t KENISTON'S PR.OPOSALS See Page 4 4.Y Swt~ta ~~at Y Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1951 . Merow Gets Men's Judic Top Position Takes Post Left By Al Blumrosen John Merow, '52E, was elected chairman of Men's Judiciary Council yesterday. ' Election of the 21-year-old en- gineering senior followed the res- See PROFILE, page 6 ignation of Al Blumrosen, '53L, as Judiciary chief. ** * A NATIVE of Little Valley, N.Y., Merow is president of the Engi- * * * DE-EMPHASIS MOVEMENT: Crucial Athletic Meetings Slated (Editor's note: This is the last in a series of articles dealing with the intercollegiate athletics picture, and the present movement to "de-emphasize" college sports.) By ED WHIPPLE and CAL SAMRA Two crucial meetings scheduled this month may shape the course of athletics at the University. On Dec. 13, the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, with President Harlan Hatcher attending, is scheduled to meet. Out of it, according to a source close to the Board, may come a "decision which will shake the nation," though another source said it would be a routine meet'ing. On Dec. 17, the Faculty Senate is scheduled to convene. The Senate is expected to appoint a committee to investigate the athletic * > * situation at the University and to a JOHN E. MEROW S U * . neering Honor Council and bus- mess manager of Gargoyle, cam- pus humor magazine. He is also a member of the Engineering Council and the Student Legislature's Reorgani. zation Committee. Merow, who has served on the, Judiciary since his appointment last spring by the SL cabinet, is past president of Kappa Sigma social fraternity. He is affiliated with Michigamua, senior honorary society, and Tau Beta Pi and Chi Epsilon, scholastic honorary fra- ternities. OPS Paves,. Way for Hike I Price Level WASHINGTON-()-The gov- ernment last night opened the way for possible price i creases on thousands of consumer items, in- cluding clothing, meat, foods, milk, butter, coal, gasoline, tobacco, beer, drugs and cosmetics. The Office of Price Stabilization gave thousands of manufacturers, processors, refiners, and mining concerns permission to apply for higher ceilings under the Capehart amendment to the Controls Law. This amendment requires the government to allow manufac- turers and processors to use their pre-Korean prices and add or subtract cost increases or de- creases through last July 26 in computing new ceilings. Because application of the Cape- hart formula is optional, OPS said Sthat the general effect of its new order can not be adequately esti- mated. But, the agency added, "The Particular effect will be to raise prices whenever an applica- tion for adjustment is granted." The order carrying the Cape- hart amendment is effective at once. It was issued shortly after Price Director Michael V. Di Salle reported to a joint Con- gressional committee that prices apparently were rising again and it would be a dangerous risk to decontrol any major items now. Di Salle said in a speech in New York that temporary direct con- trols are necessary to help prevent "a wild inflationary scramble that might well drag down the entire nation to destruction." IFC Birthday BanquetHeld F' our hundred fraternity presi- dents and pledges joined with Uni- versity officials and officers of the Interfraternity Council to cele- +r.+f a th lllc. nnir a ,f rn Grid Chiefs To Consider R1egulations Other aspects of the athletic problem take the spotlight today as Big Ten athletic chiefs convene in Chicago for a four-day discus- sion of the questions facing college sports. The annual winter meeting of faculty representatives, athletic directors and coaches will con- sider such things as: 1. Future television policy for football games. The Big Ten banned live telecasts of games cur- ing the 1951 season, except for those few supervised by the Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Associa- tion in its experimental program. 2. Whether to allow freshmen to continue to play varsity sports, as was the case during the football season. 3. Big Ten regulations on fi- nancial aid for athletes. ELSEWHERE on the athletic front Victor L. Butterfield, presi- dent of Wesleyan College at Mid- dletown, Conn., yesterday accepted appointment as a member of the Special Committee on Athletic Policy of the American Council on Education. And in Charlottesville, Va., the University of Virginia Senate yes- terday unanimously approved a proposal to discontinue the grant- ing of a Bachelor of Science degree in physical education at the Uni- versity. The proposal now goes to the University's Board of Visitors. Student Advisors Offer Guidance Students who are undecided about what to take next semester can get advice on course contents from student experts under the Student Legislature's advisory pro- gram from 3 to 5 p.m. today in Rm. 1209 Angell Hall. Representatives from every de- partment in the literary college, the BusAd school and education school will be on hand to give in- formation. Experts in pre-profes- sional courses will also be present. Student advisors will also be in Angell Hall for consultations next Thursday. The program will re- sume after Christmas with ad- visory sessions the first two weeks in January. submit "specific recommenda- tions" to the Board of Regents. MEANWHILE, the controversy initiated by Prof. Hayward Ken- iston's nine-point plan to "restore athletics to its proper place on campus" waxed hot and heavy yes- terday. A large number of faculty members was reportedly back- ing the retired literary college dean's proposals. 'He had suggested that the Board in Control be relegated to a "re- commending body," that the Fac- ulty Senate make the final deci- sions on athletic policy, and that control of athletic funds and eli- gibility standards for athletes should pass to the Office of Stu- dent Affairs. HOWEVER, a student member of the Board, Bob Perry, '53E, rapped, Prof. Keniston's sugges- tions to revise the Board's func- tions. Perry said: "It would be ridi- culous to give athletic policy powers to the Faculty Senate, a group which would be entirely unfamiliar with athletic prob- lems." As for the proposal to switch control of athletic funds from the Board to the OSA, Perry was brief: "I have great confidence in (Athletic Director) Fritz Crisler on all financial problems." Nor did he agree with the sug- gestion to vest authority to deter- mine the academic eligibility of athletes in the OSA. "The prob- See MORE ATHLETICS, page 6 AROTC Adds Year toDuty Air Force ROTC students will be asked to sign new draft deferment agreements requiring a total of eight years in the armed forces af- ter graduation. However, the agreement will on- ly be binding if the Air Force calls the graduate to active duty after the completion of his college ca- reer. Seven years was the amount of service formerly required- two in the regular Air Force and five in the reserves. An extra year in the reserves is the only new stipulation in the agree- ment. Entirely separate from the agreement, contracts signed by ad- vanced students with the govern- ment will not be affected by the move, Captain Eugene Maxam, Ad- jutant of the local AFROTC unit, explained. SL Tables Bookstore Motion Again Perry Protests Failure To Act By CRAWFORD YOUNG Tempers flared at, the Student Legislature meeting last night as the chronic student bookstore problem was tabled again. The excitement was caused by a motion from Bob Perry, '53E, asking for the establishment of a student bookstore in the proposed addition to the Union, and a joint Union-SL plea to the Regents to remove a supposed by-law prohib- iting a University activity from competing with Ann Arbor merch- ants insofar as the bookstore is concerned. A * THE ISSUE was further com- plicated by the announcement that the Inter Fraternity Council was dropping their Student Book Exchange. (See story, page 6.) After a debate which revealed a substantial lack of detailed information on the subject on the part of the Legislature, Keith Beers, '52E, movedto table the motion for further study till March 12, But Perry rose to protest the proposed tabling. He pointed out that a similar motion was pro- posed nine months ago, and re- ferred back to committee at that time. Since then, he attested, the project has been gathering dust. Despite his objections, the mo- tion was tabled. * * JOHN KATHE and Jim Moran, president and secretary of the Union respectively, were on hand to answer -questions as to the Union's policy on the bookstore idea. In answering a query, Kathe de- clared that no commitments re- garding a bookstore could be made at this time because there were too many uncertain factors involved. In the first place, there is no assurance now that the neces- sary funds and approval can be obtained for building the new wing, which presumably might house the bookstore, he said. Further, the Union can take no action as long as the present Regents' prohibition on competi- tion with local merchants exists, he asserted. * * PERRY afterwards expressed considerable bitterness that the project had been tabled. "The Legislature can afford plenty of time for petty organizational prob- lems, but refuses to spend its 'val- uable' time in considering a prob- lem which is of real importance to the students." The Legislature also tabled the National Student Association stu- dent bill of rights, providing in broad outline for student self- government, a voice in University affairs relating to them, the right to organize their own clubs and to get an adequate education. Committee chairmanships went to Bob Neary, '54, Campus Action Committee; Roger Wilkins, '53, Human Relations Committee; Sue Popkin, '53, Public Relations Com- mittee; Sondra Diamond, '53, In- ternational Relations Committee; Pete Hall, '53, Culture and Educa- tion Committee. -Daily-Roger Reinke STOPPED SHOT-Wolverine goaltender Willard Ikola falls to the ice in the first period of last night's hockey game with Michigan State to stop a shot by Steve Raz of the Spartans. * * * * Scoring Bid Foiled WEQN Cuts WQRS Line In Station Split The telephone line which con- nects WQRS, West Quad radio station, with the inter-dormitory radio system was cut at midnight yesterday by WEQN withsthe offi- cial approval of the East Quad Council. In defense of the WEQN deci- sion, Bill Gerson, '52, pointed out that their station had offered to relinquish ownership of equipment and facilities to piromote a cooper- ative system. "WEQN may think they are be- ing generous, but they're not," countered Remo Boila, '53BAd., representing the West, Quad. "They are asking time and money for expanding facilities which will remain in their own quad," he added. Jailed.Archbisho p Released by Tito BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-()- Marshal Tito's Communist gov- ernment yesterday gave condition- al freedom to Msgr. Alojzijc Step- inac, the Roman Catholic primate condemned in 1946 to 16 years imprisonment on charges of col- laborating with the Nazis in World War II. The announcement, made through the official news agency Tanjug, did not say what the con- ditions were. But it referred to Msgr. Stepinac as the "former archbishop," making clear that the government does not recog- nize him as the head of the Cath- olic Church in Yugoslavia or in any other official capacity. Pucksters Crush MSC, 1-1, in Season Opener, By ED WHIPPLE special to The Daily EAST LANSING-Skill still pays off in hockey. Michigan illustrated that point in forceful fashion to a brawling Michigan State sextet as the Wolverines out-skated, out-shot, out- played and out-scored the Spartans, 11-1, here last night. ALTHOUGH IT WAS Michigan's first start of the season, flashes 1 CLOUDY, MILD SIX, PAGES Talks Stalled On Inspection Team Issue 5 MIG's Downed In Air Fighting MUNSAN, Korea, Thursday, Dec. 6-(P)-Communist truce delegates dodged or gave evasive answers yesterday on terms for supervising a Korean armistice but the United Nations command indicated it was ready to probe today for areas of common agreement. A third sub-committee session was scheduled for 11 a.m. today (9 p.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor time) at Panmunjom. The meeting convened on sche- dule. IN EXPLANATORY talks yes- terday the Communists cited two Russian satellites, Poland and Czechoslovakia, as suitable to serve on the Communist proposed neutral inspection teams to police a Korean truce. The Reds also mentioned Swit- zerland, Denmark and Sweden as qualified to serve because they had not sent troops to Korea. An Allied spokesman told news correspondents that the fact neu- tral countries were discussed was no indication that the UN com- mand had accepted the Red pro- posal for truce inspections by neu- tral nations. THE UN COiMANlecommuni- que last night said it was "impor- tant to note" that the countries mentioned were "merely given as examples of the type which the Communists considered w i t h i n their definition of 'neutral na- tions'." Referring to attempts to ob. tar clarification of the Red truce inspection plan, the com- nunique said: "This attempt was unfortunate- ly largely unsuccessful. The Com- munists repeatedly gave evasive answers or refused to answer .." MEANWHILE, the Fifth Air Force destroyed five Communist jets and damaged five more yes- terday in the tenth straight day of aerial duels over Northwest Korea. An Air Force communique said all Allied planes returned safely without damage, although "MIG Alley" swarmed with 230 or more of the swift Russian-built jets. It was the greatest sustained series of air clashes of the Korean war and underscored the rising tempo of the air war. T h e action over Northwest Korea contrasted sharply with the fading 'twilight war" along the ,145-mile battle line. Only slight contact was reported yesterday by the U.S. Eighth Army. YR, YD Argue Foreign Policy, Economic Aid In a calm, formal debate last night two Young Republicans and two Young Democrats agreed that "foreign policy is a very grave matter" and disagreed on points of economic aid to Europe and the Democratic administration's far Eastern policy. Republican Bill Halby, '53, sup- ported aid to Europe but insisted that "the North Atlantic Treaty is a mistake because it provides for continuous aid for twenty years, regardless of what the European countries can do for themselves." His teammate, Ed Levenberg, '52, also challenged the two Demo- crats, Al Blumrosen, '53L and James Nopper, '53L With the ques- tion, "How far can we go in sup- plyingeconomic aid?" Nopper an- swered Levenberg with, "we can go as far as we are able." Blumrosen joined in with, "No one cax say where the limit is in advance." Levenberg brought up the sec- ond point of disagreement-the Far East-when he claimed that the United States should arm Na- tionalist troops on Formosa and use them in China. Blumrosen termed Chiang Kai- shek a "disastrous ally." P'olice Disperse World News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Chairman Gor- don Dean of the Atomic Energy Commission said last night that tentative plans are now being de- veloped for a vast new expansion of America's atomic weapons out- put-the third since 1949. *, * * NEW YORK-Dean Rusk, As- sistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, yesterday was named President of the Rocke- feller Foundation. He will succeed Chester E. Bar- ,nard, who will retire next June at the mandatory retirement age of 65. DETROIT-A group of storage tanks blew up and ,burned at the Socony-Vacuum Oil Com- pany's big Trenton refinery yes- terday, causing an estimated $500,000 loss. BOSTON-Eugene O'Neill, No- bel and Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, is in critical condi- tion at Faulkner Hospital. The 63 - year - old dramatist, whose home is at Marblehead, re- turned to the hospital last week- end after several previous visits. Hof Wolverine brilliance showed through the plethora of penalties and rugged body check that marked the clash with the "new look" MSC outfit. The Spartans had tuned up for the Maize and Blue with two triumphs over On- tario Agricultural College. What the Spartans lacked in finesse they tried to make up with roughhouse tactics, buit the Wolverine repaid in kind every- thing MSC dished out. In between penalties, brawls, and minor injuries, Coach Vic Heyliger's outfit taillied four goals in the first period, two in the second, and five in the third See MICHIGAN, page 3 Refugees Fleeing VolcanicEruption MAHINOG, Camiguin Island, Philippines, Thursday, Dec. 5--{,) -Seven thousand refugees crowd- ed into this coastal village yester- day as a new shower of hot ashes from Hibok Hibok cascaded down from the north end of Camiguin Island. The known dead from. Tues- day's violent volcano eruption stood at 146. Gov. Pacienco Ysa- lina estimated at least 500 more bodies lie in the smoking ash and lava between the peak and the north shore. i 'UNFAIRNESS' CHARGED: Restaurant Losses Blamed on 'U' Competition (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles on the problems of Ann Arbor restaurants.) By ZANDER HOLLANDER Ann Arbor restaurant men know that there are many reasons behind the sad state of their business but feel that "University com- petition" is the only one they can influence. Therefore they are concentrating their fire on the University as the prime cause for the red ink on restaurant ledgers throughout the city. BOTH OWNERS and the University shows that in 1930 only 6,000 students ate "on the town" but this year there are over 7,000 students who dine outside residence halls and other University-ap- proved eating places. But the same tables reveal that in 1948 over 11,000 students ate regularly in Ann Arbor's restaurants. The crux of the prob- lem is what happened to the 4,000 students who no longer eat in local eating establishments. One explanation, offered by the Administration, is that most of those students are no longer enrolled here. Moreover, they point out, part of that decline came from the liouidation of dormitory housing has even cut into after-dinner business by such ventures as the Snack Bar and Club 600. And their taxes, they protest, a're helping the University to "com- pete unfairly" with Ann Arbor business enterprises. *. * * * REALIZING THAT it would be unfeasible to demand the Univer- sity's complete withdrawal from competition with the restaurants, the Restaurant Meeting The Ann Arbor Restaurant Association will meet at 8 p.m., today at the American Legion Post on 1035 S. Main St. According to a notice circulated by the association, the chief problem under discussion will be how to meet price cuts by certain restaurants in Ann Arbor and Detroit. Ann Arbor Restaurant Association has evolved a three-point program which the association maintains would at least take the "unfairness" out of the competition. 1-They demand that the University make dining in the Resi- authorities goes back to the opening of the East Quad Snack Bar in 1950. Then an Association delegation conferred with Vice-President Robert Briggs and then Director of Residence Halls Francis Shiel. They were told that the University had Installed the Snack Bar only after repeated requests from students in the quad and would operate it only so long as it broke even. The Snack Bar, after an initial loss, is currently breaking even and there are no plans for halting its operations. "As long as the students demand these things," Association Presi- dent Reid admitted last week, "it will be difficult to change matters." * * 44 * IN MARCH 1950, when plans for Club 600 in the new South Quad were made public, a second delegation visited the Administration Building and protested the inclusion of a soda fountain in the blue- prints. The new Vice-President, Wilbur Pierpont, pointed out that Resi- dence Halls dining facilities, including the snack bar and Club 600 were all part of the Michigan House Plan and thus "part of our edu- cational process". AecodinLo R iA -the Association h .srciveA nna .a