C, r Sir ~aitt . . '' / i i ,. ._ _... ti IKE AS A CANDIDATE See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COLDER VOL. LXII, No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1952 SIX PAGES vChina Policy Split Bridged In Meeting HST, Churchill Agree on Bases WASHINGTON -(RI)- Presi- dent Truman and Prime Minister Churchill bridged their split over China policy yesterday in pro- claiming a solid Anglo-American front against the Communist threat in Asia and the Middle East as well as Europe. In a communique issued shortly after Churchill left for New York and Ottawa, they also formally announced that American use of atomic bomber bases in England is subject to joint decision with the British government in time of emergency. Churchill had sought this assurance from Truman in writing. * * * IN ADDITION, they threw their full support and prestige behind efforts of six Western European nations to form a European de- de fense force, with Germany "as a full and equal partner." The 1,000 word communique, covering these and half a dozen other points of decision or pro- gress, topped off four days of conferences which took up near- ly all of the British leader's time on his visit here. The two government chiefs met at Chur- chill's suggestion for the gen- eral purpose of obtaining a bet- ter understanding on common problems of cold war strategy and related issues around the globe. The communique suggested this purpose had been fulfilled assert- ing the talks were conducted "in mutual friendship, respect and confidence" and produced "a bet- ter understanding of the thoughts and aims of each of the govern- ments involved." THE COMMUNIQUE contained no surprises-noU announcements or decisions which had not in a, general way at least been antici- pated by officials from the begin- ning of the talks. Apparently it left unreported many of the points which had been discussed during conferences which started Saturday and ran through Tuesday. This too had been expected since some of the discussions dealt with military af- fairs which were considered secret from the beginning. Civil Liberties Group Attacks Speaker Ban Adopting resolutions concerning the campus Lecture Committee and the recent Florida murder of prominent Negro leader, Harry T. Moore, the new Civil Liberties Committee moved into action at their meeting last night. Opposing in principle a Regents rule barring subversives and poli- tit'al candidates from speaking here, the committee's resolution states a faith in the "maturity of students and their organizations" and an opposition to any rule or group which outlines what speak- ers students should hear. The group approved a recom- mendation that in the near future a forum be held be- tween faculty and students to discuss the Regents rule and the University Lecture Committee. In protest against the "reign of terror in Florida" which includes the bomb killing of Moore, the committee voted to send letters to President Harry Truman, Attorney General McGrath, Gov. Fuller Warren and Michigan's repre- sentatives to Congress asking that "appropriate action" be taken. At their meeting last night the Student Legislature also voted to instruct the Human Relations Committee to compose a protest letter to McGrath. The motion was objected to by several SL members on the grounds that the issue is not with- in SL's jurisdiction. But the vote was decisive. Council Denied Truce Issue PATr-TPL-- rh TNT Pnli tiral Student Change On SAC Asked SL Wants Authority To Select Student Members of Committee By CRAWFORD YOUNG Student Legislature in a surprise move last night voted over- whelmingly to declare that SL should be empowered to name all Truman DeclIares 195 2 'Crucial' for Re arming student members on the powerful The action came on the eve of, sentation. A subcommittee which New Storm Threatens 'Enterprise' LONDON -(?)- A mounting gale howled new threats to the helplessly drifting freighter Fly- ing Enterprise early today. In the dark hours Capt. Kurt Carlsen and companion still were aboard, but every minute of the storm lowered their chances of getting the ship to port, exper- ienced seamen said. * * * U.S. NAVY reports from the scene predicted with some reserve that she would be ready for re- newed attempts to take her in tow again at daylight. The Navy report said the heavy weather worried Carlsen, but he and his companion on the helplessly drifting ship hung on doggedly. With the Captain is First Mate Kennet Dancy of the British towing tug Turmoil. The Enterprise was listing as much as 80 degrees on the roll, her deckhouse was awash, and she continued to take on water. She was in heaving sea 30 miles south and three miles east of the Lizard, England's southernmost point.* IT WAS THE fifteenth night of Carlsen's ordeal, much of it spent alone. The anxious hours passed slowly aboard the vessels stand- ing by the Enterprise. ' Preparations have been made to rescue Carlsen and Dancy if the Enterprise begins to sink. * * * THE NIGHT was long, too, at Falmouth, the port Carlsen had hoped to reach yesterday and where his parents, flown from Denmark, are awaiting him. From the Associated Press' chartered tug, The Englishman, near the Enterprise, Correspon- dent Alvin Steinkopf reported. by radio: "Wind freshening but ship drifting uneventfully. Sea increasingly rough." British Royal Air Force Lan- caster Bombers circled over the scene, prepared to drop collapsible dinghies near the crippled ship if Carlsen and Dancy must jump for their lives. But Carlsen and Dancy hung on doggedly. The U.S. destroyer Wil- lard Keith which has stood guard over the listing Enterprise for days, reported the Captain ap- peared in good spirits despite his worsening plight. Men To Discuss Union Constitution Proposals for amending the Un- ion constitution will be presented to members at an open meeting from 4 to 6 p.m. today in Rm. 3-A, Union. Union President John Kathe '52P, urged all male students to attend so their opinions and sug' gestions may be incorporated into the final revisions presented to the Union Board of Directors. Student Affairs Committee. a possible shake-up in SAC repre- has been studying the composi- tion of student membership will report out its recommendations next Tuesday, according to Leah Marks, SAC memberand cabinet- member-at-large. * * * AT PRESENT, the Committee consists of six faculty representa- tives, the Dean of Women, presi- dents of the Union, League, Men's and Women's Judiciary, and Stu- dent Legislature, a woman repre- sentative from SL and the Man- aging Editor of The Daily, with the Dean of Men acting as chair- man. SL had previously passed mo- tions calling for a voting ma- jority for students-the ratio now stands 7-7, with the Dean of Men casting the tie-breaking vote-and removal of the stipu- lation that the second SL dele- gate must be a woman. In the course of discussing these issues, it was decided to review the whole question of representa- tion. Miss Marks, who made the mo- tion, admitted it was highly im- probable that SAC would grant SL the request. But she felt it impor- tant that the Legislature go on record for this principle, especially now that SAC is in the throes of reorganization. * * * IT APPEARS likely there will be two more student representa- tives, she said-which may be chosen by SL. "SL is the only body which is actually representative of the students," Miss Marks declared. "Therefore the Legislature should have the right to name the student representation on SAC, which performs important student government functions in overseeing student organiza- tions." However, she emphasized that this would not necessarily mean that only SL personnel would be chosen. THE MOVE was opposed by a small but vocal minority. Jack DesJardins, '53, rose to protest, declaring, "We stepped on the In- ter Fraternity Council, now we're going to step on a whole group of other powerful campus organiza- tions. We just don't have the pow- er to do this." In other action, SL voted unani- mously to dispatch a letter off to the University Calendar Commit- tee protesting the scheduling of spring vacation so that Easter Sunday will be the day before re- sumption of classes, forcing some students to miss religious obser- vances to return to classes. Michigras An open meeting will be held at 7:15 p.m. today in the Union for all students interested in working on the Michigras cen- tral committees. Technicolor movies of the 1950 Michigras parade will be shown, according to Jack Ham- er '52, general co-chairman. Students who are unable to attend the meeting will have an opportunity at a later date to sign up to work on the com- mittees, Hamer said. STRANDED LOCOMOTIVE--head train tilts crazily where it came to; boxcar, eight miles west of Ann Arb * * * -Daily--Jack Bergstrom -Daily-Jack Bergstrom diesel of New York Central TANGLED WRECKAGE-Twisted metal is all remaining where a stop after striking derailed the Wolverine (right) and a freight train carrying auto bodies or. crushed together. * * *, * * Wolverine Slashes Moving Freight By CHUCK ELLIOTT Daily Managing Editor A quick-thinking engineer nar- rowly averted disaster last night as the Wolverine, crack New York Central passenger train, jumped the rails in a spectacular wreck at Dexter. Traveling from Chicago to New York, the Wolverine wasgoing 60 miles an hour when it ripped into the corner of a boxcar derailed "rom the center of a rapidly tra- veling west-bound freight. As the boxcar upended and flopped off the track, the Wolverine's diesel engine left the rails and ground to a stop near the Dexter railway depot. __ -- WARD FRY, 64 year old en- gineer, avoided telescoping his train by grabbing the emergency brake and stopping all the cars evenly. Five persons were taken to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital here for treatment, and at last report none were believed badly injured. All 13 cars and both engines of the passenger train remained upright. The remaining part of the freight tilted against them before coming to a stop, how- ever, buckling boxcars and punching in the side of several t cars on the Wolverine. Railway officials were at a loss to explain the reason for the firgst boxcar's jumping the tracks. The accident occured at about 7:301 p.m., and shook houses in the vil- lage of Dexter, about eight miles west of Ann Arbor. FRY AND 'the fireman, Robert Gray, said that they saw the box- car jump out in front of them about 200 yards ahead. Explaining that it takes nearly a quarter of a mile to stop the heavy locomo- tive at 60 miles an hour, Fry said he grabbed the emergency and held on. "He saved a lot of lives that way," Gray pointed out. "But don't call me a hero," Fry replied. "I couldn't have done anything. else if I had wanted to." SEVERAL HUNDRED passen- gers were badly shaken up, some closely missing death when the boxcars crushed against the side of the train. One compartment, empty at the time of the crash, was a crazy mass of tangled steel, wood and upholstery. Windows were broken in nearly every car. The 70-car freight, mostly made up of Santa Fe boxcars, was apparently carrying auto and truck bodies. At least one boxcar had the whole side ripped off it, and several others were badly damaged. After waiting in the train for three hours, passengers were taken to Ann Arbor in school buses, where they boarded other trains. The wreck blocked all rail traffic through Dexter, and late last night crews were working with a huge crane to clear the way. Offi- cials hoped to have one line open by morning. Meanwhile, they were trying to find a way to re-route trains between Chicago and De- troit. Three minutes after the crash, the bartender in the club car was reported busily serving drinks again, despite the fact that at the far end of his car thewallhad been smashed in. Of the five injured, only two remained in the hospital last night: Thomas J. May, of New York, with facial lacerations and a. thigh injury, and Helen Barnes, of Detroit, with possible internal injuries. Claims War Threat Still 'Very Real' Congress UrgeX To 'Cooperate' WASHINGTON -(M)-- Presi- dent Truman yesterday proclaim- ed 1952 a "crucial year" in the struggle of the United States and the free world to re-arm against the threat of World War III. Warning that Soviet Russia is expanding her armed might, atomically and otherwise, the President declared solemnly that the threat of another global con- flict is still "very real." AND HE APPEALED to Con- gress to avoid "political fights" that might harm the nation in this presidential election year. With Prime Minister Churchill of Great Britain listening in- tently in the gallery-and a huge unseen audience following his words by coast-to-coast radio and television-Mr. Truman told a joint session of Congress: "The world still walks in the shadow of another world war... the United States and the whole free world are passing through a period of grave danger . .. we are moving through a perilous time faced with a terrible threat of aggression." SUCH WAS the grim tenor that ran through much of the Presi- dent's annual "State of the Union" message in which he staunchly de- fended his leadership and scoffed at his critics as "timid and fear- ful men who wring their hands and cry out that we have lost the way." In general, Mr. Truman pledged this country to help build up the free world's de- fenses against the threat of ag- gression and to seek peace by following the "hard road" be- tween war and appeasement. "Peace is our goal-not peace at any price, but a peace based on freedom and justice," he said. In broad outline, the President sketched the legislative program he would like Congress to adopt in the months ahead-largely a renewed but somewhat soft-ped- alled plea for the domestic policies he calls his "Fair Deal:" civil rights, federal aid to education, improved social security benefits, stronger farm price supports, and national health insurance. MR. TRUMAN threw out a hint of possibly higher taxes, saying he would talk about that subject in. a later message. He said he will, soon ask for an increase in the nation's armed forces, notably in air power. And he called for stronger economic controls and enactment of "a strong anti-infla- tion law." "Our stabilization law was shot full of holes at the last ses- sion," Mr. Truman said in an obvious reference to Congres- sional amendments which have permitted some prices to rise as production costs go up. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans, gave Mr. Truman a standing one- minute ovation as he entered the crowded House chamber on the dot of 12:30 p.m. Prime Minister Churchill and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden rose to join in the ovation, as did Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. 351 TO GO:- Santa Makesn tEarlyAppeal Al Warnnff Ann Arhr' 9ntn Half-Year Mark Finds Truce Talks Deadlocked MUNSAN, Korea, Thursday, Jan. 10 - (1) - Korean truce talks reached the half-year mark today in a tight deadlock over restricting Communist airfield construction in North Korea during an armistice. The United Nations Command also was unable to budge the Reds yesterday from demands for forced repatriation of all prisoners held by the Allies without regard for the wishes of the individuals. The Allies want repatriation on a voluntary basis. EFFORTS TO untangle these is- sues were to resume in Panmunjom today. Subcommittees handling: prisoner exchange and truce sup- ervision met at 11 a.m. today (9 p.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor time.) Whether the defeat of a Rus- sian attempt to force the Korean truce negotiations into a special high-level meeting of the Se- curity Council at Paris would speed up the talks in Panmun - jom remained to be seen. The Soviet proposal was voted down 40 to 6 by the UN Political Committee. The Communists yesterday sub- mitted what they called their "fi- nal, unbreakable" offer to settle the armistice supervision question. For the first time they ac- cepted Allied provisions for thej replenishment of supplies and rotation of troops during an armistice. But they omitted al - together the UN proposal for re- stricting the building and re- pair of military airfields. The Allied negotiator, Maj. Gen. Howard M. Turner, turned down the Communist plan but promised to re-study it during the night. ON KOREAN.battlefields heavy fighting halted on one western front yesterday but flared nearby. Smaller clashes erupted on the eastern Korean front near Heart- break Ridge. Red MIG jet planes stayed at home. Allied fighters and bomb- ers loosed a double-barreled at- tack against front line enemy i nilldmr., ,ima V ail links 'LEVIED AT CONSUMER': Tax Plan Not A imed At U', Mayor Asserts SPLIT-SECOND SCHEDULE: Rare Palladium To Be Rushed to U' By DONNA HENDLEMAN The proposed ten per cent' amusement tax on Ann Arbor en- tertainment is in no way aimed at the University, but is merely a levy on the individual consumer, Mayor William Brown Jr. declared last night. Explaining his proposal in a special statement to The Daily, the mayor emphasized the tax, which would assess all amusement tickets costing $1 or more, is mere- ly a "logical solution to a pressing financial problem." * * * AT THE same time Mayor Brown firmly denied a rumor that he would probably discuss the pro- posed tax at a meeting with Pres- ident Harlan Hatcher this morn- ing. - "President Hatcher and I are getting together for a very in- "THE .University is the town's greatest industry; I hope it will be one of the first to back the city," Mayor Brown said. The town population has not expanded in proportion to the services Ann Arbor renders to the University community, the Mayor pointed out. "The pity must have help, or it may come to a financial breaking point," he said. The plan was not lightly con- sidered, according to the Mayor. A delegation, with the best legal advisors, has been studying the revenue problem for six years, he noted. "THERE is nothing in the city charter which would limit our levying such a tax. I appreciate that there are some working-ob- stacles to be overcome, but I am not at all worried about the final In a feat that will rival the famed transport of serum to Nome, University officials will re- ceive a minute and extremely rare piece of radioactive metal from Canada on Jan. 14. Palladium, the expensive metal, will receive even more particular care than Alaska's diphtheria ser- um. To get the particle from one-half'of its radioactivity and its experimental effectiveness. After being flown to Windsor aboard a commercial plane, the aluminum container carrying the metal will be rushed through the customs office and quickly placed on a University plane. On arrival at the University's Willow Run Research Center the mobile engine will protect the driver from atomic radiation. This would help pave the way toward the goal of improving en- gine performance with some form of atomic energy. The work on engines with the metal will be supervised by Prof. Edward T. Vincent, chairman of the Department of Mechanical ClAswno 8-dnn rorsi wound Claus, needs 8-day spring wound I L