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January 15, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-15

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TditenIle te
W HAT WITH everybody champing at the
financial bit, it really wasn't too sur-
prising that William Brown, mayor of Ann
Arbor, saw fit last week to propose a new
system of raising money for the city. Fur-
ther, it required no "prophetic soul" to con-
clude that the mayor would spin his swivel
chair around and look at the University as
the source for the welcome dollars.
For years now, the city has been look-
ing for ways to extract some kind of fi-
nancial aid from the University. As a state
institution, it is immune from the ordi-
nary kinds of taxation, such as land and
property assessments, and the city must
depend on what it can get in the way of
grants and special University allocations.
There are plenty of these. For example,
the city got $97,000 in 1946 for improve-
ments in the water system in the Univer-
sity area. Last year, the police force was
bolstered by an allocation of $28,000 a.
year, in order to have special police cover-
ing the campus and easing the job of the
regular force. Besides these specifics, city
income was increased by $75,000 a year in
sales tax receipts, when a state legislature
decision defined students as residents of
the city.
There are other examples of these alloca-
tions-but the point now is that the city is
not yet satisfied. The new plan, despite
Mayor Brown's acute observation that it is
not aimed at the University, but simply at
the individual consumer, involves absolutely
nothing beyond Univerity functions. It is
directed at the University, and to claim
otherwise is ridiculous.
The mayor has pointed out that the foot-
ball ticket sales would alone bring in per-
haps $100,000 in taxes. Most of this would
come from out-of-town spectators (which
are otherwise impossible for the city to tax).
I hope the mayor realizes the amount of
money which those same spectators bring
into town. Assuming this, it might be justi-
fied to tax them and use the money for
police or something of that sort. It rather
smacks of taking unwarranted advantage of
a good thing to tax visitors in order to build
a recreation center.
The seven dollars which is allocated out
of every full-time student's tuition each year
for inter-collegiate athletic tickets would
probably come under this tax as well, mak-
ing a tidy sum. Students would pay in other
ways, too. They buy the bulk of Musical So-
ciety concert tickets. They go to all the
dances. They, in fact, make up the Uni-
versity, and both as spectators and partici-
pants would be the ones hit by the proposed
Mayor Brown has said "the people will
probably have to vote on it, but I am con-
fident that they will be ten to one in favor
of the proposal." Doubtless they will, sir.
Probably less than a tenth of the city's
voters are connected with the University,
and would easily be out-voted, You and
your consultants are to be congratulated
on having finally dredged up a tax plan
against which those due to be taxed are
eminently incapable of defending them-
selves. Assuming that the proposal man-
ages to sneak through the maze of legal-
Judicial barriers confronting it, many of
the city's financial problems will be pain.
lessly solved.
I beg to suggest, however, Mayor Brown,
that your plan can scarcely be expected to
meet happy approval in this end of the city.
The town can only tug so hard at the gown,
and that in itself is not a very amicable pro-
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in al reprints.

Eter pnse
FOR 14 DAYS we have wondered, scoffed
and marveled at the deed of Capt. Carl-
sen and his ship. The Flying Enterprise has
finally gone down, its captain and the mate
of the tug Turmoil are safe on shore, and
the eyes of the Atlantic world have once
again focused on more grim problems.
Yet before this saga is completely forgot-
ten a final note of admiration for the cap-
tain should be spoken.
In a world seemingly devoid of ordered
values, Capt. Carlsen's action strikes an
improbable note. And his refusal of all
cash offers for movie, television, radio
rights and endorsement of commercial
products seems to add to the improbability.
For by his action on the Flying Enter-
prise he has shown a genuine loyalty to a
personal conviction which we rarely wit-
ness. He has shown more than stubborn loy-
alty to his company; rather he has stood by
his belief of what his duty was. As Carlsen
saw it, a good sea captain does not desert
his ship until there is no hope left, and in
risking his life he was only carrying out this
And it is an understanding of this simple
clear decision of what is "right" or "wrong"
that Carlsen applied to his trial, that we
should couple with our admiration.
Jan Winn
New Books at the Library

I Killed The President

"You've Heard 01 The Hour-Glass Figure"

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an abridge-
ment of an article which appeared in the Soviet
magazine "Krashdna Sovietski". It is the final
chapter of a serial which began in the November
number of the magazine. The story is apparently
Russia's answer to the welter of inflamatory
fiction published recently in various American
magazines. Those U.S. citizens responsible for
collier's "War Issue," Esquire's "I Killed Stalin"
and the many other hate articles should read the
Russian piece in its entirety. Then they should
reflect on the obviously detrimental effect their
products have had upon the world's uphill strug-
gle to peace. The series was entitled "A Raid
on Washington." The date of their "raid" was
May 1', 1954.)'


SYNOPSIS: Gen. Eisenhower was forc-
ed upon the American workers by "warmon-
gering Wall Street" in the fall of 1952. From
this point on, "Our Great Stalin" realized
the decadent capitalist-imperialists of the
U.S. would force the world into a war they
did not want. The Red Army was alert,
therefore, when the attack came and swift-
ly drove the gangster armies of the West
from Europe, liberating the peace-loving
peoples of Europe from their ruthless op-
pressors. As a means of immediately punish-
ing the foremost war criminal, since it might
take a year for the Red Air Force to re-
duce the U.S. to complete shambles and
force her to surrender, a raid was planned
upon Washington. The raid's objective was
the murder of President Eisenhower and
any other of the "greedy exploiters" the
raider's could lay hands on. The planning
and initial stages of the operation went off
without a hitch. Submarine X with its cargo
of 25 commandos safely crossed the Altantic
(from Minsk) and cruised through Hampton
Roads under cover of darkness and air force
raids on Baltimore and Norfolk Naval Base.
It was met off the mouth of the Potomac by
Russian agents who had secured two oyster
boats. The commandos boarded the boats
and chugged serenely up the Potomac. The
air force kept up intermitant raids on Nor-
folk and Baltimore all night, ensuring a
blacked-out Washington and little opposi-
tion for the daring raiders. The submarine
turned about and left Hampton Roads as it
"had come.
The trip up the Potomac was as unevent-
ful as the rest of the voyage had been. The
audacity of our venture had evidently caught
the stupid imperialists off guard. The night
was a perfect moonless overcast. Our newly
equipped fish trawlers pushed us along at 15
knots and our pilots knew the river comple-
tely. Once we saw the dimmed headlights of
a patrol vehicle on the shore, but the river
was broad, the men were safely hid beneath
the decks and we went undiscovered. But
for the droning bombers, the muffled crash
of their bombs and the answer of the anti-
aircraft 50 miles north at Baltimore, the
evening was silent.
As the river grew narrower, the tension
among the men increased. In fifteen minutes
we would begin the operation it had taken
months to plan and train for. Mixed with the
tension we felt was a certain elation. It
came from knowing we were about to act
for the two billion peace-loving peoples of
the world. The greatest war-criminal in
history was about to die.
Our boat nosed gingerly Into the shadow
of the Potomac Memorial Bridge. The sec-
ond trawler followed and the commandos
jumped quickly overboard and waded
ashore. The shock of the Icy water stag.
gered us,
We huddled in the protection of the bridge
shadow. Two hundred yards up the shore
the white outline of the Lincoln Memorial
was faintly visible against the grey-black
sky. (The reactionaries have great marble
buildings in tribute to their biggest tools all
over Washington. Lincoln was the president
who proclaimed open war against all the
colored people of the country). We waited
five minutes before our marvelous bombers
began blasting the Pentagon Building (mili-
tary headquarters for the world butcherers).
Then we began leaving the bridge in
groups of five. The first group overcame
two air raid wardens who were patrolling
the area. Their throats were slit and they
were dumped in the river as, quick as you
can say Vishinsky. The splash they made
was satisfactory. Now it was my groups' turn,
and we jumped across the paving and be-

gan our journey through the parks and gov-
ernment buildings. Our destination: the
White House bomb shelter.
* * *
AS WE WALKED along in the darkness,
each man's gorge rose up' in hate of the
decadent soil he trod on. We marched a
hundred yards out of our way to trample a
flower bed full of young buds. (It was a tri-
bute to the worst enemy of the people of all
-Theodore Roosevelt.)
We were now crossing the mall between
Constitution Ave., which was named after
the most hideous document of oppression
ever conceived by man.
We had anticipated resistance in trying
to enter the White House grounds. But
only one guard was awake, even the Pen-
tagon bombing had not aroused four other
sentries from their drunken stupors. Bro-
ken likker bottles lay all around. We knifed
the four sleepers and shot the other as
he knelt and whimpered for mercy. We
could find no keys to the gates but an
enormous Georgian trooper of superb po-
litical-dialectic development bent the iron
pickets aside as if they were straw.
We left the soldiers bleeding in the filthy
streets and ran up the White House lawn to-
wards the bomb shelter. Around in front of
the presidential palace we could hear firing
at the front gates. Our other groups were on
their assignments. Five other troopers came
out of the shadows to join us. Ten strong
we stood at the entry to the shelter. We felt
no fear, only doubt-would we find Eisen-
* * *
DOWN WE PLUNGED into the gigantic
concrete structure. Our submachine
guns spewed death to five guards who tried
to stop us. A sixth begged for mercy and we
spared him so he could lead us to our ob-
As we rushed up the subterranean corri-
dor we kicked down each door and tossed in
a grenade. The place was packed with ad-
mirals, generals and Wall Street financiers.
In one room I caught a glimpse of fat men
in black silk hats gleefully running their
hands through an enormous pile of gold.
Then the grenade went off.
Now we were in the tyrants' apartment.
When we burst in he was swilling from a
25-ruble bottle of white lightning. He had
his arm around a half naked woman. His
glazed eyes did not understand what was
happening as we seized him and shot
her. In another room we found his wife,
who was being visited by her son and two
We lined them all against the wall. An ar-
gument broke out among the men over who
would get to execute the president. Before it
could be settled, however, all ten of us fell
with a vengence upon the quaking family.
It was the wrath of century-long suppression
pent up in the workingmen.
The horrible Eisenhower lived to see
his entire family slaughtered. A sublime
moment of the peoples' justice.
His wife was bayoneted twice before she
fell writhing to the ground. Her blood spurt-
ed out on the grandchildren, painting them
sunset red. His son, cowering in a corner,
was kicked to the ground by three of us and
was cut into two pieces by a magnificient
bayonet slash.
Meanwhile, two commandos had spied
the grandchildren and were swinging their
guns at them like peasants flailing wheat.
The children were quick on their feet,
however, and 'the rifle butts missed them
several times.
Throwing away their weapons, our entire
force assailed him with their bare fists. He
fell immediately but was dragged up and
held while justice continued to be met out.
OUTSIDE WE rejoined the other groups
(one of which had successfully blown
up the Washington monument) and were

quickly picked up by cars driven by our'ase-
cret agents. We were whisked out of Wash-
ington to a point near Virginia Beach. The
rubber dinghies from the submarine met us
and so we returned; mission accomplished
and not one of us had been injured.

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Iranian Problem . ..
To the Editor:
'AM A STUDENT in the English
Language Institute of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. I read your
article about Iran tonight and I
will be very pleased if you print
my article in your paper.
I am an Iranian student. I
came to the United States recent-
ly. I was in Iran while they were
nationalizing the oil.
I have spoken with many Ameri-
cans about our action. They usu-
ally do not agree with our act.
Perhaps they are right to disagree
with our nationalization. When
the U.S. got its independence in
1776 no nation agreed with their
purpose. Americans think that we
only nationalized our oil. It is
true, but here is another matter
which is more important than na-
tionalization: we got our true po-
litical independence. It is the rea-
son why we do not want the Brit-
ish to come to our country twice.
When they recognized our na-
tionalization, they proposed that
we sell our oil to them for half the
international price, and that the
head of the Iranian company must
be an Englishman, and several de-
mands like this. So we did not
accept their proposal. It is a re-
markable thing that Americans
think we are not ready to pay for
the industrial equipment. Several
times we proposed to negotiate
with the British but they were not
ready because they have been eat-
ing a good meal gratuitously for
fifty years and now they are not
ready to leave it.
Now if the British had treated
us well and improved our situation
we would have liked them, but I
am sorry to say they did not. An-
other matter I have heard from
Americans is that the British civi-
lized us. Honestly they did not
want to civilizeus. They did not
even want us to advance in our
work. If they had helped us we
would be very ungrateful to push
them out of our country but they
did n1ot.
Another thing I wanted to men-
tion here was about your writing.
You have written about the State
Department. I think they want to
follow the British policy till the
British make Iran a second Korea
and start war to make trouble for
the United States and then the
British can go to sleep comfort-
Without War
UNLESS WE CAN cope with the
problem of abolishing war,
there is no reason whatever to re-
joice in labor-saving technique, but
quite the reverse. On the other
hand, if the danger of war were
removed, scientific technique could
at last be used to promote human
happiness. There is no longer any
technical reason for the persist-
ence of poverty, even in such
densely populated countries as In-
dia and China. If war no longer
occupied men's thoughts and ener-
gies, we could, within a generation
put an end to. all serious poverty
throughout the world.
-Bertrand Russell'

ably and let America fight the
-Mohamad Tagi Kupay
Ike's Cap . . .
To the Editor:
SINCE General Eisenhower has
consented to accept the Re-
publican nomination for President
if it is offered him, I have been
asked by several people just how
I feel about this. So that there will
be no doubt in anyone's mind, I
will let the following express my
attitude with regard to the Gen-
eral's candidacy:
First, I think that any American
has the inherent right to seek any
political office he chooses, provid-
ed that he can meet the qualifica-
tions for that office.
Secondly, I believe that General
Eisenhower is a very capable, in-
telligent and sincere man. I think
he has served his country well,
and that his place in history is
among the highest any man could
Thirdly, I believe that in the
event that the GOP does actually
nominate the General (and I have
my doubts) they will only be ad-
mitting to the people of this coun-
try that after 20 years out of of-
fice, they have not yet found a
Republican paity-liner who can
beat a Democrat for the Presi-
Fourthly, it is my opinion that
the honor of carrying the banner
for the Republican Party this year
should fall to "Mr. Republican,"
Robert Taft, who seems to repre-
sent everything the Republican
Party has stood for since the time
when Teddy Roosevelt left it.
Fifthly, I think that if Gen-
eral Eisenhower makes the race,
he will be hampered by the fact
that he will be lending support to
many isolationist Republican
Congressmen and Senators who
will be seeking re-election.
Finally, as for .myself, I still
support the President of The Uni-
ted States for re-election in 1952,
and am fairly confident that if
Harry Truman does decide to run
again, he will beat any man the
Republicans care to name.
'-Gene Mossner, President,
The Young Democratic Club
*W *k * *
Michigan Coeds .
To the Editor:
WOULD LIKE to take this op-
portunity to contradict the
completely unfounded statements
about our Michigan Co-eds made
by my fellow law student, John
Sumner Lowry III.
I feel that after six years spent
at Michigan, I am much more
qualified to speak on the virtues
of Judy than he is. As I look back
over my varied dating experience,
I can only recall the many happy
hours spent with girls who were
intellectuajlly receptive, and who
imbued the evening with an aura
of sensitivity and companionship.
Mr. Lowry may be looking for
an intellectual Amazon, but as for
me, give me a girl with social
grace who will prove to be a suc-
cessful wife and mother.
JUDY, if you are looking for a
simple, appreciative, compassion-
ate and fun-loving Joe, instead of
a Harvard intellect, I'm your boy!
-Robert Gilmore Russell, Jr.
Michigan, '50

(Continued from Page 2)
eral subject, "The Pursuit of Happi-
ness." Second lecture, "As by an In-
visible Hand." 4:15 p.m. Tues. Jan. 15,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Third lecture,
"Our Being's End and Aim." 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., Jan. 16, Rackham Lecture Hall,
American chemical Society Lecture.
Dr. A. E. Finholt of the Department
of Chemistry, St. Olaf College, North-
field, Minnesota. will speak on "The
Complex Hydrides," Wed., Jan. 16, a
p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. All in-
terested are welcome.
Academic Notices
Final Exam. Room Schedule for Ger.
1, 2, 11, 31. Following is a schedule of
room assignments for finals on Wed.,
Jan. 23, 2-5.
Ger. 1, sec. 2. 5 10 ,16-25 A.H.
Ger. 1. sec. 1; Ger. 2, sec. 4; Ger. 11,
sec. 2; Ger. 31, see. 1 and 2-1025 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 13; Ger. 2, sec. 5.-2231 A.-
Ger. 1, sec. 14 and 15-2225 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 4 and 9; Ger. 2, sec. 2.-
2003 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 6 and 12; Ger. 2, sec. 1;
Ger. 31, sec. 6-2235 A.H.
Ger. 1, see. 8; Ger. 2, see. 3; Ger. 11,
sec. 1 and 3; Ger. 31, sec. 4.-1035 A.H.
Ger. 11, sec. 4; Ger. 31, see. 5-225 A.H.
Ger. 11, sec. 6 and 7, Ger. 31, sec. 3-
229 A.H.
Ger. 1, sec. 3, 7, 11, 17 (All oral sec-
tions)-101 Econ.
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the February 24 ad-
ministration of the Law School Admis-
sion Test are now available at 110
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N.J. not later
than February 13.
Sociology 166, Personality and culture,
taught by Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb,
will meet in Room 231 Angell Hall on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2
p.m., rather than at 1 p.m., as origin-
ally listed in the Time Schedule and
Supplementary Announcement.
Algebra I Seminar: Tues., Jan. 15,
9 a.m., 2303 Angell Hall. Miss H. M.
Heater will speak on "The degree of
Seminar in Complex Variables: Wed..
Jan, 16. 2:30 p.. 247 West Engineering.
Mr. George Brauer will discuss a theor-
em of M. Riesz
Geometry Seminar: Thurs., Jan. 17,
4:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Schor
will speak on "Schrodinger's Space-
Time Theory."
Logic Seminar: Tues., Jan. 15, 3:10
p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Topic: Tarski's
Postulates for Relation Algebra.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Jan.
15, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Alex
Rosenberg will speak on "Subrings of
simple rings with minimal ideals."
Engineering Mechanics Seminary:
Wed., Jan. 16, 3:45 p.m., 101 West En-
gineering Building. Mr. T. H. Lin will
speak on "Recent Development of
Stress-strain Relations in Plasticity."
Room Assignments for Final Exami-
nation, English 1 and 2, Mon., Jan. 21,
2-5 p.m..
Allison, 3 Tap: Armstrong. 4 AH;
Bagoe, 6 AH; Baker, 1035 AH; Barnhill,
16 AH; Barrows, 212 AH; Batzer, 1020
AH; Bedard, 35 AH; Boys, 1209 AH;
Brown 2029 AH; Buckley. 35 AH; Carr,
2016 AH; Chandler, 18 AH; Chapman,
102 Arch; Cherniak, 2231 AH; Cob, 225
AH; Cochran, 209 AH; Copple, 108 RL;
Co, 107 RL; Culbert, 102 Arch; Dickey,
2225 AH; Eastman, 2231 AH; Engel 35
AH; Everett, 1035 AH; Feheim, 2219 AH;
Felver, 3010 AH; Fisher, 3011 AH; Fos-
ter, 3209 AH; Hampton, 3017 AH; Hen-
drick, 1121 NS; Hendricks, 2215 AH; Hill,
2014 AH; Huntley, 2013 AH; Jackson,
2039 NS; Kraus, 2042 NS; Logan, 3017
AH; McCaughey, 2116 NS; Markman, 102
Arch;rMarshall, 2 Ec; Miske, 5 Ec; Moon,
102 Arch; Morillo, 103 Ec; Mueh, 2203
AH; Needham. 2235 AH; Newman, 1007
AH; Oppewall, 207 Ec; Orel, 2054 NS;
Pearce, 2003 AH; Peterson, 229 AH; Pills-
bury, 202 Ec; Pinkus, 203 Ec; Shedd,
102 Ec; Slatoff, 130 TCB; Slote, 110 Tap;
Speckhard, D AMH; Steinhoff, 18 AH;
Stockton, 2054 NS; Super, 1018 ti;
Swartz, 2219 AH; Ussery, D AMH; Vande
Kieft, 215 Ec; Weimer, 3231 AH; wood-
ruff, 2003 AH.
Oscar Levant will give a recital of
piano music with comments, as the
fourth number in the Extra Concert
Series, Friday, January 1, at 8:30
o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
In accordance with his custom, Mr.
Levant will dispense with the usual
printed program, and instead, will an-
nounce his numbers from the stage
as the concert progresses. It is likely
that he will include compositions of
Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, de-

Falla, Shostakovich, and George Ger-
Tickets are available at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower, and will also
be on sale at the box office in Hill
Auditorium after 7 o'clock on the eve-
ning of the performance.
Chamter Music Festival.. The Buda-
pest String Quartet consisting of Josef
Roisman, and Jack Gorodetzky, violins;
Boris Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Schnei-
der, 'cello; will present three concerts
in Rackham auditorium, as follows:
Friday, February 15, at 8:30. Haydn
Quartet in E-flat, No. 6; Foss Quartet
in G; and Beethoven Quartet in C ma-
jor, Op. 59, No. 3.
Saturday, February 16, at 8:30. Mozart
Quartet 'in G major; Milhaud Quartet
No. 17; and Brahms' Quartet in A min-
Sunday, February 17, 2:30 p.m. Bee-
thoven Quartet in G major; Barber
Quartet in B minor; and the Mendels-
sohn Quartet in D major.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower. Season: $3.25 and $2.25.
Single concerts: $1.75 and $1.25.
Festival or Organ Music by students
in the School of Music will be presented
in two programs on January 16. The
first will be given at 4:15 wednesday
afternoon, with Phillip Steinhaus, Wil-
liam Richard, Harriette Wilson, Phares

Steiner. Kathleen Bond.June Moor
and John Mueller playing works by
Bach, Franck, Roger-Ducasse, Mendels-
Sohn and Alin. The second program
will begin at 8:30 in the evening at
will feature compositions by Bach,
Franck, Messiaen and Ggout presented
by Janice Clark. Jane Townsend, Berths
Hagarty, Paul Jenkins, Frederick Fatr-
ner and Richard Branch. Both program
will be under the direction of Robert,
Noehren, University'Organist, and will
be open to the general public,
Events Today
Canterbury Club: Study Group meets
at 7:15 p.m. to discuss The Fatlh of the
Church. Chapter VI.
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Tea,
4:30 to 6 p.m., Guild House.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane'
Hall, 7:15 p.m.
Religion-in-Life Program Pubelcity
Committee meets at Lane Hail, 4:30
Michigan Dames, Handicraft Group
Meeting at the home of Marilyn Em-
pkie, 603 E. William St. Everyone has
been asked to bring a piece of huk
toweling, embroidery thread, and scis-
Coming Events
Research Club. Wed., Jan. 16, 8 p.m
Rackham Amphitheatre. "The Creation
of Latin Alphabets-A World-wide Ap-
plication of Linguistic Science," by
Prof. Herbert Penzl; "The Sequence of
Events in Muscular Contraction," by
Prof. Dugald E. S. Brown,
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea.
and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Wed., Jan.
16 at the Guild. visitors are always
welcome. School of Christian Living
at 6:15 in the social hall.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Wed.,
Jan. 16, Supper Discussion, 5:30 to 7
p.m., Guild House. Freshman Discus-
sion Group not meeting this week.
Westminster Guild: Tea n Talk,
Wed., Jan. 16, 4-6 p.m. First Presbyter1
ian Church.
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion,
followed by breakfast at Canterbury
House, Wed., Jan. 16, 7 a.m.
Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to discuss
weekend ski trip and between semes
ters ski trip, No movies. Wed., Jan.
16, Room 3B, Union. 7:30 p.m. Drivers
needed for trips.
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet Wed.,
Jan. 16, 7:15 p.m. at the ROTC Rfle
Range. A postal match is scheduled.
Beacons fiields
HE WHO anticipates his century
is generally persecuted when
living, and is always pilfered when
* * *
THERE IS NO act of treachery
or meanness of which a politi-
cal party is not capable; for in
politics there is no honor.
THINK THAT, ere long, science
will again become imaginative-
-and that, as we become more
profound, we may become also
more credulous.
* * *'
seize an opportunity, the most
important thing in life is to know
when to forego an advantage.




Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Eniott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial 'Director
Ven Emerson ....... ... Feature Editor
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Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
'Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James..........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
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Member of The Associated Press '
The Associated Press is exciuslvely
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
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Entered at the Post Office at Anl
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular sehoot
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

- - . .

made its annual appearance in Ann Ar-
bor last evening, with a program of interest-
ing music which was well performed. The
orchestra is a better ensemble, and Thor
Johnson a better conductor, than a year ago.
Mr. Johnson is to be congratulated on
selecting three numbers which show his
broadening interests as a musician and
conductor, The fact that both the Mous-
sorgsky and Hindemith numbers were bet-
ter interpreted than the Dvorak proves,
at least, that his interest in modern music
is backed up with understanding.
The orchestra is a far better integrated
ensemble than on any previous appearance
here under Mr. Johnson. Noteworthy im-
provements are a string section of greater
brilliance and sonority, and woodwinds{
which not only nl aytoether. hut with

always been studied rather than inspired.
His performance is solid, intelligent and
workmanlike, but not vibrantly alive. Per-
haps the basic deficiency in his readings is
his ability to hear the parts and also the
whole, but not the whole as a sum of its
parts. He is a detailist, and there were many
small and beautiful moments. but they did
not flow together into a beautiful and
logically constructed totality. The numbers
fall apart because a sense of their inner
structural necessity is lacking.
As music, the program was rewarding.
Vaughan Williams' unpretentious and play-
ful Overture was a pleasure to hear, as
would have been the idyllically pastoral
Dvorak Symphony had it not bogged down
in the charm and allure of its rustic melo-
dies. Moussorgsky's "Night on Bald Moun-
tai" is still an exciting piece of music, and
though the orchestra's lack of vitality was


II occurs to your Fairy Godfather
that having to hide down there will
teach the Professor that canines x


Mr. Baxter, the data I've found
in my research on this Earth of
yours leaves me of two minds. AJ

But other observations lead
me io another conclusion.--





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