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November 29, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-29

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VOL. LXII, No. 56

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* *


* * *









Danly-raul Champoux
SL CABINET--The newly elected SL cabinet, from left to right, is Howie Willens, member-at-large;
Robin Glover,,recording secretary; Bob Baker, vice president; Len Wilcox, president; Phil Berry,
treasurer; Phyllis Kaufman, corresponding secret ary; and Leah Marks, member-at-large.
* * * * * * * .
Wicox Acclaimed SL Chief

Student Legislature president
Len Wilcox won a rousing vote o:
confidence last night, as he was
re-elected by acclamation.
The 21 year old senior from De-
troit becomes the second man in
SL history to hold the presidency
twice-George Roumell won sim-
ilar honors last year.
* * *
r HOWEVER, a three-way fighi
developed for the vice president
spot. in the SL cabinet. Seniors
Leah Marks and Bob Baker,
who was ultimately electe'd, and
junior Wally Pearson were nomi-
nated, as the issue was drawn be-
tween cabinet experience . and
*promise for next year.
Baker and Miss Marks were
supported primarily on the basis
Radio Stations
Of East, West
WEQN, the East Quad radio sta-
tion, yesterday readmitted - the
West Quad station WQRS to their
inter-dormitory radio union, after
a week long divorce between the
two stations.
The action followed a dead-
locked meeting between represen-
tatives of the East, South and
West Quads which started Tues-
day and dragged to an undecided
finish early yesterday.
' AT THE MEETING Bill Gerson,
152, station manager of WEQN
apbligized to the West Quad for
cutting them from the network,
a mom which he said "was made
on the kasis of erroneous reports
from his representatives at last
week's West Quad council meet-
The severing of radio relations
between the two dorms had fol-
lowed the reports which indi-
cated that the #council had re-
Jected an East Quad plan for a
cooperative radio station in
which the three men's dorms
would be equally represented.
The plan called for:
1. A centralized station to be
controlled by a central committee
composed of two representatives
from each of the quads, one neu-
tral student not connected with
radio and a faculty member.
2. A central managerial staff.
3. A central transmitter with

of their previous service and
achievements on the cabinet,
while Pearson was backed by his
nominator for the post chiefly
on the grounds that grooming in
a high cabinet post was neces-
sary for a promising junior and
potential president next year.
A striking unanimity was seen
during most of the elections, as
four of the new cabinet members
ran without opposition. In addi-
tion to Wilcox, Phil Berry, '52BAd,
Robin Glover, '53, and Phyllis
Kaufman, '53, won unanimous
election to treasurer, recording
and corresponding secretary posts
In the first round, Miss Marks
came back from her unsuccess-
ful vice-president bid to win re-
election to a cabinet member-at
large slot over Bob Perry, '53E,
and Joe White, '53.
The second election found Howie
Willens, '53, staging a mild upset
win over Perry and White.
* *~ *
ALSO AT the meeting, freshman
legislator Valerie Cowen, '54, regis-
tered a loud protest to the ap-
pointments of two affiliates, Karin
Fagerburg and Sondra Diamond,
to the joint SL-Panhellenic Asso-

ciation committee investigating
sorority bias clauses.
IHowever, Mike McNerney, '53,
and Miss Marks reported that,
as they understood, Panhel
agreed to the joint committee
with the understanding that the
SL delegates would be affiliated.
Panhel president Bev Clarke was
unavailable for comment on the
* * *
OTHER legislators rose to de-
clare that no independent-affiliate
split existed, and that affiliation
should not be a factor in consider-
ing the appointments. SL approved
the names by asmall majority.
Perry, who doubles as legislator
and representative on the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics, reported that the board last
week, in response to the SL offer
to aid financially 'in printing free
fotoball programs at the games
next year, suggested that each stu-
dent be charged five cents when he
picked up his tickets to defray the
cost of such programs.
However, the Legislature reject-
ed this suggestion on Perry's
recommendation, on the grounds
that it didn't represent the solu-
tion to the problem the students

Big Majority
Votes Panel
Into Effect
Accept Proposal
By Deaii Bacon
Women students have voted al-
most unanimously to accept Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon's pro-
posal for a Women's Panel, it was
revealed at a League Board of
Representatives meeting yesterday.
The three women panel, pro-
posed by Dean Bacon earlier this
month, will have complete dis-
ciplinary authority in all cases
formerly handled by the Dean
* * *
WITH 80% of campus women
voting, the measure was passed by
the overwhelming majority of
2,331 to 229.
Dean Bacon expressed pleas-
ure that women students had
accepted the proposal so readily,
although she admitted that she
had expected a favorable return
if the women were just given
enough time to consider the
overall effects of the new pro-
"Te panel will go into effect
just as soon as it can be set up,"
she said, "undoubtedly before the
end of this semester."
Se,' ~
DEAN BACON expects that a
few minor changes will have to be
made when the panel starts func-
tioning. A study committee has
been considering the various as-
pects of the new proposal and is
now accepting suggestions for im-
Betty Wiles, '52, chairman of
the Women's Judiciary Council,
a junior member of the Women's
Judiciary Council and Dean Ba-
con will comprise the new Wom-
en's Panel.
Cases where secrecy is necessary
to protect the offender's reputa-
tion and the name of the Univer-
sity, will all be handled by the
panel. However, if the woman in-
volved prefers, the case -wil still
be handled by Dean Bacon per-
IN CASES where the panel de-
cides suspension is called for, any
offender who doescnot wish to
leave school may apply to the
Women's Panel for probation. This
probation is given only on request
of the violator.
Under the dean's probation,
the offender must immediately
resign from every organized ac-
tivity in which she has been par-
ticipating. Sorority affiliations
are not included but she may not
hold any house office.
The probationer must also work
a set number of hours each week
for one of the organizations ap-
proved by the Panel.
Arm'ns Talks
Insisted Upon
PARIS-UP)-The Western Big'
Three formally agreed yesterday
to a small power proposal for brass
tacks arms talks with Russia.
Through a British spokesman,
they again urged the Russians to
make a sincere new start on the
road to disarmament.
"We came here withgreat hopes
and we have not abandoned those
hopes," British Minister of State1
Selwyn Lloyd told the UN Political1

Comnk tee. "Therefore I appeal
once a . a to the Soviet delegation
to give our proposals the full and
detailed examination which they+

PRELUDE TO PEACE?-A white phosphorus shell bursts in front
of a UN machine gun on the Korean eastern front, just prior to
the abortive one day peace.
Internal Revenue Agents
Ousted in Tax Clean-Up
WASHINGTON-(P)-A big broom swept through the scandal-
ridden Internal Revenue Service yesterday and when the dust had
settled 31 "unsuitable" employes had been ousted from jobs in 16 cities.
President Truman fired James G. Smyth, San Francisco's Tax
Collector, for "failing to manage his office properly."
REVENUE COMMISSIONER John B. Dunlap ousted 30 others,
including nine deputy collectors. He said 13 had been fired outright
and the rest forced to resign.
Five cases have been turned over to the Justice Department
for possible criminal prosecution. Without disclosing the charges

Allies D(
Field Dispatches
Only Reason foi
SEOUL, Korea, Thursday, No'
on the Eastern front last night bro:
on the Korean battle front and at
the ground- fighting had ended.
The Eighth Army said Allied
by midnight.
* *
fire only if attacked.
However, an Allied Headqua
cease-fire order "has been give
body else."
In Key West, Florida, Preside
Associated Press report from Kor
Allied Order
WouldA ter
T ruce Talks
TOKYO, Thursday, Nov. 29-(AP)j
-Reported Allied orders to halt
the ground fighting in Korea-at
least for the time being-puts an
entirely new slant on the armistice
negotiations at Panmunjom.
If true, and the Eighth Army
denies it, it means that the United
Nations has voluntarily deprived
itself of what it has time and time
agaip declared was its only wea-
pon for making the Communists
talk peace-the threat of contin-
ued war.
Farneti said yesterday he saw a
copy of the Eighth Army order.
By military pressure, the UN
leaders meant mostly ground
action, fighting between foot
soldiers, the pulverizing pound-
ing of artillery and mortar--all
of which came to an abrupt halt
In addition, by calling off the
ground war, even for 30 days, the
Eighth Army commanders will
have made a complete 180-degree
turn from their previous state-
ments that they could not allow
the soldiers to become stale
through inaction.
THIS WAS the reason advanced
by Gen. James A. Van Fleet,
Eighth Army Commander, in ex-
plaining his orders for past of-
fensives carried out while the
truce talks were going on.
Release of stories about the
"cease fire" orders caught Tokyo
by. surprise. They were com-
pletely opposite from what the
United Nations leaders, from
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway down,
had been saying day in and day
The big question at the moment
was what effect the move will
have on the truce talks.
No matter how you slice it the
UN apparently has done what it
said it would never do-give the
Communists a de-facto cease fire
before the Reds signed a full ar-
mistice, providing for the ex-
change of prisoners and supervi-
sion of the truce

ny Stop
Say Self-Defense
Firing at Enemy
v. 29--(IP-Two Communist attacks
ke the strange quiet that had settled
t the same time stilled reports that
d troops hurled back the assaults
* *
lied troops had received orders to
ters spokesman in Tokyo said no
n by the Eighth Army or any-
nt Truman's spokesman denied an
ea that the order had come from
the highest source, possibly the
White House.
ASIDE FROM the Red attack
northwest of Yanggu, hardly a
shot was fired in anger save for
occasional artillery rounds.
But the air war raged as U.S.
jet pilots shot down three Com-
munists MIG-15s and damaged
four yesterday. Only one sabre
was lost,
Allied headquarters have said
' that no order to stop fighting had
been issued.
GEN. B. Ridgway's
public information officer in Tok.
Yo said that "the report of a dir
ective to stop fighting is false."
AP Corresondent Mio Far-
neti, in a dispatch from the
front passed by censors, quoted
a Third Division officer as say-
ing an Eighth Army directive
ordered front line units not to
fire on the Reds unless neces-
The officer said the ground war
had stopped for all practical rea-
"We are not shooting at them
unless they shoot at us," the offi-
cer was quoted. "It will be a period
of watchful waiting while we see
how serious the Communists are
about our 30 day cease fire pro-
When the matter came up today
the' Chief Allied Truce Negotiator
accused the Reds of seeking a
peace treaty instead of an armis-
tice by insisting on the withdrawal
of all foreign troops in Korea.
Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy said
the Reds wee "rmixing up a peace
treaty and an armistice."
IN FLORIDA, President Tru-
man's press secretary Joseph Short
said, "There can be no cease fire
until an airmistie has been sign-
In Washington, the Defense
Department said it had received
no official information on the
halt in ground fighting and said
General Ridgway had been ask-
ed for clarification.
Cease fire negotiators were
scheduled to resume their talks as
usual today. Yesterday they were
at loggerheads on item three of
the armistice agenda-supervision
of the Korean armistice.
k *
ACTUALLY, the cease-fire line
ratified Tuesday by armistice ne-
gotiators at Panmunjom did not
specify'that ground fighting-should
stop. The cease-fire agreement
simply provided that the line
drawn Nov. 27 should become the
cease-fire line if a full armistice
were concluded within 30 days.
' Ran armiticewere nt con-

eluded, the negotiators agreed, a
new line would be drawn based
on battle positions after the 30-
day deadline. The Allies insisted
on a clause stating that hostili-
ties would continue.
Truce negotiators ran into new
trouble yesterday. The Reds fiat-
ly refused to set up joint inspec-
tion teams to police the truce and
to ban military build-ups after an
armistice is signed.
The Allies consider such provi-
sions essential in supervising an

SAC, Holds Up
Peace Club OK
Final recognition of the contro-
versial Society for Peaceful Alter-
natives has been postponed pend-
ing certain technical revisions in
its constitution.
Whether or not the Society will
be okayed by the Student Affairs
Committee will probably be decid-
ed at the next SAC meeting, after
the revised constitution is submit-
The alterationswould not di-
rectly influence the operation of
the group in carrying out "such
activities as would insure action
for peace in the University com-
munity," which is its purpose ac-
cording to the preamble of its con-
The SAC asked that the portion
of the constitution dealing with
membership be altered to specify
that voting membership be limited
to students. According to the Uni-
versity regulations concerning stu-
dent affairs, "the organization's
program and its direction shall be,
in the hands of student members,"
which is interpreted in the rules to
mean "offices should be held by
students, and voting should be re-
stricted to student members."

against them, the revenue bur-
eau said the five involved are:
James J. Christman, Deputy
Collector, San Rafael. Calif.,
Branch of the San Francisco Of-
James K. Harris, deputy col-
lector, Denver.
Mary A. Cook, Clerk, Syracuse,
Cletus H. Gerdel, Clerk, St.
John A. Festa, Internal Revenue
Agent, Philadelphia.
THERE WERE signs of more
ousters to come. Several investiga-
tions haven't been cleaned up yet,
and the cases of a number of em-
ployes under suspension still have
to be disposed of.
Yesterday's housecleaning
was the biggest since Congress
started to dig several months
ago into charges of widespread
graft, corruption, irregularities
and inefficiency in the nation's
tax collecting system. Smyth
and a number of others let out
yesterday already were under
Forty-nine officials and em-
ployes have now been shown the
door. Three regional collectors
have been fired and three others
have resigned under fire.

Varsity Stars Defend
College Grid Systemt

Cheered on by a highly appre-
ciative audience, two members of
the Varsity football squad shed
their maize and blue uniforms to
defend big time football at yester-
day's second speech assembly.,'
The newly appointed captain for
next year, Merritt Green, '53,
strongly asserted that "the recent
athletic scandals are not so widely
spread as the newspapers indi-
cate." He blamed any illegal prac-
tices on the "immense pressure
which is brought to bear on the
coaches by fans and alumni."
GREEN WENT ON to defend
college football against the argu-
ments of Phil Van Houten, '52, and
Glen Grossman, '52, of the oppos-
ing team.
* * *

that "nation wide
against college football (

can happen

?IE POINTED TO such charges
as "too much time spent on the
football field, farcical post season
games, pressure on the players,
lax educational standards and sub-
sidization." Green was backed up
by Stribe's assertion that football
has long range values.
"We are students here and
have come to continue our physi-
cal, mental and character de-
velopment," Stribe added.
He supported this argument on
the grounds that "there are ethical
values involved in football. A play-
er learns to show compassion and
understanding for the opposing
teams and for the fans," he said

IBaccaloni To Sing in ConcertToday

With his inimitable style of
buffo singing Salvatore Baccaloni,
bass, will appear at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
The world renowned Metropoli-
tan Opera star has been widely ac-
claimed for his singing-whether
it be opera, concert or operetta. He

The concert will close with four
negro spirituals.
Born in Rome in 1900, the basso
buffo has been on the stage since
his musical training began when
lie was six years old. He first came
to the New York stage in 1940,
and ha sincep then worked mainlv

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