A THE THURSDAY, NOVL31BER 29, 1951 PAGE FOUR PAG FOR TE MCHIAN AIL TURSAYNOVMBE _ v191_ Panhel Marches On STILL TOTING the affiliate's favorite slo- gan, "It's our business," the Panhellenic Association has joined with Student Legis- lature in a study of sorority bias clauses. But the study group of five sorority wo- men, two of them from SL, holds little promise of any constructive action. The group will not be able to even consider the problem until Panhel is officially "told" which sororities have bias clauses, an event that can only take place when the nationals grant permission for the locals to make the revelation. Panhel President Bev Clarke has also affirmed that the names of those with clauses will probably not be revealed even when the information is "obtained." The hypocrisy attached to the situation becomes obvious when any sorority house president is asked what sororities have bias clauses. She starts to mutter a Greek let- ter, suddenly stutters as if a hot potato was being jammed in her mouth, and then in- nocently claims she really doesn't know. With all this self-righteous hesitancy to do anything more than affirm honest in- tentions, Panhel appears to be the wrong group to handle the situation and bring it to any positive conclusion. For if Panhel cannot make its member sororities "reveal" that they have bias clauses how can it ever hope to make these same sororities remove the clauses. Most likely Panhel will patiently await some sort of signal from the nationals concerned, studiously ponder the situation for a long period, and then like the Intra- fraternity Council conclude that it can't make its member organizations do any- thing when it comes to bias clauses. Pan- hel will then also propose that a second study group be formed to plan further action. A lot of valuable time would be saved if Panhel, instead of procrastinating, would join the current SL-IFC bias committee. This group is scheduled to submit its plans for eliminating fraternity bias clauses on December 4. There is no reason why one all-inclusive plan that would solve the prob- lem for both the sororities and the fraterni- ties could not be submitted. To date, however, the SL-IFC committee has not indicated that it will come up with anything radically different from the al- ready ineffective IFC program. Unless they intend to adopt the out- moded evolutionary attitude that time alone will heal all ills, the group will have to urge that the responsibility for remov- ing bias clauses be assumed by the Uni- versity. For unless there is the ability to enforce behind any anti-bias clause pro- gram, it cannot hope to be successful on this campus. Both Panhel and IFC have unfortunately, and with a great waste of time, demonstrated their lack of any such ability. The University, however, could effectively enforce removal and would be doing so today had not President Ruthven vetoed the SL-Student Affairs Committee propsoal last spring. An SL-SAC program similar to, if not the same as last year's, should be reinstituted now. In the name of at least external progw-ss, both Panhel and IFC should stop their pre- tensions and ask SL and the University to legislate bias clauses out of existence. -Leonard Greenbaum Cordial Relations A MAJOR problem confronting any large educational institution is that of poor student faculty relations. The University, recognizing this problem, has in the past set up various mechanisms by which students and faculty members could get acquainted with one another. There are such devices as coffee parties and tea parties, and fac- ulty office hours, all of which are failures. One reason for this is that such devices, are entirely too stiff and formal. Stu- dents will not go out of their way to go to a teacher's office and interrupt him in the middle of his work, or go to a tea which ends up with students and faculty huddled in separate groups. It also seems to be a tradition at the f University that there should be poor rela- tions between these two groups, who, for the benefit of education, should know one another better. Blame for this may lie in the University's excessively competitive sys- tem in which students are constantly striv- ing for the all powerful high mark. As a result, students who do make an attempt to know their teachers better are often accused of "apple polishing" by their classmat s. Large lecture sections are also a poor way to induce warmer relations. Naturally, the "system" affects the fac- ulty also. All too often, advancement is based on the German principle of "was hat er geschrieben." Thus, faculty members are too engrossed in research to heve time for their students. In the last analysis, the ultimate blame lies with both groups for not making . a conscious attempt to meet one another. One way to break the timidity was sug- gested by Professor Hayward Keniston, former Dean of the literary college. Prof. Keniston recommended at Tuesday's lit- erary college conference, which concen- trated on this issue, that a place of meet- ing be set aside by the University where both students and faculty could go at any time to get coffee or food and where they could expect to find others who are in- terested in getting acquainted. It is a modest suggestion. There are other spots on campus where students and faculty both go. But such a long standing stiffness between the two groups has been built up through the years that a break must be made and a new start attempted. The University spends a small fortune annually for good public relations. It is time they did something of definite acade- mic significance and made an attempt, no matter how small, to improve student-fac- ulty relations. -Jerry lelman ri ? T - / ? R9 u~ PT -JUSTICE t f.CCI 'What Ho, Chief? f ; /etteAJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. { Egyptian Question - - - To the Editor:b II :';; : -.1 F -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t4 ti li 0 12 I i I i 1 I i t t ] tI I Picture fron Korea AS THE ARMY'S rotation scheme begins to take hold, what is now a thin trickle of returning Korea veterans is bound to broaden into a steady flow. What these men have to say will be im- portant. Few things exert more influence upon the American people than the words of men who return from war. We can look for them to exert a firm pres- sure in many fields of American life; per- haps the presidential race, probably the area of foreign policy, certainly on military tactics. I talked with one of them this weekend, the first Korea vet I've encountered so far. His opinions, while not profound in them- selves, are certain to have indirect reper- cussions in all these areas. First, he wanted everyone to know that the bulk of reports issuing from Korea are true. The dispatches come as close to recre- ating reality as words are able to counter- feit action. The Chinese Reds, he said, "honest-to- God" yell and scream when they attack and they really do wave pennants and blow bugles. And it scares the living daylights out of you, too, if you're not use to it. But even more important, he went on, is that the Red casualties reported by the Eighth Army are on the level. When the Reds are driven off they leave a carpet of bodies, sometimes ten deep. But when they attack and the front ranks are mowed down the unarmed men to the rear snatch the guns from the dead 'soldiers and keep on coming. He wouldn't vouch for Air Force casualty Pstimates. "There ain't an airman alive who can tell how many he's killed when he's 'na- palmed' a hillside-it )might be three, it might be 50.' This soldier, who, by the way left the University to enlist, reached Korea just af- ter the second push out of the Pusan peri- meter, after Gen. Ridgway took command. He had nothing but admiration for Ridg- way. The hard-bitten commander, he said, had breathed new life into a fighting force which was shot through with a single word, "evacuate." Ridgway's conception of "Operation Killer" was a stroke of near genius. It gave UN forces, until then frustrated by an an- nounced objective of winning one inch after another of ground which looked pre- cisely like the ground they'd just been over-and when they won the next inch they found Communists sniping at them from the inch they'd left behind. Operation Killer gave them something to shoot for-dead Reds, he said. And when the Reds were dead the territory followed easily enough. Operation Killer gave them what they most needed, an attainable objective. This, plus some sharp generalship and the result- ant spurt of confidence has turned the bal- ance in Korea. Referring to MacArthur, he said he never knew THE GENERAL. (the emphasis is his own). But his friends, who took part in the earlier Korean defeats, hated him. "There are damned few admirers of THE GENERAL, on that peninsula," he said. Aside from "Uncle Matt," he wanted to throw a few orchids to Gen. Michaelis, then a colonel. His opinion of Michaelis, too, was not first-hand. When the UN was bottled up in that Pu- san perimeter, he said, Michaelis was a wiz- ard. "Our foxholes were one to five miles apart in some places and you could have rammed a division through those holes." But Michaelis outguessed the Reds. Ev- ery time they hit a hole they'd find he'd plugged it only hours before. By such shifting, feinting and line-backing, Mi- chaelis held out until the UN could take the initiative. The ROK'S, the vet shrugged, were usual- ly worthless as fighting men. His explana- tion, offered in half-hearted manner, was that decades of Japanese occupation had deadened South Korean initiative and cour- age. North Koreans, he said, because of Soviet indoctrination and training seemed to have much more of these vital qualities; Chinese Reds, more still. I would have liked to hear more from him but the group (it was an engagement recep- tion) was breaking up. I would have asked him about front-line feeling toward a cease- fire and to the world picture as a whole. His view of the global conflict is prob- ably not conditioned by the same safely- stateside perspective as other Americans. When you've had a worm's-eye view of a war you come out with a different slant on it. Zander Hollander The Daily official Bulletin is an Seminar in Inorganic and Analytical official publication of the University Chemistry. Dr. Clifford C. Meloche will of Michigan for which the Michigan speak on "The Volumetric Determina- Daily assumes no editorial responsi- tion of Ferrocyanide," Thurs., Nov. 29, bility. Publication in it is construc- 7:3 p.m., Room 3003 Chemistry. tive notice to all members -of the University. Notices should be sent Seminar in Anthropology for graduate in TYPEWRITTEN form to- Room students and concentrates, Fri., Nov. 30, 2552 Administration Building before 3 to 5 p.m., third floor, Old Maternity 3 p.m. the day preceding publication Hospital. Colored slides of fossil man (11 a.m, on Saturday). specimens will be shown and discussed by Dr. Thieme. THVRSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 VOL. LXIV, NO. 56 Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Nov. VOL.LXI, N. 5 30. 4:15 p.m. the Observatory. Dr. Leo Goldberg, Chairman of the Department 1 Ot~e of Astronomy, will speak on "Idenitifi- i scation of CO in the Sun." To the University Senate. Meeting, Dec. 17. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphithea- Psychology Colloquium. Fri., Nov. 30, tre for the election of committee mem- 4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly all hers and for the consideration of re- (third floor). Dr. Richard Blackwell will ports and other business. Matters to speak on "Behavioral variability and be included in the agenda should be Neural Organization." Refreshments at brought to the attention of the Sec- 3:45. retary by Dec. -Department of Fisheries Seminar: 7 Choral Union Members wose attend- p.m. Thurs., Nov29,dEast Conference ance records are clear, will please call for their courtesy passes to the Bacca- Seminar in Applied Mathematics. 4 loni concert on the day of the per-pm.ThrNo.2,47Ws n- formance, Thurs., Nov. 29-between the p.m., Thurs., Rao t2 247wiespeakn hours of 9:30 and 11:30, and 1 and 4 "The Fundamental Theorem of Net- o'cloc at the offices theUniversitywork Synthesis." Refreshments at 3 30 Musical Society in Burton Tower. After iin ro 7 .Egneig 4 o'clock no passes will be issued. room 274 w. Engieerig. -sT-i f Geometry Seminar: Thurs.. Nov. 29, Fe i o felowshipsnsi- 410 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Ben- ing life education and marriage counsel- netwlbehesakr ng at the Merrill-Palmer School are offered by the Grant Foundation of Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: New York. Each carries a stipend of 1TusNv 9 ~. 09Agl al $2,500, plus tuition for the academic Speakers:vMessrs. R. W. Royston and year 1952-53. Preferred candidates are Paul C. Cox. men 35 years of age or younger, mar- ried, and with one year or more of No-leri Tplgy Smn: raduatetrainng sociolNon-Algraic Topogy S na ra u t tr i i g i soilogy, s c o Fri., Nov. 30, at 3 p.m ., 3011 Angell Hall. logy, social work, or some related field. Mr. Jack Miller will continue his dis- Application blanks may be obtained by cession of "Function Spaces. writing to the Registrar, The Merrill- Palmer School, 71 East Ferry Avenue, Detroit 2, Michigan. For further in- Oi2cert.s formation call University ExtensionOs 2614. Concert. Salvatore Baccaloni, bass, AM SURE Mr. Abdel-Malek isi confusing the "good" with the real" reasons for Egypt's unila- eral abrogation of the Anglo- gyptian Treaty of 1936 in his Let- er to the Editor of November 22.r Good" reasons can be found to ustify the actions of any indivi- ual or nation. Of course the "real"t easons, although strong forces< hemselves, are baseless in the1 ight of world opinion. They are Lationalistic feelings and a case of1 urt pride stemming from a feelingt >f inferiority that has been pent1 ip waiting to be released .. . Mr. Malek says that the British- Zgyptian crisis was shelved by the Security Council in 1947 and sub-1 iequent to this, intermittent ne-1 otiations have taken place. If the1 Egyptian Government was sincere n wanting this dispute settled in he United Nations how does Mr. Valek explain that Mr. Salah el- Din Pasha, Egyptian Foreign Min- ister, refused to take the matter before the United Nations in either the General Assembly or the Se- curity Council? Also why did Egypt admit that "our attitude may change with circumstances?" Mr. Malek claims that another reason for the precipitation of the Suez affair was the apparent de- sire for the Egyptian Parliament to receive from Britain suggestions on defense measures before the first week of October. These sug- gestions were not forthcoming, so t a time when Britain had no government, because of the elec- tions, insurrections against the British broke out. Again I say, if Egypt is sincere in her desire for a settlement above anything else, and if she held legitimate right to violate international law by abro- gation of the Treaty, she should not have refused to consider all proposals including the Four Pow- er Defense proposal, until "British troops have been withdrawn." This is a stubborn attitude not founded on reasoning. The Egyptian Gov- ernment should be willing to nego- tiate if her claims are valid. We must not overlook the ques- tion of what Egypt would do with the Canal if she got control of it, and how efficient her operation of it would be. Egypt could never build adequate defenses of the area herself. The defense and ad- ministration of this strategic key to the "lifeline of the British Em- pire" cannot be left to a minor power. It is a major element in the security of the West and must be the responsibility of the West. . -John G. Davies. * * * American Plan . To the Editor: MR. GUNN has offered several considerations as to what the immediate and long range policies of this nation should be in regard to the rest of the world, referring particularly to the Soviet Bloc- He proposes these considerations because he believes the U.S. has "no definite formula" to world peace and understanding ... The basic point which he makes is we need a stronger "get-tough" policy with the Russian Bloc. It is quite necessary, he believes, for the U.S. to be very specific as to the results of any furtheragres- sion. The Russian Bloc should be made to realize the consequences of any overt act which tends to males), 4:15 p.m., 2432 University Ele- mentary School. Deutsche Kaffeestunde-German cof- fee hour, 3:15 to 4:30 p.m., Round Up Room, League. Coming EvenIs Canterbury Club: Holy Communion. 7 a.m., Fri., Nov. 30, followed by break- fast at Canterbury House. University of Michigan symphony Band Concert. Conductor: William D. Revelli; Guest Conductor: Edwin Fran- ko Goldman. Sun., Dec. 2, 4:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium-. PROGRAM Sequoia, A Tone Painting ....La Gassey Overture to Beatrice and Benedict -Berlioz Trauersinfonie.................Wagner American Symphonette No. 2 ... Gould Conducted by William D. Revelli March Apollo .................Bruckner Englihs Folk Song Suite ... ..Williams Italian Polka .... arr. by Rachmaninoff March. Happy-Go-Lucky .....Goldman March. Jubilee...............Goldman March. Anniversary...........Goldman Conducted by Edwin Franko Goldman M Rhapsody .................arr. Werle Conducted by W. D. Revelli Hillel: Friday evening services, Up- per Room, Lane Hall, 7:45 p.m. Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni- versity Museums. "Live Teddy Bears - The Koala," "The Zoo" and "The Cow and its Relatives." 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 30, Kellogg Auditorium. threaten the equilibrium of peace. This principle is quite justifiable, but Mr. Gunn's methods of attain- ing it are not. He puts too much importance on atomic weapons as the cure-all and the end-all of world aggres- sion. He is willing to give a month's warning and then bomb "all military targets" in Korea and peraps even China. . , . First, the military has repeatedly claim- ed that the Korean terrain is not conducive to atomic warfare, and the effects gained against densely populated areas, which illustrate these weapons at their destructive best, would not occur on this type of battlefield. The second point is much more important. Atomic at- tack, like any other type, can work both ways. We have no reason to believe that retaliation would not be in store for us.. The same criticism will apply to Mr. Gunn's fourth point, that any aggressive move by the Russian Bloc' would evoke immediate ato- mic attack. He puts too much faith in the idea that we can scare the Russians and bluff them out of their plans. This may be fine, if it works. But what will happen when the Russians call the bluff? Are we prepared to follow through in the light of the circumstances I have just mentioned .. . As a final showing of his exuber- ance, Mr. Gunn states in emphatic terms that the only man with the "ideals, vision, and ability" to en- able the U.S. to survive is General Eisenhower. I would be very in- terested in his reasoning leading him to such a statement. -Ralph N. Haber OSUGaRile Vigorous protests from educa- tors, members of the clergy; news- papers and the public have led the trustees and the president of Ohio State University to relax the rule recently promulgated that all speakers on the campus must be cleared by the president's office. It was a silly rule, unbecoming to a great institution of learning and offensive to its faculty. Its usefulness and its sta- tus among men of learning would have been immeasurably impaired. Relaxation of the ban will di- minish the awkwardness; but un- fortunately it will not wholly re- store Ohio State to the great tra- dition of academic freedom. A measure of control over campus speakers is still vested in the pres- ident. We think it cannot fail to prove an embarrassment to him, for it will make him responsible for every speaker whose appear- ance he approves. Ohio State will run far less risk of subversion-or even of embar- rassment-if it treats its faculty as responsible adults and opens its campus to freedom of discussion. -The Washington Post u~'I t 't r 3 M UhlAMA It r _. At Lydia Mendelssohn . . ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ _- -__-- ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DICR PEARtSON j' KING RICHARD II, presented by the Department of Speech. PLAY PRODUCTION'S annual bout with Shakespeare .is in progress on the stage at Lydia Mendelssohn once more, and again, the result is competent, workmanlike, and well-planned; but also, as usual, devoid of anything that looks or sounds like inspira- tion. It is as if a fine painting were hung in a dark corridor and not much more than the outlines of the figures wei'e visible to the spectator. As outlines, there was noth- ing gross or inartistic about the current pro- duction, but neither was there anything like a light to illuminate the deeper beauty of the play. First of all, it does not seem excessively puristic to object to the cutting of the play as having done considerable damage both to the development of the character of Richard and the pace of the rising action. Having seen little of the tortured, masochistic Rich- ard' as monarch and having learned even less of his pre-deposition exploits, the later events lose much of their impact. The "second act" is consequently topheavy and somewhat static. The highly-geared, two- hour limit of these productions has once more resulted in a kind of sketch or thea- trical exercise instead of a play. Nafe Katter's interpretation of Richard, within the limits allowed, is up to his us- ual high standard. His style is naturally regal and his timing is instinctively per- fect. Occasionally, the depths of Richard's despair were not completely realized, but again it seemed due to the unconscious haste that operated to destroy most of the subtleties. Katters' gift for handling the poetry is great. Richard Burgwin, as Bolingbroke, was an able contrast to the king's mercurial bril- liance. The character's stolid, measured courage, his ineffable practicality, was well conveyed by Burgwin. He, too, read his lines with understanding. Conrad Stolzen- bach, as the vacillating York, provided what little comic relief there was, thus giving some scanty additional dimension to the play. Kenneth Rosen was good as Gaunt despite a rather unvaried reading of the "happy breed" speech. Among the other members of a large cast particularly effec- tive were William Hadley as Mowbray and Ralph Beebe as Northumberland. The staging of the play was flexible enough, but again somewhat hurried. Jack I Dancing cl-sses in men's residences. Attendance by women-students at dan- cing classes in men's residences (fra- ternities and residence halls) has been approved on an experimental basis by the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of the Dean of Women. Such dancing classes must be registered ine the Office of Student Affairs. These classes will close at 9 p.m. There will be several vacancies in the residence hall personnel staff (Resident Assistants and Residence Counselors) at the beginning of second semester. In- terested graduate students should make an appointme with Mrs. Healy in the Office of the Dean of Women as soon as possible. Personnel Requests: The Brownlee Company of Detroit, Michigan, is in need of an Architec- tural Draftsman capable of detailing small houses, for work in their Milan, Michigan, plant. The State of Wisconsin Highway Commission has openings for Civil En- gineers for Survey, Design,tConstruc- tion, andiResearch. A written exam- ination will be give non December 15, 1551, for February graduates. Applica- tion forms are available at the Bureau of Appointments. The United States Civil Service Coin- mission announces an examination for Cartographer, GS-9, 11, 12, and 13, and Cartographic Aid, GS-1 to GS-7. Op- tional branches for Grades GS-4 and above are: Survey, Photogrammetry, Compilation, Relief Model, Geodetic and Control, and General. They also announce an examination for Carto- graphic Draftsman, GS-1 to GS-7. Ap- plication forms are available at the Bureau. Contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, for fur- ther information. Late permission for women students who attended the University Symphony Concert on Tues., Nov. 27 will be no later than 11 p.m. Academic Notices Michigan Rotating Seminar in Mathe- matical Statistics: Fall Meeting. Sat., Dec. 1, 2:15 p.m., Conference Room, Physics-Mathematics Building, Michi- gan State College, East Lansing. Speak- ers will be Professor Ingram Olkin, of Michigan State College, and Mr. Charles H. Kraft, of aWyne University. Persons interested in securing transportation please see Professors Craig or Dwyer. assisted at the piano by Marcel Frank, will give the sixth concert in the Choral Union Series, Thurs., Nov. 29, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Bacca- loni will offer a program from works of the following composers: Pergolesi, Gounod, Mozart, Verdi, and Moussorg- sky; as well as a group of Negro spiritu- als. Tickets are on sale daily at the of- fioes of the Musical Society in Burton Tower; and will also be available at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7 o'clock on the night of the perform- ance. Events Today Young Democrats: Regular meeting, 8p.m., Room 3-D, Union. Speaker: Neil Staebler, Chairman of the State Central Committee of Michigan. "It's your world, What are you going to do about it?" Plans for the Y.D. debate with the Y.P.'s will be discussed. Graduate School Record Concert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham. MOZART: Quintet in C minor, k406; Budapest, Katims. BEETHOVEN: Triple Concerto in C for Violin, Cello & Piano, Op. 56; Odnoposoff, Auber, Morales, Vienna Philharmonic, Weingartner. FAURE: Quartet No. 2 in G minor, Op. 45; Raskin, violin, Ardenois, violin, Soiron, cello, Gazelle, piano. All grad students invited; silence requested. Canterbury Club: The Married Stu- dents Club will join in the Parish St. Andrew's Eve celebration. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish House. U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting. 7:30 p.m., 311 West Engineering. Film of '49 Honolulu race to be shown with sound and in technicolor. The public is in- vited. English Journal Club. Meeting. 8 p.m., East Conference Room. Rackham Bldg. Panel discussion: "Trends in Modern Drama." La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m., in the south room of the Union cafeteria. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. Organizational meeting for a group to work on academic freedom and civil liberties on this and other campuses. 8 p.m., League. All interested are in- vited. Camp Counselor's Club. Meeting (for, }- .{ Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor Ted Papes ....... ...Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ...........Women's. Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ..........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Magnager Sally Fish ............Finance ±anager Stu Ward .........Circulation anager Telephone 23-24-1 Member ot The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. q ~1.. --BACKSTAGE WITH THE DIPLOMATS- THE ABN underground in Southern Russia claims three Soviet Republics, Kazakh, Uzbek and Turkomen, are boiling with re- volt and vast purges. (ABN is an under- ground of Moslem and Mongolian groups in South and East Russia. Its headquarters is in Turkey.) ...A peasant revolt in all the European satellites has brought a shake-up in Communist agriculture ministries plus short rations. ..Argentina's anti-American Dictator Peron has just fired eight of his top generals, including General Solari, comman- der-in-chief of the Army, and arrested Gen. Arturo Rawson, the former president. This is to prevent another military revolt follow- ing the abortive uprising on September 18 .The Trnnian Rhh hoe eretly nonfrred I, the British in the Suez Canal Zone or else- where. , M I - WASHINGTON PIPELINE - SECRETARY of Labor Tobin is nursing a wounded ego-because he wasn't asked to be Democratic National Chairman. He didn't really want the job, but at least he wanted to be asked . . . Wire recordings in a notorious tax-fix case are now missing. The Bureau of Internal Revenue can't locate the recordings, which are important evidence in the Gertrude Jenkins case. Mrs. Jenkins has charged that she paid $5,000 to Reno Collector Pat Mooney to fix her tax-fraud case. T-men recorded the fix offer, which was made by M. M. Hartmann, a San Fran- cisco Attorney. But when House investiga- tors asked for the recordings, the Bureau _ . . :+ .. 1. , + f 1,... T 7, , C rc BARNABY What a fine large bed you have, MrRxat uf cnunrmnl d- it uo eapch eveninca. like this-I I see. After you furnished your house you found you Dreferred that snug little bed in