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December 13, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-13

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Civil Liberties Committee

IT IS BECOMING increasingly evident that
it is necessary during these days of mass
hysteria to have organized groups of watch-
ful citizens ready to protect our civil liber-
ties. It is not only the so-called Communists
who are being attacked, but also any devi-
ants from the commonly accepted views of
The existance of laws which limit the
freedom of speech and the freedom of as-
sembly here on a University campus demon-
strate how widespread this infringement on
the civil rights of the people is. Both the
Lecture Committee and the Lane Hall Ban
are effective weapons in curbing unpopular
views. The committee has prevented only
three men from speaking on campus. Yet,
its existance has greatly influenced student
thinking. The Lane Hall Ban, instituted last
spring, placed the religious groups under the
same scrutiny as the other organizations on
campus. Now there is no longer a place for
a person to speak without official sanction
of the University.

The Civil Liberties Committee, a newly
organized campus group, is attempting to
point out such infringements of civil
rights. The action and policies of this new
organization are to be formulated by the
opinion of the majority of its members.
Within the Civil Liberties Committee is
represented every shade of student opin-
ion. The CLC is not an ad hoc committee
interested in one issue or in a single set
of issues. They hope to be accepted as a
group of aware students, working in har-
mony with the educational aims of the
University, attempting to preserve and
promote academic freedom and civil lib-
erties through democratic methods.
This week, the CLC gained recognition
from the University. Next Tuesday at the
group's first official meeting it will have to
gain recognition from the student body. For
without the support of the campus, the
Civil Liberties Committee will be unable to
accomplish its purpose.
-Jo Levine

IT MAY GET a diplomatic denial, but the
unfortunate fact is that there has never'
been so much serious friction between U.S.
and Latin-American representatives as at
the U.N. General Assembly session in Paris.
Not since 1945, when the other 20 Am-
erican republics threatened to walk out of
the United Nations Organizing Conference
at San Francisco, have so many harsh
words and mutual recriminations been
exchanged among western hemisphere
Ironically, odr Latin friends were on the
verge of a walkout six years ago because,
they said, we had done too much appeasing
of the Russians. Now their chief complaint
is that we are getting too tough with the
This doesn't mean that they've suffered
a change of heart; however, it's just that
some of our recent tactics on the interna-
tional front have responsible Latin Ameri-
cans worrying. They're afraid we may lose
patience, pull the trigger and start some-
thing the entire world will be sorry for.
Here are the principal developments which
cause our fellow Americans south of the Rio
Grande to feel concerned:

"3iline t"

. -.. _


University of Michigan
January 21 - January 31, 1952
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time
of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for
courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time
of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examined at
special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock
classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "irregular"
classes may use any examination period provided there is no
conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arranged for
by the "irregular" classes).
Each student should receive notification from his instructor
as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may
be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examina-
tion Schedules.
Time of Class Time of Examination




_ ,


E. M. Forster. (Harcourt, Brace).
FUTURE HISTORIANS of ideas are going
to be perplexed by this book, when they
come across it in the dusty or bloody rem-
nants of our age.
Although it is clearly dated 1951, it
thumps no tubs for Marx nor Freud nor
St. Thomas nor Kierkegaard nor any of
the other molders and shapers. Its for-
bears are all unfashionable and school-
bookish: Erasmus, Montaigne, Voltaire,
Arnold. These are the people Forster most
admires, and of them he is perhaps most
like Montaigne. This makes him, in a
time when Jeremiahs, Pippas, and Polly-
annas abound under various labels, some-
thing we might call a humanistic skeptic-
an adornment to any age and potentially
both guide and Comforter to ours.
He can gently lead by calling attention to
the values he himself was fortunate enough
to acquire in Victorian placidity at home
and at Cambridge: good manners; good will;
a tendency not to Believe; regard for "the
sensitive, considerate, and plucky"; confi-
dence in the supreme consequentialness of
personal relationships. He can comfort us
greatly by being what he is, and by being
sensitive, considerate, and plucky enough
to tell us about himself in the flurry of rag-
ing Faiths.
Such a stance is proof against ill-con-
sidered enthusiasm and ill-considered so-
phistication, but might easily become snob-
bish, reactionary, and pretentious. In For-
ster it never does. He is a democrat (the
two cheers are for democracy's tolerance of

variety and of criticism); his nostalgia for
the pre-1914 stability is gentle, and he has
no wish to negate change; he is humble, and
has not lost the old dishonored faculty of
The book, put together by Forster from
the dispersed writings of two decades, has
two major divisions: "The Second Dark-
ness" comprises sixteen essays centrally con-
cerned with fascism and World War II;
"What I Believe" begins with a synoptic
essay by that name, and has fifty-two others
dealing with literary theory, literary prac-
tice, and "places" (e.g. "India Again," "The
United States," "Cambridge").
This is assuredly God's plenty of essays.
The incredible thing is that these sixty-
eight pieces, written on a great variety of
topics over a twenty-year period, are all in
the one clear voice of unmistakably one
Perhaps the one which ought to be sing-
led out is the mild and lucid manifesto "Are
for Art's Sake," where Forster's world-view
and his special vision as artist coalesce. He
means the title quite seriously, but he
makes the all-important qualification: "Art
for art's sake does not mean that only art
matters, and I would . . . like to rule out
such phrases as 'The Life of Art,' 'Living for
Art,' and 'Art's high Mission.' They confuse
and mislead." Good words from England's
greatest living novelist. We have needed
someone to tell us again that art is neither
nothing, nor everything, nor frivolous, nor
a gaudy fungus on a dead trunk.
-Robert L. Chapman

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited er withheld from publication at the discretion of the




Tuesday, Jan. 29
Monday, Jan. 21
Wednesday, Jan. 23
Saturday, Jan. 26
Monday, Jan. 28
Thursday, Jan. 31
Thursday, Jan. 24


Religious Survey

(Continued from Page 1)
changes its form when the person dies but
the essential matter is never destroyed.
The atoms of a rock, in the same re-
spect, are not changed when the rock
itself is smashed. This concept, Jain
points out, is in complete compatibility
with modern scientific thought. What
happens to the soul at man's death is
not so intelligible, since the soul cannot
be seen.
However, the soul is equally indestructible,
and after coming into the body of man (a
particular form of matter) it goes out again
into infinity. It may re-enter the body of
another man or it may enter the body of
some other animal, a cow, a fish or even a
worm-since all living things have souls. Or
it may not re-enter any other body at all.
The individual decides this matter, as he
does so many others, for himself.
As a result, there is no definite theory
about immortality or afterlife. There is no
vividly described or organized system of
heaven or hell as exists in greater or lesser
degree in nearly all Christian theology. An-
other result to this relativism, where the
individual subjectively decides so many mat-
ters for himself, is lack of any one pre-
scribed course through which man can gain
Since there is very little emphasis on
immortality and a great amount of uncer-
tainty concerning the soul's destination or
future, Jainism seems principally inter-
ested in man's behavior, his success or
failure, on this earth. Jainism's concept
of God and his relation to man seems to
bear this out.
God-whom the Jainist calls Parmatma
-means supreme soul. He is perfect, unde-
fineable and unintelligible, a boundless, ab-
solute force. As such, he can be only par-
tially understood by man, who is limited and
finite. Man can try to explain the law of
gravity, for instance, because, though it is a
tremendous force, he can still see that even
the earth's gravity pull becomes negligible
a certain distance out in space. But God,

ly perfect soul, man can and must try to
attain the beauties of the supreme soul. And
here again, a definition of any right or wrong
actions or qualities in men which will help
him in his efforts to attain perfection is not
forthcoming. It is up to the individual to5
determine rightness or wrongness for him-
self. And what may be right for him can
be wrong for another; the entire matter is
completely relative.
There is, however, some basic belief which
shows the individual how to determine his
own actions. It involves the concept "do not
hurt anything." This is quite a logical con-
cept, to the Jainist, since all living things
have souls and have, therefore, as much in-
nate worth as does man.
But, since man must live and to live he
must eat, it becomes inevitable that he must
"hurt" something. Man's problem becomes
one of determining how he can get by caus-
ing as little amount of pain as possible.
Recognizing this Jainist dogma categorizes
all life by senses. Man presumably has five
senses along with many other animals, other
living organisms have four and so on down
to rocks which have zero sense. Within each
of the sensory categories it is left again to
the individual to determine which will cause
the least amount of pain, just as it is left
to him to determine the relationship between
his soul and God.
* * *
THE RAMIFICATIONS of such a philoso-
phy are many. On one account it is easy
to see how vegetarian dietary habits and the
sanctifying of animals could arise from it.
On another, the non-violence of a Mahatma
Gandhi or a Pandit Nehru is explainable.
The individualism it would breed within
each person, who must determine for him-
self what is good, what bad, how he should
act towards his fellows-man and beast
* and even allows him to give preference to
the beast, might have something to do
with the slow development of a nationalis-
tic spirit in one of the oldest nations on
What of the current violence and strife
currently racking India in civil war? Jain

1. Gen. Ridgway's demands in the Kor-
ean truce talks. Measured by the public
reaction in Latin America, the Commun-
ists have done a much abler job than the
U.N., at least propaganda-wise, in making
capital of the Korean negotiations. One
veteran South American diplomat-a life-
long anti-Red-expressed it this way:
"I can't see that Ridgway has made a
single concession so far. You don't get an
armistice that way. Neither do you convince
other people of your conciliatory aims by
calling your opponent a liar and a crook
every day for three months."
2. Secretary Acheson's pessimism and im-
patience at the Paris meeting. What troub-
led the Latins most was his apparent un-
willingness to explore the possibilities of any
formula at all.
Mr. Acheson has always been a diplo-
mat's diplomat," said the foreign minister
of one American republic. "Even when he
knew a certain move hadn't one chance in
a hundred of succeeding, he'd often under-
take it just to satisfy his colleagues.
"But his attitude was entirely different at
Paris. When he made it very plain he had
no faith that the 60-nation Assembly could
accomplish anything, a group of us set
about trying to follow out President Auriol's
suggestion for a Four-Power conference, but
within the framework of this U.N. session.
"However, Secretary Acheson was quite
cold. We didn't even dare to put it forward
publicly until after he had left for Rome.
You couldn't help feeling that he had just
about lost all hope for peace."
3.Ambassador Philip Jessup's brusque-
ness in dealing with smaller nations. In
contrast to Eleanor Roosevelt and Warren
Austin, who always pay courteous atten-
tion to representatives of the lesser pow-
ers-especially the Latin Americans-Jes-
sup has shown little interest in their
In fact, one distinguished South American
delegate, ex-president of his country, con-
fided to an associate after a brief inter-
view with Jessup that he had found the
latter "remarkably unsympathetic."
4. U. S. refusal to back Uruguay's candi-
dacy for the vacant world court seat. This
really shocked and angered the Latins, who
had unanimously agreed to support Uruguay
as a successor to Mexico. The precedent of
"geographical distribution," now accepted
in almost all U.N. agencies, was on thef'
side; but the U.S. delegation unexpectedly
favored India's claim to the seat.
The task of explaining this decision fell
to Mrs. Roosevelt. She had spent nearly
three hours on November 29 in private
discussion with Uruguay's Luis Batlle Ber-
res, Dr. Antonio Quevedo of Ecuador and
Mario de Pimentel Brandao, No. 2 Brazil-
ian delegate. One of the participants des-
cribed the results of the conference as fol-
"When it was over, we still didn't like the
U.S. attitude-but we liked her all the more
for the way she put it."
Meeting among themselves that same eve-
ning the Latin Americans agreed to vote for
Uruguay, anyway. This will mark the first
time in four years that a split has occurred
among the Western Hemisphere representa-
tives on such an issue.
All in all, the Paris meeting up to now
has given most Latins the uneasy sensa-
tion that military considerations are all
that matter to the United States today;
and that, with such an outlook, Wash-
ington is less disposed every day to heed
proposals from the small, weak countries.
Carried to its logical conclusion, they feel,
this situation would mean the end of the
United Nations and of the last chance for
an East-West settlement. That is why, along
with other nations, the Latin-American re-
publics insisted on the Four-Power talks
during the present Assembly session-and

Fathers X and Y .. .
To the Editor:+
MR. WILLIAM MCKIE in his let-'
ter to the editor of the Michi-
gan Daily from Dec. 4, 1951 in-
tends to make the reader believe
in his "facts" which ought to re-
present, as he says, the truth with
respect to the two Ukranian Cath-
olic priests, who were lucky to es-
cape from the Soviet "paradise."
The priests under the symbols of
X and Y, in order to omit arrest
of their families in the Soviet Un-
ion, have been interviewed by the
editors about their life in Ukraine.
That interview was written in
some of the American newspapers.
Mr. McKie said: "small wonder
that this prize pair decided to flee
the land they betrayed when the
peoples army (M. D.) of the
Ukraine drove the Nazis out." At
present time even every child in
the United States can answer you,
Mr. McKie, why all those people
from behind the iron curtain left
their country regardless of the
"liberation" by the peoples army,
as you say. Let me ask you Mr.
McKie why did millions of Chinese
flee from China "liberated by
peoples army?" Further, why do
many Koreans flee from their
"peoples army," which the Ameri-
can soldiers shed their blood with?
I guess that Mr. McKie will be
able to give answer by himself.
However, I would like to answer
it. They left their countries be-
cause those people including the
mentioned two Ukranian priests
do not want to taste communist
fruits, which wouldn't taste to Mr.
McKie himself either. I do not
wish Mr. McKie to be not only in
the priests situations in Ukraine
and other enslaved 'countries but
in the situation of a common peo-
ple in the mentioned country. Mr.
McKie said that the priests must
have been German collaborants
because they went to the west.
Let me ask which route should
they have chosen in that case.
There were only two ways, one to
the west and the other to the east.
I know that Mr. McKie would like
to suggest them to travel east
through Siberia. But the priests
were more right in choosing first
-Mykola Dumyk
Another Morning .,.
To the Editor:
I N AN editorial. "Morning Reli-
gion," (Wed., Dec. 5) the auth-
or decries a recent New York Re-
gents' proposal to incorporate
daily prayers into the public
school agenda. Running counter
to the most basic principle of mo-
dern education, this program, the
author says, could accomplish
Education is a three-fold growth
in knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
The acquisition of proper atti-
tudes must rank quite high, for
here is determined the use to
which the first two will be put.
Secular education stresses the first
two only ...
The one solid basis for the incul-
cation of proper attitudes and
right morality is religious train-
ing begun early. Remove religion
from the education growth and
you lack effective reason for the
practise of honesty and integrity.

Communism has repudiated reli-
gion. With no basis for morality
of any kind, the Communist, quite
logically, practises dissimulation.
We owe respect, loyalty, alle-
giance to our masters, obedience
to authority, encouragement and
support for wisdom and integrity,
honour to high intelligence. The
attributes of authority, wisdom,
intelligence, etc. are all possessed
by our Divine Master and each
to an infinite degree. Hence we
owe our Divine Lord respect, hon-
our, obedience, etc. and the prac-
tice of religion is our manifesta-
tion of this duty. Morally, man is
obliged to engage in the practice
of paying homage to the Lord
God ...
The sooner the habit of prayer
is begun, the sooner it will be felt
to be a part of our daily lives.
Children should be taught to pray
in their tender years. The home
and school must work hand in
hand. The New York Regents have
come to the realization, as have
many others, that prayer fulfills
a natural and necessary need of
the human soul.
If the writer of "Morning Reli-
gion" will listen to young children
in sincere prayer, she will realize
that these children understand
why people pray much more than
many an adult who is all too full
of the realization that to fulfill
the commandments of God would
require a complete revision of daily
living habits .
-Marc Laframboise

(mt 8 Wednesday, Jan. 30 9-12
(at 9 Tuesday, Jan. 22 9-12
(at 10 Friday, Jan. 25 9-12
TUESDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 28 9-12
(at 1 Thursday, Jan. 31 2-5
(at 2 Thursday, Jan. 24 9-12
(at 3 Saturday, Jan. 26 2-5
These regular examination periods have precedence over any
special period scheduled- concurrently. Conflicts must be ar-
ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class.
English 1, 2 Monday, Jan. 21 2-5
Psychology 31 Monday, Jan. 21 2-5
Sociology-Psychology 62 Monday, Jan. 21 2-5
French, 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62 Tuesday, Jan. 22 2-5
Speech 31, 32 Tuesday, Jan. 22 2-5
Spanish 1, 2 Wednesday, Jan. 23 2-5
German 1, 2, 11, 31 Wednesday, Jan. 23 2-5
Russian 1 Wednesday, Jan. 23 2-5
Mathematics 6 Thursday, Jan. 24 9-12
Zoology 1 Friday, Jan. 25 .2-5
Chemistry 1, 3, 21 Saturday, Jan. 26 2-5
Sociology 51, 54, 90 Tuesday, Jan. 29 2-5
Political Science 1 Tuesday, Jan. 29 2-5
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54, 153 Wednesday, Jan. 30 2-5
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any nieces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board,
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all
applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit
in any unit of the University. For time and place of examina-
tions, see bulletin board of the School of Music.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces-
sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
College of Engineering
January 21 to January 31, 1952
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the
time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week;
for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of
the first quiz period.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted
below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as-
signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment.
See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Build-
ing between January 7th and January 12th for instruction.
To avoid misunderstandings and errors each student should re-
ceive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his
appearance in each course during the period January 21st to
January 31st.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent
of the Classification Committee.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith.................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish..........Finance Manager
Stu Ward .... . ... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

Time of Class
(at 8
(at 9
(at 10
MONDAY (at 11
(at 1
(at 2
(at 3
(at 8
(at 9
(at 10
TUESDAY (at 11
(at 1
(at 2
(at 3
C.E. 1, 2, 4; Draw. 3; Eng. 11;
M.E. 136
Draw 2; E.E. 5; French
E.M. 1, 2; M.E. 82; Span.;
Math 6
P.E. 11
Draw. 1; M.E. 135
Chem. 1, 3, 21; C.E. 21, 22
P.E. 31, 32, 131
Econ. 53, 54, 153

Time of Examination
Tuesday, January 29
Monday, January 21
Wednesday, January 23
Saturday, January 26
Monday, January 28
Thursday, January 31
Thursday, January 24
Wednesday, January 30
Tuesday, January 22
Friday, January 25
Monday, January 28
Thursday, January 31
Thursday, January 24
Saturday, January 26
*Monday, January 21
*Tuesday, January 22
*Wednesday, January 23
*Thursday, January 24
'Thursday, January 24
*Friday, January 25
*Saturday, January 26
*Tuesday, January 29
*Wednesday, January 30


Evening, 12 o'clock,;
periods marked (*)

and "Irregular" classes may use any of the
provided there is no conflict.


it _


But whaf IS a Mortgage? Is
the one on your house now.

it might be of some interes in my notes on-.
' life on your planet, Mr. Oadxer. And,'as that

'Yes, come aloniq.&ofessoi.



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