PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1951 - IFC Bias Action THE "ACACIA proposal," passed by the Interfraternity Council last Wednesday night, is an admirable design for the re- moval of discriminatory clauses from fra- ternity constitutions. Unfortunately, it won't work. The framers of the new IPC hands-off policy had a noble purpose-the voluntary elimination of the clauses. It is regrettable that the practical framework in which the plan must operate will pervert its high ideals. Essentially, the proposal favors "the action of the individual fraternity with- out any coercive threat"; the assistance of the IFCrin "a counseling and informa- tion service" to houses with clauses; and a continuation of "the education program which the IFC is carrying on at the pres- ent time." The effectiveness of the plan hinges on exceptional leadership in the IFC and a clear desireeon the part of the houses with constitutional barriers to remove them, both of which are lacking. Experience has shown that only a detailed and enforcible resolu- tion can weather the vagaries of adminis- trative calibre-inertia has historically dis- tinguished the TFC. The Acacia plan is a vague, broadly out- lined policy statement which defies forceful execution. It contains no realistic approach to the problem. It is an idea, not a practi- cal blueprint. Furthermore, the motivation of IFC adop- tion was not principally to accomplish the ends which its writers .intended. To many of those voting on the proposal, it was the only available alternative to the "coercion" implied in the recommendation of the IFC- Student Legislature study committee. It was a choice ,between final acceptance by the IFC of responsibility for ridding the Michigan fraternity system of bias clauses and the doctrine of treating legalized dis- crimination as the business of the indivi- dual fraternity. The former was the essence of the SL- IFC study group's proposal After twoj months of intensive study and research, the committee concluded that the IFC could and should see that houses take constructive steps toward clause removal and supple- ment this with a concrete educational pro- gram. Whereas the Acacia plan speaks of "edu- cation" in loose generalities, the study Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HARLAND BRITZ group's proposal contained a solid, binding educational plan based on the findings of the Research Center for Group Dynamics. What confounds the intelligence is that in making perhaps their most vital deci- sion, the IFC gave shockingly insufficient consideration to either plan. It failed to see the implications of hastily accepting the do-nothing Acacia plan and rejecting the reverse proposal, It is the contention of several members of the IFC Executive Committee that the study report was "inadequate." More ac- curately, the "inadequacy" of the report lay in the perfunctory treatment it received at the hands of the Committee majority. For about two hours, the plan was the subject of superficial discussion. The decid- ing votes and decisive rhetoric came from the alumni members of the body. On the other hand, the Executive Commit- tee failed to give a thorough report on the study group's recommendation and the basis of rejection to the House Presidents As- sembly. After strong procedural objections, the chairman of the group was allowed to take the floor and read the five-page docu- ment to the voting body. No copies were available for the house representatives to peruse themselves. At one time, the Assembly passed a mo- tion to postpone final action until intelligent jweighing of both plans could be completed. But "the time is now" psychology effected a reverse vote later in the evening and the Acacia plan went through. The facts are indisputable-cursory con- sideration given this matter by both the Ex- ecutive Committee and the House Presidents Assembly was in no way commensurate with the vital importance of the issue at hand. The strong campus reaction demonstrates that the Acacia proposal will not win for the fraternities the freedom from pressure they seek-it will only fan the flames of pressure from outside the walls of the fra- ternity system. The Student Legislature is scheduled to take action Wednesday night on a new time limit. If it is .voted, the problem will be be- yond the reach of the fraternities. If the IFC wants to prevent this, something must be done now. There is no regular meeting of the House Presidents Assembly scheduled before Christ- mas. But the time is past for conventional procedure. By now, it should be obvious to all that the Michigan fraternity system is split down the middle on the issue-that many of the outstanding fraternity leaders are in bitter opposition to the action taken. The president of the IFC has 9, definite obligation to call a special meeting of the house presidents before Wednesday for re- consideration. --Crawford. Young and Barnes Connable The Veto CHANGE A NAME here and there, and what we are witnessing this week is a prologue to what could be a repetition of the episode of May 29, 1951-the day Presi-. dent Alexander Grant Ruthvenvetoed the Student Legislature-Student Affairs Com- mittee resolution ordering fraternities to re- move their discriminatory clauses by 1956 or face possible loss of campus recognition. If the parallel follows through, however, the justice in the decision will still be in doubt, for an ever-increasing sector of the United States would view the outcome as only a temporary terminus point and not conclusive by any means. The question bothering everyone is: "Would Harlan Henthorne Hatcher veto the measure?" This assumes, of course that the SL will press what seems to be its present attempt to re-legislate last May's proposal, albeit withcertain significant changes, and that the SAC would re-pass the amended version in spite of the onus it will inherit from the Ruthven veto. Defenders of the Inter-Fraternity Coun- cil's latest resolution are confident that President Hatcher will quash anything re- motely resembling the original SL-SAC measure. Proponents of the SL-SAC motion, on the whole, ruefully concede this. Why such confidence on the part of the former group and such pessimism from the majority of their opponents? Assuming that President Hatcher was selected for much the same qualities which President Ruthven possessed, the attitiudes are un- derstandable. For whatever pressures are acknowledged in President Ruthven's decision, they are intensified many fold on President Hatcher. He is new. He needs and craves the support of the more influential forces which work on this University. These forces seem to fav- or the IFC resolution. The measure's oppon- ents are vocal with conviction, but convic- tion is not at a premium on this campus. Money, power and influence-are. Thus without any formal indication the word seems to have gone out that, though the new president has studiously avoided public involvement in the question, he is "with the tFC." This may be; but thereare those who think otherwise. President Hatcher is another man facing a set of circumstances parallel only in the bare outlines. The re- current aspect of the tangle which may be deposited on his desk could be the very thing needed to produce a fresh view from a man who looks beyond temporal and temporary considerations. To resolve it as President Ruthven did last May would leave matters still snarled; the former president was leaving-he could af- ford it. President Hatcher, most of us hope, will be with us for a long time. A realistic approach to this forerunner of the many problems he must successfully contend with is almost a pre-requisite to long and well- spent years of service in the mansion on South University. -Zander Hollander As You Like It low, blow, thou winter wind. Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude. Thy tooth is not so keen, Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Hleigh-ho! Sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly. Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere foly. Then, heigh-ho, the holly! This life is most jolly. Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, That dost not bite so nigh As benefits forgot. Though thou the waters warp, Thy sting is not so sharp As friend remembered not. Heigh-ho! Sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly. Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly. Then, heigh-ho, the holly! This life is most jolly. -W. Shakespeare The Week's News .. .IN RETROSPECT .. . etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by tie writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamnatorv or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. * I ...'. t t .}l } AN APPLE IN .'HISt BACK-Mond£ay ngh te1it ful l-lnt film evr nto be a{prodcd nanAercn{oleecaps aL iswol premiey re 'at Hill tAdi ir.The il, fo$Frat.afk'sstoy f young man who changed into a five-foot-long insect, employed weird camera effects and weird musical accompaniment. The comment of many of the 2,300 students who saw Metamorphosis-"weird movie." * * * * IFC ACTION-Long awaited action of bias clauses was taken by the Interfraternlty Council last week. Six months ago, when President Ruthven vetoed the Student Legislature proposal requiring fraterni- ties to remove bias clauses by 1956 or face loss of University recogni- tion, IFC president Jack Smart said the "IFC recognizes its respon- sibihity."Y Early this semester a joint SL-IFC committee was formed to study the problem and make a recommendation to the IFC. Tuesday night the study group reported to the IFC executives. The committee's plan asked for withdrawal of IFC recognition from fraternities with bias clauses if they failed to ask for removal of the clauses at their na- tional conventions. But Wedneday night, upon recommendation of the IFC executives, the house presidents passed the Acacia proposal as its bias clause policy, which leaves the elimination of the clauses up to the individual houses themselves. After six months, the IFC felt it had fulfilled its responsibility. * * * * . .. AND REACTION-To one segment of fraternity men and to the SL, the IFC action was a disappointment. A movement for recon- sideration of the Acacia proposal sprung up, and it appeared that a spe- cial meeting of the IFC may be called before Christmas vacation to offer the house presidents a chance to change their minds. Meanwhile, a swiftly-acting SL Human Relations committee de- cided Friday to recommend to the Legislature that it pass at its next meeting a resolution similar to the one Ruthven vetoed. If approved, the SL resolution this year would include campus sor- orities with clauses. ,NCnANA -a Truman, remembering that next year is an election year, was back in Washington this week, promising to set up a special house-cleaning agency to sweep out corruption in govern- ment "no matter who they are or how big they are." Meanwhile the House sub-committee investigating the tax scandals heard more of "special deals and attempted shakedowns'' from resigned chief coun- sel of the Internal Revenue Bureau, Charles Ohiphant. And Repub- li cans were doing their best to link the boss of the Justice Department, J. Howard McGrath, with the tax deals. * * * * OUSTER-Veteran diplomat, John S. Service, an important tar- get in attacks of Red-baiting Joe McCarthy, was ousted last week for Sa "reasonable doubt Of loyalty" by the government's top security panel, the Loyalty Review Board of the Civil Service Commission. Service, who had previously been cleared by the State Department's own Loyalty Security Board, cafled the action a "shock" and an "in- ustice." * * * * Inocl ..rn o.l JET ACE-Thursday was a bad day for the Red Air Force. Sabre jet pilots shot down 13 Communist planes in two air battles, with credit for four of the kills going to a 31-year-old Texan, Maj. George Davis. The day following the battle, Davis was ordered to fly only one mission a day over North Korea. Fellow airmen feel that the major, who has bagged 12 Red planes in the last 17 days, is f ar too valuable to continue facing the risks of a combat flier. They think Davis will soon be home to instruct potential jet aces, and to help in the Air Force recruiting drive. *. * * * TRUCE TALKS-As the 30 day cease-fire deadline drew near, Allied truce negotiators told the Reds they were ready to listen to any proposal that would represent a forward step in settling the deadlock. The Allies, worried about UN prisoners in Communist hands, kept ask- ing, without receiving replies, for the number of Allied prisoners of war. By weeks end, just 10 days remained before the present cease-fire line would have to be set all over again. * * * * . EGYPTIAN PROTEST-Egypt's Ambassador to Great Britain, Abdel Fattah Amr Pasha, packed his suitcase in London last week and prepared to ret.urn home. His government had recalled him in protest against "British aggression" in the Suez Canal zone. But at week's end an uneasy peace still hovered with the warm moist air over the land of the Sphinx. -Sid Klaus S Book Storen... To the Editor: UPON AhRRuIVrIN on the UM ncn-suentisfalhone of the first things I inquired about con- cerned the location of the student book store. I was surprised to find that no such organization existed I was even more surprised and de- jected to discover the many ways the students of Michigan are being exploited, in terms of prices and services, by the privately owned "freely competitive" book stores. h " Therefore, I would like to pre- sent the situation that exists at a university which has enjoyed the services of astudent-owned book store for 51 years, the U of Wash- ington (15,000 students). The University Book Store was organized at Washington in 1900 by a group of universty students. Since that time, it has expanded into a three story establishment selling books and equipment for all campus courses, as well as gifts, men and women's clothing, pho- tography and sport equipment. records, radios and practically all necessities that a student requires. The store has no direct connection with the university administration. It is managed by two full-time non-students with the assistance of a Board of Directors composed of three students and four faculty members. Every student of the university is a stock holder upon payment of their university fees. At the time a student buys some- thing, he is given a sales slip which he keeps until the end of the spring quarter. At that time, the Board of Directors determines the net profit of the store, and divides it among the students according to the total of each student's pur- chases. During recent years, this rebate has amounted to from 8 to 14%. However, more important than this is the fact that all of the articles in the store are sold at the minimum fai-trade price, and the student is astred a fair price for all articles (i.e., 20 cents for the same note book paper cost- ing 30 cents in Ann Arbor). Used books may be sold back to the store at the end of the year for a much higher percentage than is accorded the student at Michigan by the local book stores. In the long run, the prices throughout the district are kept down to their normal level by the fair prices of the student owned store. Naturally, there are many of the local businessmen of Ann Arbor who would raise the battle-cry of "interference with private compe- tition," etc., at the thought of posi- tive action by the students on the origination of a book store. How- ever, such a condition does not exist at Washington. There are just as many, if not more, privately owned and managed book stores in the district which have been profiting from student trade for years, as there are privately owned book stores in Ann Arbor... . The example above is not a sole one-an investigation will reveal similar establishments throughout the nation on state and private campuses alike... The time is ripe for SL to see the light on this problem... -P. A. Yantis Discrimination . . . To the Editor: THERE appeared in the Daily the results of the study regard- ing the attitudes of fraternity men 'towards admission of members of minority groups. Watching close- ly every movement towards the elimination of the discriminatory practices and being one of the minority group, I wish simply to state the fact that whatever the famous or infamous bias clauses are, the minority group will never realize that they are those being discriminated, in the real sense of the word. It is my belief that a man can never' be discriminated until he discriminates himself. Those who indulge in what they think the "discriminatory prac- tice," though they have their right when they chose to do so, can ac- complish nothing but to prove that they are unworthy of their culture and the opportunities of education. Furthermore, by that very practice, they have discrim- inated themselves in the world in- tellectual circle. That which is morally wrong can never be practically wise. If the majority group, by exercisin their majority votes, shows no in- terest in promoting mutual under- standing, cooperation as well as tolerance towards the minority, no harmony in this troublesome hu- man society can be achieved. It is not an overstatement of the fact, unfortunately, it is essentially the roots of the crisis we have to face today. However, we are ready and would be glad to see some of our friends to show their determi- nation in achieving the goal, rid themselves of being self-discrim- inated, and to gain respect and esteem before the worldwide audi- ence. -S. ing Cease Fire . . To the Editor: agonal last week. This is quite a feat considering that the YPA only campaigned for two days. It is the most successful petition drive the organization has had in a comparable period. It was en- couraging to see new faces circu- lating the petition for a cease fire in Korea-many were not mem- bers of the YPA. I aided in soliciting signatures. Most of those I approached were very favorable. My batting aver- age was 60%. I know of one chap who got 80% of those he con- tacted to sign the petition. Nevertheless, I read our Michi- gan Daily. and found a few writers who don't approve of an immedi- ate cease fire, but would rather have Truman continue the war. They think by some strange rea- soning that war will bring the Communists to our terms because we are killing more Communists than Communists are kilin us. An interesting article appeared in the Dec. 12 issue of the Ann Ar- bor News entitled "1,300 UNlanes Estimated Lost in Korean Fight- ing." Quoting from it, " . . of the total UN plane losses, 583 have been destroyed in combat Com- munists have lost at least 309 planes in combat. The enemy has also suffered 95 probably losses." This is an official Air Force re- lease. Even if we are able to make up this difference by ground offen=. sive (a debatable point), why must the slaughter continue? Both sides have agreed to the cease-fire line if hostilities were ended. Can we not settle outstanding difficulties and stop the loss of American lives-greater than all theatres combined for the first 18 months of World War XI? A cease-fire is the first logical step. It means peace. The alter- native is a continued and costly war with many casualties on both sides. -Gordon MacDougall 1. r i { s e i .. ,MAGAZINES ... TOMORROW readers will get a crack at re-generated Generation. In addition to being the first one of the year, this Winter edition displays a new orientation toward matter-of-factness that to me, at any rate, is quite satisfying. Near- ly gone is the appearance of conscious artiness, a fault that has plagued the maga- zine throughout its relatively short history, and caused a sad shaking of heads in quar- ters which are generally agreeable to crea- tive endeavor. The editors of Generation must be com- mended for realizing the fault and, instead of simply scoring the critics as Philistines, taking intelligent and tasteful measures to make their publication less blatant and more appealing. Beyond the restraint and care obviously exercised in the layout, I was impressed by the selection of material appearing in this issue. It is almost consistently top-notch. This seems significant in several ways: first, that more good writing is making its way to the Generation office, and, second, that the editors have considered quality in a more than superficial way. Esotericism can no longer be held up as their only cri- terion. Generation leads off with a carefully written article by William J. Hampton, pro- ducer of Metamorphosis, concerning the spiritual and physical trials involved in pro- ducing a motion picture. Hampton's main thesis-that the motion picture as an art form has a logical place in a university- has been talked about before, but never with a movie to back up the words. The critical study of a major writer is a type of writing peculiarly-uited to the aca- demic surroundings of a university, where both greater and lesser minds spend consid- erable time discussing the whys and where- fores of men like E. E. Cummings and W. H. Auden. But while Ted Solataroff and Saul Gottlieb have both succeeded in penetrating their subjects too far to be called superficial, one gets the feeling that a four or five page essay can scarcely encompass a study of the depth they have attempted. Of the two, Gottlieb's intense, somewhat super-in- tellirent article is most at fault in this re- here that makes them every bit as appeal- Ing as those published last spring. The gracious quality of Anne Stevenson's "New Year's Eve" is a welcome change from what I had come to expect in student poe- try. So much of it-and several of the other poems in this magazine are good ex- amples-seem to be marked by a tense, neu- rotic, hyperbolic character that in bulk as- sumes the proportion of an affectation. Fourteen pages are devoted to four mu- sical compositions: tributes by four stu- dent composers to the memory of Arnold Schoenberg. I must end this on a sour note I am afraid, by recording that I was not too happily impressed by Robert O1- son's verse play "Companeros." It is a bit drab, and the verse is not good enough to help much. But that which is poor in this Generation is not bad, and I must admit that that which is good is extraordinary. -Chuck Elliott .4 .. t s-I Religious Survey (Continued from Page 1) the image of God. He is not merely a cog in a vast machine, but is directed by a personal God who is behind all the movement of the universe. However, the Lutherans do not believe that God is nature, the seasons, nor the planets. Any pantheistic conception of the universe is rejected. THE LUTHERANS want the knowledge and benefit of Christ's redemption from sin to be brought to man through the scriptures and in the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. Through these means God actually bestows His forgiveness of sins. By His redemptive work Christ is the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Therefore, forgiveness of sin has been se- cured and provided for all men. To re- ceive God's justification, the sinner must accept by faith the basis of God's right- eousness. God's justice and mercy fused when Christ haumn m-"/":-i - er+ + ... . naafl THEY LOOK on faith as a dynamic pow- er to follow through with good works. The Lutherans believe that it is the primary pur- pose of the church to bring each individual to this positive Christian faith, and at the same time expecting this individual to serve effectvely as a Christian in his vocation, his relation to society and to his state. Joy and peace is a part of believing. This peace and understanding can transcend the circumstances of life so that those who know and love Him will feel a joy and understanding never felt before. They also believe that theology should be centered in God. The philosophers of re- ligion are not entirely rejected, but are not on a par vith God. Today the Lutherans are the largest Pro- testant groups in the world. They represent 85 million in the world, or nearly the equiva- lent of all other Protestant faiths. At pre- sent there are more than 6.5 million Luth- erans in the United States. Nearly all Lutheran bodies in the world Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith........E.dCity Editor Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director Vern Emerson........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts ............Associate Editor flb Vaughn ...,......Associate Editor Ted Papes....... .. ... Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ........... Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Stu Ward........ Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00. .1 I. BARNABY '' RUL I RUG I~ I eseeing you, Spofty.] You seem to know everyone of importance, Mr. Baxfer. iI Odd thatthe owner of the I