'A ..
Sports De-emphasis .Plans Advanced
Bowen Tells of Reader's
I Contribution to Literature
Banning of Bowl Games
Included in Proposals
(Editor's note: This is the second in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with the intercollegiate athletics picture and the present movement
to "de-emphasize" big-time college sports.)
Since the National Collegiate Athletic Association quietly buried
the ineffective Sanity Code, a flurry of new proposals to "de-em-
phasize" college sports has been advanced.
In a three-pronged probe, the NCAA, the American Council of
Education, and more recently, the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools have swung into action with positive
FEARING that athletic abuses were threatening to "wreck the
educational and athletic programs of both colleges and secondary
schools," the North Central Association tackled the problem last
Saturday in Chicago.
Out of the meeting, which was called by Dean James B.
Edmonson of the education school, came these proposals:
1) "All-star" and bowl games should be banned.
2) Contact by colleges with prospective students should be made
only by their admissions officers through the office of the high school
In making this point, the Associatiia assailed the practice
of separate recruiting by college athletic departments and by
alumni recruiting agencies.
3) No college scholarships should be granted except on the
basis of scholastic and personal achievement for both athletes and
4) TRYOUT and elaborate entertainment for high school stu-
dents by colleges are equally undesirable and should not be permitted.
5) Rigid standards of scholarship for intercollegiate ath-
letic competitions should be formulated, published, and enforced.
Finally, the report included a note that high schools are up in
arms against spring practice, excessive number of games, long distance
travel, and participation in contests managed or controlled by com-
mercial interests.
THROUGHOUT, the report was packed with biting comments on
the present athletics picture. In reference to the basketball 'fix"
scandals, it said:
"It must be difficult indeed for a college boy to see the moral
wrong in accepting bribes to control the score in a basketball
game when in all probability, he was 'bribed' in the first place
to play for the school he represents."
And again: "When injured college athletes go before state com-
pensation boards, petition, and are granted disability pay, the ridicu-
lous end results are apparent."
AT THE INFLUENTIAL Association's meeting, which was also
attended by Vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss and Prof. Ralph Aigler,
University Big Ten Representative, concern was repeatedly expressed
that if something wasn't done immediately, high school athletics
would also become "commercialized."
Consequently, the Association, which wields authority in 19
states, intends to crack down on violator schools in its member-
ship as soon as possible.
"We've had enough talking," Dean Edmonson said yesterday.i
"Now we're going to do something about it."
To this, the report added: "The practice of many colleges offering
special financial inducements to athletes, over and above those to all
students, is indefensible and demoralizing."
The chief punitive measure, however, will be "to focus the spot-
light on the irregular practices of a few violating schools," according
to Dean Edmonson.
BY AND LARGE, the Association's proposals run parallel to the
12-point program of the NCAA, which was unanimously adopted last
August. The main features of this program are:
1) Confine practice seasons to the recognized season of the
sport or limit and rigidly supervise out of season practice.
2)' Limit the number of games and ban post-season games.
3) Urge reconsideration of the two-platoon system.
4) Insist upon normal academic progress for athletes.
5) Deny athletic eligibility to any student who has not been
admitted in accordance with regular entrance requirements.
6) Limit number and amount of financial grants to athletes,
and eliminate excessive entertainment of prospective athletes.
* * * *
REPORTEDLY dissatisfied with the progress of the NCAA, the
American Council of Education recently named a committee of 10
college presidents to look into the problem.
Notable among its suggestions, according to the Associated
Press, are (1) the complete elimination of spring football prac-
tice and (2) The integration of college athletic departments into I
campus administrations.!
Here, perhaps, is the crux of the difference between the NCAA!
and the ACE. The ACE proposals may be more drastic.!
At any rate, whatever the proposals, these groups may encounter
the usual difficulty in enforcing them. The spectre of the dead SanityI
Code, ineffective and unenforcable, is still haunting sports reformers.!
NEXT-The situation at the University
FISTBALL-A month ago, Drake's high scgring halfback, John
Bright discovered how intense the "win-or-else" spirit can really
get. In a game with Detroit, Bright (43, left) took a right to the
jaw as he scored the third of his four touchdowns. A week later,
Bright suffered a broken jaw as a result of an "intentional" right
cross from an Oklahoma A&M tackle fright insert).
Bureau of Appointments Says
Change Hell
Week, Says
National IFC
"Fraternities should shift their
emphasis from savagery to serv-
ice" was the theme of the National
Interfraternity conference at Old
Point Comfort, Va., last weekend
according to University IFC sec-
retary, Mark Sandground, '52.
Sandground, who attended the
gathering along with IFC Presi-
dent Jack Smart '52, Dean of Stu-
dents Erich Walter and Joe Fee,
the Dean's assistant in charge of
fraternities, said that a definite
sentiment for the substitution of
"help week" for "hell week" was
evident at meeting.
He also reported that fraternity
alumni present were beginning to'
display an open mind on the ques-
tion of the abandonment of bias
* * *
"WHILE THEY are not ready to
unconditionally junk the clauses
they are willing to consider the
question-which represents some
progress," Sandground declared.
The delegates lauded the ef-
forts of those inter-fraternity
councils who have taken the
lead in such worthy projectstas
blood donation drives. The Uni-
versity was one of the first
schools to sponsor such a cam-
Fee attended a meeting at which
President Arthur Flemming, of
Ohio Wesleyan College, a member
of the Man Power Advisory Com-
mission in Washington, explained
some aspects of the government's
attitude toward the drafting of
college students.
Flemming stated that college
people should realize that student
deferments are just that-and not
student exemptions. He reported
that these deferments are made
to maintain a flow of qualified
people for all fields.
* *
May Festival
Will Present
Met Soprano
Patrice Munsel, coloratura so-
prano of the Metropolitan Opera
Association will appear at the
Sunday evening concert of the
May Festival, Charles Sink, presi-
dent of the University Musical
Society has announced.
At her concert she will include
selections from "Die Fledermaus."
She will sing with the Philadelphia
Orchestra, conducted by Eugene
May Festival will be held May
3, 4, 5, and 6 with six concerts at
Hill Auditorium.
"The value of the writer now
and in the future depends on all
of you," Elizabeth Bowen told a
large audience in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall yesterday.
Speaking on "The Position of
the Writer Today," Miss Bowen,
well-known Irish-English writer,
stressed the fact that the reader
has as much to contribute to the
success of any piece of writing as
the author.
* * *
"IN FACT," she said, "no book
may be said to be completed until
it comes to be read. The writer
calls upon the reader to contribute
imagination, association and his
In considering whether or not
the present day world is favor-
ably inclined to the imaginative
art of writing, Miss Bowen listed
three outside threats to writing
which lead many people to say
that the present situation of
writers is precarious.
She mentioned the evident dom-
ination of science, the size of world
events, and the uniformity of
values and pleasures today.
Anticipating the fear of many
new writers, Miss Bowen had a
solution for those who felt that
they couldn't write because there
was no more to say.
She suggested that they try an
experiment-make a vow to read
only the masterpieces for a time.
After a certain term of such read-
ing, she said, the loneliness and
lack would appear. "We do have a
vital need for contemporary art
and literature," she urged. "You
writers now have an inmense pri-
About the writer's place in so-
ciety, his future and potentialities
against other men, Miss Bowen
made this plea: "Like all others,
the writer should move and
change. As long as he keeps proper
integrity .. . he is entitled and jus-
tified in progressing forward."
In conclusion, the speaker re-
minded her audience of their re-
sponsibility to the future of litera-
ture. "Be prepared to hear the
new voice," she said.
. .. eye examinations
.. . glasses
238 Nickels Arcade
Phone 2-8869
Job Prospects Bright in
Job prospects appear bright for
February and June graduates, ac-
cording to the office of the Bureau
of Appointments.
On a singlesday as many as
twenty representatives from pri-
vate and public agencies have
filled the office to interview job-
seekiiig seniors.
"The demand is especially great
for technically trained personnel,"
T. Luther Purdom, director of the
bureau, said. "For example there
are an estimated 60,000 positions
in mechanical engineering to be
filled, which far exceeds the
26,000 engineers expected to grad-
uate from the nation's colleges and
THE TEACHING profession is
also clamoring for more teachers
to fill positions in the nation's
classrooms. "While teachers' sal-
aries are still lagging behind the
general average," stated Purdom,
"they have been raised to a point
where the work is again attrac-
Jobs for trained women are
also available in nursing, diete-
tics, physical and occupational
therapy, social work, and library
Realizing the need for students
to get a picture of the occupation-
al situation in planning their edu-
cation and future, the Department
of Labor has recently issued the
"Occupational Outlook Hand-
This booklet contains informa-
tion on more than 400 occupations,
and is designed to help students in
selecting their college courses and
major field of study.
Dec. 7-8, 1951
RICHER COLORI Black, Tan, Brown,
Dark Tan, Mid-Tan,
- Mahogany,
and Neutral
e . -'
Ask c P av' po.
rlli li w '
Hatcher To Broadcast
"Books and Personalities that
Shape Your Life," will be discussed
by President Harlan H. Hatcher
over the weekly Student Religious
Association on radio broadcast at
5:15 p.m. today over WUOM.
The President will be inter-
viewed by Ann Cotton, '52, presi-
dent of SRA and Hiru Shah,
Grad., who originated this series
of interviews.
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Doctors warn smokerseabout throats.
Kaywoodie Pipes have Three Throat-Guards
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FIRST THROAT-GUARD: "Wider-opening" bit.
Spreads out smoke, helps cool it. No hot
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Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
No. 29...THE HYENA
J~ysteria reigned from the moment he heard the
details of those quick-trick cigarette mildness tests. .
First he giggled . .. then he guffawed . ..
wound-up rolling in the aisle! He knew that the
"single sniff" test or the "one pufif" test didn't ~
prove anything! Millions of smokers have
reached the same conclusion - there's just one
test that really proves cigarette flavor and mildness!
Itstesnilefs h 30-Day Camel
Milnes Tet, hic siplyasks you to try
Camls s yur teay soke- on a pack-afte'r-pack,
SECOND THROAT-GUARD: Exclusive, patented THIRD THROAT- GUARD: World's best im-
"DRINKLESS" device. Cuts down irritating ported briar. It's specially heat-resistant and
tars... keeps every pipeful lit longer. porous. Makessmokecooler...lessirritating.
Only KAYWOODIE pipes have these Three
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Cuard that throat, doctors say. And Kaywoodie gives you
one...two... three Throat-Guards, protecting your throat
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2 aa
the hermit
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Could be he found
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throat... keeping it cooler.
Yes, light up and forget about your throat. Just think
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Kaywoodie imports the finest briar-and then
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