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December 07, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-07

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Alumni Football




"Is There An X-Ray Specialist In The House?"

ACCORDING TO A report by Roscoe E.
Bennett, a sportswriter for the Grand
Rapids Press, University alumni in the
Grand Rapids area are hopping mad at
their old alma mater. And the focus of all
this wrath seems to be the athletic depart-
ment, "from Fritz Crisler 'down."
It seems that the pressure has been
building up for quite some time, but fi-
nally flared into the open when the Grand
Rapids fair-haired boy, Don Eaddy, did
not win a major letter in football.
However, this wasn't the real gripe of the
group. More basically it was a complaint
that the athletic department did not have
an effective 'farm system' operating in
Grand Rapids.
Bennett quotes an anonymous alum as
saying, "We break our necks trying to get
good athletes to go to Michigan . . . All
football season we have dragged prospects
to Ann Arbor every Saturday and paid the
shot ourselves. Then when we get them
there we have to do the entertaining.
The irate alum goes on, "The athletic
personnel there does absolutely nothing
to help us persuade boys to go to Michi-
gan. Michigan coaches seldom come to
Grand Rapids ... and when they do we
have to dig and pay their expenses.
"On the other hand look at State. Coach
Biggie Munn had three speaking dates in
Grand Rapids this week alone. All his as-
sistants are busy going around to help the
alumni in boosting State and interesting
boys in their school."
Probably the saddest part of the article is
that Bennett joins in himself saying that
Michigan athletic department has "not been
any too diligent in going about their home
state doing a selling job. This selling job is

a function of the athletic department. May-
be the upsurge at Michigan State will force
a change in attitudes at Ann Arbor."
A point that should not be over-looked
is that all the reform within the Univer-
sity, for example the Keniston Proposal,
is actually tackling only half the problem.
We might as well face the facts, the ma-
jority of alumni don't regard commercialism
in college football as bad. They seem to get
a bigger kick out of a national champion
team than a world famous law school or
outstanding political science department.
However, alumni pressure cannot be dis-
regarded. We can reform internally until
the cows come home, but with former grad-
uates howling their heads off, it's question-
able how far the program can really pro-
gress. And if you think that alumni groups
do not act at times like a millstone, just
ask any affiliated person on campus.
What can be done to change this idea
among the alumni? If Michigan does de-
cide to de-emphasize football, the first
job will be to convince the alums that it
is best for the school and everyone in-
volved. It would mean that men like
Crisler and Oosterbaan would have to
make the alum circuit giving the real
story on the effects of big time college
football. It would mean that the Univer-
sity would have to start publicizing the
fine job some faculty people are doing
in government, describing new fields of
discovery by the research department and
sending the band, orchestra and glee
clubs on extensive tours.
Such a program would show that the
University of Michigan is capable of pro-
ducing something greater than a shifty
quarterback and a Rose Bowl-bound team.
-Ron Watts

TODAY IS the tenth anniversary of Pearl
Harbor, an event that not only precipi-
tated our nation into a four year war but
also, and with much further effect. changed
the outlook of the American people toward
the world and world politics.
Before the Japanese attack, the United
States, though a non-belligerent foe of
the Axis, was on the most part content
to avoid involvement in world politics.
We were unprepared both physically and,
psychologically to assume any active role
in international affairs, least of all the
role of leadership.
Today our position has greately changed.
Isolationism is now the stigma that interna-
tionalism was then. The United States pos-
sessing the world's greatest industrial plant,
stands as the most powerful of nations.
Our voice in the UN speaks loudly for one
half of the world.
But in the facts of our military prepared-
ness and in our international leadership is
a paradox of human actions.
In 1941 our foe was the fascist. Ger-
many, Italy and Japan were the objectives
of our alliance with Great Britain, and
Russia. The war was one against totali-
tarian aggression, a war to end the threat
to world peace and national liberties.
Today we are again fighting totalitarian
aggression and again seeking world peace
and national freedom. But our strongest
ally of the last war is now our enemy. And
our former enemies are now our allies.
Japan, Italy and Western Germany are
being wooed with dollars and machinery in
an attempt to strengthen their ties with the
Western democracies. Mixed in with the
converted fascists, however, are two new
friends, Spain and Argentina. Both are
ruled by dictators. Both are being support-
ed by our country despite their blatant dis-
regard for the democracy for which we are
The paradox to a great extent was in-
evitable. The democratization and refur-
bishing of our former enemies was realis-
tic and humane. But in supporting the
ancient fascist Franco and the neo-fascist
Peron we have sacrificed our ideals to a
debatable practicality. In the effort to
combat international communism we have
shown ourselves prone to selling away
Our internationalism is only ten years old,
and occasionally through such confused ob-
jectives, hesitant decisions, and party poli-
tics, it shows its youth. The time for ma-
turity, however, is upon us. On the Sunday
of Pearl Harbor 1941, we dedicated ourselves
to restoring peace to a warring world. To-
day in 1951 we could well renew this pledge
but with the caution that unless our inter-
nationalism is consistent in means and ends
we will be avoiding war with Russia only
to plant the seeds of yet another war.
-Leonard Greenbaum


rA r
r . ./

The Daily welcomes communications from itsreaders on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publicationrat the discretion of the

Washington Merry-Go-Round


WASHINGTON-The Navy has taken an
unusual stand regarding the air war-
fare which is getting more and more in-
tense over Korea. It has turned down a re-
quest from General Otto Weyland, Air Force
Commander in the Far East, that Navy jets
help out the Air Force in combating Rus-
sian Migs.
With Increasing Communist strength
in the air, and with the Air Force some-
times badly outnumbered in battling Rus-
sian Migs, General Weyland requested
help from the Navy's carrier-based jet
However, despite the fact that there is
supposed to be armed services unification,
the Navy refused. Official reason was that
Navy carriers were outside the fighting
Air Force officers point out, however, that
the Navy used to fly its fighter planes as far
north as the Yalu River when there weren't
many Migs in the area; so presumably it
could do so again. They also feel that for
one branch of the service to refuse to help
another branch in wartime-especially when
badly outnumbered-is anything but unifi-
cation. In fact, they use words far less re-
Air Force pilots who sometimes go into
battle against superior Communist odds
believe the Navy is trying to hide the fact
that its jets are inferior to the Migs. Since
the Navy specializes in fighters, and not
long ago boasted the best jet fighter plane
in the world, this is a bitter pill to swal-
Navy pilots today are among the best in
the world, but apparently planes haven't
kept up with either the Air Force or the
enemy. As a'result only two MIGS have been
shot down by the Navy during the Korean
war. One was bagged by a Navy Panther
jet some time ago, the other by a Navy pilot
who, however, flew an Air Force Sabre jet.
Ga lens
THE YULE season seems to be the one
when we are asked to contribute to so
many worthy causes, to help so many people
who can't help themselves, that an indivi-
dual starts to feel like he's just about
reached for the last possible contribution.
But there is one cause on campus which
appears only at this time of the year, and
which few people can afford to refuse with
good conscience - the Galens Christmas
Tag Day Drive.
Friday and Saturday the members of the
medical honorary society will again assume
their posts.
If everybody on campus could catch just
a glimpse of the delight and enjoyment got-
ten by the hospitalized children from the
Annual Christmas Party and the year round
Galen Shop, there would be no possible
question of whether or not to pass by the
traditional contribution buckets.
The atmosphere and gay spirit which
fills the Galen Shop at University Hospi-
tal is one of the greatest helps in getting
the children to forget the casts and p'iins
and strangeness of being forced to remain
isolated from family and home surround-
Only once a year do the Galens ask sun-

WILLIAM RITCHIE, anti-Truman Demo-
cratic State committeeman for Nebras-
ka, is throwing his hat into the ring for
Senator Wherry's seat next November. Rit-
chie roomed with Wherry at the University
of Nebraska, always liked him, sometimes
opposite parties. The Nebraska Ritchie is a
supported him-though they belonged to
first cousin of the late famous Governor of
Maryland, resents Gov. Val Peterson's one-
time statement that all Democratic candi-
dates are Communists. Ritchie's forebears
came to this country prior to 1743 . ..
Lucille May Grace, the lady who nobody
thought had a chance to become Governor
of Louisiana, is really stirring up the state
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)




+ u

Soph Cab ... I
To the Editor:
PERHAPS the League performs
no duty outwardly altruistic in
scope. Perhaps it does not crusade
Carrie Nation style, sinking hatch-
ets into the enjoyment of life for
the sake of "morality." Perhaps
its principal function is social. So
At a university as large as Mich-
igan, activities are so varied and
interests so diversified that some
integration is necessary-and cer-
tainly desirable. In my opinion,
the League makes an admirable
attempt to channel women's ener-
gies and talents into worthwhile
Soph Cab operates with about
one-tenth of the budget of Union
Opera, featuring. a dance and a
carnival as well as a floorshow. As
far as publicity methods, anyone
who desires to become "immune"
to the spirit of juvenile college
sophomores should weave herself
into a cocoon of pure white aca-
demic threads and gently rot there.
College life is not yet identical to
that of a mausoleum.
--Betsy Smith
Soph Cab Central Committee
The League ...
To the Editor:
MISS MARY L. Smith's letter of
Dec. 4 is an example of the
intellectual snobbery prevalent
among many University students.
Instead of accepting League activi-
ties such as Soph Cab for what
they are, i.e., cooperative projects
on the part of each class, these
monuments - of mentality wrap
themselves in a cloak of "culture"
and silently steal away to Angell
Hall Study Hall. They bask in their
individualism with a sneer at the
herds participating in "activities."
These people don't seem to re-
alize that there are advantages
and objectives of the University
apart from the purely academic.
The student must be prepared for
a life outside the classroom or
laboratory. By offering an oppor-
tunity for women to develop their
talents and interests, the League
fulfills as vital a purpose as the
In addition, these League pro-
jects unite classes in a bond of
common effort and generate a lit-
tle school spirit. Of course this
rah-rah is insignificant and child-
ish to the pseudo-sophisticate in
his ivory tower of learning.
Miss Smith's charges approach
the fantastic at times. Her con-
cepts of the League as the pot of

gold at the end of the rainbow is
completely erroneous. This year,
the entire profits from Soph Cab
will be donated to the Fresh Air
Camp, just as last year's Cabaret
presented a $1,000 check to the
Phoenix Project.
And so for her "freshman who
thinks Soph Cab is just another
taxi company," let her come over
to the League Friday or Saturday
night and see for herself.
-Janet Netzer. '54
* * *
Grass Roots . .
To the Editor:
THE OTHER DAY as I was read-
ing a newly published book,
entitled "A Foreign Policy For
Midwestern Americans," I was re-
minded of some remarks made in
direct reference to the author some
ten years ago by William Allen
White stated as follows: "If only
the Republican Party that gave us
Lincoln would forget its hatred of
Roosevelt, get rid of its bias
towards plutocracy, get back to the
grass roots and the hearts of the
people . .. I fear that acertain
part of the Republican leadership-
. . (he here listed a few including
the author of the aforementioned
book) . . are sitting around wait-
ing for some reverse in the Ameri-
can armed forces to break out with
an isolationist itch and began
yelling, 'Why are we fighting the
World's battles?' . .. They are for-
ever clamoring about patriotic uni-
ty, duty, and foreign policy and
then ending with a note beginning
"but. It is but, but, but!" Reveal-
ing, it seems to me, a very small,
mean mind. In fact I am forced to
the conclusion that their "butts
are bigger than their brains."
It might be well for us to profit
from the wisdom of these words
today as we failed to do ten years
--David Cargo
China Policy.. .
To the Editor:
I MUST disagree with the opinion
expressed in Mr. Greenbaum's
editorial of November 30, "On A
Policy for China," in which the
author made an unfounded con-
clusion based on the prejudicial
attitude toward the Chinese Na-
tionalists. Since the author mis-
interpreted Chinese history as well
as the Communist movement in
the Far East it is not difficult to
point out the mistakes in that
One of his greatest errors is
that the Chinese Communists
were the main force in the fight

against the Japanese. This is as
ridiculous as the propaganda often
made by the Reds that the Japan-
ese were mainly defeated by the
Russians, instead of by the Ameri-
cans. This can be easily disproved
by many liberal writings such as
"Modern Far Eastern Internation-
al Relations" by MacNair & Lach,
which states that the fight against
the Japanese was carried on under
Kuomintang leadership.
The unfortunate misunderstand-
ing about the Kuomintang is that
some Americans continually refer
to the Chinese Nationalists as
"crooks." Reports of ECA and the
U.S. Military Advisory Group in
Formosa can prove that American
aid is now being used wisely and
efficiently by the Nationalists. If
the Gimo (Chiang Kai-shek) has
made up his mind to clean the
government up he would not have
brought his former brother-in-law,
General Mow, into the American
Court in Washington, D.C. for
misuse of government funds.
Concerning civil liberties, the
Nationalist government has always
been much better than the Com-
munists. The Nationalist Govern-
ment has never had mass trials,
mass executions, extortion, and
blackmail which are now common-
place on the mainland. Before the
Communists took over the main-
land Chinese newspapershcould be
very critical of the Gimo, but can
you find such freedom on the
mainland today??
-Ron Gerkey, '52 LSA
* * *
China Issue .. .
To the Editor:
HAVE FOUND much in Mr.
Greenbaum's articleon China
which I feel must be refuted. I
feel that I must defend a much
maligned man, Chiang Kai-Shek.'
Chiang was a big factor in unify-
ing China in 1927 under the Na-
tionalist government. Up to then,
China was hopelessly divided. The
ten year period between 1927 and
1937 was the "Golden Decade" in
China's history. Under Chiang's
regime, the country made notable
progress. In the ensuing war
against Japan, Chiang proved
himself an able and courageous
leader. Whatever his faults, I be-
lieve we should recognize that he
has always been a relentless foe of
the Communists. I believe we
should back Chiang for that rea-
The Nationalist government, like
Chiang himself, has also been un-
fairly represented. Communist
propaganda has played a big part
in this. I think we should recog-
nize that China cannot be expect-
ed to have a thoroughly democrat-
ic government like our own. The
country has not had the time, for
Sun Yat-Sen was the first real
democrat China ever had. What-
ever coruption that has existed in
the Nationalist government can be
analyzed by the fact that Chinese
cultural traditions have produced
different attitudes and practices
with respect to government than
our own. Moreover, the U.S. gov-
ernment itself has certainly been
far from free from corruption.
One must also recognize that in
1945 China was in a desperate -and
a chaotic condition. The country
had faced a long war against Ja-
pan, had been beset by a steadily
growing Communist threat, and
had been abandoned by the United
States, with respect to economic
It is not hard to see why the Na-
tionalists lost the war with the
Communists in the face of the lack
of U.S. support. As a consequence,
Chiang's forces received an inade-
quate supply of ammunition and
the morale of his soldiers was low.
In addition, our policy caused the
Chinese people to swing their sup-

port to the Communists. First,
they were tired of the long, drawn-
out warfare, and thus looked to the
strongest side, which was the Com-
munists. Secondly, the failure of
U.S. support left a vacuum of ex-
treme poverty, which provided a
fertile field for Communist propa-
-Ed Levenberg, '52
Foei * * * *
Foreign Eye , .
To the Editor:
"IS THAT really the way on
which you foreign students
intend to discover the true face
of America?" I am tired out to
answer this question of my Am-

erican friends who have read the
first of Canonici's articles on how
Americans appear to foreign stu-
It seems to me to be not only an
injustice to so many foreign stu-
dents on the campus who are try-
ing to understand American living
and thinking in a more serious
way, but also unfair to our Am-
erican friends, when Canonici af-
ter having spent a few months in
Ann Arbor believes to be able to
discover the true face of America.
It would be a good idea for him to
visit once the Ford Plant and talk
there to workers on the produc-
tion line about their problems. He
would discover another kind of
American girls in slacks and socks
not always smiling but hard
working. Or I might advise the
writer to go once out of town and
live for some days with a farmer
discussing his worries and trouble.
And then, just at the end of his
stay here in the U.S., Mr. Canon-
ici might sit down and try to pre-
sent a written report based on an
experience resulting not only
from attending exchange parties
and football games but also from
some other more important as-
pects. I am sure, our American
~friends would find these articles
more authoritative.
Furthermore, may I suggest
that Canonici will be doing jus-
tice to the foreign students, if he
will present such articles as the
views of a single Italian student
and not of the whole body of for-
eign students on the campus as he
has so presumptively done in his
first article.
Finally, I like to recall a beauti-
ful walk I took one day on the ro-
mantic beach of Nervi near Ge-
nova (Italy) observing kissing
Italian couples oblivious of each
other, and I didn't ask: why? Be-
cause it's the most natural thing
all over the world that young peo-
ple are kissing. Whether under the
light of a lamp or not, it makes no
big diierence
--Max Affolter
Another foreign student
*i * *
To the Editor:
FOR A DISCUSSION of the facts
concerning Israel's economic
situation, I wish to announce a
meeting of the Intercollegiate
Zionist Federation of America at
7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 9 at
the League featuring Mr. Leon
Hay of Detroit who will speak on
"Economic Problems of Israel."
-Eugene Alpern
President, Intercollegiate
Zionist Federation of America
Mir~gan ail


THE EXHIBIT currently featured at the
University Museum of Art, "Three Mo-
dern Styles," is one of the most exciting I
have ever seen. It was gotten up in colla-
boration with The Museum of Modern Art,
and will continue here through December
24th. This particular arrangement is a work
of art in itself, and in order to derive its
utmost value, proceed around the West Gal-
lery in a clockwise direction.
The three styles under investigation are
"Art Nouveau," "Cubist Geometric," and
"Free Form," each clearly delineated from
the other two. You will notice that such
terms as expressionism, surrealism, con-
structivism, or whatever, may be validly
applied to some of the specimens in each
group, but this overlapping shouldn't dis-
turb you if you are content to employ
categories as a descriptive point of depar-
ture, and not as epithets of absolute ap-
proval or condemnation.
In addition to the drawings and paint-
ings in various media that we are accus-
tomed to finding in our galleries, sculptures
and photographs of architecture and of de-
signs (both proposed and executed) in every
conceivable "minor" art are included,
As one of the informatory placards says,
"Art Nouveau is the name given to the whole
curvilinear style at the turn of the century."
Gaugin (zincograph), Toulouse - Lautrec
(lithographed poster), Van Gogh (brown
ink), and Rodin (bronze), are the most fam-
ous members of this group. All four samples
are representative and do their creators
A pastel, "Visionary Head," by Redon
should attract attention for its beautiful
coloration, if for no other reason. One of
the most pleasant surprises of the whole
show is a lithograph by Jan Toorop, "La
Dame aux Cygnes;" Toorop exhibits extra-
ordinary delicacy and sensitivity in both
line and composition.
The title "Cubist Geometric" is self-ex-
planatory, and most of its protagonists have
moved on to greener pastures. Wright, Gro-
pius, Le Corbusier, and Van der Rohe are
shown to be the forerunners of this style in
painting. The Picasso and, to a somewhat
lesser extent, the Braque are rather unre-
warding. Chirico's oil, "The Faithful Servi-
tor," with its rich colors and its mystic ren-

by Lipschitz and Henry Moore's bronze
"Reclining Figure" (1945). The Picasso
"Still Life with Cake" in this section is!
magnificient-as different from his cu-
bist heads as day from night. The archi-
tectural specimens of the Aaltos are ex-!
tremely fascinating, but in one case-a
library-it appears as if comfort had been
sacrificed to beauty.
Partisans of Joan Miro will not want to
miss his "Portrait of a Lady in 1820." It is a
barely-representational, but recognizable
satire that should evoke chuckles from the
viewer. Also notable are a Miroesque brass
and sheet iron mobile by Calder, called "Dis-
persed Objects with Brass Gong," and Jean
Arp's varnished wood relief, "Objects Ar-
ranged According to the Law of Chance, or,
Navels." Kandinsky's 1915 "Improvisation"
is also pleasing, if less humorous, and shows
the same tendency as the others to employ
the characteristic blot in his compositions.
IN THE NORTH GALLERY we have anoth-
er exhibit, "Work in Progress in Michi-
gan," which will be on display for the same
length of time as its elder brother. Generous
samplings of five different artists are pre-
sented. In one display case twelve pieces of
costume jewelry by Howard Brown are disc
played; in three others (two just outside the
gallery) the ceramic wares by Irvin Whit-
taker and Harvey Littleton are shown. All
of these are distinguished by a laudablej
restraint in the execution, and clean, taste-
ful design.
Liselotte Moser has contributed a num-
ber of water colors, notable especially for
a lush coloration, particularly in such
works as "Spring-2," where she employs
rich greens to a large extent. She also
works extremely well in a more unusual
medium-cloth; her embroideries are im-
aginative and workmanlike. Perhaps her
best is one called "Adam and Eve," dra-
matically executed in gold thread on black
Last, but certainly not the least of these
regional artists, is Richard Wilt, whose
work was reviewed in this column last Oc-
tober. There are ten black and white com-
positions, chiefly simple linear renditions,
and they provide a vivid contrast to the in-
credibly painstaking technique evident in

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .. ... ... .Managing Editor
Bob Keith .............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........AssociateEditor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ....v......Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ....Finance Manager
Stu Ward ........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
or all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year : by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.




See, Professor? Hor we
keep things moving here?
It's maffer of know-how- -.
t ARta/

And then, of course, guarding
our houses takes a lot of our
fime-Lsten! ... That's Flush
Van Vander guarding his now!
It must be direly
menaced indeed!
a~ris4t aa fawu ia. "

What evil threat is your 0
colleague protecting his
house against, Mr. Baxter?
Me. 4


°" ARF!\



f see your friend Flush has had
a far-fluna fence nut arnund



How vigilant you all are on your
I wrnert.nri Rut tll me, who II

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