I A. PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1951 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1951 (4ih ted THIS IS A little story, but not an insigni- ficant one. It is taking place at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. The camp itself is not out of the ordinary as far as army posts go, except that it is bigger than most. What is different are the children. There are about 1,500 of them living with t'rir parents on the post. A fifth of these sare Negroes. These, along with their white neighbors are attending what are suppos- ed to be the South's first non-segregated elementary schools. And everyone seems quite happy about the arrangement. The thing seems just a matter of-fact to most of the people living in the camp. The post's chief of staff explains simply "The schools have to be unsegregated. They are supported by Federal funds. It's the law." Really it would seem more complicated than that. So many people throughout the country argue that no one can legislate ra- cial discrimination out of existence. The na- tion's courts have again and again ruled on the problem in relation to suffrage require- ments and segregated schools. The cases have been long and bitter. Here on campus the arguments have centered about Greek letter societies. The arguments go in circles, generally ending with the supposition that it will all work out in time. "It's our problem," say those with bias clauses and segregated school systems. "Let us handle it-without pressure." Then suddenly someone does use what amounts to pressure. It works. But these isolated instances are never brought for- ward as examples of an effective solution to the problem. So the claims that nothing works but time go on. It seems unfortunate to me that the on- ly large-scale public recognition of the bias issue is given to violent examples of racism or weak, theoretical arguments about it. In Fort Bragg there is something concrete; something that shows most of the talk is nothing but talk. Again, it is probably too bad that these successes have to come out of army living as they do increasingly. However, a solid program of presenting the information con- cerning success in the armed forces would not only clarify the soundness of this pro- gram but perhaps lead to its expansion into civilian life. -Vernon Emerson Generation THE THREE OR FOUR brave individuals who with about 30 former contributors and staffmen of Generation, attended the magazine's forum Tuesday night may very well have been disillusioned by the appear- ances of the staff members. Instead of the motley crew of bearded, long-haired Communists, Bohemians and psuedo-intellects, which campus attitude might have them expect, they were greeted by rational, clean-shaven, sincere young men in tweed jackets, a few unobtrusive poets and some charming and talented young' women. Generation's staff resignedly listened to the criticisms which fell in a heap upon them: "arty, unintelligible, obscure and too serious." Constructive suggestions were intently noted. Toward the middle of the evening it became obvious that those present felt the magazine faces the choice of one of two alternatives: They may hope to increase their circulation by lowering the level of their material or they may maintain their present status, "presenting the best in stu- dent art" and face facts; that they are a class magazine and cannot expect to appeal to the average Gargoyle addict. There is a third choice, however, one which was touched upon slightly at the for- um but which remains for the editors them- selves to expand. The format ot the magazine can be al- tered considerably, yet still remain with its category of a "class magazine" and ap- peal at least to an increased portion of that class. The depression and extreme pessimism which seemed responsible for all 25 of the, stories submitted for the forthcoming Win- ter issue ending with either futility, disas- ter or frustration, must lie with the student contributor. Yet Generation has not been without a lighter tone. An occasional bit of fine satire has been present, heightened by a series of charming sketches by John Good- year, which have found their way into even the most serious and depressing of stories. Yet the magazine's lighter more charming moments have often been obscured in the artiness and obvious phoniness of much of the make-up. The unusual effects which find their way even into the advertisements seems so contrived that they manage to con- vey the overall effect of artiness, blanket- ing the more successful elements of the ma- gazine. An honest, subtle approach in format might be the very change which Generation so needs. Unfortunately, however, Tuesday's for- um with its wealth of constructive criti- cism was held after the material for the forthcoming issue had been sent to the printers. The efforts of the editors to se- Newspaper Gag The Night Vishinsky Couldn't Sleep For Laughing THERE IS PERHAPS a no more universal- ly-accepted principle in this country than freedom of the press. The proponents of a free press, however, make up a motley crew of strange bedfellows. There are those, who represent special or partisan interests, clamoring boister- ously and demanding the right to further those interests through the medium of a free press. Although we may look upon these persons contemptuously or pass over their "good morning" columns with a kind of sympathy, their right to endemic opin- ions is firmly established and rightly pro- tected from infringement. Then there are those who seek to utilize the press for the explicit purpose of up- heaving our political and economic structure. Paradoxically, these persons are bent on ov- erthrowing the very democracy which pro- tects their freedom to write abusively. The CP's and the Gerald L. K. Smith's may be ranked in this category. Academically speaking, one might deem it unwise to gag these extremists through legal means; if the occasion arises, however, and the times become more critical, no other al- ternative will be more expedient. Finally, there are those who insist upon the right to put forth their honest opin- ions bolstered with responsible and con- structive criticism. A dwindling minority, these individuals are convinced that a free press is indispensible to this country's survival as a democracy and to its con- tinued progress, Unfortunately, the latter group, which has the interests of the nation as a whole ut- most in its mind, has been running into some tough sledding lately, treatment which it hardly deserves. Monday, John H. Crider, editor of the Boston Herald, resigned because his own paper refused to publish a review he wrote on Senator Taft's book, "Foreign Policy for Americans." Crider,a Pulitzer Prize editorial writer, claimed he wrote "what I thought was a fair review of Taft's book with a com- ment or two of my own thoughts about the man. "I thought I bent over backward to be fair to Taft," Crider explained, "but I also thought it necessary to put into the article my honest judgment. "After all," he added, "if you can't say in your own paper what you honestly believe, then there is no point in continuing in the service of that paper." Ironically, Crider's- resignation took place the very day that the expropriated Argentine paper La Prensa, dominated with pictures of Peron and echoing the dictator's party line, resumed publication. American newspapers all over the coun- try had protested the silencing of the lib- eral La Prensa. Now, the Boston Herald is guilty of a similar act on an individual level. Such an intolerable restriction as that placed upon Editor Crider was certainly un- called for, obviously gratuitous. Journalists of his caliber should not, be shackled, but rather encouraged. The William Allen White era of courageous journalism must not be regarded as a thing of the past, unless we are willing to face the threat of expropriated newsprint. -Cal Samra tetteM4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general Interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. a ON THE I MATTE R Jr FAC,,.T By STEWART ALSOP w THE ISLAND IN THE SEA TEL AVIV-"You can say that again, brother." This remark, in a strong Mid-Western ac- cent, comes strangely to the ears on a chilly windswept northern mountaintop in this ancient land. The remark is made by a wiry, wry, blond boy from Minnesota, in answer to a question-isn't it a tough job to cultivate this mountain soil, which seems to consist more of rocks than of soil? The Min- nesotan is the accountant of a Kibbutz, or agricultural settlement, founded a couple of year ago by ninety-odd American Zionists. On the very top of the mountain is what remains of an Arab village, now a mere rubble and jumble of yellow stones, piled higgledy-piggledy on top of each other. Just below these ruins are the sleeping quarters of the Kibbutz, long green wood- en shacks, like the huts in the cheapest sort of American summer resort. The shacks are divided oiff into cubicles, on a simple door-window, door-window pat- tern. To each of these tiny, unheated cu- bicles a couple is assigned. These cubicles are the only private retreat of the Kib- butz members. Their children are cared for collectively, and all eat together in a communal dining hall. For two years now, the members of this collective have been living an incredibly hard life on this naked mountaintop, somehow wresting a bare subsistence from the dry, rocky soil, slowly building permanent living quarters with their own hands, living with- out privacy, without money, without even clothes of their own. There is something grim yet genuinely moving in this dedicated monastic living, so utterly outside the ex- perience of most Americans. Yet to the American newly-arrived here, there is something grimly moving, too, about the mouldering ruins of the Arab village. For these ruins must surely serve as a constant reminder that the land now cultivated by the Kibbutz members gave a iving, not long ago, to men of a different race. What happened, the Min- nesota boy is asked, to the village and the Arabs who lived in it? The Arabs, he says, ran away during the Arab-Israeli War. As for the village, it was dynamited after the Arabs ran away. This was the policy of the government, he says wryly-to "dissuade" the Arabs from re- turning. What does he think of this matter of the taking over of Arab land? Does it ever worry him and the other members of the Kibbutz? THIS QUESTION, the boy from Minnesota answers simply, used to trouble them all deeply, both as Americans and as Marxists (for this, like the majority of the agricul- tural collectives, it a left-wing Kibbutz). They would ask each other the question, and never find a really satisfactory answer. But that was only at the beginning. Now, hardly anybody thinks about it any more. This incident serves to illustrate both the strength and the weakness of the new Israeli state. On the one hand, there is the fierce idealism which has led this like- able Middle-Westerner, like hundreds of thousands of his fellow Jews from all over the world, to sacrifice everything in or- der to build a new life and a new nation on this inhospitable soil. Yet there is weakness too. It lies in the simple fact that almost 900,000 Arabs (ac- cording to the latest United Nations' head count) once lived in the houses and owned the shops and worked the land now lived in and owned and worked by hundreds of thousands of Israelis. It is true that the Arabs started the war, and that they would have driven every last Jew into the sea if they had been able to. It is true that most of the Arabs ran away. The terrible need of the Jews for a land of their own is true. But it is also true that the founding of this nation involved taking over the property and livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people. No doubt there was no other way. Yet a nation so founded is by the very nature of things condemned to live for a long time as an island in a sea of hate and fear. This hate and fear, according to those who know this area best, is no simple matter of the mouthings of an occasional demagogue or fanatic. It is a deep and long-lasting emo- tion. This is by no means to say that the United States should abandon support of this state. Indeed, for all sorts of reasons, it is in the plain American interest that the extraordinary experiment here should not fail. Even so, the passionate Arab reaction to the establishment of this state should be accepted for what it is-one of the central political factors in this whole threatened, vital area. And the Arab reaction is as un- derstandable in its way as the desperate need and the terrible memories which drove the Jews into establishing, for the first time in 2,000 years, a state of their own. (Copyright, i951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Washington Merry-G-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The job of finding a spotless company to produce aluminum for lagging defense production is much like that of Diogenes looking for an honest man. Below are printed the war records of the three chief compan- ies considered by the National Production Authority for aid in setting up a new aluminum plant. Significantly no agency of the government bothered to look up these records, but left it to the press. Today the FBI is required to spend weeks, sometimes months, checking on the loyalty of a prospective government em- ployee; while there is absolutely no system for checking on the records of companies getting lush war contracts. Furthermore, Secretary of the Navy Dan Kimball has flatly re- fused to give the record on the Harvey Machine Company to his Cabinet colleague, the Secretary of the Interior, or to a House investigating committee. (Kimball and the Harveys are Californians, with Lawrence Harvey high in Democratic Political councils.) In addition the Defense Mobilization Administration is barred by Congress from building plants of its own if it cannot find a company qualified to build one. This ban, urged by GOP Sena- tors Mundt of South Dakota and Taft of Ohio has seriously im- peded defense mobilization: Meanwhile, the Navy records, which this columnist has seen, show that the Harvey Machine Company was investigated by Naval Intelligence during the war for making off-sized gauges which pre- sumably would help to pass off-sized shells past Naval inspectors without the inspectors realizing the shells did not fit specifications. A naval report, dated Jan. 27, 1944, signed by Capt. L. D. Webb, and recommending against the use of Harvey on another navy con- tract, quotes naval intelligence, in part, as follows: x ' - NAVAL REPORT - "'A CHECK of gauges at the Long Beach plant of subject, disclosed that one of the gauges being used for Navy inspection was de- fective. Investigation disclosed that approximately 150 defective gauges manufactured by subject were delivered to the Long Beach plant for use in company and Navy inspection. The defect in these gauges was such as would enable subject to attain the acceptance of faulty projectiles by the Navy. Investigation discloses that Herbert Harvey, plant manager, purposely devised a gear-ratio to be used on the Navy-owned thread-grinding machine used to manufacture the gauges. The defect in the gauges caused by use of the substandard gear-ratio was not discernible without thorough examination. Admiral Joseph R. Defrees . . . requested that steps be taken to cause the in- stitution of criminal proceedings, if a criminal statute has been vio- lated.' "Dated 22 May 1943, the cognizant War Frauds Division prosecutor of the Department of Justice, in writing to say that 'inherent weaknesses of the case' (i.e. inability to prove to a jury the Navy Department was seriously injured by subject's actions) would make it extremely difficult to secure a conviction, added: "'This does not mean, however, that we have closed our files on this matter, and I have asked one of our attorneys to prepare a mem- orandum of law applicable to the facts set forth in the investigative reports.' *4 * * * - TWO WRONGS EQUAL ONE RIGHT - AFTER the Harvey record was published, NPA proceeded to award the aluminum contract in Montana to both Harvey and Anaconda Copper, apparently on the theory that two wrongs make a right. For Anaconda Wire and Copper had a far worse record than Harvey. Furthermore, Olin industries, also under consideration for the aluminum contract. likewise had a worse record than Harvey. ANACONDA RECORD-Anaconda Wire and Cable, one of the largest Anaconda subsidiaries, was twice convicted for war frauds and sabotage in selling faulty wire to the Army, Navy and Air Force. Alex Campbell, U.S. Attorney who prosecuted Anaconda at Ft. Wayne, Ind., states that Anaconda's inspectors had pretended to test wire and passed it on to Army and Navy inspectors with an O.K. tag on it-though actually it was not inspected. Part of the wire was used for artillery communications in 'the field; part was degaussing wire to protect warships from submarine attack. Fortunately, the wire was caught before it got into combat. OLIN INDUSTRIES RECORD-Another company under consid- eration for government aluminum aid is Olin Industries-by no means little business-which operates Winchester Arms; New Haven Bond Electric Corp.; Western Powder at Peoria, Ill., etc. During the war ten members of one subsidiary, U.S. Cartridge, were indicted in St. Louis, for a conspiracy to pass defective ammuni- tion, making false statements, and violating the sabotage act. Tried in April 1944, they were found not guilty. A second indictment dragged on for seven years and in 1950 was dropped by the govern- ment. The government is now appealing a civil suit for $214,000 against U.S. Cartridge to recover damages which it lost in the lower court. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Egyptian Situation . . . To the Editor: CONCERNING the present Egyp- tian-British dispute two ques- tions are asked by my American friends and unfortunately ade- quate answers are not to be found in the American press . . 1. Why did Egypt abrogate the 1936 treaty with Britain? The treaty conflicts with the United Nations charter of 1945. Also, the treaty was concluded under the shadow of occupation ... Another important reason is that the Brit- ish violated the treaty; the num- ber of British troops in the Canal area has been increased and the area allocated to them extended. Another is the non-observance of the health measures imposed by the Egyptian Government . . . An- other is the attitude which was taken by the British during the Palestine war; the 1936 treaty stipulates that each party should not take, in its relation with for- eign states, a stand that would conflict with the alliance .. . The British have withheld, since 1936, all military equipment from Egypt even down to the rifles required for use by the Egyptian Police Force. Although the Sudan is supposed to be under joint juris- diction . . . the British Governor of Sudan pays no attention to the recommendations of the Egyptian Government. 2. Is the Egyptian abrogation of the treaty related to the Iran- ian-British dispute? The Egyp- tian-British crisis was brought to, and later shelved by the Security Council in 1947. Negotiations have been carried on intermittently since that time until ... August 1951 and the refusal of the British to fix a definite date to send their suggestions on defense and on the Sudan. The Egyptian government insisted that it should receive an answer before the Parliament ad- journed in the first week of Octo- ber. When London did not an- swer the Premier had to face the Parliament with facts. Of interest also is the recent meetings of the Russian Minister and Egypt's Foreign Minister at Cairo. These talks are not new and are not arranged to be at the present critical time. Last year similar talks took place and we sold our cotton crop to Russia as well as to other countries .. . Egypt is not the only country which deals commercially with the Reds, the British do too. I should like to stress the fact that communism in Egypt is against the law... -Emile T. Abdel-Malek Daily Humor .. To the Editor: AS A MEMBER of the Editorial staff of the excrutiatingly funny Gargoyle humor magazine, I hereby lodge a formal complaint against the Michigan Daily. The charge centers on the fact that The Daily has made a deliberate attempt to compete with Gargoyle humor during the past semester. True, you have attempted to hide the humor between the lines, but it has not escaped me. I have proof of my charge in black and white. For instance, at the beginning of the semester, you printed an ar- ticle about a coed "who held the pots last year" instead of "post." My friends roared with delight, unaware that the Daily could be so funny. Recently, on the sport page of The Daily, appeared another scur- rilous example of your attempts to out-do the Garg. The writer told of "a new face that would be seen on the Michigan gridiron tlis year; a 15 pound guard from De- troit." My friends, all room-mates, responded to this by tearing the paper from the walls. To add in- sult to injury, they all rushed out and ordered five additional sub- scriptions of The Daily, in order to replace the wall-paper. But Tuesday's Daily supplied the last straw, if I may borrow a tat- tered cliche from your plagiarized pages of print. You stated in large letters as a caption to an article concerning the flood in Italy, "PQ Still Flooding, Detroit Over 100!" According to the article, you meant "Death Toll," but you knew "Detroit" would be funnier, am I right? Well, it was. For although I tried desperately to prevent my roommates from seeing the issue, they found it anyway, and pro- ceeded to break up the furniture and tossed each other down the stairs, including me. This, they ex- plained was merely to give vent to their natural-born appreciation of hilarious humor. The humor of the situation somehow eluded me, however. I hesitate to contemplate the ef- fect on my roommates, as well as the entire student body if you in- sist on continuing your present "intentional humor" policy. I shall be watching, and waiting for evi- dence of your decision on this mat- ter. -Stan Challis EDITOR'S NOTE: Rest comfortably. Gargoyle challis, the good, grey lady of Ann Arbor is still the same. The "intentional humor" policy is really the bedevilment of a besotted Night Editor who has also been changing names and football scores, splitting infinitives, and trying hard to sneak pornography into The Daily. We have since assigned him to the Electroen- caphalographic beat. Socialist Ban . . To the Editor: THE REPORT in Tuesday's Daily inregard to the University of California's action in barring Max Schactman as a speaker on cam- pus is perhaps one of the best ex- amples yet to come to light of the absurdity-and irony-of the na- tionwide "loyalty" hysteria. If there is any excuse for the subver- sive list at all, it is that in this period of crisis the American pub- lic needs to be made aware of the numerous Stalinist "fifth column" front organizations. As one who recently heard an address given by Max Schactman. I would like to say that not only is he not a Stalinist or fellow-traveler, but that his Independent Socialist League is one of the few groups in this country with a plan for a democratic foreign policy which at least offers a chance to defeat Soviet imperialism without re- course to an atomic holocaust. The ISL is a Marxist socialist organi- zation (of which, incidentally, I am not a member) which states that it "stands for socialist demo- cracy and against the two systems of exploitation which now divide the world: capitalism and Stalin- ism." Its specific statement in re- gard to Stalinism, as published in the current issue of Labor Action is as follows: "Stalinism, in Rus- sia and wherever it holds power, is a brutal totalitarianism-a new form of exploitation. Its agents in every country, the Communist Parties, are unrelenting enemies of Socialism and have nothing in common with socialism -- which cannot exist without effective de- mocratic control by the people." -Henry Elsner, Jr. 1. 4 CURRE NTMOVIE- Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor Bob Keith ............ ....City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn .. ... Associate Editor Ted Papes .............. Sports Editor George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ..........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Stu Ward.........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication or all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mai, $7.00. A t The Michigan.. THE LADY TAKES A CHANCE, with Stephen McNally, Linda Darnell, Gigi Perreau and Virginia Field. IT WAS very kind of them to serve up a turkey in honor of Thanksgiving day. This comedy-travelogue about a school- marm who has just been named teacher of the year and is a bit sick of the whole thing is very appropriate for an evacuated Ann Arbor. It seems that Linda Darnell, as the teach- er, is constantly harrassed by men who want her to mother them or their children. Miss Darnell evidently feels that they've got one mother, and isnotinterested in nursery rhymes. Her advice to the parents of At any rate, this rather glamorous peda- gogue heads for Reno for her vacation, and there meets up with the big bad gambler, played stoically by Stephen McNally. Mr. McNally, who has had better parts and evi- dently took this one to keep in practice, is wooden but credible as the heart-of-gold guy with a sweet little daughter. Miss Darnell loses while gambling in Mr. McNally's joint, and thereby owes Mr. McNally seven thousand dollars. She doesn't have that much with her, and is cajoled into taking over the care of the gambler's moppet until that young lady is rid of her repressions. Miss Darnell, who has been looking for just such a one as Mr. McNally-who doesn't have such a complete mother complex as 4 BARNABY t Wh W do you Earthfolk build your houses with such unwieldy doors? It's also their job to tend the doors. When 1 happen to But if it ever happened, Mr. Baxter, thwt none of But in that case I would happen ' /