Y Lw6 743 04W 40 . atty ON A POLICY FOR CHINA See Page 4 ~Jet Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND MILDER. v VOL. LXH, No. 57 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1951 SILL PAGE SIX PAGES End of Trail Seen for UN Troo * * * * ator said afterwards that the NIr AT truce talks had reached "im- * * * * WHY DO the other countries want to get the with? war in Korea overI QUIET VIGIL-Along most of the Korean front today UN sol- diers such as these watched over Communist-held positions in virtual silence, and the costly 17-month-old war seemed to be drawing to a gradual close. L'ocal Scientists Criiclze Phoenix By HARLAND BRITZ The Phoenix Project is under fire from several young, University scientists. A group of graduate students and teaching fellows are up in arms over alleged limitations on research which they say "are a violation of academic freedom and a channelling of intellectual effort." They also charge that the Phoenix Project is nonsensically re- fusing to allow degree credit for work on its research grants. S * * * IN RESPONSE TO THEIR charges, Dean Ralph Sawyer of the graduate school, director of the Project, admitted that there is some- thing to be said on both sides but that the route that Phoenix has tak- en has been necessary for its success. The scientists, all of whom requested anonymity because of their relation to the University, claim that the system of limiting research grants to "certain phases of atomic research" is much too restrictive. They maintain that the present system of grants leaves no room for random experimentation. By providing such research necessities as equipient, funds, and helpers, the Phoenix Project is luring needy and sincere researchers away from their chosen projects to work for Phoenix, they charged ' further. * * * * ONE SCIENTIST FELT THAT radioactive energy (which is what he said Phoenix is stressing) is only a slim portion of the atomic en- ergy field. "Six and a half -million dollars is an awful lot of money for this one specific technique," he added. He also felt that application of atomic energy is not the prob- lem of physicists but the work of engineers. "Fundamental prob- lems," he claimed, "can't be solved by looking for applications." Another scientist suggested solving the problem by making avail- able free money, not for a specific job but allocated to a specific man for any use he feels is important. This fellow suggested a project along the lines of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, N.J. Walker Hits General for Yalu Silence BOSTON -()- The Christian Science Monitor, in a copy-righted story by Gordon Walker, said yes- terday "there was strong evidence" General MacArthur's staff "with- held intelligence information on Chinese intervention from the President and front line command- ers" in the 1950 ill-fated Yalu River offensive. Walker is assistant foreign edi- tor of the Monitor and former war correspondent attached to General MacArthur's command in the Pa- cific and Tokyo. "FRONT-LINE commanders ord- ered their troops into battle with- out prior knowledge that they fac- edPverwhelming odds-odds which in most cases were as high as three or four to one," the Monitor said. Walker wrote that first infor- mation about Chinese interven- tion "actually had reached Tok- yo in mid-September." The Yalu offensive started in late. Novem- ber. "War correspondents in Tokyo who sought to establish the fact, however, were officially discour- aged by headquarters from writ- ing about it," according to Walker. Walker said until now, war correspondents "voluntarily have withheld details of the disasterous push to the Yalu" out of reluctance to "write anything which might detract from the almost unbeliev- able heroism of field officers and men" who managed to avert a military debacle. Hen's ,Jud ic Posts Open Three positions on Men's Judi- ciary will be open for petitioning, starting today. Petitions may be obtained from' 3 to 5:30 p.m. today and every day next week in the Student Legislature Building at 122 South Forrest Street, Bob Baker, '52, SL vice-president announced. Deadline for return of the pe- titions is Friday, December 7. The appointments will be decided upon by the Student Legislature cabinet, Baker said. The three positions open are 1 those of Stan Weinberger, '52, Al Blumrosen, '53L, a n d Merlin I Townley, 152M, whose terms ex- pire this semester.h m Any male students enrolled in I the University are eligible to pe- tition for Men's Judiciary posi- 1 tions.1 Last Blast LAS VEGAS-()-The Army concluded its atomic weapons effects program at Nevada test site yesterday with a compara- tively small but vital blast, wit- nessed by some of the nation's top brass and nuclear techni- cians. Two Eastern Governments Overthrown By The Associated Press The pro-Russian governments of Syria an'd Thailand were quietly but swiftly overthrown yesterday in bloodless military coups. In Syria the new pro-Russian premier and all his ministers were arrester by Lt. Col. AdIb Shishek- ly, a power behind the scenes there since 1949. * * OLD RIVALRIES were apparent between the dominant Populist party and the army which Shis- hekly directs as Chief of Staff. The Syrian strong man never gave populist Marouf Dawalibi, advocate of closer Arabic-Rus- sian ties, a chance to get set as successor to pro-western Prem- ier Hassen El Hakeem, a backer of the projected Middle East De- fense Command who resigned * Nov. 10. Meanwhile, in Thailand, it was a nine-man military junta which quietly overthrew Thailand's gov- ernment and announced it would pursue the nation's anti-Commun- ist policy. Premier P. Pibulsonggram, orig- inator of the policy, was ousted but there were reports he would be returned to his new job when a new government was formed, pos- sibly today. The motive behind the coup re- mained obscure. There was a pos- sibility, however, that it was staged to reaffirm the government's in- dependent position as regards young King Phumiphon Aduldet, who is returning with his queen and daughter from Switzerland. Rusk Resignation. ExpectedSoon WASHINGTON-(A)-Assistant Secretary of State Dean Rusk, a key figure in American diplomacy for several years and the archi- tect of recent U.S. Far Eastern policy, is expected to resign in a few weeks., It is understobd that Rusk has been negotiating with the Rocke- feller Foundation, and that var- ous other private research groups have been interested in obtaining his services. Dave Cargo Quits Post As YR Head By ALICE BOGDONOFF Strongly asserting that "I am tired of being personally villiled," Dave Cargo, grad, resigned as pres- ident of the Young Republicans last night. Cargo's resignation was brought on by heated accusations from the club that he had gone over the heads of the members in inviting Gov. Warren to speak here. JOE NEATH, 53L, who brought the issue to the floor, pointed out that at the first club meeting of the year the group had taken a "preferential" vote which decided that Sen. Taft should be the first choice of the club and Gov. Warr- ren the second. Hal Mayes, '53L, an Eisenhow- er man, joined forces with Neath in protesting that he had ,been appointed committee chairman at that first meeting to contact Sen. Taft's office. "John Martin, Taft's adminis- trative secretary, assured me that Taft can come here sometime be- fore the close of the school year," Mayes argued, "and yet the com- mittee was not consulted when you-Cargo-went ahead and in- vited Warren," Mayes concluded vigorously., Cargo took the floor to explain that the regular procedure for bringing speakers is to extend the invitation through the national committee. "I contacted Arthur Sommer- field, Michigan national commit- teeman, and he told me that Taft would not be able to speak here unless it was after the state spring See CARGO, Page 6 t Caudle Admits Getting_$5,000 WASHINGTON-(')--T. L. Cau-' dle, ousted two weeks ago as the' government's top tax prosecutor, acknowledged yesterday that he accepted $5,000 as a commission on the sale of an airplane to an investigator for two New Yorkers later convicted of tax fraud. He also told House investigators that he might have been instru- mental in getting two delays in the trial of the New Yorkers, Samuel Aaron and Jacob Friedus. But when Adrian DeWind, coun- sel for a House Ways and Means subcommittee, accused him of "pressuring" the U.S.rattorney for delays, Caudle retorted angrily that his only interest in the case was to "accommodate" the defense attorney. I SEN. WHERRY * W *RR Sen. Wher, GOP Leader, Dies at 59 WASHINGTON-()-Sen. Ken- neth S. Wherry of Nebraska, one of the top Republicans in the Sen- ate and a jolly,' aggressive sales- man of old line GOP policy, died yesterday at the age, of 59. Wherry, who had been floor leader for the Republicans since 1949, died of pneumonia. He had' undergone an abdominal operation last month but lately had been re- ported recuperating. His secretary, Lorne Kennedy, said the doctors had authorized him to say that the operation dis- closed a malignant tumor but that the immediate cause of death was pneumonia. ** * WHERRY BECAME ill Wednes- day and was taken to the George Washington University Hospital yesterday morning, suffering from chills and fever with respiratory complications. Death came at 12:45 p.m., EST. Republican national chairman Guy Gabrielson mourned' his death in a statement saying "The coun- try and the Republican party have lost a valiant fighter for the Am- erican way of life. His wise coun- sel and vigor will be irreplace- able in the critical days ahead." Gov. Val Peterson, Republican governor of Nebraska, said yester- day he would not discuss appoint- ment of a successor to Wherry un- til final respects have been paid him. Yea!ce 1iNews Criticized By Truman KEY WEST --(P)-- President Truman announced bluntly yester- day that the fighting will continue in Korea as long as there is a pos- sibility of United Nation forces be- ing "caught off-balance" by the enemy in a peace trap. "The continued pressure of our forces on the enemy constitutes the strongest incentive for the lat- ter to agree to a just armistice," the iresident told a news confer- ence at this naval submarine base. "Any premature slackening of our effort would cost us more casualties in the long run than need be lost." THE PRESIDENT followed the reading of his prepared statement with an off-the-cuff lecture to press associations and newspap- ers on what he said were fake cease fire stories that grow out of hot competition for news. He singled out a premature armistice story by the United Press' Roy Howard in 1918 and an Associated Press story of Se- oul, Korea, Wednesday, asserting that orders from the highest sources, possibly the White House, brought ground fighting to a halt in Korea. Mr. Truman termed the Roy Howard story a fake and said the AP story was on a parallel with it. THE PRESIDENT said he und- erstood yesterday's AP story out of Seoul sprang out of the intense competition for news. Addressing himself then to the representatives of the Press Asso- ciations and t h ecindependent newspapers at the conference, he said they must be very careful in this very dangerous time to stick to the truth. Mr. Truman, in his prepared statement, said he hoped every- body understood "there has been no cease fire in Korea and that there can be none until an armis- tice has been signed." National passe No. 2." FROM SEOUL, THE Far East Air Forces reported sighting the astonishing total of 9,200 trucks rushing supplies and possibly' troops under cover of darkness to the front lines all across the Kor- ean peninsula. This is almost double the prev- ious record. The Reds obviously were swinging into a big buildup during the strange lull which de- veloped Wednesday after truce terms agreed on a provisional cease-fire line and the Allied com- mander issued "certain. military instructions to his Eighth Army. * * * THE FIFTH AIR Force said its night fliers, with plenty of tar- gets, attacked more than 3,500 of the trucks and destroyed 300. This ominous truck movement was coupled'with increasing Red air activity. The Reds sent out a record one-day total of from 300 to 320 Russian-made MIG's yester- day. There were few clashes, but in one brief encounter three U.S. jets and one MIG were damaged. * * * THE LARGEST sightings of Red trucks were across the central waist of Korea along an east- west rovad leading to the east coast port of Wonsan. At least 2,000 trucks were reported on that one route leading to the eastern front. Other large movements were sighted all along the western road network leading south from Sinanju and Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. An Eighth Army briefing offi- cer said of the ground action that yesterday was one of the quietest days of the war. Except for minor patrol clashes, the only action broke out north- west of Yanggu on the eastern front. Meanwhile, in Pusan a mighty blast destroyed the South Korean government arsenal before dawn todayand devastated a wide area. U.S. Army authorities said four civilians were known to, be dead and six were seriously injured. None was American. UN To Debate On Pact Plan PARIS-(A )-A proposal which would authorize the United Na- tions to call on the North Atlantic Pact armies or similar regional agencies to resist aggression any- where in the world is being nre- AS FOR DEGREE CREDIT, Strange Type. Flu Infectinir 'U' Students one scientist explained that graduates -could help out with a faculty mem- ber's Phoenix-sponsored research project, but not use the experi- ence as material for his degree requirements. ' A peculiar variety of flu has been creeping around the Univer- sity campus, striking numerous students with a malady that comes and goes within 24 hours. Hitting especially hard in the women's dormitories, the sickness affected an estimated 15 to 20 women in Stockwell Hall yester- day. Mrs. Dorothy Parker, assist- ant director of Stockwell, reported last night that the number of cases seemed to be declining. SHE ADDED that the illness apparently was affecting similar numbers of women in the other dorms. Most of the effects pass away quickly and the cases have not been referred to Health Ser- Vice, she said. "Although grads are paid, they're interested in their de- grees and not in the paltry sum they get from research aid," he maintained. He also claimed that Dean Saw- yer discourages including the names of grad student helpers in faculty members' publications. The Dean denied this. * * * THE DEAN then countered that it would be wonderful to get a limited amount of free money for research projects but that this was just not possible. When the War Memorial Committee was selecting a me- morial for the second world war, Dean Sawyer -pointed out, they felt that the field of atomic en- ergy was an appealing idea. They felt that it was so new and strik- ing that many people would sup- port it. "Though it doesn't support every t I t 8 F : t, EXPECT 1000 VISITORS: Musicians Arrive Here for Regional Conference 4 One of the largest music con- ferences in the country this year will begin here today when almost 1,000 music teachers from Michi- gan and the mid-western area meet with University faculty in the seventh annuln.1 Midwestern -;::f':?i' ::;i };,, ?'~:: : t w -tr-!;-::::::-> S;' :,::".j. f. ' : [ l 41 prevents us from having a better music program" in the Union Ball- room. Russell Isbister, superinten- dent of schools at Plymouth, Mich- igan, will act as moderator. Gests at t+e . nn--lp - a. A r IRoundup By The Associated Press WA SHINGTON T - e I I I fi rt :i 0