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September 26, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-26

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Michigan's Football System

Poin ted %Z

T SEEMS SAFE to say that Allen Jackson's
article "Too Much Football," appearing in
thecurrent Atlantic Monthly, will be some-
thing of a bombshell around the Ann Arbor
Jackson, a first-string guard on the Mi-
chigan team for three seasons, pulls no
punches in describing his experiences un-
der the modern football system.
And although he sometimes launches into
too-obvious sensationalism, his general the-
sis concerning football today is entirely too
Jackson hits at the inexorable necessity in
big-time football to win, and the corruption
of the will to win into a mechanistic philo-
sophy which eliminates players as persons
and students. Instead, the players today are
indispensable or (as the case may be) ex-1
pendable cogs in a giant machine dedicated
to preserving the fame of a university.
Jackson cites the slogan at Michigan:
"When Michigan loses, somebody has to
pay," as a prime example of the loss of
values prevalent in the gridiron world.
Michigan players are instilled, according
to Jackson, with the spirit of a vast tradi-
tion of winning seasons which makes it al-
most sacrilegious to lose. He omits to men-
tion, it should be added, that Michigan had
a number of losing seasons during the mid-
thirties. The tradition isn't foolproof.
* * *
THE LOSS OF TIME produced by long
practice sessions and the feeling that
football comes before anything else, even
though studies are supposedly first, results
in the impossibility of any real intellectual
endeavor by the player, says Jackson.
The truth of this cannot be doubted,
but it is questionable whether any foot-
ball system can allow a player to get as
much out of the intellectual or' social life
of a school as his non-playing counterpart.
The strongest criticism which can be made
of Jackson's report, outside of its occasional
theatrics, is that it fails to make the point
that Michigan is not the only school guilty
of a too-oppressive football system.
Other colleges, many of them on the Wol-
verine schedule, are even more famous (or
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

infamous) for the win-at-all-costs philo-
One Big Ten coach several years ago was
known for his practice of doping injured
players with codine so they could play the
second half of important games. The same
coach is now in professional football and
still uses this device.
Such things don't happen at Michigan,
at least to my knowledge. But Jackson does
provide an example of what lengths play-
ers are expected to go to in the cause of
He states that in his own case, psycholo-
gical pressure was applied when an injury to
his knee made playing nearly impossible--
pressure to go ahead and give his all in the
big game the next weekend. As it turned out,
he didn't, but the' usual thing was for a
player to do his best as long as he could
"gut it out."
* * * .
DISREGARDING THE emotionalism at-
tached to making or not making the first
string of a team such as Michigan's, the sys-
tem does breed a distorted sense of values.
A player is made to feel that football is
more than a game, that opponents are ac-
tual enemies in a make-or-break struggle.
Part of this is due to the increasing influ-
ence of gate receipts upon the general pic-
Winning football is necessary to gate re-
ceipts. Gate receipts are now more important
than either the team or the student body.
The recent decision of the National Collegi-
ate Athletic Association to prevent televising
games except on a limited scale is illustrative
of this fact. If the public were more import-
ant, television would be allowed to do full
service as a means of communication of the
athletic contests to persons unable to get to
the stadia.
Football at Michigan is very much big
business. Gross receipts last year were
nearly a million dollars. In such an enter-
prise, the dollar sign must necessarily out-
weigh the value of the individual.
The will to win is actually harmless enough
as long as it is properly-channeled. And it
is only fair to note that Michigan is known
for a clean-playing team. Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan is a gentleman and a man known
for his friendly feeling toward players on
both sides.
So it is necessary to make reservations
about Jackson's presentation of the Michi-
gan football system. His' general picture of
the atmosphere on a big time collegiate
football team is nevertheless of much value
for an insight into correctable evils in the
gridiron world.
-George Flint


Allies in Greece

THERE SHOULD BE little doubt in most
people's minds that the capital of China
is a place in Hopeh province named Peiping.
And all but a few would agree that the
government of China resides there. These
few, however, believe so firmly that the gov-
ernment exists outside of the capital (even
outside of the country), that they have pre-
ssured the entire United States into refus-
ing to recognize the Chinese People's Gov-
The initial decision not to recognize the
Communist regime when it finally gained
control of China was shortsighted. But
were it not for a group of blindly partisan
Congressmen, this administrative mistake
could now be corrected.
It hardly seems probable that the Con-
gressional ranting is being done on behalf
of "millions of Asiatics sold down the river
by the Yalta agreement." The real aim is a
new administration.
This group has been so successful in gain-
ing public support through distorted inter-
pretation that it has given up the pretense
of having any sensible plan of opposition. It
is intent on digging into former supposedly
diplomatic dirty work-the Yalta treaty is
claimed to have been the dirtiest-so that
it can smear the administration. The Con-
gressmen are content to say that past State
Department mistakes have lost for us the
whole Far East-a questionable conclusion.
They ignore present conditions and the pos-
sibility of working with the administration
on a bi-partisan policy in Asia.
State Department officials have tried to
fight the attacks. But their attempts have
deteriorated into nothing but slurs upon
Chiang Kai-shek's government, which they
are pledged to support.
Of course the Congressmen claim that
the administration will accept no policy
but its own. To them it would be suicide
to admit that the administration may
have been right when it decided to stop
its aid to Chiang (now resumed). And if
the two camps could unite, realities would
have to be faced: reality being that the
government of China is in Peipino, not
Aided, however, by a strong public senti-
ment toward MacArthur's views of China
and Formosa, the Chiang supporters seem to
have convinced their constituents that they
are right. There is a slim hope that their
Republican colleagues and eventually the
voters will point out the error of their cause.
This failing, it remains for the administra-
tion to clearly define its stand and let the
public be its judge.
-Vernon Emerson
Sports Solution
EVER SINCE the first basketball scandal
was revealed, college sports have taken
a beating. Last week the faculty of one school
finally decided to do something about it,
Returning in the fall, the faculty at the
College of William and Mary learned that
'their President, head basketball and foot-
ball coaches had all resigned following the
disclosure that admissions had been rigged
to allow academically unqualified athletes
to enroll.
The faculty quickly sat down and reported
out a four point "cure" for the excesses that
they found. The points' are: cut down on
athletic scholarships, check on all admis-
sions, check on academic standards and see
that athletics return to their rightful place
as extra-curricular activities.
Of all of the evils that athletes have been
accused of during recent months, perhaps
the most serious is the neglect of academic
There is no question that studies must
come first-the question is rather: Can stu-
dents participate in athletics and still main-
tain their academic standing?
The faculty at William and Mary hasn't

answered this question. It probably won't be
answered for many months. Young men will
continue to play football and basketball but
they will also be required to keep up on their
studies as would any other student. There
will be no snap courses and "cooperative"
professors will be limited as mucht as pos-
After a few semesters of this, the ath-
letes will know whether or not they can
do both. If they can, and the faculty now
believes that they can, it will not only sig-
nify a rebirth of sports at the Virginia
college, it will also prove a very important
point-that sports and school are compa-
tible when- academic honesty is present.
The future of sports at many schools is
being threatened. If it can be shown, as it
may be in- the case of William and Mary that
wise action can remove the excesses, ama-
teur sports, not only in Virginia, but all over
the nation will get a new boost.
-Harland Britz
sible for the picture of Attlee as an uncer-
tain, mild little man. In conservative cir-
eles the Prime Minister often is referred to

ATHENS-The sun shines for America in
The U.S. military mission? Our saviors.
U.S. heavy bomber bases in Crete, so han.
dy to the Black Sea ports of Communist
Russia? Our pleasure. (They are under way.)
A Greek contribution to the common de-
fense? Note, please, that 47 per cent of
the Greek budget is for military expenses,
that Greek troops are in Korea, that a
tough army, large in proportion to Greece's
7,500,000 poulation, is in being, and, with
the Greek people, has the will to fight.
Nor will Greece, it is said. be in the least
sticky about Marshal Tito if, as he has hint-
ed, he really does want to make some kind
of security arrangements with Greece and
Turkey. It was over Tito's borders in the bad
old days that many guerrillas came who, but
for the Truman Doctrine, would probably
have reduced this country to another tragic
Red satellite. But, so long as the United
States accepts the Tito alliance, Greece will,
There is considerable caution manifested
here, as elsewhere, incidentally, in assess-
ments of Tito's strength. He is felt to be
stronger militarily than politically in his
Balkan state; the question raised is wheth-
er he can hold it together if war comes.
No serious question is conceded here
about Greek unity, despite the appearance
of a small Communist vote in the recent
election. The hard core of Reds are known
and under control, it Is claimed, and do
not-menace the defense effort.
All these are important credits, and make
life considerably more relaxing for Ameri-
cans at work here than in various other'
countries of 'the West. But there is one very
large problem.-

The only really bountiful crop yielded by
the marbled soil of these isles is politicians.
The result is a constant struggle to get the
people enough to eat, and a frequently frus-
trating struggle to find responsible officials
to deal with.
It is true that most leading candidatesefor
office here are pro-American, almost em-
barrassingly so. The Greeks have developed
a rather hard-boiled, American-style humor
about it; an April Fool's Day cartoon still
peing displayed around here showed Am-
bassador John C. Peurifoy and ECA admin-
istrator Roger Lapham saluting the Greek
king and Prime Minister. Fortunately, both
the Ambassador, a former Assistant Secre-
tary of State, and Lapham, a former Mayor
of San Francisco, are astute and experienced,
and can dodge the kiss of death as well as
any politico.
Life gets a little complicated when even
the admirable monarchy shows signs of
making like clubhouse politicians.
In the recent election, King Paul went
so far as to suggest, in an interview with
an American correspondent, that, in his
view, a leading candidate for Prime Min-
ister, Field Marshal Alexander Papagos,
was a good soldier, and should be in the
army. This was reprinted exclusively in an
anti-Papagos newspaper.
The King had some provocation. In an-
nouncing his, candidacy, Papagos had ap-
peared to hint that the crown approved his
ambition. But it would, for example, rather
startle the British on the eve of a general
election if their constitutional monarch,
King George VI, should tell a reporter that
Winston Churchill was an, admirable first
lord of the admiralty, and should be back
with the British navy.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Say, What Ever Happened To 'Freedom-From-Fear'?

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday).
Users of the Daily Official Bulletin:
The Editor is obliged to warn users of
the Bulletin that no notice will be
printed more than twice, and the Edi-
tor expects to use his own judgment in
reducing unreasonably long notices to
reasonable length.
Need of conserving space makes
necessary th e following announce-
ments: (1) Notices of meetings or or-
ganizations will be restricted to the
name of the organization concerned,
day, time, and place of meeting, and
name of speaker and subject. (2) No-
tices for the D.O.B. must be typewrit-
ten and double-spaced for editorial
Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Applications for Fulbright Awards for
University lecturing and advanced re-
search for the Academic Year 1952-53,
which are open to postdoctoral stu-
dents and faculty, are due October 15.
About 300 awards to Europe and the
Near East are available. Application
must be made to the Conference Board
of Associated Research Councils, 2101
Constitution Avenue, Washington 25,
D.C. Information of the opportunities
and conditions may be obtained at
the office of the Graduate School.
Fulbright Applications for graduate
student travel grants for academic
year 1952-53 are now available at the
Office of the Graduate School. Op-
portunities for study and research are
available in Australia, Austria, Bel-
gium, Burma, Egypt, France, Greece,
India, Iran, Italy, The Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, The
Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.
Travel grants covering round-trip air
transportation only have been made
available by Pan American World Air-
ways System and Braniff International
Airways System, to Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru. Puer-
to Rico, Uruguay a n d Venezuela.
Awards will be given only to graduate
students wishing 0p register at a uni-
versity for study and research for a
complete academic year. Application
should be made to the Institute of In-
ternational Education, 2 West 45th St.,
New York 19, N. Y. prior to October 31,
or March 15.
Fellowships for undergraduates and
graduates to study for a year, begin-
ning in February 1952, in Mexico have
been made available by the United
States - Mexican Commission on Cul-
tural Cooperation. The fields of study
are Anthropology, Mexican History, Ar-
chitecture, Philosophy, Biology, tropical
medicine and cardiology. Applications
must be filed with the U. S. Student
Program of the Institute of Interna-
tional Education. 2 West 45th Street,
New York 19, New York, with all sup-
porting credentials not later than Oc-
tober 15. Additional information is
available at the office of the Graduate
Student Organizations planning to be
active during the semester must regis-
ter in the Office of Student Affairs not
later than OCTOBER 12. Forms for!
registration are available in the Office
of Student Affairs, 1059 Administration
With official recognition a student
organization assumes the responsibility
of (1) submitting a list of officers and
members at the beginning of each se-
mester within which recognition is de-
sired, promptly reporting additions to
membership during the term; (2) se-
curing the acceptance of a member of
the faculty willing to serve as adviser;

(3) maintaining organization financess
in a manner satisfactory to the Audi-~
tor of Student Organizations; (4) pre-
senting to the Committee on Studentf
Affairs for consideration any changess
in organizational structure, objectives,
activities, bases of membership, or
affiliations with other organizations,I
either local or national.E
Upon the request of a student or-1
ganization, its membership roster will1
be treated as confidential by the Of-1
fice of Student Affairs (membership in
the organization will not be posted
as an activity on the student recordr
cards) and will be open only to Uni-
versity authorities and duly constituted1
governmental security agencies.
For procedures and regulations tot
student sponsored activities, officersr
are referred to University Regulationst
concerning Student Affairs, Conduct,
and Discipline available in the OfficeI
of Student Affairs.
- - -
Eligibility for Non-Athletic Extracurri-I
cular Activities:.
Students participating in non-athle-
tic extracurricular activities should re-
view the following rules which govern
participation in such activities. Any
student on academic discipline who ist
now holding an office or participating
in an activity which falls within the
eligibility rules must resign from that
position or activity immediately and
notify the organization concerned and'
the Office of Student Affairs that he'
has done so.
Rules governing participation in non-
athletic extracurricular activities:
Any regularly enrolled student eli-
gible to participate in non-athletic
extracurricular activities provided he
is not on academic discipline.
Responsibility. Responsibility for ob-
servance of the eligibility statement is
placed directly upon the student. In
case of doubt of status, students should
inquire at the Office of Student Affairs.
Participation in an extracurricular ac-
tivity in violation of the requirements
may subject a student to disciplinary
Restrictions. In interpretation of the,
above eligibility statement, the follow-
ing are specifically forbidden to par-
ticipate in extra-curricular activities:
(a) Students on academic discipline,'
i.e., notification, warning, probation,
action pending.
(b) Part time and special students
carrying less than 12 hours.
!Activities. The eligibility require-
ments must be met by students par-
ticipating in such activities as are list-
ed below. The list is not exhaustive but
is intended to indicate the kinds of
extracurricular activities for participa-
tion in which eligibility is necessary.
(a) Participation in public perform-
ances which are sponsored by student
organizations and which require group
rehearsals. Examples: Union Opera, Jun-
ior Girls' Play, productions of Gilbert
and Sullivan Society, Student Players,
Inter Arts Union; performances of Arts
Chorale, Michigan Singers, Glee Clubs,
and Band (for students not enrolled
in band courses.)
(b) Staff members of student publi-
cations. Examples: Daily, Michiganen-
sian, Technic, Generation,
(c) Officers and chairmen of standing
committees in student organizations,
including house groups. This includes
positions in house groups such as so-
cial, rushing, personnel, publication
chairmen, house managers and stew-
(d) Class officers or candidates for
such office.
(e) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in student government groups.
Examples: Student Legislature, Judi-
ciary Councils, Interfraternity Council,
Panhellenic Board, Assembly Board, As-
sociation of Independent Men, Inter-
cooperative Council, League and Un-
ion student government groups, Engi-
neering Council, Music School Assem-
bly, Business Administration Council.
(f) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances. Examples:
Michigras, Winter Carnival, League
Committees, Frosh week-end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Ball, Interfra-
ternity Council Ball, Senior Ball, Home-
coming Dance, J-Hop.
(g) Representatives to off-campus
Special Permission. Special permis-
sion to participate in extra-curricular
activities in exception to the regula-
tions may be granted in extraordinary
cases by the offices of the Dean of
Women and the Dean of Students.

Denial of Permission. The Dean ofI
Women or the Dean of Students may,a
n extraordinary cases, deny permis-I
sion to participate in an activity or
Participation Lists. Managers anda
chairmen of student activities and
projects are required to submit to the2
Office of Student Affairs an alphabe-(
tized list of all students participating;
in activities under their leadership, in-
dicating positions held. For activities
which are organized at the beginning p
of a semester, lists must be filed not
later than the end of the first week of
classes. For activities organized dur-
ng the semester, participation listsE
must be filed within forty-eight hours
after the activity is organized.
1951-52 Lecture Course Season TicketsI
are now on sale at Hill Auditorium box
office. Seven distinguished speakers
will be presented this year, including :
Vice-President Alben Barkley, Oct. 18,
"Crossroads of Democracy"; U. S. Sn-
ator Estes Kefauver, Oct. 25, "The Citi-
zen's Responsibility for Crime": Briant
Aherne, Novel, "Great Moments in
Great Literature"; Alan Villiers, Nov.1
19, "The Quest of the Schooner Argus"
(color movies); Charles Laughton, Feb.
19, "An Evening With Charles Laugh-I
ton"; Roscoe Drummond, March 11,'
"The State of the World"; John Mason,
Brown, March 26, "Seeing M o r e
Things". Students are offered a spe-
cial low rate for the course. Box of-
fice hours are 10-1, 2-5 daily.
Academic Notices
School of Social Work Students: S.
W. 233, Social Case Work I, is being
offered on Tuesdays, 8 to 10, 65 Bus-
iness Administration Building; S. W.
270, Mental Hygiene II. is being offered{
Tuesdays, S to 10, 309 General Library.
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in
Economics will be held during the
week beginning Mon., Oct. 29. Each
student planning to take these ex-
aminations should leave with the Sec-
retary of the Department not later
than Tues., Oct. 2, his name, the three
fields in which he desires to be ex-
amined,' and his field of specialization.
Medical College Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the November 5
administration of the Medical College
Admission Test are now available at'
110 Rackham Building. Application
blanks are cue in Princeton, N. J. not
later than October 22.
The University Extension Service an-
nounces that persons electing extension
courses scheduled to be held in the
B u s i n e s s Administration Building
(Monroe at Tappan) and the Architec-
ture Building (also on Monroe Street)
may register from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
each evening this week through
Thursday in Room 164, Business Ad-
ministration Building.
Persons electing courses scheduled to
be held in all other buildings may reg-
ister in the thirty-minute period pre-
ceding the first class session in the
rooms where the classes meet.
The following extension classes for
adults (also open to University stu-
dents) begin during the remainder -of
this week:
Painting. Individual attention will
be given class members by the in-
structor, Richard Wilt, in the technical
problems of painting either in oil or
water color. Both beginning and ad-
vanced students may enroll. Noncredit
course, $16.00. Wednesday, September
26, 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building.
Freehand Drawing. Prof. Alexander
M. Valerio will conduct this class,
which is designed for beginners as well
as for the mature student. Enroll-
ment is open to those who wish to do
creative work in freehand drawing, us-
ing still life, model, or freely chosen
subject matter. In addition to studio
activities, there will be lecturesand
group discussions. Noncredit course,
16 weeks, $16.00. Thursday, September
27, 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Building.
Workshop in Creative Writing. This
course for those who wish to work on
short stories, personal essays, or poetry
will be conducted by John F. Muehl of
the English department. Enrollment is
open to both beginners and intermedi-
ate students. Noncredit course, 16
weeks, $16.00. Wednesday, September
26, 7:30 p.m. 170 Business Administra-
tion Building.
Psychology of Adjustment. Applica-
tion of psychological principles to in-
terpersona behaviour. Study of factors
in the development of constructive
personal adjustment as influenced by
human relations in home, school, and
community, Instructor, Dr. Elizabeth
M. Douvan. (Psychology 51, two hours
credit.) $16.00. Thursday, September
27, 7:30 p.m. 176 Business Administra-
tion Building.
Modern Social Problems. A survey of
social maladjustment and its manifes-
tations in personality strain, delin-
quency, crime, discord in the family,

racial prejudice, labor - management
conflicts, and population problems. In-
structor,' Prof. Werner S. Landecker.
(Sociology 54, two hours credit.) $16.00.
Wednesday, September 26, 7:36 p.m.
1209 Angell Hall.
Practical Public Speaking. Planned
to meet the need of the student who
desires a course devoted exclusively to
the whole field of speech. Study, ana-
lysis, practice, and criticisms designed
to promote the acquisition of pfofiency
in extemporaneous speaking. Enroll-
ment limited to 24 persons. Instructor,
Prof. G. E. Densmore. Noncredit course,
16 weeks, $16.00. Thursday, September
27, 7:30 p.m. 4203 Angell Hall.
Seminarin Mathematical Statistics:
Meeting in 3020 Angell Hall, Thurs.,
Sept. 27, at Noon to organize the Sem-
inar in Mathematical Statistics.
Psychology 31, Lecture B. will meet
in 102 Arch., Thurs.,Sept. 27, 10 a.m.
Rec. section 24 will meet in room
4014 N.S. on Thurs., Sept. 27, 2 to 4
Concerts in the Choral Union Series
will be provided by the University Mu,
sical Society at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Audi-
torium, as follows: Victoria de los
Angeles, soprano, Oct. 4; Josef Szigeti,
violinist, Oct. 15; Boston Symphony
Orchestra, Oct. 21; Cleveland Orches-
tra, Nov. 4; Brailowsky, pianist, Nov.
16; Salvatore Baccaloni, Nov. 29; Cin-
cinnati Symphony, Jan. 14; Singing

Boys of Norway, Feb. 20; Shaw ' r-
ale, Mar. 18; Adolf Busch, violinisad
Rudolf Serkin, pianist, Mar. 31.'-
In the Extra Concert Series the Mu-
sical Society will present fie numers
as follows: Gladys Swarthout, mezo-
soprano, Oct. 9; Boston Symphony, Oct.
22; dePaur Infantry Chorus, Nov. 20;
Oscar Levant, Jan. 18 and the Chicago
Symphony. Mar. 9.
Tickets for these two series are on
sale at the offices of the University
Musical Society at Burton Memorial
Tower. By purchasing season tickets a
considerable savings is made.
Single concert tickets will be tin
sale on' and after September 27.
Events Tona
Tryouts for Women's Glee Club: 56
p.m., League.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and talk, 4 p.m. at the Guild.
Roger Williams Guild: 4:30-6 p.m.,
Tea in honor of new students, at tie
Guild House, 502 E. Huron.
Bridge Tournaments:
The first of the weekly Bridge Tour-
naments is to be held in the Union
Ball Room, 7:15 p.m., Wed., Sept. 26.
For the first time it will be open to
women. (They will need to sign out
with their House Mother). Admission
Westminster Guild. Tea 'N' Tall,
4-6 p.m., First Presbyterian Chw
Sports and Dance Instruction - Women
Women students may register for
physical education classes Wednesday
morning, Sept. 26 in Office 15, Barbour
Gymnasium. Vacancies are offered for
election in: Golf, Archery, Outing,.
Tennis, Modern Dance, Square and So-
cial Dance, Swimming, Life Saving,
Riding, and Field Hockey.
Coming Evenis
Young Republican Club: First meet-
ing of the year, Thurs., Sept. 27, 7:30'
p.m., Room 3-A, Union. The program
for the year will be briefly outlined
and future activities of the Club will
be discussed in as much detail as pos-
sible. Several Club Offices are now
vacant and the filling of these will be
brought up at this meeting.
Hillel Social Committee: Meeting,
Thurs., Sept. 27, Lane Hall. Anyone
interested may attend.
Graduate Student Council:
Short meeting, Thurs., Sept. 27, 7:30
p.m., West Lecture Room, RackhaA
Bldg. Will all members please attend
whether notified by mail or not.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 27.
Sigma Delta Chi: Business meeting,
Thurs., Sept. 27, 8 p.m., League. All
members please attend.
Hillel High Holyday Services: New
Year Services, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater, Sun., Sept. 30, and Mon.,
Oct. 1, at 10 a.m., for students and
Orthodox services will be held at the
new B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Beth Israel Center by the Beth Israel
Congregation on Sunday at 6:30 p..
and Monday at 9 a.m. Rabbi Lymon
will officiate at all services.
Hillel:4Friday evening services, Lane
Hall, 7:45 p.m. After services Rabbi
Lymon will begin the series "Orient'
tion to the Jewish Community."
'IZFA: Executive Board meeting, 3:30
p.m., Thurs., Sept. 27, Room 3A, Union.
Kappa Kappa Psi: Meeting, Thurs.,
Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m., Harris Hall All
members urged to 'attend.
i y



Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control bf
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .,.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ......... Associate Editor
Ted Papes ...............Sports Editor
George Flint ... Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James...........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelliut, Associate Women's Editpr
Business Staff
Bob Miller...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ............Finance Manager
Stu Ward........Circulation Manager
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Member of The Associated Press
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entitled to the use for republication
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Entered at the' Post Office at Art
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular schgol
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail. $7.00.

British Elections

Associated Press News Analyst
LONDON-For Winston Churchill and Cle-
ment Attlee, Britain's parliamentary'
election Oct. 25 offers a chance to even
some old scores.
As chivalrous opponents they have not
turned their.. anger on each other. Be-
tween them there exists a sort of sport-
Ing admiration. Both have stood on the
heights. they know how hard the wind
can blow there. Other persons and events
have annoved the.

plex. His utterances of recent months
show how fed up he is with the ceaseless
Conservative attacks on his Labor gov-
ernment. But clashes with the Conser-
vatives can be expected. That is the way
rival parties function in democracy.
The Prime Minister's friends say his real
annoyance is Aneurin Bevan, the gadfly of
the Labor movement. Since his withdrawal
from the cabinet last April, Bevan has
second guessed Attlee on such major issues
as the budget, the size of the rearmament


got some Ghost stories t used to panic them
with when I was a only a medium. Remember, Gus,

m - _ _ _ _ _ _

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