See Page 4
W& itAL 4
Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, COLDER
HST Speech Bilatera
To Congress Ends Me
Tax Increase Hit Churchill, Trurn
By Both Parties To Support All-
WASHINGTON - (R) - Presi- WASHINGTON-(')-President
dent Harry S. T ruman will deliver chill ended their four-day conferen
his annual "State of the Union" to give solid support to plans for a
message outlining the administra- against possible Communist aggre
tion's legislative program at 12:30 Responsible officials said the]
p.m. today, Ann Arbor time. pressed the fervent desire to see th
Although Congress officially re- the quickest possible time.
convened yesterday, the Presi-
dent's speech, expected to run THIS REAFFIRMATION of j
about 5,500 words will mark the 90-minute meeting at the White l
real kickoff of what many legis- ference began Saturday.
lators believe will be one of the A joint communique of abo
most politically turbulent sessions results of the meeting is due to be
in history.
AT THE FIRST session of Con-
gress yesterday, it appeared that
Democratic and Republican lead-
ers are agreed upon fighting any '
jrmajor boost in taxes, but are still R
far apart on other Issues in this
critical presidential election year.I
Amid'all the jovial handshak-
ing and backslapping, bitter po-
litical overtones were evident at
the outset as both parties jock- By CAL SAMRA
eyed for advantage. The slo- Athletic Director Fritz Crisler
gans and war cries that will be has come out with a plug for col-
heard across the land in the lege football, along with a scath-
months to come began to erupt ing attack on "self-appointed re-
in both chambers. formers" and "de-emphasizers.
Before the session was 30 mn- Breaking his long silence on the
utes old, Sen. Styles Bridges (R- subject, Crisler declared recently
NH), newly elected GOP floor in Los Angeles that there "is noth-
leader, set the tempo by issuing a ipg wrong with college football to-
statement denouncing what he day, and nothing wrong with post-
called "the abject failure of the season games."a
majority (Democratic) party to
provide forthright, honest, respon- ACCORDING to the grid men-
sible and forward-looking leader- tor, who has long been an advo-
ship . cate of rigid controls on recruit-
ing practices, "the only place
SPEAKER SAM Rayburn said where there should be any de-
he "doubts" if there will be a bill emphasizing is in proselyting."
to hike taxes this year, certainly He added: "I believe that
no major tax increase, and pre- could be corrected if college
dicted trouble for foreign aid presidents would take a firm
spending, particularly economic hand in the matter."
aid. Chairman George (D-Ga.) of As it is, he continued, "there are
the Senate Finance committee too many self-appointed reformers
said he would not support a gen- who do some hysterical thinking."
eral tax boost under any forsee-
able circumstances. APPEALING for continued em-
Aside from foreign expenditures, phasis on winning games, Crisler
some of the big issues are expect, asked: "Are we going to de-em-
ed to be universal military train- phasize winning? If so, then what
ing, defense spending and econo- are we to emphasize-losing?"
mic controls. Both sides agreed He contended that America
on those items. Republicans pro- was made great because of a
tested that something was missing winning attitude. It certainly
from the, list: "corruption' in would be no fun to come in see-
government. ond in a war, he pointed out
+ * " Crisler's statements were inter-
preted as his reply to critics of
E xpect Federal the athletic program at the Uni-
versity. These included:
Prof. Hayward Keniston, who
Bet To J it recently urged a revision of the
functions of the Board in Control
85 Bof Intercollegiate Athletics; Prof.
Harry C. Carver, who objected to
"Crisler's one-man control of Uni-
WASHINGTON - () - Presi- versity athletics"; and Prof. Allan
dent Truman's new budget will Seager, an advocate of a ban on
send a sky-scraping spending pro- all varsity sports.
gram of about 85 billion dollars to y *1: .
a skeptical Congress, high offi- MEANWHILE, criticism of the
cials said yesterday, college presidents' drastic program
They conceded the spending fig- for de-emphasizing athletics swell-
ure for the fiscal year beginning ed yesterday, and university heads
July 1 may be a little more than were warned they may be dooming
Congress had expected, and may the National Collegiate Athletic
stir strenuous protest from law- Association to a slow death.
makers in this election season. The special presidents' com-
The Administration, however, mittee, headed by MSC Presi-
was said to be planning to take dent John Hannah, called Mon-
some steam out of the criticism day for abolishment of bowl
by reduced requests for new ap- games, athletic scholarships and
propriations. Thus much of the out - of - season practices and
spending program would be fi- tournaments.
nanced from a huge unspent Here at the University, no com-
backlog of funds already author- ment was forthcoming from either
ized by Congress. President Harlan Hatcher or Vice-
For the first time in years, new President Marvin L. Niehuss.
appropriation requests are expect-
ed to be less than actual spending. Ju yLook
Officials said military cash out- Jry laQQ
lays in the new budget are expect-
ed to total roughly 59 billions, or f
about 69 per cent of the total. Into Scandals
Other national security programs
such as atomic energy and foreign WASHINGTON-()-A Federal
economic aid are expected to push Grand Jury will begin an inquiry
the portion of the budget ear- Feb. 4 into various phases of tax
marked for defense to 76 per cent. scandals.
Henry W. Grunewald is under
Trial 'ofYpsilanti subpoena as the first witness.
U.S. District Attorney Charles
Youh Postponed M. Irelan announced yesterday
the date and the fact Grunewald
The scheduled trial today of has been subpoenaed.
Daniel E. Myers, the Ypsilanti Grunewald, a mysterious figure
youth accused of helping attack about Washington, is known as
a University Hospital nurse on "the Dutchman." His name came
Sept. 12, has been postponed be- repeatedly into hearings by a
cause of the illness of the de- House Ways and Means Subcom-
fendent's attorney, it was an- mittee, including The story of an
nounced yesterday. attempted $500,000 tax fix shake-
e tings
an Allegedly Vow
uropean Army
Truman and Prime Minister Chur-
te last night with a reported pledge
n all-European army as a bulwark
President and Churchill both ex-
e -six-nation army plan succeed in
* *
oint policy came as a climax to a
House-the seventh since the con-
out 1,200 words announcing the
issued some time this afternoon,
probably after the 77-year-old
Churchill has left by train for
New York en route to Canada.
At the final session in the White
House cabinet room, officials said
Churchill reitterated Britain's sup-
port for the all-European army
first proposed by France. This
would combine part of the armies
of France, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Germany and Lux-
BRITAIN apparently will not'
join in the army but will give max-
imum cooperation, it was said, to
make the plan a success. Ameri-
can officials said there never was
any plan for British participation,
but only cooperation, and that this
satisfies the United States at pres-
Officials in advance of the
communique hailed the Truman-
Union Opera Contest Winner
Fighting Flares
In Western Korea
Truce Talks Still Deadlocked Over
Plan for Exchange of Prisoners
By The Associated Press
The heaviest ground action in nearly six weeks flared up along
the Western Korean battle front Tuesday while truce talks remained
at a standstill over the question of prisoner of war exchange and dis-
placed civilians.
A U.S. Eighth Army briefing officer said at least four Chinese
battalions were fighting the South Korean first division in the bitter
battle of Sasi Bulge, west of Korangpo.
THE BRIEFING officer said elements of two Chinese regiments
-°--- )knocked the South Korean forces
off two knolls in the heaviest ac-
tion since the provisional cease-
fire line was set at Panmunjom
Nov. 27.
The Chinese Reds threw their
reinforcements into the fight
only a few hours after the South
Of Armies Koreans ground out a small ad-
G vance against a Red battalion.
Since Dec. 28, when U. S. Eighth
PARIS - (P) - The United Na- Army troops yielded a small bald
arry Wilk tions Political Committee overrode hill-a strategic outpost-they
WHICH Russian objection last night and have been fighting savagely to re-
WHC approved a collective security gain it.
ST. scheme to permit the UN to use
regional armies, such as the North IN THE THIRD straight day of
Atlantic Pact forces. renewed air fighting, 17 F-86 Sa-
au elr The vote was 51 in favor with bre Jets of the U. S. Fifth Air
a Soviet bloc of five against. Force Tuesday met about 100
Argentina, India and Indonesia MIGS at 30,000 feet over north
iteSt abstained. * west Korea.
In the ensuing 20-minute bat-
THlE COMMVITTEE then ad- tie one MIG was damaged, U. S.
journed until 3 p.m. (9 a.m. Ann cie
__________________ * * *
Taft Claimns
Almost Set
'Burlesque Queen' Ken
Wins Opera Script Cor
Churchill meeting as a "genuine WASHINGTON -(VP) - Senator
success." Taft (R-Ohio) claimed enough
No startling decisions are ex- pledges yesterday to give him the
pected to be disclosed in the com- Republican Presidential nomina-
munique today. But officials said tion if all his backers can produce
the get-together has helped each the convention voting strength he
country understand the other's expects from them.
viewpoint better and to reinforce At the same time John D. M.
a determination to weld joint poli- Hamilton, one of the senator's top
cies against aggression in the Mid- campaign aides, said Gen. Dwight
dle East, Southeast Asia and the? D. Eisenhower had "pulled the rug
Far East. out from under the "Ike" sup-
James Kemper, '52, a "razzle-dazzle burlesque queen" in last year's
Union Opera. was mentally rifling through $100 "in small bills" yes-
terday-the reward for top entry in this year's Opera Scriptwriting
"Ex-chorine" Kemper, the Union Opera's Executive Committee
announced, had danced into the winner's circle with a script tailor-
made for the annual all-male musical comedy; a satire on radio and
television giveaway shows which takes several bawdy sideswipes at
---- modern hubby-and-wife domestic
riiffin lfip in then oc
In their talks yesterday, the
President and Prime Minister were
reported to have agreed to push
forward with Korean truce talks,
while keeping alert for a "Korea-
type" invasion of French Indo-
The two leaders and their top
military civilian aides, officials
said, decided on this during a two-
hour meeting at the White House
-their seventh since Churchill ar-
rived Saturday.
Diplomatic officials familiar
with yesterday's morning meeting
said the 77-year-old Churchill and
the 67-year-old President ranged
over hot spots in the Middle East,
Southeast Asia, and the Far East.
Death Claims
Paul Voorhies
DETROIT-()-Death yester-
day ended the career of Paul W.
'Voohries, who won fame in the
legal profession as a Special Prose-
cutor, Michigan Attorney General
and Wayne County Prosecutor.
The 76-year-old lawyer died of
a heart attack at a rest home.
A native of Plymouth, and a
graduate of the University, Voor-
hies practiced law in New York
for a brief time before returning
here for a long career.
He was elected Prosecutor of
Wayne County in 1920 and 1922
and was Attorney General under
former Governor Wilber Brucker
in 1931-2. In 1940, he was ap-
pointed by the Wayne County Cir-
cuit Court bench to serve as Coun-
ty Prosecutor again, succeeding
Duncan C. McCrea, who was oust-
ed by the late Governor Luren D.
Dickinson on graft charges.
porters and left them without a
Taft camp came in response to
word from Eisenhower Monday
that the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization commander would
obey a "clearcut call to political
duty" but would not take any per-
sonal part in a nomination drive.
Eisenhower backers claimed
i that the Paris statement assures
the General's nomination and
Eisenhower's statement was elic-
ited by the announcement of plans
to enter his name in the Republi-
can primary in New Hampshire.
In a follow-up move yesterday the
New Hampshire Attorney Gener-
al's office ruled that the General
is a Republican.
Another of the outgrowths of
-Eisenhower's statement was a
declaration from Harold E. Stas-
sen, another of the avowed aspir-
ants for the GOP nomination, that
his bid is being made on his own
and is not "a shadow compaign"
for Eisenhower.
Flying Enterprise'
Snaps Tug Towline
LONDON - (P) - The crippled
Flying Enterprise broke loose from
her towline in the rough Atlantic
early today and was wallowing
helplessly almost in sight of land.
Capt. Kurt Carlsen and a Bri-
tish tug officer were presumably
still aboard but had not been heard
from directly for hours.
The battered and listing Ameri-
can freighter lay heeled over at
the mercy of heavy seas about 53
miles from Falmouth but only a
few miles off the English coast.
Heavy Praise
For Ilatenhov
Stirs Rumors
MOSCOW - ") - Deputy Pre-
mier Georgi Malenkov came in for
signal praise on his 50th birthday
yesterday in a way that seemed
to have design and special signifi-
All leading Soviet newspapers
published on their front pages
huge portraits of the unsmiling
Malenkov, along with laudatory
greetings from the Central Com-
mittee of the Communist party
and Council of Ministers calling
him a "co-advisor of comrade Sta-
lin." It was announced he has
been awarded the order of Lenin,
the highest Soviet decoration.
The unusual tribute, surpass-
ing that given other Soviet
leaders on their decade birth-
days except in the case of Pre-
mier Stalin himself on his 70th
anniversary, may mean the
struggle for power inside the
Politburo has been settled and
that Malenkov has been chosen
as Stalin's successor.
It is the accepted Soviet custom
to pay special attention to the
50th, 60th and 70th birthdays of
leaders. But the enthusiastically-
worded greeting from the Central
Committee and ministers, accom-
panied by the big pictures and the
award, seemed to go beyond the
usual tributes.
The displays stressed his im-
portance in both the party and
government, made it plain that he
is one of those closest to Stalin,
and takes 4 direct part in the for-
mation of highest government and
party policies.
aicunies in Le process.
THE WINNING scriptwriter, a
21 year old native of Oak Park,
Ill., plans to hang on to his win-
nings-but not for long.
"Just till June," Kemper chuck-
led. "After graduation I'll enjoy
life until the draft gets me."
How do you go about writing
script for the Opera, a produc-
tion with a forty year tradition
of racy, raucous humor and
near-professional standards in
music and dance routines?
"There is no formula," Kemper
grinned, "I put in three solid days
writing it-on a diet of coffee and
cigarettes. But I didn't even have
to think-just sat down and the
jokes came."
NO NEWCOMER in campus ac-
tivities, the lanky English major is
a former member of The Daily
staff, was elected to the Class of
1952 J-Hop Committee, and is now
a member of Mimes and the Sen-
ior Board.
"I dream of being a succes-
ful Broadway playwright but I'd
settle for T-V," Kemper said.
He is specializing in creative
writing at the University.
Arbor time) today, just as it was
about to vote on a Soviet proposal
for a high-level meeting of the
Security Council to consider a
Korean Armistice as its first order
of business.
Dr. Charles Malik of Lebanon,
proposed the adjournment. Hle
said a reception was in progress
and the delegates had been in-
vited. The reception was given by
the Saudi Arabian envoy in honor
of the 26th anniversary of the
coronation of King Ibn Saud.
Thus, the delegates will not
take a definite test vote on the
Korean issue at least until this
afternoon. The United States,
France and Britain have been
doing their best to kill the Soviet
proposal on the ground it was
intended to delay the armistice
talks in Korea.
The Korean affair has oversha-
dowed the collective measures item
in the committee.
The collective measures resolu-
tion is expected to be approved
finally by the General Assembly
later this month. In its final form
tonight, the resolution:
1. Permits the United Nations
to sound an urgent call for help
from regional organizations, such
as the North Atlantic Pact forces,
in the case of aggression.
2. Urges each member country
to take what further action is ne-
cessary to maintain armed forces
for use by the UN on call..
Bridges Wins
Senate GOP
announcement of Allied losses,
if any. The Air Force is now
withholding casualty reports un-
til the end of each week.
Ground fighting on the Western
front was the only major action
along the frigid 145-mile battle
the talks out of the doldrums will
be made today. Subcommittees on
prisoner exchange and truce sup.
ervision scheduled sessions at 11
a.m. (9 p.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor
The UN Command presented
yesterday a re-phrased version
of its six-point exchange and
repatriation plan, but the Reds
said it was no more acceptable
than the one submitted by the
UN on Jan. 2. An Allied com-
munique said the Reds objected
particularly to voluntary re-
In the subcommittee discussing
truce supervision, the delegates
argued fruitlessly for the 10th
straight day on Communist insis-
tence on rebuilding airfields in
The revised Allied exchange pro-
posal used new phraseology in an
effort to make it more palatable
to the Reds. But it did not answer
the basic Communist objection-
voluntary repatriation.
MEANWHILE several high rank-
ing officers believe Gen. James A.
Van Fleet should take charge of
the Allied truce negotiations at
The U.S. Eighth Army Comman-
der himself probably hasn't even
been consulted on such a move.
But officers at his headquarters
say they think their boss could
speed up the dragging talks.
There is no criticism of the way
Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, head of
the United Nations truce delega-
tion, is handling negotiations.
But certain quarters here feel
that the presence of Van Fleet
might impress the Reds.
Say Truman
Out of Race
WASHINGTON-Politicians got
a new morsel of mystery to chew
over last night as it was reported
that President Truman has called
off the entry of his own name in
the Minnesota Presidential pri-
mary and has backed Senator
Humphrey (D-Minn.) f o r the
State's preference votes.
The reports came from Hum-
phrey's aides and from Democra-
tic leaders in his home state of
These questions immediately.
Does it mean Truman has de-
cided not to run for reelection
and is building up Humphrey, a
Kemper plans to sit this Opera Leader Post
"Its a great show and I think
everyone should take afling at it
at least once. But I want to see
it from out front this time."
This year's still-unnamed pro-
duction has scheduled three local
performances and four road shows
with auditions tentatively set for
the second week of the spring se-
SL Meets Today
The Student Legislature will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in Stock-
well Hall.
WASHINGTON-(P) - Senator
Bridges of New Hampshire was
chosen floor leader of the Senate
Republicans yesterday in an elec-
tion carrying overtones of the hot
contest for the GOP presidential
Bridges, who has. not publicly
committed himself to any presi-
dential aspirant, was backed by
supporters of Senator Taft of
Ohio. He defeated, 25 to 15, Sen-
ator Saltonstall of Massachusetts,
a supporter of Gen. Dwight D.
Bridges, senior Republian
member of the Senate, succeeds
the late Sen. Kenneth Wherry of
Nebraska. The choice was made
at a brief private meeting. Since
he is uncommitted to a presiden-
tial aspirant, Bridges' election is
expected to help keep the peace
among the Republican factions in
the Senate until after the nomin-
ating convention in July.
Ex-Arsenal Head
Reduced to Colonel
WASHINGTON-()-Brig. Gen.
Legal TanglesSeen in "Football Tax'
Local opinion has not yet jelled
on Mayor William Brown, Jr.'s
surprise proposal to tax Ann Arbor
amusements, including University
football tickets at a 10 per cent
rate. but the measure certainly
several doubted the legality ofI
such a move.
The Mayor figures the tax
"should net the city at least
$150,000 per year" in revenues.
Half of this amount would go
towards a municipal swimming
THE QUESTION' of how to get
around this would have to be set-
tled, and very possibly it would
have to be done by charter amend-
ment. This would involve a special
or general election.
Secondly, if the city were em-
nowered to levy suc h i,
The officers of one student ac-
tivity that could be affected if
the tax were put into effect, the
Union's dances, were displeased
with the proposal. President
John Kathe, '52, claimed that
the Union is taking every mea-
sure to keep down its costs and'