PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEEBR 28, 1951 Inaugural Speech Excerpts ... THE UNIVERSITY has entered this mid- century decade erect and sturdy; it is, and has been, a tower of continuing strength through all the years of turmoil and confu- sion in a rapidly developing country. And yet the element which provides its great strength and distinction is a delicate thing and is perishable. That central element may be summed up in a word: Quality. It is that margin of quality, so hard to achieve and maintain, so potent in its power for good, that makes all the difference. We must be especially sensitive to this because there are danger signals along the road warning us that a passionate con- cern for high standards of quality of learn- ing and service may be relaxed for a su- perficial spread. It is so easy to create the form and erect the shell; it is so hard to fill it with the elevated soul and the true creative spirit. It is so effortless and tempting to be merely good or mediocre in this great democracy and to lose the pride in fine workmanship. The margin of dif- ference is so small and yet so vital-and it costs so little more .. . This quality is derived through the union of strength from within and withoutthe University. It is achieved from within through the complete coordination of in- spired teaching and of imaginative and vig- orous research, and, through this fertiliza- tion to the highest and most extensive serv- ice to the State. There is no place and no occasion for self-satisfaction or complacency in this pursuit. Teaching and earning i.- quire a subtle combination of humility and confidence. The instant that the first sug- gestion of smugness enters the atmosphere, the glory of the mission is impaired ... From the day of the first dawning of the American dream of a free people res- ponsible for self government, there also dawned the realization that fulfillment of the dream was dependent upon education. It is rewarding in our time to read again the philosophy and the declaration of faith of the men of earlier days who laid the plans for our colleges and universities. Without exception they placed the stress on religion, personal character, good citi- zenship and high professional and techni- cal competency for doing the necessary work of the nation. They recognized that the combined efforts of private citizens and the public purse were required for success in this adventure, and they thought of it, quite properly, not as an expense but as a golden investment secure against all vicissitudes of fortune ... How well the purpose of the foundersdhas been fulfilled in this regard is indicated by the wide and distinguished leadership dis- played in every walk of life by the graduates of this institution. I wish there were some simple way to evaluate the constructive con- tribution being made daily by the entire 140,000 living graduates of the University ... This contribution has been made possible, like the founding of Harvard College, through the happy combination of public and private support. The affection of the people of Mi- chigan for their University, and their faith and confidence in its mission, have been ex- pressed by their generous support of its needs and programs. They have kept it in the forefront in the world of education. Surely the returns have been seventy and seven fold * * * THE DEMANDS upon the universities were never greater or more challenging than they are today. The universities have led the attack upon ignorance and darkness. They have added immeasurably to our store of knowledge about the nature of the physical and biological world; they have made some progress in the understanding of the nature of society and of the processes by which di- verse units are coordinated into a peaceful whole; and they have cast at least a small gleam of candle light into the recesses of man's innermost soul and upon the values by which he lives. It is their primary business to preserve and transmit the old, and diligently to cre- ate the new. They have succeeded in extending know- ledge at a pace almost bewildering in its speed. Only a generation or two ago an alert mind could still hope to be abreast of all learning. Now the mastery of a single field taxes the capacity of an expert. And there is more to come. Our young people are going out into a complex world which reflects this massive extension of know- ledge and the resulting complications of managing the world which has thereby be- come increasingly interdependent. No pre- vious generation has been called upon for so much knowledge, skill and wisdom. And the most essential instrument created to serve them in this need is the university. We will rise or fall by its success or failure. It must succeed. This university has an equal responsibility for its undergraduates and for its graduate and professional students. The undergradu- ate program is of particular concern to us and a vital part of the total strength of the university. Every care must be taken to keep this program vigorous, productive and cre- ative. One of the supreme moments in the development of a young citizen is the day when he enters upon his university training. He must be met at that point by wise and understanding and friendly teachers who can lead him on into the joys of learning. He must be surrounded and saturated by an atmosphere of cultural well-being, in the classroom, in his place of residence, in all hours of his life on the campus during those precious and critical four years of his growth. There will be no relaxation in our stress upon our welcome to undergraduates or in our care for all matters that affect their welfare and growth into maturity. This will continue to be a seat of learning where your sons and daughters will be surrounded by the best the age affords, Our solicitous care for the undergradu- ates is not inconsistent with an equal em- phasis upon the vitality and distinction of the graduate and professional and re- search programs. In the larger sense they are interdependent. The advanced schools draw strength from the enthusiasm and the quest for knowledge and skills which are nurtured in the undergraduates. If their progress has been worthy, their eag- erness will have prepared their minds for the more exacting discipline demanded on the high graduate and professional level ... The gears of all the complex structure of a university must mesh naturally and without friction. Research is not a separable func- tion from teaching in a faculty. They are indivisible, like the smile and the lips. Where great teaching is going on, there will be ac- tive minds restlessly at work to extend know- ledge and understanding. Where great re- search is going on, there will live teaching and stimulating communication of minds flou'ish also in rich cross-fertilization. Stu- dents at all levels of maturity must parti- cipate in this process. And those who are going on into the teaching profession must be diligent to master the art of teaching as well as the skill of research. We must never permit a wall to separate these two sources of life in the university. * 'HERE IS A vast and exciting program of research going on in this University. The contribution to knowledge made here is and has been one of the glories of the institu- tion . . . No single life in our day in this state is untouched or unenriched by the work which has been done here and is being done at this moment . . . The continued pro- gress and safety of the nation itself is de- pendent upon the preservation and advance- ment of this spirit of energetic learning, teaching and research. Their combination is vital to a true and distinguished university. We shall continue to foster them at Michi- gan. This creative spirit can flourish only in an atmosphere of freedom and high res- ponsibility. Our own times, like those of many previous periods, are warped with tensions. Some of little courage or faith from time to time lose their vision, their perspective or their balance. It is the mark of a free and educated man that he pre- serve his poise in the midst of confusion and his confidence in an era of crisis and doubt. The people are still to be trusted, truth is stronger than error, and reason and knowledge are still the only sure and effective weapons against evil and ig- norance. As Jefferson wisely said, "Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left to combat it." Much has been said about freedom in our universities. It is well to say it over and over, as we say our prayers in repetitious ritual. Two shining texts from the Holy Scripture permanently summarized the rule of faith and practice. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Here at Michigan let the free pursuit of know- ledge bear its precious fruit, and in this sign shalt thou conquer .. . The University must be provided with the resources necessary for the discharge of its crucial functions. The entire State must be inspired with the glory and the imncy of the task. Our age is in ferment. The Uni- versity must' be kept always on the march. It is a complex and living organism that de- velops constantly or perishes. Again, it is that little more that makes all the difference. We must not let the emergency measures of the last few years become the new and low- ered sandards for our measurements. We must keep in mind during this brief breath- ing space between the veterans' bulge and arrival of their children at the University doors that for two decades now we have operated the universities and the colleges un- der crisis conditions . . . The danger now is that we shall accept this crisis situation and performance as the new standard and per- mit our educational needs to languish under the pressures of other short-range de- mands . . . * * * TWO OTHER points in our program I should wish to stress. One is the service function of the Uni- versity to the State. The University can and does and will render its greatest serv- ice to the State by being srong in its cen- ral mission, which is to teach and add to knowledge and make this knowledge avail- able to all. In the general drift toward pa- ternalism we may lose a firm grip on our goal. We must educate and train men and women who know how to continue to learn, who will take their place in society and there perform their functions. Extension must be an extension of strength, and the encouragement of others by their own initiative and efforts to do and learn for themselves ... The other is the private character and richness of soul of the young people who live on this campus and go forth from it to the larger world. The men who envisioned the formation of the Northwest Territory wrote down three coordinate words for the corner- stone of our society: Religion, Morality and Knowledge. These ringing words reach their fulfillment only when they are made to cre- ate good government and the happiness of mankind. We shall strive here to acquaint the minds and hearts of the young people en- trusted to our care with what the greatest spirits among us have revealed of men's spiritual resources, and what it means to be alive upon this earth: the great pro- phets of the world's religions, the poets who have reached highest and probed deepest into the- myster1 of life, the sci- entists who have taught us new methods of discovery, the philosophers who have given order and meaning to chaotic ex- istence, the historians who have recorded the successes and failures of the genera- tions of mankind. These are the fountain- heads of wisdom and give poise to the mind, integrity to the character, and as- surance to the soul. For what shall it pro- Vit a man to gain the whole world if he lose his own soul .. , It is a high responsibility to take up where they have, through time, left off. We realize with proud confidence, but with personal humility, that it has been the exalted vis- ion and the loving labor of successive genera- tions which have brought us to this moment in the history of this University. What these men and women have so nobly striven to create and maintain is now ours to inherit, to perpetuate, and to advance. There is no high- er calling than to attempt to do this to the top level of four abilities, and to hand it on to the next generation richer because this one has lived and made its fullest contribu- tion in its time. This, by the grace of God, we shall at- Tapping Time SS 14 < Y -y -Daily-Gayle Greene 1ISTEN TO THIS tale of romance Tale of academic warriors-- 457 paleface representatives Plucked from many teaching teepees 'Neath a temporary awning Stretching green its rented canvas 'Cross the broad and gusty North U From the bowels of Natural Science To the stage of huge Hill wigwam Swathed all in signs of station Black with hoods of gold and scarlet Tramped the awful silent deacons Of the highest church of knowledge: Came they forth to claim their captive. On the platforms hallowed oak planks 'Mid the thundring chords of organ Stood the trembling paleface victim. Lo, uprose a royal regentD Regent, yea, of Michigan U And in sacred rite unending Set the bookish clan to cheering, Dubbed, at last, the hapless hero Chief, high chief, of all the wigwamns Of the mighty studious tribesmen. mhus with learned, owlish talons Was there snatched from human circles Lord high Sachem-Harlan Henthorne Hatcher. ,-R. T. -AlYhofICIaLdBULLETIN etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interestsand will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ~ I Civil' Liberties . To the Editor:1 OUR CIVIL liberties-in govern- ment, in our colleges and uni- versities, and more directly, at the University of Michigan are being abridged and it is time for alarm. The Supreme Court, once a champion of civil liberties, has turned an about-face. The sharp- est reminder of this is the curt's decision which upheld the consti- tutionality of the Smith Act .. . We all know that free speech can- not be absolute, and most of us accept Justice Holmes' "clear and present danger" test . . . These eleven American Communists did not constitute an imminent threat or even any threat by their words. Says Justice Douglas, a dissenter in the decision: "Only those held by fear or panic could think other- wise." Congress' record in regard to civil liberties is also very poor. Not only has it yet to enact an FEPC bil but it has gone back- wards. Remember the House Un- American Activities Committee- where the accused had no oppor- tunity of rebuttal while his name was being smeared? Remember the Lattimore case? McCarthy? Our Universities which should be the least susceptible to this hysteria have in fact succumbed to it. Witness the Ohio State ban, the University of California loyalty oath, and our own lecture commit- tee, to mention a few. Here at Michigan the reason for the lecture committee is to screen speakers so that no one can use University property for the "advo- cacy of the subversion" of the United States' or Michigan's gov- ernment. "We are in a war now and we have to be cautious" says one of the lecture committee in The Daily. But this cold war will probably last for a long time. Are we to continue to be "cautious" and probably more and more "cau- tious" until by the time we look around there is nothing worth de- fending? . . . There is something right here that we can investi- gate-the speaker's ban. We'must convince the administration of these things: 1. Only through free expression can ideas be fought: 2. The situation at present on campus is such that free expres- sion would not result in "clear and present danger" 3. That it should be the duty of the University to uphold the dem- ocratic method rather than aid in its destruction. We must combat these en- croachments on our rights where we can and with the resources we have. Otherwise we shall have forfeited our rights as citizens and especially as students. -Leonard Sandweiss Atrocity Report .. . To the Editor: WHEN THE immediate furor over Col. Hanley's atrocity story had died down, several re- vealing facts came to light. First, this report violated Army regula- tions, which require the verifica- tion of deaths and the notification of relatives before any announce- ment is made. Second, despite the protestations of ignorance on the part of Gen. Ridgway and his staff, this report somehow man- aged to clear censorship while, ac- cording to a UP dispatch from Tokio which was buried on page 42 of the Detroit News of Nov. 19, 1951, thissame censorship held up a report "that the Reds re- leased a wounded British soldier only th',ee days ago." These facts raise the question as to why the Army let this report be released? Perhaps the answer can be found in the Nov. 12th article by George Barrett, New York Times correspondent at the Central Korean front. Comment- ing on the attitudes of the Ameri- can troops, Mr. Barrett wrote: "In a visit last week to three major United States units and two smaller outfits on the front, this correspondent sat in on several 'bull sessions'. In most of them .. . the same question . . . usually came up: 'Why don't we have a cease fire now? . . . In most of the gatherings observed, the Uni- ted Nations truce team has created the impression that it switches its stand whenever the Communists indicate they might go along with it." To counteract this, "widening im- pression" Mr. Barret felt that the United Nations military authorities are going to have to adopt a pub- lic information policy more adroit and more candid" than the pres- ent one. Exactly three days after the appearance of this article, Col. Hanley came out with and cen- sorship passed his atrocity story. Can it be that this story was re- leased in order to destroy the de- sire for peace? Is it possible that certain forces in this country are trying desperately to convince the American people that the hostili- ties should continue? Perhaps the answer to these questions lie in the following headlines which appeared in the financial page of the New York Times of Nov. 10: "Stock prices gains best in three months .. Peace tension is missing .. -Edward H. Shaffer Virgirna's Review , , To the Editor: MISS BEATTIES'S attempts at being "cutting, cruel, and rude" came off far more success- fully than she would have us be- lieve Miss Voss' do. Now let Miss Beattie observe the important vir- tue of all of Miss Voss' criticisms: they are all backed, point by point, with firm reasons which are ac- curately presented and can be eas- ily understood. Despite this clar- ity, Miss Beattie and most of her fellow attackers have thought it of little importance to contradict any particular criticisms. Instead they condemn her with sweeping generalities which say that some- thing or other must be wrong with a critic who often gives unfavor- able reviews. But Miss Voss has shown herself far above her at- tackers by avoiding such general- ities, by giving clear reasons and explanations, and by not compro- mising her opinion no matter whom the performer. Miss Bedttie's main fear is that unfavorable reviews will alienate the celebrities and hurt their feel- ings. Would she then have us ig- nore the quality of the perform- ance? If so, what is the purpose of the critic? Obviously Beattie's ar- gnent holds no water; Voss is just what The Daily needs. It is quite in accord with the times that she, who has had the courage to persist according to her conscience in spite of the bedazz- led blind mice and their butcher knives, should become unpopular. But I offer her a bouquet because she has not been afraid to judge honestly and capably what she sees. It is important today to think. It is important to value the in- telligent person who does not com- promise with blind acceptance and generalities. It is important not to stop thinking because we are told that this or that performer is a celebrity. -William Himelhoch EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Voss was glad to read this, but it was Miss Goss who had been criticized by Miss Beattie. *7 w A A -A (continued from Page 2') __ I IT SEEMS TO ME By DON NUECHTERLEIN T HE USUALLY resourceful Soviet for- eign minister, Andrei Vishinsky, seems to have pulled the prize propaganda blunder of the year with his statement in Paris that the Western disarmament proposal "made him laugh so hard he couldn't sleep." At the same time President Truman cer- tainly didn't help the western cause by his statement some weeks ago that nego- tiations with the Russians are useless and that the only language they understand is military power. It might well be that both men were in earnest; perhaps Vishinski couldn't sleep and perhaps Mr. Truman does believe that talks with Moscow are useless. But neither man, if he valued world opinion toward his government's foreign policy, should have been so rash. have built up our military might and are in a position to meet power with power. Of course, many Americans agree that power politics is the only way of conducting inter- national relations today. But there also are many who cling to the hope that through negotiation and conciliation we may find the basis for resolving the major sources of world tension. The President's words will not create faith in our foreign policy among these believers in the United Nations, and even more im- portant will not add to our prestige in West- ern Europe where people already are deeply suspicious of American policy. As for Vishinski's blunder we might say that he should know better because he has been trained in the Russian school of pro- paganda, which is considered by many as the best in the world. For months the Rus- sians have been denouncing the West for preparing for war, while Russia is working for peace. By making a joke of the Western pro- posal to reduce armaments Vishinski has opened Russia up to the charge of not being willing even to talk about a reason- able plan to ease world tension. If the plan actually had been ridiculous in the eyes speak on "The Measurement of the Ve- locity of Sound in the Ocean." Union Weekly Bridge Tournament I Wednesday willn mark the last of the elimination tournaments to determine the candidates who yil represent Mich- igan in the National Tournament in Detroit Saturday night. Candidates participating for the first time will have a chance to go to Detroit. Ter- race room of the union at 7:15 p.m. Everyone is invited and coeds may ob- tain 11:30 permission from their house- mothers. Sigma Delta Chi: Lecture by Basil L. Walters, executive editor of the Knight newspapers, 3 p.m., Wed., Rackham Amphitheater. The Forgotten Right." S.D.X.-sponsored coffee hour following lecture in Department of Journalism Newsroom. S.D.X. fal term initiation at 5 p.m., Michigan Union. Initiation banquet to follow at 6:30 p.m.; speak- er at initiation banquet will be Mr. Walters. All undergraduate and profes- sional S.D.X. members must attend the initiation. AFROTC Drill for Wed. will be held outside of the IM Building unless rain or snow does not permit. Michigan Arts Chorale. Meets 7 p.m.' University High School auditorium. Hillel Social Committee meeting 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Roger Williams Guild: 4:30-6:00 Tea! and Talk. Society of Automotive Engineers. Meet in the auto lab to run model engines and development method of calibrating speed runs. 8 p.m. Panhellenic Rushing. There will be a rushing chairmen's meeting today in the League at 4:30. There will be an SL meeting tonight, 7:30 p.m., in the Anderson-Strauss din- ing room of the East Quad. Cabinet elections will be held at this time. All interested students are invited to at- tend. Study Group in Basic Zionist Prob- lems. 7:30 p.m. in Lane Hall. Everyone welcome. A.S.M.E. meeting, Nov. 28, at 7:15 p.m., in room 3G of the Michigan Un- ion. Mr. R. E. Cross will speak on "Electronic Controls." Ensian pictures will be taken at this meeting. Opening of Exhibit of Paintings of Christian Art and water Color Scenes in India, by Miss Angela Trindade, 8-10 p.m., Lane Hall. At 8:30 p.m., Miss Trindade will lecture on Christian Art in India and talk informally about the collection. The exhibit will continue in Lane Hall, Nov. 28 thru Dec. 6, open to the public, 3:30 to 5:30, daily. Wesleyan Guild: Cabinet meeting, at 8:30 p.m. Urgent business. Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and talk, 4 to 5:30 p.m., at the Guild. Guests are welcome. Coming Events International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 29. Organizational meeting for a group to work on academic freedom and civil liberties on this and other campuses. Thurs., Nov. 29, 8 p.m., League. All in- terested are invited. Camp Councilor's Club. Meeting (for males), 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 29, 2432 University Elementary School. There will be a meeting of the Young Republicans in the Mich. League on Thurs., Nov. 29, at 7:30. The speaker of the evening will be John Tope Na- tional Chairmanofpthe Young Repub- licans. He will speak on national poli- tics. U. of M. Sailing Club, meeting 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 29, 311 West Engi- neering. Film of '49 Honolulu race to be shown with sound and in techni- color. The public is invited. General Meeting: Pershing Rifles, Thurs., 7:30 p.m., Rifle Range. Bring gym shoes. Spanish Club Dinner. Sat., Dec. 1. International Institute in Detroit. 6-11 p.m. For further information, contact Mr. Pasquariello, Rm. 404 RL or Ex. 2169. 1 t Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ,........Managing Editor Bob Keith................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Ven Emerson ..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts ...........Associate Editor Bob Vaughn .........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ., . Associate Sports Editor Jan James..........Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller .........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish........... Finance Manager Stu Ward.........,Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. Consider the President's words. He as much as said that we can close the door to further talks with the Russians until we New Books at the Library Douglas, William O.-Strange Lands and Friendly People. New York, Harper and BARNABY ... I see, You call this your living room because you live in it a great deal? It pleases them to see me basking in front of it. Here on the floor. Professor! Down! Down before they- -I mean, you're eager to see the rest of my house, aren't you? Come on- Y. i i