Jr 3kt~rta :411a114p EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 CON TINUED FAIR Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 SIX PAGES Allies Reject Latest Red Truce Plan Tem ers Fly At Panmunjom MUNSAN, Korea, Friday, Jan. 11-(')-Friction over the Korean truce hit a higher pitch yesterday, as Communist propaganda broad- casts emphasized a "grave crisis" unless the Allies accept "final" Red terms on supervising an ar- mistice. The Allies rejected the Com- munist proposal because it failed to include safeguards against in- creasing Red air power in Korea during an armistice. * * * THE UN command lashed back with charges that the Reds were trying "to advocate slavery" by in- sisting on the forced repatriation of all Allied held prisoners. And at a later meeting at Panmunjom, the Allied accused Y the Communists at the dead- locked Korean armistice talks of making conflicting state- ments on the crucial issue of Red airfields. In a short and fruitless session Maj. Gen. Howard M. Turner de- clared the Communists on Dec. 2 said they intended to rebuild their airfields in North Korea but now deny they have any such inten- tion. * s M THE REDS construe the right to rebuild military airfields dur- ing a truce as an "internal af- fair." The Allies want such re- building halted during an ar- mistice. A correspondent of the Com- munist New China News Agency declared that the talks were "facing another grave test." As usual, the Red dispatch, broad. cast by Peiping radio, blamed the Americans. The talks have been knotted for 12 straight days on the truce su- pervision question. However, the-issue of voluntary repatriation remained the chief stumbling block. On the warfront, an Allied raid- ing party ran into a violent fight with a Communist force of unde- termined size before dawn Thurs- day on the Korean western front World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - In his first foreign policy request to the new Congress, President Truman yes- terday asked the Senate to ratify the peace treaty with Japan and to approve entry of Greece and Turkey into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. PARIS-The United States indicated last night it may make a strong protest in the United Nations Assembly today against having to pay "ransom" for the Hungarians to release four Am- 1 erican airmen last month. * * * WASHINGTON - Secretary o Defense Lovett told Congress yes- terday American production line are pouring out tanks, guns, plane and other military equipment a a rate of 24 billion dollars a year- s and the tempo is quickening. * 4x 4. PARIS-Gen. Jean De Lattre De Tassigny, former French re- sistance hero who has sparked the drive against the Commun- ists in Indochina, is near death in a Paris clinic, the state- owned French radio announced yesterday. * * * WASHINGTON-The Republi. can Senate Committee on Con- mittees voted yesterday to put Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) back on the Senate Appropriations com- mittee. A vacancy had developed on the committee because of the death of Senator Wherry (R-NebJ) WASHINGTON-Jacob (Greasy Thumb) Guzik, who refused tc testify in the Senate Crime Com- mittee's sensational investigation was acquitted yesterday of con- tempt of Congress. McGrathNamed To Head Probe WASHINGTON-( )-President Truman announced yesterday he has discarded his plan for a special commission to root out corruption in government and has given the housecleaning job to Attorney Gen- eral J. Howard McGrath. McGrath's selection drew immediate fire from Republican mem- bers of Congress. * #* # * * REP. HILLINGS (R-Calif.) said the move means "a whitewashc -- l is coming." He demanded in at statement that the House investi- H S I"gate t h e Justice Department,p headed by McGrath.c "The President might well clean up his own house," com-e mented R e p . Hoffman (R- c Mich.) There have been numerous re- ports in Washington recently thats McGrath might leave the Cabinetr as a result of tax scandals un- WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi- earthed by a House Ways and dent Truman made it plain yes- Means subcommittee and involv- terday he will take the stump ing operations in the Justice De- against Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow- partment. er if the General wins this year's Republican nomination for Presi- MR. TRUMAN scotched these at dentpthis news conference yesterday. He Te President said he did not t only announced his choicetof think any Republican would be McGrath for the cleanup job but thin an Reublian oul besaid, in response to questions, that good for the country. the Attorney General is not step- * * * ping out of the Justice Depart- MR. TRUMAN wouldn't say ment. . whether or not he himself will run There will be no special com- again. He said he would make I mission to' conduct an overall * * * probe of corruption in the gov- ernment, Mr.hTruman said. He e added that he had given the s r1 matter a great deal of thought and had come to the conclusion that the job rightfully was one1 for the Justice Department. A number of Administration ~' leaders are reported to be pressing for action which would remove the corruption-in-government is- .:.:....sue, as far as possible, from the approaching presidential election campaign. * * * ~ I Tax Evaders To Be Given '*ough Time' WASHINGTON - () - The TRUMAN Treasury yesterday abandoned a ... still a Democrat long-standing policy of letting tax evaders escape criminal prosecu- * 0 * tion if they voluntarily confess that decision some time before the their fraud and pay up. ' Republicans hold their convention Secretary of the Treasury Sny- in July. But he told his news der announced the sudden reversal conference no matter whom the in policy as part of a new "get Democrats nominate, he would tough" drive in the wake of the work to get him elected. nation-wide tax scandals. * # Repeatedly the President spoke MEANWHILE, it was learned, glowingly of Eisenhower, of what the Treasury and the Justice De- a grand man he is and how partment are feuding backstage good a job he's doing. Mr. Tru- over one step in the drive. man said he will keep him on as The Treasury is cutting out Supreme Commander of Allied lengthy reviews of tax fraud Forces in Europe as long as cases by high officials in Wash- Eisenhower will stay there. ington. It wants the Justice De- Mr. Truman repeated what he partment, which handles the si. oncea bfreptatd h he cases in court, to do the same. said once before: that he hopes But justice officials insist their Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio. numerous high-level reviews are Why? hber wa Tak. fneeded to perfect the cases and Why? he was asked. protect taxpayers from unjustified He told the reporters that if prosecution. they can't figure that out he can't A treasury survey of 969 tax help them. fraud cases in 1951 showed yester- -- day that the average case lan- guished in various Internal Reve- 7 /r s t nue Bureau offices 292 days-al- Will Close Today most 10 months. This was the period from the s time a case first was pronounced s The deadline for alien registra- ready for the courts by special t tion, under the terms of the Mu- Treasury field investigators, to the tual Security Act, is today. date it was sent to the Justice De- Government forms are availablepartment for action. New policies will reduce this leg at the main post office and its to about 100 days, Treasury offi- two branches. cials estimated. NYC Clears, Wreckage From Line Delayed Trains Move on Again By GAYLE GREENE Enough wreckage had been cleared away from Dexter's snarled tracks by 1 p.m. yesterday to al- low the first train in 17 hours to pass through on the Detroit-Chi- cago west-bound line. But railroad officials said the east-bound tracks would not be cleared until this morning. Until then Ann Arbor had been eliminated from direct main-line service. All traffic had been re- routed with 90 minute delays be- Probe Revealed WASHINGTON-(P)-The In- terstate Commerce Commission said yesterday it would investi- gate the wreck near Ann Arbor of a New York Central passen- ger train and a freight train. SEA VICTORIOUS: Entterprise Carilsen R Sinks; Dscued * * * * * * * * * C' cause of Wednesday night's $1,- 000,000 wreck when the speeding Wolverine collided with a moving freight train. M c ** LATE yesterday, trains were still running a half hour behind sched- ule, as two derricks halted clearage work for the night after hauling an observation car to Jackson. The freight cars had already been dis- persed to Jackson and Ann Arbor stations, with the more severely damaged ones stored in Dexter. Seven Wolverine passengers were injured and over 200 others were badly shaken up when the flyer sideswiped a 70 car freight train. Five of the injured were rushed here to St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital for treatment, and by yes- terday all had been released ex- cept Thomas J. May of New York City who was hospitalized with a broken leg and forehead lacera- tions. * DURING the day all section hands were put to work clearing the line, as both East and West- bound trains were diverted, by- passing Ann Arbor. The detour led to Detroit via a Lansing-Ecorse run on Chesa- peake and Ohio track and through Lansing to Jackson. The Ann Arbor-Detroit communter problem was solved by a gaso- line propelled coach ordinarily used on the Bay City run. The Wolverine's passengers were taken to Ann Arbor on school buses, where the Beelliner from Detroit waited to take them to the Motor City, where they boarded other trains. 'U'Educators Manlilal-bound Two political scientists from the University will fly to Manila to- day on a special month-long mis- sion to investigate establishment of a public administration train- ing center at the University of the Philippines. Going under the auspices of the U. S. Mutual Security Administra- tion, the University representatives are James K. Pollock, chairman of the political science department, and John Lederle, director of the Institute of Public Administration. The University's role in this en- terprise will be that of supervising and providing some of the top staff for the center. Financial support for the plan, first of its kind in Southeast Asia, would come from the U.S. Gov- ernment through MSA. Professor Pollock said that the Philippine government end its University have expressed eager- ness to establish a center to train students and local and national officials in administrative me- thods and procedures. Ships Cruise Sea In Search of Crew SEATTLE- W)-Two ships yes- terday steamed into the area where 45 men abandoned the dis- abled freighter Pennsylvania but found no trace of the wallowing vessel or its crew. DEATH OF A FREIGHTER-The destroyer U.S.S. Willard Keith draws cautiously alongside the listing Flying Enterprise as the freighter was slow ly dragged toward an English port. A few hours later, the Enterprise, swept by raging Atlantic waves, went down, its skipper, Kurt Carlsen swim- ming to safety. Oust Jessup, Republicans Urge Trumanm WASHINGTON - (A) -- Thirty- eight Republican senators de- manded that President Truman recall ambassador-at-large Philip C. Jessup on the ground that the American people have "no confi-! dence" in him. Jessup, whose name figured in t h e Communists-in-government charges aired .by Senator McCar- thy, (R-Wis.), is now in Paris as the No. 1 negotiator for the U. S. delegation to the United Nations General Assembly. * * * ON THE SENATE floor, Senator Styles Bridges (R-N.H.) charged that President Truman in effect committed "a violation of the con- stitutional relations" between the Senate and the White House by appointing Jessup to the UN post. Mr. Truman gave Jessup a recess appointment last Oct. 22, two days after Congress ad- journed. The Senate had side- tracked Jessup's nomination aft- er a Senate foreign relations subcommittee voted 3 to 2 to re- ject it. In announcing the appointment, the President roundly denounced what he termed "partisan politics" in the congressional row over Jes- sup.. Jessup, a top adviser to Secie- 'build Michigan for Future' e19 Williams Urges Legislature LANSING-(R)-Gov. Williams yesterday urged the 1952 State Legislature to adopt a "build Michigan" program, expanding govern- mental services and liberalizing social benefits to citizens. Addressing a joint session of the House and Senate, the Demo- cratic governor stressed need for strengthening state government to more adequately serve the needs of its people. WILLIAMS REPEATED his budget message demands, first presented Wednesday, for a balanced budget and enactment of a corporation profits tax. * * * These are among what Wil- I T liams said must be done toWi ls a "build Michigan," the steps in his legislative' program: Hit A new civil defense law provid- ing "adequate" emergency powers TnY7 S e c with longer life than the existing l IYe c law; covering civil defense volun- teers with workmen's compensa- B tion for injuries in training or ac- By VIRGINIA VOSS tion; Speaking before a meeting of i E Port To Hail Heroes with ig Welcome Last Minute Leap Ends Long Trial FALMOUTH, Eng.-(P)-Howl- ng winds and tugboat sirens creamed an eerie requiem yester- lay as the Flying Enterprise end- d a two week struggle against he sea, sinking into 109 fathoms )f water. With her fate sealed in a gale ;hat hammered her beyond en- [urance, Capt. Kurt Carlsen and 'late Kenneth Dancy leaped from ;he crippled freighter, scrambled board the British tug Turmoil mnd watched the Enterprise make er death plunge. * * * DEBRIS FROM a million dollar argo of mail, pig, iron, coffee and urniture destined for New York littered the water. T h e 6,711-ton Isbrandsten Line ship, listing heavily to port since a hurricane cracked her decks December 26, started sink- ing about 10:18 p.m. (Ann Arbor Time) yesterday. Within a few minutes Carlsen and Dancy were off. Her funnel dipping into the whitecaps, the Enterprise threshed crazily flat on her side in the boiling swells. Stern first, she finally slid out of sight 52 minutes later. A SMALL American flag flew from the aft section of her super- structure as she plunged to the bottom about 35 miles southeast of Lizard Point, where English Channel tides challenge the cur- rents of the Atlantic. Capt. Carlsen and Mate Dan- cey, sleeping soundly on the Tug Turmoil under sedatives after their harrowing experience, were scheduled to arrive at 4:30 a.m. today at Falmouth. A hero's wel- come was planned by towns- people. . But men from the Turmoil stayed up late to tell in detail how Dancy bravely helped Carlsen through rough seas to rescue. * * * AFTER JUMPING 20 feet from the vessel's funnel into the sea, he put his arm around the Captain, who didn't seem to be a particu- larly good swimmer. The two swam to the tugboat and rescue together. In Woodbridge, N. J., Mrs. Carl- sen, a matronly-looking woman in her 30's, was overcome by emotion when she heard the first bulletin of her husband's rescue from the doomed freighter. From the seclusion of a relative's home, where she has been ill, Mrs. Carlsen said "I prayed that this would happen and the children prayed and we knew that our prayers would be answered." Illegal Food Sellers Halted Police put a temporary halt to a campus sandwich business this week when they picked up student salesmen Richard Aster, '52, and Robert Strain, '55E, for not having a vending license. However, the students righted themselves with the law yesterday by paying their license fee. The business, which is man- aged by Harold Edmonson, Grad., supplies late evening snacks of sandwiches and milk to fraternity and sorority houses. A city ordinance requires that a m1 tin v,'h, T aT n hi-+ t mn fnr Expansion of the state police troopers; Forbidding the use of telegraph facilities for gambling; A constitutional amendment allowing narcotics seized with- out warrants to be used in trials; Enactment of a new law to con- trol sex deviates; Increase in the prison psychia- tric staffs to treat convicts; "A seal of quality" for Michigan agriculture to designate superior quality products; Expansion of the department of economic development to pro- mote Michigan industry; "Substantial" increase in work- men's compensation benefits. Temporary disability insur- ance for those who become sick or are hurt outside of work; Revision, at least, of the Hut- chinson act forbidding public em- ployes to strike, to permit state labor mediate board to step into such disputes; A state minimum wage law; the vote for 18 year olds. Young Republicans, Michigan Sec- retary of State Fred Alger last night issued a sharp condemnation of Gov. Williams lengthy state legislature address. Alger cited Williams speech as a collection of "68 bewildering propositions, none of which were specific, most of which were hy- pocritical and contrary to Wil- liams' policies and theories." * * * "IT WAS ONE of the most dis- honest documents I have ever heard," the avowed candidate for t h e Republican gubernatorial nomination declared. . I tary of State Acheson, has sworn he never followed the Communist line, never advocated measures to undermine Generalissimo Chiang Kai - Shek's Chinese Nationalist government, and never helped bring about the Red conquest of China. The demand for Jessup's recall came in the form of a resolution asking the Senate as a whole to declare that Jessup "does not com- mand the confidence of the Amer- ican people." t e CATCHY TUNE: Rutgers Swipes' Varsity' Tune; Law ton Pleased NCAA MEETS: College Group Votes De-emphasis Support In the body of a speech list- ing state and national issues, Alger stated that it is important for national defense to maintain a high level of colleges and uni- versities. Relating to the University, he hoped to see library facilities ex- panded, the University Hospital and natural science building im- proved and a medical center build- ing established. CRITICISING both the state and national administrations for a disregard for moral responsi- bility, Alger predicted that "good clean honest government" would be 1952's most important issue. The Michigan officer empha- sized that although the year brings hope of ending political uncertainty it could also be the time of our biggest mistake. He stated that "in many ways we are already a long way down the path that has led many great nations to destruction." Alger's opinion of Williams' hour-and-a-half m e s s a g e con- curred with that of most Republi- can lawmakers. Leading senators called it the "longest, most politi- cal" address ever delivered to the legislature by a governor. By CYNTHIA BOYES University students and alumni listening to the Vaughn Monroe radio program recently were start- led with a familiar rendition of "Men of Rutgers." The lively march they heard was an exact, note for note, replica of the Michigan fight song, "Var- sity," with new words substituted to fit Rutger's ego. - _ . T . . . .. .. use their songs for lack of enough originality to write new ones." LAWTON AND D e a n Earl Moore, of the Music School, his partner, celebrated their 40th an- niversary of writing "Varsity" last Oct. 3 at a pep rally preceding the Michigan-Stanford game. The song, which has been sung at Michigan rallies and games since 1911, was composed at a chance meeting of Lawton and By The Associated Press The Association of American Colleges voted yesterday to sup- port "any program that will ex- pose and eliminate professional- ism" in intercollegiate athletics. The delegates, gathering in Washington, also approved a dou- ble barreled resolution opposing legislation pending in Congress to set up Universal Military Train- ing and opposing UMT as a mat- ter of principle. learned that they are striving for approximately the same ob- jectives as the NCAA delegates who are meeting here. Arthur Adams, President of the American Council on Education, and President John A. Hannah of Michigan State, chairman of the ACE presidents' committee on ath- letics, conferred with the NCAA council and executive committee.