x' " itr 1 :43 ilit . > < . ,; . CAMPUS APATHY See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1951 Brl fish, Egpiig/ ting FlareBs Agal n 2 CLOUDY AND COOLER SIX PAGES dG * * * * * * Negotiated Truce Ended By Skirmish British Capture First Prisoners CAIRO, Egypt -(AP)- Clashes yesterday between Egyptians and British troops in the Suez Canal Zone, the most serious outbreak of fighting that has yet occurred there, brought death to 29 on both sides, an Egyptian communique re- ported. A British account of the fight- ing placed the number of dead at 11, both Egyptian and British. * * * THE EGYPTIAN Government announcement said 68 Egyptian police and civilians had been wounded. The British said the number of wounded was only four Egyptians, but that two British servicemen were missing. The Egyptian report said the fighting ceased in the late af- ternoon, but the British said the situation still was tense last night, so tense that movement within the area around the town of Suez was impossible. For the first time in the series of clashes in the Canal Zone since the beginning of the British- Egyptian crisis in mid-October, the British reported taking prisoners. They said they had captured 25 Egyptians. THE FIGHTING shattered the truce negotiated after a battle at Ismalia on Nov. 18, in which 18 were killed. The communique of the Egyp- tian Ministry of the Interior, based on a report from the Egyptian Governor of Suez, said a column of 70 British armored cars battled with Egyptian police and auxiliary police for six hours at the town's western entrance. It said the British used rifles and machineguns and "threatened to use mortars" if the Egyptians did not withdraw. FIRING, it continued, was al- most uninterrupted during the whole period of the battle while "ambulances shuttled between the scene of battle and a hospital, carrying British military and Egyptian casualties as well." The communique said the bat- tle was touched off when some British soldiers from the camp near Suez opened fire on a group of policemen whose truck had bro- ken down and who were trying to push the vehicle. A spokesman at British Middle East Headquarters in Fayid said British patrols were now operating in Suez City at the south end of the canal. Soviets Shun Arms Control Suggestions PARIS-(A)-The Western Pow- ers attempted vainly today to draw from Soviet Foreign Minister An- drei Vishinsky a satisfactory an- swer to whether Russia would accept simultaneous international control and prohibition of atomic weapons. After two closed-door sessions, informed sources indicated there was no change in the conflicting East-West positions on disarma- ment. But there was a long ex- change of views in what UN As- sembly President L u i s Padilla Nervo described as a cordial man- ner. The four powers are meeting under the chairmanship of Padilla Nervo in an attempt to find out by Dec. 10 whether they can agree on anything about arms limitation. They will meet again today for another round. The four delega- tions and Padilla Nervo make up a sub-committee of the UN As- sembly. An American spokesman said U.S. Ambassador Philip C. Jessup tried to determine from Vishinsky whether Russia would accept sim- ultaneous prohibition of the ato- Red Inspection ffer Trap' Examined for ~.__ " -Daily-James Easley SEASON'S GREETINGS-Having successfully evaded hunters in their trek from the North Pole, Donner and Blitzen, St. Nick's prize reindeers, pause reflectively at Jones Park while school children crowd around in admiration. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Retail Merchants Association, Santa and his reindeer paid a special visit yesterday afternoo n, touring the city and winding up at the park in late afternoon for the benefit of the kids. As it was nearing dinnertime, Blitzen could not resist nib- bling on the little girl's sleeve. 'EXPECTED PARADISE: Foreign Students R evise Ideas of U.S. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles on how Americans appear to foreign students. The writer, a Fulbright scholar, was formerly on the editorial staff of Corrieri di Napoli, a prominent Nea- politan daily). By ALDO CANONICI To almost every foreigner you Americans put the question: "Did you find the United States differ- ent from what you expected?" The answer is yes. Maybe bet- ter or worse, but surely different. Some of the reasons for our confused idea about America are the books, magazines and films which have been the only things we have had upon which to base our concept. The American people we have known were in most cases GI's who were brought to our father- lands by the war. The military' life of these men could hardly be considered typical of the life of the Americans at home. *: * * SO, AT THE moment when we landed at an American pier our Times' Editor James Dies NEW YORK - ) - Edwin L. James, 61 years old, Managing Editor of The New York Times for the last 19 years, died yesterday. He suffered a heart attack last June and had been ailing at times since. He was taken ill again Sunday. A native of Irvington, Va., James began his newspaper career in 1910 as a reporter on the Bal- timore Sun. Earlier this year James, in a public discussion of the role of The New York Times, said: "We try to publish a paper of information rather than enter- tainment. Our job, as we con- ceive it, is to print a newspaper of education." concepts were rather nebulous.! We thought of the United States as a very far away country al- most in the clouds, just like para- dise. A land of gigantic sky- scrapers, of TV and apple pies, where every man is able to buy ay car for his family. Here people wash dishes with a machine and put nickels in other machines tokbuycandy, hear music or drink a coke. A wonderland! Then we arrived and especially during the first weeks we foreign- ers asked each other what we had thought about America. WE LOOKED astonished at the, spectacle of a farewell before al girls dormitory at night: couplesI and couples kissing under the light of a lamp oblivious of each other, and we ask: why? We saw thousands of people, many com- ing from a great distance, crowd- ing the stadium in freezing weath- er yelling, "Yeh Michigan!" We observed the American girls in slacks and socks, always smiling and in a hurry, inter- ested in a great many things: sports, politics, driving cars and we demanded: why have they so important a role in this country? Why so many different church- es, 256 denominations? Amused and curious we at- tended the exchange parties, saw the dates and the custom of the girl-friends. We could not explain why old traditions were still living in such a modern country of the new world. For instance we were shocked by the sign at the front door of the Union (Ladies please leave by the side door). And why it is not possible to drink a glass of beer without showing identification, when else- where you can get drunk, if you care to, without trouble? WE SINCERELY desired to dis- cover the true face of America and these are some of the things we ask each other and you in every discussion in the Interna- tional Center or whenever we meet you. I have taken part in these talks with great interest, first because knowledge of men is necessary for my job, and second because I had the same difficulties as the others in explaining to myself what the real America is. So with this experience I will try to explain to you in these lines the facts and things which shocked us most and our true opinion of your country. Of course I am supposed to translate in words the thoughts of the many foreign students I have talked with, but not of all. Every rule has its exceptions. In succeeding articles I will examine the main aspects of American life as we see it, and tell you what we thing about it. (NEXT: A look at America's educational system.) Civil Liberties Board Set Up By President KEY WEST, Fla. - ( '- Presi- dent Truman set up a new federal committee yesterday to help out- law discrimination against Negroes and other minorities in hiring by government contractors. Mr. Truman described the ac- tion as a new step in his civil rights program- a program that has embroiled him in a bitter run- ning fight with many elements in the traditionally D e m o c r a t i c South. U.S. Pledges Help to Red Held Airmen Effective Policy Still a Mystery WASHINGTON ---()- "Imme- diate action" was pledged yester- day by the State Department to free four American crewmen and an air force cargo plane which was forced down in Communist Hun- gary by Soviet fighter craft. Just what can be done effective- ly, however, is an unansweredj question. i* * * PROTESTS demanding their re- lease may go to Russia as well as Hungary. Officials forecast they will include a vigorous denial of a Moscow charge that the long- missing plane deliberately violated the Hungarian border and bore equipment for "spies and sabo- teurs" behind the Iron Curtain. Also expected is a protest over the fact that the Conmmunit au- thorities kept silent for nearly two weeks while search planes combed Yugoslavia. Officials said an appeal to the United Na- tions is a possibility, perhaps at a later stage. Beyond this diplomatic action the United States appears power- less for the moment to bring pres- sure in the latest instance of straining relations with the Soviet bloc. Some authorities fear Hun- gary with Moscow backing may try tocuse the American airmen in effect as hostages. THE U.S. granted several con- cessions to Hungary when Robert A. Vogeler, American businessman, was released from a Communist prison and the Hungarian regime currently is charging that this gov- ernment has failed to carry out a promise made then to turn back some Hungarian property in oc- cupied Germany. The State Department an- nouncement of plans for imme- diate action came after the Mos- cow radio solved the mystery of what happened to the plane when it disappeared on Nov. 19 on a flight from the Munich area to Belgrade. Quoting a Tass agency dispatch, Moscow said that Soviet fighter planes forced the unarmed C-47 transport to land at Hungarian airfield "several days ago." The Russian fliers were in Hungary, it was explained, on the strength of article 22 of the Hungarian Peace Treaty authorizing Russia to retain forces in the satellite territory to safeguard its lines of communication with occupied Austria. Later the U.S. legation at Buda- pest reported it was informed formally of the incident by the Hungarian government. A spokes- man said the State Department lacked direct.information but as- sumed it was true the plane had been forced down. WOMEN'S WORK?--UN tankmen take advantage of the lull in fighting on the Korean Western front to catch up on their laundry. An tArborsCouncil Voes Charter Issue on Ballot By HARRY LUNN In a quiet meeting, the Ann Arbor City Council voted 11 to 3 last night to place the issue of charter revision on the ballot next Nov. 4. If revision is favored by the people of the community, a special election would be held within 60 days to select a charter commis- sion to draw up a new instrument. The proposed charter would then be put on the ballot. * * * ACTION LAST night followed submission of a majority report of the Council's special charter revi- sion committee favoring putting the question to the voters. Committee chairman George W. Sallade emphasized that %ny Ford Strikers Shut Factory WINDSOR, Ont.-(JP)-Workers who halted production at the giant Ford of Canada Automobile plant here yesterday with a "spontane- ous" strike, later forced open gates of the factory's power house and virtually shut it down. An estimated 50 to 60 persons forced the power house gates by "sheer weight" and marched in, urging employes there and con- struction workmen on an addition to quit, a company spokesman said, adding: "Some quit and some didn't. The latter worked until the end of their shifts." After threatening to shut the power house down tight, the in- vaders agreed to leave a mainten- ance crew on hand to secure it- shut off water pipes, carrying out necessary maintenance and fur- nish power to such essential things as foundry furnaces. action for revision should not be considered a condemnation of past or present city officials but as an attempt to find a better instrument for the work of the city government. Ald. Arthur W. Bromage, a member of the committee, felt the primary object of charter revision should be increasing the city pow- ers rather than effecting a change in the form of city government. * -* ANN ARBOR now operates on a special charter granted by the state legislature in 1889. Under the present system, the city abides by only such powers as are desig- nated in the charter. All other cities in Michigan of over 13,000 population are gov- erned by the Home Rule Act which gives them power to take any action "advancing the in- terests of the cities" within state constitutional a n d statutory bounds. Ann Arbor Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., said last night that "most of the people I have talked with favor necessary changes ra- ther than complete revision." The mayor predicted t h a t revision would fail to pass in November. Voting for the proposal were Ald. Bromage, Dobson, Green, Sal- lade, Mellott, Maybee, Ouimet, Reed, Gallup, Moore and Council President Creal. Opposed were Ald. Saunders, Eckstein and Fenn. Prosecutor Notes Caudle Censure WASHINGTON-(R)-A Justice Department Prosecutor testified yesterday that he was ostracized by T. Lamar Caudle, then an As- sistant Attorney General, after he won a case against two Mobile, Ala., tax evaders. Allied-ea Requests Foe To Clarify Comumnist Offer Conies Suddely MUNSAN, Korea, Tuesday, Dec. 4-()-Wary of a trap, Allied ar- mistice negotiators today sought extensive clarification of a sudden Communist proposal to permit neutral inspection at some places behind the lines and to "freeze" troops and arms now in Korea. The truce delegations adjourned after only 30 minutes and in- structed their sub-committees to meet in the afternoon. PRESUMEDLY THE subcom- mittees were told to continue dis- cussion of the Communist pro- posal. Previously the R e d s had adamantly refused to consider any inspection behind their lines under any circumstances. The United Nations delegation was not expected to accept the new Red plan as presented, how- ever. Suspiciously, Vice-Adm. C. Tur- ner Joy, Chief UN Negotiator, asked 21 clarifications. AMONG THE questions was a formal request by the UN for a list of the neutral nations the Reds would consider acceptable. Unofficially and perhaps jok- ingly, a Red newsman, Wilfred Burchett of Paris Ce Soir, had indicated outside the conference that Russia, Egypt, Transiordan, India and Switzerland would make a "good team." Joy also proposed that the truce supervision issue be given to a two-man subcommittee for further study. The Communists refused to tur it over to a subcommittee unless their plan was accepted. The UN delegation said it could not agree to anything until clarification was made. The Reds promised to make some answers today. TO OBSERVERS at Allied truce headquarters, the new Red plan seemed to fall far short of what the UN command has been asking. At the same time it looked like more of a concession than anyone in the Allied camp had expected. The Red proposal came after a Monday morningsession at which the Reds continued to insist that the UN Proposal for joint inspec- tions throughout Korea would vio- late the sovereignty of Red Korea. Commandos Land Behind Enemy Lines SEOUL, Korea, Tuesday, Dec. 4 - () - British Commandos sup- ported by tough U.S. Marines landed on the Northeast Korea coast 130 miles behind Communist lines Sunday night and shot up Red transport and communica- tions. Naval gunfire from the trans- port Bass and destroyer Tingey supported the surprise assault on beaches near Tanchon, 170 miles north of Parallel 38, the Navy said today. IN THE AIR WAR, Communist planes yesterday flew far south of their usual Northwest Korea haunts, roared over the South American troops to cover along I the hattle line 40 miles tn the A , AT REGIONAL MEETING: 13 Ill Rights, Exchange Plan Approved by NSA f+ - THE PRESIDENT announced at his quarters on the Naval Sub- marine Station here that the new body-less powerful than the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) of World War Two-will seek ways of strengthening the en- forcement of anti-discrimination clauses which are standard in government contracts. Reaction to Mr. Truman s ac- tion came swiftly. "What's the President trying to do-divert the public's attention from Caudle?" demanded Senator Fulbright (D-Ark.) He referred to T. Lamar Caudle, the ousted As- sistant Attorney General who is being quizzed in a House investi- gation of tax collection scandals. Fulbright told a reporter in Washington he hadn't heard any - + ,..C .-fn- n - rnln'.ia By CRAWFORD YOUNG Approval of a student bill of rights and an Indian student ex- change program highlighted the Michigan regional National Stu- dent Association conference here last weekend. The bill of rights guarantees students in broad outline the right to govern themselves, the right to have a voice in all manners relat- inz o- tnhir wonrPn nrl+s mriai Congress. The Indian government is dealing directly through NSA, will provide the students with pas- sage and tuition. THE NSA member schools will then dicker for board and room ar- rangements on their respective campuses and place the students who come over. Also along the line of interna- ATHLETES RANK HIGH: Harvard Survey Exposes Drinkers c* -I %7, Y {