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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXII, No. 70




Interpret Beliefs
f tProtestants
(Editor's Note: In this particular article of the Religious
Survey series, the purpose has been to cover Protestantism in its
later developments. The focus of the article has been more upon
the beliefs of Congregationalism, Baptism and Methodism. Al-
though other beliefs such as Lutheranism and Calvinism make
up an area generally known as Protestantism, such faiths histori-
cally belong in a separate category.)
Daily Associate Editor
A long tradition of individual freedom is one of the most important
concepts of the Protestant faith.
The Protestants feel that this individual freedom has made itself
felt in many aspects of man's life. They believe that the concept has a
direct connection with such forms of freedom as that of press, speech
and assembly. The Protestants like to believe that the best developmentj
of free democratic institutions has arisen in those nations where thel
Protestant spirit has been strong.
In connection with this strong ideal of democracy and freedom,
they are sure that their support of separation of church and state is
an important factor in preserving these ideals.j
* * * *
THIS CONCEPT can be traced far back to the origins of the3
movement when Martin Luther revolted against the existing Roman
Catholic church organization. Luther's protest was aimed at a system
of indulgences which had grown corrupt. His reform ideas consisted,
essentially of a shift from dependancy on the church hierarchy to
that of personal initiative.
Just what are the basic beliefs of the Protestants? On what
basis do they justify these ideals of individual freedom? Probably
this can best be answered by the Protestant conception of man.
They believe a man to have a freedom of conscience that allows
man himself to make all choices, even to the point of accepting
or rejecting God.
God deliberately made man with this freedom to act, think and
do, and therefore the acceptance car rejections of God and His will
naturally follows. However, man is also a mixture of potential goodt
and evil, therefore he needs to be helped and guided.1
* * * *
THE PROTESTANTS think of God as a personal being. They see
him as holy, righteous and loving. Infinite and transcendent though
He is, God is not the "totally other." God is neither an abstract prin-
ciple, a bare sovereignty, nor of inscrutable will.t
God hias made man a person in His image, and capable of fel-
lowship with the Creator. This fellowship means sharing His spirit
and expressing that spirit in all ways of life. The Protestants hold
that the Bible is the authority and guide for their moral and reli-
gious life, and by following this guide, fellowship with God will
be possible.t
God, acting as the. Creator, has produced the universe. At best, its
is only a transitory abode for a spirit (man). His life here is a pil-
grimage, a journey related to a more favorable existence beyond in a
form which we call death.
HOWEVER, AN IMPORTANT concept of the Protestants relates
itself to life on earth. Man seeks a pattern of human relationships


Sub - Group













Ikola Stars
In Nets for
'M' Defense
Four Early Goals
Provide Margin
Scoring two goals in each of the
first two periods, the Wolverine
hockey team beat Toronto 4-1 last
night at the Coliseum.
Michigan had to put up a strong
defense to hold off the fast skating
Blues fromtCanada who were not
able to dent the twines until very
late in the third period.
standing with his goaltending for
the Wolverines as he stopped 32
Toronto shots throughout the eve-
The Wolverines jumped off to
an early lead at the three min-
ute mark of the first period
when John Matchefts tallied.
Matchefts shoved the puck into
the Toronto nets without any op-
position-goalie Doug Orr was ly-
ing flat on the ice way out of the
nets after he had dived for a wide
shot by /John McKennell. Mat-
chef ts merely took the errant puck
from behind the nets and flicked
the disk in for the score.
* * 3:3
TORONTO happened to be
shorthanded at the time because
of a tripping penalty to Norm Fox
just 20 seconds earlier.
With the teams at even strength,
the Wolverines increased their
margin at 10:47 when Pat Cooney
scored the first of his two goals,
with a short shot from directly
in front of the Toronto nets.
This scoring play was started
by George Chin who scrambled
for the puck at the right boards
and finally got it over to Earl
Keyes. Keyes relayed to Cooney
who slapped the puck past Orr.
Late in the opening stanza, with
Graham Cragg in the penalty box
for Michigan, McKennell stole the
puck while Toronto was attacking
the shorthanded Wolverines and
came in all alone on the Toronto
HE HAD the Blues' goalie beaten
but the puck bounced off the post
and the score remained 2-0 as
the period ended.
See EARLY, Page 3.
'Generation' I
Out Monday
Student art works of many vari-
eties wil highlight the winter edi-
tion of "Generation," which will
go on sale Monday.
Continuing their policy of in-
cluding student works in a wide
range of the arts, the first "Gen-
eration" of the semester includes
two short stories, poems, a play
and many types of illustrations
within its covers.
The magazine which, according
to editor Don Hope, '52, is "con-
sidered the best college magazine
of its type in the country," was
displayed at Harvard, UCLA and
other leading universities this
summer and received very favor-
able comments

f -Daily-Malcolnm :hatz
SKIING AHEAD?-According to Abby Funk's, '52, calculations, the weather's right for winter sports
to begin. The snow-sprinkled young lady is president of Women's Athletic Association.
* *. * * * *A * **r
Snow Blankets Ann Arbor

Ice Bowl
"Too much football?" It just
ain't so.
Last night, unhampered by
a blinding blizzard, six West
Quad men battled, slipped and
blundered their way to a 0-0
tie in back of the Administra-
tion Bldg.
The chilled amateurs seemed
to be unmindful of the fact
that in Washington 10 college
presidents had issued a state-
ment on post-season games.
Help Sought
By Truman
On Scandals
Thomas F. Murphy, towering New
York crime-buster, is coming to
Washington to confer, with Presi-
dent Truman amid reports that he
will play a key role in a drive to
quash corruption in the govern-
Murphy had an appointment
with Mr. Truman at 3:30 p.m. yes-
terday, but was unable to keep it
becauseha snowstorm halted air
traffic here.
The NewrYorker is now expected
to see the president today or Mon-
* * *
moved closer to the deadline he
set tonight for drastic action in
the nation-wide tax scandals. New
demands arose for cabinet dis-
missals a=4-hints of new sesa-
tions developed on Capitol Hill.
President press secretary Jo-
seph Short declined to comment
on published reports that Judge
Murphy, the 45-year-old New
Yorker who conducted a clean-
up of the New York police scan-
dals, will be a member of Mr.
Truman's projected commission.
The New York Times said Mur-
phy has already accepted the as-
signment. Murphy now holds a
lifetime post as a U.S. judge for
the southern district of New York.
Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, the
King Inquiry Committee headed
into new sensations as Charles
Oliphant linked the name of Henry
(The Dutchman) Grunewald with
another big tax case and quoted
Grunewald as saying he was
"helping" Senator Bridges (R-
N.H.) on it.
OLIPHANT, who quit under fire
last week as chief counsel of the
tax-collecting Internal Revenue,
Bureau, testified that Bridges him-
self made an inquiry about a Bal-
timore tax case involving "at
least six figures" in terms of
Before he left the witness
chair, Oliphant received a
tongue-lashing from Chairman
King who inveighed against
public officials who accept "la-
vish entertainment."
In New York Attorney General
McGrath acknowledged that he
accepted a $500 campaign gift
from an ex-alian who later gained
citizenship through the Justice
Department, which McGrath
McGrath said he accepted the
gift to help finance his 1946 sena-
torial campaign.

Lim nit
Renews Bid
For Deadline
Seek Legislation
Wednesday Night
The Student Legislature Human
Relations yesterday voted to rec-
ommend that SL pass another
time-limit resolution seeking re-
moval of discriminatory clauses;in
fraternity constitutions.
Acting on SL's condemnation of
the Interfraternity Council's new
"hands off" policy passed this
week, the Committee decided to
put the question to the Legislature
next Wednesday.
A 1956 deadline for an estimated
14 fraternities on campus to elim-
inate their clauses or lose initia-
tion privileges will be recommend-
ed to the Legislature.
The proposal is substantially
the same one passed by SL and
the Student Affairs Committee
last spring and vetoed by re-
tired president Alexander G.
Passage of the recommendation
was by a 7 to 4 count. Huma
Relations Committee chariman
Rog Wilkins, '53, said a majority
was achieved through the votes
of non-SL members serving on the
only difference from the previ-
ous SL bias clause action is the
substitution of "loss of initiation
privileges" for "loss of University
Len Wilcox, '52, SL president,
said next week's Legislature ses-
sion will be primarily devoted to
a discussion of the Committee's
"All opinions on the subject W11
be aired in order to give the ro
posal and any submitted alter-
natives thorough consideration,"
Wilcox said.
* * *
came on the heels of a resolution
passed by the IFC House Presi-
dents Assembly abandoning any
plans for putting pressure on fra-
ternities with bias clauses.
By a 22-17 vote, the IFC had
adopted the so-called Acacia pro-
posal which leaves moves toward
eliminating the clauses up to in-
dividual fraternities themselves.
IFC President Jack Smart, '52,
yesterday viewed the SL Com-
mittee's action as "unrealistic."
Smart criticized the group on
the grounds that "it hasn't given
us a chance to prove what we
can do."
He referred to the continuation
on an IFC anti-bias educational
program and the solicited assis-
tance of IFC officials in working
for purging of the clauses.
MEANWHILE, indications crop-
ped up that a substantial number
of prominent fratenity leaders
were seriously considering initia-
tion of a move for a special IFC
meeting before the SL session next
week. No regular IFC meeting is
scheduled before Christmas vaca-
Reliable sources held that sev-
eral house representatives who
voted for the IFC resolution in
the close tally were in favor of

One IFC member cited a possible
motive for the second thoughts as
lack of sufficient time to consider
either the adopted plan or a pro-
posal submitted by an. IFC-SL
study committee.
The study group, which was set
up by IFC last October, had called
for a reinstatement of last year's
IFC policy requiring fraternities
with bias clauses to support mo-
tions at national conventions
seeking removal of the clauses or
face IFC suspension.
Although the committee unani-
mously rejected the new IFC plan,
the IFC Executive Committee vot-
ed to place it before the house
City Democrats
Adopt New Policy
City Democrats decided last

Allies Reject New Red Plan
For Limited Troop Rotation

By The Associated Press
Allied truce negotiators today re-
jected the new Communist pro-
posal for armistice supervision
which called for a limited rotation
of troops.
At the same time, United Na-
tions command delegates told the
Reds they were ready to listen to
any proposal that would represent
a forward step toward settling the
19-day deadlock on truce supervi-
After a two-hour morning ses-
sion, Maj. Gen. Howard M. Turner,
Allied delegate, said, "we rejected
their proposal of yesterday and
pointed out that it contained no
major concessions on their part.
Also in yesterday's meeting an
Allied spokesman said the UN
delegation would be "more re-
World News
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH -- A top federal
mediator announced yesterday
Lthat there is "great concern" in
government circles over an antici-
pated nation-wide steel strike
New Year's Day-the present con-
tract between CIO United Steel-
workers and US Steel Corporation
expires at midnight Dec. 31.
CHICAGO - Democratic chair-
man Frank E. McKinney said yes-
terday comments likening him to
Stalin by Col. Robert R. McCor-
mick, editor and publisher of the
Chicago Tribune, "will be retract-
ed, or else,.."
WCH~iNV*T nI r

ceptive" to discussing bulk ex-
change of prisoners, providing the
Reds produced a "reasonably ac-
curate" total figure of war prison-
ers they are believed to hold.
Allied and Red troops futilely
traded light blows on the Korean
front yesterday while peace nego-
tiators prepared to return to Pan-
munjom amid indications of com-
promise on two thorny issues.
In the air war, American F-86
Sabre Jets shot down one Com-
munist MIG-15 jet and damaged
three others. Red ground fire de-
stroyed three Allied fighters.
* * *
raided Red positions northwest of
Korangpo on the western front
and tangled with Communists in a
five-hour battle.
When the UN troops with-
drew, tank and artillery fire
and an air strike were called
down on the Reds. Eighth Army
estimated 200 Communist troops
were killed or wounded.
Farther east, a battalion of Chi-
nese troops attacked elements of
the Turkish brigade on the central
front. The Red attack was repulsed
after a three and one-half hour
'Phoenix Post
Prof. Henry J. Gomberg of the
electrical engineering department
was yesterday named assistant
director of the Michigan Memor-
ial-Phoenix Project, project dir-
ector Ralph A. Sawyer has an-


An expected six inch snowfall
yesterday promised another record
for the elements-the deepest De-
cember fall on the books at Willow
Run which go back to 1942.
Drifting snow covered the state
Athletic Set-up
Gets Approval
Of SLGroup
The Student Legislature Culture
and Education Committee yester-
day adopted two recommendations
on the athletic de-emphasis ques-
tion which will be submitted at the
SL meeting Wednesday night.
Pete Hall, '52, chairman of the
* committee, reported that the group
decided that the athletic depart-
ment was being run in a satisfac-
tory way after they discussed the
athletic situation here and listened
to Bob Perry '52E, and Don Mc-
Ewan, '52BAd, members of the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, and Ed Whipple, '53, and
Cal Samra, '53, of The Daily staff.
However, the committee recom-
mended that the eligibility com-
mittees of the athletics depart-
ment and the Office of Student
Affairs be merged.
"This was suggested," Hall said,
"to create greater coordination and
efficiency in eligibility administra-
The committee's other recom-
mendation was that a major cam-
pus debate be sponsored by the
SL to dispel the current lack of
understanding of the situation.

in a thick, uneven quilt as the
Midwest shivered in the grips of a
cold wave.
falling about 9:30 a.m., then be-
came heavier toward twilight,
dumping five inches on the ground
by last night.
Students took the storm calmly
-playfulness was at a minimum.
Only a few stray snowballs
flew on campus-including a
sprinkling of unique square mis-
siles constructed by sedate Gar-
goyle staffers.
Minor traffic snarls were also at
a minimum in Ann Arbor as the
cars moved cautiously over the
slippery pavement. Many were
Vulcan Tickets
Stay on Sale
Monday will be the last chance
to purchase the specially priced
tickets for the third annual stu-
dent Christmas trains.
Sponsored by Vulcans, students
can buy tickets to Buffalo, Roches-
ter, Albany, Boston and New York
in the east, and to Chicago in the
All accommodations will be on
trains made up of University stu-
dents to the east, and there will be
specially reserved student coaches
on the trains to Chicago.
The reduced rate return trip
tickets may be purchased from 2
to 4:30 p.m. at the Administra-
tion Bldg.

stalled on the steep, icy hills about
town. There were the usual minor
accidents, according to the local
police, but no personal injuries.
The sheriff's department gave a
similar report, adding a warning
to drivers that roads were exceed-
ingly dangerous.
* * 3
MOST OF the flights from Wil-
low Run were cancelled last night,
while Greyhound Bus line reported
that their busses were running
about a half hour behind schedule.
Train officials said that the
weather seemed to have little ef-
fect on their schedules, with trains
running generally true to form-
some late, others on time.
In Detroit traffic had virtually
come to a standstill early in the
evening while police worked to
clear up the snarl.
From the University Plant De-
partment came word that crews
would continue to work on through
the night as they had since noon
yesterday. They were confined to
brushing the snow as long as it
continued to fall, but would start
sanding and salting as soon as it
came to a halt.
City crews reported the same
schedule-all night work-as they
attempted to clear the main thor-
oughfares, hoping they said, "to
have it all licked by this morning."
One good prospect which the
weatherman had to offer was that
Ann Arbor seemed to be out of
the path of expected sleet.
He said, however, that the snow
would continue today, eventually
letting up to light flurries with a
high temperature of 22 degrees.

Researchers Interpret. Fraternity Bias Survey



(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles dealing with the
findings of the survey on attitudes
of fraternity men concerning admis-
sion of minority members. The sur-
veytwas conducted by the Research
Center for Group Dynamics.
What do the results of the sur-


The Research Center pointed
to four broad paths which must
be followed to "solve" the social
issue of fraternity membership
policy. No single group can be
expected to solve the problem
alone, the center said-it is not
in their power to do so.
But every group concerned-the

Second, the information about
the extent, causes, and stum-
bling blocks in the road to solu-
tion of the problem need to be
understood and used, the Re-
search Center asserted.
Survey data about basic atti-
tudes and practices of fraternities
C nnwl 4n17 i n Ti'tha c n -C np pn

of the discussion group represent
the different points of view rather
than starting with everyone on one
*. * *
FOURTH, several steps were cit-
ed as constructive means to work
towards changing the admission
policy of discriminating fraterni-
+.i ac

3) Minority group members
must be encouraged to overcome
their fears of "embarrassing" situ-
ations, rush the houses which have
already changed their admission
practices, or are ready to. If this
doesn't happen, no fundamental
progress wil have been made de-

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