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December 18, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-18

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Charlie Spivak, Johnny Long
Selected To Play for i-Hop
Ticket Sales *

Dance Groups
Will Present,

Club Open for Membership

RusheesTo Attend Panhel Mceting

TrumpetervCharlie Spivak and
"backward" violinist Johnny Long
have been selected to occupy the
bandstand at this year's J-Hop to
be presented from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Feb. 8 and 9 in the IM Building.
Spivak and Long are featured
at this year's dance as a result of
the student poll conducted earlier
in the semester. This will not be
the first local appearance for Spi-
vak. The man with the "sweet
trumpet" first appeared here at
the 1949 J-Hop.
LONG IS also familiar to col-
lege crowds. The "backward" vio-
linist has long been a college fa-
vorite. He came by his novel title
via a certain "pig incident" which
took place when he was six years
The story goes that an over-
hungry pig bit Long in the left
hand severing the tendons of
several fingers. His violin teach-
er, fearing that the hand might
not heal properly, taught him
his present backward style.
Long and Spivak will play on
both nights of the 1952 J-Hop.
Ticket reservations for the event
are being accepted from 9 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. today through Thursday
at the Administration Building.
Students making reservations will
receive confirmations after Christ-
mas vacation. At this time, they
may pick up their tickets in the
Administration Building.
* * *
RESERVATIONS are also avail-
able through representatives. in
the various campus residences. A
free ticket will go to each junior
representative of the first ten
houses which have 70 per cent of
their group planning to attend the
dance. The representatives will
turn in lists of those attending to
the central committee.
The first ten residences which
make reservations for 70 per
Women Appoint
Committee Heads
For SeniorNight-
Chairmen for Senior Night posi-
tions have been announced by the
Interviewing Committee.
The following seniors will hold
these positions: Elaine Madden
and Sue Sears, co-chairmen;
Midge Haring, tickets chairman;
Elaine Cohen, patrons and invita-
tions; June- Lauren, decorations
and programs; and Virginia Rob-
inson, entertainment chairman.

* * *
cent of all house members may
get their tickets through the
central committee. Other houses
will get their tickets at the
booth in the Administration
Junior representatives in each
house are as follows: Acacia, Jer-
ry DesJardin; Alpha Delta Phi,
Jerry Steketi; Alpha Epsilon Pi,
Robert Segal; Alpha Sigma Phi,
Mel Palmer; Alpha Tau Omega,
Don Wier; Beta Theta Pi, Chuck
Cliffert; Chi Phi, Dave Sebald;
Chi Psi, Ted Laitner; Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon, Rog Oeteing; Delta
Sigma Phi, Bert Perry; Delta Tau
Delta, Pat Golden; Delta Upsilon,
Earl Cline and Kappa Nu, Rog
The list continues with Kappa
Sigma, Dick Smith; Lambda Chi
Alpha, Fred Barrett; Phi Delta
Theta, Terry Nulf; Phi Gamma
Delta, Dick Hodgeman; Phi Psi
Sherm Andrews; Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon, Gene Bohi; Phi Kappa Sig-
ma, Dick Sterner; Sigma Alpha
Mu, Bob Gross; Sigma Chi, Kar
Kaltwasser; Sigma Nu, Gordon
Sharpe and Sigma Phi, Don John-
Other representatives are Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Bob Cutting; Tai
Delta Phi, Dennis Aaron; Tat
Kappa Epsilon, Glen Musselman
Theta Chi, Ned Bessemer; Theta
Delta Chi, Jack DesJardins; Tri
angle, Norm Gerber; Zeta Psi
John Jones and Alpha Phi Alpha
Rog Wilkins.
Dormitory representatives ar
Anderson, Roger Hammer; Cooley
John Jay; Greene, Jerry Wisnoo
* ski; Hinsdale, Chuck Beniger
Prescott, Chuck Salmon; Strauss
George Majoros; Tyler, Russ Greg
ory; Gomberg; John Dubois; Hu
ber, Jerry Strauch; Taylor, Bo
Goodwin; Allen Rumsey, Sau
" Gregory; Michigan, Bert Browi
and Wenley, Bob Webb.

Program To Include 1
Ballet, Modern Styles
Composed by Students
Modern Dance and Ballet Clubs
will combine their talents for the
Holiday Dance exhibition, which
will take place at 8 p.m., tomorrow
in Barbour -Dance Studio.
The event featuring the two co-
recreational dance clubs, is spon-
sored by the Women's Physical
Education Department.
First on the program will be
members of the Ballet Club in an
excerpt from the "Sleeping Beau-
ty" Ballet and other modern dance
The second part- of the program
will be a trio dance, with music
sung by Frank Poretta.
A Ceremony of Carols will be
rendered by a part of the Women's
Choral Group, w i t h Maynard
Klein conducting.
Next on the dance program will
be the composition, "The Princess
Who Couldn.t Smile." Geraldine
Miller is responsible for the chore-
All compositions used in the
Holiday Dance exhibit are student
originals, which have been worked
on at the regular meetings of the
No admission is being charged
for the dance program and any-
one interested is invited to attend
by the Club managers, Ann Al-
bert, Ballet, and Doris Melleky,
Modern Dance.
The faculty advisor for the two
co-recreational clubs is Miss Es-
ther E. Pease, member of the fac-
ulty of the Women's Physical Edu-
cation Department. Her assistant
is Geraldine Miller.
Costumes for the program have
been designed by Anna Marie Kor-
l The Modern Dance and Ballet
a Clubs are open to any man and
- woman on campus. The co-recre-
ational organizations offer an op-
a portunity to participate in mod-
u ern dances and to compose orig-
u inal numbers;
a ThetQ Sigma Phi
, Selects Members
Alpha Theta, Michigan chapter
e of Theta Sigma Phi, national hon
V, orary and professional sorority for
- women in journalism has recently
; chosen several women for mem-
s, bership.
The women chosen as member
- are Winifred Delchamps, Sally
b Harding, Constance Hart, Janice
l James, Susan Kenitz, Susan Peter
n son, Josephine Scherer, and Jane

Stewart Brown, manager of the
University Ice Skating Clu., says
that membership in the co-rec e-
ational organization is still open
to any woman or man on campus.
At the present time there are
approximately 25 members, who
practice from 1 to 3 p.m. Monday
through Thursday each week at
the Coliseum.
Instruction is available for both
beginners and advanced skaters.
Figure eights, spins, spirals,
jumps, and ice dances, such as the
Waltz and 14 Step will be taught.
Miss Mary Frances Greschke will

_____ A mass meeting for al lfresh- immediately following the meet-
men, sophomore and junior wo- ing. Registration fee will be $l.
again be the clubs professional men interested in formal rushing
teacher. will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednes- At the meeting, each prospec-
Miss Greschke is a Gold test day, January 9, in the Rackham tive rushee will receive a book-
skater and has been assisting the Building. let, which contains information
Ice Skating Club for six years. s W is e, Pannellemc on everything from what to
The manager says that members rushing chairman, will preside wear to maps of the locations of
are now beginning dance routines over the mass meeting, which is the sorority houses.
for pre-hockey skating and he wel- held each year before rushing be- Each coed will be assigned to
comes anyone interested in ice gins to inform those coeds who a group when she registers, and
skating to join the club. intend to rush of the rules and she will go through the opening
Activities of the club so far this regulations concerning formal teas with that group.
year, outside of the regular prac- rushing. * * *
tices on the ice, have included the * A RUSHEE is asked to attend
organizational meeting and a so- REGISTRATION for rushing, the teas of all the houses on cam-
cial meeting, consisting of movies which will begin between semes- pus.
and refreshments. ters, on February 2, will take place At that time, she will also be


given the name oi 1er cmnselor,
who will hl her with any
problems she my have throuaim-
out the rushing reriud.
The cou1Thaif~S. SIC1U )oS Othy
recently been ini roteu u the
University. bu t uie Pa niwlienm
Board feels tat ha ben most
successful in te pat t wo Mears.
WAA Iadminton C'ub mem-
hers will meet from 8 to t) p.m.
today in Wa Ie rman Gymna -
. !CA - ll ®>1 ^ - 91 t l ¢)2-


elegantly Ierc!


r her Christmas!
ned for someone
rious Luxite in heavenly
ot. Select the gown
with delicious scoops
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o 14.95p
elastic at waist; All Smart Santas Shop at
ylon lace and net.


'Dream stuff fo
The gift destin
special --luxu
soft nylon tric
meant for her
of lace and ne
tailored. Black
delightfully co
9.95 tc

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QpENiC're G°rr,;n9 ours ' t °uve neve French gen
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Corne t ber pear th ladden Y GI°Gk" Dashln that are inb°w ° re o er'r'
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Gown: comfy
lavished with ny

Bashful Pink, Demure Blue, Black
Mischief, Angelic White. Sizes
32 to 40. 14.95

Matching Briefs 2.95


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