_ ilablesyoera 'Tryou teetings Today Novelists, foreign correspond- ents, editors, business managers, governors, and other potentates will assemble today and tomorrow in the Student Publications Build- ing to try out for The Daily edi- torial, business and photography staffs. You won't recognize any not- ables among the groups which staff tryouts will meet at 1 p.m. today and tomorrow. The ses- sions will all be held in editorial offices in the publications build- ing. Among the notables is Thomas E. Dewey, former Daily Telegraph editor, and now governor of New York. Frank Gilbreth, author of the a dozen in the files of Dailyx alumni. Ybu can find former Daily workers writing for news- papers from Maine to Califor- nia. All these and many more, seized the opportunity to work on The Daily when the opportunity was not as great as it is now. , . + attend the first tryout meetings best-seller "Cheaper by the Dot- EXPENSIVE PLANT nor will you find their names in en," was managing editor of The The half a million dollar plant, "Who's Who," but you can be sure Daily in the early '30's. which houses The Daily, is prob- they'll be there. The newly pub- ably the best in the college world. lished Daily Alumni Directory MORE NOTABLES It includes Associated Press wire proves it. Stan Swinton, Daily city editor service, four linotype machines, a NOTABLES in 1940, is now a well-known by- new $70,000 high-speed rotary The Directory contains the line correspondent for the Asso- press, an uncounted number of names of more than a thousand ciated Press. typewriters and other machines men and women who have staffed The Chicago Tribune business necessary for modern publication. The Daily since its origin in 1890. manager worked for The Daily. It also has the finest tryout train- It includes successful people from So did the advertising manager ing setup in the Big Ten, and an every walk of life, of a large automotive manufac- unbroken heritage of editorial and They all worked up from The I turer, the managing editor of a managerial freedom. which stu- Bottom, whose headquarters you'll leading Baltimore, Md., daily, the dent editors have exercised from find at 420 Maynard St., one block news editor of a radio station, the beginning. west of Angell Hall. editors of weekly newspapers, Founded in 1890, The Daily Meetings for editorial tryouts screen writers, and editors of was first published by a group will be held at 4 p.m. today and technical publications, of independent students who at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. Business And reporters-they're a dime were disgruntled with fraternity domination of campus affairs. Later in the decade fraternity men were allowed on the staff, but The Daily continued as a completely free student enter- prise until 1903. At this time, in the interests of greater continuity, larger student participation and sounder financ- es, the assets of the paper were sold to the University. From then on, The Daily grew quickly. By 1932, the combined student publications had accumulated enough money to pay for the building which they now occupy. The profit was largely made dur- ing the '20's, as The Daily roared to success along with the rest of the nation. Papers at that time were of 12 to 16 pages, where the average Daily today is of six or eight. At present it is a $100,000 a year enterprise which runs more than 72,000 column inches of ad- vertising a year. EDITORIAL STAFF The editorial staffs of The Daily will meet at 4 p.m. today and 7:30 tomorrow at the Student Publications Building. Tryouts will be broken down into news, women's, sports and photography staffs. Previous newspaper ex- perience is not necessary except in the case of photographers. All staffs will receive basic training in headline writing, proofreading, basic news re- porting, feature and editorial writing and makeup. A semester long program in various aspects of The Daily has been planned for tryouts. Later they will be given specific beats to cover and receive other assign- ments. BUSINESS STAFF The business staff tryouts, meeting at 4 p.m. today and to- morrow, will learn methods of ad- vertising layout, copywriting, ac- counting and promotions work, Tryouts will become advertising servicers when they join The Daily. At the end of the semes- ter deserving tryouts may peti- tion for paid junior positions on the various business departments. -Daily-Roger Reinke YOU TOO CAN BE ADMIRED, YOU TOO CAN MANAGE THE DAILY MICHIGAN' S FOOTBALL SYSTEM See Page 4 Y t 4i au D4Iat a CLOUDY AND COOL Latest Deadline in the State 'VOL. LXII, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1951 EIGHT PAGES Reports Say British Wil Defy Iran SPlan To Ignore Expulsion Order LONDON - (P) - The Britisl Cabinet was reported last nigh to have decided to defy an orde of Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh for the expulsion o all British oilmen from the Mid- dle East country. The aging Iranian Premier, aft- er repeated threats, finally gave the order yesterday for some 300 British technicians to get out within nine days. A British For- eign Office spokesman said the order was a "new and seriou development which is under ur- gent consideration." QUALIFIED SOURCES s a i d Prime Minister Attlee and his chief cabinet advisors reached their decision immediately after hearing about the order. How they expect to make their defiance effective may be made known after the return from the United States today of Foreign Secretary Herbert Mor- rison and Defense Minister Emanuel Shinwell. Britain has 10 warships sta- tioned within 50 miles of her giant Abadan refinery in Iran, warplanes based in neighboring Iraq and a brigade of parachute troops only a few hours away. T H E CANNY Mossadegh is aware, however, that any use of force by the British might be un- popular, not only in the United States and the world at large, but also among many British voters who go to the polls in a general election Oct. 25. N Attlee, who has been criti- cized by Winston Churchill for being too soft in the Iranian oil crisis, is expected to confer with the Conservative leader, as well as Liberal leader Clement Davies, and ask their support of his policy to stay in Abadan. The Prime Minister thus aims to keep the issue out of politics and assurea continuity of policy, regardless whether Labor or Con- servatives win in the election. Mossadegh charged that the presence of the technicians kept him from making good on his promises that he could hire other foreign technicians to operate the oil industry and sell the oil to i°"private cash-and-carry custo- mers. Garg Staffers CallTryouts Travel, adventure and excite- ment are a few of the attractions with which the Gargoyle staff will welcome tryouts at 4 p.m. to- day in the Garg office in the Stu- dent Publications Building. Opportunities to visit far-away Alies ress . ets Truce Win Air -Daily-James Butt ky Battle Cl aims Five Firav Laraest Air (lash inHistory U.S. EIGHTH ARMY HEAD-! QUARTERS - (') - Thirty-sevenI U.S. Sabrejets battled 100 Russian- built MIG-15 jets over Northwest Korea yesterday in history's big- gest and longest all-jet sky fight. The American pilots reported they shot down five MIGS and} damaged five more without loss to themselves during the 35-min- ute action which swirled upward to six miles. Today, Far East Air Force Head-! quarters in Tokyo boosted the pre-} vious estimate of 80 Red jets to 100. * * a Library To Be Closed Sundays in Budget Move Hours May Be Subject to Change If Need ior More Service Warrants Rescheduling P S4 AL JACKSON * 4 * * By BARNES CONNABLE General Library doors will bei locked tight Sunday as the drive to stav within this vear's reduced the only major changes from past scheduling, according to Prof. Warner G. Rice, library director. ** * F-e Ormler r1 nL IRapS'M'Foo ball 'Too Much Football' Says Jackson In National Magazine Expose UV ata W1V11111 vii110 Gal .3 l.. i vu u ,cu k I norary buaget gets under way. "WE WILL watch with interest Although library service was the demands made upon the li- cut more extensively during the brary," Prof. Rice asserted. "The summer, the Sunday closings plus new hours may be subject to 6 p.m. Friday shutdowns will be change if the need for extended library service warrants it." he added. Control Put lLibrary statistics indicate that Friday evening library use On e - twill not be missed seriously, Prof. Rice said. He felt the i* Sunday demand could be met Inform ation bystudy rooms in the Union andother campus facilities. WASHINGTON - 0P) - Presi- E During the sunmmer, temporary dent Truman yesterday ordered economy moves included closing the Government's civilian agen- the circulation desk at 6 p.m. cies to use military-type security daily, closing at 6 p.m. Friday and measures to suppress information noon Saturday and closing divi- which might aid "potential en- sional libraries evenings and Sat- emies." urdays. At the same time, Mr. Truman NONE OF THE experiments issued a statment saying the sole NONE OFTE exerment purpose of the order is to guard! will be continued except for the against disclosures" harmful toI dinnertime shutdown Friday and the security of the United States", discontinuing service throughout By TED PAPES Daily Sports Editor LAST APRIL 12, one hundred A new blast at college football confronts the public today. U.S. jets and 65 MIGS tangled overI a seven page article in the Atlantic Monthly on the "Mig Alley" but it was not an all- This one, aseenn pae arti i the Atlantic gMh n e jet fight. Thirty-two U.S. B-291 newsstands this morning,lashes out at the gridiron game in general superfort bombers also were in- and at Michigan in particular. volved. FEAF reported then ,that It was written by an ex-Wolverine football player, Allen Jackson, eight MIGS were destroyed, seven for three years a guard under Coach Bennie Oosterbaan and one of probably destroyed and 18 dam- the heroes in Michigan's Rose Bowl conquest last January. aged i 1 -AP News Photo GEORGE VI * * KDing Making Strong Fight For Recovery LONDON-(TP)-King George VI took nourishment yesterday for the first time since he underwent a serious lung operation Sunday. A medical bulletin issued by Buckingham Palace revealed to the monarch's anxious subjects that he has thrown off any im- mediate post-operative shock or -complications. * * * "THE KING has had a com- fortable day and has been able to take some nourishment," the bulletin said. The sixth issued since the operation, it was in the same encouraging vein as a morning announcement that the King had a restful night and "contin- ues to gain strength." A murmur of "that's good" swept through a small crowd, made up mostly of women, when the sixth bulletin was posted on the palace fence. The throng had waited through a shower for the news. Ialks Fight Officials Fly To Kaesong In Third 'Try Gap Still Exists In Trice Talks. TOKYO - (P) - Allied liaison officers flew back to Kaesong to- day by helicopter for a third try at reaching agreement with the Reds to resume Korean truce talks. The Reds, who walked angrily out of yesterday's meeting, were prodded by the patient but per- sistent Allies into accepting a third session only a few hours be- fore today's meeting opened. ALLIED representatives made tw o roundtrips from Munsan, United Nations advance base, to. Kaesong--once last night to pro- pose the meeting; again this morning to get the Reds' affirma- tive reply. Then the liaison team took off. But there was no indication of any bridging of the gap-be- tween the Reds' insistence on merely deciding on a date for negotiations to resume and the Allies stand that there be a discussion of "conditions?' The Allies said the Reds an- grily walked out on a liaison meet- ing, called yesterday for this purpose, but the Peiping radio of- fered a different version today. It said the session ended by mutual agreement. It made no mention of the latest Allied proposal. THE PEIPING broadcast, heard here by the Associated Press, a-are fully stated that the senior Allied liaison officer agreed to "dis- banding" the meeting pending further instructions from higher authority. It made no mention of the Al- lied announcement that the meet- ing ended abruptly with the Com- munist liaison representatives walking out. The Tuesday meeting ended, Peiping radio explained, because 1UN officers "could not give an opinion on our proposal" for im- mediate resumption of negotia- tions. SL To Appoint New Members Appointment of four to six new HIS STRONGLY-WORDED indictment of the college sport comes close on the heels of the scandal at West Point and upheavals in the athletic department at William -- --- _ and Mary. an Manry. rthat the time he spent on the It centers around the theme playing field for his school repre- I Aground Allied troops seized a commanding peak west of "heartbreak Ridge" on the east- ern front. In the west, and cen- ter, United Nations patrols ran up against bitter resistance. f G t r The order applies only to of- icials and employees of the Government, carries no penal- ies, and does not attempt to estrict what newspapers, ra- Sunday, a practice ntiated last spring. Library doors will be open until 6 p.m. Saturday as before. Budget for the current year stands at 92% of the money needed for equivalent operations c 3 t t that big-time football is a poor sents to him a wasted part of Thirty-seven swift American dios or other agencies of news in 1951-52, the director said. bargain for the boys who play his life. Sabrejets took on 80 MIG-15s in dissemination may publish or The slash necessitates a paring the game," backed up by a claim the aerial battle over northwestern broadcast. of expenses equivalent to the and "overperfection" in football Korea. Under it, civilian agencies hand- wages of 15 fulltime library as the driving forces which are The battle, ranging up to heights ling matters affecting the defense staff members. I"ational! undermining the primary func- of 35,000 feet, lasted only 35 min- program, must classify certain Sunday closings- w ill bring tions of educational institutions utes. But it was enough to set a materials as "security informa- about a saving approximating the and placing too much emphasis on record for length in the brief his- tion" and also give it one of four wage of one staff library worker, the game itself. tory of jet warfare. The longest additional classifications: Prof. Rice estimated. Operating By The Associated Press x * 4 previous was a 30-minute battle Top secret, secret, confidential, costs amount to more than $70 WASHINGTON - Communist DRAWING from his playing ex- Sept. 3. or restricted, per Sunday, he said. Czechoslovakia's new envoy said periences freely, he has levelled a yesterday imprisoned Associated sharp salvo of blows at the Michi- PALESTINE ISSUTE NOTED: Press correspondent William N. gan athletic administration for ; Oatis is "quite well." following a win-or-else philosophy He held open the possibility in intercollegiate competition. that his release might be nego- Thus Jackson takes issue "with tiated.the tendency in modern football! to emphasize winning as an end___________ WASHINGTON-President Tru- e pai noer otal ASHINTONPreie Ame initself." He claims that a famil- By ZANDER HOLLANDER complex and a sense of injustice was bombed. In Beirut, where can determination to continue ing base is, "When Michigan loses, The Arab world is bitterly dis- takes the form of hostility toward rioting has been frequent, Ameri- ' '"T n x o + R - T L , a-ill i n r 1i l 1i l ~ vv1+ .. ...1. 1 - - .......1 r _ _ _ ._. & L _. e r C r 1 " fimen co Educated Arabs still respect the United States for its great accom- plishments in this country. This became clear when Efi- menco met people like the govern- ment official in Basra who wanted to have his ailing daughter treated in the United States and the may- helping Italy, as the Big Three prepared to renounce publicly their right to limit the size of Italian armed forces. WASHINGTON - Reports of someone has to pay." He has listed several incidents to support his charges that the coaching staff was guilty of in- timidating players in its eager miusioned with this country. this country's heavy support of cans and British try to stay in- Our backing of partition in the United Nations action in Korea, doors. Palestine dispute coupled with Prof. Efimenco said. But there are some bright spots what looks to Arab nations to be The U.S. spends billions in Korea on the map of the area. subservience to British Middle and Europe, Moslem representa- In Saudi Arabia, where the East Dolicv ha sreducer American tives assert, but refuse destitute Arabian-American Oil Co. splits