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December 19, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-19

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SL's Decision

IFC Plait

"Al, There's Nothing Like An Open Fire"

what may be its most important deci-
sion. It is essential that this decision be
right, untainted with haste.
The Legislature may react immediately
to the Interfraternity Council's colossal
"Acacia Plan" blunder-and leave itself
open to accusations of merely taking a
protest vote, failing to allow all its mem-
bers to become fully acquainted with all
the devious implications of the two alter-
native motions to be presented.
By acting tonight, SL would follow the
same ill-constructed path of decision dic-
tated by an instinct towards immediacy
which the IFC picked in railroading through
the Acacia Plan.
Any action taken will have to withstand
minute scrutiny from the Student Affairs
Committee and University President Harlan
Hatcher. Any ill-considered, spur-of-the-
moment action is hardly likely to pass this
gauntlet of administrative hierarchy.
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints,.

Further, there is now a definite chance
that IFC, which had evidently underes-
timated campus reaction, will reconsider
both the Acacia Plan and the SL-IFC
study committee report at its next meet-
ing. As the House Presidents Assembly is
required by the constitution to meet every
month of the school year, a meeting must
be held in January.
Presumably SL would still agree that ac-
tion ideally should come from within the
IFC. Postponement of a final vote would
have the additional value of permitting the
potent forces within the IFC who strongly
desire a reversal of the Acacia Plan to make
one last attempt to salvage the study com-
mittee report.
As it stands now, there are houses who
voted for the Acacia Plan proposal that
are willing to introduce a motion for re-
consideration. This requires only a ma-
jority vote if brought forward by one who
previously had voted yes on the question
-and there is a good chance this can be
Therefore, for the dual purpose of giving
Legislators a chance to make up their minds
adequately and IFC a chance to change its
mind, it would be wisest to postpone any
final vote on bias clause action tonight.
-Crawford Young

-+ MUSIC +

EVERY DECEMBER, record catalogues
bulgewith record companies' enthusias-
tic advertisements and starred listings of
new issues and releases.
This year's Christmas LP catalogue, for-
tunately, is no exception. Some recording
firms have concentrated on 20th century
releases, some on unfamiliar Baroque
compositions (the Vivaldi revival). Other
companies, taking advantage of LP com-
pactness, have directed their efforts to
issuing complete operas, masses, and ora-
The result is a steadily increasing, varied
selection of generally high quality record-
A group known as the Haydn Society,
which does not concern itself solely with re-
cording Haydn works but concentrates on
them, has spent a busy year investigating
some lesser known Haydn compositions.
(Apparently, such investigation is needed.
Two reliable magazines recently disagreed
on the total of string quartets which Haydn
wrote-one said 76 while the other figured
This fall the Haydn Society startled the
musical world with their findings that
some fifty works generally credited to
Haydn are notactually his. Along with
their research in the symphonic field,
which resulted in the discovery that
Haydn's Toy Symphony was written by
Mozart's father, Leopold Mozart, and that
the drum roll effect in Haydn's Symphony
No. 103 was the addition of a later inno-
vator, the Haydn Society has sponsored
recordings of a considerable number of
Haydn's lesser known, earlier works.
Of these earlier works, the group of eight
symphonies Haydn wrote between 1771 and
1773 are particularly noteworthy and are re-
portedly surpassed only by his compositions
after 1785. Two of the eight symphonies,
numbers 43 in E flat and 50 in C major,
have been recorded by a Danish chamber-
orchestra under conductor Mogens Woldike.
A complete absence of special coloristic or
rhythmic effects characterizes both of the
unfamiliar works. Haydn's carefully de-
fined, graceful orchestral writing, as exem-
plified in all his symphonic works-early or
late-caused the 19th century to abhor the
Forty-third Symphony and to neglect any
attempts at research which would probably
have led to re-discovery of the Fiftieth Sym-
Combining the two symphonies on one re-
cording results in an interesting listening
experiment. The Forty-third Symphony is
a graceful, neat work with a zestful finale.
Woldike's reading of it and his tasteful use
of a chamber orchestra complements the
delicacy and occasional gaiety of the score
without overly emphasizing the severe for-
mal structure.
The Fiftieth Symphony, which has been
buried in manunscript since the 18th cen-
tury, is unusually stately for Haydn. More
impersonal than the Forty-third, it has a
certain elegant quality noticable in the
often chordal thematic material. The
recording of both the works is generally
good, though occasional harshness mars
violin passages.
The Haydn Society has very recently is-
New Books at the Library
Baxter, William J.-Wages are going low-
er. New York, International Economic Re-
search Bureau, 1951.
Furman, Bess-White House profile. In-
dianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1951.
Ottley, Roi-No green pastures. New York,
Scribner, 1951.
Fifty years of Popular Mechanics, 1902-
1952. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1951.
Stone, Irving-The President's lady. Gar-
den City, Doubleday, 1951.
Thomas. Charles W-Je i whereY vn

sued an album of three LP records contain-
ing the complete Op. 17 collection of Haydn's
string quartets, which should be available
soon. The recordings were made by the
Schneider Quartet which recently embarked
on a marathon series of 16 weekly New York
concerts, in the course of which every string
quartetHaydn wrote will be performed.
A FORMER MEMBER of the University
Stanley Quartet, Paul Doktor, violinist,
gives an excellent performance in an equally
excellent recording of Mozart's Sinfonia
Concertante in E flat. Doktor is now tour-
ing with the New Friends of Music Quartet
and giving solo concerts in this country
Written in 1779, the Sinfonia is actually
a double concerto in which the unlimited
possibilities of the violin and viola are thor-
oughly exploited. This recording of the im-
passioned work is by the orchestra of the
Vienna State Opera. Felix Prohaska con-
ducting. Violin soloist is Walter Baryeli.
The Robert Shaw Chorale has previously
recorded what is undoubtedly the greatest
choral work of J. S. Bach-the B Minor
Mass. The Chorale's most recent efforts
in the rich field of Bach's choral compos.
tions Is their recording of the Passion As.
cording to St. John, a somewhat earlier
work than the Mass.
The Passion is sung in an English version,
based on the text of the King-James Version
of the Bible as conscientiously adapted by
Henry S. Drinker. In notes accompanying
the three record album, Shaw justifies his
pioneering use of the English version.
Though he recognizes that "any translation
of a great work must mean a loss to those
for whom its original language is a native
tongue," he finds justification for English
translation in the fact' that "Bach's first
concern was to affirm and quicken a faith-
by immediate communication of the Pas-
sion's great drama."
The performing forces are advantageously
limited to a 30 voice chorus and a chamber
orchestra of 23 musicians, which reduction
Shaw explains as follows: "The complex
polyphony of Bach's choral works is best
secured by forces considerably smaller than
has been the custom of the 19th and 20th
centuries . . . There is a point in Bach's
music beyond which sonority cannot go
without abusing linear clarity-both of in-
struments and voices."
But Shaw has never been one to overlook
choral majesty, or to bend over backwards
to appease musical purists. In the relent-
lessly streaming opening chorus and the fi-
nal magnificent chorale, the choir has been
enlarged to 40 voices. In most of the chor-
ales, the Collegiate Chorale of 60 voices
was added to the professional choir of 30
The singing and direction throughout
the Passion is always praiseworthy. One
of the two tenor soloists does a remarkable
job of carrying much of the burden of the
work with the dramatic, often florid reci-
tative passages. Blanche Thebom's con-
tralto arias, though, were a little disap-
pointing, and in some instances lacked
her customary sureness.
The instrumental performances, while not
as outstanding as their vocal counterparts,
are entirely adequate. On the whole, as far
as performance level goes, this recording of
the St. John Passion maintains the unusu-
ally high tradition the Robert Shaw Chorale
has consistently established.
ols, which was performed here Thursday
as part of the combined choirs Christmas
festival concert, has also been recorded by
the Shaw Chorale. The Ceremony consists
of a picturesque group of light carols for
women's voices based generally on Middle
English poems. The fine choral work is
supplemented by Laura Newell's amazing
harp accomnaniments and interludes, which

CONCERN OVER bias clauses is not uni-
que at Michigan. Fraternity men all over
the North have indicated their dissatisfac-
But despite their concern, Northern
affiliates point out that they are power-
less in the face of strong Southern oppo-
sition at the national conventions. In fact,
they claim that their scattered motions
are given only perfunctory acknowledge-
ment by the national body.
The National Inter-Fraternity Council has
noted that the two most serious public rela-
tions problems faced by fraternities today
are hazing and discrimination. Fraternities
which retain their clauses are evoking strong
criticism for a position that they couldk
easily change without losing one bit of their
cherished selectivity. If the clauses were re-
moved Southern chapters would not be
obligated to pledge anyone that the mem-
bers did not want. But, on the positive side,
the way would be clear for any chapter to
bid anyone that they felt qualified for ad-
The IFC at Michigan is now embarking
on a policy of moderation and education.
They can still salvage much of the esteem
they've lost because of their weakness. They
can decide on a new type of action that
recognizes that the problem is a national
one-requiring national action.
Scattered chapter action will continue
to get scattered action. The affiliates
must join forces with IFCs all over the
nation and put the pressure on the na-
The University has received national ac-
claim through the Michigan Plan against
discrimination. If fraternity concern is gen-
uine, the IFC could capitalize on this pres-
tige and further the reputation of the Uni-
versity by leading the way for nation-wide
anti-bias pressure.
-Harland Britz
(Continued from Page 1)
on the question of man's salvation.
The Unitarian movement has stressed
the view that salvation, if there is eternalv
life, is something earned by constructive
living in this life rather than a reward for'
right belief irrespective of behavior.
Salvation should be a reward for virtue.
There should be salvation through charac-
ter. This position is in contrast with those
Protestant views which hold that an indi-
vidual soul has been predestined. It also
opposes the belief that a soul may achieve
salvation in virtue of strict adherance to the
faith and dogma of his denomination. And
this Unitarian view differs from the stand
taken by the Catholic Church which main-
tains that salvation is something the Church
is empowered to grant or withhold.
THE QUESTION of immortality or future
life which follows naturally the question of
salvation has no simple, concise answer
among Unitarians. There are Unitarians
who believe in a heaven and there are others
who feel that each individual leaves "foot-
steps in the sands of time."
These footsteps may take form in traces,
effects, memories, left in the hearts and
minds of other people. Many Unitarians
would say that only to this extent can they
hope to be immortal.
Those who do not believe in future life
take very seriously their responsibility to
use their lives as effectively as they can to
gain happiness and well-being for human
society. For them the kingdom of God is
something to be achieved on earth as a re-f
sult of intensive altruistic human effort.
AS TO THE Unitarian concept of the
Universe, here too, science is instrumental
in the determination of belief. Unitarians
believe that the hypothesis that God is the
"first cause" doesn't yield an explanation
because of the question of what caused the
"first cause" is unanswered.

What caused God to be? The Unitarian
answers, "The question is limited by the
imitations of human knowledge."
The Unitarian will point to what he be-
lieves to be the sources of the Biblical idea
of creation, myth, folklore and the primitive
science of a people at a particular stage ofL
their intellectual development.
The fact that such sources have run par-
allel through divergent cultures indicates to
the Unitarian that this question of creation,
and the questions relating to God and future
life, are the perennial questions man will
always ask.
Unitarians feel that man will have to be
content with asking and seeking. Man may
arrive at increasingly more sophisticated
answers but probably he will never achieve
a final one.
I' * * *
CONSCIOUS of a religion such as Unitar-
ianism which is without dogma, without
creeds, one may wonder about the function
of a Unitarian minister and the nature of
his sermons.
The Unitarian minister is sensitive to
the needs of his congregation and in dis-
cussion and conversation learns which
subjects are most appropriate for Sunday
The range of preaching covers all the
major themes of political, sociological and
economic importance. Usually there is some
reference to the Bible and its value in the
cnnsideration of such theme.

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Behind Defense Mobilizer Wilsons recent trip to
Key West was not only lagging production but the possibility
that most major civilian manufacturing, such as automobiles, may
have to close down in 1952.
For the inside fact is that the government might have to go
on an all-out war footing, with the manufacture of autos, refri-
gerators, TV sets, etc., banned entirely.
The choice of planes vs. autos was laid down by Manly Fleisch-
mann, the nation's forthright production chief, at a recent secret
meeting of defense agency heads.
"If the production of consumer durable goods is reduced more
than an additional ten per cent, it will be necessary to convert entirely
to defense," he warned bluntly. This would mean "abandonment of the
basic concept of maintaining a substantial level of production of con-
sumer durables while at the same time meeting the needs of the de-
fense mobilization program," Fleischmann added.
The production crisis has been caused by shortages and
strikes at home, plus stepped up military shipments to Europe.
The unfortunate fact is that military production is lagging dan-
gerously behind procurement schedules. For example, the manu-
facture of jet planes is nine months behind schedule. Yet the Air
Force right now has had to revise its earlier schedule drastically
upward because of losses over Korea and improvements in Rus-
sian planes.
Fleischmann argued that the manufacturers of automobiles, re-
frigerators, television sets and other consumer durables, "on the aver-
age, have already reduced to 60 per cent of their 1950 rates of pro-
FLEISCHMANN HINTED, however, that a 10 per cent cut would not
solve the problem of material shortages.
"Further cuts in the production of consumer durables," he
shrugged, "will not release substantial quantities of controlled ma-
terials, such as structural steel and brass mill products."
Looking at the immediate future, Fleischmann admitted that
prospects for an "increase in the supply of controlled materials are
not bright. Shortage of electrical power in the Northwest has curtailed
the production of aluminum. The problem of financing additional
aluminum capacity has not yet been solved. There appears to be no
new solution of the copper shortage."
These are the reasons, complicated by strikes in defense in-
dustries, why military production is lagging. It means President Tru-
man must choose between guns and egg beaters-on the eve of a
presidential election.
* * * *
' C., WASHINGTON, D.C.-My brief reference to Gen. MacArthur's
failure to speak to hospitalized veterans at Portland, Ore., was
mild compared to comments of Portland newspapers and the Port-
land chairman of the MacArthur welcoming committee, a Republican.
The Oregonian, a GOP newspaper, commented: "the one speech Gen.
MacArthur was expected to make in Portland . . , . left some 500 pa-
tients of the Veterans Hospital bewildered and disappointed. Ambula-
tory patients awaited the event from the doors of the big hospital.
Other patients crowded hospital windows expecting to hear a speech
from the hospital's public address system. The hundreds of patients
who could not see the dramatic arrival waited patiently with bedside
The caravan arrived. MacArthur alighted, saw the cheering
patients, some in wheel chairs, with nurse attendants. He shook
hands. Flash bulbs lighted the scene .... Photographers arranged
the General, Mrs. MacArthur, Governor Douglas McKay, Mayor Dor-
othy McCullough Lee and dozens of others into pictorial poses ... .
Two generals- and two colonels who became Japanese prisoners on
Bataan held brief reunion with their old commander as shutters
Then the MacArthur party retired. "The big hospital buildings,"
concluded the Oregonian, "where the patients watched behind closed
windows and the bedridden neither saw nor heard the 'old soldier' or
his voice, were silent.."
Later the Portland Journal, an anti-Truman Democratic pa-
per, quoted E. C. Sammons, GOP chairman of the MacArthur
welcoming committee as having telephoned Gen. Courtney Whit-
ney, to deny Whitney's assertion that MacArthur did not know
he was supposed to address the hospitalized veterans over the
"On at least three occasions at the hospital the General had been
advised he was expected to speak over the loudspeaker and into the
radio microphones which had been set up," the Journal quoted Sam-
mons as saying.
"The original idea of the General to speak at the hospital
developed in a telephone conversation between Sammons and
Whitney," the Journal stated. "MacArthur had specifically asked
that the parade go 'past a Veterans Hospital if you have one.'
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Modern Tragedy ...
To the Editor:
I'M SIX YE ARS old, and I'm gon-
na kill Santa Claus. I love him,
and if I don't kill him, Rudolph the
Rednose Reindeer will unmerci-
fully murder him. Don't you see
what's happening? That cocky
flash-in-the-pan, Rudolph, is sell-
ing Santa and us folks out to com-
mercial enterprisers. The big-dogs
of the bigger department stores
and the misguided chambers of
commerce created Rudolph as
their agent of destruction. And
since then Rudolph has slyly strip-,
ped Santa of his significance and
Why, Santa would never get
lost! For years he and his faith-
ful reindeer have found their way
to little children's home long be-
fore Rudolph was commissioned
by commercial charlatans to gim-
mick up the Christmas works. And
I'll bet it's Rudolph who collabor-
ates with the commercial songmen
to write songs undermining San-
ta's stature, his dignity, his essen-
tial decency, his very existence.
Just listen to the recent tunes en-
titled "Boogie Woogie Santa
Clause" and "Santa Clause Looks
Just Like My Daddy . . . but he
can't kiss my mommy good-night"
and you'll feel what I mean.
Santa just ain't the same. He's
losing his grip. I know 'cause I
saw him in a parade a couple of
weeks ago. He looked scrawny and
pale and tired as he always looks
in basements, and his reindeer
looked like over-milked cows that
didn't even have horns. And if
Santa weren't spittin' over his left
shoulder every other minute, he
was shoutin' at us kids to move on
and get out of the way and to keep
our grubby hands off his grubby
reindeer. Gee, it was sad.
Santa just ain't the same. He's
losing his grip, I tell ya, and I
can't stand to see him butchered
and belittled so.
And 'cause I love him, I'm gon-
na kill him . . . and bury him
softly like the snow somewhere at
the North Pole ... ever so quietly.
-Adele Hager
* * *
China Policy .;.
To the Editor:
I DO NOT feel that Russia would
intervene in the event of an
invasion of China by the Nation-
alist forces. First, the Communists
historically have backed down
when there was a show of strength
against them and struck when
there was weakness and indeci-
sion. Secondly,kRussia would not
(Continued from Page 2)

chose to intervene in China un-
less she desired a world war-pre-
sumably Russia would not want a
world war unless she thought that
she could win it. If Russia desires
a world war, I believe she will
strike regardless of what we do in
China, rather than wait for us to
"provoke" her. Thirdly, Russia
probably does not consider the
present time right for a world
war because of US atom bomb su-
periority, inadequate Russian pro-
ductivity, unrest behind the "iron
curtain." a lack of oil, poor trans-
portation and her food shortage.
Finally, in reference to the Russo-
Chinese pact, Russia in the past
has either adhered to or ignored
agreements as she saw fit.
The time is still ripe for an in-
vasion of the Chinese mainland.
The Chinese Communist army has
been considerably depleted in the
Korean fighting. Anti-Communist
guerillas are still functioning with
great difficulty on the mainland
and could be enabled to link up
with Chiang's forces if there is an
invasion. The morale of the Com-
munist soldiers has probably fall-
en considerably, as a result of war
defeats in Korea, continued pover-
ty and mass killings at home.
It is certainly wrong to consider
the Communist army as being in-
exhaustible. While there are po-
tentially over 20 million men avail-
able for combat, the government
is not yet in a position to train and
arm such a huge army. The size of
the Nationalist army is 600,000
against some several million Com-
munist soldiers. However, not all
of Mao's army would be able to
resist the invasion. Many soldiers
will be in Korea. In addition,
many soldiers will be needed to
maintain order and to surpress
guerilla activity at home. Provid-
ed that the U.S. furnished egotis-
tical naval and aerial support, the
Nationalists eventually w o u 1d
have a chance to establish a foot-
hold in the south China region.
The first stage in the liberation
of China would then be under
-Ed Levenberg
Eight O'Clock Classes





To the Editor:
I AM QUITE confident to say
that Board of Regents are was-
ting a good deal of money, which
they can economize by leaving the
present day EIGHT O'clock clAss,
in which students learn really
nothing. Eight O'clock is an aw-
ful time tp get up, while every hu-
man being likes to have rest (A
least students). Average students
who come to their classes are from
half to %, and if teacher is plan-
ning to have a quiz, you hardly
would find two or three souls-
half asleep and yawning.
I like to suggest that Eight
O'clock class should be abolished
John Kelly

ture Committee
All interested students are invited.
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Christmas party.
Refreshments. All students of Polish
descent and their friends are invited.
SL International Relations Commit-
tee. Meeting, 3:30 p.m., SL Bldg. All
interested are urged to attend.
IZFA. Study Group in Basic Zionist
Problems will meet in Lane Hall, 7:30
p .m.
Roger Williams Guild: Happy Holi-
days Tea, 4:30-6 p.m.
Research Club. Meeting. 8 p.m..
Rackham Amphitheater. Papers: "Dia-
mond Research," by Chester B. Slaw-
son, Professor of Mineralogy; "Taxes,
Taxes and Taxes," by Richard A. Mus-
grave, Professor of Economics.
A.S.M.E. Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Room
3-G, Union. 7:15 p.m., Mr. Harvey
Wagner, chief mechanical engineer,
Detroit Edison, will speak on "Planning
for a New Power Plant."
Holiday Dance Program, presented by
Ballet and Modern Dance Clubs, 8 p.m.,
Barbour Gymnasium Dance Studio.
Everyone welcome; no admission fee.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion Groups, 5:30-7 p.m., and
Freshman Discussion Group, 7-8 p.m.,
Guild House.
Town and Country Club. Christmas
caroling, 7 p.m. Meet at Women's Ath-
letic Building. Michiganensian pictures
will be taken.
Coming Events
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting. 7:30
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 20, 311 West Engi-
neering. Shore school for new mem-
Deutsche Kaffeestunde. German Cof-
fee Hour, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec.
20. Round-Up Room, League.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m.

0, 4P

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith............ ....City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor +
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............ Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor.

Business Staff
Bob Miller.........Business
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business
Charles Cuson ....Advertising
Sally Fish.........a.Finance
Stu Ward........Circulation


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entitled to the use for republication
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
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He'll be VERY
'glad to see you,

There's not a soul here. Merely
Alli these two-legged creatures you bil
CI FfhWnL L an M f 3. fn fha

An edifice of this size? With no
member of your specie in charge?
What a sha kvinstitution! No. I'm

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