I Yi e Sir1 nan Daiti CAMPAIGN EXPENSES See Page 2 CLOUDY AND COLDER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1951 FOUR PAGES Korea Truce Negotiations MoveSlowly Weather Stalls Air, Ground Wai By The Associated Pess Korean truce negotiations inch ed along yesterday with some pro gress-but not much-on a com promise proposal for policing a: armistice while snow and rain o: the battlefront reduced ground ac tion and halted the record l-da series of jet air battles. Allied and Red subcommitte delegates met in Panmunjom a 11 a.m. today (9 p.m. last nigh Ann Arbor time) in an effort t iron out differences on two point IN THE MAZE of words atten dent to the talks, these point were in dispute: 1) Whether both sides should designate an equal number of representatives on an armistice S'. commission, and 2) how to limit troops during an armistice. Although the delegations stil sharply disagreed, observers at thi Allied camp believed the day wa approaching when the talks woul move swiftly. It appeared, tha they. might reach a compromis solution on the supervision prob lem in the next week or sooner. Once that is disposed of, th next question is exchange of pri soners. Once again the Reds rebuffe an Allied suggestion that a sub committee start work on the pri soner item at once. * * * AT YESTERDAY'S talks, the opposing subcommittees reached general agreement on these three points: 1. All armed forces to stop shooting and bombing within 24 hours after an armistice becomes effective; 2. Troops to withdraw from the demilitarized zone within 72 hours after an armistice; and 3. Troops--except military p- lice-to stay out of the demili- tarized zone. A committee of staff officers completed work yesterday on map- ping exact boundaries of the pro- visional demilitarized zone across Korea. It was an 11-day job. ON THE warfront it was one of the quietest days since the Reds invaded South Korea June 35, 1950. Even the U.S. Fifth Air Force, whose planes range into North Korea rain or shine, reported only 103 sorties yesterday. Since Nov. ?. 26, when the series of jet dogfights began, the Fifth has flown an av- erage of 700 sorties daily. 'Yesterday's scanty missions were flown against rail targets on the east coast near Wonsan. The Air Force reported tracks were cut in 18 places. No Street Football, EQ Men Warned East Quad residents who play football in the street may find Stheir game a little expensive, Ann Arbo police warned yesterday. There is a city ordinance against playing either football or baseball in city streets that can carry as much as a $50 fine or 30 days in jail as a penalty. No arrests have been made yet, police report, but complaints on football playing are increasing and could lead to fines unless the Quad men cooperate and stop using the streets as playfields. Unusual Weather Heads Southward } Ann Arbor felt another last gasp of summer yesterday with a tem- perature o; 62 degrees that equalled the previous high set in December 1949. In Detroit, the same reading broke a 59 year record Jor the same. date by four degrees. Howeved, all good things must come to an end-the weatherman predicts rain and colder today. -f. FLOWER BOWL: Ban on Varsity SportsAdvised By CAL SAMRA Once an All-American swimmer, now an author and Professor of English, Allan Seager suggested yesterday that the University ban varsity sports outright and "grow flowers in the stadium." Prof. Seager, who was dubbed All=American two consecutive years for his swimming feats on the 1928-29 Wolverine squad, said: "If the University is assumed to be a place concerned with the improvement of the mind, then I can see no reason at all for varsity athletics." *: * * * THE BARITONED short story writer lashed out at "proselyting, semi-professionalism, and coaches who bring athletes to college solely to play and nothing else." Calling it a "phoney deal," he added: "If the University brought athletes here primarily to educate them, all right. But * * *> that's not the case." "U' Athletics Defendood by Grid Team' The entire varsity football team voiced strong support of the Uni- versity's athletic set-up and Wol- verine coaches at their annual "bust"'Thursday night in Detroit. Before the Detroit Alumni Club, Captain Bill Putich read a state- e BIG TEN ENDS FRESHMAN e ELIGIBILITY, see Page 3 ment signed by all members of the d 1951 team: "In view of the current charges that have been thrown at football which cast a doubt upon the relative value of parti- cipation in the game, not only our own University, the mem- bers of the 1951 football squad feel that they must come to the defense of football as it is played at the University. "We wish to emphasize that we participate in the sport solely because we enjoy it, and not be- cause of any superficial gain we may reap. Above this, we feel that we benefit in terms of char- acter development, poise, and self-reliance through an inti- mate contact with each other. with our fine coaches, and with the intrinsic values of the game itself. "Of course, there are com- plaints and grumbling by the players themselves, b u t this seems to have become an in- alienable right of all athletes. Football is rough and it is time consuming, but not more so than any oher extra-curricular activity. "Proof of this is the fact that the grade level of the 1950 Rose Bowl Squad was higher than the over-all averae of the male student in the University. "But this is only natural for we are representative of the student body, not employes of the athletic plant. We spend our afternoons on the practice field with the knowledge that time spent this way is not an excuse for unprepared lessons. "Also, we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and reveal our sincere confidence in the University's coachingastaff, not only for coaching ability but for ability to bring the men close to them. In this way they have made each Saturday time for fun and withut the extreme pressure that is said to exist at other schools. Again some of us (may have griped or complained, but all of us agree that we would rather play under these men than un- der any other coaching staff in the country. "Despite the number of scan- dals that have been revealed, they have affected only a small part of the game. The evils are not inherent in the sport itself. The game is still noble and fine, and still able to fulfill a service to the young men of our coun- try. " "So, the 1951 squad expresses its confidence in the athletic system at the University and hopes that it can be continued so that future generations may benefit from its fine training as we have." AT- QflAT THTI' ?1iaa~in . He charged that many athletes come to the University only to play, and forget their academic obligations. "If we completely eliminated varsity sports," the 'M' Club mem- ber explained, "then there would be no incentive for bringing a stu- dent to college just to play games." Otherwise, he grinned, "If we're going to maintain the present set-up, let's go all out and really be professional. Let's not sneak around the bush; let's pay our athletes outright, and if they don't deliver-get rid "of them!" Prof. Seager, however, insisted that he was -not against sports. "Intramural athletics are fine." * * * THE AUTHOR-professor, who played both basketball and foot- ball at',his high school in Memphis, Tenn., was an oustanding mem- ber of the Michigan swimming team in 1927, '28, and '29. In 1931, when he went to Ox- ford University to resume his studies, he was honored as "Var- sity Swimming Champion of England." He also rowed for the English university. Since 1935, Prof. Seager has been teaching English at the University. Seager, who dislikes being called "professor," has written Old Man of the Mountain, a book of short stories, , and has authored two novels, Equinox and The Inheri- tance. "Matt" Mann, swimming men- tor who tutored Prof. Seager, was out of town and unavailable for comment. Meanwhile, in New York Gen. Douglas MacArthur was also con- cerned about the college football situation-but in a different way. MacArthur said he feared the college gridiron game might "fall within the clutches of rapidly ex- panding federal controls." Ga lens Drive At Mid-Point Students and Ann Arborites dug deep in their pockets today anC ' put $3,300 into the buckets of the' Galens Christmas Drive. Over one-half of the $6,000 goal set by the medical honorary and service society, the funds collected amounted to several hundred dol- lars more than was collected on the first day of last year's drive. Money collected in the annual two-day drive is 'used by Galens to finance the Christmas Party, Galens Shop and the "All Year Christmas" fund for the young- sters confined to niversity Hospi- tal. The 24 Galens will be at the3 same spots on campus and in the downtown area again today. Reds Purge 'Titoists' in CzechParty Former Foreign Minister Linked VIENNA, Austria-(P)-A purge of the Czechoslovak Communist Party from top to bottom was an- nounced from Prague yesterday in a Russian-language radio broad- cast. The housecleaning has the avowed purpose of removing any chance that Titoism might spring up in Czechoslovakia to overthrow the Moscow-dominated govern- ment and replace it with indepen- dent, or national Communism. The new purge is linked with former Foreign Minister Vlado Clementis, jailed a year ago for alleged Titoist plotting, and Rudolf Slansky, former Party General Secretary, jailed two weeks ago. Thedecision for a sweeping "re- organization reaching from the lower ranks up to the highest level of the party" was taken day be- fore yesterday by the Party Cen- tral Committee, the radio said. It was mapped out by President Klement Gottwald in a report as Party Chairman. GOTTWALD said 22 of the 97 members of the committee had made self-critical speeches at the meeting-a common prelude to ar- rest. Slasky was arrested while try- ing to flee to the West with "the aid of agents of the Western im- perialists," Gottwald said. A woman member, Mrs. Jar- mila Taussigova, was caught up in the purge and accused of being a Slansky accomplice. She was ex- pelled from the Party and board membership and excluded from all Party functions. President Gottwald said Slansky was arrested just as he was trying to escape from Czechoslovakia with aid of foreign agents. Several members of the Central Committee at Prague pleaded guilty to charges of having toler- ated subversive activities of Slan- sky, the radio reported. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A Senate "watchdog" committee, headed by Sen. Lynden B. Johnson (D- Texas), yesterday hit at wide- spread waste of money, supplies and manpower at six U.S. Air Force bases and declared sharply "the days of luxury are over." CHICAGO-Gen. Hoyt S. Van- denberg, Air force Chief of Staff, said yesterday in an address be- fore the Executives' Club that the MIG-15 has appeared in great enough numbers in Korea "to con- vince even the most skeptical that Soviet Russia had solved many of the problems connected with the production of jet aircraft." LISBON, Portugal - A B-29 Sp e r f o r t Bomber with 16 men aboard crashed Thursday night five miles off the island of Sao Jorge in the Azores, re- ports from Lagens Air Base said last night. * *>* VERMLLION, S.D.-The Dean of the University of South Dakota Medical School, scene of two "hu- man guinea pig" deaths last Aug- ust, has been committed to a Fed- eral hospital as an "habitual user of narcotics." * # --Daily-Jeff Pemberton ALMOST ANOTHER-Michigan forward Doug Mullen waits anxiously in front of the Montreal nets to receive the puck from behind the goal, as Montreal's Claude Hotte fals to the ice in sup- port of goaltender Marcel Auger. The Wolverines won, 9-2. Michigan Puckster Scor( 9-2 Victory over Montrea * * s * . + UN Assembly Opposes Red China Membership PARIS - (P)- The United Na- tions General Assembly reaffirmed yesterday its opposition to UN membership for Red China and then voted for the fourth time in favor of admitting Italy as a full partner. Fifty-four members of the 60- nation organization backed Italy's bid, but a Soviet veto in the Se- curity Council is expected again Belgians Quit Marshall Plan BRUSSELS, Belgium - (J) - Competent Belgian and American officials here said last night Bel- gium is renouncing further direct aid under the Marshall Plan. Since 1948, Belgium has receiv- ed $32,375,000 in direct grants and an overall total of $615,138,000, the Economic Cooperation Ad- ministration (ECA) here said. Meanwhile, the Belgian Gov- ernment ,is reported to be prepar- ing a plan for expenditure of counterpart funds to be submitted to ECA authorities for approval. Counterpart funds are made up of Belgian franc deposits equiva- lent to the direct grant dollars obtained. They must be used ,for purposes approved by ECA. Metamorphosis "Metamorphosis," the movie about a man who turns into a five-foot cockroach, completely produced on campus, has its world premier in Hill Auditorium Wednesday and Thursday. 'Messiah' Only a limited number of seats are left for today's per- formance of "Messiah," and to- morrow's performance is sold out, according to Charles Sink, president of the University Musical Society. The oratorio will be sung by the University Choral Union at 8:30 p.m. today and 2:30 p.m. e I to balk the .will of the majority. The Russians have vetoed Italy three times in the past. ONLY THE FIVE nations of the Soviet bloc voted against Italy yesterday. Ethiopia abstained. The vote came on an Americ-n- backed measure asking the Se- curity Council to approve Italy's admission. U. S. Rep. John Vorys (i- Ohio) spearheaded the American drive. Italy already is adminis- tering the territory of Italian Somaliland for the UN and has the right of participating in the trusteeship council without vote. Tumult marked the session in which the assembly upheld again the right ofsthe Nationalist Re- gime of Chiang Kai-Thek to rep- resent China in the UN. Garg Gaolbreak Set for W ednesda y Peering from behind a pile of dog-eared peanut butter sand- wiches, Peg Nimz, '53, managing editor of Gargoyle, announced "Mmmmrrf chomp uggl." When asked whether it was real- ly true that Gargoyle was selling on Wednesday, Miss Nimz violent- ly nodded her head in the affirma- tive and remarked coyly, "Glllb ulff erg." i CAPITAL HIT: Mock Atom War Waged WASHINGTON - (") - Mock atom bombs theoretically rained on Washington yesterday - the tenth anniversary of Pearl Harbor. On paper, the nation's capital suffered fearful losses in lives, with the Capitol, the House and Senate office buildings and the Union Station all damaged. It was part of a test to see how- quickly Washington could be de- fended if a sneak attack should come. But it was a strange kind of mockery. No troops and no planes were used. The war, which began yesterday and ."ends today, was fought entirely bn paper. To add to Washington's troubles, 1,509 "ruthless, well trained and vicious" enemy troops had para- chuted in and were ready to take over the city. As for the bombing, it theoretic- ally tore up the town in a rectan- gular slash one and a half miles wide and three and a half miles long. No estimate was made of the number who presumably would be killed in such an attack. But one communique said 2,500 needed me- dical help-and all hospitals in the area were badly damaged. No mention was made of the White House, which was on the edge of the area supposed to be damaged. Late Surge Overpowers Canadians M' Gets Five Goals' DuringThird Period By ED WHIPPLE Engineer Vic Heyliger opened the throttle another notch on his Michigan hockey team and the Wolverine Express roared past Montreal, 9-2, in the Coliseum last night. Michigan is scheduled to roll against the Carabins again to- night at 8:00 p.m. in the Coliseum. The win was the NCAA Cham- pion Wolverines' second straight of the new season. STARTING slowly, Michigan picked up a head of steam as he contest wore on, and finished with five goals in the "third period against a Carabin sextet boasting many of the players that tied and defeated the Wolverines in two games last year. Heyliger's chief firemen were George Chin, a sophomore speed- ster, and his linemates Captain Earl Keyes and Pat Cooney, an- other sophomore, who stoked the Maize and Blue boiler with five goals. Chin and Keyes bagged two each. On the defense, Willard Ikola, flashy soph goal tender, thrilled the near-capacity crown of 3700 with a succession of hair-raising saves, that, in the words of Coach Heyliger, "stopped a "ast six sure Montreal goals." Iola tuo~e aside 27 Carabin blasts, whilet the rink's other end Montreal's goalie, Marcel Auger, stopped 25. IN THEIR FIRST home start of the campaign, the Wolverines dis- played teamwork, passing, and checking, which was noticeably absent in their opening 11-1 tri- umph over ragged MSC. Play for most of the first per- iod made it look as if a tight defensive battle were in the of- fing, although both sides came close to scoring before Chin got the first goal at 17:35. Doug Philpott narrowly missed tallying for the Wolverines in the first minute of the game, as did Johnny McKennell two minutes later with Michigan short handed. But it remained for Chin to break the ice with his score from a scramble six feet in front of Mon- treal's net. KEYES SET UP the marker with some fancy stick-handling, and Chin cashed in a rebound af- ter Cooney forced Auger to the ice to stop a short blast. Wing Bernie Quesnel scored the first Montreal goal out of a scramble while Michigan's Bob See COONEY, Page 3 Tax Official Says Oliphant DelayedCase WASHINGTON-(AP)-A tax of- ficial testified yesterday t h a t Charles Oliphant, resigned Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Bureau, displayed "unusual" in- terest in a tax fraud case against Abraham Teitelbaum, self-styled victim of a $500,000 shakedown at- tempt. Another witness, R. D. McLean, told House investigators that Oli- phant helped to delay another tax evasion case, which has never come to trial. Richard G. Schwartz, a Revenue Bureau attorney, testified that Oliphant overruled h i m when Schwartz questioned the official designation of Teitelbaum's case as a "racketeer" case. McLean, a Justice Department UNKNOWN ORIGIN: Gastro-Intestinal Upsets Mar November Health By HARRY LUNN Student health during November was generally good, University Health Service reports, but cases of gastro-intestinal upsets of an un- known origin were higher in the past month than in the last three years. As usual, upper respiratory diseases, which affected 610 students, headed the list of diagnoses, with the mysterious stomach upsets, sometimes known as "galloping dysentery," which struck 198 coming HOUSING REPORT: One-Third of Students Live 'U in U' Dormitories More than a third of the Univer- sity students live in residence halls, according to the official Univer- sity housing report, released yes- terday. The rest of the students are scattered all over campus, living anywhere from fraternities or sororities to the Rackham Bldg. or St. Joseph's Hospital, the report the affiliates who live at home, in rooming houses or apartments. Of the rest of the campus dwell- ers, more than seven per cent live at home, five per cent are com- muters, 10 per cent live in women's league houses, four per cent are residents of Willow Village, Uni- versity Terrace, and Veterans' Housing Project, and less than second on the list. Also on the in- cras in Nonvember wereroom +. 4 wnl ie. fc. nt .7 mnAe. 97k 7"nnrv