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January 15, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-01-15

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


§ Talks Dwindle
To NameCalling
Libby Accused of Deceit by Reds;
Asks Proof or Retraction of Charge
By The Associated Press
Korean truce talks deteriorated yesterday to a level of bitter name-
calling with the Communists accusing an Allied negotiator of en-
gaging in deceit and "a big lie" in urging a prisoner exchange favor-
able to both sides.
At the front, desultory air and ground war went on.
* * *. *
REAR ADM. R. E. Libby, the United Nations negotiator, de-
manded the Communists prove
the charge or "retract your ill-
considered remarks."
Russ ia Says "I do not know whether I've
been personally called a liar, but
S" " I got a strong inference," the
rU e S . American admiral snapped an-
grily. He said he would study
AT w 'J7 a the record to make sure.
~ew uorea "As a representative of the
United Nations Command, I shall
not sit here and listen to unfound-
MOSCOW -(A)- The Soviet ed charges that the UN Command
press yesterday headlined charges is making a deceitful proposal and
that the United States is planning is engaging in lies," Libby told
to turn Southeast Asia into "an- Maj. Gen. Lee Sang Cho, the North
other Korea." Korean delegate wio had hurled
"In plain language," said Prav- the "lie" charge.
da, the Communist Party news- "When you are prepared to
paper, "it (the United States) continue these meetings as equals
would begin armed intervention on the basis of decency and com-
against the democratic republic mon courtesy, and when you are
of Viet Nam," the Communist- prepared either to quit making
recognized regime in Indochina. unsubstantiated charges or to sub-
" * * stantiate your charges with facts,
PRAVDA declared that the then we can proceed with some
meeting of French Gen. Alphonse hope of making progress," Libby
Juin with American and British informed Lee.
chiefs of staff in Washington was * *
to work out plans for "new war MEANWHILE, in Washington
ventures" in Southeast Asia. yesterday, Gen. Omar Bradley,
These increasingly strong refer- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
ences in the Soviet press to al- Staff, said he is hopeful of a work-
legedly aggressive intentions of the able truce in Korea which won't
Western powers in that part of the mean appeasement. That is a
world has captured the attentioni price the United Nations will not
of foreign diplomats here, pay, he said.
Pravda said, "Following its A n y armistice settlement
customary tactics the Anglo- must be based on sound princi-
American press has raised a howl ples, he added, because it may
over allegedly 'ripening aggres- well be a pattern for peace in
sion by the Chinese Peoples Re- future trouble spots,
public' to camouflage strenuous "I am hopeful of a conclusive
preparations by the American- military armistice," Bradley told
British-French bloc for fresh the Senate Armed Services Com-
military adventures in South- mittee, "one which will provide
east Asia." security and will be a living deter-
The newspaper repeated charges rent to further aggression.
recently made by Soviet Foreign : *
Minister Andrei Vishinsky in the AND THE war on the small
United Nations that the U.S. Sev- peninsula went on. Swept-Wing
enth Fleet which guards Formosa F-86 Sabre Jets clashed with
was transferring "gangs" of Gen- Communist MIG 15 jets in MIG
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's Na- Alley as skies cleared over North
tionalistic soldiers to Thailand, Korea.
Burma and Indochina. On the ground troops of the
The attention which the Soviet South Korean First Division mo-
press is focusing on Southeast mentarily regained and then lost
Asia coincided with fresh uncon- two advanced Western front pos-
firmed reports from Hong Kong tions which the Chinese Reds
and Formosa yesterday that Red seized Dec. 28.
China was mobilizing forces for an
invasion in the area.
Gen. Juin, who flew back to To Open
Paris Sunday, told reporters he
r was well pleased with his confer- S
ences in Washington. He asked a gency
the United States for assurances
k of-immediate aid in case the Red Files Stalled
Chinese intervene with troops in
LANSING, Mich.-(LP)--Legisla-
tion to permit the Legislature to
io subpoena the records of any state
agency, possibly including the Uni-
Two Col esversity, was stalled on the Senate
rge floor last night pending a study of
its scope.
Two Universities in the Detroit Sen. Harry F.' Hittle (R-East
area may be investigated for Com- Lansing), the bill's sponsor, assur-
munist activities when the House ed the Senate the measure would
Un-American Activities Commit- not permit the Legislature to in-
tee holds hearings in the Detroit vestigate the records of either the
area either the last week in Jan- University or Michigan State Col-

uary or early in February, accord- lege without their permission. Both
ing to a Detroit Times repqrt. of these institutions are constitu-
Focal points of the inquiry are tional bodies beyond the reach of
the large automobile plants be- the Legislature, Hittle said.
lieved by the Committee to be the
strongholds of left-wing elements SEN. FRANK Andrews (R-Hill-
in the UAW-CIO. However the man), a member of the State Af-
investigations are not being con- fairs Committee which approved
fined to Communist activities in the bill, said he was convinced the
defense plants, the Times said. bill would give the Legislature
Although the two Universities power to delve into records of the
}- were not identified, the Committee two institutions, but other senate
will reportedly examine "Red ting- attorneys disagreed with him.
ed organizations and Communist But Hittle said the bill was
cells that have existed on the cam- merely designed to prevent a sit-
puses of two educational institu- uation which occurred last year
tions in the Detroit area." when a senator was unable to
obtain information from the
Bad Wiring Causes Public Service Commission,
g. wich maintained secret files
Stockwell Blaze under legal permission.
________In Ann Arbor, University offi-
Defective wiring in a radio- cials had been puzzled last week
alarm combination caused a minor when the bill was first brought
blaze yesterday and put most out on the floor as to its intent.
Stockwell residents through their The University had always coop-
fire-drill paces erated in showing the Legislature
sre paus - a _ a - any necessary records then desired

Taft Accepts Invitation
To Speak Her e April 16

- - *

--Daily-Malcolm Shatz
T-ZONE-"And no ashes in the water either," sighs Joan Isaacson, '54, as she tests a smoker's robot
in her bathtub zone.
Technology .devises Smoker's Robot

Modern technology, inventor of
the atom bomb, rocket ships and
Kleenex dispenser has now brought
us the "smoker's robot."
This latest addition to our gad-
get-filled society impresses the on-
looker as a glorified Turkish water
pipe. The smoker's robot is com-
posed of a chrome base, which

holds the lighted cigarette, and a
long tube through which the smok-
er can inhale.
THE PRIMARY motive for its
invention was safety. This modern
hookah will enable tobacco addicts
to smoke in bed without danger
of setting themselves on fire.

Of Soviet Atomic Proposals

PARIS -(A)-- The three big
Western powers yesterday called
on the UN Political Committee to
send Russia's revised atomic pro-
posals .to the new disarmament
commission for a thorough ex-
They rejected completely the
remainder of Moscow's peace
package-the demand for UN con-
demnation of membership in the
Report Says
Diplomats inl
MVosc ow Jail.
BERLIN -(A)-- Two missing
British diplomats who know a. lot
about Anglo-American affairs
were reported being held in Mos-
cow's grim Lubiyanka prison yes-
A diplomat recently returned
from the Soviet capital who asked,
that his name not be used said the
two men, Guy Burgess and Donald
MacLean, first were held for
months in Prague, Czechoslovakia,
presumably for interrogation by
Soviet secret police.
Then they were transferred to
the big prison in Moscow reserved
for high-priority political cap-
tives, and their captivity is com-
mon knowledge among diplomats
in Moscow, he said.
The two men disappeared last
May 25 after landing from a
channel boat at St. Malo, France.
Months of searching by British
and European detectives over
West Europe have turned up no
published clues as to their where-
abouts or the motives behind their
MacLean, 38, was head of the
American section of the British
Foreign Office and had a tho-
rough inside knowledge of high-
level and secret dealings between
the two countries.

North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion, Russian ideas for ending the
Korean conflict and the proposal
for a big five peace pact.
LOSING NO TIME after week-
end consultations, French delegate
Jean Chauvel introduced for the
United States, France and Britain
a brief resolution simply referring
to the disarmament commission
the proposals on atomic energy of-
fered by Russia's Andrei Vishin-
In his revised resolution put up
at the end of a two-hour speech
Saturday, Vishinsky changed sig-
nals on these two points: Ee said
(1) a convention should be drawn
up for the prohibition of atomic
weapons and for international
controls, to take effect simul-
taneously, and (2) there should
be . continuing inspections for
atomic violations.
Heretofore Russia has consist-
ently demanded, except for a
brief time in 1948, the immediate
prohibition of atomic weapons
with a scheme for controls to be
agreed upon later.
Extend Retrial
Deadline for a possible motion
for a new trial in the case of David
Royal was extended by 20 days
The 18 year old Ypsilanti youth,
who faces a 22 year to life prison
term on a second degree murder
conviction in the mallet-slaying of
Nurse Pauline Campbell, was sen-
tenced Dec. 26.
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Jr., signed the extension after
Royal's attorney, Albert J. Rapp,
and Prosecutor Douglas K. Read-
ing agreed on a new trial limit.
The original 20 day period after
sentencing in which to file a re-
trial motion expired yesterday

But the robot is far from limited
to the bedroom.
The person who feels the need
for a cigarette even when walk-
ing down the street in a typical
Ann Arbor deluge often has a
soggy cigarette to contend with.
With the robot tucked away in
his pocket however even the Ann
Arborite can smoke via the tube
and keep his cigarette dry.
A stirring testimonial was given
by one coed who was constantly
bothered by smoke in her eyes
while studying. She was presented
with the handy smoker's robot,
and now declares, "My grades have
risen considerably because I get
much more meaning out of my
textbooks when my eyes aren't
weeping and I can see the printed
page clearly."
One of the local distributors for
the chrome cigarette holder said
that he has almost sold his com-
plete stock of them. "I think the
inventor had a tremendous idea,"
he commented.
According to the merchant, the
gadget seems to have more popu-
larity with women that with men.
Churchill Says
United West
WGill Prevail
OTTAWA--()-Prime Minister
Churchill declared yesterday that,
even though no one can predict
what will happen, the West has
"the life strength and guiding
light" needed to bring a tormented
world to safety.
"We shall provide against-and
thus prevail over-the dangers and
problems of the future, withhold
no sacrifice, grudge no toil, seek
no sordid gain, fear no foe. All
will be well."
T H E 77-YEAR-OLD British'
statesman called the 12-nation
North Atlantic Pact the "surest
guarantee, not only of the preven-
tion of war, but of victory, should
our hopes be blasted."'
"No one can predict with cer-
tainty what will happen. All
can see for themselves the
strange clouds that move and
gather on the horizons. But this
time, at any rate, we all united
from the beginning."
Churchill said that his four-day
conference with President Truman
last week had convinced him the
North Atlantic Treaty is now more
than a defense alliance.

Tax Clean-up
Plan Given
To Congress
President's Bill
Meets Opposition
dent Truman submitted to Con-
gress yesterday his plan to lift
the scandal-plagued Internal Re-
venue Bureau out of the realm of
political patronage, and he re-
newed his promise to crack down
on wrongdoing in government.
In a message to the lawmakers,
the President declared:
"The most vigorous efforts are
being made and will continue to be
made to expose and punish every
government employe who misuses
his official position."
THE PRESIDENT'S reorganiza-.
tion plan immediately ran into op-
position in the Senate where some
senators reflected dissatisfaction
over Mr. Truman's proposal to cut
down the number of regional tax-
collection offices from 64 to 25.
Several legislators noted pri-
vately that Mr. Truman's plan
would leave a number of the small-
er states without a regional of-
The President's program
would abolish the offices of the
nation's 64 politically appointed
tax collectors and replace them
with a new setup of 25 district
commissioners under civil ser-
Even as Mr. Truman's message
reached Capitol Hill, Rep. George
Meader (R-Mich.) demanded a
bipartisan investigation of "cor-
ruption" in the executive branch
of government.
* * *
THE MICHIGAN legislator in-
troduced a resolution to set up a
10-member inquiry committee,
composed of five Republicans and
five Democrats to be selected by
House Speaker Rayburn (D-Tex.).
Meader said in a statement
that Mr. Truman's recent desig-
nation of Attorney General Mc-
Grath to crack down on any un-
ethical conduct in government
showed a "callous contempt for
the American people and public
"The President has chosen to
suppress a thoroughgoing public
airing of conditions by delegating
the cleanup task to the departe
ment whose inactivity in the en-
forcement of the laws has so
greatly contributed to the creation
of that condition,"Meader said.
Union Opera
Title Disclosed
The secret is out.
The 1952 Union opera will be
called "It's Never Too Late." Pro-
motion director Mark Sandground,
'52, in announcing the title, also
revealed that auditions for the
musical satire of radio and TV
will be held the first week of next
Tryouts, open to all men on
campus, have been slated for Feb.
12 through Feb. 15 in the Union.
Applications for administrative
and backstage posts, which this
year are open to women for the
first time, are now being accepted,
Sandground said. Those interested
may contact Sandground at

HSTI Urged
To Scuttlet
ential group of senators welcomed
yesterday the dropping of Gen.
Mark Clark's nomination -as Am-
bassador to the Vatican, express-
ing hope that President Truman t
has given up his idea of an Ameri-
can envoy there.
But the White House made it
clear that Clark's exit from theK
controversy did not mean Mr.t
Truman has changed 1}is mind.,
submit another nomination at a
later time," the White House said
Sunday night in announcing Mr.
Truman had abandoned his plan
to re-submit Clark's name.
Clark, chief of army field
forces, said through an aide that
thn "controversy which has de-
veloped" caused him to ask the
President to withdraw his name.
The.controversy is mainly a re-
ligious one.
Protestant groups have objected,
that establishment of full diplo-
matic relations would violate the
principle of separation of church
and state. Roman Catholics al-C
most unanimously endorse the
The United States has never1
sent an Ambassador to the Vati-
can, although in the early days of
its history it had a Minister to the3
Holy See and President Rooseveltf
sent Myron G. Taylor to Rome ini
1940 as his personal representa-
tive. Taylor also served under Mr.,
Truman until last Jan. 18.
Chairma'n Connally (D-Texas)
of the Senate Foreign Relations1
Committee said "good" when in-1
formed of the President's decision
to drop the Clark nominations. He{
added that he was opposed to any-1
one else being nominated.r
World News
By The Associated Press

Finds Room
In Schedule
For YR Bid
Progran Awaits
'U' Approval
Sen. Robert A. Taft has man-
aged to find room in his crowded
pre-convention campaign schedule
for an Ann Arbor appearance
April 16, Young Republicans pres-
ident Floyd Thomas, '52, announc-
ed yesterday.
Taft's acceptance of the YR's
long-standing invitati.: to speak
here was revealed yesterday by
Arthur E. Summerfield, Republi-
can National Committeeman from
Flint. The HAl Auditorium ad-
dress will be open to the public
without charge,
ONE OF FOUR candidates for
the Republican nomination for
president, Taft will speak here on
a stopover between Detroit and
According to Thomas, Taft's
name is now before the Univer-
sity Lecture Committee for ap-
Taft must be cleared through
the speaker's committee under a
Board of Regents ruling that no
speaker can use University prop-
erty to further his own political
cause. The 1949 ruling states that
the speech must "serve the' edu-
cational interests of the academic
* * *
YOUNG Republicans, however;
are confident that Taft will be
allowed to speak.
Thomas explained that "Sen.
Taft's address will not be a cam-
paign speech. We hope his ap-
pearance will give students a
graphic lesson in politics in this
critical election year," Thomas
Another prospective GOP nom-
inee, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
will be represented here on Feb-
ruary 16 by his self-appointed
campaign manager, Sen. Henry
Cabot Lodge. Sen. Lodge's talk is
being co-sponsored by the Young
Republicans and the City and
County Republican Committees.
The Young Republicans have as
yet received no final answer to
their invitation to another pres-
idential possibility, Gov. Earl War-
ren, to appear in Ann Arbor.
The issue of inviting Taft to
speak here had previously caused
a dispute between the Young Re-
publican membership and former
president, Dave Cargo, Grad. Car-
go was accused of "going over the
club's head" in inviting Gov. War-
ren before the first-choice speaker.
Taft, had replied to his invitation.
Following the dispute, Cargo re-
signed his Young Republican pres-
idency to head an "Eisenhower for
President" club.
Among other campus political
groups, the "Lawyers for Taft"
club was "pleased" by Taft's ac-
ceptance of the local speaking en-

Fog Delays Palladium Experiment

CAIRO - Egyptian snipers and gagement.
British troops clashed again yes-
terday along the Suez Canal and
by British count raised the total AA I
of dead since Saturday to three
Britons and 17 Egyptians.
* . * *For
plosion of gas ripped the Mc-
Gregor coal pit yesterday in The Uni
Canada's worst mine disaster in community
11 years. the Ann A
Mine officials said they be- Commerce
lieve all 19 men caught in the The recd
immediate area of the blast were the Unive
killed, at the ann
* * * ner. The
DETROIT-Sweaters that burst radio stati
into flames at the strike of a duled fora
match popped up in scores of
Michigan communities yesterday THE CI
as fire inspectors pressed a drive to the Ur
to halt their sale. operation
DETROIT-A strike of 6,000 sored civic
Michigan truck drivers was set well, presi
for midnight Jan. 31 by the . faig
sity facili

To Cite 'u
iversity will be cited for
y service Thursday by
rbor Junior Chamber of
ognition will be accorded
rsity for the first time
ual JC Boss' Night din-
Ann Arbor News and
on WPAG are also sche-
TATION is being given
nversity because of co-
in various JCC spone-
c projects, Gilbert Cas-
dent, said.
the past year Univer-
4ties have been a great

A huge blanket of fog put a
temporary halt yesterday to a
dramatic University scientific ex-
Hmaiinhe a u7Pfar n

The royal treatment planned
for the 1,000th of an inch thick
foil, which would net only $1.50
in a commercial market, was to
have been a 13 hour battle
against Father Time, who rap-
idly claims precious radioacti-

PROF. LLOYD E. Brownell of
the engineering college, who is
heading the project, said last
night an attempt will be made to
fly the badly weakened palladium
into Willow Run by noon today.

Prof. Brownell said. The professor
said a new test will be under-
taken at a later date regardless of
results today.
No official word has been
forthcoming, but the research

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