THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER. 21, 195]. Korean Atrocities Two More Bans A New Threat AS IF THE trouble and confusion of the world was not already overbearing, an ill-timed press release by a minor U.S. Army official has added another stimulant to the already unstable condition of world affairs. The reference applies to the report of Col. James M. Hanley, Judge Advocate General of the Eighth Army, concerning the alleged atrocity killings of more than 6,000 American soldiers by Red Chinese and North Korean troops. Whatever inspired this blunder is be- yond comprehension, but the fact remains that the harm has been done and the effects are being felt around the world. All the qualifications of Supreme UN Com- mander Gen. Matthew Ridgway about the definite number of- bodies identitfied, and the immediate consultation with Col. Han- ley comes at this time only as a for- mality. From reports Col. Hanley's reason was based mainly on the assertion that the "troops in the field have a right to know." He failed to enlarge on his reason, so one can only speculate that it may either en- courage our men to fight more fiercely, or at least to avoid capture. As for the home front, the announce- ment struck with a sickening thud. To the thousands of families of missing men, it was a dismaying and frightening discovery. The Pentagon could offer no information because they knew no more about the sit- uation than the inquiring families. The re- sult was families could only wait for the military to "clarify" the situation. Meanwhile in Korea the delicate peace talks continued to roll along the knife's edge. Repercussions from the atrocity charge on the peace talks were awaited. Nothing happened, except for the usual Red counter- charge that Americans had used Red prison- ers in atomic blast tests. But it is almost un- believable that the Chinese negotiators won't in the future make some sort of capital out of the blunder-to aid in breaking down peace negotiation, for example. Other UN allies were puzzled to the point of asking if maybe the United States really didn't want peace in Korea, and the atrocity report at this particular time was designed to continue the hostilities. The damage from doubt aroused in the minds of our allies is more devastating than all the countercharges of the Reds, or step- ped-ontoes among Army personnel. It would seem evident that the world's nerves are pulled so taut that the slightest irritation, i.e. an atrocity story, can cause them to snap. For the present it can only be hoped that the armed services, ordinarily tight-lipped with newsmen, will practice preventive medicine against the recurrence of the Hanley fiasco, -Ron Watts Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints, NIGHT EDITOR: DONNA HENDLEMAN THE EDUCATIONAL GUARDIANS seem ever on the alert to protect the fair youth and the fair reputations of our fair schools. Two more of their monumental de- cisions made front page news Tuesday. This time it is City College of New York adding its name to the growing list and the University oaf California making their second stab at the "let's kill academic freedom" title. The refusal of a Student-Faculty Com- mittee to allow Paul Robeson to speak at CCNY is significant in itself. Robeson is ad- mittedly a member of the Communist party and by this time, students seem used to the reluctance of university administrators to allow "subversives" to speak on campus. However it seems that the committee ob-I jects only if he appears in their Great Hall, similar to Hill Auditorium. The committee's permission, however, would not have been required for Robeson to appear on campus if he were to appear in any meeting place other than Great Hall. This ruling is so asinine that it deserves no comment. At the University of California, however, the real problem has been stated: Shall a speaker who has been labeled "subversive" by the attorney-general be allowed to ad- dress a student group. From California comes the answer: No! And this "no" echoes and reverberates from California to Ohio State to our own campus. At California the national chairman of the Independent Socialist League (labeled subversive) has been refused permission to take part in a debate on the irecent British election. The administration's attitude was expressed by the Dean of Students: "We would not knowingly invite any officer of an organization declared to be subversive by an official government source to speak on campus." ' Actually, if the administrators are to blame, it is only indirectly, in that they wield the final veto power. Fortunately we seem to have reached the stage where we recognize that a "gag-1 rule" is not an administrational conspir- acy aimed at keeping us in ignorance about Communism, Socialism or anything which seems to fall under the taint of unrespectable liberalism. We've talked ourselves blue in the face arguing that "just because Allan Villiers tells us of the delights of cod fishing, is no reason to believe that a large percent of the audience will immediately become advocates of plots to overthrow perch fishing." Certainly the administrators know this and probably, if they came right out and gave their opinions about letting Communists or perch fishermen speak on campus they would be labeled pink, or red or whatever the latest irrational epithet is. It's not a matter of protecting the ears of our red (pardon the implication) blood- ed young American college students but, rather, one of heating buildings, paying or repairs, salaries and other less spiritual matters of a university-in other words, it's a matter of money appropriation. Unfortunately, wealthy alumni don't die and leave huge endowments to their Univer- sities as they used to. So it looks like this dependence on State appropriations will con- tinue along with the desire to retain a fair name (without a tinge of pink) in order to stay with the graces of the public. From here, the upsurge of rottenness and hysteria is such that there seems little hope that academic freedom can emerge from the battle with anything less than hardening of the arteries. ..-Gayle Greene fettep4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors., Hunter's Paradise THE NEWS IS full of a bitter comedy these days, one that each year brings senseless death or injury to scores of eager funseekers, men who take advantage of the deer-hunting season in Michigan. As the season stumbles into its seventh day, latest reports show that 9 men have died of bullet wounds, 11 of heart attacks while hunting and at least 35 have been wounded by bullets since the season open- ed.: With the toll mounting day by day, many people are picking up their morning papers wondering how many more were extinguish- ed since their last reading. Some people are shrugging this inane slaughter off as "oc- cupational hazard." A few others are pre- sumptuous enough to ask, "why?" Why indeed? What kind of a pleasure pur- suit is this that every year leads men to their death or physical ruin, extinguishing them as they avidly seek that nebulous en- tity, "relaxation?" Armed with their rifles and their hunting caps, each is only out to crop a buck and some hunting laurels. Ev- ery season some appalling number of hunters get more than they bargain for. In more primitive times there was justi- fication for death among members of a hunting party, just as there was justifica- tion for hunting itself. People hunted for subsistance, not for sport, and danger in the woods was one of life's inescapable hazards. Modern men have aborted this former necessity and turned it into a bru- tal pastime. They seek the buck only for the excitement and the glory connected with obtaining it; often their families and friends suffer through the venison-eating process, little relishing the wild-tasting meat. Most everyone is appalled with the death and destruction connected with a flood or a fire; the National Safety Council every week- end and holiday issues reminders and warn- ings about death on the highways. But there is never an organized protest against the stu- pid waste brought about by hunting. In- stead, every fall the government makes some money issuing licenses to rough and ready sportsmen, and in a blaze of ridiculous pub- lic heralding, the brave hunters go off for a two-week spree \vith nature. When it's all over, most of the sportsmen can go home to steaks, chops and roasts, recall the exciting chase and convince themselves they had a great time engaging in an activity which is entirely void of constructive value. Less fortunate fun-seekers don't recall anything. Each of them becomes just anoth- er name on a tombstone and a statistic in a record book'. For a short while they are bitter reminders to a few people of man's stupidity, but as a group they leave nothing behind; by the time the next season rolls around they are forgotten entirely and the new crop goes out to play. -Donna Hendleman 'I MUSIC Republican Ticket .. . To the Editor: HAVE recently been extremely encouraged by the possibility that Michigan's GOP delegation to Congress may be immeasurably strengthened and improved in the near future. I feel that this is a definite possibility because of the announcement, or near announce- ment of a number of liberal can- didates for the congressional prim- aries. This group contains many per- sons that are highly intelligent, constructive, forceful, young, and that would certainly add real weight to the ticket next year. But almost as important as this is the fact that they will be de- feating a group of negativistic, worn out "me-too" Republicans that have been yes yesing the Southern Democrats for so long that they have forgotten that they belong to a political party of their own. They vote for such region- alistic Southern Democratic pro- posals as the Mexican Wetback bill, the Kerr Gas bill, tidelands oil, and on and on. - A few commendable substitu- tions in Congress may be (1) State Sen. Elwood Bonine for Clare Hoff- man (the great friend of John Rankin) (2) Harry Hittle for the slipping William Blackney (3) Creighton Coleman for the Eisen- hower4hating Paul Shafer (4) Cooney for George Dondero. However, the mostencouraging candidate of them all is Auditor Gen. John Martin who is running for the GOP nomination for the Senate. We can certainly win the next election if we have more can- didates like Martin, Hittle, Cole- man, and Bonine. -David Cargo President of the U. of M. Young Republican Club *- * * Ann Arbor Trial ... To the Editor: AFTE reading Bill Wiegand's hard hitting editorial, "Ann Arbor Trial," (Thursday, Nov. 15) I rather egotistically feared that some readers wouldn't succeed in catching all the subtle nuances and profundities implicit there. As a result, I hoped that the follow- ing annotations to a key para- graph would be helpful, both to shed light on that paragraph, and to serve as a model for interested readers in re-examining the rest of the editorial. "Morey and Pell themselves are perhaps too remote to worry about any longer. (This is a subtle statement. Note, "perhaps." Ac- tually they're worth worrying about to the extent of an editor- ial.) The fact that they found the rootless and materialistic en- vironment in which they were raised too overbearing a burden is unfortunate. (Yes, it is.) What they really wanted were were the things that money couldn't buy; (Money can't buy the sensation of being drunk and then feeling and hearing the exquisite thud of a sledge hammer as it strikes a soft feminine skull.) They wanted a confidence, an assurance that was impossible in the moral va- cuum in which they were raised. (The strong healthy egos which result from skull-cracking are im- possible in today's moral vacuum.) It is the vacuum of the churches, of the schools, of the govern- ment, It is this that lies at the root of the Campbell murder." With the above as a model, and knowing the way in which Morey and Pell ended the nurse's life, the interested reader should be able to catch the deeper insights which always are hidden beneath the surface of Wiegand's words. And when approached in this way, what on the surface seems to be bombast and purple patches, can be seen ficance. ed out finallyJ around seenmed joke." in its true realistic signi- Consider, "Having thrash- in the rockless sea, he found the millstone tied his neck. Sinking, it all part of the moment's -John Van Dyke 4 ' * TAKE 31 MALE SINGERS, an energetic conductor, some interesting music, a great deal of spirit and a dash of ingenuity, and you have the DePaur Infantry Chorus, which performed in Hill Auditorium last night. Take the same ingredients, and you have a brand of entertainment which is long on fun and general enjoyment, but short on the priceless qualities of subtlety, depth and variety. The men in DePaur's chorus (even the featured soloists) appear to be untrained singers.. This is nothing against them- untrained singers can make extremely1 effective ensembles; but DePaur has not succeeded in knitting them into an en- semble of beautiful vocal quality. He has certainly knitted them into an ensemble -they walk, bow, breathe and sing with military precision; they attack and release together, move from loud to soft, from fast to slow in perfect accord, but their actual tonal quality is punchy and forced, and their interpretations stereotyped and lack- ing in subtlety. There is a kind of singing for which the hard-hitting school of vocalism is not in- compatible. And the numbers of this kind{ (some of the folk songs, all of the war songs, and some of the spirituals) were genuinely effective. But the hard accents, sudden louds and softs and frequent harshness do not suffice for the music of Howard Swan- son or J. S. Bach. The program itself contained some mo- ments of real musical interest. Mr. DePaur is certainly to be thanked for the group of fine contemporary numbers. But the folk- songs and war songs, almost all arranged by the conductor, had an appalling sameness. DePaur's style (heavy on um-pah-pah and strum-strum effects) is appealing only in limited quantity. The group of spirituals was a disap- pointment, lacking in rhythmic freedom and spontaniety. The songs of faith (which might better have opened the pro- gram) were somewhat less than successful. Bach cannot be sunnvin the style of "Rod-. Women's Discipline Plan ANGELL HOUSE, as all the other women's dorms on campus, was called upon to vote approval or disapproval of a new plan of administering women's disciplinary prob- lems outside the realm of house or Univer- sity rules. Under the present system such prob- lems are referred to Dean Bacon, who delegates them either to Women's Judici- ary Council, Joint Judiciary or herself. The new Women's Panel, composed of the chairman and a junior member of Wo- men's Judiciary and Dean Bacon, would act in this identical capacity, thereby tak- ing the matter of disciplinary action out of the hands of one person and in addi- Bias Rem oval IN THE MIDST of the present bias clause controversy, it might be well for the stu- dent body to consider just what the removal of these traces of group discrimination en- tails. True, it removes the obstacles which formerly blocked entrance to a fraternal organization to anyone of the "wrong" race or religion. In theory, deleting these clauses will remove discrimination from the organizations' selection of members. However, the whole basis of choosing members for a fraternal group is selectivity. In their quest to find congenial members for their organizations, fraternities and soror- ities apply all the unwritten laws of discrimi- nation. Removal of bias clauses may pave the way for admitting anyone into these groups, but how many of them will take advantage of less limited selection for their members? The attempt to rid fraternal organiza- tions of bias clauses is worthwhile, but it tion giving students an opportunity to et- ercise some authority in their own behalf. In its decisions Women's Panel would be ruled by majority. Although this seems very agreeable, this new measure was voted down by an over- whelming majority in the Angell house meet- ing. The students by their dissenting vote did not mean to condemn the new plan in its entirety or to support the present sys- tem unreservedly. The vote was merely a bid for some improvements in the new plan before it is instituted. Under the present administration a stu- dent can request either suspension or Dean's Probation. Under the new system the student would be suspended first and then request probation in order to reinstate herself. This would invariably leave the stigma of sus- pension on the student's record to plangue wherever her record goes. Women's Probation calls for at least four- teen hours of work a week. It issupposedly a measure which works as an alternative to suspension and keeps worthy students in school to enable themselves to receive an education. If a woman is working twenty hours a week, a penalty of five or six additional hours would be just as chastening as four- teen hours for a woman who has no com- mitments. The students in Angell House felt that it would be more expedient to correct the faults in this plan before it is instituted, in- stead of passing it and then attempting necessary reform. -Barbara Goldblum Tito Eats His Words Last February, Marshal Tito vowed that he would not ask for arms from the West Classified,... To the Editor: YOUR policy of printing ads which ridicule or harass peo- ple hits a new low in journalistic malpractice. By printing these ads you enable people to use the news-' paper, a public service, to satisfy personal grudges. It may be "cute" to some people to read about a girl unwillingly collecting frater- nity pins or girls supposedly want- ing male partners for a trailer trip. But it is not cute to the innocent person. Furthermore, it is entirely unethical for a news- paper to exploit these ads to cre- ate news. To stop this practice is simple. When your agents receive a ques- tionable ad, they, should require an ID card and a signature. These "unknown friends" would never insert an ad upder these condi- tions. If they did, they could be sued in any court of law. --E. Brabb Editor's Note: Daily policy requires that all questionable adds be pre- paid and the buyer's /name kept on {record. Daily Humor ... To the Editor: I HAVE always enjoyed the hu- mor of such men as Al Capp, Max Shulman, Bob Hope, etc. Since coming to Michigan, how- ever, I have found a group sup- erior to them all. For sheer hi- larity, nothing can beat, the Daily humor columns. Lonig live the Daily music (and movie) critics. -David A. Berman Pakistan's Solution ... To the Editor: WXHAT is Pakistan doing, if she is faced with the threat of Communism? Actually, there is no other country in Asia, at this time, that is as free from com- munistic tendencies as my own country ., Pakistan is a new country. It has been described as the "sur- prising Asian infant," and the "fifth largest state in the world . " Born on August 14, 1947, Pakistan has become stronger in spite of heavy odds which she has to face since the very outset .. . Today she is the most stable coun- try in Asia, both economically and socially .,. In spite of our population of 80 million; our main cash crops, cot- ton and jute, are in demand all over the world. We have in this situation the means of driving, away poverty faster than other countries in this area . Pakistan's main strength, how- ever, comes from ... an unswerv- ing faith in the ideal of Pakistan and in our ability to achieve it. When Quaid-a-Azam J i n n a h, founder of our country, stood up and said he wanted Pakistan and nothing less since the Muslims in India really formed a separate na- tion of a hundred million, he was speaking with the strength of that same faith which millions of Mus- lims had in their destiny and in Pakistan .. . It is important to remember that these aims are directly asso- ciated with our Islamic heritage . We were lined on the globe because we wanted to "have an environment congenial to the de- velopment of a truely Islamic way of life . . . The creed of Islam is simple: "Ia ilaha illulla; Moham- mudan rasul Allah"-there is no God but one God, and Mohammud is his prophet. All men are equal, which means that liberal and de- mocratic *conditions are essential for the growth of Islamic institu- tions. Islam abhors every ele- ment of compulsion. Even in the matter of religion, the Koran states: "Let there be no compul- sion in religion" Islam means peace, it means toleration. Islam means to live and let live. Man is "asrafulmakhlukat"-the great- est of God's creations, but an un- ceasing faith and submission to God is essential if man is to re- tain that high position ... Communism, is the very anti- thesis of Islam, and so the two can not exist together, therefore, the most positive way of facing any threat of Communism is to work unceasingly for the firm es- tablishment of the Islamic way of life in Pakistan . . . It is the peo- ple of Pakistan who must ulti- mately work, maintain, and de- velop such conditions, for it is within, from its own people that a country derives its strength. --Naeem Cul Rathmore PAKISTAN Goss Critic . . To the Editor: AM under the impression that the editorial page of a news- paper is devoted primarily to in- terpretation of the news by quali- fied persons. It is not a page given over to people who want to "get things off their chest" or "blow hot air." That primarily is what the "Letters to the Editor" space is for. The Daily is to be complimented on its fair interpretation of the news and excellent movie, art and drama reviews. It is in the Mu- sic Column that I fail to find evi- dence of an honest attempt at ob- jective criticism. Miss Goss has repeatedly found the Ann Arbor concerts unfit for human consumption. Her reports have been cutting, cruel, and rude. Since the tone of a student paper unavoidably reflects the school it represents, I blush for the Univer- sity that it sanctions such poor taste. Should the target of one of her well-directed poisoned ar- rows read her review, he would be well justified in never returning to Ann Arbor. Granted some of this year's con- certs have not been "top-notch." This does not excuse the vindictive criticism they have received. I wonder if Miss Goss might more appropriately express her opinions in letters to the editor, where per- sonal opinions-good or bad-are welcomed! I do not begrudge her the ight to hold her own sordid opinions of the concert artists. But before she continues to flay them publicly and to feel so sorry for audiences who waste so much energy clap- ping for encores, let her remem- ber that "a fool can find fault; a wise man discovers virtues." I ask that Miss Goss be replaced by someone who is capable of re- viewing a concert objectively, fairly, and with a sense of humor. Let's not insult our visiting artists any longer! -Margaret Beattie EDITOR'S NOTE: Far from being repeatedly critical Miss Goss has pre- sented visiting concert artists with some of the most favorable reviews printed by The Daily. She is also well known for her vivacious sense of :hu-. mor, and in no way is sanctioned by the University. The Burning Knight ... To the Editor: o STATE flatly, without reser- vation, that Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle is to be "rightfully com- pared to Cervante's Don Quixote" (as does Mr. Briley in Sunday's Daily) is either to speak careless- ly or to betray no more than hear- ll say acquaintance with Don Quix- ote. Beaumont and Fletcher's debt to Cervantes for the conceptioi of Ralph may be readily perceived,: A devotee of chivalric romance undertakes to live by the ideals of chivalry in a brashly realistic age.; he swears an oath to uphold the ideals of knight-errantry; he is loyal to a ladylove who is inn- cent of any nobility except that bestowed upon her by the knights imagination; he mistakes an inn for a castle and clashes with mer- cenary reality over the reckoning; and so forth. But beyond these superficial si- milarities there is an enormous difference: The Knight of the Burning Pestle is no more than a vehicle for slapstick farce and jovial satire; the Knight of the Doleful Countenance is a great man in whom may be read the tragicncomedy of man and his ideals. Ralph is a foolish grocer's boy whose knightly adventures are undertaken in the same spirit in which our children undertake to purge the Wild West of rustlers and Apaches. Don Quixote is a noble gentleman of basically sharp understanding, who will bring back to the world a beauty and nobility which it has lost. Ralph evokes the belly-laugh; Don Qui- ote the sad smile. Ralph delights us during the moment that we see him on the stage; Don Quixote has "the deep consent of all great men that he is greater than they." A comparison may scarcely be "rightfully" made between them. -M. Morillo Parking Problems .. . To the Editor: AM told that the regulation against cars on this campus were passed in view of the acute parking problems which would re- sult otherwise. I suggest it would be wise to reconsider on the grounds that only one specific type of parking problem is being considered to the neglect of others. Cars on the campus would allr viate the situation arising from the acute shortage of chesterfields and sofas with winich we suffer. This shortage is greatly aggravat- ed by the "principle of non-equi- valence" in that whereas one chesterfield will accommodate four people it will only suffice for one couple. Most classes being over for the day at three o'clock all free space on these chesterfield is usually taken up by three-fif- teen. Young people are required to stand tightly packed in doors and vestibules for much of the afternoon and during the lunch hour. Some people will object to this by hinting that "things" would go on in cars. While I do not deny the truth of this I protest on the ,basis that (1) Only a very slight difference in degree is involved. and (2) In a ar "things" would be graced with a little more dig- nity. Sincerely -Ruth Stephens U Sixty-Second Year Edited and students "oa the University of Michigan under th6 authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor Bob Keith...............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ...... .. .Feature Editor Rich Thomas ...... ....Associate Edito Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes .... ...........Sports Editor George Flint .. .Associate Sports Edit&l~ Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Managet Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Busihess Manager Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager Sally Fish ...........Finance Manage] Stu Ward..........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusivelf entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise-credited to this newspaper: All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. A BARNABY That scientist from outer space! Just because he looks like a dog he takes your dog's word on the state of things on Earth over that of your old Fairy Gorgon's been showing him Sarge Appleton's house and Fido Selter's house and- Nice place you have here, Mr. Baxter- I