TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 37 TO PICK FROM: 'Groups Form I s Of 'U' Student Aetivties (Continued from Page 1) various branches of engineering. The fields of engineering that are represented are chemical, electrical, metalurgical, civil, mechanical aeronautical, traffic and automotive. Chemical engi- neers from India have formed an Indian Students Institute of Chemical Engineering. Other fields of study that have active clubs on campus are arcri- tecture, public administration, business administration, industrial relations, anthropology, journal- ism, marketing, chemistry, sociol- ogy, anId psychology. There is also the American Ord- nance Association, Student Science1 Society,, Barristers Society, For- ester's Club, Galens Honorary Medical Society, Student Bar As- sociation, Michigan Actuarial Club, Michigan Crib for pre-law stu- dents, Pre-Medical Society, Pre- Dental Society, and the American Pharmacy Association. * * * WITH STUDENTS at the Uni- versity from all corners of the earth many clubs have sprung up in which foreign students get to- gehter to bring into their college life a bit of their native land. Among these are clubs repre- senting the Arab countries, China, India, Hawaii, Turkey, Russia, Poland and the Philip- pines. Working in conjunction with these are a Council for Displaced Persons and a Com- mittee for InternationalaLiving. Enthusiasts of French, German and Russian have formed clubs in which the foreign language is ex- clusively spoken in an attempt to aid rtudents improve their skill with them. Students from the Upper Penin- sula get together under the titles of the Hiawatha and Ishpeming Clubs, while those from Cleveland rally to the banner of the Cleve- land Club. British Commonwealth students belong to the Beacon Club, and there is an Ann Arbor Girls Club. Armenians belong to the Armen- ian Students Association. ** * DEPENDING on whether you're affiliated or an independent you'll probably join one of the follow- ing coordinating groups: Assem- bly, an association for indepen- den women; Association of Inde- pendent Men, Inter-Cooperative Council, Inter Fraternity Council or Panhellenic, an association of sorority women. Then there are the League and Union student offices which are the administrators of student affairs for these recreational centers. Other student government or- ganizations are the all-campus Student Legislature, the Men's and Women's Judiciary Councils, the Engineering Council and the As- sembly. * * * FOR THE All-Americans, news- paper editors, campus belles and other assorted big wheels who manage to get a decent scholastic record there aie the honorary so- cieties, namely: Druids, Michiga- mua, Scroll, Senior Society, Sphinx, Triangles, Vulcans, Wy- vern. en'sOfc Ketep ,.s Tabs 1 Activities Walter Oversees Student Activities Headquarters f o r University students is the Office of Student Affairs, on the ground floor of the Administration Building. Presided over by Dean of Stu- dents Erich A. Walter, it is the central office of many student ac- tivities as well as the source of various directives regulating stu- dent conduct. * * * THE OFFICE IS CROWDED throughout the day with students who are requesting eligibility cards for extra-curricular activi- ties, getting automobile permits, checking the social calendar, look- ing for vacancies in rooming houses, or maybe reviewing the account of one of the many stu- dent organizations. The Office files a personal record card for each studenton which is kept a record of his ex- tra-curricular activity, discip- linary penalties and other data. The post of Dean of Students was formed by the Board of Re- gents in 1921. This was the first job of this kind in the country. THE DUTY OF THE Dean of Students is to be "friend, counse- lor and guide to the student body with general oversight of its wel- fare and its activities." As a result, the Office of Stu- dent Affairs has become catch- all for the entire University. Even mail clerks who find them- selves with letters they don't know what to do with drop them off at the office. * * * IN ITS YEARS of existence the post of Deadt of Students has ac- cumulated the jobs of ex-officio membership in the University Sen- ate, Board in Control of Student Publications, Board of Directors of the Union, Board of Governors of Residence Halls, and many more. Back in 1921, the dean's office was one small room with two idesks in it-one for himself and one for his secretary. As the office gathered more and more jobs, it began nibbling rooms away from the Registrar's Office until it moved into its own office in the new Administration Build- ing two years ago. Before becoming Dean of Stu- dents in 1947, Dean Walter had served as faculty member in the E n g l i s h department, assistant dean, and later associate dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. ROTC Offers Assurance Of College Completion The Summer Tour Boys Back in Ann Arbor- Student-Cruise Types NEARLY ALL TO SE RVE: Ai }7 A, Travel Office Will Reopen A travel office designed to aid students making trips abroad will be located this fall in the Student Legislature building, '122 South Forest. The travel office is run by Lee Winneg, experienced travel ar- ranger who has headed the office for several years. Miss Winneg of- fers free the National Student As- a o c i a t i o n publication, "Work- Study-Travel Abroad" to students who wish to receive complete in- formation regarding travel abroad. Try FOLLETT'S First USED BOOKS at BARGAIN PRICES i G i , -Daily-Bill Hampton "Them French . .. Wow, THEY know how to LIVE!" Entertainment Opportunities Varied for University Students !Continued, from Page 1) There also are just plain clubs for people who have a simple interest in common as the Aco- lytes, Ann Arbor Surf Riding and Mountain Climbing Society, Chess Club, Fireside Group, Fly- ing Club, Kindai Nihon Kenkyu Kai, Graduate Outing Club, Hostel Club, Lei, Voyageurs, Mid- shipman's Club, Mimes, Quar- terdeck, Rifle Club, Sailing Club, Women's Athletic Association, ULLR Ski Club and the Wolver- ine Club, which is the promotel' of most campus activities. When you add to the above list the twenty-odd religious organiza- tions from which to choose one that best fits your particular in- terest., Play, the all-male Union Opera, the Theatre Guild plays, the Student Players productions, the women's Soph Cabaret, Gil- bert and Sullivan operas, and dramas sponsored by the Inter- Arts Union. Together, they manage to en- sure that there's a play practi- cally every week. * * * MUSIC IN Ann Arbor is accord- ed a top spot in most people's en- tertainment calendar. I Besides the series of concerts presented by the University Musical Society-including the Choral Union Series, the Extra Concert Series, the Messiah concerts, the Chamber Music Festival and the May Festival-- there are frequent recitals by¢* members of the music school faculty, which includes a not- able ensemble, the Stanley- Quartet. Students make a lot of music, too. There are numerous choral groups, operating both for course credit and for fun. Students in' the music school give recitals in order to -meet their degree re- quirements. And in March, the Inter-Arts Union puts on the Stu- dent Arts Festival, a three-day gala event which takes in all stu- dent artistic work, including mu- sic. LECTURES COME with such frequency that attending them all would be practically a full-time occupation. In addition to departmental lec- tures and University lectures -- which are free-there is the Ora- torical Association's lecture ser- ies, bringing well-known speakers from all over the country and abroad. * * * SOCIAL LIFE is vigorous except during exam periods. Highlight of the year, traditionally, is the J- Hop formal dance, a two-day shindig between semesters. In addition, for those who like to stroll among the shrubbery, there is the University-owned Ar- boretum, some hundreds of acres of wooded hills. Course Offered A special section of Journalism 52, usually not offered until the second semester, will be open this semester on Monday, Wedneseday and Friday at 2 p.m., Prof. John V. Field of the journalism depart- ment announced this week, By JOHN BRILEY "Nearly every American boy who is physically qualified is go- ing into the service one way or another." These harsh but accurate words were spoken by Colonel Charles D. Wiegand, head of Army ROTC at the University, in explaining why the ROTC seems to be the freshman's best bet for an unin- terrupted college education. * * * THERE'S only one "out" for draft-shy students, and that is moving into an essential occupa- tion after graduation. In the meantime, however, three ways are open for the physically quali- fied freshman to face his service obligation and go to college too: 1. He can seek a deferment from his draft board. 2. He can join the Organized Reserve Corp or the National Guard. 3. He can join the ROTC. If a student takes the first path and tries to get a deferment from his draft board he must pass the academic aptitude test. The aptitude test, given on a na- tional scale four times this year in May, June and July, will be giv- en again at specified times to be announced by the Selective Service Board to those who reach the age of 18 after they enter school. * * * PASSING THIS test does not guarantee deferment, however. The test results are used by lo- cal draft boards along with the students marks as guides to deter- mine whether or not deferment will be granted. Anothernfactor which must be considered by local boards is the program under which the stu- dent is enrolled. Deferments can legally be given only, to students studying in a field the board feels is "necessary to the maintenance of t h e national health, safety or interest." The board's paramount duty is to meet the call for men from the armed services. Brig. Gen. Louis H. Renfrow, as- sistant director of Selective Serv- ice, in a recent public statement pointed out that many draft boards are interpreting deferment questions in different ways. He said that some seem to be actually prejudiced against college students. In any case, Selective Service officials warn students who stake their education on a draft defer- ment to remember that the local situation varies considerably, and circumstances that might lead to deferment in o n e community would not work in another. *. * * IF A STUDENT is classified as 1-A by his local board, he does have the right to take his case to the State Appeal Board, however. Students attending the Univer- sity remain registered with their home board. If they are ordered to take a physical examination, they may have the physical here in Michigan through the Ann Ar- bor board, but their classification will be determined at home. If a student receives a defer- ment for continued college work Organization Boosts Rallies An integral part of campus ex- tra-curricular activities is the Wolverine Club, the University's "booster" organization. The group is busiest in the fall, when it arranges and conducts a football pep rallies, trips to away games, flash card stunts, and "Fight" pins. Other activities throughout the year include en- tertainment between the halves of basketball games, campaigns for worthwhile campus causes, and aid to other University organiza- tions in their work. (2AS classification), he must satisfy his draft board that he is doing satisfactory work to keep his deferment. The board can review the case at any time and in light of their quotas and available manpower, ,everse a previous 2A classifica- tion. Selective Service officials cau- tion students to remember that a deferment is not an exemption. Students deferred for college work must still serve their 24 months in the armed forces. Most students who are deferred until completion of college will be drafted as enlisted men when they finish and only students who grad- uate when they are over 35 can expect to avoid service. * * * ONE OF THE ways to eliminate the chances involved in seeking a deferment is to enlist in an Or- ganized Reserve Corps or the Na- tional Guard. A student studying at the Uni- versity would have to join one of the units here in Ann Arbor. He would not be subject to the draft, but he would have to go whenever his unit was called, The enlistment period for both National Guard and ORC is 3 years. The physical exam for both is the same as that for the regu- lar army. National Guard and ORC units train about four nights a month and usually make a sum- mer encampment. Members are paid for each full day of active duty. If a student joins the National Guard or the ORC and leaves Ann Arbor, he will be attached to an- other unit, but will still have to go along if the Ann Arbor unit is called to duty. In some special cases individual members of the ORC may be called before their units go, and several Ann Arbor units have been called since the Korean conflict started. * * * UNIVERSITY officials antici- pate that the ROTC will pro- vide the most popular way for col- lege men to meet their military obligations. A man joining the ROTC can receive a full four years of edu- cation, a total of $650.00 in pay, and enter the service at the end of college with a tull commission and a tailor-made uniform to go with it. Colonel Wiegand feels that by doing this, the college man can utilize his ability to the greatest advantage for both his country and himself. One big obstacle that must be surmounted before entering the ROTC is the physical exam which is more rigorous than the regular pre-induction exam. After that, the ROTC student is just like all the rest of the stu- dents on campus. He chooses his own academic program, which must include ROTC studies, of course, and can participate in any regular campus activity. To avoid the draft a student must sign a contract agreeing to pursue his course in ROTC through college and to accept a commission and serve for a mini- mum of two years, if called by the Secretary of the Army. Students who join the ROTC but do not sign the contract are subject to the draft for the first two years of ROTC training. * * * ALL STUDENTS who go into the advanced program have some kind of contract with the gov- ernment and are exempted from the draft until the contract is ter- minated. All male members of the freshman class will be contacted by the Armyand Air Force RO- TC after their. arrival on cam- pus, and the local draft boards of those who take the contract with the ROTC will be notified. The Navy ROTC, which has op- enings for only 65 freshmen (the Army and Air Force have set no quotas for enlistment) will not contact incoming students. Men who are interested in the Navy program should contact Navy RO- TC on campus just as soon as pos- sible, preferably before their ar- rival at the University. Tle University has ROTC units from each branch of the service, Army, Navy and Air Force. Any student over 14 years of age may enlist in the Army ROTC. A student must be between the ages of 17 and 21 to enlist in the Naval ROTC program. Students taking a five year course at the University, must be able to gt their degree before reaching the age of 25, if they wish to join th Navy program. Students who have already been classified 1-A may still join the ROTC if they have not yet be n ordered to report for induction. * * * THE ROTC programs of the Army, Navy and Air Force differ slightly but in general are divided into two periods. The basic program lasts the first two years. A student is not paid for this time. After two years the ROTC cadet goes into the advanced program where he specializes in one field, receives 90 cents a day ration allotment and a tailor made officer's uniform. Between his junior and senior years he must make a six weeks encampment or cruise, for whch he is paid $112. Upon graduation exception 'students can receive regular com missions. Other students ar commissioned in the reserves,. * * * THE NAVY has a special pro- gram called the Hollaway Plan in addition to their regular "con- tract" ROTC. Under this plan students are contacted while still in high school, where applicants are screened by the Navy before they enter college. Students selected in this pro- gram receive tuition, books, lab- oratory fees and a monthly allot- ment for expenses from the Navy. Upon graduation they are com- missioned in the Regular Navy and must serve two years. Selection of students for this program is on a rigidly compe- titive basis (2,000 made the grade this year out of 34,000 ap- plicants) and students who are selected must take a cruise each summer of their college career. The Army ROTC has gradu- ate branches for medical and den- tal students in addition to their regular program. An ROTC cadet can graduate from the regular program as a second lieutenant and be given a first lieutenancy at the end of his medical or den- tal school training. THE UNIVERSITY'S Ar my ROTC offers four programs for cadets, infantry, quartermaster, ordnance and signal. The Air Force options are com- in u n i c a t ions, administration, comptrollership and flight opera- tions. Navy cadets can chose the sup- ply corps or the marine corps. * * * THE big question mark in the current military picture is Universal Military Training. The President is expected to re- quest UMT from Congress some- time in September. Whether or not the national legislators will tackle the prol# - lem in an election year is muph disputed. Few people are willing to ha- ard a guess about the kind of is bill that will be passed, if one does become law. The student who banks on UMT to keep him out of the service un- til he finishes his education, had better bring along a couple of suitcases full of rabbits' feet and horseshoes when he heads for Ann Arbor, they say. ._ :; ANN ARBOR'S ONLY RESTAURANT invites you to try its prompt and courteous service, good food and low prices. STUDENT PERIODICAL AGENCY j Proudly Presents to U. of M. STUDENTSj SPECIAL FALL SEMESTER RATES i TIME.......... Regular Price .. $6 one year $4 two semesters S Of particular interest to economy-minded students are I7 STUCLDTPS S Full course luncheons, including soup or salad &abeverage, priced at NEWSWEEK .............$6.50 one year $5 two semesters Both these magazines present concisely yet completely the significant news of the week. LIFE ...................$6.75 one year $4.50 two semesters This pictorial magazine provides the reader with a ringside seat for the events and the people in the news. FORTUNE................$12.50 one year Fortune is especially recommended for Bus Ad students who wish to keep pace with today's industrial news. MAGAZINE OF BUILDING $11.00 one year Formerly Architectural Forum, this publication is vital to A&D students who are concerned with developments in the building industry. PECIAL j $3.00 $2.00 $4.50 $3.00 $4.00 $3.00 $7.50 $5.50 n I A* 5c 1. i Among the hundreds of other subscriptions that we handle but for which we cannot quote special yearly rates are the- following student favorites: Atlantic Monthly ........$6.00 McCalls...............$2.50 Esquire..........$6.00 Holiday................$5.00 Look (26 issues)........$3.50 Cosmopolitan...........$3.50 New Yorker ............$7.00 Reader's Digest..........$3.00 SatEvePost..............$6.00 Redbook ..............$2.50 Mail your order NOW so that your subscription will begin in the fall semester. Or, if you are in Ann Arbor, phone your order to our office, 2-8242. "STUDENT OWNED - STUDENT OPERATED - TO SERVE MICHIGAN STUDENTS" I ON CAMPUS GOOD HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS F / REPROOF EVERY ROOM I Come to the r$ s1 I I II II MIN. milli I