," CHANGING WOMEN'S HOURS See Page 4 Sir qau ~~!IaitW IN fJ( I 4 '1 Latest Deadline in the State SNOW AND COLD VOL. LXH, No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1951 SIX PAGES i RELIGION SURVEY: Began in Britain By RICH THOMAS Daily Associate Editor k''" (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article, dealing with the Protestant Episcopal Church ad its beliefs, is based upon information and statements given by The Rev. Henry Lewis, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal Church. It is primarily intended to point up the areas of belief or organizations in which Episcopalianism differs from other denominations of the Christian faith.) ARRIVING IN AMERICA with the colonists, the Protestant Episco- pal Church is a daughter of the Church of England, as are the other National or regional branches of what is called the "Anglican Communion." Contrary to many persons' belief, the Church of England was not founded by Henry VIII. Although reformed and purified during that period, the Church continued to worship, hold the same basic beliefs and was identical in every way with the Church which had come to England before England herself was a united kingdom. The Episcopalian, therefore, feels what might be termed an histor- ic continuity with the past, The Rev. Henry Lewis, rector of St. An- drews Episcopal Church, said. "He has what he calls 'the Catholic tra- dition;' not Roman Catholic, for at the Reformation the Church of England renounced the Pope and his overlordship, but Catholic in that he preserves the best in the Christian tradition from the days of the, New Testament." IN MATTERS OF BELIEF, the Episcopal Church gives its alle- giance to the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds and the central Christian doctrines which the Creeds express. It believes that God is, that He is the great eternal peality upon whom the whole world is dependent. It believes that His will aild purpose control history, that He has a deep concern for the world and that He loves men. God's most crucial, decisive and determinative historic act, according to Mr. Lewis, "is the birth and life and death and rising again of Jesus Christ." In .Christ, the living God enters "humbly and genuinely into the sphere of human affairs. Having done this, God never stops doing it, and, therefore, He has left in the world a society called the Church. The Church is God's corporate and social way of expressing Himself." The Church, to the Episcopalian, is not just a gathering of good people. "It is a divine society in whichGod moves through men and women to respond in Christ ... to goodness, truth, nobility, and what- ever is harmonious and righteous. The secret inner life of the Church is Christ Himself." From this it follows that the Episcopal Church is bound to the Bible. It believes that the Bible is the word of God, a record of God's revelation to man. "The Old Testament prepares for the New, the New Testament fulfills the Old." * * A *- THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH does not intend to preclude the de- velopment or deny the right use of huian reason. It does insist that nothing can be taught by the Church as necessary to salvation which is not contained in the Holy Scriptures. It insists that the basis for Christian faith is in the saving acts of God recorded in the Bible. Ac. cording to Mr. Lewis, it is this that gives the Episcopal Church its Pro. testant and Evangelical emphasis., The Church views.man as a frustrated and spoiled creature. He is not totally bad, but he is not all that he might or should be. It therefore reaffirms the redemption of man by Christ. Man's sin can be forgiven' and he can be helped "to live more nobly, bravely, lovingly and kindly. Thus he can be prepared for an eternal destiny, a destiny which goes through death into a finer life in full harmony with God." This does not mean that the good things on earth are to be re- fused or condemned. God has given man 'all things to enjoy," but man must use them rightly;in keeping with Christian principle, and see that worldly pleasures do not become ends in themselves. In keeping with this, the Church urges its members to lead a "disciplined life." So that people will have the spiritual vigor to sustain them in the crises of life, the Church officially teaches that a Chris- See RELIGIOUS, Page 4 4 WAGE CONTROVERSY: JanuarylDecision otnV A HospitalSuit_ Expected By BOB APPLE A decision is expeted the second week of January on a na- tionally publicized suit involving overpayment of wages for workers on the local Veterans Administration Hospital. Hearings on the suit, the first of its kind under the present wage stabilization regulations, were completed last week in Detroit. * * * . A WASHINGTON,. D.C., firm was charged last month by the Detroit regional office of the Wage Stabilization Board with paying about $120,000 in over-ceiling wages over a nine-month period to bricklayers on the hospital pro- Come All Ye 'Children' By the Associated Press With only eight days until Christmas Santa Claus rubbed his aching knees in New York yesterday and said he doesn't mihd holding the kiddies on his lap, but when grownups start plopping there-well it's hard on his Christmas cheer. From a half dozen department stores in that metropolis, the Santa Clauses reported that for some strange reasons, this year, the adults are bouncing onto the red-suited knees about as gleefully as the youngsters. "One distinguished old gentleman got up on my lap--must have weighed 200," said one Santa. "Explained he wanted pic- tures to send his nieces to prove that he and Santa were pals." Ann Arbor's Santa Claus was apparently less harried. He reportedly saw more than 500 youngsters here without any such adult troubles. BULLDOGS BITE: 'M' Court Squad Beaten by Butler By DICK SEWELL An outstanding individual scor- ing performance by Orvis Burdsall paced Butler University's basket- ball team to a 63-53 win over Michigan in the first home game of the season at Yost Field House last night. Burdsall's 29-point splurge en- abled the Bulldogs, to nab their first win of the season. They had previously suffered losses at the hands of Northwestern, Illinois and Ohio State. The loss was the AIM Elects Green "lberg E T Top" Post Gordon Greenberg, '52P, was chosen last night by the Associa- tion of Independent Men Council to succeed David Ponitz, '52, as AIM president. Greenberg, just ending his first year on the University campus, won over two AIM veterans, Bob Perry, '53E, and Gene Mossner, '52. * * * MOSSNER, from Kelsey House, S.Q., came back to win as vice- .* "s second straight of the season forI the Wolverines. *: * * BUTLER OPENED fast, leading 15-4 at the end of the first quar- ter. Michigan didn't get its first fielder until Milt Mead dropped one in from the corner as the 10- minute whistle sounded.7 From then on the Maize and1 Blue hoopsters played the Bull-1 dogs on even terms, but were4 unable to get closer than nine< points despite several sporadicr spurts, especially in the second half. As in the season's opener against Central Michigan, the WolverinesI were hampered by a poor shot average. They hit on only 20 of 73 fieldgoal attempts for 27 per cent and 13 of 26 charity tosses. On the other side of the picture, Burdsall a n d Company looped through 24 of 52 shots from the field for 46 per cent and 15 of 26 free throws. CAPTAIN Jim Skala headed the Michigan scoring column with 14 markers to his credit. Freshman Ralph Kauffman and lanky Dick Williams were next on the Wol- verine totem pole with 12 points each. However, Burdsall's stint was by far the best of the evening. Scor- ing mostly on short, breakaway shots, the six-foot senior from Vincennes, Ind. hooped through 12 two-pointers and five foul shots to keep Coach Tony Hinkle's charges out in front. Teammate See BURDSALL, Page 3 Steelworkers Plan To Strike For PayHike By The Associated Press Two strategic strikes caused of- ficial consternation yesterday. Philip Murray, president of the CIO United Steelworkers, announc- ed yesterday in Pittsburg that a steel strike Dec. 31 seemed un- avoidable, while in Washington President Truman set up an emer- gency board to try to cut short a strike of Pan American World Airways. CIO United Steelworkers serv- ed notice on the steel industry yes- terday that they will strike New Year's day unless they get a 15 cent hourly pay boost and other benefits. Meanwhile in Washington the White House said that al- though the striking CIO Trans- port workers had pledged to keep Pan American's airlift of hospital planes and troop carriers going to Korea, Mr. Truman was concerned about the airlift if the strike con- Reds Agree ro Exchange POWLists Truce Rule Pla Still Not Settled MUNSAN, Korea, Tuesday, Dec. a 18-(A')-Communist truce nego- tiators today agreed to give the Allies a list of Red-held prisoners f war. An exchange of lists was set for 1 a.m. today (Ann Arbor time). Red refusal to name the prison- ers has been a bitter issue. The suddien Red acceptance of the Allied demand came in a 20- minute meeting this morning. * * * THE RED action cleared a ma-f jor stumbling block from the path of the subcommittee seeking agree- ment on agenda item four-ex- change of prisoners of war. It came only nine days before the Dec. 27 deadline for a truce based on the present cease-firer line. Rear Adm. R. E. Libby, Allied negotiator on the prisoner ques- tion, emerged from the meeting tent and said tersely, "we have re- cessed until 9 p.m. The prisoner of war data will be exchanged at three o'clock this afternoon." * :4 * * THE REDS earlier insisted that detailed lists should be exchanged only after full agreement was reached on their proposal for an all-for-all exchange of prisoners. The UN command said that to exchange the prisoners with- out knowing how many there were would threaten Allied prisoners with possible "life in Communist slave labor camps." In a neighboring tent at Pan- munjom the committee discussing item three of the agenda-truce supervision-adjourned after a one hour and 42 minute meeting. An- other session was scheduled for 11 a.m. Wednesday (9 p.m. today Ann Arbor time). Meanwhile in Seoul an Allied raiding party jabbed Communist lines on the western-Korean front for the sixth straight day Mon- day. It was the only significant daylight action along the 145-mile battle line. In the air war two Russian-sup- plied MIG jet fighters were dam- aged in a 25-minute scrap between 20 Sabres and 10 MIGs over Sin- anju. Oddly, some 70 to 80 other MIGs hung back and avoided combat while the fight was on. U.S. Eighth Army Tuesday an- nounced a total of 3,127 Chinese and North Korean Reds killed, wounded or captured during the second week of December. This was the lightest enemy casualty toll re- ported since the twilight war started Nov. 28. For the week Nov. 24-30 the figure was 10,182. Ike Reported Willing To Run WASHINGTON - UP) - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was report- ed yesterday by the magazine U.S. News & World'Report to have said he is willing to have its name con- sidered by the Republican Na- tional Convention next summer. It said that by the same token he has closed the door on a pos- sible Democratic nomination, There was no immediate reac- tion to publication of the report from Eisenhower or his Paris headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty organization forces. Weatlier Causes Fires, Accidents By JERRY HELMAN Snow covered Ann Arbor and vicinity with a new blanket late last night and early this morning, part of a continuing winter weath- er front which affected the entire country east of the Rockies. However, much to the relief of the students eager to head home for vacations, there is a warmer trend indicated this weekend, ac- cording to the Willow Run Weath- er Station. The snow will prob- ably stop tomorrow and hold off until after the weekend is over. * * * IN ANN ARB9OR, yesterday's nine below temperature was an almost record for December, sec- ond only to Christmas Day, 1924 The blinding cold weather yesterday morning caused one student's hot water bottle to freeze solid and many others, except for those with blue books, to avoid their eight-o'clocks. The usual results of cold weath- er followed with the local AAA reporting a brisk business, having received between three and four hundred calls yesterday. * *M See Relief From Seige By Weekend'. Fresh Snow, More Cold Hit AnAroNtn -Daily-Jeff Pemberton THAWING OUT-After a cold day, Generation salesmen Judy Levine, '52 and Don Scavarda, Grad, take time out to look over the student creative arts magazine, Generation. For the benefit of those people who wouldn't take their gloves off long enough to dig into their pockets yesterday, a few issues will be sold at Angell Hall, Law Quad, the Arts-Theatre Club and campus book stores today, SOVIET SURPRISES: Reds Cite Ijsarmamtent Plan, Hint Aid to Iran By The Associated Press Two reports from the Soviet world yesterday surprised and stirred the West. From Paris, the Soviets proposed the creation of a disarmament commission which should make a new start on the whole issue of atomic control and arms reduction. And from Moscow came word that the Soviet government would be likely to give earnest consideration to invitations for financial or --_---technical help which have been I . -- ---- I 1, Special Tax Men Renew NY Inquiry k By The Associated Press Sixty-five special revenue agents are digging into reports of tax shakedowns and other irregulari- ties in New York. They have orders to cover "the entire waterfront"-to check on every suspicious tax matter in the nation's richest community. Internal Revenue Commissioner John B. Dunlap disclosed the new and sweeping investigation yester- day, as official Washington watched the White House for the signal which will launch President Truman's promised "house-clean- ing" of Federal departments. Federal Judge Thomas F. Mur- phy of New York, prosecutor of the Alger Hiss case has agreed to direct the Presidential campaign to sweep wrong doers out of office. Meanwhile, Federal tax liens to- talling $4,700,080 were filed yes- terday in New York against two men named in the Congressional Internal Revenue probe. II rendered from the Middle East. * * * THE SECOND proposal came on the eve of the return from Europe of W. Averell Harriman, head of the foreign aid program. The full import of the report from Moscow, or the effect it could have on U.S. planning can not be determined immediately However, American officials said Soviet Russia could create new trouble for the West by extending economic aid to the hard pressed Iranian government. They were less worried over the possibility of Communist assistance to 'other countries in the Middle East. Western spokesmen in Paris at once commented privately on the disarmament proposal. They said that the United States, France, and Great Britain would fight the Soviet bloc resolution when a vote is takn,.perhaps today or tomor- row, in the UN Political Commit- tee. The West favors creation of a disarmament commission but op- posed the new move on the grounds that it would not give proper instructions to the commis- sion. SEVERAL small fires broke out yesterday and police reported sev- eral traffic accidents in the Ann Arbor area. Highways surrounding the city were the scenes of several accidents, one of them fatal. Whitmore Lake Rd. saw a two car smashup, causing the death of a Brighton woman. The State Police and Sheriffs office issued warnings that roads are slippery and dangerous as a result of the snowfall and freez- ing temperatures. Drivers are warned to keep off the highways unless it is extremely necessary. * * * EVEN WITH its sub-zero tem- peratures, Ann Arbor did not win the dubious award of being the state's ice box. Ionia, with 11 be- low, and Remus, recording 10 be- low, took the prizes. - Property and .commerce throughout the state were en- dangered by the weather as sev- eral large fires broke out, one de- stroying $45,000 worth of prop- erty in downtown Bangor. A freakish ice jam in the St. Mary's river outside of Sault Ste. Marie brought flood peril to homes and industry in the vicinity. To counteract the danger the Soo Locks have been opened to re- lease the slush and ice which have caused many to evacuate their homes. Airplane flights at Willow Run have been running on schedule, as are all trains in the area. With no more sub-zero weather predict- ed and temperatures expected to rise to a high of 18 today and not drop below ten for the rest of the week, no airplane or train schedule- changes are expected, Willow Run officials said. Slayer' s Sentence ,Delayed by Jfudge -Daily-Jeff Pemberton GORDON GREENBERG ... AIM President president over Perry and Bob Miller, '52Ed. Other officers elected fast night were gob Reardon, '54, Anderson House, E.Q., treasurer; Miller, Chicago House, W.Q., re- cording secretary and Donald Meikle, '54 E, Allen - Rumsey House, W.Q., corresponding sec- retary. Greenberg, a transfer student from the University of Indiana, lives in Williams House, W.Q. He served as AIM treasurer last se- mester. He is a resident of Flint. Out-going president Ponitz be- came a senior advisor to the AIM Council automatically. During most of the meeting, only 18 of the 42 AIM Council repre- sentatives were present. Cause of Plane CrashSought ELIZABETH, N.J.-(IP)-Veter- an investigators yesterday picked overthe scorched wreckage of a Florida-bound airliner, trying to find out what made it crash with 56 victims. Representatives of six different official agencies on Federal, state and local levels started the probe machinery moving. The two-engine C-46 non-sche- duled transport, operated by Mi- ami Airlines, Inc., caught fire on the takeoff from Newark airport Sunday. It was bound for Tampa and Miami. ject. The workers have admitted receiving $3.00 an hour, 75c above the current lid. The firm was accused of unstabilizing the labor market. Defense attorneys contested in the hearings that a wage war among Ann Arbor contractors ow- ing to a "tremendous shortage" of bricklayers forced the company to raise its wages to attract work- ers. The company's brick superin- tendent testified two men had even quit to work for another firm of- fering them $3.50 an hour. ** * THE HEARINGS were held be- fore the WSB's Regional Enforce- ment Commission, headed by Prof. Leonard A. Keller of the business administration school. L CORNELL SURVEY REPORTS: Bias Clause Agitation Slow To Develop tinues. NlwationalI Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The govern- ment's top loyalty review board yesterday ordered a recheck of 565' Federal employes under the same rule that led to the firing of career diplomat John S. Service because of a finding of "reasonable doubt" as to his loyalty. By HARLAND BRITZ "Opposition to discriminatory clauses has unfolded quite slowly and sporadically across the na- tion." So says the Cornell Daily Sun after an extensive examination of the problem. The issue, The Sun reports, has caused different de- grees of agitation and concern on different campuses, but has usual- ly resolved itself into some highly- restrictive legislation or finely ..,ai'i l an ' ai-an colleges and Universities. The so- called "Michigan Plan" receivedl the largest amount of space. *: *: *1 MOST RECENT action reported in the Sun came interestingly enough at Cornell, where the Stu- dent Council last Tuesday night unanimously voted to establish a1 Student Committee on Discrimina- tion, after delegating "complete jurisdiction to study the problems+ of discrimination within the fra- +- --_ .a- m1 n a TiPrWrm - from their constitutions or face lose of their charters. The ASUC resolution was to take effect three years after pas- sage although it failed to carry specific enforcement provisions. In October, 1952, the resolution will go before the Regents for ac- tion. * * AGAIN at the University of Wis- consin, the Regents stand in the way of a student project against fr a .. it ricminfin recognition, despite the taken on the petition. actionI MEANWHILE, students at the college of Columbia University are hopeful that the administration will okay their plan to rid the cam- pus of discriminatory clauses. In May of 1950, the students approved a referendum asking the Board of Student Repre- sentatives to set a deadline for the removal of discriminatory ., _..e+._. ?« le .:n_ rh- or. of h.a Sentencing of David L. Royal, convicted of second degree murder in the Sept. 16 mallet-slaying of Nurse Pauline A. Campbell, is ex- pected to be, held over until Dec. 26. Circuit Judge James R. Breakey Jr., who presided over the cele- brated ten-day trial earlier this fall, said yesterday pre-sentence investigation had not been com- pleted. Royal 'was scheduled for sentencing today. Meader To 'Talk At YR Meetin George Meader (R-Mich.) will speak to the Young Republicans at 17n ~m inn the + a rue.