. i C, 4L Ad i DalliP 0 M EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 .I, Latest Deadline in the State CONTINUED COLD VOL. LXII, No. 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1951 EIGHT PAGES Cease-Fire Line, Accord Reached BULLETIN PANMUNJOM, Korea, Sunday, Nov. 25--()-United Nations and Red staff officers today settled on a line of contact in Korea with 11 "minor differences" and referred their report to truce subcommittees. Lt. Col. Howard S. Levie, briefing officer, said the subcom- mittees would try to settle the differences before adjourning late today,. MUNSAN, Korea, Sunday, Nov. 25-(1)-Map-charting Red and Allied officers still were up to five miles apart today on a Korean cease-fire line-while soldiers afield fought fiercely to change it in the west. Chilled and weary infantrymen were fighting a desperate battle today for "little Gibraltar," the height dominating the Yonchon sector of the Korean western front. IT APPEARED that this swaying struggle was perhaps the major obstacle to agreement by the armistice negotiators on where the west- ern end of a cease-fire line shall be drawn. UN and Communist staff officers met at Panmunjom at 9 p.m. I 0 * * * yesterday, Ann Arbor Time, to ir U.S. Blames Lost Plane /-on Russians WASHINGTON-(P)-The Uni- ted States charged yesterday that j a missing Navy Neptune bomber was "attacked without warning" by Soviet fighter planes over the d free international waters of the Sea of Japan on Nov. 6. i The plane with ten men aboard is presumed to have been shot down. IN MAKING THIS formal ac- cusation in a report to the United Nations, the United States reject- ed as untrue a Russian complaint that the American aircraft had "violated the Soviet State frontier" before it was approached by two Russian fighter planes. The Russians also alleged that the American plane open fire first. In the conflicting versions of the affair made public yesterday, about- the only thing the United States v and Russia agreed on was that apparently the incident had oc- curred in the general vicinity of y Cape Ostrovnaya, about 80 miles east of the big Soviet Siberian port city of Vladivostok and across the Sea of Japan from the northern Japanese Island. Tax Probers, Truman May Compromise KEY WEST -(a)- Indications grew yesterday that President Truman may offer a compromise to congressional investigators seek- ing Justice Department tax fraud prosecution files in their inquiry into Internal Revenue scandals. Presidential Secretary Joseph Short told a news conference "there are just some details that have to be worked out" when he was asked why Mr. Truman has delayed action on a committee request for use of the files in its investigation. WITH THE HOUSE Ways and Means subcommittee scheduled to reopen public hearings tomorrow, t a decision appeared to be immi- nent. President Truman talked by long - distance telephone last week with committee chairman King (D-Calif.) before telling a news conference that he wants to get to the bottom of the in- quiry, and that any one found at fault would have to face the consequences. Subsequently, the President ousted T. Lamar Caudle as assis- tant attorney general in charge of the tax division for "outside ,activities" he said were "incom- patible with the duties of his of- fice." Lewis Calls Halt o Wildcat Strikes *on out minor mapping differences i in the mountainous east and ma- jor differences in the west, but no progress was reported. There was near agreement on the eastern half of the 145-mile front, an Allied spokesmansaid. *But he said there were "major" differences in the west. He de- scribed a major difference as one up to five miles. UNTIL THE LINE is fixed there can be no further progress on an aAllied proposal aimed at complet- ing the full signing of an armis- tHell' Banned CORAL GABLES, Fla.-(P)- "Hell Week" has been banned at the University of Miami by the Inter-Fraternity Council. The groupM representing 25 campus fraternities have substi- tuted "Help Week" for the1 pranks formerly played upon. pledges. Peterson Scores InSecond Quarter 95,000 Watch 'M' Stop Janowicz, Capture Fourth Place in Conference By TED PAPES Daily Sports Editor A Michigan defensive football whirlpool engulfed Ohio State at the Stadium yesterday and gave the Wolverines a 7-0 Western Con. ference triumph over the Buckeyes in the final game of the 1951 season for both teams. The conquest, witnessed by 95,000 persons, gave Michigan fourth place in the final Big Ten standings with a record of four victories and two defeats. FULLBACK DON PETERSON, playing his final game in a maize and blue uniform, scored the only touchdown late in the second period. * * > The payoff play culminated a " *49 yard drive by the Wolverines Sun Snines with Peterson slipping around his own left end on a pitchout i P from the T-formation covering On Spirted six yards. Three tailback - to - quarterback passes were the vital elements in I 00'b't sustaining Michigan's goalward march. Captain Bill Putich com- pleted two of them to Ted Topor By RON WATTS for gains of 15 and nine yards and Daily Associate Editor two first downs. -Daily-Roger Reinke WHOA, BOY!-Ted Topor vaults over an Ohio State defender after snaring a Bill Putich pass during the second quarter touchdown drive. This was the play which Michigan employed in setting up the score, Topor and Don Zanfagna being the targets of Putich's aerials which got the ball down to the six-from where Don Peterson went over. See page 8 for other football pictures. tice within 30 days. 'must date from the truce committees cease-fire line. The 30 days time the full approve the; An armistice by ChristmasI thus seemed unlikely. Once agreement is reached, the two sides will pass on their written recommendations and a niap show. ing the demarcation line to the full delegations for final approval. Only then can the truce confer- ences turn their attention to the remaining items on the armistice agenda. These are: arrangements for supervising the cease-fire and armistice, exchange of SAR pris- oners and "recommendations" to home governments about with- drawal of foreign troops. Meanwhile, fighting raged all day for one of the hills, but as dusk fell the Reds threw in more battalions, bringing up their total strength to nearly two regiments (possibly 6,000 men). British Kill 4 Egytwans CAIRO -(P)- The British an- nounced yesterday military guards killed four Egyptians and wounded another as they tried a swimming escape after being caught cutting barbed-wire around a munitions pier at Port Said. The British announcement said the Egyptians yesterday ignored pier guards' commands to halt and jumped into the Suez Canal basin, where they were shot. The bodies were recovered. .boo!! Campus cops gave an authen- tic note to the "roaring twen- ties" party held last night at Acacia Fraternity. The law entered the Acacia "speakeasy" at 11 p.m. last night, but didn't succeed in dampening anyone's spirits. It turned out that the beer kegs- held 'gingerale, and nothing stronger was in the house. World News Roundup Pltans Laid For Revis ion Of GI Bill WASHINGTON--(IA)-Rep. Tea- gue (D-Texas) plans to start a fight for drastic changes in theI schooling provision of the GI Bill of Rights at the next session of Congress. "It was a wonderful dream," Teague says of the training and educational provisions of the bill. "but it just hasn't worked." Vishinsky Rejects West's PARIS-IP)-Andrei Y. Vishinsky rejected the western Big Three j disarmament plan yesterday and submitted a dozen amendments in- tended to substitute Moscow's brand of arms limitation, with an im- mediate ban on the atomic bomb. For an hour and 47 minutes, the Soviet foreign minister lambasted the formula sponsored by the United States, Britain and France in a _--- speech before the 60-member Uni- XMAS RUSH:fted Nations political committee. I By The Associated l'ress FOR THE LAST 15 months MOSCOW-The Soviet govern- Teague has headed a special ment warned the United States, House committee which investi- Britain, France and Turkey in a gated abuses in the veterans' note yesterday against pursuing training program. their plans for a Middle East Mili- tary' Command. MINNEAPOLIS - The ice- chocked Mississippi River was flooding low areas along its banks here last night as the temperature rose steadily from early-morning below zero read- ings. ROME-Allied Foreign Ministers apparently have decided against switching troops from the Far East to the West even if a Korean arm- istice is signed, diplomatic sour- ces said last night. WASHINGTON - The "errors and contradictions" and the "bot- ched handling" of the Korea atro- city charges demand a complete statement of facts from President Truman, Rep. Edith Nourse Rog- ers (R-Mass.) declared yesterday. The nine-man committee, set up in Sept., 1950, will hold the last of its field hearings early in December, at San Diego, Calif. Then it will be ready to make its final report. Afterward Teague will await a favorable political climate in which to begin pushing a bill to revise the program which so far has cost the taxpayers $14,000,000,000. A REVIEW OF the committee's hearing record shows evidence aplenty of shortcomings in the veterans' training programs fol- lowing World War II. Examples of stories told in the files: VA and state education offi- cials fell down on the job of re- quiring -private schools to meet and keep up to reasonable stand- ards; Sometimes the failure resulted from connivance between offi- cials and school operators; There were cases where offi- cials received financial gain from fraudulent operations; In some places schools were op- erated under the bounty of the government but didn't require the veterans to attend classes; Sometimes the schools were ap- proved officially by VA employes who then quit their government jobs and became operators under profitable contracts. I Crowds Mob States tores By The Associated Pre:ss Michigan is doing its Christmas shopping early - and apparently buying more than ever before. That's the conclusion of retail merchants throughout the State and in Ann Arbor, as they recov- ered yesterday from an unprece- dented rush of shoppers who jam- med stores. Downtown Ann Arbor was flood- ed with window shoppers, kids, townspeople and University stu- dents. One South Quad house mother came back empty handed and complained about the "huge downtown mob." The day after Thanksgiving is traditionally the start of the Christmas-present buying season. But this year crowds were out as never before. HE COMPLAINED the Western plan did not go far enough toward reducing the dangers of war. He said it "cannot, in the present form, serve, its an- nounced purpose." Ambassador Philip C. Jessup, U. S. delegate who replaced Secretary of State Dean Acheson in the dis- armament debate, expressed dis- appointment that Vishinsky still used invective instead of practical words. A British spokesman said his delegation felt Vishinsky, by his amendments, was trying to in- ject into the three-power reso- lution the Soviet disarmament program made up of all the old Russian themes. The next effect of the speech, eagerly awaited all week, was that the Russians had reiterated their opposition to the Western propo- sals and had not moved one inch toward accepting them, but had shown they were willing to keep talking. It was a bright sun yesterday that looked down on Ann Arbor and the Michigan Wolverines. ] Small piles of dirty snow tucked into corners of the stadium were' the only reminders of last week's misery as Wolverine rooters and players went wild with a Michigan victory." * * * DURING the two and one half hours of action more than 96,000 fans also focused their interest on a half-time battle between two of the top college marching bands in the country. Ohio State's legions took the field first, and the shat- tering of an OSU cymbol seemed to mark the fate of their show as compared with the University band. PROBABLY the biggest single factor in Saturday's festivities was spirit. It caused the usually ob- jective Voice on the public ad- dress system to change the stan- dard "Perry intercepted" to "Per- ry picked that one out of the air." And in the press box, a minia- ture battle of cheers and cat- calls were exchanged between Ohio and Michigan sports writ- ers. Many students left the stadium with the happy com- ment that "beating Ohio State makes it a successful season." The center of a lot of attention was President Harlan H. Hatcher, an Ohio State man only six months ago. His reactions to Michigan first downs and pass interceptions were "unemotional, to the point of being poker-faced," according to one observer. PRESIDENT Howard L. Bevis of Ohio Statesat during the first half with President Hatcher, but shift- ed his position to the Ohio side of the field for the final half. During the half time band show, an outstanding number "Begin the Beguine" won the favor oC the Michigan and Ohio See FANS, Page 2 General Questions C hiantg' s P'ower WASHINGTON-(R)-A Chinese general and his aide yesterday challenged in an American court .hn-1-- f 1-iot Z iCn THE THIRD ONE went from Putioh to Don Zanfagna in the key play of the contest. Michigan had the ball on the Ohio 10 yard stripe with a third down and four to go when Zanfagna replaced To- por and grabbed Putich's short toss to the right side and squirm- ed t6 the six. He was tackled hard and the ball bounced away from him with the Buckeyes covering the fumble, but the officials ruled that the whistle had ended the play before Zanfagna lost the pigskin. Witl; the first and goal-to-go Peterson whipped into the end zone untouched around the weak side as the wingback faked into the middle and blockers fooled the Buckeye right end and tackle. Russ Rescorla converted for the extra point. S * 1 * BUT THE real story of the struggle revolves around two stal- war:t defensive teams which re- fused to give up yardage time and again. Led by their great tackle, Tom Johnson, and linebacker Larry LeClaire, the Wolverines put up an impregnable defense which permitted the Buckeyes to get no closer than the Michigan 19 yard line. The entire forward wall took a terrific physical beat- ing but refused to be swept aside. See JOHNSON, Page 6 New Elections In Iran Asked Mossadegh TEHRAN-(A)-The government of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh -rich in oil potential but hard up for cash-said yesterday it would demand national elections immedi- ately for a bold test of its popular strength. The announcement came the day after the frail old premier re- turned to a whopping welcome home from 47 days spent abroad in efforts to get money and in defending his national oil policies. * * * THE MOVE to hold elections "at the first opportunity" was looked upon as a maneuver to capitalize on a wave of popular enthusiasm for Mossadegh's resistance to ef- U.S. College Enrollment Report Shows Slight Drop WASHINGTON-(P-There are 2,116,440 students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities this fall, as compared with 2,296,592 last fall. The U.S. Office of Education, reporting this yesterday, said the 7.8 per cent decrease reflected by these figures "is less than most fore- casters anticipated last spring." MALE STUDENTS have declined 10.8 per cent in number, the{ survey of 1,806 institutions of ---I CYCLE-MANIAC: OSU Student Wit~uesses DefeatT'The Hard Way' By VIRGINIA VOSS house here, overtook Willis on his A 19-year-old Ohio State stu- flashily equipped bicycle. Attract- dent pedalled his bike and a "Yea! ed by the "Ohio Beat Michigan" Ohio, Beat Michigan" sign 190 sign, the men questioned Willis miles to Ann Arbor and defeat and urged him to stop over at the over the weekend. Psi Omega house. But an infected hand, a twisted 4 r knee, and two blowouts incurred STUBBORNLY pedalling with during the trip are preventing him one leg, Willis reached the house from going back to Columbus the Friday night. According to Bill way he came. Smith, '52 D, "he was a pretty THE HAZARDOUS, 19-hour trin tired boy."