E TWo THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. r Campaign Expenses. BSCURED BY THE charges and coun- tercharges in the investigation of the 1950 Ohio Senatorial election is the one purpose of the inquiry that is likely to yield positive results. This is an exploration of the need for changes in the present Federal Corrupt Practices Act. This law, aimed to prevent illegal cam- paigning, is specific on the point of ex- penditures. A candidate for the Senate may spend no more than $25,000 on his campaign; a candidate for the House no more than $5,000. Contributions are al- so limited. Individuals may contribute a maximum of $5,000, each, and business firms and labor unions are not supposed to contribute at all. The failure of the law, however, is that it does not limit excessive spending by so- called independent or citizens' groups not officially connected with a candidate but actually supporting one. Union members contribute "voluntarily" to "political action" committees which are technically divorced from the parent union. Business men make contributions in their own name instead of the name of the firm; and minor executives with small salaries contribute the limit to political war chests. These independent groups finance po- litical campaigns for two primary reasons. First, the age-old practice of purchasing political influence and favors with cam- paign fund contributions. Second, the maximum expenditure the law allows candidates is quite inadequate in the face of the present high costs of broadcasting, television, printing and mailing. The po- litician, caught between the need for large expenditures and the specific require- ments of the law is in a poor position to refuse financial aid. The uncontrolled groups offer political interests and can- didates a legal way to avoid the pur- poses of the law and yet run expensive campaignst This indirect buying of elections must be stopped immediately if the American peo- ple are to have a Congress with any sense of ethics. Most ways of reforming this system would work in name only. It would not be feasible to limit political spending to the candidate. The suggestion by Eugene Debs that the government pay all the campaign expenses would not work. That idea is too radical a change' from our present system to be ac- cepted by either Congress or the people. The one possibility lies in a drastic re- vision of the present law. The maximum amount of money that could be spent by or on behalf of a candidate should be determined by special committees of both houses. Factors that definitely should be considered are the state or district popu- lation and the national average of all campaign expenditures. The candidate should be made responsible for any vio- lations of this limit. Large fines and ex- pulsion from Congress would deter pos- sible violators. Only by a realistic and immediate revision of the law can we stop the trend toward corrupt government before it ends in na- tional disaster. --John Somers T he' losed Door ON THE CRYPTIC grounds of "security" the State Department has refused a visa for the second time to Dr. Ernest Chain, the Nobel prize-winning biochemist. Dr. Chain agreed last spring to under- take a five-week mission for the World Health Organization in the United States, Britain, and the Netherlands to study antibiotics installations. In April he was refused entrance to the United States by the State, Department, which offered no reasons.% Baffled by the refusal, the World Health Organization filed a formal request with the State Department. When the r'equest drag- ged on from spring to summer the Health Organization was compelled to appoint someone else for the job. Last week the German born scientist was again refused a visa to come here to speak at a fund raising campaign on be- half of Israel's, Weizmann Institute' of Science. This was the first time that the State Department's refusal to grant him entry was made public,. The reason given was "security." No one knows yet what the State Depart. ment specifically had in mind when it spoke of "security." Dr. Chain ventured that per- haps he was refused entrance because of a mission he made to Czechoslovakia to re- store a penicillin plant. If this were true, the situation would be even more ludicrous. Dr. Chain and Myer Weizmann, chairman of the Weizmann Institute, also protested that the scientist has "no interest in poli- tics and no political affiliations. It should not be necessary, however, for a scientist, or anybody, to plead not guilty of an active concern with politics. Dr. Chain pointed out that he is not the first scientist to be refused admittance to this country. Yet no one has protested longly or loudly enough against the veiled secrecy of the State Department and oth- er government organizations. The refusal to grant visas for reasons of "security" is depriving this country of many valuable contributions from the outside world. And unless the State Department gives detailed, justifiable reasons for the visa re- fusal, this must be added to the long list of arbitrary governmental actions. -Alice Bogdonoff De-emphasis Proposals SOME ADVERSE comment is in order on Professor Keniston's proposals designed to return athletics to its "proper place on the campus:" Professor Keniston's reforms ask that final authority on athletic policies reside with the faculty.A sensible idea, but out- dated, since the board that makes athletic policy is mainly a faculty body. The 14-member Board in Control of In- tercollegiate Athletics is comprised of eight members of the University faculty Senate -a majority-so that, if the faculty must have its say, the professors can effect changes in policy through their representa- tives on the Board. Prof. Keniston might also have considered that the University concerns more than the faculty. Students and alumni should have their part in formulating policy, but the de- emphasis proposal makes no provision for them. Also proposed is that the authority to determine academic eligibility of athletes be vested in the Office of Student Af- fairs. Under the present system, eligibility cases for non-athletes are handled by either one of two people, the Dean of Men, or the Dean of Women. A subsidiary of the Board in Control, the athletic eligibility committee, deals with athletes. This committee is comprised of the eight faculty Senate members of the Board in Control, the University Registrar,'and the Athletic Director, but the Athletic Director has no vote. Both controlling bodies are charged to en- force the same standards-"C" average, ex- cept in certain cases where a student de- ficient in honor points may petition for a retention of eligibility. A decision by the authorities is necessary in the latter case. It seems more fair and democratic to have eligibility rulings from the delibera- tions of nine individuals, all members of the University Senate, as in athletic eli- gibility cases, instead of decisions by one person, the Dean, as is the practice with cases of eligibility for the Glee Club, class offices, the Band, etc. Regarding eligibility of freshmen for var- sity sports, Prof. Keniston says: "All right- minded people believe that freshman parti- cipation is undesirable, because of their dif- ficulty in establishing themselves the first year.,, No one realizes it more than athletic pf- ficials and coaches. Many coaches through- out the nation have expressed their dis- satisfaction at the freshman rule. However, the rule is not an outgrowth of over-emphasis. It was instituted last spring to make available more players in the face of a manpower shortage due to the draft, just as freshmen were made eligible during World War II. When the war ended in 1945, freshman eligibility came to an end within a few months. Prof. Keniston is unfair in attacking a rule which allows competition for freshman athletes without finding fault with an iden- tical University regulation that permits freshmen to participate in any extra-cur- ricular activity. Finally, Prof. Keniston says, "theUni- versity can serve as a model and lead the way to make sports a typical college func- tion again. The other institutions will fol- low." It might be pointed out that Robert M. Hutchins, at the time Chancellor of the University of Chicago, issued a similar appeal when Chicago de-emphasized ath- letics some fifteen years ago. He requested schools like Michigan, Harvard and Yale to follow Chicago in de-emphasizing sports. Michigan answered sopewhat rudely in 1939 by whipping a Maroon football team, 85-0. Chicago never played another football game with Michigan. Harvard and Yale duplicated the Wol- verine drubbings. Chicago subsequently withdrew from the Big Ten, and dropped intercollegiate foot- ball and some other major sports. It could happen here. -Ed Whipple ." , 6 " " , ' ,._ tJr ' t.MW'ft tE * _ 4 , /etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not In good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from. publication at the discretion of the editors. I Internal Revenue Collection - . f "'" t < Movie Audiences.. . To the Editor: THE, DAILY reviewer called the movie a poem; a prologue on the film, written after the film was made and its producer dead, cited its tenderness and emotional force. Yet throughout the showing of L'- Atalante Friday night great poc- kets of students laughed and laughed and laughed. They laughed when the picture was fun- ny; they laughed when it was sad; they laughed when it was touch- ing; they laughed when it was ro- mantic; they even laughed when it was just narrative. It all reminded me of an inci- dent at the Orpheum last year during the last scene of Chaplin's City Lights. In a moment that Life (as the most popular maga- zine in the country one that can hardly be accused of esthetic dilet- tantism) described as the most touching in the history of the mo- vie, throngs of great big univer- sity "adults" almost killed them- selves in paroxysms of laughter. Because they don't know what to do when they meet something strange, and they have no notion of how to handle a genuine emo- tion when they're with a couple of friends who might be watching them, the laugh, just laugh and laugh. They should be pitied, but they're just too obnoxious. Why doesn't some humanitarian or- ganize a pep rally or a marble game for them, so they won't spoil everyone else's weekend. -Louis Reichart * * * YD-YR Debate ... To the Editor: i " ..... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an Union Travel Service. Drivers and official publication of the University riders for Christmas vacation going to of Michigan for which the Michigan any point may register with the Union Daily assumes no editorial responsi- Travel Service in the Union lobbyor bility. Publication in it is construc- old entrance of the East Quad or call tive notice to all members of the the Student Offices any weekday be- University. Notices should be sent tween 4 and 6. in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before A 3 p.m. the day preceding publication mic (11 a.m. on Saturday). Doctoral examination for Frank Edgal SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1951 Driggers, Physics; title: "Burst Produc- VOL. LXIV, NO. 64 tion in Material of Z equal 11 by Cosmi Rays at Sea Level," Mon., Dec. 10, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m Notices Chairman, W. E. Hazen. Caroling Parties. Women may obtain Doctoral examination f o r I-Mini late permission for post-caroling parties Feng, Mechanical Engineering; thesis only on Wednesday, December 19, and "An Analysis of the Effect of Variou Thursday, December 20. The permission Factors on Metal Transfer and Wear' will be campus-wide and the closing Sat., Dec. 8, West Council Room, Rack hour will be 11:30. ham Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, R. C -ntr DRAMA the other hand the petition urges every measure according to the YPs, then it is singularly without purpose because the President does not know what these meas- ures may be. Thus one is forced to the con- t clusion that either the YPs arev employing tactics which they de-c plore when used by their avowed opponents on the extreme right or that they are merely a group of1 enthusiastic young boys who aret not quite sure what they are doingc except trying to be liberal.7 I would urge that the petitions not be sent at all or that it bet changed so that it contains one orc more specific requests.t , -Charles Sleicher f . * Human Liberties ... l To the Editor: THE MOST amazing thing tot come out of Wednesday night's YD-YR "debate" was the fact thatl the four speakers proceeded to toss about speculations as to the number of divisions each ,non- Communist nation could providea against Russia and the number of1 American dollars necessary to equip these divisions, with utter disregard for the fact that foreign policy is not a matter of numbers and digits on paper, but a matter, first and foremost, of human rela- tions. Within ten minutes one speaker declared that the purpose of our foreign policy was to preserve American liberties, and the other condemned the selfish aspirations of nationalist governments in the Middle and Far East . . . which aspirations are not helping us to contain Russia, and therefore pre- serve American liberties. (The na- tions of the world were neatly catagorized as: for us and there- fore against the Russians; or agin us and therefore pro-Russian.) There was no room, in the minds of these Americans, for the na- tional aspirations of long op- pressed peoples. There was no room for a neutral India .-- Thus it seems that the same principles which these gentlemen, undisputed, considered undeniable to the American people, they would completely deny to other nations ... viz: the rights of self-determi- nation, and independent thought and action. If the desire for freedom from foreign control .is selfish, if the national aspirations of India, Iran, Irag, Egypt, Burma, Indonesia, and a dozen other nations of the East are selfish, then what is the "pre- serve American liberties" concept? That is the position of the Amer- can foreign policy-makers which u ays to other countries. "If you s lon't agree to pit your military t orces against the Russians (Com- i nunists), (with our guns natur- B ily), then we won't give you eco- iomic aid?" Preserve American liberties? :'here are no such things. There re only human liberties, and no I roup can preserve these liberties v or itself at the expense of other v uman beings. Until a few more rrogant "American" logicians re- 7 dlize this fact, we'll never win the a )eoples of the East as our friends, L io matter what price we offer them. And we're desperately go- ing to need these friends .. . -Audrey Smedley * * China Policy . To the Editor: CONCERNING Mr. Greenbaum'sr editorial, "On a Policy for C hin a," I wonder from what source he has gotten "the report that many Nationalist troops would immediately. change sides once they hit the mainland?" If "their fervor for the Gimo is not as intense as we are led to be- lieve," why are the Nationalist troops in the China-Burma bor- der still fighting against the Reds? If they were going to change sides, they would have done it three years ago when they were on the mainland. On the con- trary, the Chinese people are eag- er for the return of Nationalist rule. It is a fact that millions of Chinese in Hongkong, the Philip- pines, Malaya, and other parts of the world celebrated October 10, rather than October 1, as the na- tional holiday. Since 1927 the Kuomintang has been aware that the Communist strategy is to gain control of the government by first joining the United Front and then to seize the power at a propitious moment as they have done in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and many other European countries following the war. It was because of the United Front that the Chinese Communists sur- vived and were able to expand their forces when the Nationalist troops were resisting the Japanese. The failure of the Marshall Mis- sion was inevitable due to the fact that the Communists intended to control the government of the Re- public of China. In this respect, I sincerely believe that if the sug- gestions of the Wedemeyer Report to the President in 1948 had been followed, China would have been saved. It is absurd to say that the Kuo- mintang "were willing to sacri- fice the well-being of both the Chinese and the Allied cause in pursuing the Anti-Red- policy."' In order to stop the ;spread of Communism in the Far East and to liberate the Chinese from slav- ery and starvation, the U.S. Gov- ernment should equip and train the Nationalist troops who are the best allies of the United States in the Far East so that they can re- turn to the mainland as soon as possible. If the Nationalists can return to the mainland in the near future, the Russians might only give aid in material to Mao Tse-tung instead of joining the fight. Isn't it conceivable that Russia is not prepared at this time to wage a full scale war in Asia? --John Breitmeyer -q YES IS FOR A VERY YOUNG MAN, by Gertrude Stein, at the Arts Theater Club. PERHAPS the last place we would expect to find Miss Stein would be on the stage-round or square. We knew vaguely that she had written plays, but we did not DREW PEARSON : Wacshin gton Merry Go-Round -DEBATE OVER McGRATH- PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S advisers are split down the seam on a bold move to oust Attorney General Howard McGrath and name crusading Sen. Estes Kefauver to clean up the Justice Department. This proposal was pushed backstage by Averell Harriman, who has been on speak- ing trips out of Washington and knows how deeply the corruption issue is hurt- ing; also by usually cautious White House Counsel Charlie Murphy, and younger staff members. Their argument with the President is: "the investigations are not going to stop with Internal Revenue and RFC, but will go into Alien Property Custodian, Surplus Property, and possibly the Federal Judiciary right up to the Supreme Court. The Ameri- can people won't be satisfied unless the ad- ministration cleans house boldly and dra- matically. .A sure-fire way to regain public confidence is to name Senator Kefauver as Attorney General, giving him complete au- thority to prosecute, no matter who is hurt." Mr. Truman seems to like the idea and has been saying privately: "I've always been loyal to my friends. But they haven't been fair to me." On the other side, a powerful White House force, Matt Connelly, who sits next to the President and makes all his appoint- ments, is more than cool. Connelly vigbr- ously defends his fellow Irishman in the Justice Department and has been digging up political friends of Mr. Truman to talk know that they were produced. We did not know why. In her time, Miss Stein did a good bit of talking, and when she could, she did a good bit of talking-writing. When some one of the very young men at the Arts Theater Club chose one piece of hers, YES IS FOR A VERY YOUNG MAN, for production, he did two things: He gave many of us a chance to recall a few of her dumbly beautiful words, and he gave an Arts Theater cast a chance to talk a Stein play in a way that I would like to call thoroughly good. Or in a way that Miss Stein might call immensely thoroughly good. It would not, be presumptous to say that she, Stein, is the heroine of YES IS FOR A VERY YOUNG MAN. And that much of the fineness of the thing is in its fabric. But it cannot be left at that. There are eight men and women-two of whom were making another debut in another art form, the Metamorphosis film, on the same night- and something named France. All of them came through, and well. It would be hard, I think, to single out any member of the cast for his perform- ance. The recurrent "I do not under- stand" of the American woman who choses to stay in France (as Stein did) during the war applies to Dana Elcar as a mem- ber of the resistance movement, to Don Douglas as a member of the same thing in a different way, and to Paulle Karell as a mother of a baby in whose face was the whole dilemma of France. It applies to two French maids (fine ones: Bette Ellis and Robin Good) who do not know why things are the way they are, when once they were somehow different and better. In seeking a meaning to the chaos of war (the setting is occupied Paris of the early 40's), they stumble over each other's private hearts. In stumbling, Elcar is good. Douglas is good. Miss Lowndes is good. And Miss Karell is good. There is nothing wrong with A VERY YOUNG MAN that wasn't wrong with its time or its place. It is excitingly simple, Architecture A uditoriumn THE SOUTHERNER with Zachary Scott, Betty Field and J. Carrol Naish THIS IS A very rugged picture to sit through. It is the story of a migrant worker's attempt to get a foothold on a piece of land by becoming a sharecropper. That bleak goal is mildly illustrative of the grim milieu this forthright movie frames with an honesty we sometimes forget IEolly- wood is capable of. Zachary Scott portrays (with a feeling and competence his is never likely to equal) the ambitious, poor southerner, who struggles against nature, circum- stance and ignorance with little more than his hands and fortitude. He is sup- ported superbly by all hands, but especi- ally Betty Field and J. Carrol Naish-who fills a role you would imagine far beyond him. The picture starts with disaster and stays keyed to that note almost throughout. One is made to feel the southerner's love for the land, but while admiring his guts, and his EVIDENTLY THE Young Pro- gressives' recent petition has met with some success, and it would be well for its signers to consider some of its implications. The petition was to President Tru- man, and urged him to take every measure to promote an immediate cease-fire in Korea. This wording implies, as one of the circulators affirmed, that the President (and the U.N. leaders?) are not already taking "every measure" to pro- mote a cease-fire. But on whose opinion is "every measure" to be based? If it is the opinion of the Presi- dent, then in-effect the petition accuses the President of deliberate failure to promote a cease-fire. In this case the YPs stoop to em- ploying a facet of "McCarthyism," i.e., imputing ulterior motives to those whose opinion differs. If on Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott.........Managing Editor Bob Keith................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director Vern Emerson........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ......... .Associate Editor Ron Watts . ...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn .........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ........... Women'4 Editor Jo Ketelbut. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller .........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Stu Ward.........,Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier. $6.00;, by mail, $7.00. y I. _E ~_ ,. BARNABY Hurry up, Professor. No telling what's happened. With the place unguarded- Aren't your two-legged domesticated creatures useful as watch people? -0 '.' io ,n Unreliable. They let all manner of undesirables walk into my house. Time and again-Look! Right nowt- You returned home in the nik of time, Mr.Baxter- .: a3~m~C aoumo4 k. 4 I- I 11 He tries to get into my nit av.n .arv clay gut t When he saw you on he iob he nre*4nded Of course not. But may t see what it i is F--Ii t tI 11 If I I