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December 11, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-11

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Beliefs of Islam
Begin_ Review
(EDITOR'S NOTE: With this article on Islam The Daily inaug-
urates a series outlining the separate bases of religious faith in
our time. The articles, ten in all, were written by members of
The Daily senior staff in consultation with prominent clergymen
(and qualified laymen, where clergy of that particular faith
were unavailable) in Ann Arbor. They will be printed daily
from now until the Christmas holidays. They are not intended to
be all-inclusive, but they do represent a sincere attempt to en-
compass accurately, within the available space, the complexities
of religious beliefs today.
The articles will take the form, roughly, of answers to the
following six questions: (1) what is your concept of God; (2) of
man; (3) the way of man's salvation; (4) of immortality or
future life; (5) of the universe; and (6) how and what effect to
the precepts of your particular religion have upon contemporary
life and events? What meaning does your faith have today?)
Daily Feature Editor
OGTHE WEST the Muslim's religion-Islam-is a greatly mis-
understood faith.
It is often pictured as a militantly pagan religion, spread by force
of arms. Its dark-skinned worshipers are seen, with gleaming teeth
r and swords, as the conquerors of the Infidels who oppose a mystical
And yet this picture seems to be as false as the idea that the
Muslim must wear a fez, worship ascetic monks, veil his wife and
believe in Qismat (fatalism).
* * *
TAKE THE IDEA of Qismat. As student Muslims Mohammad
Sulaiman, of Pakistan, and Nesrine Adibe, of Iraq, ("We have only
been brought up as Muslims; we are not authorities on Islam") de-
scribe God it would almost seem that a fatalistic philosophy is possible.
"God is an all powerful force," Miss Adibe said. "He is an
unpersonifiable spirit that is everywhere." Sulaiman said He is
the only God. "'Allah' is Arabic for 'God' whether He is the God
of Christians, Jews, or Muslims-He is one."
The Koran (Quran) says: God is the light of the Heavens and
of the earth. His light is like a niche in which is a lamp-the lamp
encased in a glass-the glass, as it were, a star.
This metaphor of light is explained by the eminent Pakistini
philosopher Mohammad Iqbal as the nearest approach to the
To Iqbal God is an "Ultimate Ego . . . apart from whose creative
activity there is neither time nor space to close Him off in reference to
other egos. The infinity of the Ultimate Ego consists in the infinite
inner possibilities of His creative activity of which the universe is only
a partial expression. In one word God's infinty is intensive, not ex-
tensive. His other important elements are Creativeness, Knowledge,
Omnipotence, and Eternity."
* * * *
AND YET the course of this supreme sprit's creation is not fully
plotted by Him.
The Koran says the universe is liable to increase; is growing.
Man himself is part of this growing, evolutionary process.
Again the Koran says: Now of fine clay have We created man:
There We placed him, a moist germ, In a safe abode; then made
We the moist germ a clot of blood; then made the clotted blood
into a piece of flesh; then made the piece of flesh into bones;
Signs, Notes, Curiosity
AHerald Mystical 'MEW'
An ominous, deathlike silence at 1 a.m. this morning struck terror
into the hearts of a couple spooning on the steps of the General
A roving Daily reporter, investigating the cause of the strange
silence on the diag, found a cryptic note tied to the Tappan Oak with
a worn out typewriter ribbon. It read:

10 ~-..
Cl oe

£r ian

:43 a t ty

Latest Deadline in the State

While Prof. John V. Field of
the journalism department was
dictating a routine fire story to
his newswriting class yesterday,
Mrs. Field was keeping the
home fires from burning.
In the middle of Prof. Field's
journalistic exercise in taking
down facts about routine fires,
a secretary dashed into the
room with a telephone message
from Mrs. Field-"Our house is
an fire!"
Fortunately, the damage was
slight, and Prof. Field returned
confidently to his lecture.
NHcK inney
Defends His
McKinney, Democratic Party
chieftain, yesterday angrily de-
fended a stock venture by which
he and Frank McHale picked up
$68,000 each on 10-month invest.
ments of only $1,000.
At the same time he told news-
men President Truman should do
something "dramatic and drastic"
about the recently disclosed scan-
dals in Federal tax collections.
* * *
"NO POLITICAL influence or
impropriety were involved," Mc-
Kinney said in telling a hastily
called news conference about the
quick-profit 1946-47 transaction.
"Is it criminal, is it unlawful
for a Democratic chairman to
hold business interests?" asked
McKinney, an Indianapolis
banker who became the party's
non-salaried National Commit-
tee chairman on October 31.
"If some people had their way,
you would have to go to some Ab-
bey and choose a monk to head
the party," he said.
THE RECORDS of a bankruptcy
case in Philadelphia show that
McKinney and his close friend and
political sponsor, McHale, made
their sizeable profits from stock in
the Empire Tractor Corp., now de-
funct. McHale is Democratic Na-
tional Committeeman for Indiana.
The records indicated that the
political cronies took profits of
$74,000 apiece while Mrs. Mc.
Hale, in on the same deal, came
out with an $18,500 gain.
But McKinney told reporters the
$74,000 figure is "inaccurate."
And he charged that newspapers
-he singled out the New York
Herald Tribune-headlined the re-
port of the deal so his children
might "think their father was a
damn crook."
"There's too much Irish in me
to take this lying down," he added.
Caudle Still
Under Fire
Caudle, sweating and tired, testi-
fied yesterday that although he
heard four months ago that his
name was being used in connec-
tion with an alleged tax shake-
down "I didn't do anything about
"Maybe I should have done
something about it," the former
Assistant'Attorney General told a
house investigating committee,
"but I didn't."
Abraham Teitelbaum, a pros-
perous Chicago lawyer and real
estate operator, told the tax in-
vestigators last week, that Frank

Nathan and Bert K. Naster ap-
proached him in Miami Beach,
Fla., last winterhand demanded
$500,000 to keep him out of seri-
ous tax trouble.
Tax evasion charges are pend-
ing against Teitelbaum.

Me tamorp hosis'

-Daily-Jeff Pemberton
WELL DONE-Al Blumrosen, '53L, extends one of many congra-
tulations to "Metamorphosis" producer Bill Hampton after the
premiere showing of the campus-made film last night in Hill
Auditorium. The movie will be presented again at 8:30 p.m. to- I
S* *
Jitters, Mixed Feelings
Mark Film's Premiere
There was no glitter and glamour at the premiere showing of
campus-made "Metamorphosis" last night, but opening-night feeling
was not absent among the producers and the casual crowd of almost
1500 spectators.
Test night troubles and nerves beset producer Bill Hampton and
his crew before the show. The biggest group jitter was caused by the
-late arrival of the finished film

Greek Men Split
OverA dm iss ions
Attitudes of Fraternity Members
On Minorities Disclosed by Study
(Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles concerning the
results of the study of the attitudes of fraternity men towards admission
of members of minority groups, conducted during the past two years by
the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the request of the Inter Fra-
ternity council.)
There is no such thing as THE opinion of fraternity men on ad-
miting Jews, Negroes, or orientals.
This is the finding of the University's Research Center for Group
Dynamics after an extensive examination of the attitudes of fraternity
- * -
THE SURVEY reports that for none of the minority groups, "did
a majority of fraternity men fall into the category of feeling that com-
plete rejection was the best policy.
"Many men think one way and others another way." For ex-
ample, only three houses had a majority of men in favor of ad-
mitting Jews, and in only two houses were a majority opposed to
admitting them.
Two surveys were made on the subject, the first in early 1950 and
the second in early 1951. After this year of heated controversy, the
researchers found that there was little significant change in attitudes
towards admitting.
THE ONLY NOTABLE SHIFT from the initial survey was that
more men now show "readiness to consider special cases." The re-
searchers claim that this may have been caused by discussions which
altered many extreme opinions into views of moderation.
About 1,000 men filled out the questionnaire on each occasion.
The first survey showed the following breakdown:
Thirty-three per cent of the men felt that Jews should be
admitted like anyone else. Thirty-two felt the same way about
Orientals, while 21 per cent felt that Negroes should not be dis-
criminated against.
On the opposite side, 26 per cent felt that Jews should not be
admitted, while 35 per cent felt that way about Orientals and 49
per cent about Negroes.
IN AN INTERMEDIARY category relating to admission under
special circumstances (i.e., exceptional individuals), 41 per cent felt
that Jews might be admitted, 35 per cent for Orientals and 30 per
cent for Negroes.
Although this survey did not include sorority members or
independent men and women, an earlier but less comprehensive
survey taken in winter and spring, 1949, did not show a great dif-
ference between these populations on such a question as willing-
ness to have members of minority groups as roommates.
In asking fraternity members whether they feel the whole prob-
lem is serious or pressing, the current survey decided that there is "no
one fraternity opinion about this question of urgency."
"DIFFERENT PARTS of the population are ready to act now or
in the future,"the report adds.
Twenty-six per cent of the men felt that action now or ever
was not necessary for fraternities to eliminate discriminatory
'Qualifying the statement by saying the day seems a long way off,
23 per cent of the men felt that it may be desirable to eliminate these
practices sometimes.
* * * *
TWENTY-ONE PER CENT felt that it is urgent to take action
now, while 30 per cent felt 'fraternities out to eliminate discriminatory
practices sometime in the near future, but there are no reasons for
doing this right now."
The survey -was undertaken with the intention of procuring
only one sampling of the fraternities.
However, when this was done, it was decided by the research
center and the IFC that to get much value out of the project, each fra-
'ternity should hear the results reported and interpreted by Group
Dynamics staff members with a house discussion of the findings.
Tape recordings were made of the discussions; then another
anonymous survey was taken-both of those who attended the
report-back meeting and those who missed it. A comPilation of
these and a comparison with the original data provided some
of the results described in this article.
The function of the center has been to collect and interpret the
facts and to supervise the work of a collaborating IFC committee.
The scientists at the research center are not making policy recom-
mendations. They feel that the facts should be known and used by
any group on campus which is working on this problem.
NEXT: The factors related to admission attitudes.


"Take heed and beware, all ye infidel unbelievers, for the
MEM is coming Thursday, Dec. 13. Prepare yourselves to witness
this terrible spectacle by fasting and repentence! 'Twill be a day
of great despair for those who are unworthy to see the triumphant
arrival of MEM!"
When confronted with rumors yesterday that "MEM Day" is an
'Ensian promotion stunt, promotions manager Gordon Hyde, '54,
smiled wryly and said, "We'll see
Thursday." He added that no stu-
PILFERER: dent should miss the MEM Day
goings-on. '


Professor Gets

Sentence, Fine
pilfering professor, Gwynne.Nett-
ler, 38, was sentenced to 90 days
in the county jail yesterday, fined
$600, and placed on probation for
10 years.
The debonair Ph.D., called "the
best dressed professor on the San-
ta Barbara College campus" when
he taught sociology there, pleaded
guilty to burglary charges.
He admitted that he lead a
double life-respectable faculty
member by day, second story
man by night-in which he loot-
ed mansions of expensive fur-
nishings and bric-a-brac.
Terms of his probation stipulate
that he cannot teach during the
10 years and must avoid seeing
Mrs. Francine Schaefer, the come-
ly divorcee for whose love, the
professor said, he fell into his evil
Director Arnold
Leaves Hospital

UNION president John Kathe,
'52P, had absolutely no idea what
"MEM" meant, but definitely
squelched rumors that MEM Day
had anything to do with the Un-
A member of the publicity
committee for the world prem-
iere of "Metamorphosis" denied
that MEM had anything to do
with the movie, whose initial
public showing was last night.
Bob Wells, '55. thought "Mem"
might stand for Memel, a city in
Russia. "It might be an army re-
cruiting slogan," he said.
But this, according to reliable
sources, is not the answer.

Iran Warrns
Oil May Go
TEHRAN -(P)- Deputy Pre-
mier Hossein Fatemi warned yes-
terday that Iran would sell its oil
to the Soviet Union if Britain and
former Western customers do not
come to terms within 10 days.
The threat may not have teeth,
however, because observers doubt
that the Soviet bloc has the neces-
sary tankers to carry away any
A *
PREMIER Mohammed Mossa-
degh is expected to tell the Majlis,
lower house of parliament, details
of the 10-day deadline today.
Forty-two opposition deputies,
newsmen and actors had turned
a large part of the parliament
building into a dormitory seek-
ing refuge from what they called
"government gangsters."
"Either the Mossadegh regime
goes or our dead bodies will be
taken out of the Majlis," said
Mhedi Mir Ashrafi, editor of the
newspaper Attach.
Jamal Imami, leader of the op-
position deputies, told a reporter
"we intend to stay on here until
the Mossadegh government falls."
West To Cut
German Debt
By The Associated Press
The Western allies have offered
to cut their claims against West
Germany for post-war financial
aid by more than two billion dol-
lars, the German government said
last night.
The American, British and
French representatives, meeting in
London, have proposed that the
three powers, ask repayment of
$1,600,000,000 o f $3,800,000,000
owed by the Germans.
Meanwhile, in Strasbourg, the
European Consultative Assembly
early yesterday endorsed forma-
tion of a supranational author-
ity to control the projected Eu-
ropean army.
The vote on a roll call ballot
was 60 to 10 in favor of the pro-
Students for Ike'
To HoldMeeting

print, which was driven in from a
laboratory in East Lansing.
Up to 15 minutes before show
time a secondary strip was being
held for emergency use.
* * *
THE FILM'S "creators" paced'
the small box-office space like
caged lions. One of the leads, Dana
Elcar, verbalized the group feeling
with a simple, "I'm scared."
Personal troubles nearly made
Hampton miss his own opening.
After a frantic all-day baby-
sitter search, he was finally able
to hire a domestic helper at
a black market wages.
As for the spectators, anticipa-
tion seemed to ripple through the
long lines of film-goers before the
show, but afterward most of them
came out with mixed feelings.
They were interested, they said,
but bewildered by the mock-heroic
treatment of the famous Kafka
Russian Circle
Holds Colorful
Yule Festival
Jumping the date on the Gre-
gorian calendar, the Russkay
Kruzhok (Russian Circle) held its
annual Christmas celebration last
night at the International Center.
Although Christmas falls on
Jan. 13 in the Russian Church,
the club decided to time the party
to correspond more exactly with
the Augustinian date. Dressed in
typical Russian peasant costumes,
the "Kruzhok" began its festivities
with a round of songs.
INCLUDED IN the program pre-
sented by the men's choir with
balalaika accompaniment w e r e
two contemporary love songs, an
old folk song, and the march-
ing song of the Red Army,
"Meadowlands". The Russian peo-
ple have never sung Christmas
carols, but street sinjng on
Christmas eve is an ancient tra-
"iKorobushka," a dance of flir-
tation executed by three twirling
couples, the Russian version of
the two-step and "Hopok," the
famous "squat kick" dance, were
next featured on the program.
Trained dancers first performed
these numbers, but the forty
club members all joined in a
repetition of the dance.
In keeping with the holiday
spirit, Russian Christmas delica-
cies were served around the samo-
var,;while all conversation was
carried on in Russian.

Reds Agree
To Discuss
Allies Admit
Kaesong Attack
By The Associated Press
The Communists yesterday
yielded to insistent Allied de-
mands for immediate talks on
the exchange of prisoners of
They agreed to open up for
discussion the next-to-last is.
sue on the armistice agenda
before settlement of the cur-
rent problem, policing the
A meeting of a new subcommit-
tee of one delegate from each of
the truce teams was set for 1 p.m
today (9 p.m. last night, Ann Ar-
bor time).
* * *
THE ALLIED delegation had
sought the start of prisoner ex-
change talks, a spokesman said,
solely through a desire to speed up
the talks against the Dec. 27 dead-
A second subcommittee com-
posed of one delegate from each
truce team will carry on the
prisoner talks. It was to meet
for the first time this afternoon.
The agreement on prisoner talks
came only minutes after Allied
and Communist liaison officers
returned from an on-the-spot in-
vestigation of a Communist charge
that an Allied plane had bombed
and strafed the outskirts of neu-
tral Kaesong.
ALLIED investigators said they
were shown three bomb craters
and one large piece of a 100 pound
jellied gasoline fire bomb.
U.S. Air Force Col. Andrew I.
Kinney told correspondents:
"We find there was a twin-en-
gine airplane involved in the at-
tack. An air attack was made.
There was a violation of-the
agreement. The question of the
identity of the airplane has not
been determined."
The security agreement govern-
ing the armistice talks provides
for an attack-free three mile ra-
dius around Kaesong, where the
Communist delegates are housed,
Meanwhile, American sabre jet
fighters patrolling northwest Kor-
ea's "MIG alley" sighted only 10
Communist jet fighters yesterday
but for the second straight day
made no contact with the enemy.
Stormy weather limited Allied
air activity to 427 strikes against
Communist rail and supply points.
On the ground, everything was
Plan Approved
PARIS -(P)- The Big Four
powers were reported last night to
have agreed to form a 12-member
disarmament commission to start
work next year on the conflicting
Russian and western proposals.
This was said to be the only real
result of week-long secret talks
which ended yesterday. The talks
developed from the Western arms
plan which U.S. Secretary of State
Acheson presented to the UN As-

sembly Nov. 19 with the expressed
hope that it would prove a turning
point in world history.
A responsible diplomat who
commented on the work of the
Big Four said the East and West
still were as far apart as ever
on Russian demands for imme-
diate prohibition of the atomic
bomb. The West refused to ac-
cept a ban on the bomb until
adequate controls have been es-
tablished to enforce it.
Luis Padilla Nervo of Mexico,
President of the UN General As-
sembly, announced the end of the
deliberations of the powers, sitting
with him as a sub-committee of
the Assembly's political committee.
"Despite disagreement on mat-
ters of major importance, it is
clear there is agreement on some
matters," he told a news confer-


worid News Roundup

I a I

sisting that domestic

By The Associated Press
Shigeru Hoshida was quoted yesterday as in-
stability is more important than rearming.

Gurgling 'Gargoyle'
To Erupt Tomorrow

WASHINGTON - President Truman reviewed the "world
situation" with top military and diplomatic advisors yesterday
but no policy decisions were made..
.. B *
DETROIT-The Army's big tank-automotive center has paid out
$300,000,000 in overcharges since 1949 by buying through middlemen,
a congressional investigating committee was told yesterday.
1,540 TICKETS:
AA Police Crack Down
On Parking Violators

"Gargoyle has never been buried
in a time capsule," Peg Nimz, '53,
managing editor of the humor
magazine announced to a group
of disinterested listeners at the
Founder's Day Convention of Aus-
tralia Aborigines yesterday.

medium sized herring for em-
phasis, she announced that the
Gargoyle "makes a tasty and
cheap substitute for marinated

"And it's easier to cook,"
added, smiling toothlessly.


An Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment crackdown has resulted in
1,540 parking violation tickets be-
ing issued since October for illegal
parking in the University lots.

were issued and during Novem-
ber 690.
Meanwhile, the death of a hot
rod driver near Lansingtyesterday
brought a plea for stricter traffic



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