RESTAURANT ECONOMICS See Page 4 YI e Ic iiizr 742 k 46F go -- zttty ft Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COLDER VOL. LXIL, No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1951 TWELVE PAGES Montreal Carabins Top Michigan, 5-4 By BOB LANDOWNE Denis Lazure's goal with only two and a half minutes to play gave the University of Montreal Carabins a 5-4 victory over Michigan's hockey team at the Coliseum last night. The winning goal climaxed a hectic third period that began with the Wolverines behind by a 3-2 score. They took a 4-3 lead in quick fashion only to lose the lead at the eight-minute mark and then the game in the waning minutes. * * * * THE GAME was a see-saw battle even from the stars. Michigan had a 2-0 advantage when the first period ended but Montreal scored three times in the middle stanza while the Wolverines were held scoreless. Thus the stage was set for the thrill-packed third period. At 6:53, Paul Pelow, in his first and only appearance on the ice, tied the score at 3-3 with a short center shot that beat Mon- treal goalie Marcel Auger. Pelow was filling in only momentarily for Ron Martinson who was shaken up by cracking into the boards a few second earlier. Before the crowd was settled again, John Matchefts gave the Wolverines the lead when he net- ted the puck out of a wild scram- ble in front of the Montreal cage. This goal came only 28 seconds after Pelow had tied the contest. * * * BUT THE Carabins kept in the game with equal momentum and they reknotted the count only 48 seconds later. Jean Bruneau and Bernard Quensel broke into Michigan ice on a two man attack that con- cluded with Bruneau beating Willard Ikola. Bruneau had re- ceived a pass from Quesnel who had brought the Michigan de- fense out of position. With the game deadlocked each team put on the pressure in con- certed attempts to break the tie. Pat Conney of Michigan was stopped by goalie Auger on a solo drive at about the ten minute mark. AUGER'S SAVE apparently was the cue for the Carabins to take to the attack as they kept posses- sion of the puck in Michigan ter- ritory for the next two minutes, Ikola held them off until the Wol- verines took over the attacking role for an even longer period of time. Matchefts, Cooney and Bob Heathcott had excellent scoring opportunities but Auger man- aged to turn away every shot that came near. As it was, the Montreal goaltender turned a- side 30 shots throughout the game and 15 of these were dur- ing the third period. See MONTREAL, Page 5 Italy Asks U.S. To Revise '47 Peace Treaty WASHINGTON--(P)-Italy yes- terday formally asked the United States to revise the 1947 peace treaty in line with her recognized status as an "active and equal d member of the democratic and freedom-loving family of nations." The Rome Government made the same request simultaneously to Britain, France,hRussia and the { other countries that signed the war-ending pact or associated themselves with it. THE INITIAL SIGNS were that the Western powers will back the Italian move while the Soviet bloc will oppose it. The 600-word Italian note, turned over to the State Depart- ment at noon yesterday, asked specifically for three major changes: 1-Elimination of the war guilt clause in the preamble of the pact. Italy said the spirit of the pre- amble has been replaced by the spirit of the UN Charter. ?.-Elimination of various po- litical clauses calling on Italy to protect human rights, surpress the Fascist Party and assume a democratic way of life. She termed these "superfluous." 3-Removal of restrictions on the strength o her armed forces. Inter-Group Yule CarollngPlanned Residence halls that intend to Draft Calls 55,000 Men In February WASHINGTON-0()-A Febru- ary draft call for 55,000 men-41,- 000 for the Army and 14,000 for the Marines-was issued yester- day by the Defense Department. The latest call for uniformed manpower is 4,650 less than that for January. It will bring the total drafted since Selective Service was reestablished in September, 1950, to 849,330. S* * MEANWHILE, it was announced that the armed services plan in the next few months to send home many reservists called to active duty without their consent. And, in general, they don't now plan to call to active duty without their consent reservists who don't receive pay for attend- ing drills. These non-pay men are members of either the volun- teer or the inactive reserve. The major reason for the re- leases from active duty is legisla- tion passed by Congress this year. * * * THE LEGISLATION said vet- erans who were recalled without their consent from the volunteer or the inactive reserve may not be required to serve more than a lim- ited period of active duty. Officers must not be required to serve more than 17 months, enlisted men 16 months. Many of the enlisted men, however, will be released earlier than the max- Imum time. The legislation defined a vet- eran as one who served a year or more between Pearl Harbor and Sept. 2, 1945. Present plans call for Army, Air Force and Navy officers covered in this legislation to be kept the maximum time. However, only the Navy plans to keep enlisted men the maximum time. The Army plans to release all of its reserve enlisted men covered by the legis- lation by Dec. 20. The Air Force says its enlisted men will be re- leased after 12 months. Hunt Retained By rDemocrats LANSING -P(A) - Despite bitter objections, the Democratic State Central Committee yesterday vot- ed to retain Howard P. Hunt, party financedirector accused of sohicting funds from Democratic post office appointment candi- dates. It will be Hunt's job to raise $200,000 for the 1952 campaign. * * * THE BIGGEST objections to Hunt's retention came from Jacob Waldo of Flint. "Hate people without guts," Waldo shouted. "The last time we met, a lot of people here were for firing Hunt, I am for firing Hunt." Waldo said he had no objection to' Hunt personally but that he felt the state committee couldn't afford to pay him. Hunt was reported receiving $150 a week plus expenses for 40 weeks. In Ann Arbor, however, Neil Staebler, chairman of the State Democratic committee, told The Daily last night that there was "no dispute over the matter in the Committee whatsoever." Messiah' Ducats Limited Grid TV Backed By BigTen Financial Aid Boost Blocked CHICAGO -()- The Western Conference yesterday indicated it would support a controlled colleg- iate television program in 1952 and back court action if its legality is challenged. The views of the conference were expressed in a vote on a ques- tionnaire submitted by the Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Associa- tion which operated a selected television football program this season. THE CONFERENCE voted un- animously "yes" to a question: "do you believe a live television should be controlled in 1952." The vote was 8 to 2 favoring court action by the conference if the legality of such a program is challenged. This years' NCAA program was under fire in many quarters, in- cluding inquiry by the Federal Government's anti-trust division. THE POLICY-MAKING faculty representatives moved towards athletic de-emphasis by rejecting a proposed liberalization of finan- tial aid to athletes and demand- ing tighter standards. The group defeated, in a five to five vote, a recommendation made by athletic directors last spring to ease tuition-earning and work-aid requirements for athletes. Instead, the faculty group nam- ed a committee to study means of toughening aid standards. * * * THE CONFERENCE will con- tinue to operate on a code calling for an entrance standard based uoon being in the upper half of a high school graduating class. Un- earned aid for tuition from a grant-in-aid source requires a "C" average. This applied to all stu- dents, whether or not athletes. All financial aid in the work program will continue to be given on a basis of a dollar paid for a dollar earned. The committee which will ex- plore subsidization, as well as re- cruiting practice, is composed of faculty representatives Ralph Aig- ler of Michigan and Lloyd C. Em- mons of Michigan State, and ath- letic directors Guy Sundt of Wis- consin and Ted Payseur of North- western. They will report at the confer- ence spring meeting. Allies Firm On Bomb Ban' PARIS-()-The United States, Britain and France told UN As- sembly President Luis Padilla Nervo yesterday they are standing firm for effective control of ato- mic energy before agreeing to a ban on the atomic bomb. That reply, couched in diploma- tic but unmistakable phrases, was given in a closed session of the Big Four disarmament sub-committee to a memorandum by Padilla, the chairman, proposing to report that the East and West were in agree- ment of banning atomic bombs now-which is what the Russians want. There was no official announce- ment of the Western reply, but sources familiar with the Big Four talks made it clear the West has not reversed its field and has so told Padilla. Stuck to the Job FLYPAPER GOO-Nearly 3,000 pounds of sticky, gooey flypaper compound flooded the Tanglefoot Flypaper Co. in Grand Rapids, Mich. when a defective valve released the material. Here em- ployees are cleaning up the mess which will take six months to remove completely. Di1saurigreet-ment MayM ar i - r Churchill-Truman Talk1,s* WASHINGTON--(A)-Some sparks of disagreemeza may fly when Prime Minister Churchill sits down with President Truman early next month to talk global issues. Churchill's statements indicate there are sharp differences of opinion between him and the President. For example there is Chur- Galens Drive Hits $5,650 At the end o a two day drive, the Galens collected $5,- 650. Although this is a little short of the $6,000 goal, Jim Grost, '52M, president of Galens, is "very appreciative of all the kind people that gave." Truce Talks Again Reach Stalemate BULLETIN MUNSAN, Korea, Sunday, Dec. 9-(AP)-An Official United Nations spokesman today ac- cused the Reds of holding Al- lied prisoners as hostages. By The Associated Press Allied and Red negotiators re- mained deadlocked yesterday on the issue of policing a Korean armistice, but the hard-bargaining stage seemed near. And on the battle scene, U.S. Sabres outnumbered four to one, clashed with swept-wing Commun- ist jets nearly eight miles above Northwest Korea in one of the highest dogfights in history. The Air Force reported two of the 60 MIG's were damaged, * * * SUBCOMMITTEES returned to Panmunjom for another meetingr today at 11 a.m., (9 p.m., last night, Ann Arbor time). Five hours of warm debate yesterday yielded nothing con- crete on the question of behind- the lines inspections-a debate that ledsinto the separate issues of troop rotation and Allied-held islands off North Korea. Distrust and suspicion marked the talks. However, Allied observers ex- pressed belief that some compro- mise might be hammered out soon. Yesterday's session was the 12th on the armistice inspection ques- tion. More than four months were required to reach provisional agreement on a buffer zone across Korea. If it is to becone effective, all other armistice questions must be settled by Dec. 27-only 18 days hence. Maj. Gen. Howard M. Turner, Senior Allied Subcommitteeman, said much of yesterday's session fwas spent in discussing the sta- tus of the UN-held islands off North Korea. The Reds were told the UN com- mand would not relinquish con- trol of the islands unless proper "adjustments" are made. On the ground, little happened 1 but Allied forces retook some min- or positions from which they had withdrawn Friday night. INegro Vote Threatened In Alabama MONTGOMERY, Ala. -(A-- Champions of white supremacy, fighting to preserve an age-old heritage, are counting on Alabama voters next Tuesday to write rigid new restrictions around the use of the ballot. On the outcome of a special constitutional amendment election will depend to a large degree who can and who can't become voters in future years. ALABAMA HAD had virtually no legal limitations on registra- tion since the anti-Negro Boswell Amendment was knocked out by the U.S. Supreme Court nearly four years ago. To take its place, the legisla- ture submitted the Boswell Amendment substitute which will be ratified or rejected Tues- day along with 23 other suggest- ed changes in the constitution. The voter qualification amend- ment would empower county reg- istrars to determine the fitness of those seeking to get their names on the poll lists. Prospective voters would have to answer a questionnaire pre- pared by the State Supreme Court, and at the same timersign an anti-Communist oath. The Boswell approach required new voters to be able to "under- stand and explain" the federal Constitution. It was outlawed by the Supreme Court on the grounds it could allow registrars to dis- criminate against Negroes. Wrong Injection KillsPatient Here No Blame Set in 'IT' Hospital Death; Po:e Not Informed by Coroner By BARNES CONNABLE A fatal dose of adrenalin, administered by* accident, brought death to a 19-year-old University Hospital patient Oct. 30, it became known yesterday. In revealing the death, Chief Assistant Prosecutor Edmond F. DeVine said the lethal injection was "a tragic mistake but there is no evidence of criminal negligence." * * * * THE VICTIM WAS Ernest A. Leskela of Bruces Crossing, Upper Peninsula, who was being treated for a cleft palate. He died between two and three hours after he mistakenly was given a shot of adrenalin >instead of novocaine before sched- uled surgery on a facial deform- >chill's proposal for a Big Four meeting, which would include Pre- mier Stalin and Mr. Truman, to try to iron things out with the Russians. CHURCHILL is likely to get a rebuff on that one. There has been no indication of any change in the President's opposition to negotia- tions direct with Stalin. !One widely held view here is that at best Churchill is due for a disappointment in Washing- ton. It is believed he is coming to try to renew the kind of close British - American relationship that existed in the World War II period. The big difference now is that although the same Churchill is once more in power in a time of crisis, President Truman relies on his experts and does not use the personal exercise of his power in a manner coxpparable with that of President Roosevelt. All Churchill has said about his approach to the talks so far is that he does not expect to raise the question of American financia aid to Britain and doesn't plan to talk from an agenda. GAMBLER - Larry Knohl of New York wags a finger as he testifies before a House subcom- mittee of tax probers that he made as much as $25,000 from gambling last year. Yesterday, the committee continued its in- vestigation of the sensational $500,000 tax "shakedown" story. British .Raze Empty Arab community CAIRO -(P)- Tough British troops, backed by five big Centur- ion tanks, bulldozed through Arab villages at Suez yesterday for a new road and bridge despite Egyp- tian orders to police to resist by force. Fully expecting a battle, para- chute troops backed up army en- gineers assigned to knock down the village of mud huts. But they found the place deserted, the Brit- ish said. Interior Minister Fuad Serag El Din issued a communique soon after 1 p.m. saying Egyp- tian police had "advanced to execute Egyptian government orders to stop by force" the dem- olition. But a British spokesman in Cai- ro said there had been no contact between British troops and Egyp- tian police up to 5:30.-p.m., when work stopped for the night. 'Metamorphosis' Opens Tomorrow Ann Arbor movie-goers will wit- ness the world premiere of "Meta- morphosis," a psychological thril- ler produced entirely by local tal- ent, at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. An investigation into the inci- dent was launched by DeVine a month ago after a tip from newspapermen. Neither hospital authorities nor Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn, who was summon- ed to view the body, reported the fatality to police. Hospital Director Albert C. Ker- ikowske said last night he "left Jr, p to the coroner whether or not to inform police." Law requires the hospital to inform the coroner of uch deaths and it is up to the lisgression of the latter whether it is necessary to call in law en- rorcement officials. * * * "I AM UNHAPPY that public knowledge of this extremely un- fortunate incident may undermine the confidence of Hospital pa- tients." Dr. Kerlikowke said. How- ever, he added that "if we had sus- pected any criminal negligence we most certainly would have inform- ed the proper authorities." Dr. Ganzhorn said police and prosecution agencies were not informed because the death did- not impress him as something criminal. He left it up to the Hospital whether to perform an autopsy, but Leskela's parents then refused to grant permission. Dr. tanzhorn felt that "an au- topsy would have revealed nothing inasmuch as the dose of adrena- in wouldn't have shown." * * * THE YOUTH'S death certifi- cate, filed with the County Clerk's office seven days after the fatal error, bore the signatures of Dr. Ganzhorn, Dr. Kerlikowske and Richard C. Gates, an official of the funeral home which made ar- rangements for the burial. Dr. Ganzhorn said last night he had not signed the document but authorized the Hospital to put his name on it "because I knew the contents of the report." Dr. Kerlikowske said he signed Dr. Ganzhorn's name. Contacted in Lansing, State Health Commissioner Albert Heu- stis said he could not say im- mediately whether such a process was proper. INDICATING THERE were no grounds for criminal prosecution of the Hospital, DeVine said he "had no knowledge of whether the parents will attempt to sue." Dr. Heustis said he didn't think the Hospital couldhbe sued without its consent. The doctor who injected the ad- renalin into the young out-patient thought the syringe contained no- vocaine, the prescribed anesthetic, according to DeVine. Large doses of adrenalin, a heart stimulant, are fatal, doctors reported. Previous to the injection, a woman assistant to the anesthe- tist mistakenly filled the hypo- dermic needle with cocaine which was colored blue for iden- tification. Noting the error, the anesthetist emptied the needle. A second syringe was filled with adrenalin which the anesthetist thought was novocaine. Both fluids are colorless. The vessel of adrena- lin was mistakenly left on the an- esthesia tray. Dr. Kerlikowske said the assis- tant who prepared the tray has been removed from her former duties. He reported that since the accident a new system has been initiated to identify anesthetic drugs and their preparation has been placed under direct supervis- ion of the doctor performing the operation. ord News Roundup By The Associated Press KEY WEST-Assistant Secretary of State George C. McGhee, a young Texan who reputedly made a fortune in oil, was named by President Truman yesterday as the next ambassador to Turkey. KEY WEST-President Truman decided yesterday to fly back to Washington today for an important meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and State Department officials tomorrow. MANILA-Government officials yesterday discussed the complete evacuation of ravaged Camiguin Island's 45,000 residents as a new flow of lava from unruly Hibok Hibok snaked down the volcano sides toward the southwest coast, *' * * * WASHINGTON-The State Department said yesterday that 55 Americans in Communist China are reported under some form of arrest, including 32 in prison. THIRD ANNIVERSARY: UN Names Tomorrow YULE BOOM: Holiday Shoppers Rush BusyToy Departments - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Human Rights' Day By The Associated Press By ALICE BOGDONOFF Celebrating the adoption of the [nternational Declaration of Hu- man Rights, Dec. 10, 1948, the United Nations has declared to- morrow "Human Rights Day." Headed by Mrs. Franklin Roose- velt, the Human Rights Commis- sion, of the UN General Assembly, drew up the declaration in recog- nition of "the inherent dignity found in the United States Con- stitution. Following the pattern of these previous declarations, the UN do- cument declares in Article I that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are endowed with reason and conscience."j The remaining 29 articles list the rights of mans uch as the The boom is on. At Christmas time, sells. Articles displayedE gifts in June become gifts in December. BUT ITS THE TOY department that really everything' as wedding Christmas and sports flourish. story with fishing equipment; the gadgets are going fast but the rods are moving slower. However, stores putting out Christmas catalogues report a sub- stantial boost that may be attrib- uted to mail order shopping. IN FACT the Christmas rush has been so prosperous that big Mon- treal department stores yesterday A survey reveals that ice skates are especially popular this year; but toy soldiers aren't selling as ..r .,_ _., nf