RL;
Cox, 107 RL; Culbert, 102 Arch; Dickey,
2225 AH; Eastman, 2231 AH; Engel, 35
AH; Everett, 1035 AH; Felheim, 2219 AH;
Felver, 3010 AH; Fisher, 3011 AH; Fos-
ter, 3209 AH; Hampton, 3017 AH; Hen-
drick, 1121 NS; Hendricks, 2215 AH; Hill,
2014 AH; Huntley, 2013 AH; Jackson,
2039 NS; Kraus, 2042 NS;. Logan, 3017
AH; McCaughey, 2116 NS; Markman, 102
Arch; Marshall, 2 Ec; Miske, 5 Ec; Moon.
102 Arch; Morillo, 103 Ec; Muehi, 2203
AH; Needham. 2235 AH; Newman, 1007
AH; Oppewall, 207 Ec; Orel, 2054 NS;
Pearce, 2003 AH; Peterson, 229 AH; Pills-
bury, 202 Ec: Pinkus, 203 Ec; Shedd,
102 Ec; Slatoff, 130 TCB; Slote, 110 Tap;
Speckhard, D AMH; Steinhoff, 18 AH;
Stockton, 2054 NS; Super, 1018 AH;
Swartz, 2219 AH; Ussery, D AMH; Vande
Kieft, 215 Ec; Weimer, 3231 AH; Wood-
ruff,'2003 AH.
Final Exam. Room Schedule for Ger.
1, 2, 11, 31. Following is a schedule of
room assignments for finals on Wed.,
Jan. 23, 2-5.
Ger. 1, see. 2, 5, 10 ,16-25 A.H.

Education for Women on Fridays, 3 to
5 p.m. during the second semester. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained in
15 Barbour Gymnasium and must be
returned by January 25.
May Festival. The following artists
and organizations will participate in
the six concerts of the 59th annual May
Festival, May 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Hill
Eleanor Steber, Patrice Munsel, As-
trid Varnay, Anton Dermota, George
London, Set Svanholm and Mack Har-
rell, all of the Metropolitan Opera; Pa-
tricia Neway of the City Center Opera;
Philip Duey of the University of Michi-
gan; Nathan Milstein, violinist; and
Guiomar Novaes, Brazilian pianist.
Eugene Ormandy, Thor Johnson, Al-
exander Hilsberg, and Marguerite Hood,
The Philadelphia Orchestra will par-
ticipate in all six programs.
The University Choral Union will per-
form Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust"
and Walton's "Belshazzar's Feast." The
Festival Youth Chorus will participate
in one program.
Season tickets (tax exempt) may be
ordered at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower at $10.00, $9.00 and $8.00.
Festival or Organ Music by students
in the School of Music will be presented
in two programs on January 16. The
first will be given at 4:15 Wednesday
afternoon, with Phillip Steinhaus, Wil-
liam Richard, Harriette Wilson, Phares
Steiner, Kathleen Bond, June Moore
and John Mueller playing works by
Bach, Franck, Roger-Ducasse, Mendels-
sohn and Alain. The second program
will begin at 8:30 in the evening and
will feature compositions by Bach,
Franck, Messiaen and Gigout presented
by Janice Clark, Jane Townsend, Bertha
Hagarty, Paul Jenkins, Frederick Fahr-
ner and Richard Branch. Both program
will be under the direction of Robert

Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion Groups, 5:30 to 7 p.m.,
Guild House. Freshman Discussion
Group not meeting this week.
Rushing Chairmen's meeting in the
League, at 4:30 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Guild.
Visitors are always welcome. School of
Christian Living at 6:15 in the social
Westminster Guild: Tea 'n' Talk,
4-6 p.m., First Presbyterian Church.
U of M. Rifle Club will meet at 7:15
p.m., at the ROTC Rifle Range. A
postal match is scheduled.
Coming Events
Geology-Mineralogy Journal Club. Dr.
John A.. Dorr, Jr., Carnegie Museum,
Pittsburgh, Pa., will give a talk on,
"Reviewing the Laramide History of
Central Western Wyoming and Vicin-
ity", 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 17, 2054
Natural Science Bldg.
Graduate Political Science Round Ta-
ble: Thurs., Jan. 17, 7:45 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater. Dr. Angus Camp-
bell, Director of the Survey Research
Center, will speak on "Research in Po-
litical Behavior at the Survey Research
Center." He will be assisted by Drs.
Dwaine Marvick and James Davies.
Social hour following the meeting. All
interested persons invited.
Graduate Student Council. Meeting,
Thurs., Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., Graduate
Outing Room, Rackham Bldg.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Thurs., Jan. 17, 311 West Engi-
neering. Marlinspike seamanship will
be practised.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts .....'.......Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes .,.........Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James........... Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish...........Finance Manager
Stu Ward ..,......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-I
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
Ali rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular schol
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

. .


International Center Weekly
foreign students and American
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 17.

Tea for


I'boy, by the third or fourth month
of his trial, when the Professor has
seen your fairy Godfather winning his

Thenjhe'll know wja- *

Mr. (Yally! Lok, Ws the
Prfso!R' on wy

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