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December 21, 1951 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-12-21

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Bugles Herald Christmas Breakfast

Reveille blew at 6:30 a.m. yes-
terday for coeds in Martha Cook
Nqt a military maneuver, the
call heralded the advent of one of
the dorm's oldest traditions, the
Christmas breakfast.
Shortly after the bugler, Ellen
Dodge, '53SM, w e n t parading
through the halls all lights went
off and a chorus of lead carolers,
armed with candles and cherubic
voices, streamed up and down the
corridors, calling all "Cookies" to
the festive meal.
. * * *
BLEARY-EYED, but resolved,
almost 150 women, each with her
own candle, sleepily croaked out
the ancient carols as they tromped
down the darkened halls, into the
candle-lit dining room for "the
greatest breakfast of the year."
The bugle call was met with
mixed feelings by the residents,
many of whom responded at
first with groans, shrieks, agon-
ized yawns and some bitter de-
nunciations of "Christmas spir-.
" it,"

a 6 *s

* * *

* $4 *

Uncharitable neighbors dragged
out most of the dissenters in time
to fall in line when the carolers
came by their doors.
BUT MOST of the unwilling
revelers were won over when they
saw what greeted them in the din-
ing room. Tables were laden with
apples, grapefruit, eggs, canadian
bacon, cherry muffins, doughnuts,
coffee a n d giant peppermint,
When it was over almost all
the stuffed coeds agreed that it
had been worth the early-rising.
At 8 a.m. laughter, spontaneous
caroling and a general feeling
of warm gaiety seemed to per-
vade what was probably the
moet wide-awake dorm on cam-
But one of the most favorable
comments heard came from a
rebel who had somehow managed
to evade jealous neighbors and the
searching carolers. Awaking at
the lazy, luxurious hour of 9 a.m.,
she stretched and muttered dream-
ily, "It was beautiful."

-Daily-Jeff Pemberton

Outgoing Christmas Mail Hits
All Time High in Ann Arbor

Outgoing Christmas mail reached
an all time high during the first
three days of this week, Ann Arbor
Postmaster Oswald J. Kosh dis-
closed yesterday.
On Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, the post office cancelled
750,000 pieces . of mail. which
topped last year's record volume
by 33,000 pieces. However, the
rush had definitely been broken
by Thursday, Koch said.

More than 120 extra persons
have been hired to help in hand-
ling the season rush. Each foot
carrier and parcel post driver has
been given an assistant.
The post office's load has been
lightened somewhat by careful
mailers, Koch revealed. He noted
that addresses on cards have been
better and packages have been
wrapped more carefully this year.



Bureau Adds
New Functions
The Bureau of Appointments is
currently adding special functions
to their numerous duties of aiding
students to find jobs.
Plans are under way for bi-
weekly meetings of students inter-
ested in various fields such as
teaching and saleswork. These
meetings will be open to all who
wish to attend.
T. Luther Purdom, director of
the Bureau of Appointments, em-
phasized that students shouldn't
wait until the last minute to come
to the bureau for help. "We are
here to tell where the opportuni-
ties are," he added.
Students graduating in Febru-
ary and June can pick up registra-
tion material for jobs now at the
bureau's office.
To keep themselves better in-
formed, the bureau's staff has
started inviting a faculty member
or administrator to speak at
w e e k 1 y' luncheons. "Everyone
brings a sandwich and I bring
two-one for the speaker," the di-
rector said.
"The speaker helps interpret
the students' needs and we tell
them about the opportunities in
the business world. It's a program
of mutual assistance," Purdom
Michigras Meeting
Set on January 10
Students are urged by Michigras
central committee members to at-
tend the Michigras Mass Meeting
to be held at 7:15 pm. January 10
in the Union Ballroom.
According to Jack Hamer, '52,
general co-chairman of the an-
nual event, the meeting is fot or-
ganizational purposes and actual
work will not begin until after
Membership on the various
committees is open to any student
on campus, including freshmen.

To Address
LANSING-(P)-Detailed plans
for the appearance here May 15
of General Douglas A. MacArthur
were announced yesterday.
MacArthur will address a joint
session of the legislature in the
House of Representatives at 8 p.m.
Radio and television coverage of
the address is planned.
The following day MacArthur
will appear in Detroit. Details of
his Detroit appearance have not
yet been completed.
The May 15 date is scheduled as
the windup of the legislative ses-
sion. The date was selected by the
general because he wanted to
avoid becoming involved in legis-
lation pending during the session.
Rep. William S. Broomfield (R-
Royal Oak) is chairman of the
special legislative committee on
General MacArthur, accompan-
ied by Mrs. MacArthur and his
staff, will arrive in Lansing by
plane in the morning. State police
will escort the MacArthur party to
the Kellogg Center for Continuing
Education at Michigan State Col-
The legislative committee will
sponsora reception and "Welcome
to Michigan" party at the center
ballroom in conjunction with the
Michigan Press Association.
There will be no state money
spent on the general's visit,
Broomfield emphasized,
"The newspapers, through their
state organization, have offered to
help defray expenses by turning
over all proceeds from the welcom-
ing luncheon," Broomfield said.
"Michigan State College will be
host to the general and his party
during their stay at the Kellogg
Three New Art
Shows Slated
For January
Three exhibits, "Drawings from
the Museum Collection," "Abstrac-
tions with Thread," and "Photo-
graphs of American Architecture"
will be on display at the University
Museum of Art in Alumni Memor-
ial Hall during January.
Comprising approximately eigh-
ty drawings, including several new
accessions, the "Drawings from
the Museum Collection" will go on
display January 2.
"Abstractions with Thread" in-
cluding embroideries by Mariska
Karasz and "Photographs of Am-
erican Architecture" consisting of
work by Wayne Andrews of the
New York Historical Society will
open January 6. All three exhibits
will run through January 27.
'U' Buildings
Hit byThefts
Two thefts from University
buildings causing losses of more
than $50 in cash, identification
papers and valuable keys were re-
ported to police this week.
Charles F. Curry, Grad., told
officers that $50 was stolen from
his wallet after he had tempor-
arily misplaced it in the fourth
floor lavatory of Michigan House
in the West Quad.
Another theft occured in Hutch-

ins Hall where a purse containing
about five dollars in cash identi-
fication papers and a valuable set
of keys was reported stolen from
a room. Owner of the handbag is
Mrs. D. G. Arner of 204 N. Ingalls

Contemporary books, condemned
in a late issue of Harper's maga-
zine as spiritually sterile and ar-
tistically virtueless, have been
both defended and censured by
four local English professors.
In an article, "The Trouble with
Books Today," C. Hartley Grattan
claimed the great proportion of
today's prose works are character-
ized by poor writing and a vision-
less pessimism. Writers are af-
flicted, he claimed, by a "spiritual
gag" and a more-pressing than
average financial problem.
Frank Huntley agreed essentially
with Grattan. "There has been an
appalling lack, not only of refresh-
ing new talent, but of good work
from the supposedly first-rate
writers," Prof. Boys said.
"It is dissappointing to see
books like Hemingway's "Across
the River and into the Trees"
and Faulkner's "Requiem for a
Nun" from 'top' artists."
"Most writers do appear to have
lost their base," Prof. Huntley ob-
served, "producing books like Nor-
man Mailer's "The Naked and
the Dead," a novel based entirely
on futility."
"There have been a few novels
with spirit," Prof. Huntley went
on, "with men like C. S. Lewis and
J. O. Saldinger a couple of the
better representatives of t h i s
"It could be that we have run
fiction into the ground in this
age; the poets and dramatists
may be the ones who are des-
tined to be truly articulate in
our society."
He pointed to T. S. Eliot, Chris-
topher Fry and Arthur Miller as
artists who exhibit a definite moral
sense in their writings,
A MORE optimistic viewpoint
was expressed by Prof. Robert F.
Haugh. Although he agreed that
many books have been character-
ized by "journalist-type writing,"
he contested the idea that writers
have not offered any vision into
the meaning of life.
"The critics are always yearning
for affirmative statements; but
many times they overlook those we
have," he said. "Books such as
Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny" and
"Hershey's "The Wall" are both
tremendous affirmations of faith."
War writing, which came in
for special criticism from Grat-
tan, was defended by Prof.
Haugh. The bulk of this writ-
ing has dwelt on the rediscovery
of brotherhood, courage and
heroism, he asserted.
Prof. Haugh pointed further to
the many religious books which
have been published lately and to
some of the historical novels.
T H E THREE professors all
agreed with Gratton that writers
have a special financial problem.
Financial difficulties, G r a t t o n
said, have led many authors to
either give up writing altogether
or take on jobs which make them
scimp on their writing.
The squeeze is especially bad
for unknown fiction writers,
Prof. Haugh observed. "Pub-
lishers are afraid of going out


on a limb today, and hesitate
to foster a new writer," he said.
A possible solution could be to
give more attention to university
presses, he suggested. They could
provide the serious writer with
much-needed outlets for his works.
DIRECTOR OF the Hopwood
awards contest, Prof. Roy W. Cow-
den, put the least store of any of
his colleagues in Gratton's theses.
"There is a good deal to what he
says," Prof. Cowden admitted, "but
it is easy to over.-emphasize the
black side of the picture. People
are not as likely to applaud for
the other side."
There is a good deal of pessi-
mism apparent in the writings
of young campus authors, Prof.
Cowden said, "but is largely an
imitation from their reading,
and is not a permanent thing."
"Most of them are willing to re-
examine their thoughts and usu-
ally find it hard to be pessimistic
too long."


Discussion of Novelists
BringsMixed Comment

Hatcher Slated
To GiveTalk
President Harlan Hatcher will
be the principal speaker at the
national annual meeting of the
Modern Language Association,
which will be held Dec. 27 to Dec.
29 in Detroit.
The association is made up of
scholars interested in the teaching
of modern languages and litera-
Speaking on "The Pure Flame,"
President Hatcher will be follow-
ed on the program by Prof. War-
ner G. Rice of the English depart-
ment, whose topic will be "Our
Ph.D.'s-Where Do They Go from
Other members of the Universty
faculty who will speak at the
meeting are Prof. Marvin Felheim,
Prof. Sherman M. Kuhn, Prof.
Hans Kurath and Eric Stockton,
all of the English department, and
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department.
SL Movie Offering
"Children of Paradise" will be
shown by Student Legislature
Cinema Guild January 11 and 12
at Hill Auditorium.

N Ps
TY PHONE 3-8781





t- I


1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
Subject - is the Universe, Including Man,
Evolved by Atomic Force?
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
5:00 P.M.: Sunday Evening Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays, from 11 to 5, Friday evenings
from 7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30
to 4:30.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leosard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00eAM.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Veruin.
220 East Washington . , . Phone 8353
Friday 7:30 P.M.: Christmas Sunday School Service
Sunday Services
10:00 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:15 A.M.: Morning Worship Service.
6:30 P.M.: Young People's Service.
7:45 P.M.: Evening Worship Service.
Wednesday Evening
7:45 P.M.: Mid-week Prayer Service.
423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
William H. Bos, Minister to StudentS
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
Sunday, December 23
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev.
Press "The Joy of Christmas."
7:30 P.M.: Christmas Candle Light Service: a
service of carols and Christmas music.
Monday, December 24
7:00 Church School Christmas Service; Nativity
Tuesday, December 25
10:30 A.M.: German Christmas Service.

(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (Nursery for chil-
dren), Sermon: "Love Came Down."


Y. M. C. A. Auditorium
G. Wheeler Utley, Minister
11:00 A.M.: Sunday morning service.
7:00 P.M.: Sunday evening service.

and The Episcopal Student Foundation
North Division at Catherine
The-Reverend Henry Lewis, S.T.D., Rector
The Reverend Ellsworth E. Koonz, Curate
The Reverend Bruce H. Cooke, Chaplain
Miss Ada May Ames, Cunsellor for Women
Sunday, December 23
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
11:00 A.M.: Church School.
11:00 A.M.:. Morning Prayer and Sermon.
5:00 P.M.: Church School Christmas -Party and
Carol Service.
8:00 P.M.: Evening Prayer.
Christmas Eve
7:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer with Carols..
11:30 P.M.: Festival Celebration of the Holy Com-
Christmas Day
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
10:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
Wed. (St. Stephen), Thurs. (St. John), Fri. (Holy
innocents): 9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Phares Steiner, Organist
Church School Pageant and Christmas Service at
10:45 A.M.
State and E. William Streets
Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Director Student Work, Rev. H. L. Pickerill,
Marilyn Paterson
Director of Music, Wayne Dunlop; Organist,
Howard R. Chase.

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