t C1T J r4i g Daitt CLOUDY AND COLD LEGISLATING PREJUDICE See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State li titi VOL. LXII, No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 SIX PAGES RELIGIOUS SURVEY: Catholicism Has Firm Foundation (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is fourth in a series of ten articles outlining the separate bases of religious faith in our time. They are not intended to be all-inclusive, but they do represent a sin- cere attempt to encompass accurately, within the available space, the complexities of religious beliefs today The writer would like to thank the Rev. Fr. Frank B. Mc- Phillips, rector of St.%Mary's Chapel, for furnishing much of the information presented in this article.) By CHUCK ELLIOTT Daily Managing Editor The Roman Catholic Church was the first Christian Church. This fact, while it may seem a truism, is deeply essential to the whole faith; in the minds of Catholics, it establishes that religion as the original and true one, and allows them to feel confident about : the validity of Catholic precepts. ~* * UNTIL THE tenth century, practically the entire Christian Church was recognized as one. Stemming from te appointment by Jesus Christ of the Apostle Peter as "chief of the Apustles," and con- tinuing through the succession of the Bishops of Ron%, the Catholic Church embraced virtually all species of Christianity for a thousand r years. Then, divergent views forced the split-off of a considerable portion of several Near East nations, and the history of the church since then involves many further cleavages of a both major and minor nature. Through all these splits-which caused the adoption of the term ROMAN, to, distinguish the Church from the seccesional groups-the Catholic organization has tried to maintain, as best it can, the interpretations and principles which they started out with. Essentially, therefore, the Roman Catholic religion is not only the oldest Christian faith-it is, in a sense, the most con- servative as well. The hierarchical organization of the Church helps to maintain consistency of doctrine, according to the Rev. Fr. Frank B. McPhillips, rector of St. Mary's Catholic Student Chapel. There is no individual determination of doctrinal points. For ex- ample, Catholics believe that God is the supreme being, existing by Himself, and upon whom all else depends, Father McPhillips said. A person can exercise powers of reason toward finding out more about His attributes, but can only go so far. At this point reliance must be placed on what God has chosen to reveal about Himself-that He is in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. FATHER McPHILLIPS emphasized that the God of the Catholic is definitely a personal one-that He has an intellect and will, and is interested in the individual actions of men. Further, God has an infinite love for everyone; control is not a matter of fear. He in fact became man in the person of Jesus Christ, who represents the concept of God and man in a single being. Man, on the other hand, "is a creature composed of body and soul, and made to the image and likeness of God." Taken from the Catechism, this statement can be supplemented, Father Me- Phillips pointed out, by the belief that man possesses three god- like attributes: intelligence, free will, and immortality. Whether he uses or misuses his free-will determines the degree to which he achieves union with God in after-life. A Catholic views the after-world as having four basic divisions: Hell, Purgatory, Limbo, and Heaven. The attainment of heaven, ac- cording to Father McPhillips, is the destiny God has planned for all men. This, in turn, means union of the soul with God-which is the most perfect state imaginable, and lasts for eternity. But while this is the destiny planned for men, it cannot be reached unless certain prime requisites are met. See RELIGIOUS, Page 4 MORE LIBERAL: Jewish Fraternity Views On Admissions Reported (Editor's Note: This is the fourth in a series of articles dealing with the findings of a survey on attitudes of fraternity men concerning admission of minority group members. The survey was conducted by the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the request of the Inter-Fraternity Council.) By HARLAND BRITZ and CRAWFORD YOUNG Jewish fraternity men are more liberal in their admission views than are non-Jewish fraternity men, the Group Dynamics-IFC survey has revealed. Close to three-fourths of the Jews reported willingness to admit non-Jews with no strings attached. Only six per cent report that they are not willing to admit non-Jews. (This compares with 33 per cent of the non-Jews who were willing to admit Jews and the 26 per cent of the non-Jews who ob- jected to admitting Jews.) 'U' May Take New Stand On Athletics Board Discusses 'Broad Aspects' By CAL SAMRA President Harlan H. Hatcher told the Board in Control of Inter- collegiate Athletics last night that the "national athletics picture has been magnified to such an extent that we may have to reconsider policy and take a positive stand." Following the president's speech, the Board held a closed meeting and discussed what a spokesman termed 'broad aspects of the ath- letic picture." * * * THE SAME source said that the Board h a d discussed "plans which he did not detail. It was also reported that Prof. Harry C. Carver's criticisms of Athletic Director Fritz Crisier were not brought up at the meeting.. Prof. Carver had re- cently protested what he called Crisler's "one-man control" of University athletics. Arthur Brandon, director of University Relations, later empha- sized that the session served only as an orientation meeting for President Hatcher at which "poli- cies and procedures. were dis- cussed." PRIOR TO the closed meeting, the president had suggested to Board members that any positive stand would have to be taken only "after thorough deliberation by' the Board." He continued his speech with the following explanations: "The central concern of the University," he said, "is for the education, in its broadest sense, of the young men and women en- trusted to its care. "ATHLETICS of all kinds are traditionally and properly a signi- ficant part of an educational pro- gram. For many reasons, the sin- gle sport of football has become the most spectacular of the activ- ities and engages the widest pub- lic interest. "The University," he contin- ued, "takes pride in the accom- plishments of its athletes in all sports, as it does in the accom- plishments of all of its students" participating in extra-curricular activities. "There has been, and is now, a fine tradition of great amateur sportsmanship at the University. The quality and the capabilities of the men whom it has turned out are a sound assurance of the right- ness of the program. "Wherever difficulties have been encountered, they have arisen in places where these fundamentals have been disregarded cr sacrifi- ced for other ends. We expect that the University will continue on its high and honorable course." watchful Waiting Allies Whip Reds In Air; Prisoners' Fate Undecided By The Assocated Press The Red Air Force took one of its worst lickings of the Korean war yesterday while in Munsan the fate of 100,000 Allied prisoners of war was still as great a mystery as it was five months ago at the start of the truce talks. SABRE JET PILOTS ran wild and shot down 13 Communist MIG fighters in two fierce air battles. America's latest jet ace.personally destroyed four MIGs. In the greatest all-jet victory - of the war, two more MIGs prob- ably were destroyed and another one damaged for a total of 16 Fratern I destroyed or damaged I r- TENSION MOUNTS . . . Two British soldiers train their machine gun over Suez rooftops in the face of increasing tension in the Anglo-Egyptian crisis. ," HOUSE CLEANING: Truman Plans Agency To Remove Corruption WA6HINGTON-(O)-President Truman indicated yesterday he will soon set up a special house-cleaning agency to sweep out corrup- tion in government and oust wrongdoers "no matter who they are or how big they are." But the President said emphatically he is not going to dismiss Attorney General McGrath or Chairman Frank McKinney of the Democratic National Committee, both of whom have been under fire. * ** * MR. TRUMAN HIT STRONGLY at government officials having outside interests-such as a law practice-which might conflict with -- - official duties. Something is go- Egypt 'Calls lBack Etvoy,- To England CAIRO, Egypt-(P)-Egypt an- nounced yesterday 'the recall of Ambassador Abdel Fattah Amr Pasha from London in protest against "British aggrer.sion" in the Suez Canal zone. The cabinet also ordered the transfer of the technical office of t h e Egyptian Communications Ministry, chiefly a purchasing of- fice, from London t6 Switzerland. Board Ousts Service for WASHINGTON-UI)-The State Department announced yesterday that veteran diplomat John S. Ser- vice has been dismissed following a decision by the government's top loyalty board that "there is a rea- sonable doubt as to his loyalty." In making this decision, the Loyalty Review Board of the U.S. Civil Service Commission in effect reversed previous findings of the State Department's own Loyalty Security Board. Service, in a statement issued some two hours after a received notice of his dismissal, called the board's findings "a shock, a sur- prise and an injustice." "I am not now and never have been disloyal," he said. The State Department's board on at least half a dozen occasions over recent years has declared Ser. vice to be neither disloyal nor a security risk. Service has been under almosi constant investigation, in Congress and by loyalty boards, since Sena- tor McCarthy (R-Wis.) made hir one of the main targets of hi, Reds-in-government charges last year. ing to be done about that, he said. * : * Discussing the nation-wide THESE MOVES were not a tax scandals at 'a news confer- break-off of diplomatic relations.$ ence, Mr. Truman said his ad- The London Embassy may con- ministrationrhasnalwayshtaken tinue operating under theCharge drastic action against "wrong- D'Affaires, second in command. doers" in its own midst. In London, the British Foreign As to the forthcoming clean-up Office said it had received unof- action, the President advised re- ficial word of the recall, but de- porters to have a little patience- clined comment. they would learn something later Informed sources in London said in the week. And if he does set up at the same time that Britain has San investigating group it will be no present intention of withdraw- his own kind of committee. There ing British Ambassador Sir Ralph was a Truman committee in the Stevenson from Cairo in retalia- past, he said, recalling the Senate tion. War Contracts inouiry committee __ he headed as a U.S. Senator earlyI in World War II. City Flood . s IN GENERAL, the President ap- peared to minimize the scandalsE that have broken in black head- _ _ The actions flared over north- west Korea and blazed more than 135 air miles across the peninsula's midriff to the East Coast Red port of Wonsan. A 31-YEAR-OLD Texan, Maj. George A. Davis, of Lubbock, set. a new record for U.S. jet pilots. His blazing guns downed four Rus- sian-built jets-two in the morn- ing and two after lunch. This brought his Korean bag to 12 in 16 days. He shot down seven Jap- anese planes in World War II. Yesterday's record kill of Red jets failed to obscure a significant development along parts of the 145-mile ground front. This was the resumption Wed- nesday and repetition yesterday of Allied offensive raiding into Communist lines. They were the first aggressive Allied ground actions since the lull began Nov. 28. The actions were not large, but were larger than normal patrols, and they carried the fight to the enemy on the ground. MEANWHILE in Munsan Unit- ed Nations negotiators yesterday declared ,there was something "sinister" about the Communist refusal to produce a list of U.N. soldiers they hold as prisoners. Lt. Col. Howard A. Levie, offi- cial UN spokesman said "stalling" by the Reds on the questions of prisoner exchange and means of supervising the armistice might be because the Communist dele- gates were waiting for new instruc- tions. The Allies want to know where the Red prison camps are and how many POWs are in each one before an exchange point, such as Panmunjom, is agreed upon. The mystery was whether Allied soldiers held in Red stockades number anywhere near the 100,- 000 who are missing. Education School Elects Officers Jack Rose, '52Ed., was elected president of the education school senior class yesterday. Also elected to office were Pete Kinyon, vice-president; Marylin Yarmain, secretary; and Monroe Rowland, treasurer. i plit Over Eias Issue Indications of a wide split in ;he fraternity system on campus were widespread yesterday in the wake of the Interfraternity Coun- il's controversial discriminatory lause action. In a heated meeting Wednesday Zight, the House Presidents As- ;embly had passed a resolution by %22-17 count opposing any plans for IFC pressure seeking removal Af bias clauses, from constitutions f an estimated 14 houses. * e * SEVERAL FRATERNITY presi- lents indicated that copies of the so-called Acacia proposal had been received by their houses too late for consideration at chapter meet- ings previous to the IFC session. A plan for requiring Michigan chapters with clauses to intro- duce and back motions at na- tional conventions for purging of the clauses or face loss of IFC recognition was not submitted to the presidents in printed form. It was recommended by an IFC- Student Leislature sudy group but rejected by the IFC Execu- tive Council who recommended that the question be left to in- dividual houses themselves. George Qua; '52, one of two op- ponents to the adopted plan on the Executive Cknmittee, warned "the campus not to hold all fra- ternities responsible for the act, We aren't going to give up." Recognition of the chasm was also registered by Sigma Phi presi- dent Tom Roderick, '52. "The IF cannot be treated as a single body anymore," Roderick said. "On this question, there are now two strong- ly opposed groups." STUDENT Legislature president Len Wilcox expressed great disap- pointment with the IFC action. However, he doubted that a new SL time-limit resolution could win University approval. The SL Human Relations Com- mittee will begin work on the matter at a meeting at 4:15 p.m. today. Following the IFC move Wednesday, the Legislature pas- sed amotion to again consider action on the bias issue. IFC President Jack Smart, '52, emphasized yesterday that "This is an official IFC policy which re- presents the viewpoint of the ma- jority of fraternity men on cam- pus. Smart said he saw "no reason why the IFC's education program will not continue to result in the removal of bias clauses." State Auditor Explains GOP Issues to YR's Ci tg the Republican Party as the "broom to sweep clean," State Auditor General, John Martin, Jr. presented domestic and foreign election issues to the Young Re- publicans last night. In reference to the recent scan- dals in the administration, Mar- tin asserted that the "Republican Party is the only instrument which will be able to clean House." THE AVOWED candidate for the Republican nomination to the Senate predicted that "deep free- f$ A. lines around the Justice Depart- ment and the tax-collecting Bur- eau of Internal Revenue in recent weeks. He predicted with an air of con-I fidence that the current wave of scandals will not become an issue in the 1952 presidential elections. I ' TUCUMCARI, N.M.-OP)-A big steel water tank, splitting like a melon, loosed a deadly 1,250,000- gallon torrent and killed four per- sons in downtown Tucumcari yes- terday. There was quick suspicion of sabotage, but City Manager A. J. Fleming said he was reserving judgment on this pending an of- ficial investigation. He also revised downward orig- inal estimates that damage would mount into millions. Fleming said $500,000 should cover all losses, ,National Roundup By The Associated Press including private property. THE REMAINING 20 per cent of the Jewish men claim they will consider admitting non-Jews if the majority of their house is for it, or if it concerns outstanding individuals. And in the same direction, 49 per cent of the men in Jewish fratern- ities are willing to admit Negroes to their groups. Only 17 per cent said that they would not be willing to admit, while 34 per cent fell in the intermediate category. These figures are also quite different from the non-Jewish men, 49 per cent of whom were opposed to admitting tNegroes and 21 per cent of whom were willing to admit them. These figures of Jewish men, however, do not mean that there are not significant differences in opinion within a house or from house to house. In the report-back sessions that followed the original survey, Jew- ish opinion sometimes indicated that this willingness is not as great as the figures suggest-but the general consensus (75 per cent) was that they were accurate. A great many more Jews than non-Jews also reported that they saw the discrimination problem as a campus problem. hirty-eight per cent of the Jews felt this way as compared to only nine per cent of the non-Jews. Only 12 per cent of the Jews felt that it wasn't a problem while 41 per cent of the non-Jews felt this way. IN AN ATTEMPT to find how willing Jewish men would be to join non-Jewish houses, the sur- vey found that only six per cent would NOT consider joining a non- Jewish house. 'REGIMENTATION': De-emphasis Movement Hits Junior Hicgh Level The concerted drive to "de-emphasize" athletics has seeped down to the junior high school level. Protesting against "regimenting our youth in their early teens," Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, chairman of the University's physical edu- cation program for men, has leveled an attack on junior high school athletics. * * * * PROF. MITCHELL, whose views have the backing of the Ortho- pedic Society of America and the White House Conference on Ele- mentary Education, charged in a recent issue of the education school's Bulletin that: PITTSBURGH - The Federal Government 'acted yesterday to stave off a nation-wide steel strike New Year's day. Two ace mediators were flown into Pittsburgh to take a hand in apparently stymied wage talks between the CIO United Steel- workers and United States Steel Corporation. CHICAGO - A federal grand jury investigating violent race rioting in suburban Cicero last July indicted four top village officials and three policemen yesterday. Ask End of Bowl Games Two special athletic committees, representing a cross section of ma- jor universities and colleges, re- commended yesterday that bowl games be abolished. In Washington a group appoint- ed by the American Council on Education outlined a program de- signed to supervise the athlete from high school until he finishes PROPOSALS REVIEWED: New Bias Policy Has Effect on IFC Power (Editor's note: The following is an interpretive article dealing with the so-called Acacia plan passed by the Inter-fraternity Council Wednesday night and the rejected recommendations of the IFC-Student Legislature study group.) By BARNES CONNABLE The new Interfraternity Council policy regarding discriminatory clauses in fraternity constitutions is highly significant both in its ef- fect on the bias issue and the power of the IFC. ESSENTIALLY, the policy consists of the following points: S1) "it is not within the scope of ? the IFC to deny recognition to a fraternity with (a bias) clause." 2) "the most desirable and effective method for the removal of these clauses is the action of the individual fraternity with- out any coercive threat." 3) "the IFC feels that it is with- in its scope to assist any fraterni- ties wishing to remove their dis- criminatory clauses by providing a counseling and information ser- "Junior high school athletics are wrong physiologically, psy- chologically, sociologically, eco- nomically, and educationally." According to Prof. Mitchell, "the excessive demands of highly-or- ganized competition forces a boy to continue beyond the natural and newspaper publicity," he con- tinued. The professor pointed out that Americans have long been critical of mass gymnastics or mass marching as un-American, as be- ing foreign to free individual initi- ative. based on a purported IFC power to withdraw its recognition of any fraternity for violation of IFC regulations. According to the committee's introduction, suspension from IFC "consti- tutes the loss of all fraternity privileges which are regulated by the IFC" including rushing. This is the gist of the proposal rejected by the Executive Commit- tee: 1) "Any fraternity having (a bias esause) must, after each na- college. vice to such fraternities." It included confining sports 4) "The service can be combined romnentitintn tin tothrmelr season. i h + 1P Q ier2naoi m am