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November 21, 1951 - Image 1

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VOL. LX-, No.50





Democratic Party Will Fhigt in

52 Says Truman








SL Asks Regents
For More Money
Legislature Presents Three Point
Plan to Raise Requested $10,000
Student Legislature moved for a firmer financial foundation last
night, as a proposal to request the Board of Regents for substantially
increased funds passed unanimously.
Terming present finances "barely adequate to meet minimum
services and operating costs," the body provided three ways by which
the situation could be improved. Almost $10,000 was desired from
the University, as compared with $1,200 now received.
* * * *
FIRST, THE OFFICE of Student Affairs could raise its present
annual contribution of $1200.
Second, the money could be obtained through giving SL a
cut of about 25 cents ii the tuition, similar to the $5 the Union ,a
now receives and the $7.50 allocated to the League.
Third, a 25 cent tax could be levied on students at registration time.
' The SL Finance Committee

*Reveal Reds,
.Fire on U.S.
t Army Plane
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-( P)-
A United States military plane
carrying diplomatic cargo and four
crewmen was fired upon by Hun-
garian and Romanian border
guards yesterday and is now miss-
ing, the American Embassy an-
nounced last night.
Sketchy details from Yugoslav
sources suggested the plane had
been from 40 to 200 miles off its
scheduled course to Belgrade from
Erding air base near Munich, Ger-
REPORTS FROM the pilot, as
disclosed by the Embassy, made
no mention of damage from the
A day-long search was car-
ried on yesterday by British,
American and Italian planes
along Italy's Adriatic coast from
an air base at Trevisco, Italy,
and will be extended into north-!
ern Yugoslavia today.
The Embassy said it was be-
lieved the missing crewmen be-l
came lost and mistook the Drava
River, flowing close to the Hun-
Sgarian and Romanian borders, fort
theSava which marks the air cor-
ridor to Belgrade.
THE U.S. AIR FORCE announ-
ced early yesterday that the plane,
a two-engined C-47 transport, left
Erding Airbase yesterday morning
* with freight and supplies for the
American embassy here.
It had eight hours supply of
gasoline and was last heard from
at 10:16-Ann Arbor time-nearly
eight hours after its departure. I

will work out details of the plan
and work out a budget including
the increased money.
Major overhaulings SL would be
able to effect with this higher in-
come would be the hiring of a
permanent secretary, providing
better representation of SL at stu-
dent government and National
Student Association conferences,
underwriting ballot costs to or-
ganizations whose elections SL
supervises, improving the SL Bldg.,
and increasing the appropriations
and therefore the activities of the
SL committees, according to treas-
urer Bob Baker, sponsor of the
* * -*
THE MEETING featured also a
blustering attack on the Union by
Bob Perry, '53E, for allegedly fail-
ing to live up to promises and
laxity in pushing for a student
"If we ever expect a book-
store, it will have to be in the
proposed addition to the Un-
ion," Perry declared. "Yet the
Union has not included a store
in its present plans for the
Leah Marks, cabinet member-
at-large, pointed out that a Re-
gents' by-law provides that no op-
eration under University jurisdic-
tion shall compete with Ann Ar-
bor merchants.
But Perry retorted that the Un-
ion and SL should work to. have
this by-law changed, at least as
far as the bookstore was con-
A "promise of action by the
Union by its president, Gerry+
Mehiman, was cited by Perry as
an example of the Union's al-
leged failure to cooperate.
However, Union president John
Kathe, commenting afterwards on1
the accusations, said that, "as far
as he was concerned, there is no
promise on the books."

Taft, Rapped
By President
GOP Warned on
Truman said in a fighting speec
last night that his party will noi
take "lying down" any Republicar
"smear" attacks in the 1952 cam-
Cheered roundly by a party aud-
ience at a banquet of the Nationa
Democratic Women's Club, Mr
Truman forecast an attempt b3
Republicans to buy the presiden-
cy with excessive political expendi-
tures next year.
THE PRESIDENT, appearing
rested after a 12-day stay at h
Key West. Fla., vacation spot, thus
unofficially opened the 1952 presi-
dential campaign.
With his listeners applauding,
Mr. Truman struck out at Sena-
tor Taft of Ohio, an avowed
candidate for the Republican
presidential nomination, and at
the tactics used by Senator Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis.) in supporting
the successful bid of Republi-
can John Marshall Butler for
the senatorial seat in Maryland
in 1950.
The President said that those
who would put foreign policy into
the campaign "want to play with
* * *
MR. TRUMAN did not mention
Taft by name, but he said of the
Ohioan's reelection last year:
"We saw how the special in-
terests poured money into Ohio
last year to elect a Republican
senator. Now, they will be think-
ing that, if money can win an
election in Ohio, maybe money
can win a national election."
In Cincinnati, Sen. Taft retort-
ed last night, with "President Tru-
man should certainly get the prize
for political effrontery" for his
Washington speech.
In a statementassued at his
home here, Taft asserted:
"The head of an administration,
which has condoned Communism,
immorality and corruption and
does not even bother to deny the
proven charges, talks of the great
moral position ofahis administra-
tion in the world.
"He talks of a bipartisan foreign
policy, although he was the man
who plunged the country into the
Korean war without consulting
either Republicans or Congress."
Egyptians Hail
Cairo Arrival
Of Mossadeg~h
CAIRO-(P)-Two British-hat-
ing premiers of the Middle East-
Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran and
Mustapha Nahas Pasha of Egypt-
embraced and kissed in a dramatic
show of Moslem solidarity yester-
Tens of thousands of- Egyptians
lionized the feeble Iranian prem-
ier, who arrived from Washing-
ton from a four-day state visit.
They cheered him frantically at
the airport, as he drove along the
streets to the famous Shepherds
Hotel and as he paid his respects
to King Farouk.
Crowds outside his hotel hailed
him as an "enemy of the British"

and a "hero of revolution." They
shouted "revolution" and "we want
arms" as the Egyptian premier
drove away after a 50-minute call
on the Iranian.
Police declared a state of emer-
gency and stationed reserves
throughout the city to preserve
order during the visit of Mossa-
degh, who is returning home from
a 40-day stay in the United States.
Mossadegh has nationalized the
British oil interests in his country
and thrown out their technicians.
Nahas Pasha is trying to push the
British out of the Suez Canal Zone
and Sudan. What they talked
about was not disclosed. But it







-Daily-Roger Reinke
BRAIN TRUST-Newly appointed members of the Union Opera executive committee confer over
this year's show (left to right seated): Pat Heck, '52, Jim Yobst, '52, manager Herb Harrington,
'53, (standing) John Felton, Grad, Mark Sandground '52, and Mike Scherer, '54. Yobst says the
Opera is slated for "tremendous" notices.
_____________________________* * * *

Governor To Highlight
Final Pep Rally Friday



Gov. Warren
Speech Slated
For Campus
Gov. Earl Warren, of California,
who recently tossed his hat into
the ring for the Republican presi-
dential nomination, will visit the
campus sometime in February or
March, Dave Cargo, '52, president
of the Young Republicans, an-
nounced yesterday.
Cargo said that Warren is com-
ing at the invitation of Republi-
can National Committeeman Ar-
thur E. Summerfield, of Flirt.
President Harlan H. Hatcher is
expected to officially invite the
governor on behalf of the Univer-
sity when permission to use Uni-
versity facilities for Warren's
speech has been obtained.
Warren's invitation will depend
on the interpretation of a Regents'
ruling which says a political speak-
er may not use University prop-
erty to further his own interests.
The YR had also planned to
present a speech by Senator Rob-
ert A. Taft, of Ohio, who is also
vying for the GOP presidential
nomination, but difficulties in
working out arrangements have
led the group to drop the plans,
Cargo said.

Union Opera Appointments
Announced for 1952 Show

Bad Shot
Bean shooters are against the
law in Watertown if used to
"al. .oy people."
The ban against the "wea-
pons" was incorporated into
city law by the common coun-
ci Sunday night on recom-
mendation of the police de-
ahelotal ordinance previous-
ly had proL bited sling shots,
air rifles, snowballs and rocks
"when used to annoy people."
A trocities
Estimated at
TOKYO - )- General Head-
quarters said yesterday there was
considerable evidence" that ap-
proximately 6,000 U.S. soldiers cap-
tured by the Communists were
victims of "death by atrocity."
The statement from Gen. Mat-
thew B. Ridgway's headquarters
emphasized, however, that "there
is no conclusive proof as to the
number of dead" among the 10,836
Americans still carried as missing.
THE ESTIMATE was 500 higher
than that made last week by Col.
James M. Hanley, chief of the U.S.
Eighth Army's war crimes section.
Both the Chinese Communist
and the North Korean radios
hotly denied Hanley's charge.
The Communists in turn accused
the United Nations command of
killing or starving to death
17,000 Red prisoners.
Hanley apparently anticipated
this. His report declared that all
Red prisoners were well cared for
in accordance with the Geneva
convention governing treatment of
prisoners of war.
* * *
WHILE public information offi-
cers would not comment, the latest
statement from the headquarters
of the supreme UN commanders
apparently was issued at the
prompting of the Pentagon.
The defense department asked
for clarification of a statement
issued by Ridgway over the week-
end whichbacked up Hanley's re-
port of atrocities but gave no
The latest statement said the
total number of known U.S. dead
as a result of Red atrocities was
365. Of this number, 254 victims
were identified and relatives were
notified they were killed in action.
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister Chur-
chill refused last night to promise
left-wing Laborites that he would
ask President Truman to consult
Britain before any atomic weapons
might be used in Korea.
* * *
PARIS-The French National
Assembly voted its confidence in
Premier Rene Pleven's govern-
ment last night on the issue of
limited austerity for defense,
246 to 228.
* * *
CHICAGO- Sen. Blair Moody
(D-Mich.), the head of the Sen-
ate Small Business subcommittee
investigating "gray market" steel
operations, said yesterday that
prices in steel have been marked
up as much as 300 per cent in
passing through a "daisy chain"!

of middlemen.

The creaky machinery which
grinds out annual Union Operas
got rolling last night with the
naming of the men who will mas-I
termind the 1952 production.
The "Brain Trust," who will aid
General Manager Jim Yobst, '52,
in producing the all-male show,
was approved last week by the
Union's Board of Directors.
The "Trusters" are John Fel-
ton, Grad., music; Herb Harring-
ton, '53, production; Pat Heck, '52,
general secretary; Mark Sand-
French May Need
Help fromU.S.
WASHINGTON-France's eco-
nomic crisis has deepened to such
a point, American officials said
last night, that the United States
shortly may have to make an
emergency allocation of financial
Estimates of the amount the
French will need were described
as ranging from $200,000,000 to
$400,000,000 over the next eight

ground, '52, promotions and Mike
Scherer, '54, program.
AFTER A hurried huddle with
his newly acquired accomplices,
Yobst muttered moodily, "Words
like 'tremendous, colossal and
magnificent' just won't be able to
do this Opera justice."
Yobst declined to reveal which
script had walked off with the
$100 prize in the Opera script-
writing contest.
"We're saving that news until
the campus has recovered from
the shock of Opera-time coming
around again," he chortled.
BUT YOBST and Co.,did reveal
some tentative plans for the some-
times corny, sometimes clever, al-
ways bawdy musical comedy.
Never a shoestring operation,
the Opera will run up a bill of
nearly $10,000 in its three days of
local shows, and four road per-
With the graduation of some top
stars of recent Operas, Yobst
pointed out, there will be great
opportunities for would-be chor-
ines at audition time.

Seen in Plan
Allies Still See
Hope for Peace
MUNSAN - (P) - Communist
truce negotiators at Panmunjom
today presented their own cease-
fire plan for a Korean armistice
within 30 days.
An official United Nations com-
mand spokesman said that, al-
though on the surface the Red
plan appeared similar to the Allied
proposal of last week,, "there are
unmistakable traces of fundament-
al differences."
The Allied and Red negotiators
met for two. hours today. They
scheduled another meeting for 9
p.m. today.
s * *
MAJ. GEN. Henry I. Hodes,
senior UN Command subcommit-
teeman, told newsmen:
"We are going back and see
what changes we have to make
in this Communist proposal to
bring it into line with ours."
Hodes said the Red proposal did
not look "as close to ours as we
had expected."
His reaction seemed to indicate
a possible compromise somewhere
between the Red and Allied pro-
The Reds submitted their plan
after a two-day recess which they
had requested Monday in order to
give the UN plan "more mature
BRIG. GEN. William P. Nuc-
kols, official Allied spokesman,
said that after Reds submitted
their proposal, "the remainder of
the session was spent in rather
fruitless effort on the part of the
UN command to obtain clarifica-
tion on the rather ambiguous and
vague phraseology.
"Thus far we have been unable
to get specific answers to spe-
cific questions," Nuckols said.
The Allies questioned the word-
ing of the first point of the Red
plan. It mentioned withdrawal of
troops two kilometers on each side
of the cease-fire line to be decided.
IN ESSENCE, the Allied truce
formula called for: 1. Hostilities
until the full armistice is signed.
2. The present battle line as basis
for a provisional buffer zone. 3.
The provisional buffer zone to be-
come permanent if full agreement
is reached on other armistice is-
sues within 30 days. 4. A new pro-
visional line if the 30-day deadline
is not met.
Reporting for the Communist
side, Alan Winnington, London
Daily Worker Correspondent,
said the Korean and Chinese
Red delegation told the Ameri-
can truce team Monday:
"If both sides make an effort,
full armistice agreement could be
concluded within 30 days of the
settlement of item two (buffer
zone) of the agenda."
Meanwhile fighting continued as
South Korean infantrymen smash-
ed Chinese Reds off three more
commanding heights on the upper
Pukhan River front yesterday
against fading Communist resist-
Friend Says
'Ike' May Run

PARIS-(P)--A personal friend
of Gen. Dwight J. Eisenhower

Despite a conspiracy of the ele-
ments which forced cancellation
of last week's pep rally, the un-
daunted Wolverine Club and SL
have scheduled another pre-game
get-together for Friday night.
Working on a "delayed action"
basis, the program from last week
has been kept intact with an im-
portant addition. Governor G.
Hunting Toll
Rises to Nine
The count of Michigan hunters
killed by gunfire mounted to nine
yesterday in the state's six-day-
old deer hunting season.
In addition, 11 men have been
stricken by fatal heart attacks
while hunting, and another five
werevictims of drowning, carbon
monoxide or pneumonia. At least
35 were wounded in accidental

MennenWilliams willhbe on tap
as the key speaker of the evening.
J. Fred Lawton, co-author of
the University's well-known fight
song "Varsity," will also address
the rally crowd. Scheduled to ap-
pear several times previously,
Lawton was forced to postpone his
appearance, first because of ill
health and second in deference to
the weather.
The rally will begin at 7:30 p.m.
at the Union with a torchlight
parade led by the Michigan Mar-
ching Band. The gathered crowd
will then wend its way to Ferry
Field where the rally will take
A comic team will be on the
docket as masters of ceremonies
for the evening. Composed of Lar-
ry Pike, '54, Bob Pike and Bert
Fink of Detroit, the team has
promised to do something novel in
the way of emceeing plus an "orig-
inal" skit on football.
President of the Union John
Kathe, '52P will be another featur-
ed speaker of the evening and will

College Athletics Hit from All Sides

-- r.--

By The Associated Press
College athletic programs re-
ceived criticism directed from all
sides yesterday as meetings of the
NCAA and of college presidents
produced recommendations de-
signed to offset the recent scan-
dals in amateur sports circles.
The National Collegiate Athletic
Association's policy making coun-

sports which extend beyond Jan.
2, 1953.
The resolution directed the
NCAA's extra events committee
to begin immediately a full
year's study of "the pressure im-
plications inherent in the play-
ing of intercollegiate post season s
games in all sports."
The resolution specified NCAA-1

sion reporting they "very defi-
nitely" have made progress.
They'll meet again on Dec. 12-
THEIR CHAIRMAN and spokes-
man, President John A. Hannah
of Michigan State College, told re-
porters t h e committee agreed

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