SL'S DECISION See Page 4 *6 it Latest Deadline in the State :43 ti1 0 MORE SNOW VOL. LXII, No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1951 SIX PAGES .. I I SIX PAGES RELIGION SURVEY: I Unitarians Have Liberal Religion I By ROBERT VAUGHN Daily Associate Editor (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article, dealing with the Uni- tarian Church and its beliefs, is based upon information and state- ments given by The Rev. Edward H. Redman, minister of the First Unitarian Church. It is primarily intended to point up the areas of belief and practice in which Unitarianism differs from other denominiations of the Christian faith.) Unitarianism is a religion of freedom, freedom which permeates the national organization of the sect, freedom which leaves the form- ulation of creeds to the individual church member. A Unitarian church is democratic, self-governed, free from inter- ference by a hierarchy. Its membership is open to all who share its purposes and is achieved not by ritual, but by signing its covenant. The Unitarian is free to undertake, as an individual, the formula- tion of his own convictions as to ultimate realities. He is free to con- struct his own concept of God. * * * * THIS QUESTION of religious belief is of fundamental importance to the Unitarian church. Although the final determination of the concept of a superior being lies with he individual, the church accepts science as the only means of acquiring verifiable, useful religious know- ledge. Other propositions concerning the nature of reality are of human origin and must be considered in the nature of poetry. Unitarianism then, seeks truth no matter what its source. It insists'upon a dynamic, and not a static concept of religion-a religion that accepts the mood and the method of science. Being without a creed Unitarianism is free to become enriched by the developing concepts of science and philosophy. Thus a Unitarian, for example, knowing that a. statement of feelings cannot be proved or disproved, may ask himself, "On the basis of my observations of reality can I infer there is a God, and if so what is the nature of this superior being?" Because of this individual determination of the concept of God it might seem that there would be very little that Unitarians might agree about. * * * * BUT THERE is actually much agreement in many areas among Unitarians. No religion could survive for more than 400 years if it were otherwise. These are 'but a few of the beliefs Unitarians have in common. Emphasis must fall upon life, not death. America is an ideal as well as a land, and the American ideal is still a long way from fulfillment. Unitarianism cannot rest in authoritarianism or in special privilege, for any sect or race. The greatest area of non-agreement probably lies, where it most naturally should, in the individual conceptions of God. In order to discover what the Unitarian belief concerning God was, a survey was made in 1937 for that express purpose. It was found that approximately one-half of the Unitarians held some sort of belief in God. But these opinions ranged from a concept of there being a Personal God to a concept which recognized God only as an explanation, for various life forces. THE OTHER HALF of the Unitarians polled felt that the term God was not necessary to their relgious thinking although it might be used to refer to important values such as good, truth, and beauty in their ideal perfection. Whereas the majority of Christian sects speak of God creating man in his own image the Unitarian would speak of men creating God or Gods in their own image. Unitarians contend that, in the light of historical fact, the idea of fGod changes with man's growth, with the development of knowledge of the universe. In effect this means that there can be no religious truth which is in contradiction to scientific truth. If there is such a contradiction, the Unitarian says, science should be prefered because the totality of knowledge, including religious knowledge, is limited to man's present state of competence. Therefore, in the light of truth as present in historical fact, Uni- tarians look upon the founder of Christianity not as a supernatural being put as a pre-eminently noble and inspired religious leader. It is the religion of Jesus, they say, not attitudes toward him, that will save men when they face the bar of their own conscious. * * * * AND JUST AS Unitarianism differs from other religions with re- gard to the concepts of God, man and the nature of Christ it differs See RELIGIOUS, Page 4 NO TIME-WASTER: Officials Try 'Last Chance Steel Confab Seek To Prevent New Year Strike WASHINGTON-(P)-The gov- ernment yesterday called a medi- ation meeting in a last-ditch ef- fort to head off a New Year's day steel strike, but Price Administra- tor Michael V. DiSalle warned there will be no "unjustified price increase" to buy peace. The CIO Steelworkers Union is demanding 15 cents an hour and other benefits. The companies say they can't raise pay without price compensation. * * * MANAGEMENT AND UNION spokesmen were called to come to Washington tomorrow. The call was sent out by Cyrus S. Ching, chief of the Mediation and Con- ciliation Service, as direct bargain- ing in Pittsburgh approached a stalemate. A few hours later the price pronouncement was made by Di Salle, who had met with steel mill representatives to talk over possible increases under the Capehart amendment to the Economic Controls Law. The amendment provides for ceilings reflecting all changes in costs up to July 26, but not changes since that time. Hence it would not cover the cost of a pay raise now for the steelworkers. REPORTERS seeing elaboration of Di Salle's statement as to an "unjustified" price increase, asked him if there was any way aside from the Capehart amendment for a steel price rise to be allowed un- der the present law. "I don't know of any," he re- plied. Meanwhile in Pittsburgh ne- gotiations between the union and U.S. Steel, giant of the industry, ground through another day with no sign of progress and noI more sessions in sight until the Washington talks begin. Today was set aside for travel here. "The corporation has made no economic offers," U.S. Steel's vice- president John A. Stephens said after the bargaining was shut down. He said the company has receiv- ed Ching's request and "We'll be there Thursday. Congress Hit By Meader "Our woefully weak Congress is taking responsibility for many de- cisions it has never fully consid- ered," Rep. George Meader claimed last night. Speaking before the Young Re- publicans club, the GOP represen- tative from the Ann Arbor district charged that many policies "orig- inate somewhere in executive com- mittees and bureaus, and are given only superficial consideration by Congressional committees." "CONGRESS isn't aware of the need for knowing'details of the matters for which it takes respon- sibility," Meader continued. To correct this, Congress must employ "reliable people" to in- vestigate bills and give accur- ate reports to the committees, Meader said. "Under t h e present system, many investigators are borrowed from the executive department. Naturally their loyalty is to their own departments rather than to the commtitees," he commented. Meader put some of the blame on "press ballyhoo campaigns put- ting pressure on the legislature to pass rapidly on policies originated by the executive branch." Boulding Talks On Civil Rights "The price of liberty is the will- ingness to pay for it," Prof. Ken- neth E. Boulding of the economics department said at last night's Civil Liberties Committee meeting. Giving the group its official sendoff, Prof. Boulding, the club faculty adviser, posed the ques- tion, "Are we in favor of civil Traffic Situation -Daily,-Jeff Pemberton DEJECTED AUTO--The snow-bound vehicle above is one of the hundreds which uselessly lined Ann Arbor streets yesterday. Those motorists who did venture out found progress nearly impossible, as cars struggling to get out of snow drifts clogged many roads. Gradhig System Rpe At Literary Conference By JERRY HELMAN "The present grading and ex- amination system at this Univer- sity does not fulfill its avowed pur- pose of being a valid educational device." . This charge, made by a politi- cal science major, expressed the general concensus of students' opinion present at last night's lit- erary college conference which ex- amined the grading and examina- tion system at the University. * * * AS A RESULT of the letter' grading system, many evils have arisen, students maintained. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Tru- man swung into his long-heralded cleanup campaign last night by laying down this rule for federal employes: no gifts from people doing business with the govern- ment. With Christmas just around the corner, Mr. Truman said federal employes should spurn favors, un- usual loans, gifts or entertainment. I ** WASHINGTON - John Cart- er Vincent, veteran career diplo- mat has been called in for the first investigation of his record to be made by the State Depart- ment's Loyalty SecurityBoard. A repeated target in the charges by Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.) of Communist influ- ence in the State Department, Vincent appeared personally be- fore a panel of board members at a closed-door hearing Mon- day. WASHINGTON-Senate inves- tigators rapped the State Depart- ment last night, saying it issued passports last April to a group of "notorious Communists" who trav- eled to Russia on a propaganda mission. PARIS-W. Averell Harriman, U.S. Aid Coordinator, announced yesterday the 12 North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries have a "plan of action" that blue prints the goals for 1952 in terms of men, money, weapons and organization. WASHINGTON-A House Com- mittee investigating tax scandals has decided to hold a special meet- ing tomorrow to grill Henry (The Dutchman) Grunewald, mystery man of its probe into tax fraud prosecutions. 'Generation' Sale "b 0*X " o - "There has been a definite over- emphasis of the value of grades,'" one noted. At present, it was felt, grades are being used as criterea for getting jobs, and applying for scholarships. Therefore, getting a grade and not obtaining knowledge has become "the thing." "This makes for an overly com- petitive atmosphere and defeats the purpose of this institution," one student charged. FACULTY OPINION was repre- sented mainly by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, who gave some of the background of the letter-grade method, noting that there are "two main motives to the system." "First of all, a grade is a pro- fessor's estimate of the student's quality of work, and then it is supposed to provide an incentive for the student," Prof. Slosson said. "Of course," he continued, "the perfect grading system would be a psychological chart of thestu- dent's accomplishments, but this would require ten times as many faculty members as there are at present." THE QUESTION of examina- tions occupied much of the meet- ing's time. Prof. Slosson declared that whether there . were any grades at all, tests are necessary as review devices and demonstrate whether the student's thinking. "But examinations, in order to be valid, must be accompanied by a 'post-mortem' during which the professor can completely re- view the test and analyze mis- takes made," he pointed out. Most of those present felt that the essay type exam was superior to the strictly objective test if these purposes were to be accom- plished. SEVERAL proposals were for- warded to correct the present sit- uation, aside from doing away See STUDENT, Page 6 Heavy Snow Clogs Roads; Expect More New Fall of Six Inches Recorded By VIRGINIA VOSS Temperatures falling to below freezing last night chased away yesterday's early seige of snowfalls temporarily, but the Willow Run Weather Bureau forecast rising temperatures and more snow for tonight. Most of Ann Arbor was forced to turn pedestrian yesterday as hundreds of cars were stranded on snow-clogged streets. And even for pedestrians, "the going was pretty tough," as one greeting- card laden mailman expressed it. * * * BIGGEST WORRY to both va- cation-bound students and over- worked clearing and wrecking crews was. "how much more is coming." Weekend forecasts prom- ised more snow. Doubling their regular staff, the local AAA yesterday hauled almost 300 cars out of ever- present drifts. The Ann Arbor City Garage employed snow plows and loaders to clear away the worst of yesterday's six-inch fall, the second heavy one in four days. Both the Michigan State and Ann Arbor police departments, however, reported only "routine accidents." Cars parked or left in the middle of the road posed the biggest problem to Ann Arbor po- lice. Most were ticketed. * * ,. ON CAMPUS, a Daily spot check showed that 70 percent of the stu- dents trudged to classes boot-less. In 'spite of the blanketed side- walks, most students felt that ga- loshes were "too heavy to lug around," "too hard to put on," or "too easy to lose." Compared to the rest of the nation, though, Ann Arbor was lucky. With the nation's storm deaths soaring to 180, heavy snows blanketed the midwest, and ice storms glazed the north- east. Sault Ste. Marie suffered the first early winter flood in ten years as slush ice and debris dam- aged home basements. In New York, transportation was severely messed up. Sleet and torrential rain caused hundreds of falls and scores of auto accidents yesterday. Street and sidewalk in- juries alone mounted to 342. Reds Execute 'U.S. Agents' LONDON -(A3)- The Moscow radio reported today the execu- tion of two men who, it said, plead- ed guilty to cha'rges that they par- achuted into Russia after train- ing as American spies and sabo- teurs. The Russians have charged in the United Nations that the Uni- ted States is using a 100 million dollar fund under the Mutual Se- curity Act to finance treason in the Soviet bloc. The United States has denied the charge, but wel- comed an airing of it as a chance to point to Communist work in the international field. By the Moscow's radio's account: The two men were A. I. Osman- ov and F. Sarantsav. They con- fessed they had been recruited by The American Intelligence Service in Western Germany. They testified that, under in- structions of American intelligence officers, they had received special training in "topography, use of firearms and parachute jumping, organizing sabotage, terror and es- pionage activities." Reds Reveal List Of Allied POWs Maj. Gen. Dean Among Those Held In North Korea by Communists By The Associated Press Maj. Gen. William F. Dean; missing 17 months, and 11,558 other names were listed by the Reds in a prisoner-of-war file turned over to the Allies yesterday at Panmunjom. Its release touched off a dramatic race to get the 3,198 names of Americans listed across the Pacific to anxious relatives. A fog- shrouded airport figured in an antagonizing delay. But there was no indication presently that release of the list would speed up efforts to reach an armistice in Korea by Dec. 27. The Reds .Lose Trial Vote Before UNI PARIS - (P) --The Soviet bloc lost by an overwhelming vote late yesterday the first test of strength in the month-long wrangle over conflicting East-West disarma- ment plans. The Russians, teamed with some members of the Arab-Asian group and others, then forced a delay until today on a final. vote. The size of yesterday's test vote indicated the Western proposals would be approved, although there are signs that they will not be given their usual thumping ma- jority. * * * THE TALK - WEARY political committee of the UN assembly voted 39 to 6 against putting ahead of all other proposals a Polish resolution creating a 12-nation disarmament commission without giving it specific instructions for its work. Burma voted with the five members of the Russian bloc while 13 countries abstained. The vote on the adjournment of the meeting until today was 25 in favor, 19 opposed and 13 abstaining. The United States, Britain and France opposed ad- journment; Burma, Ethiopia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the Russian bloc were among coun- tries favoring the move and China, Canada and Thailand were among those abstaining. All votes were by a show of hands. The West has usually won the votes of around 50 of the 60 UN members for their proposals on control of atome energy and re- duction and limitation of arma- ments. But the debate this year has shown that some of the Arab and Asian countries will not side with the West this time. They may not, on the final vote, cast their ballots with the Russians, but drag down the Western ma- jority by abstaining. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky lashed at the Western plan again yesterday as designed to create an American monopoly on atomic energy and lead na- tions to commit suicide. He said the Soviet Union is not ready to commit suicide. Test 'Flunkies' Get 2nd Chance LANSING-(A)-Men who failed their draft mental tests will be cal- led back for re-examinations start- ing the first of the year. State Selective Service Head- quarters said that about 400 men will be called for re-examination in January. The calls will be con- tinued each month until all men who failed previous mental tests are examined., list fell shockingly short of the 100,000 or more Allied personnel unaccounted for and believed to have fallen into Communist hands. * * * RED AND Allied truce teams also still were at loggerheads over numerous other details, such as supervision 'of a truce. The sub- committees discussing supervision met again today in Panmunjom at 9 p.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor time. For the second time in three days no American soldier was kill- ed across the Korean front in the 24 hours ending at 6 p.m. yester- day (Korean time). While the twilight war contin- ued, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway' conf erred with his top miltary and truce advisers on future stra- tegy in case agreement is reached on an armistice. There was no immediate indi- cation what decisions were made. The Red list, given up only after repeated prodding, was ex- changed for one from the Allies containing the names of 132,472 North Korean and Chinese prl- soners. The Red list of Allied prisor ers was rushed .to Munsan for quick study at the advance base camp of the Allied truce team. The list, as transmitted from Tokyo, began arriving in the Uni- ted States shortly after 7:30 p.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor time.- * * * THE RED radio at Peiping lost no time charging yesterday that the Allied list of Red prisoners was naifcoy tsi nomto unsatisfactory. It said information was lacking which was needed for identification and that the Allies said it could not be forthcoming- written in Korean and Chinee- until after Dec. 25. Dec. 27 is the deadline set for any armistice based on a battle- front as agreed upon Nov. 27. The official list also confirmed that Frank Noel, AP Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, was a prisoner. Churchill Rules Out Joining EuropeArmy P-ARIS-'P)-Winston Churchill pleaded last night that Britain will support and work with a European Army "in all the stages of its poli- tical and military development"- but will not join it. The pronouncenent immediate- ly posed the question whether Churchill's moral support without participation would be enoughto restore the waning enthusiasm of some European c6untries for the one-uniform international army. But the best sources said Churchill's visit, in preparatio for his talks with President Tru- man in Washington next month, may have results that will lead to the actual merger of Euro- pean forces, including German, in Western defense. Churchill's position was stated in a joint British-French com- munique after he had lunched with Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, strong advocate of the European Army idea, and had had two days of talks between himself and For- eign Secretary Anthony Eden on the one side, and French Premier Rene Pleven and Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on the other. Discussions with President Vincent Atlantic Economic Planners, also Aurial and W. Averill Harriman, Chairman of the North Atlantic Economic Planners, also were sandwiched in. College Ousts Student For Dual-Enrollment 1 MEMPHIS, Tenn.-(A')--Life moved in slow motion yesterday for Bob Starr, Arkansas' stripped-down dual-carburator, hot rod' student. He had time on his hands. Time to sit, time to sit, time to draw a deep breath, time to thumb through a magazine. It's driving him crazy. STARR'S ENFORCED "LEISURE" came after he was gently but firmly punted from Memphis State College-an amiable parting fraught with amazement and a certain tenderness. State's ouster order wasn't based on flunked courses or college pranks. College authorities simply feared Starr was about to throw a rod. He was, simultaneously: ,c I i c t c t J i r c t s f t r Enrolled in both Memphis State and Southwestern, making top grades in a tough course at each. Sports editor on both college annuals. Columnist on both college news- * papers. Sunday night news editor for a newspaper wire service. Sports writer (high school sports) for the Commercial Ap- peal, a Memphis newspaper. Prospective author of a naval, based on psychological stress, ful- ly outlined. Husband and father of two small BIAS CLAUSE DEBATE: $L To Consider 4 Motions Tonight was paying his way through Mem- phis State. STARR CLAIMS the schedule wasn't much of a strain, especial- ly as he had his wife, Norma, and his motorcycle to help him. Norma takes care of the kids. The motor- cycle got him places on time. Why did he do it? Starr, who hails from Pine Bluff, Ark., has a big thirst for knowledge. He "gets nervous and unhappy" un- less he's busy. That extra time on his hands By CRAWFORD YOUNG A heated meeting is in prospect for the Student Iegislature to- night, as the bias clause issue comes up for consideration. The SL will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Anderson-Strauss d i n i n g room, East Quad. At least four motions on bias clauses will prob- ably be brought to the floor-two outlining alternative courses of U' calling for an October 15, 1957, time limit for removal of dis- criminatory clauses from consti- tutional structures of fraterni- ties and sororities. The motion is substantially the same as the one passed last year by SL and the Student Affairs Committee, then vetoed by former University President Alexander G. now having bias clauses. These would be required to work towards elimination of clauses in the interim period, then de- nied University recognition if they failed to get rid of consti- tutional barriers. However, SAC could grant one- year extensions to ' any group which had a record of effort, and