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December 06, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-06

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U m El


Keniston's Proposals

challenging the University to lead the
way by restoring athletics to its 'proper
place on campus" has a great deal of merit.
Particularly is this true of his idea to
shear some of the autonomous powers of
the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
In the past, the Board in Control has had
practically complete authority over the
athletic policies of the University. Subject
to the approval of the Regents, the Board
has decided on participation in Bowl Games,
the 'Freshman Rule,' and expansion of the
stadium three years ago from 86,000 to
97,000 seats.
These questionable policies have been put
into effect without consulting the faculty.
Yet they clearly concern students-athletes
and non-athletes-and are, consequently
academic matters over which the faculty
Senate should have the final word.
Permitting freshmen to participate in
intercollegiate sports is perhaps the most
glaring mistakes the Board made. In so
doing it slavishly followed the cue of the
Big Ten Conference and ignored the fact
that freshmen have their hands full ad-
justing to the University, much less par-
ticipating in extra-curricular activities.
The control of athletic funds and the
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

authority to decide eligibility requirements
for both athletes and non-athletes should
also come more closely under faculty con-
trol. It is more appropriately the function
of the Office of Student Affairs.
* * *
IN MAKING his proposals, Prof. Keniston
once more revealed that he has the in-
terests of the students at heart. He reasons
that athletics are a student function and
thus should be 'for the students."
The retired Dean suggested two propos-
als, which would go far in restoring ath-
letics to the students.
1) Some of the profit made by intercol-
legiate athletics might go to support other
extra-curricular activities.
2) Assigning students to sections around
the 50-yard line of the stadium.
The latter proposal probably hit the cam-
pus with a pleasant thud. As it is, students
are annually shoved into the end zone.
As for the dean's calling for the Univer-
sity "to lead the way," we could follow his
proposals, set a model for the rest of the
collegiate world, and hope that other col-
leges and universities will follow our ex-
Or, Michigan could withdraw from the
Western Conference and schedule games
only with schools that "talk our language."
Whatever the Regents finally decide
upon, if anything, the entire sports world
owes a tribute to Prof. Keniston for his
straight-forward, concrete proposals.
It is now a matter of how many other
faculty members "will stand up and be


-Cal Samra

Waslington Merry-Go-Round



WASHINGTON-Those who have worked
with likable Howard McGrath as At-
torney General say there are only two things
wrong with him:
1. He is seldom around the place where he
is supposed to work-the Justice Depart-
2. He has his eyes so firmly fixed on the
U.S. Supreme Court that he is afraid to
make any moves that might make enemies.
Real fact is that McGrath entered the
Justice Department with every expectation
of being upped to the Supreme Court with-
in a year. Justice Stanley Reed, not in the
best of health, was expected to retire.
But Reed recovered. Meanwhile the policy
of offending no one, established early in the
McGrath regime, has drifted on.
Early in life, likewise, Howard got into
the habit of offending no one. He learned
that if you're lucky and don't rock the boat,
things come your way. He also learned that
if you exude enough charm, a reasonable de-
gree of common sense, and know how to
finesse friendships you can get along with
most of the people most of the time-at least
in a small state like Rhode Island.
McGrath's father was a prominent mem-
ber of the Knights of Columbus and one of
his father's jobs was to handle K.C. insur-
ance. So, through his father, young How-
ard got to know most of the Irish in the
small state of Rhode Island.
On top of this, Howard married the
daughter of the leading French-Canadian,
Estelle Cadorette, one of the loveliest ladies
now in the cabinet. There is a heavy French
population in Rhode Island, and the mar-
riage didn't hurt him at all with French
IN ADDITION, McGrath formed a law
partnership with the leading New Eng-
land blue blood of the state, Theodore Fran-
cis Green, one of the most courageous mem-
bers of the U.S. Senate.
It may have been pure accident, or it may
have been-as the politicians say-because
the Italian population is heavy in Rhode
Island, but McGrath also formed a political
partnership with John Pastore, Italian-
American Governor of the State, who took
McGrath's seat in the Senate when he be-
came Attorney General.
With this array of nationalities behind
him, nobody could lose in Rhode Island, and
Howard has gone a long way. In the Senate1
he had an excellent record, while as At-
torney General he has never flinched at a
case involving civil rights or human toler-
The chief trouble is that Howard doesn't
have many opportunities to flinch; for the
men below bring few complex or forthright
cases to him for decision.
They know, first, that Howard isn't
around much of. the time to review cases;
second, that the key tune of the Justice
Department is pitched to a low, easygoing,
make-few-enemies level.
They know, for instance, that their boss,
the Attorney General, was a leading figure
in one of the big tax-avoidance foundations,
Textron, set up as a charity trust, though it
operated huge textile mills. There w a s
nothing illegal about this, but when the man
you are Working for once drew a $15,000
salary merely for being a figure-head on a
large tax-avoidance scheme, it doesn't ei-
courage his subordinates to push tax prose-
Those who work in the Justice Depart-
ment also know that McGrath long has been
part-owner of the Lincoln Downs Race

McGrath has other varied activities which
tend to give him a firm root in the rocky
soil of New England business and make him
-next to Wall Street Banker Bob Lovett,
the Secretary of Defense-the wealthiest
member of the cabinet.
For instance, Howard has a prosperous
Chrysler-Plymouth Auto Agency and has
been considerate enough to put his auto
partner, G. Merlyn O'Keefe of Providence,
on the Board of Directors of the Leitz Com-
pany, a German firm making Leica cam-
eras, which the U.S. Government seized dur-
ing the war.
Howard also was president of the First
Federal Savings and Loan Association of
Providence, and has considerately put its
Vice-President, Harold C. Paull, on the
board of the same Leitz Company. McGrath
has the power to do this through the Office
of Alien Property Custodian, which is under
* * *
actions are of the best. He likes people.
They like him. He hates to prosecute. That
may be why his Justice Department has frit-
tered around for almost a year regarding
prosecution of certain witnesses referred to
it by the Senate after they gave perjured
testimony in the Anna Rosenberg and the
Maryland election cases.
Though the Senate went to some pains to
refer these cases to Justice, the Attorney
General has not acted and probably will not
act. He just has too many friends.
Tip-off to McGrath's friendly character is
his own record as a joiner. Not since the
days of "Puddler Jim" Davis, Secretary of
Labor under Calvin Coolidge, has there been
such a notable joiner in the Cabinet.
Here is Howard's record of good fellow-
ship: Elk, Eagle, Ancient Order of Hiber-
nians, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. The
Grange, Knights of Columbus, Patrons of
Husbandry, Independent Order of Foresters,
Kiwanis, Irish Historical Society, Rhode Is-
land Historical Society, New England Asso-
ciation of Chiefs of Police, National Asso-
ciation of Insurance Agents, Royal Arcanum.
So you really can't blame Howard Mc-
Grath. He was never cast for the role of At-
torney-General-a role where friendships
must play second fiddle to prosecutions.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Diag Debate
ONE OF THE healthiest things which can
happen on a University campus occur-
red yesterday on the diag.
Over 50 students gathered around the
Young Progressive booth, which was set
up to pass out "Cease Fire in Korea" pe-
titions, to take part in a purely spontan-
eous debate.
The debate took the form of several small
groups hashing out all the present contro-
versial issues from Russia's motives to Jap-
anese prisoners in Russia to the causes of
the Korean war.
There were students in every field from
political science to business administration.
Some were well informed. Others based their
arguments on violent emotions only.
But the important point is that student
interest was aroused to the point that un-
planned, spirited discussion took place on
the diag in a free interplay of ideas.
The only deplorable fact is that this sort
of thing does not happen more often.
-Alice Bogdonoff
1 HE NEW YORK STATE Regents' pro-
posal to incorporate daily prayers and
programs stressing the moral and spiritual
heritage of the United States into the public
school system has received a good deal of
public opposition,
Among the charges levelled against the
plan are: (a) children are unable to un-
derstand the reason for prayer, (b) such a
program would overlook those Americans
who profess religions other than Judaism
or Christianity, (c) it would be a viola-
tion of the Constitutional ban against
linking church and state, and (d) the
Regents are confusing God with Godli-
But even the critics must concede that
there is a great spiritual void in our society
today which is being passed on to the young-
er generation; it is time that steps be taken
to rectify this lack. A child need not know
the intricacies of religious faith to be brought
to some realization that there is a Supreme
Being-be He God, Mohammed or Buddha.
A pause for morning recognition of this
Being would not trample on any religious
sect. Non-denominational services celebrat-
ing Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter
have been held in high schools throughout
the country without being branded "in-
doctrination programs" by worshippers of
any entity.
The establishment of such a program
on a daily scale will help to bring to-
gether children from all religious back-
grounds, giving them an understanding
that there is Someone supreme above
man, regardless of His name.
However, the schools will have to guard
against forcing children of atheistic back-
grounds to participate in this worship, if
necessary by excusing them from attend-
ance during the few minutes devoted to
prayer each morning.
In charging that the introduction of pray-
er into the school agenda is unconstitution-
al, critics of the proposal are confusing in-
struction with practise and mixing restrict-
ed denominational inculcation with general
non-denominational participation.
Godiness, including fair play, a sense of
humor, decency and individual worth, is
definitely a goal to direct children to-
ward, but the schools' attempt to foster
these characteristics has to date been in-
adequate. For evidence of this, one need
only look at the practises contrary to
these principles going on around him.

The New York State Regents' proposal
may not be a complete solution to the prob-
lem, but it is still a start toward implanting
the principles of brotherly love and spiritual
faith in the hearts and minds of children.
If we are to have a peacefflly unified world,
its hope lies in establishing these principles.
-Diane. Decker

a t/I ,:

"Nonsense, Madam - AUl Babies Look Like Me"


.r $

Student Advisors .
To the Editor:
BY THIS TIME most students
have received post cards from
their Concentration Advisers or
Academic Counsellors a s k i n g
them to make appointments for
next semester's elections of cours-
es. Students are urged to aid their
counsellors and themselves by
avoiding the registration week
A good number of these post
cards had a stamp in the lower
left hand corner saying: "STU-
DENT A D V I S E R S available
THURSDAYS from 3-5 in 1209
ANGELL HALL to aid students
with their tentative programs."
Many students became acquainted
with this program either during
Orientation Week last September
or last spring, and the turnout
those times appears to warrant
the continuation of this service.
The Culture and Education
Committee of the Student Legis-
lature, in conjunction with the
Literary College of the University
has secured top upperclassmen in
all fields of concentration. These
students, along with representa-
tives from the School of Business
Administration and the School of
Education, have been recommend-
ed by their Concentration Advis-
ers as among the best in their
departments and as willing to de-
vote time to this program.
They are there to help students
in finding out first-hand infor-
mation about the courses in their
departments, information best ob-
tained from those students who
have taken those courses. They
may aid in choosing correlating
subjects in other fields. They may
be most valuable to those who
are wondering what field of con-
centration to enter, or to those
who just want aid in filling out a
program. In all these ways they
may aid students and relieve some
of the load of the faculty advis-
ers and counsellors. Then, when
the student sees his adviser for
official approval of elections,- he
will have a better idea of what is'
ahead of him.
This semester the Student Ad-
visers will be available Thursdays,
December 6 and 13, and January
10 and 17, 3-5, in 1209 A.H.
-Alan Berson
Israel, .
To the Editor:
FOUR ARAB armies and three
years of boycott have failed to
strangle the rapidly developing
state of Israel. Despite a 250%
population expansion since 1948,
the economy of Israel is weather-

ing its crises and absorbing and
integrating its 1,500,000 diverse
persons. The Mufti's and Pasha~s
are making a last desperate at--
tempt to prevent American aid to
the young country, for they fear
Israel's Western ideals of social
progress, modern technology, and
political equality will reveal the
exploitation a n d stagnancy of
their feudal bailiwick.
The seemingly careless misquo-
tations and half-truths of Cal
Samra's Sunday editorial depend
on the average student's sparse ac-
quaintance with the facts and fig-
ures of the problem. Those of us
who have lived in and studied the
country, however, see the empti-
ness of his charges.
Israel's economy has attracted
Ford, Kaiser-Fraser, Phillips, and
Philco factories, on a strict dollars
and cents basis. The $135,000,000
Export-Import business basis loan,
which Mr. Samra seems to thing is
a U.S. donation, is already' being
repaid. American private investors
have demonstrated their confi-
dence in Israel's economic future
to the tune of $80,000,000 of 3'%%
non-tax-deductible bonds.
Israel is building its skilled
crafts industries as the U.S. did
its railroads in the late 1880's,
through the aid of foreign capital
from mature, established econo-
mies. Tel Aviv, Nathanya, and
Haifa are already selling their
diamonds, pharneuceticals, choco-
lates, and dental equipment over-
seas. The irrigation pumps and
pipe factories to be supplied by
the Bond Issue funds will convert
the dry but fertile expanses of
the southern Negev into an ex-
porter of early vegetables and the
fulfiller of the country's food de-
mands. Israel's economic needs
are severe and immediate, but
hardly insurmountable. The set-
tlement of an extra 1,500,000 im-
migrants and the tooling up of its
industries are being effected at
breakneck speed and under great
sacrifices, but a stable and pros-
perous economy is in the offing.
As to an effective deal oetween
the feudal Pashas of Egypt and
the Communists. These rulers hate
Israel for the higher standards of
living, the social reforms, and the
more equal wealth distribution
that strike the eye of the oppressed
Arab masses. Communist Russia
will hardly alldviate those fears,
no matter how cynical both parties
care to be.
The struggle and direction of
the Middle East today is for that
modernization of technical and so-
cial structures that America and
Israel demonstrate. These are the
vital needs of the Arab masses.
Those who are truly interested in

-rrft-; F43F,9.0ntc.,,
Q.Kt "W %^$44 Nct w MAr do.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

their needs and welfare will cease
reviling an Israel that is here to
stay, but will rather take a page
from its books and strive for im-
provement, cooperation, and prog-
ress for all the peoples of the Fer-
tile Crescent.
-Ted Friedman
Israel .
To the Editor:
IT IS EXTREMELY distressing
to discover that there is a stu-
dent on campus who is so callous
and so inhumane that he believes
the saving of a million and a half
homeless and persecuted people is
"one of the biggest blunders of
the 20th century." These people,
denied haven in almost every
country of the world, were offered
hope and a new life only in a state
of their own. How then, Mr.
ISamra, as a citizen of a country
which'denied them admittance, do
you have the audacity to disclaim
this one hope of salvation!
A writer who wishes to influence
the thoughts of others often finds
it advantageous to distort certain
truths and omit others. First of
all the Arab people who Mr. Sam-
ra says "have been deprived of
their homes and have consequent-
ly become an international liabil-
ity," originally were ordered by
their Arab leaders to leave these
very same homes. Those who
chose to remain, are living in con-
ditions far superior to those found
anywhere in the Arab world.
"The proud Arabs consider the
ports on the Palestinian coasts a
loss." Indeed these ports are val-
uable but surely not because of
Arab ingenuity. These ports like
the cities and the land itself were
as sterile and devoid of life as the
waters of the Dead Sea during the
hundreds of years of Arab occupa-
tion. Not until the Jews began
to reclaim and rebuild did th-ie
Arabs pay any attention to this
small particle of their vast do-
The author, giving the impres-
sion that he is completely familiar
with the feelings of the immigrant
Jews, states that these persecuted
people have not found a home in
Israel. He intimates that these
people would have found as good
a life in the D.P. camps of Europe
as they would find in a state of
their own. Israel may not be the
biblical land of milk and honey,
but at least they have found refuge
and for the first time in centuries
-freedom from persecution.
Lastly, the statement that Am-
erica is losing the Arab world to
Stalin because she is supporting
Israel is erroneous. Don't you
think that our support of Great
Britain is more likely the cause
of Arab alienation.
There is, as Mr. Samra says, a
pressing economic crisis in Israel
today. In our opinion, a people
who have survived centuries of in-
quisitions, pogroms, and gas cham-
bers can well survive an economic
setback and prove this to be not
the blunder but the achievement
Daniel Schechter
-Fred Horwitz
Atrocity Report
To the Editor:
the Letters to Editor column
of the Saturday, 1 Dec. 1951 Daily,
makes a serious charge against
the honor of our Armed Forces; a
charge that approaches defama-
tion or libel and is published with
no evidence of factuality.
In the interests of truth, I chal-
lenge Mr. Hafner to prepare and
present a factual case against
"the wanton murderers of several
German prisoners" or be branded
with the title of irresponsible liar.
If the writer speaks the truth, he
should be prepared to state names,

dates and places, in order that ef-
forts to punish these alleged Am-
erican war criminals might be
made. For one with such a "pro-
found shame and regret," the man
has evidently been backward'in
making his charges known to the
proper authorities .
In the interests of justice to the
millions of men who have served
their nation honorably and with-
out the stigma of having been
"atrocity committers," I demand
that Mr. Hafner support his
statements or withdraw and
-H. W. C. Furman
Capt., U.S. Army

(Continued from Page 2)
Deutsche Kaffeestunde. German Cof-
fee Hour, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Round-Up-
Room, League.
Canterbury club: Evening prayer in
the Church, 5:15 p.m.
University Society of Medical Stu-
dents. General membership meeting.
Films: "Injuries to Peripheral Nerves"
and "The Making of a Doctor" (with
Med. School Cast). New members, as-
pirants, and friends invited. 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 6, Univ. Hospital, 2d Floor
World Student Day of Prayer Com-
mittee meets at Lane Hall, 4 p.m.
Soph cab Ushering Meeting, 5 p.m. at
the League. All interested please at-
Coming Events
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion,
7 a.m., Fri., followed by breakfast in
Canterbury House.
Wesleyan Guild: Formal, "The Blue
Room," at the Guild lounge, 9 to 12
midnight, Fri., Dec. 7. Everyone is in-
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "People of Mexico,"
"Mexican Children," and "Arts and
Crafts of Mexico." 7:30 p.m., Fri., Dec.
7, Kellogg Auditorium.
Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon., Dec.
10, Rackham Amphitheater. Dr. Law-
rence R. Klein and James N. Morgan
will discuss some findings on consumer
behavior from the surveys of consumer
finances. Staff members and students
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration and other interested persons in-
International Buffet. WAB, Sun.,
Dec. 9, 5:30 p.m. Limited number of
tickets available. 3:30-4:30 p.m. daily at
SL Building, 122 S. Forest.
Hillel Foundation. Friday Evening
Services, Dec. 7, led by Rabbi Lymon,
Lane Hall, 7:45 p.m. to be followed by
a special program of a song and dance
International Radio Roundtable, aus-
pices of International Center and
WUOM. Dicussions are held every Fri-
day at 8 p.m., on WUOM, transcribed
on WHRV on Monday at 10:30 p.m., and
are broadcast on the Voice of America
to foreign countries. Subjects for dis-
Christmas around the World-Dec. 7.
The Suez Canal as a world Issue-
Dec. 14.
Sports in the United States-Dec. 21.
Students interested in participating
on the programs may contact Hiru
Shah, Moderator of the Roundtable, ph.
Eisenhower for President Club. The
meeting which was to have been held,
on Thursday of this week has been
changed to Dec. 11, League.






Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
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Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ........... Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut. Associate Womeis Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00.








P" 1


Capt., U.S. Army

t I

BAGDAD - As a practical matter, real
peace and stability in this area are for
the present impossible. This rather dreary
conclusion stands out after a tour of Israel
and the Arab states. All we can hope to do
is buy time here.
If we do not, the whole Middle East will
go the way of China, and then there will
be no way to avert the final, awful pen-
alty of a third World War.
If we are to buy time, the Arab states
must somehow be strengthened. Otherwise,
the vacuum will sooner or later be filled.
The Arab states must be strengthened mili-
tarily, although no Arab army is going to be
an important military factor, in case of
war, for a very long time to come. We must
strengthen Arab military forces simply in
order to give these states internal' authority
and cohesion and to insure a minimum of
co-operation with the West if war comes.

to a fraction of its dollar value any seri-
ous program of economic aid.
But by far the most nightmarish of all
complications is the relationship between
Israel and the Arab states. For if one
day the Arabs believe that they have a
reasonable chance of success, they are
quite likely again to attack Israel. This
is not "Zionist propaganda." It is the
simple truth. Arabs of all classes genuinely
fear the state of Israel. They share a uni-
versal emotional conviction that sooner
or later Israel will attempt-with the sup-
port of the United States-to conquer and
rule the Arab world.
This fear of forty million people for a
million and a half people may seem absurd.
Yet it is real, and as of today perhaps not
altogether irrational. For Israel is certainly
as nationalist-minded as any country in the
Middle East, and the Israeli military lead-
Pr theP1v- hliVPthstth irn.Pl nrm

Do those domesticated
creatures you Earth folk
keep go about on their
houdvegs xlainime ow
Yes, Professor.
You've explated how the
two-legged creatures tend
the complicated economic


J should think, off hand,
that it would make them
subject to sinus trouble.
And tonsilitis, adenoids,
asthma, colds-Headaches,
too. As well as intestinal
ailments and pot bellies--
;, ,
t fy t

Not to mention flat feet,
dislocated knees, sprained
ankles, backaches, and--
Oh, but it has
its advantages
too, for them.
w.NnQH 'p la 6+.pb

You'd be amazed how
they can crowd into
buses and elevators.


In the final analysis, it must
be up to you to see that things
keep moving, that the wheels
of.n2..v rne ra ran

C 110 Cr«L o hb* ea6 , .Oti
&- rn7§ 7 ]

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